Now, the socalled superman is letting his playing do the talking as he gets ready for a huge showdown. And good morning, america. Lets keep that how you like me now going. It applies to cam newton. Who else does it apply to . Donald trump right now. No question bit. What a scene last night. Donald trump toe to toe with bill oreilly on fox news. All signs he did not convince him to take the debate stage. Take a look at these poll numbers gaining momentum in iowa now at 32 . Is trump, though, taking a risk not shshing up at tonights debate. Or is he keeping his momentum going . That is the big question now. Hell hold his own event in des moines and tweeted out a couple other candidates will join him now. Just four days until the Iowa Caucuses. Its your voice, your vote and good morning, tom. Reporter george, good morning to you. This gop debate fiasco has essentially turned into a prize fight. Senator ted cruz saying last night heing booed a venue for saturday night in sioux city, iowa, to debate trump oneonone and superpac says theyll give 1. 5 million to a Veterans Charity if trump shows up. Overnight the gop drama starring donald trump taking wild turns. I dont think not showing up at the debate tomorrow night is good for america. Reporter first trump appearing on the very network whose debate hes boycotting. I was not treated well by fox and i said, you know, how much of this do you take . I have zero respect for megyn kelly. I dont hi shes very good at what she does. In your Christian Faith reporter Host Bill Oreilly turning to the bible suggesting trump channel his christian debate instead of hosting his own event at drake university. You know its called an eye for an eye also. You can look at it that way. Thats old testament. No, no, no. Bill, you are taking if youre the christian, the eye for the eye goes out. Turn the other cheek. Right here. Youre taking this much more seriously than i am. Reporter asking trump if hes being too tense tiff. A thought thought this was a yoke when you started to run. That youre a buffoon. I dont think they thought i was a buffoon. What kind of a statement is that . Reality guy not a nice way of expressing. No, they thought i wouldnt run. Reporter overnight another development. In a oneonone debate mano a mano. Reporter the cruz team sending this letter to the Trump Campaign announcing the duel which reads in part, we owe it to the men and women of iowa. We have a time all were missing is a candidate. Reporter the Trump Campaign calling this a desperate attempt to gain more publicity and that the Cruz Campaign is failing in iowa. I caught up with cruz after his late night rally. You think donald trump is afraid to debate you personally. Actions speak louder than words. I would welcome him in sioux city saturday night. We have a venue, a town hall and at the end of the day i dont think hes afraid of megyn kelly. I dont even think hes afraid of me. I think hes afraid of the people of iowa. Doesnt want to answer their questions or defend his record. Reporter and as for that 1. 5 million in superpac money from that superpac supporting ted cruz if the debate happens between trump and cruz, the Trump Campaign tells me superpac money is dirty money and the superpac superpacs own ted cruz and open to debating but in canada. Thank you. A lot to talk about on the democratic side, as well Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton now a new poll out this morning showing sanders at 45 . Thats within three points of hillary, meaning they are statistically tied. Abcs jon karl has the very latest from des moines. Good morning to you, jon. Reporter good morning, amy. With just four days to go until those Iowa Caucuses, the battle between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is getting heated and personal. Overnight before an overflow crowd in mason city, iowa, Bernie Sanders took this shot at Hillary Clinton. My opponent is not in iowa tonight. She is raising money from a philadelphia investment firm. Reporter the Clinton Campaign hit back noting that hillary also met with nearly 50 africanamerican ministers from across the country while in philadelphia. Clinton called out sanders for his recent attacks on her high speaking fees. Senator sanders has started to get increasingly personal with his attacks even compared which, you know, is kind of a low blow. Reporter earlier in the day sanders was back in washington traveling to the white house to meet with the man he hopes to replace. The president and i discussed this morning a number of issues. Reporter sanders emerged from the 45minute meeting predicting he can pull off an iowa upset over clinton. If there is a large turnout i think we win. Reporter while president obamas pledged hell remain neutral in the race clinton is doing everything she can to embrace him. I dont think president obama gets the credit he deserves. Thank you all. Reporter but there are signs of Bernie Sanders momentum everywhere in iowa even at this clinton event in a bowling alley. 60 bernie, 40 hillary right now. Reporter in the final stretch, the Clinton Campaign is hoping for a big boost from bill clinton, in fact, the former president looks like a candidate himself out here. He has 13 events between now and the caucus. George, that means that bill more Campaign Events in iowa than Hillary Clinton. My goodness. Thats what he loves. Jon karl, stand by. Im here with matt dowd, our political analyst. Yesterday you posed the question on donald trump, would his refusal to go to the debate be seen as a sign of strength or weakness. 4 hours later. His supporters are sticking with him through thick and thin in the course of this. I dont think thats a problem at this point. Its interesting, everybody that opposes donald thinks it was a bad idea. Everybody that supports donald thinks it was a good idea. At a minimum hes owning the news cycle but poses a bit of a question for fox news, for trump and other candidates. No empty podium at the debate tonight but how do the moderators and other candidates handle trump with him not on the stage. Fascinating conversation because i think they may talk about trump more now than they did if he was at the debate. I think ted cruz is more disappointed than fox news that donald trump isnt at the debate behind donald trump. Ted cruz needs to start worrying about marco rubio. Rubio is starting to Gain Momentum in iowa. If he isnt careful marco rubio could come up and finish second. You talked about the momentum for Bernie Sanders in iowa right now. But that latest poll out this morning shows Hillary Clinton with a small lead, basically a dead heat, right now in these final days and you hadhe had that meeting with president obama yesterday. He pretty much had to do that after seeming to put on the scale for hillary earlier in the week. Yeah, in the timing was interesting bringing him off the Campaign Trial right before the Iowa Caucuses but the president had to come out and show he is keeping by his vow that he will be neutral in this race even though clearly the Clinton Campaign believes that if you went into that secret ballot that president obama would be voting for his former secretary of state. Matthew, the Clinton Campaign has to worry about deja vu. Thought they had a lead going if they let Bernie Sanders win iowa he will win New Hampshire and then this race totally resets in a different territory than they ever thought. Matthew dowd and jon karl, thanks very much. To amy. Some major developments in that weeks long standoff in oregon between armed antigovernment protesters and law enforcement. Overnight police making more arrests as one of the jailed leaders calls on remaining militants to stand down and go home. Abcs Neal Karlinsky is in burns, oregon, with the latest. Good morning to you, neal. Reporter good morning, amy. Even though its harder to get a handle on whats going on out there at the compound we do know for certain their numbers are seriously beginning to dwindle. This morning, jailed militant leader ammon bundy speaking out through his attorney and making an goface telling his remaining support ersers holed up on federal land to give up and go home. I love you. Let us take this fight from here. Taking into custody three more protesters, each facing one federal felony count of conspiracy. Police tightening their grip on the remaining militants now sealed off by heavily armed fbi s. W. A. T. Teams at roadblocks eight miles out as we found out when approaching. We cant let anyone through this way. Reporter police spoke out wednesday but gave no details about how Lavoy Finicum ended up shot to death by law enforcement, following a traffic stop and sweeping series of arrests along a rural road. The action leaving the occupations leadership behind bars but at a deadly price. Didnt have to happen. We all make choices in life. Sometimes our choices go bad. Reporter the groups supporters claim finicum was murdered while surrendering. They shot lavoy literally murdered him and was ambushed. Convey says thats not what happened. Charged at the law enforcement. He was not on his knees. There was a miscommunication. Reporter this morning investigators here are still sorting it all out and conducting a full investigation. Out at the compound we have reports