Eyewitness news. Donald trump comes out swinging. Trumps new challenge to Vice President joe biden. why he says he wants to take biden behind the barn. Plus. A statewide amber alert cancelled. The baby boy now out of harms way. And the couple under investigation. The latest details just in. and. Some baby turtles get ready for a big swim off the North Carolina coast. Its the mustsee video of the night. Eyewitness news starts right now. breaking news right off the top tonight. A Convenience Store robbery ends with a shooting. This is the family food mart on alston avenue at Morning Glory avenue. In durham. Our crew on the scene says the robber took the cash register. And then the clerk shot him as he was running away. Police are not sure if the robber was hit. The investigation is ongoing. Also breaking right now in gunpoint. This is guess road. N ear interstate 85. Our crew on the scene says the restaurant was filled with customers when it was held up at gunpoint. A couple of suspects ran out the back door. No one was hurt. You can look for an update on both breaking stories on abc11dot com. Or during this newscast. Now to vote 20 16. And the fight for North Carolina heating up. Good evening everyone. Im steve daniels. And im tisha powell. Two political heavyweights made appearances in the triangle tonight. Joel brown is live at Meredith College in raleigh where two very different election. Joel . With donald trump headed back this to this battleground state, tomorrow. Hillary clinton sent her toughesttalking surrogate to rally the base in raleigh. Elizabeth warren woo on stage at Meredith College tonight, senator Elizabeth Warren embracing her role as energetic economic surrogate for hillary clinton. Donald trump says of oh things are rigged yeah youre damn right theyre rigged. Theyre rigged for billionaires and its time to fight senator did not hold back in her contempt for the donald Trump Campaign. A pathetic bully flash a small insecure money grubber. Flash a selfish sleazeball. In raleigh and around the country, warren has clintons attackdog. Saying the things clinton cant say herself. I think hillary would like to say those things. But shes got elizabeth to do it for her. Meanwhile in durham. Its likely to be closer on election day because thats the way it goes. The man behin george w. Bush, karl rove weighing in on the campaign at duke. The republican strategist conceding clinton has the National Lead on trump. But suggesting republicans still have reason to hope in winning the white house. This has been a weird election and there could be an october surprise. Some, something happens that causes people to say no to her and yes to him. And perhaps that something is the health care law. Trump has been tweeting all day about the obama this week about those projected doubledigit obamacare increases. Expect to hear more of that line of attack tomorrow, when trump arrives back in North Carolina. Jbr abc11 ewn. Former president bill clinton continuing his swing through battleground North Carolina tomorrow. Clinton speaking in greenville tonight. Former governor im its the second time bill clinton has been to greenville to stump for his wife. Tomorrrow the former president will visit fayetteville. Wilmington and pembroke. Donald trump doubling down in North Carolina. The Trump Campaign announcing the republican president ial candidate is adding an event in charlotte tomorrow afternoon before he heads to a rally in kinston. But in florida today. Trump said hed love to fight Vice President joe biden. Biden said last he could take trump behind the gym to settle things while criticizing trumps vulgar remarks about women. The state board of election trying to ease concerns about touchscreen voting in North Carolina. The elections board saying its received a smattering of complaints about electronic Voting Machines getting things wrong but nothing outside the norm for a president ial election year. Acp had reports from five counties that the machines wrongly identified a voters choice, but the voters were able to correct their ballots before casting them. Abc11dotcom is your onestop resource in vote 2016. You can find links to early voting locations. Sample ballots and voting rules. Its all under the politics section on the home page. developing right now a statewide amber alert for a missing baby from Guilford County now pearson. In Randolph County. Authorities believe his father Jimmy Ray Pearson and a woman named allissa fink. Took the boy. Randolph County deputies say they found the infant with his mother. They say the child is okay. But a child endangerment case is under investigation. Deputies have not located his father. The Guilford County Sheriffs Office says pearson and fink were with the baby boy at unc hospitals in chapel hill on october 17th. Hospital workers had concerns about the babys welfare. And contacted the department of social services. Track of this story overnight. You can look for updates tomorrow morning on Eyewitness News. New documents released. In the unc investigation. As top unc officials prepare for a hearing on friday with the nc doublea in indianapolis. The ncaa charged unc with five level one Violations Including lack of institutional control and failure to monitor. Unc has been under investigation. For a system of fake classes. Taken by thousands of students. Including many studentathletes. Unc claiming the ncaa doesnt even have jurisdiction many of the allegations are beyond the statute of limitations. The ncaa now responding. Saying