Insensitive, its unfair. Beatrix von storch it is very hard, of course, sometimes, to speak out the truth, but the truth is we cant solve the problems of the world. We cant solve the problems of all the poor people of the world. Scott the seemingly harsh tone taken by beatrix von storch, deputy of germanys right wing alternative for deutschland party, has become part of a booming chorus. Rallies have become violent, even sparked a more public revitalization of neonazi groups who see their continent changing, edging towards a possibly historic chasm. Is this one of the biggest crises germany has seen since world war ii . Beatrix von storch i think its the biggest crisis europe has seen ever, since the last war, yes. Scott and perhaps no city in europe is a better example than berlin, where in another time, a tide of refugees fleeing from east to west created a dividing line that lasted for decades. This is one of the last remnants of the berlin wall. Ever since the iron curtain fell 26 years ago, europeans have move from country to country. But now, in light of those new worries over terrorism and immigration, new types of barriers are going up. From hungary to croatia to slovenia, workers erect wire fencing. And passport checks have been reinstituted in france, germany, and poland. Gunter krings we still wawant to help, but the numbers are too high now. Several thousand people coming to germany every day, in a quite unregulated manner, people crossing borders with no right to cross them, so we have to restore law and order in this process. Scott Gunter Krings is a state secretary for the interior in germany and says the offer to take in up to 1 million refugees in 2015 meant taking the lid off of a jar, they can no longer close. Not without, what some would consider, drastic measures. Agreement is in n danger. We have to be quite frank about it. Scott the schengen agreement, created back in 1985, began the process of dissolving borders between more than 2 dozen european countries. That allowed for free travel and, more importantly, free trade. The prospects of limiting either could bring disaster to the European Union, already facing economic stress, by raising the cost for business, deterring tourists, and making it harder for people to live in one eu country and work in another. Gunter krings the european commission, quite frankly, was looking the other way for years. Scott that dilemma between a need for security, saving free trade, and refugees has put germanys once popular chancellor Angela Merkel in peril on her home turf. In the u. S. And france, the press named her person of f e year, but the woman the refugees call mama merkel is not winning hearts at home. Extreme and neonazi groups, kept in the shadows for decades, are reemerging, loudly demanding merkels resignation. Journalist and author olaf the rise of radical groups. Olaf sundedermeyer we have had a strong right Wing Movement in germany y r years, but it always has been under conontrol by the police, by civil society, by political parties, by us, the media, but now, you have a merge, people come together. You have these really hardcore neonazis, people that are violent, that are willing to burn refugee homes, or attack migrants or homosexuals on the street, and then you have people in the middle of society that have their concerns toward the United States, towards refugees, toward all these things and these people now get together, which was absolutely not possible since world war ii in germany. Scott an irony no more evident than here at the old stasi headquarters. The signs from east germanys most feared spy agency still on the wall, but behind the doors Syrian Refugees a staggering 900 immigrants from the middle east and africa filled the old spy office, now three days. We have no name, we have no paper, we cannot go to doctor. We are j just a number. Scott basem haritanis family, sharing a pair of bunkbeds, is from allepo. They say even if the borders were closed, theyd still have made their way here with little intention of ever returning to syria. What is your future . Basem i dont know. Scott you dont know where youll live . Basem i dont know. Scott how will you work . How will you survive . Basem i dont know yet. Scott the cataclysmic fears . The demand on social services too much the economic strain on europe could cripple it and cities would lose an identity theyve fought so hard to Gunter Krings this was an accident waiting to happen and it happened. Scott and much of the anger is directed not at the middle east, but at america. What should america be doing differently . Beatrix von storch well, i think they just accepted to take 10,000. This is what we take every day. Than 10,000. Olaf sundermeyer they blame the u. S. Policy for refuges coming here. These people dont want the refugees and thedont want u. S. Foreign policy. Scott and what may seem baffling to americans