of perhaps as few as five militants left raising hopes that this long siege could soon be over. George. Thanks, neal. We turn to the latest on that zika virus linked to a severe birth defect. There are now at least 21 zika cases in the u. S. Across ten states, the World Health Organization is addressing the spreading cyrus today and joined now by dr. Anthony fauci from the National Institutes of health. Thank you for joining us this morning. Youre calling this a pandemic in progress. Indeed, it is because the outbreak in south america particularly in brazil and the caribbean certainly is expanding at an alarming way and the association and, again, defect when the virus infects pregnant women although the evidence for that not definitive. Its highly suggestive that there is this association with micro microcephaly and have you two things, a brandnew pandemic in progress and evolving in the western hemisphere. At the same time that youre seeing these disturbing sequela in pregnancy of infants born with this very, very difficult disability. Yeah. Spreading in the u. S. As well. Ten states right now, how severe is the threat to pregnant women here . Well, were going to see people who visit the areas, the regions in south america and in the caribbean who will come back to the United States and be ill having been bitten by mosquitoes in the region. Thats a big difference than people who are spreading the virus locally in the United States. So, thus far, we have not seen local spread except in puerto rico and in the virgin islands. President obama in the white house yesterday. Whats the action plan to address the spread of this virus and are the olympics in brazil at risk . We spent over an hour and a half with the president in the situation room talking about the plans of the cdc for the kinds of control, the Research Agenda both at the cdc and the nih, better diagnostic, really an accelerated aggressive approach to developing vaccines with regard to the olympics, what the brazilians are doing and planning is probably the best way and the immediate manner to curtail this is that very aggressive Vector Control and by Vector Control getting rid of mosquitoes from the standpoint of insecticides but also getting rid of the breeding grounds of mosquitoes, standing water in pots, tires, things like that and the brazilian government is taking a very aggressive approach to do that. Dr. Fauci, thanks for your time this morning. Good to be with you. This is so serious and all of zika virus on our site, goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo now to cecilia vega here with todays other top stories. Youre starting with another water in 234ri79s thats right. Michigans governor night releasing stark new details about the severity of the water crisis in flint saying about 200 children have elevated levels of lead in their blood. It comes as investigators say the lead level in the citys water supply has been trending better but that it is still too dangerous to drink. New details in that Los Angeles Bound American Airlines flight forced to return to london. The jumbo jet making an Emergency Landing after passengers and crew members suddenly got sick. One Flight Attendant collapsed in the aisle. Investigators found no evidence of hazardous substances, airflow contamination may be the cause. And take a look at this, a trucker in jeopardy dangling from an icy pennsylvania hillside is alive thanks to this group of strangers who formed a human chain. There holding that big rig steady until they could pull the driver from the smashed cab. And we have an anniversary to mark, the Space Shuttle challenger disaster was 30 years ago today. There will be ceremonies nationwide to honor the seven crew mens who died when challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff. And easy victory for serena williams, means she is now headed to the finals of the Australian Open for the seventh time. And finally, what is more fun than watching your favorite hoop star nail a spectacular shot just check out the cavaliers j. R. Smiths backboard pass to lebron james there to slam it in. Not that unusual for lebron but set this kid off into a major happy dance that made everyone watching smile right there with him. That is like me on friday after work. Ive seen you do that. Oh. That was fantastic. Well continue the sports theme. To the super bowl and panthers quarterback cam newton lightning fast on the feel and a bit of a lightning rod for critics as well this morning spiking out and abcs ryan smith has the details. Reporter hes been called everything from a showboat. Doesntthats an extended celebration if youre an opponent. Reporter to imma thure. The end zone dabbing quarterback of the Carolina Panthers. The Carolina Panthers are nfc champions. Reporter is saying the reason behind some of that criticism is the color of his skin. Im an africanamerican quarterback that may scare a lot of people because they havent seen nothing that they can compare me to. Gets up, skipping along, takes a bow. Reporter newton saying wednesday his onfield exuberance is nothing new and that despite the criticism hes staying true to himself. To do, how i want to do it and when i look in the mirror, its me. Reporter his comments lighting up the internet. Some claiming hypocrisy, the end zone dances of white quarterbacks are celebrated. Not maligned. While others saying of newton, a prerehearsed dance is never classy regardless of race. The panthers coach saying he identifies with his star player. Some people want to tag me as a hispanic head coach. I dont think he wants to be known as an africanamerican quarterback but as a quarterback and a great one at that. Reporter for newton he says theres another reason his critics have him in their cross hairs. The only thing that changed is were winning. Newton stressing he doesnt live for critics or to suit an image, that nobody has changed him. His fans hoping he doesnt change on the feel. A super bowl win would make hip the third quarterback to win the College National championship and super bowl, guys. Hes really a target but fun to watch. Fun to watch and a lot of reminds me of joe namath. Got to love that he chose number one too. To rob. Tornado in florida in yeah, two of them. This is the video from one in Broward County around ft. Lauderdale. Damage, as well up to 100mileanhour winds flipping cars, shredding up rooftops and threat for more today. West palm, seeing almost 5 inches of rainfall. Eventually clearing out tonight. It is cold again in the northeast. More snow coming to new york. No, flakes, see new 30 minutes. Coming up on gma weve got an exclusive look inside the jail those prisoners escaped from as the manhunt grows. This morning, how well do virtual assistants really work . Our experiment coming up. Friends on the adventure of a lifetime. Nine times. So is it worth it . Theyll join us coming up. Crawfish shorts i like your style hooked it just a little bit window breaks, car alarm sounds dont open that cellar door epic comeback starts right here lucky shot. Mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmm here you are. Anything i can do to make your stay more magical . Well, i wish we could have even more park time. Have dinner with a princess. Oo i want to ride the monorail oh, take a break by the pool. But be back in time for fireworks. Let me see what i can do. Whoa when you stay at a select Walt Disney World resort hotel, you get the most out of your vacation. And your family. 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At jared, we only sell one piece of jewelry. The pandora bracelet you had created just for her. And its waiting for you. At jared. Eucerin intensive repair doesnt just moisturize dry skin, it intensively repairs it. With a unique triple action formula that exfoliates hydrates and fortifies skin. Leaving it looking healthy and radiant. With intensive repair, its a taste so bold, yet so smooth, it could only be called, black silk, from folgers. A taste you could enjoy, fresh brewed, or one cup at a time. Black silk, from folgers. My moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the Grocery Store anything but simple. So finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. He explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults saw 75 skin clearance. And the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your dermatologist about humira. Because with humira clearer skin is possible. Jay good morning to you. Its 7 24. Im jay siltzer. Developing this morning a car chase that started in Haywood County ends with a crash in buncombe county. The chase ended in asheville near the Farmers Market exit at brevard road on i40 eastbound. Around 11 00 last night a deputy tried to stop a tennessee man for speeding but the driver sped away. Four pepele were in the vehicle but the driver was the only one injured. He was not seriously hurt. Fire damages part of a home in weaverville. Firefighters were called to the home on village park drive around 10 30 last night. Captured firefighters removing the bed. The Weaverville Fire Department tells us the fire was contained to the bedroom. The woman inside and her dog made it out safely. The cause of the fire remains under investigation. And some residents