the case is valid. And it will move forward. You can read the documents right now at abc11 dotcom. Just look for the story on the homepage. Now a story the iteam has been investigating since Hurricane Matthew hit. Tonight the state is telling the iteam the owners of the woodlake dam in moore county will have to intentionally breach the dam. And let all the water drain out because of linge dam could fail. You may remember the dam sprang a leak. Forcing evacuations after Hurricane Matthew. Greg barnes is live in moore county tonight with reaction. Greg . Judging by some of the catcalls and shouts from drivers going into the gated Community Residents here obviously not very happy with the lakes owner, a german investor the lakelevel is now a far cry from what it looked like after Hurricane Matthews heavy rains,. That forced dozens of residents to evacuate. At one point workers tried to shore up the dam with sandbags. Many residents say the dam has been a problem for years. Officials with the states Dam Safety Program say the owner has until october 28th to bm plans to breach the dam. Huge industrial pumps are drawing down the water level, engineers expect the lake to be drained by the end of the week. Right now no one knows if the dam will be repaired, rebuilt or breached. One resident who lives directly below the lake says breaching the dam just might be the best thing to do. Several residents camera, but several say there is already talk some woodlake residents plan to move, others are contemplating joining a possible lawsuit against the owner. Thinks this is going to be a quick fix. Neighbors in princeville neighbors in princeville returned to visit their homes. Our cameras followed the wilkins family inside their home as they saw the devastation for the first time. Nearly the entire home was under water following Hurricane Matthews aftermath. Furniture, electronics, pictures tossed around and destroyed. The homeowner says the home is a her most prized possessions her childrens photos. This is the second time wilkins home has been destroyed. The first time was during hurricane floyd. She has flood in downtown Raleigh Fayetteville street is going to shut down for a sunday afternoon in november to help people impacted by Hurricane Matthew. Its never been done before. long tables are going to be set up. For a thousand people. To have sunday dinner together. Restaurants. Chefs. The city of raleigh. And local businesses are all donating supplies. For the dinner. The money will go to the state Disaster Relief fund. The dinner party happens on november 13th. And itll cost 20 dollars. We have a link to the sunday dogwood festival kicks off on thursday. And this year money will go toward the Hurricane Relief effort benefiting the red cross highlands chapter. And you can meet the newest member of the Eyewitness News team on saturday. Morgan norwood will be a celebrity judge for the foodie contest. Still to come tonight. Midair emergency. A passenger plane forced to land. The potential danger impacting the crew. Plus. Workplace terror. A man opening fire at a business in virginia. what we know about the shooter. And his vct swimming baby turtles getting a Second Chance off the North Carolina coast. Its the mustsee video of the night. But first. A live look outside of the raleigh Eyewitness News center senator richard burr. Hes been in washington two decades. And burrs got plenty to show for it. Like the hundreds of thousands burrs taken from oil and energy companies. And the billions in tax breaks hes voted for them. While voting against Clean Energy Jobs for North Carolina. See, burr had tens of thousands of dollars invested in oil and gas stocks. Big oil profits . So does richard burr. But in two decades, whats he done for you . Of this advertising. Narrator its all connected. Richard burr wrote a plan to privatize medicare, making you pay more. And richard burr got one point one Million Dollars from the insurance industry. Richard burr was one of just three senators to vote against banning Insider Trading by congress. And richard burr voted to raise his own pay. Seven times. He increased his wealth over 500 percent. Richard burr. For the content of this advertising. Emergency for a British Airways flight from San Francisco to london. flight 286 was forced to land in vancouver. After several members of the flight crew reported feeling sick. Emergency vehicles surrounded the a 380 plane on the tarmac. 25 crew members were treated and released from area hospitals were taken to the hospital. The airline said it was investigating what caused the problem. A statewide manhunt intensifying in oklahoma for a suspected killer. Michael vance is accused of killing his aunt and uncle. Then shooting two Police Officers with ak47. Theyre now recovering from their injuries. The 38yearold suspect was wounded by a 26 Year Veteran Police officer and then took off in the officers patrol truck. And posted his getaway on facebook. Police say he warn vance is extremely dangerous. Vance hasnt been seen. Or heard from in several hours. Police are wondering if he might be dead from his wounds. New tonight terror at a virginia business. Police say a refugee from kenya opened fire. Killing a former co worker and wounding three others before turning the gun on himself. This happened at Freightcar America in roanoke, virginia. The police chief says getachew fekede. Stopped showing up for work in march. But he somehow entered the facility this the chief says the shooting appears to be work