Could a brief encounter hold the answer . T how someone has tried to assume her identity. Theres more to this story, and you need to tell it right now. Dy was after her. True fear, i could really see it. Hey, you all, come here. I think i found her. It began on a bright morningars ago. The palmetto slipped from its platform at washingtons Union Station and eased out into an eighthour run down the eastern seaboard to charleston, olina. On board was a beautiful, tall and feisty redhead named kate waring, a daughter of the south, of a fine southern family. Ften troubled young woman who was sitting on this train something very good. Is it about trains . The ease there in that enclosed space of befriending perfect strangers. Somewhere along the line betweenoodbye, kate warings invisible fate jumped its track. And quite unaware of the dark forcedisembarked to a future utterly changed. Th carolina. It almost goes without saying, a showpiece of American History and southern manners. Ply embedded as the families who count seven, eight, ten generations here. Kate waring was born to one of those families. In a fine, big house along the historic waterfront called the battery. Dance lessons, birthday parties. Dad, if we catch a turtle, . Doting parents, janice and she had you essentially wrapped r. Oh, absolutely. She was the love of my life. Upidly so. I mean, i could not always tell when i was being manipulated, but some of the time. No, katie and i had a very special bond always. She was the middle child. Er, older joe, younger richard. She was bright. Maybe too bright. Er, animals, all animals, enchanted her. She was naive, sweet, as younger brother richard saw it, she animal or human. She was a very, very kind s someone who would dismiss someone who wasnt generally accepted by most, she would kind of try to help those of an enchanted childhood, something happened to kate. Outsiders saw a fearless tomboy morph into a sophisticated but at home, kate struggled often in secret with eating disorders, depression. College was a frequently d disaster. She sort of ran toward risk. I noticed that in a lot of things that she did. Urt it. Her parents discovered she had been sexually abused when little by someone they knew. Years of therapy followed. Drank to excess, lost her drivers license, abused drugs, sobered up, she fell off the wagon. She came home to live with her parents. D failed at dozens of strategies to achieve the straight and narrow. Finally out of desperation, tom kate a trip with anywhere on the planet. Olar bears. It must have an amazing trip. It was the trip of a lifetime. Im so happy we shared that totographs show how happy she was there. She saw young men who were r families about her to me, dad, i dont have to for, do i . And i said, no, honey, you you can basically write your own script. And it was a bit of magic. The change seemed almost instant. Orn. On board the ship was a russian crewman who was amazed how quickly kate picked up his language which is why months the newly inspired kate traveled to moscow to meet him again, to explore the city, the culture, and to test drive both the budding r fledgling russian skills. Were far more than souvenirs. They were portraits of a young d. The kate who stood here on red square had a new passion in life. The depressions of the failures of the past had fallensumed by all things russian. In fact, she was making plans even here to return to mer to take up russian studies. Finally her life was taking off. Ans in washington that fine may morning. Russia. But there was a problem with the visa. Rk mixup sort of thing that would have sent her into a , but now, the new kate vowed to try again later. Boarded the palmetto for charleston and threw herself into College Classes and a Childrens Book shed been writing. Big brother joe was, to say the uraged. The happiest i can remember hearing her in the last ten years. She sounded good. Ed as if she was ready, had a conviction about what she wanted to do. Then it was june. Heat rising in charlestons. On saturday morning, june 13, tom waring at his summer house outside the city, felt an absence. Dnt rung. No call from kate. Kate who always called or texted her parents almost hourly. She always checked, in and it he drove home to check her n the tree. And all the lights were on, and it looked like obviously katie had planned to come back. And shed left her medicine she never went anywhere without medicine. By the house also. No sign of her. Now there was dread. That kate had slipped back into that old destructive life . We called the police station. We called the detention center. Y the end of the weekend . Nobody had a jane doe in the hospital. Nobody had been brought in. We called some of her friends. D heard from her. What to do . Kate was 28, and though she lived at home, she was an adult. Her decision bad or good were they elected to give it one more day. If she wasnt back by monday, theyd call the police. Then when monday came, there was no, not from kate from kates bank. Once i got off the phone with the branch manager, i called the police. Yeah. Inking then . I was thinking something is wrong. Something was wrong. Discover what . And would the police help . I thought im not going to put up with this. Weve got to get going. Et moving on this. You help give lifechanging vitamins to kids across the globe. Get vitamins here. Where. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. More sit per roll. Bounty is two times more absorbent. Ounty can last longer than those bargain brands. So you get more life per roll. Bounty. The longlasting quicker picker upper. Ed women a mystery beauty treatment. What made their skin more radiant . What . wait dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. Jane s always on the move. T protein smoothie can keep up with her. Packed with 12grams of protein and no added sugar. So she can watch her calories and where she s going. Ree to enjoy. To avoid rips and tears. Be happy, its glad. If your family oute wrong reasons. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec is different than claritin. Because it starts working faster try zyrtec. Muddle no more. The reception for this product is overwhelmingly positive. Sensodyne repair protectair sensitive teeth. It has Clinical Evidence showing how effective it works. I know that dentists recommend sensodyne repair protect. Have really learned how to dance to the chaos of life. I take it day by day. Lbl is part of being a woman and having little leaks doesn t have to slow you down. Openvup the conversation, the more women are like, yeah me too. So this is the solution. It s different than a menstrual pad. So note to self in the gym bag i think seizing your poise moment is really s going on with your body it was monday morning the 15th of june, 2009. Kate waring had been missing for 48 hours when a surveillance a young man named ethan mack standing at the counter of a bank waiting to cash a check signed by problem was, her account barely told 100, and this check was for 4500 and the signature the teller called kates dad. He called police. I never met ethan, didnt know ethans last name. All i knew was the name ethan. Its too strong to say that she had a secret life, but she did things that we didnt know anything about. Of course she did. She was 28 years old. And even though she was d emotionally dependent on her parents, she some they knew, some they didnt. It was howard gatts, for martial art trainer in the midst of a contentious divorce with whom kate had been carrying on something of a romance. I felt that in my heart was wrong. And i was i was concerned. Then there was jason locke, a young lawyer with whom she often shared lunch and a spirited debate. Gwilled. She was very energetic. She was rarely, rarely incorrect. Thats a est friend, as she made clear to all the others, was ethan mack. She really liked ethan. She really trusted him. This is my best friend, jason. F trust in him. Shes a lovable person, full of energy, always around. Ethan worked in a local hotel. A very different background than kate. Een her best buddy for years. And in a way, her protector. Neighborhood knew you didnt mess with kate when ethan was around. Ed each other like well, siblings. I made sure no harm would come to her when certain little boyfriends would act like they ems. I would put them in their place it wasnt a romance at all then . Not at off. She was like a little sister to me. Ken of his familys regard for kate that she was godmother to ethans nephew, malachi. Cow trip, kate bought herself and ethan matching brass bulldog keychains. And on that monday morning in june, said ethan, he was very kate, just as he had been for years as he helped her battle her demons. Calm her down and talking to g what was going on in the world of kate. But now he complained, here dad sending police to told him to cash. Ethan explained to the cop, david osborne, about the money hed given kate for jewelry and other expenses. Pay him back. He was basically best friends with katherine, had been for several years. Than told detective osborne he was very likely the last friend to see her before she disappeared. Aw her friday night, had dinner, had drinks, came back, dropped kate off back at her house. Did he say what time . Yeah. I think the time would have been 30, 11 45 at that time. The detective checked, of course, and found Text Messages that confirmed what ethan told him. O the house ethan shared with his mom. And they both let me in. And they both allowed me to search it. The mother and ethan both told this is where he stays. But to say that the instant suspicion the part of the upsetting to ethan was probably an understatement. This is ethan mack calling this is the voicemail he left for the warings after that policeman poked around his place pas if he was some murder suspect. Nk you need really check that and go find out or go see what really happened and find the person who did something to her and stop harassing me. Hing i ever did was try to help her in a million ways. So dead end. D past ethan, checked kates cell phone record, found shed made a call late that friday that pinged on a tower in a place called james isla house. But phone pings can be funny that way sometimes, they told the warings. One towers busy, the next over picks it up. Probably made the call from ey said. They also promised to keep looking for her. But really kate was known to have gotten herself in and out cops message. We do not know for a fact that a crime has been committed here. He warings were reminded, kate was a world traveler. Could well have picked up and gone back to russia. Might be aboard some tramp w. Or if something bad happened to her, could have been a drug overdose, even suicide. Impossible, thought kates parents. Even in her darkest times, shedr failed to call. If she spent the night out if she spent the night out unexpectedly, wed get a call first thing the next morninthat we would worry about where she was and was she safe. So the warings began picking apart that friday, the last day , looking for something they may have missed. But it had been such a normal day. She had no drivers license, he asked howard gatts to give her a list to her therapists office. Thank you very much. Eal good mood. An hour and a half later, howard saw her again. This time at the gym. She said, is it okay i skip i said, sure, kate, thats fine. Mind you, there was an incident at the gym. Howards soontobe exwife cameey had words. At 8 00 p. M. , a drugstore camera showed kate relaxed, buying wineks while waiting on her prescription refills. Ethan paid for