here in the mountains, one of the states new dmv offices will be on walker street, all part of governor pat mccrorys initiative to improve Customer Service and cut wait times. The governor toured the dmv and made the announcement last fall. Heres ingrid with your skywatch forecast. Good morning jay and everyone at home. Seeing light areas of gray on the satellite indicating some foggy conditions and temperatures are below freezing in those zones. The freezing fog is a threat along with that black ice. Its cold in burnsville at 19, 26 in asheville right now. Its below the freezing mark in the western zones but in greenville. Visibility is reduced west of asheville below one mile at times. Use caution this morning. This afternoon mostly sunny and 50. Tonight we have a slight chance for some snow showers. In greenville low 50s expected and close to that stay safe out there. Tickets from t rtnoh Carolina Education Lottery its crazy out here. Monday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. Its tuesday tuesday very first tuesday, tuesday ttttuesday, tuesday first tuesday th msd e andyousay usday its big news tuesday the very first tuesday welcome back to gma. Are on a daring adventure from norway to the u. S. , but theyve had to be rescued nine times at sea in the past seven months. Do they think its all worth it and they certainly have their critics. Well let them respond. Were going to talk to them in just a bit. Looking forward to that. Right now gop contenders getting ready to face off in tonights debate. All but donald trump. Overnight he says hes definitely not going to show up. Will not be part of the fireworks. New polls show hes on top in all the early states. Also this morning, the World Health Organization announced theyre forring an Emergency Committee to address the zika virus. Just moments ago one of americas Top Health Officials told us the cdc is planning an aggressive approach. Also this morning, so many of us rely on those digital apps like siri to answer our question, tell us where to go. How right are they . Well, we have a really fun experiment coming up this morning. Youll have to wait for that. Define fun. Funny. Okay. Looking forward to that. But we are going to begin california prison escape. Police made several arrests connected to the case but the three fugitives are still on the loose. This morning Kayna Whitworth takes us inside the jail for an exclusive first look at how the prisoners may have escaped. Good morning, kayna. Reporter yeah, george, good morning to you. So, authorities are saying more arrests are imminent and as you mentioned, we were given exclusive access inside the jail and on the roof and there we learned more about the details in these court documents, things like deputies finding inmate issued sandals on the roof and the blanket in a tree. This morning, abc news, the first, taking you inside the maximum security jail where these three allegedly violent criminals escaped seven days ago. Overnight, authorities making multiple arrests in connection with the search. So are these people affiliated with this gang . Some of them are. Not all of them but certainly thats where weve been placing reporter but Jonathan Tieu, Hossein Nayeri and duong remain at large. They anchored their ropes to the wall right there and rappelled down the building. Court documents shedding new light on the elaborate escape. Authorities say the prisoners went from a door to the plumbing system and fashioned a rope sling to pull themselves up into the ventilation tunnels. How the escape happened without being noticed still unexplained. They had to have tools to do that and so were still investigating where and how they got those tools, because its very obvious its not something that they could have manufactured inside the jail. Reporter the sheriff believe s that this man was the mastermind. Was calculating a way to get out of the jail. Reporter Jonathan Tieu and bac duong stand accused of murder and attempted murder with gang ties. Markings. Investigators now pressing vietnamese communities for information hoping the 200,000 reward will help. Theres fear in the community, i also wanted to reassure them that were doing everything we can to get these individuals back into custody. Reporter the sheriff saying this is her Worst Nightmare to have someone escape from her jail and one of the biggest questions moving forward in the investigation is how these inmates got their hands on the tools they used to cut themselves out. Amy. All right, kayna, thank you so much. And now to a new twist in the case of that illinois cop who staged his suicide making it look like a murder. Officials believe he actually stole thousands of dollars from a youth police group and his widow has been indicted. Alex perez has the story. He was my best friend. Reporter this morning the widow of fox Lake Illinois Police Lieutenant Joe Gliniewicz free on bail. Did you want to say anything to the people who supported you . Is saying nothing after being indicted in suburban chicago wednesday accused of conspiring with her husband who officials believe embezzled thousands of dollars from his Police Departments Youth Program. Police say in september, the officer nicknamed g. I. Joe killed himself staging his suicide to look like a homicide. Do you need a second unit. Go ahead. Reporter even radioing for help fearing his alleged misuse of funding would be exposed. But prosecutors now say melody was in on the scheme alleging the pair misspent more than 10,000 belonging to the Youth Program which joe ran for approximately 0 years including financing a trip to hawaii and more than 400 restaurant bills. The couple even posting photos social media. Money from this explorer account that was supposed to be used for explorer purposes was being used for personal reasons. Reporter in the days after her husbands death, melody defended him. Embracing her as she grieved but her attorneys now saying she too was deceived. Melody is a victim of her husbands secret actions and looks forward to her day in court to show the world her innocence. Melody is charged with misuse of Charitable Funds and money laundering, if convicted she could face up to seven years in prison. For Good Morning America, alex perez, abc news, chicago. All right, our thanks to alex for that. Coming up, so many use features like siri to answer our questions. Well try them out next. Scan your mylowes card at check out and get reminders each season to change your air filters. So you can relax and your family can breathe easy all year long. Save 15 when you buy 4 or more select filtrete filters from 3m. My trainer didnt believe me that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50 fewer calories. Can i stop, jane . No. Trop50. Tastes so good you wont believe it has 50 fewer calories. Alright. Big smile hey, honey howd it go . Thanks, dad adventures from 599, plus up to 300 to spend at sea. Come seek the royal caribbean. Back now at 7 39 with a closer look at virtual assistants like siri. How well do they really work . The New York Times put them to the test and our gio benitez has the results. Reporter it was supposed to be the future. Library computer. Reporter today its the butt of jokes. Siri, how do you perform cpr on a dog . I found four places named starbucks. Reporter just about all of us have virtual personal assistants on our smartphones, apple has siri. Google has google. Microsoft has cortana and amazon, alexa so Technology Reporter brian chen created an experiment. He asked the virtual assistants to complete 16 tasks in categories like music, productivity, travel and commuting, dining, entertainment and sports. Apple was really good at productivity things like calendar and email. Google is much better at commute related tasks like mapping. Microsoft was actually pretty mediocre across the board and alexa is really good at music so despite them all claiming theyre pretty good at everything theyre all pretty focused and concentrated on certain tasks. Reporter so we decided to putting three virtual assistants up against each other with one of chens questions. About the super bowl. Hey, siri, who is playing in the super bowl . Super bowl 50 will be played on february 7th. Reporter but she didnt say who so now we test cortana. Who is playing in the super bowl . So this basically came up with a search option, okay, Google Denver broncos will take on the Carolina Panthers. Reporter we got our answer. Google tells us its graded answers questioning about the best flights to your destination, find out where your next meeting is or fire off a quick message to a friend. And apple tells us siri has gotten faster and smarter. And that she has but, guy, i wasnt supposed to be here this morning. But it didnt quite work. My personal assistant couldnt get me there. Messed me up. Or did you oversleep . Yeah. Cameron brock out there. Hes at a smarthome to show us another device. Im so sorry, man. Its siris fault. Its okay and, you know, good thing is that i automatically get here. So, this thing controls like everything in the house with this tablet. Does the blinds, it will actually turn on and off the tv. And using my voice, i can control the music, alexa, turn off the music. And the light, alexa, turn off the floor lamp. Hey. That alexa is a smart gal. Yeah. Not smart enough to get gio to work. Didnt work quite well with the directs but i use it every day with my calendar three siri. Thanks, gio. Now, get home. Coming up, everybody, those two determined sailors trying to cross the atlantic. Joining us exclusively opening adventures at sea. Tyra banks has a big announcement saying shes a mom. Well tell you all about it coming up. For a long time its so funny when i was 23 years old. Medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. Seize the day to get more out of life and Medicare Part d. Just switch to walgreens for savings thatll be the highlight of your day. Now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. You can even get onedollar copays on select plans. Chobani simply 100. 