related. tragedy at the Denver Broncos stadium following the teams win last night. A 36yearold fan plunged 60feet at the stadium. After sitting on the railing. Authorities say jason coy died this morning. This isnt the first time a fan has fallen at the stadium. Back in september of 2015 a drunk fan fell several stories chasing after a friends hat. And in august of 2013 a fan fell from a stadium escalator. New details about the mysterious disappearance of a celebrity beyonce. rihanna. And missy elliott. Police in new jersey say shirlene quigley. Has been found safe and her family is on her way to see her. Missy elliott. Said on her twitter account that quigley was safe and being treated. Quigley was last seen early sunday morning boarding a bus. Her father says quigley had been making strange comments to friends. A tiger attack right in front of children. At a fair in florida. Officials say the trainer was bitten and scratched during a school field trip. The trainer was taken to the shes in good condition. No students were harmed during this incident. In fact, they thought it was a part of the show. The tiger show is canceled tonight. But itll resume tomorrow with a different trainer. Monkey Business at a kansas zoo. An orangutan managed to escape its enclosure this morning at the sedgewick county zoo in wichita. The animals escape forced the park into lockdown. Two park visitors spotted the animal on the loose as it appeared to try and blend in with zoo visitors. The animal apparently went own and park officials secured the facility. Things are back to normal now. No one was hurt. Now to the big board and the mustsee video of the night. We begin with a voting selfie by justin timberlake. Thats causing a stir. While the pop star lives in california he flew home to tennessee to take advantage of early voting in his hometown of memphis. Timberlake posted a selfie on instagram as he is about to cast but that appears to be a nono. Last year tennessees governor signed a bill that prohibits taking photos or videos at polling places. Youve heard of self driving cars. but what about. selfdriving beer trucks . working with beer giant anheuser busch, otto hauled more than 50 thousand cans of budweiser from fort collins, colorado to colorado springs. Thats a 120 mile journey on the interstate. A professional driver was on the trip to monitor situation in downtown charleston, west virginia. For several hours. A deer was resting behind a generator near a mall. A biologist says the deer was injured. The buck was tranquilized. And taken out from behind the machine to get treatment. He should be okay. And finally. Just keep swimming seven sea turtle hatchlings. Are now swimming in the atlantic ocean. The Karen Beasley sea turtle rescue. And Rehabilitation Center and Cape Fear Community college teamed up the baby turtles. While most releases happen on the beach volunteers say the babies wouldnt have the energy to get where they need to go. The group took a boat ride this morning and released the babies directly the beautiful autumn weather continued across the region today with lots of sun and highs in the low and mid 60s. High pressure will keep the fair weather going for another day. Tonight, temperatures will fall into the upper 30s and low 40s across the area. A cold front will sweep into the appalachians on thursday afternoon and through central thursday night. Ahead of this front, temperatures will rise into the 70s across the triangle on thursday. Moisture ahead of the system will increase, but is not projected to be very deep. Expect just a few hitandmiss showers across the region on thursday night. Areas to the south of the triangle might have little to no measurable frontal passage, another surge of dry, stable air will follow. However, the air mass behind this system looks much weaker than the current one, so the cooling experienced between thursday and friday will not be that big of a deal. Temperatures will stay near to slightly above normal through the end of the week. Weak High Pressure building over the region on friday will move east of the saturday. Another front will reach the appalachians by sunday morning and move through central North Carolina sometime on sunday. At this point, it looks like this weather system will be moisture starved so well skip out on any real may help you steal a deal. How you can score a free taco from taco bell just ahead. Plus. Smart luggage. how Delta Airlines is taking some of the worry out of we count on them to show up for us. But he failed to show up in the state senate. Buck missed nearly one out of five votes, more than any senator but one. 10 times, buck was penalized for missing tax deadlines. His business was dissolved. Theres too much at stake to make buck newton attorney general. There is no limit to what every student in North Carolina not when were 44th in per student funding. We should not ask for more money from you. He gave tax breaks to those at the top while raising taxes 67 ways on the middle class. Its time to polish up our brand and once more say, come check out North Carolina. Hb2 trashed our brand. Costing us thousands of jobs. We need a governor with our priorities. Passengers can now keep better tabs on their the delta app. To track their luggage on a map to detail a bags journey. pins will indicate various stops. Like when a bag is on the way to a plane. Or any transfer it makes. delta is using radio frequency identification bag tags. That allow it to be tracked. The technology is being used at 84 airports across the country including right here at rdu. Taco bells popular steal a taco promotion is back for the world series. Baseball fans can get a free taco each time a player steals a base during a world series game. If a base i or two. Customers can get a free doritos locos taco on thursday november second. If a base is stolen during games three through seven, customer can get a free doritos locos taco on thursday, november tenth. A World War Two veteran from chicago is about to see his second world series. 