has become a reality according to sundermeyeerr and politicians we spoke to. They tell me there is a growg wave of people inside of gerny who now more closely align themselves with and support Vladimir Putin and russia than the United States and president obama. They say its all about stopping the flow of refugees. This growing Group Believes russia and its military is doing more to solve the problem and stop the fighting inside of ria thats causing the refugee crisis. Sharyl having been there, do you feel as though there is a true rift, that their economy could collapse . And our economy is connected to the european economy. Scott beatrix von storch, who European Union is in real danger of splintering and the head of the European Parliament has warned no one can say if the e. U. Will still exist in this form 10 years from now. Adding, if they want to save it, theyll have to fht for it. They need a solution that has eluded everyone. Sharyl scott thuman with that fascinating report. Thank you so much. Ahead on full measure, a fleet of aircraft that couldnt fly paid for with your tax dollars. It was an Afghan Air Force that sharyl sometimes taxpayer waste stumble across it without even trying. Thats what happened to the special Inspector General for afghanistan reconstruction. On a trip to afghanistan, he happened upon a fleet of abandoned military planes. His questions took him down the rabbit hole where hundreds oref millions of your tax dollars were spentntn a giant boondoggle that turned out to be worthless. Anyone flying through Kabul International airport in afghanistans capital city the past couple of years might have seen this odd scene a fleet of abandoned military planes parked off to the side. Inspector general sopko we actually asked the question, what are those airplanes . Because you would see them right next to the main air terminal in kabul. They were all jumbled together with trees and grass growing in between them. Sharyl Inspector General john sopko saw the planes on a trip to afghanistan in november of 2013 to investigate waste of u. S. Tax dollars. Nobody seemed eager to answer his questions. Hands. Inspector general sopko i basically threatened to just walk across the tarmac and said, if youre gonna arrest me, do it, but im certain it will be front page new york times. so my staff and i went over there and then they briefed on it and told us the story. Sharyl the story wasnt pretty. John michel, commanding general for nato air Training Command in afghanistan, explained the u. S. Had bought 20 of the italianbuilt g222s in 2008. Inspector general sopko its what we call the gtriple2. It was a twoengine cargo aircraft that we purchased for the Afghan Air Force. Cost approximately 400 Million Dollars. But with the total package of parts, spare parts, and whatever, it probably is going to be closer to 600 million when we finally do an accounting for it. Sharyl this video was taken from inside a g222 as it took off from kabul. Of dollars the u. S. Military spent, the g222 turned out to be illsuited for afghanistans dusty conditions. The planes required constant maintenance and spare parts. Inspector general sopko actually, some pilots have told us that whenen they flew the airplanes in, parts fell off the airplane as it landed. They were called death traps. We couldnt train the afghans to use the planes because the planes wert airworthy. And, ultimately, they were abandoned at the airport in kabul and thats how we found them. Sharyl within months of sopko beginning an investigation, the military officially put a bullet in the g222 program, claiming the italian contractor had failed to generate a sufficient number of fully missioncapable aircraft. The contractor argued it was exceeding Program Objectives and was proud of its work. A separate probe by the Defense Department insnspector general blamed nato and the military for the program. The fleet needed 200 Million Dollars in spare parts to fly and some critical parts werent even available. But sopko had more questions. Inspector general sopko why did we buy these planes to start with . And who bought them . So we have been looking at who is accountable. And we have an ongoing criminal investigation, so i cant really tell you too much more about that, but were trying to find out who and why we purchased these death traps for the Afghan Air Force, which they never used. Sharyl but this tale of taxpayer waste was about to take one more turn. This video, shot by a government contractor, shows the last few g222s being towed away from kabul airfield. But where were they going and what happened to these planes after they quietly disappeared . The Inspector General decided to dig deeper. In october of 2014, sopko discovered the military had the leftovers to an Afghan Construction Company for six cents a pound. A halfbillion dollar investment of u. S. Tax dollars whittled down to a