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Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies children giggle symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. If you cant afford friends on the adventure of a lifetime. 71yearolds Steve Shapiro and bob weise. It hasnt been so easy and had to call rescue teams nine types in the last seven months. First a look at their journey. For Steve Shapiro and bob weise, everything that could go wrongg well, there goes my boat. Reporter has. A broken ladder today. Since setting sail on their epic journey from norway to the u. S. , rescue crews have swarmed in to help them nine different time, a dead battery near denmark. Propeller problems off the coast of scotland. In ireland they ran aground and just this tuesday their boat tipped over causing a fire. Its not fair to all these rescue services to spend a for tune. Reporter despite the opinions of fellow sailors. Youre not capable. Reporter for this pair its america or bust. As i told one of the coast could sink. And i said, you know, there are worst places to die than at sea. Joining us now from cornwall in the uk, bob weise and Steve Shapiro. After nine emergency calls youve been described as a catastrophe waiting to happen. Authorities have asked you to stop. Why havent you . Well, first of all they werent emergency calls. We left a very accommodating group of scottwesleys in Inver Inverness and Border Control like our Homeland Security people advised us to to be in touch. Sir robin knoxjohnson has said this is no longer a joke. Its costing between 6 thousand pounds and 8,000 pounds. The hell out of our waters. He ought to revisit history and realize weve won the war. The point is the contributions are mutual. It costs them money but if theyre not out looking for us, theyre out practicing and we give them good practice. So it costs money. Youre both 71 years old. Why make this voyage now. This is a very simple question and ive answered it and people arent satisfied with the answer. I bought a boat in norway. I wanted to take it home to maine. The only way i could get there would be to sail it. Its not an adventure. Im not trying to prove anything. I want to take it home and enjoy moi boat. Beautiful boat. Very solidarite and were enjoying it. For me the opportunity was great, steve and i went to college together and hooked up on facebook in march and weve had a great journey since then and i think well continue. Best and godspeed. Bob weise and Steve Shapiro, thanks for being with us. Thank you for letting us confront popular opinions. Good morning, america. Did he just blow him a kiss. He did. They reunited on facebook. Giving a lot of the rescue crews good practice. Yeah. One way to look at it. You can tell theyre from maine. Yes. Straightforward. When we get back at the top of the hour well take you inside oprahs secret call with her fellow Weight Watchers, why shes saying this time around her weight loss is completely different. Bread. This new pedestal sink just screams elegance. It also whispers, dan youre a genius because you got this guy to install it for you. Now get a delta lorain stainless Bathroom Faucet for only 79 at lowes. Look close, werthers is making sugar free caramels, classic hard and deliciously chewy. That are so smooth, rich and creamy you wont believe theyre sugar free. Discover werthers original sugar free. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet served my country, carried the weight of a family, and walked a daughter down the aisle. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. From moderate to even severe diabetic nervrvpain. Or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And my biggest reason to walk calls me grandpa. Ask your doctor about lyrica. The new sprint lte plus Network Delivers faster download speeds than verizon, at t and tmobile based on data from an independent third party. And to celebrate, were cutting their rates in half. Switch to sprint and save 50 on most verizon, at t or tmobile rates. And well cover your costs to switch, up to 650 per line. Only from sprint. trouble hearing on the phone, visit sprintrelay. Com and warmth and looking good, and sandwich and soup and inside jokes, and dan is back good, clean food pairs well with anything. The clean pairings menu. 500 calories or less. At panera. Food as it should be. Theres no one id rather. Share with. No one id rather have dinner and a movie with. No one id rather lean on. Being in love is an amazing thing. Being in love with your best friend. Is everything. Introducing the ever us twostone ring. One diamond for your best friend. One for your true love. For the one woman in your life whos both. Ever us. New this valentines day at jared, kay and zales. Welcome back to gma. Three or four days past the in the big cities you look like this, big piles of dirty snow. The melting coming to a bit of a slowdown with cooler air rolling into the area. Temperatures below freezing tonight and i think saturday morning, as well. Maybe a dusting of snow across new york city. That should be about it on this weathercast brought Good Morning America is brought to you by panera bread. Food as it should be. Jay good morning to you. Its 7 56 on thursday, january 28. Im jay siltzer. Buncombe county authorities are asking for the publics help after shots were fired development. Early monday morning at pinebrook farm bullets pierced a metal sign and the walls of two occupied homes. Two of those bullets traveled through the walls of two separate homes. No one was hurt. Authorities are asking anyone with information to call Crime Stoppers 8282555050. The Asheville Humane Society is helping with the rescue of 600 animals involved in an animal cruelty taste. The hope county Sheriffs Office received complaints of sick animals from the unlicensed facility. Authorities found more than 300 dogs, 250 cats and 40 horses in filthy living conditions, many with no shelter. It was a full house last night for a public hearing over Central Elementary School in waynesville. The school board is considering closing it because of budget shortfalls and dropping enrollment. The school board could make a decision at its next scheduled meeting coming up february 8th. Heres ingrid with your skywatch forecast. Everyone at home. If you look at our satellite picture, you can start to see some of this fog performing especially west of asheville through the time lapse and temperatures are below freezing so freezing fog is a threat this morning before we warm up above that freezing mark which should happen around 10 00. 26 in asheville, 18 in burnsville. In the upstate 35 to start off your day. 38 in clemson, anderson, 40s into greenwood. Were seeing pretty clear skies back here in the asheville area, but west of asheville below half a mile at times. So also a threat for some black ice, thats freezing fog, with this afternoon mostly sunny and not too bad, 50 expected. Tonight a slight chance for some snow mainly near the tennessee line. Greenville low 50s and tonight down to 333. A slight cooldown tomorrow this weekend. Good morning, america. Overnight. A private call with Weight Watchers members where she reveals that she was at her wits end dealing with her weight. She says this time is different when it comes to dealing with food. Remighting her fellow mens to never give up. Parenting alert this morning. The challenge that just landed a 14yearold in the hospital. So many teens posting photos and videos trying to outdo each other using duct tape. The bizarre viral trend that could put your kids in danger. On top of the world baby surprise. Tyra banks is a mom. Revealing overnight shes just welcomed a son by surrogate. Calling him the best present that shes worked and prayed for. Meet little york this morning. The final countdown joet. An allstar lineup for the super bowl from alec baldwin for amazon. Brilliant. To Christopher Walken for kia. Looking for these. Two youll never guess behind this one. Happy birthday mr. Super bowl the big game extravaganza. Bang bang all that and wayne brady here live in times square as we say good morning, america. And good morning, america. Robin on assignment today but great to have wayne brady here. He is here this morning. Doing kinky boots on broadway and this morning, hes going to do a little bit of that, also make a special breakfast wrap. Looking forward to that. Rap. Broke fast rap, got it. I was thinking eggs. We have a story that all parents need to