dinner. Chicken, salmon teriyaki. Like a japanese like kind of like cuisinetype thing. She didnt drive, so he took dropped her off before midnight. Something else something earlier that friday that bothered the warings at first them now. The more they thought about it, the worse it seemed. Just before she went to the drugday evening, she started telling her father about perhaps had unintentionally got herself in trouble. And i said, well, why dont youthat. And she wouldnt tell me any details. Was she clearly worried . She was concerned. Clearly worried. Ing. Naturally they told the police about that. Nothing came of it. And as the air thickened into a weeks that passed brought no new leads. Just tourists clamoring for the cool shade of historic carriage rides. G, the urgency of finding her, began to fade. And that was driving me nuts. I thought, im not going to put up with this. Oing. Weve got to get moving on this. And in the hushed cool of his perch overlooking the city, someone of listening. A new investigation begins. But its not the police who are behind it. Were the cream of the crop, kate waring. Was not an option. Who are these guys . T c, who are these guys . T c, vo combine the right things. Sprinkle in the details. And for everyone. Thats our inspiration for fancy feast medleys. Entr\es like white meat chicken florentine and wild salmon primnd greens. A perfect combination. Looks and tastes amazing. Available in gravy and now pate. T medleys. Love is in the details. K at Cricket Wireless switch and get a brand new lg risio for 19. 99, or take a spin with the Samsung Galaxy grand prime for 29. 99 something to smile about. Lilly. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a weekplay sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy you are free to go. Tide and downy take a little drive beyond omes and markets and churches, the Historic Center of charleston, south carolina. Enter quietly the hushed suite oking the city where an influential philanthropist flipped through rolodex and placed a call to his friend, the chief of police. I really need a favor. I really need help with this situation. Sp the caller was this man john rivers. Friend of tom waring, watched kate waring grow up. John rivers told the police chief he was worried about kate, too. E that, you know, they got a lot of stuff going on. Sure. But that he would assign his best and brightest to the cy good about but now almost two months later, kate was still missingation such as it was had accomplished nothing. And john rivers couldnt stand what it was doing to his best friend, tom waring. That he really was having a hard time functioning. So rivers picked up the phonethis man, do what it takes. His name is andy savage, former prosecutor, now famously tenacious criminal defense attorney. Ad heard about kate, too, and how police had no evidence of any crime. Really . As soon as we scratched the little bit, we were absolutely convinced that foul play was involved. Savage was given just two nd kate waring, tell Police Everything you find. That last part, keeping the police in the loop, should be easy figured andy, given the led. A band of retired each with a particular talent. Bobby minter. Bobby minter, human blood expert. Cking people his specialty. Bill capps. Techno geek. Tracks bad guys through cyberspace. Happens to be a crack shot. James randolph. James randolph. ExPolice Department rebel. S shaking things up a particular skill. Were the cream of the crop. And our job was to find kate waring. Option. Experience told james the best place to start was with kate herself. N to kate, shell tell us where she is. James went to the house on the battery, up the stairs, down the hall, and into kates bedroom. Cases, you have to take on the personality, and you he looked around, the notes in kates handwriting made sense. Why chinese paper money . Nd new prescription sitting there untouched . The medication in which she had gotten for a prescription was still on her dresser, that medication was her lifeline. She needed it to counter depression, anxiety, insomnia. R left home without it. Meanwhile, cybersleuth bill capps buried himself in social media sites. Kate used them. Bill scoured them all. Wake, she was facebooking, she was texting, calling people on the phone, she was emailing. And at the time she went missing, when everything sed. I mean, that was completely out of character for her. Using kates friends, capps built an electronic map of her he friday night she vanished. Capps retrieved the weird that evening. 10 0 p. M. , missed call. Voicemail. Voicemail said that someone had tity, and had obtained a couple of credit cards in her name. She wanted me to sue the person responsible. Ner and kates romantic interest, howard gatts, told capps he heard from her at 10 30 p. M. , still at dinner with ethan then. Another call, it was after midnight, well after Police Believe she was dropped off at home. She told me she was at some friends house. They had already made it to the house. Sounded a little buzzed. And then a very last message from kate. A text. Very strange. Greenville to pick up some lovely. Whatever lovely was i had no did that make sense to you . This time she did not text back. From kate. Except the middle of the night, her cell phone pinged out on james island, miles from her home. The cops had surmised, remember,tower to her house may have been too busy to handle the call. But at 1 53 in the morning . Not a chance, thought andy savage. Rous. They were looking for an explanation, plausible explanation consistent with the theory that she voluntarily [ ringing ] that middle of the night call, by the way, was to her voicemail. The mailbox is full the voicemail box that had during which time she hadnt used it or called it at all. So the question voicemail . She would