measly 32,000. Major Bradlee Avots confirmed that the planes had been destroyed and explained it was to minimize impact on drawdown of u. S. Forces in afghanistan. Inspector general sopko who made the decision . Why did we purchase an aircraft that is unairworthy and was never going to be used . Sharyl but you wouldnt have even known about these planes if you hadnt stumbled across it at the airport . Inspector general sopko absolutely. Thats approximately 600 million for 20 planes that dont work, never worked, couldnt be used, were pooy maintained, and were eventually turned into scrap. Sharyl the Inspector General says the criminal investigation into the g222 program is well keep you posted. Ahead on full measure, a story of horrific cruelty and a warning about allegedly dangerous horse farms posing as charitable rescues. When a counselor asked how much my husband drinks, i said, not that much. I dont know why i said that. He always drank too much, but i guess im so used to keeping it a secret that i didnt tell the truth to myself or anyone else. My husband has drinks with friends after work. And a few more while we watch tv. Pretty soon hes shouting at me and blaming me for all of his problems. I just cant take it anymore. A counselor recommended alanon family groups. She said alanon members have had experiences just like mine, and they would explain how alanon is helping them. I didnt want to go to alanon, but im sure glad i did. Is someoeos drinking breaking your heart . You might be surprised at what you can learn in an alanon family group, from people just like you. Call 18884alanon, sharyl in the fall, sheriffs deputies arrived at a socalled horse rescue farm in virginia to find nearly 100 emaciated horses. Dozens were near death, some already dead, and in the course of trying to save the living, several more had to be euthanized. As horrific as this one story seems, we found its not uncommon. One problem may be the differences between states that offer more safeguards, like maryland, and states that some view as less strict, like virginia. Chris papst, from our affiliate wjla, has our report. Chris matty was carrie reids beloved horse. She cannot forgive herself knowing that he is never coming home. Carrie ill probably live with this guilt for the rest of my life. Chris following neck surgery last year, reid temporarily placed the 20yearold saddlebred with a hohoe rescue. Carrie i thought hed be safe and he was safe with me. Chris as reids health improved, she began the process to bring matty home. Then, the news broke 81 horses seized from peaceable farm in somerset, virginia seven found dead, nine more euthanized including matty, the horse on the right. Carrie my horse was locked in a stall. He was not given water or food for i dont know how long. Chris peaceable farm is a horse rescue registered as a Nonprofit Charity known as a 501c3 with up to 1. 1 million in annual donations. Owner ann goland ran farms in virginia and maryland. But over the summer, she moved all her horses, including matty, to virginia, where some say the protections are looser. Lindsay reames disagrees. You believe the laws in virginia lindsay i do. Chris so what happened in this case . Reames helps writete virginias animal laws for the virginia farm bureau. Lindsay the current animal care standards are strong and comprehensive. Unfortunately, something went wrong at the local level. Chris but something is going wrong in many states, according to ratemyhorsepro. Com the site is sort of a consumers report for all things equine. In 2015, rate my horse pro covered eight horse rescue cases after the founders allegedly starved horses they were taske with saving. It happened across five states. All were nonprofits or were claiming to be. Debbie hanson, spokesperson for rate my horse pro, says these cases are only the ones they know about. Debbie it can be very difficult for Law Enforcement or local authorities to know of the existence of a local rescue in theiarea. Theres no national registry, theres no state registry. So, usually people hear of and social media. Chris and hanson says when authorities do act, its a daunting task. Debbie they may show up at a farm and he to remove 20, 50 horses. What do you do . Where do they go . Chris its not known if the owner of peaceable farms moved for any particular r reason. It doesnt surprise you she took her horses to virginia . Ross no. Chris Ross Peddicord heads marylands horse industry board, which may have some of the strictest horse protections in the u. S. Unlike virginia, maryland mandates that nonprofit horse rescues be licensed, registered, and inspected. Ross were the only state that i know of in the country that does this. Chris for decades, peddicord says marylands nonprofit rescues have not had any horses seized, while other states, includinwest virginia and virginia, have. As for reid, she believes had matty