hear. A big headline about kids and some possible frightening side effects from antidepressants. Dr. Jennifer ashton is here with important details every parent needs to know. Also this morning were counting down to valentines day with a special edition of deals steals. Tory is here with sweet savings starting at just 9. You go, girl. To cecilia with the morning rundown. Good morning. The big story, will he or wont he . Donald trump still insisting that he will not participate in tonights gop debate on fox news. Trump telling bill oreilly last night he was pushed away by fox news anchor megyn kelly, still enjoying a wide lead in the polls, trumps closest competitor is upping the ante. Ted cruz has challenged trump to a oneonone debate. Twufrp tweeting, okay, can we do it in canada . Three more members of that armed group occupying a federal wildlife refuge in oregon are now under arrest. They turned themselves in overnight. The groups leading ammon bundy speaking out from his jail cell is urging the remaining militants to leave the refuge and go home. And overseas authorities in austria are investigating the mysterious death of a Young American who had been working as a nanny. Abcs Alex Marquardt is in reporter this morning, investigators in vienna mystified about the death of 25yearold lauren mann. A Police Spokesman told us the case is being treated as a murder but that they havent determined the cause of death. Mann from colorado was found dead on tuesday night in this apartment shed been living in. This is the front door of her apartment here on the second floor of the building. After she didnt show up for work firemen forced their way in. You can see now its been sealed off. Theres also a light fixture down here, when they went in, they found that all the lightbulbs in the apartment had been burned out. Man mann had been studying there and working as a nanny for the past three years. Her host family said she was very reliable. When she didnt pick up one of their children from school they got concerned. Her body was found half naked on her mattress with a pool of blood but a preliminary autopsy showed no external wounds. Manns neighbor told us the neighborhood is very peaceful and safe. Something you would never expect. Reporter friends have been questioned and the police are looking for more. But for now there are no suspects and no arrests have been made. For Good Morning America, Alex Marquardt, abc news, vienna. And our thanks to alex. We should all be so lucky. Barbie is well into her 50s and still sporting a perfect body that somehow never manages to change. At least not until now. Barbie has a whole new look unveiled by time magazine. Actually three new looks, curvy, tall and petite barbie, the most dramatic transformation in barbies 57year history with the new shape as veilavailable today. This man broke into a alabama business and staring straight into the security camera. He steps away then he comes back, yep, getting even closer to the lens, police now that very wellknown face. Amy, that was for you. I know you like your dumb criminal, amy. We turn to you with that big headline for parents. That just made my thursday. Appreciate that. Right now we do have an alarming report that is getting a lot of attention suggesting that children who take some common antidepressants may be more likely to become aggressive and have suicidal thoughts than was previously believed. Abc news senior medical contributor dr. Jennifer ashton has the latest. Tell us about this study. This is the actual study right here, amy. This is what we call a meta analysis and these researchers looked at many other studies, many other reviews, they teased through what they thought was data really done with a good method and what they found was that in adolescents and children taking antidepressants there was a doubling this their risk of aggressive behavior and restlessness. Really one of the first times that those two particular end points were studied in a cumulative manner like this. To go here so you have to take this with a grain of salt but it brings up what are the risks in this age group with this medication. So as a doctor, what do you tell parents in light of this new study if they have a child who is suffering. Listen, its a very complex decisionmaking process. I encourage people, think like a doctor. You want to ask four questions, what are the risks of taking this medication, what are the risks of not taking the medication then ask the flip side, what are the benefits and what are the benefits of taking or not taking the medication and have to factor in alternatives like exercise, psychotherapy, a holistic approach and weigh that for the individual. This is not cookie cutter. And let me play strong devils advocate there. There are people that believe children should not be taking these type of medications at all for any reason. How do you respond. You cant throw out the baby with the bathwater. In tact we reached out to the American Psychiatric association right patient these medications can be life saving stow this has to be individualized and wrap this in to a Mental Health professional team. Parent, child, medical and Psychiatric Team and make that basis. Thanks so much. Always available taking questions online on twitter. Over to lara. Heres whats coming up on our gma morning menu. Another Big Parenting alert this morning. This is about this duct tape challenge the kids are trying. It could be very dangerous. And were also going inside oprahs secret meeting with fellow Weight Watchers and counting down to the super bowl with a look at some of this years really amazing ads and an old friend, wayne brady, starring on broadway and with us this morning. Hello, my dear. Were excited to talk to you. I understand youre doing a little breakfast rap. No eggs included. Yes. Well get into that coming up. Gmas morning menu is vitamints. A multivitamin you enjoy ike a mint. music woman ill never remember all the projects, presentations, or meetings i gave up my nights for. musics drums intensify but days like this, ill never forget. Get out there, in the 2016 ford escape. Be unstoppable. This is my fight song take back my life song music when you need something utterly unique to wear, go to your wardrobe. Your jewelry wardrobe. Jared the galleria of jewelry. Only levian, masters of jewelry design for centuries. Makes jewelry with chocolate diamonds. Gorgeous, trendsetting looks. Like this limited Edition Piece you can only find at jared. Making levian the essential part of her jewelry wardrobe. Thats why. She went to jared. Theres only one egg that gives you better taste and better nutrition in so many varieties. Classic. Cage free. And organic. Only egglands best. Better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. Adventures from 599, plus up to 300 to spend at sea. 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Its about that latest viral trend that could put your kids in danger. Called the duct tape challenge. It nearly killed one teen and nightlines juju chang here to explain. Youre a parent. You know what, this is a recipe for potential disaster. Take a common household item in this case, duct tape, add a bunch of teenagers looking for a thrill or a bunch of likes online and voila, the duct tape challenge. Which then invokes every parents tired rant, its all fun and games until somebody nearly gets killed. Ha, ha. Reporter at first glance it yet the latest viral challenge among teens attracting millions of clicks turns dangerous. The duct tape challenge popping up all over the internet wrapping a person in duct tape and challenges them to escape, in most cases sitting in a chair but not always. No, i just regret doing that challenge that day. Reporter 14yearold skylar fish took the challenge with his friends earlier this month. Standing up. I wanted to try it because i thought, oh, might be fun. But now i know its not a good idea. Reporter but skylars head hit the concrete causing a brain aneurysm. Lifethreatening injuries requiring 48 staples and maybe costing him an eye. Im so thankful everything played out the way it did after the accident happened because if it didnt, i wouldnt have my son right now. Reporter its not the first dangerous challenge to become a fad. Remember the cinnamon challenge. Cinnamon in 60 seconds without fluid, which some doctors say can chaus longterm even permanent lung damage. And the kylie jenner challenge prompting teens to suck their lips into small glass containers. Despite her protest risking bruising and injury in the hopes of creating fuller more kylie jennerlike lips. Skylar hopes his experience will prevent others from putting themselves in a sticky situation. There are literally tens of thousands of these videos on youtube and i was surfing around and found adults doing the challenge for charity. But skylars mom is trying to warn everybody, stop and think, skylar spent roughly two weeks in the hospital before going to rehab. Okay, so you already sparked a conversation on the couch right here. Ericka souter is here, as well. You know, kids have been doing dumb things forever but the internet does make it different. It makes it a global competing with each other but sharing the video an want likes and want other people