97 year old, jim schelgle was fresh out of the army in 1945. He was wearing his army uniform series tickets to see the cubs play. jim remembers a policeman came along. And took him straight to the front of the line. The cubs didnt win it that year. jim will get to see his team play in person once again. His family raised money to get world series tickets for him. Lebron watches Cleveland Duke has a potential star injured in practice and the hurricanes limp to the finish on a five game road trip highlights next in sports. You know you you know you after 20 years in washington, were learning lots about richard burr. First, he opposed a bill prohibiting Insider Trading by members of congress. Now we learn burr had over 100,000 in oil and gas stocks fitting Gas Companies. And oil and Gas Companies donated over half a Million Dollars to burrs campaigns. No wonder richard burrs wealth has increased over 500 since hes been in congress. Thats making washington work for him. After over 20 years in congress, senator richard burr has been making washington work. For himself. Burr voted 5 times to raise his own pay, while his net worth has increased over 500 . Making over 3. 6 million. But its not just that. On a bill to make Insider Trading by congressmen illegal, burr voted no, calling the law a waste of time. Thats how 20 years in washington has changed richard burr. You know you played horrendous hockey when relief to be down only three goals. Detroit should have been had an even bigger edge cam ward starts in net as he continues to rotate with eddie lack. The wings peppering the net and tally three in the first twenty minutes. Dylan larkin gets a breakaway his first of two of the period and the canes get embarrassed maybe their worst effort of the season. They come out with fight in the second jordan staal scores then Andre Nestrasil sets up francis sitting with owner Peter Karmanos junior feelign good. Oh but andres anthansiou walks it toward cam rips it into the corner the canes finish the road trip with four points out of a possible ten they open at home friday night. It didnt look good thats how espn analyst Seth Greenberg described an apparent foot injury to dukes star freshman jason tatum. Greenberg and a several scouts watched practice day on campus. Dukes staff has yet to confirm the report. Tatum had 18 points saturday night during a team scrimmage. Fellow frosh harry giles is already on the shelf with a knee injury. The cavaliers raise their championship banner on a big night in cleveland this about a half hour before the indians take the field then lebron james goes to work on his fourth championship all he did was have 19 points, 14 assists and 11 himself the former dukie with 29 cavs win by 29. Coming off their bye week the duke Football Team hits the home stretch with five games all against fellow Coastal Division foes. Georgia tech is up first on saturday. With only three wins the blue devils have some work to do if they want to go bowling at seasons end. Join us tomorrow morning on abc11 well see you again tomorrow night for Eyewitness News at ten here on cw 22. North carolina used to make education a priority. We all understood the importance of having good schools. But pat mccrory seems more interested in giving tax cuts to millionaires. We rank 44th in spending per student. Dropout rates have gone up for the first time in 8 years. Were 41st in how much we pay our teachers. There is a textbook shortage. And pat mccrory has cut 3,000 teaching assistants from the early grades. After 30 years in Law Enforcement, ive seen a lot. And i can tell you, josh stein will be an attorney general we can count on. Anyone that tells you different doesnt know what theyre talking about. Josh is endorsed by Law Enforcement because he has a record of making us safer. Protecting children from sexual predators. And expanding the dna database to put rapists behind bars. Its called the snake a long, skinny Congressional District drawn along i85 to segregate African American voters. The snake and others like it were drawn by state legislators as a partisan power grab. And Justice Bob Edmunds . He wrote the decision supporting his partys discrimination. But federal judges rejected edmunds opinion announcer today on tmz harvey this is a huge warning. There is an incredible game of thrones spoiler. Look at these photos of jon snow and hes reaching his handed to shake someones hand and you dont know whos going to be on the other side of that handshake. And it might blow the whole season for you harvey that. Well, that would take six seasons to tell you. Judge judy leaving craigs. So we ask her, do you have a plan of succession when you retire . What does that mean . Harvey i think judge judy is one of the better judges in america. Shes not even a judge, let alone one of the better ones harvey no, she is a judge. Arbitrator. Harvey she can cut through just about anything. Yes, she can cut through dog bite versus woman

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