stayed in maryland, where be alive. Carrie i cant image the amount of suffering that he endured. Chris soon after the seizure, peaceable farm owner anne goland was charged with 27 counts of misdemeanor animal cruelty little comfort to reid. Carrie he was my friend. Chris goland faces misdemeanor animal cruelty because this is her first time being charged in virginia. If it were to happen again, she could face felony charges. Sharyl im sure a lot of people what about the money . Chris that is the next part of this investigation. She was running a nonprofit receiving millions of taxexempt llars that were supposed to help horses horses were st ving to death. Where did that money go . Thats a question many other states are asking. Sharyl thank you so much. Now, a followup. Has not responded to our freedom of information act request. The cdc reports 18 confirmed likely cases of acute flaccid myelitis. That is 133 children paralyzed by the disease. An update to our report on a Synthetic Material called crumb rubber used on a slick fields across the country. There are concerns that the substance may be linked to cancer. Members of congress is called for answers. Last sunday, we sent congress and they were still awaiting answers. Information from limited studies showed no health risk from playing on fields using crumb rubber. They also said studies have limitations and are not still ahead on full measure, before the Real Campaign of 2016 begins, a look at some of the sharyl the beginning of the new year means the 26 2016 president ial contest is underway. In less than 30 days, voters will finally start weighing in at the iowa caucuses. The time for issues is ahead these campaigns can move away from the silly season. Here are some of the what were they thinking moments in this edition of campaign incredible. Bernie sanders ive got to get in the groove. I know when that hotline bling, that can only mean one thing. Bernie sanders if this election is dependent on my dancing skills, then i think im in big trouble. Mr. Trump when they say they want to run against trump that means they dont want to run against trump. [gunshots] sen. Cruz machinegun bacon. [laughter] gov. Omalley cause, baby, now we got bad blood. So take a look at what youve done. cause, baby, now we got bad blood, hey. Tell me, where in the world is marco rubio . Ben carson 2016. Vote and support ben carson. So our next president llary clinton were going to hit the ground running really hard right after the new year. Bill clinton so, i will see you in january. Thank you. God bless. Carly fiorina my names snick and im lazy. Please dont take a walk with me. Id rather stay right here at home instead. Jeb bush i want my damn selfie. Im not leaving until i get it. Mr. Trump used to call me on ththe cell phone. [laughter] [applause] sharyl much more in 2016. Coming up next week on full measure we need immediate assistance. We are overrun. Sharyl a soontobereleased rescue interrupted the night of the terrorist attacks on the u. S. Compounds in benghazi. We ask Real Intelligence officers what should have happened. They are out the door, on the plane, moving to wherever the crisis is. Sharyl and offer new evidence of what did not happen that night save american lives. Thanks for spending part of your sunday with us. Im sharyl attkisson. Until next time, you can find us online at fullmeasure. News, follow us on twitter at fullmeasurenews, and like us on facebook and share your feedback. Until next time, well be searching for more stories that we live in a pick and choose world. Choose, choose, choose. But at bedtime . Why settle for this . Enter sleep number, and the lowest prices of the season. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. You like the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store, find the lowest prices of the season. Save 600 on the 1 rated i8 bed, plus no interest until january 2018. Know better sleep n castle. I cant prove it, but my gut says this is kelly niemans work. Beckett last time she got away with it because she had an accomplice. Oh, my god. Thats jerry tyson. 3xk hes alive. Nieman and tyson are in this together. Except jerry tyson is dead. Therefore, that cant be him. Im michael boudreau. You had cosmetic surgery to look like a serial killer. So here we are, not being able to prove that tyson is tyson because we dont have his dna sample that he stole. Ryan tysons latest girlfriend, amy barrett. Question is, where is she now . What did tyson do to her . [ cellphone rings ] beckett. Its amy barrett. Im afraid. Dont move. Ill be there, okay . Gates unless we can show that hes tyson, we have to release him. Castle he wanted to be here, and so did she. Esposito why . Aah beckett. Voice [ distorted ] its done. [ sirens wail, tires screech ] you sure this is where she said she was going . Yeah, yeah 9th and jane. Says its either been turned off or disabled