to do it and try to oneup each other and create this frenzy and excitement that we didnt experience as teens. Its egging each other on. Every time i do these stories i have to say, look, do you see . Does that work just saying, oh, look, something bad can happen. There are a couple of things, parents need to one of the things that helps is if you talk to your kids. Parents told us when they have a conversation with their child and not talking down to them or yelling at them, look, this is going on, this is scary, this can happen their kids respond better and more likely to make better choices. Doesnt always work but can work. I was telling you harper likes to ride an air mattress down the stairs these days and im sort of torn. Its a tiny stair. Let her have fun. Of course. No postings. Shes not allowed to post. Kids think theyre invincible. Thats part of the problem. Like skylars can be helpful. Theyre cautionary tales. I looked at this challenge and thought, well, this isnt so bad. Not as bad as the cinnamon challenge or surfing on the street but you can see what can happen. If you show them there can be real consequences to silly things they do. Duct taping your whole body. What can go wrong . Everything. Everything could go wrong. If they ask dont buy the duct tape. Dont buy the duct tape. Lock it away. Thats a great nugget. Thank you. From duct tape parenting alert to oprah back in the headlines for her secret meeting overnight with her fellow Weight Watchers. We told you how she shed 26 pounds while enjoying bread. Now an inside look at her secret strategies. Abcs Abbie Boudreau has the details. I dont deny myself bread. Reporter overnight the queen of talk hosting a phone call exclusively for Weight Watchers members. Oprah revealing how she dropped 26 pounds using the program last fall. Weight watchers stock rising company. I was at my wits end. Ive actually done no carbs, vegan, protein shakes, and green drinks all in one day. Whats different for me this time is ive made the decision that its not a deet and everybody has watched me. Ive gone on a diet and then gone off the diet. The difference for me is i have made the shift to this is the way im going to live for the rest of my life. Reporter sharing her personal battle with food. Beating yourself up, that no longer exists for me and thats the beauty of this program. Reporter giving tips to members about putting yourself first. I get it in first. There is no me if you dont do it first. The idea of putting yourself first is a foreign concept to a lot of women. Reporter and how to stay on track. Rather than throwing in the towel, give yourself credit for every time you make a move in the direction of being accountable to the points, you build strength. And strength types strength equals power. Reporter oprahs celebrating her birthday later this week. Sharing words of encouragement. The ability to move freely inside your body is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. Im going to turn 62. What i know more than ever is you have nothing without your health. Reporter reminding people to never give up. And the fact that we all have the courage to come together in community to say no matter how many types ive been challenged by it, i refuse to give up until i get it right. Im just here to not only share my story, but to try to be an inspiration to other people who want to share theirs. Reporter for Good Morning America, Abbie Boudreau, abc news, los angeles. I love those words, strength plus strength equals power. Happy birthday to oprah. Yeah. Happy birthday. Lets head outside to rob. Its cold out so its a good day to have a hat especially if youre one of the seven dwarfs which national have fun at work today. What do you do at work. When im at work i whistle. Thats shocking. Whats the song can you give me a whistle song. Lease start. Nice work and youre here. By the way, snow white and the seven dwarfs available on hd digital and bluray available february 2nd. Nice plug there. Several inches across the pacific northwest. Two, three storms coming in, we start the snow levels high and drop them. Well see locally two feet of snow on top of all of the fantastic powder theyve had out there west. Snows come early next week. All right, guys. Thats national have fun atork day. Whats more fun than pop news. Turn it over to lara. Thank you very much. I was just going to mention that. You are required to have fun. Thats pop news, everybody. Breaking news this morning, great news too, tyra banks is a mother. The former supermodel and her boyfriend of two years have welcomed a baby boy named york. York banks asla. Tyra announcing the news he arrived with the help of a with this instagram saying the best present we worked and prayed so hard for is finally here. She also thanked the angel of a woman who carried her miracle baby boy. Tyra previously opened up about struggling with fertility issues and her desire to be a mom on the fablife so we congratulate you all and hopeful that everybody is healthy and happy. Congratulations. Hey, another surprise this morning for you. This time its for shaquille oneal. Last night jimmy kimmel gave him the surprise of the life revealing he will be honored by the lakers in a shaqsize way. His reaction was a slam dunk. Take a look. This issis and you dont know about this. The lakers asked me to mention it. A statue theyre putting up of you at the lakers seriously . I swear to god. [ cheers and applause ] no. I swear to god. Not a joke, shaq. Hes in great company. The Staples Center also has jerry west, Magic Johnson and kareem abduljabbar. Before kimmel revealed the statues rendering he asked shaq which team he would represent if inducted into the Basketball Hall of fame and he proudly said, the lakers. Well, what are you going to say now . He had a great career with orlando. The expression on his face was really heartwarming. So far have fun on national have fun at work day . Okay, good. This photo of a fan posing with Bradley Cooper. This is at the Sundance Film Festival. The only problem is Bradley Cooper didnt go to the Sundance Film Festival this year. The man is a doppelganger who is pretending that is not Bradley Cooper. His smile. Hes been partying, crashing at the film festival. At one party he tried to use a screen shot on his phone as from the hangover as his i. D. Needless to say the cooper copy, he better go back to his silver lineings playbook. Nice. If he wants to continue partying with hollywoods hottest. Such fun until you called him out. Busted by security when the dope used his phone. Hell get plenty of jobs out of it. You think so. All right. Bradley, be concerned. Finally, introducing timo, the cat locked in a battle of wits in physical ticks with this hammock. Take a look. Oh. Is that a cat hammock. Its a cat hammock. This video was posted by his timo has a hard time figuring out how to get on his present. I mean its hard being a cat in a hammock. Oh. He is outsmarted by that hammock for months. Hes having fun at work today. Watch, though. Nine lives ahead of him. Timo, you got time on your side and his owners say after months so cute. Just a little, you know, note to all of us, just keep trying like timo did and you too the ultimate test of national have fun at work day. We still have a minute left. Can you fill it . Its not fair. Lara is always getting told to wrap, wrap, wrap. Its too short. And now shes getting this. This is what we get. Whats new, everybody . I have a wicked cold. How about you . Zycam works. Terrific. Anything else you want to talk about . As long as she can. Put the camera on you have no idea, america. Well be right back. Well today i have 30 more seconds. You have 30 more seconds. Counting down to valentines day and deals steals and josh brolin coming in. We got wayne brady coming in. We still have 15 seconds. We still have 15 seconds. Star power Super Bowl Ads to bring to you. That should be fun. All the reasons why you should back. Jay good morning to you. Its 8 27 on thursday, january 28. Developing this morning a car chase that started in Haywood County ends with a crash in buncombe county. This was the scene on i40 last night near the brevard road exit. A sergeant with the Sheriffs Office says it started when a deputy tried to stop the driver for speeding. The driver sped away and crashed after stop sticks were deployed in buncombe county. The driver was taken to the hospital. He was not seriously injured. Three other people in the vehicle were not hurt. Investigators are looking into what caused a fire at a home in weaverville around 10 30 last night. Firefighters say the fire was contained to the bedroom. The wowon inside and her dog made it out safely. A Fire Destroys a home belonging to a volunteer firefighter in Henderson County. Investigators believe an electrical issue may have started the fire. Is asking for donations for hill and his wife to get back on their feet. For more information go to wlos. Com. Heres ingrid with your skywatch forecast. Ingrid good morning jay and everyone at home. As we wait for the sun to come, notice some clouds out there. 27 in asheville. Its colder in our northern zones, below 20. Below freezing in our western areas. Down into the upstate right now in the upper 30s. One issue this morning were seeing fog mainly west of asheville. The chance for freezing fog. All across new york the threat for black ice. After temperatures warm above the freezing mark they continue towards that 50degree mark. A slight chance of snow near the tennessee line. Today and tonight low 30s. Alexa what is a snack a stadium built entirely of snacks. Brilliant. Marino marino, do list. Architect, fivestar chef. Snacks. Thats a matchup right there. Alec baldwin and football hall of famer dan marino. Dan marino is pretty fun. New Super Bowl Ad for amazon. One of many starpowered commercials supply always love watching them. A sneak peek at the ones everybody will be talking about but right now youll be talking about this. Great bargains, deals steals with amy, lets get over will. Yes, we are counting down to valentines day this morning and tory johnson is here with great deals steals, sweet savings on gifts for the ones you love. All right, so were starting first, bringing back some kind of oldschool fun with puzzles so these are from collage. Com. You can upload a single photo or a variety of photos and add text to them. So many different varieties and so many sizes, one of my favorites this picture of you and robin. Moment of pure bliss. Just sort of pauses or moment of time and gives somebody a lot of fun. Big assortment normally these range from 30 to 50, so 14 to 22 and on this deal free shipping. Thats great. I love that. Such a clever gift. This is fun. This is fun too. This is men, women and kids from eye candy, watches and whats fun about these, one for you to hold on to, you get to choose all five pieces, put together the Color Palette you like, theres so many different things, a bezel face, a plain face, make matching ones for everything. Whatever it is you like or buy the box set, a really good deal as well normally depending on what you choose, 35 to 50 all slashed by 60 so a single 14 or box set, 20 bucks. I could see my girls having fun with these. These are adorable. This is the heart collection this gorgeous . Really fun little wristlet. Theres all kinds of clutches, cross body bags, leather key chains, everything is beautiful. Not only the pieces you see here but there are more in the valentines day collection when you go online. If you dont like the heart theres lips right here. Like that. You got lots to choose from. Really beautiful colors and just beautiful quality. As well. Normally these are starting at 55 up to 195. Slashed by at least 65 so the whole collection, 19 to 59. A great deal. All leather too. So this is one that i really love. This is one i paul blart mall cop pulled out for you. This is her large heart shaker collection. It looks so pretty. You see those littltl crystals this there. They shake so theres a variety of colors, of crystals to choose from, sterling silver or 18 karat gold over sterling silver. The six you see right here and really, really beautiful on the these normally start at 185, theyre slashed by 77 . 42 to 44. Get one for every special someone in your life. Really beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, this is just beauty in my eyes right here. Sweet, these are from brownie points. Two different sets to choose from. What i love about the sweetheart set its all individually wrapped so, you know, if youre buying and not eating at all at once you can save them as you go. All of their these are the most popular flavors, big assortment or theyve got the love bites and these are the ones crispy on the outside and soft and moist on the inside. Cant go wrong. So good. And really good deal, normally 18 to 30, these are all slashed in half, 9 to 15 bucks. All right, those are amazing deals. No excuse not to get your sweetie something on valentines day. Thanks to all these companies for boying great deals and you can head to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo for these bargains plus three anyone want brownies. We had chocolate cake. You have your own tray. Im bringing more. Come on, t. J. Id rather have robachs love bites than georges love bites. Ill go this route. That makes two of us. Thank you. Thanks, tor. Oh, they are soft and moist on the inside. I just wanted to say that. Can never have enough brownies. Very well done there. Mmmm. Now you cant talk. San bernardino countdown and starstudddd commercials we all love on the road to the big game. This guy is here with a look at some of this years most highly anticipated ads. T. J. , have you some favorites. I do have some favors but right now i have been given 15 seconds to do my into to the story. 15 seconds of ad time for the super bowl will cost you 2. 5 million. For that amount of Money Companies are making sure they get their moneys worth and bring out all the stops and celebrities. Roll em. Nissen, schumer and rogen. Williams. I define myself. Reporter and wambach. You have to honor and own who you are period. Reporter the lineup of superads for super bowl 50 looks to be more star studded than ever. Having a celebrity in a Super Bowl Ad really kind of helps people come together around the brand because even if they dont care about the brand, per se, if its a celebty they like theyll get excited about it and Pay Attention to the ad. Reporter this morning, were giving the lowdown on the latest commercials generating main buzz and major bombtheys. Happy birthday to you reporter marilyn . Is that you . Snickers latest installment of their youre not you when youre hungry. A huskyvoiced marilyn monroe. Happy birthday mr. Super bowl reporter its a parody of the original serenade to happy birthday mr. President snickers hasnt yet confirmed who is playing marilyn but theres been a little bit of talk online it might be willem dafoe. Richard, are you looking for these . Reporter everyone will be rushing to add walkin closets to their home and kia in their garage with this optima sedan ad. Alexa what is a snack stadium. A stadium built entirely of snacks. Reporter amazon is hoping to secure a touchdown with their first ever Super Bowl Ad. Even though, you know, theres this huge globally known brand theyve never had an ad during the big game so this kind of legitimizes them more as a consumer brand. Theyre promoting the amazon echo which kind of centrals them not just as a company with a website you buy things on but as a producer of actual products. Reporter and just who are these girls cruising in a hyundai waving at . Even though they dont say what its about, the name of the ad is ryanville and it celebrity appearances. You get an audience of 120 million for the super bowl, theyre starting to release this, the trend, release them early. Get some buzz. We got great viewership on Good Morning America but were not gettingg 120 million, right . Were getting close but this is what the trend is now. And the sexy ads dont work of the those arent the popular ones. Keep it funny. Funny ones. And puppy. Heartwarming one, clydesdales. My favorite, though, from the past few years, you all remember this one, it was actually controversial and who knows why . Well, we do know why it was the coke ad in which they were singing america the beautiful in all those different languages. Oh, yeah. This is my favorite in recent memory. It was beautiful. A beautiful ad and it was controversial. How dare you sing the National Anthem in anything other than english. There will be another controversial one this year. You know there will be. I almost feel like they aim get a little buzz going. Yes. I said 15 seconds but a 30second ad costs 5 million, a record. Get your checkbook out. T. J. , thanks. Thank you. Outside to rob for a loose okay at the weather. 50 years of super bowls and these ladies have seen eveve last one of them celebrating seven years 70 years on this planet. Weve gottipat and joan and andrea standin so they decided to come celebrate. Why did you decide to come to new york . Its just a good time to have with good friends from 50 years ago, so, yeah. You sound like youre from upstate. Schenectady. Came down for the warmer weather. Came down for the warmer weather. Amazed you dont have any snow left. Its just wonderful. It is. It is wonderful. We remember worried about keeps. Yeah, dont go to queens. All right, lets chat weather. Look at this shot, laguna beach, california. Youll take that. Springlike weather with an offshore flow. Temperatures in the 70s before midwest, warmup. 60 degrees on saturday and warming up across the northeast in chicago, as well. And with some rain across the pacific northwest. All right. 70 years. This Weather Report is brought to you youre from texas and celebrated your birthday when . On monday. Equal time, equal time for equal folks. Lara. Coming up we have superstar josh brolin with us live. He is talking all about his new role with George Clooney and a moment. Back now with josh brolin. He stars with George Clooney in the new coen brothers comedy hail, caesar playing an old time studio fixer to keep movie stars in line. Never do that. Shut up. Youre going it to go out there and finish hail, caesar and believe every word you say. Youre going to do it because youre an actor and thats what you do, just like the director does what he does and writer and script girl. Youll do it because the picture you serve the picture and youre never going to forget that again. Josh brolin joins us. Take a step back. That was real. What do you mean its real . Look, when you get offered a movie like do you want thats how they came to me. Do you want to slap george around. I said, absolutely. It doesnt matter. Ill take a cut in pay. It doesnt matter. And so, you know, i mean, look at that. Its not real. Its fake. Its all fiction, man. No, i heard he had a wealthlt on his face. I told your producer that. You lied. Otherwise, how am i going to get on the show . It worked. Im here. Tell us about eddie. He was a real character. Eddie was a real character. Whats a fixer. A fixer was somebody he was a hybrid. He was like a mafioso guy that used to run Prospect Park in new jersey for nick skank, a real name, the guy in there and these little pieces of property in hollywood and they went from making 40,000 to 400 million overnight when movies basically started in the 20s and 30s so this guy is the guy i play is more of a hybrid. He cares so much about his job. The cleaned up version. Thats the most violent youll see him in that movie. Hes actually very sweet supply saw you getting shaved. On fallon. We did a little more research. Into the vaults. Check out this tweet. 2012. Donald trump, josh brolin, a friend of mine was terrific in men in black. Congrats. Now, that is true. You guys are friends . Where did you find that . First of all, it was men in black 3 so he has his years wrong so he may be going a little senile which may explain things but, yeah, we were friends. We are friends. I havent talked to him in a while. He said i just bled for you by going to the premiere. I like him, man. I liked him when we spent a lot of time together. I met him through wall street. You know, i was fascinated with what he did with manhattan. I mean he went down to Grand Central staying and built that hotel when manhattan was a cesspool and turned around the economy of manhattan so i think its fascinating whats happening now. Ill stay out of it. He did lend you 20 bucks. I still owe him so we have the connection and well see. Youre about to go to the even bigger screen right now. Your first time as a big hero villain coming up. Thanos. You would know so ill say thanos. Yeah, its exciting. You know, im going to meet with kevin feigy and the head of marvel when i get back to los angeles when im out of the woods of north carolina. Its big. I really was. We were in the back woods of trailers, no the revenant has nothing on us. Nothing. All right and hail, caesar is so funny. Cannot wait to see the whole thing. Thanks for coming. Wonderful to see you . Hail, caesar opens friday, friday, february 5th. Wayne brady will be here in just a bit. Y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y rd can i have your autograph . Of course. Now dont forget, new scratchoff tickets from the north Carolina Education Lottery come out on first tuesdays. Thank you youre welcome. How about a date . Oooh, a date. Let me check myalendar. All right, say first tuesday first tuesday first tuesday, tuesday, ttttuesday, tuesday you checkin out my easel . So, let me get this straight u. S. Cellular has the phone youre looking for, a network thats built to give you coverage way out here where the other guys dont, and 6 gigs for only 40 a month. Thats a lot less than verizon and at t. So, why on earth would you ever go with one of those other guys . Switch to u. S. Cellular now and get 6 gigs of data for 40 a month plus get 300 back. I know, were here right now with the man who does it all. Actor, singer, comedian, wayne brady, now taking over broadway in the hit show kinky boots playing the fabulous drag queen lola, a role the New York Times says he performs with, quote, radiating stellar heat and humor. Wow. Okay. Had you not heard that. Good for me. Good for me. Talk to me how you bring the heat as lola. Well, i i think i just because my butt looks so good in the dress and i look good in the heels, but i think the heat is i play this part with passion and with a sense of love and humor. Because i think those are things that ive got and i have no choice playing a character like lola. Youve got to be open. You got to be really open. Really comfortable in high heels too. Well, that took a second. Not to get gory with you but you know much love to you ladies. I see you wearing these beautiful shoes. Now i notice ladies heels and everything. Its it took me a month to feel confident enough to walk on stage and i lost my pinkie toenail within the first week. Casualty. And i had to ice my feet and in the middle of the night id wake up because id see my feet when i really thought, am i going to be able to do this show . Right. The dancing youre doing in stilettos. I love it now. I got to tell you ive been on broadway before and done theater all my life. This is the happiest that ive been on stage hands down. You know what, wayne, you can tell. Good, good. You can really feel it. Share with our audience if you will what is it about this role, about this broadway show that is so special. Oh, the message of tolerance and love and anyone that hasnt seen it, you know, they go, kinky boots, theres a drag queen in, im not well, its so much more than that. It uses lola as this kid, you start off and see lola as a kid wearing high heels. Dad is a boxer, get those things off and slabbed around his entire life and now he dresses in drag and sings. Its not about his sexuality. Hes actually straight. Its more about he feels so comfortable being this person feel good about themselves and thats the message. What a great message. Thats the message. Love it. Day and age of cyberbullying. You cannot leave this show without smiling. I mean, you cant wipe it off. Clapping and singing the songs with us. Thats why i love it. I saw it four types before i joined the cast. Just to make sure you were going to nail it which you have. Switching roles youre so funny and also a terrific host. Still enjoying do the day job, so to speak lets make a deal. Its a great job. A host is a host. Luckily i do so many things that i love hosting and in lets make a deal i get a chance to improvise. Its not a job if somebody said i want you to be a Game Show Host id run away. This job is not just that. Its crazy. Youre in the middle of whackadoodles and everyone is dressed as basketballs and i get big shoutout to jonathan and we get to make up the songs and make folks happy. Im glad you mentioned it. Had you did an awesome like rapoff with the cast of hamilton. Chris jackson, my boy, chris. Love that video and just to wrap it up because we have 20 seconds, we hear you are a mad freestyle rapper. Well, you can see that on whose line is it anyway so you agreed. You got anything. You have audiences members that will hold up signs. I havent seen these words. You will create a rap and we will rap, i promise. Okay. Hit it. Times square. I dont know if you folks are here or aware here i am on tv im in times square i was just listening to its not toffee im the complexion of coffee didnt want to do that yes i fuss i look good but im no George Stephanopoulos do that now you look youre a you cant beatbox you must know nightly i wear stilettos the next morn had to do that its the great white way but now its groodz when i had to do that thats supercalifragislistic expialidocious. Im done. Thats what i do. The man can wrap and i am being wrapped. Everybody, you dont want to at t Good Morning America is brought to you by American Express open. Powder supporter of Small Business on their journeys to growth. Got to hand it to wayne brady. He really brought it. To get stephanopoulos into a rap. Two thumbs up. Have a great day, everyone. Bye. Jay good morning. Its 8 56. Im jay siltzer. Continuing coverage this morning on shots fired at a local housing development. In buncombe county early monday morning at pinebrook farms bullets pierced a metal sign and the walls of two occupied homes. No one was hurt but residents are concerned. Authorities are asking anyone with information Crime Stoppers at 828 2555050. An arrest warrant has been issued for the former board of election in macon county. Kim bishop resigned after investigators discovered dozens of fraudulent checks came from her office. Monday she was indicted on five counts of felony attempted embezzlement. A cameraman and woman charged in a hendersonville armed robbery. Marlene allen is charged and james allele charged with conspiracy to commit rob wisteria with a dangerous weapon. Deputies responded to a house tuesday on the asheville highway near clayton holmes. They found a victim was robbed of prescription drugs at knife point. But suspects are in the Henderson County jail. Heres ingrid with your skywatch forecast. Ingrid good morning, everyone. It is below freezing and cloudy at son connestee falls, skycam network. From burns 18. 26 in bryson city. 10 warmer, 36 in greenville. You do see reduced visibility in our western zones and temperatures still below freezing so that chance for freezing fog still in the foorecast. Also some black ice concerns until we many with a above freezing. Today 50 , not too bad. Tonight cold and a slight low 50s in [cheers and applause] announcer today on rachael ray. Rachael

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