not be doing it. Only one conclusion to draw. Somebody else was using her had she as the one text suggested left town looking for drugs or lovely . If thats what lovely meant . For the moment, it was a dead end. Then then he called. Eugene frazier, legendary 34year homicide detective now retired. I believe that if a man he should be prepared to do the time. Thing is about gene frazier, here on charlestons james island where his ancestors go days, gene gets tips. All kinds of tips. And one day a Church Friend told gene hed heard the police had ouse. And something strange about that. Said, listen, i dont think ethan mack is living in an apartment that i have rented out to his father. Ce didnt search this place where ethan actually lived, said the landlord. On a different island miles awayn told them he lived. And he says, i think that hes trying to mislead the police. What did you think when you heard that . This guy got something to hide. That very day, gene frazier joined a band of excops which, from now on, ateam. A mysterious woman enters the picture. Katie had this strange girl in the room with her. Who was she . About to launch a hidden camera surprise. Prevnar 13 vaccine can help protect you from , an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. Even if you have already been vaccinated prevnar 13 may help prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause. 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Usaa. It means to serve. Get an insurance quote by the time andy savage put his ateam together to look for at lovely Young Charleston woman had been missing for two months. According to kates parents, tom and janice, the Charleston Police were still saying this ink maybe she went somewhere. Shes probably just up in greenville. What did you say to that . She doesnt have a car. G to get there . It was after that when the ateams gene frazier got a tip. Lived. He didnt live where he allrch. He really lived in one of two apartments five miles away which you presented to the police. Yes. And . Dnt search the house. They never got a search warrant. They never asked for permission to search the house. Ou misled us two months ago. But as the ateam discovered, ion something else, too. He had a girlfriend in this little place, a woman named ngelica kamp. And when Janice Waring heard that, her mind went straight to an afternoon at home three months earlier. Ces upstairs. And so i went up, and katie had this strange girl in that id never met before in the room with her. And that was her name, heather kamp. Ained she met and rapidly became fast friends with heather on the train to palmetto during her trip down from washington. Typical kate, janice thought help, who had told her a hard luck story. She said when she got on the train, her pocketbook was stolen. Shes here in charleston, and she doesnt have any money. And im helping her out until tever. But kate told her mother that heather would pay her back soon because she was a pediatric surgeon new post at the local medical center. Then a few days later, a distraught kate told her mother that heathers daughter back home in new jersey had been accident. But something seemed odd about that, said janice. Didnt seem like she was rushing to go up to new jersey child that had been or that she was a griefstricken woman. Griefstricken woman. She did not look that way at all. Ws that heather was living with kates friend, to me, she looked like a con but no, said kate back then. Janice had it all wrong. Heather was nice. In fact, kate said shed introduced heather to her friend ethan, had and quickly a romance had blossomed. E even talking marriage. Really . If Janice Waring was suspicious about heather back then, the ateam was doubly so now. ,a a few keystrokes on the internet told bobby that mothers intuition was right. She had been arrested for ana. But shed been arrested in other states, too. Essentially if you just googled her name, i suppose you mount. Thats how i found her. Shed been impersonating a doctor. I just googled her. And ethan wouldnt be her she had been married before and had four children. Now that they knew about heather, a few fuzzy details were suddenly clearer. The last dinner because there were three meals on the dinner bill. The other diner was heather kamp. Important, that check ethan tried to cash, the one the teller flagged, maybe that was another heather forgery. Int man James Randolph rushed that information over here to police headquarters. Surely somebody here would put two and two together. Have committed forgery in indiana and other states, a socalled best friend who tries to cash a bogus check with kates name on it and lies to police. Ence these two were involved in her disappearance up to their necks. Enough to haul them in anyway, but hat the story panned out. And that these were petty criminals, and the check was going to be taken separate from son. What did you say to that . I just didnt think it was the right thing to do. Ure out who wrote who signed and wrote the checks. Sure. It was obvious the ateam would have to find the connection and heather and kates disappearance without police help. Sort of remained stealthy as time to keep a careful, quiet eye on ethan mack and heather kamp. So gene frazier persuaded his iend, ethans landlord, to allow surveillance specialist bobby minter to tuck a hidden camera into the kitchen of his hidden window. Ethans front door. It was a motion detected just like the light that theyve got over the door is. When they drove in, it would light up, and it would light up the whole camera itself, keith, was about the size of this little flashlight. It was pointed directly at the apartments. Ick. No doubt about it. And thats enough illumination to illuminate to see what they would be carrying. That they had something to do s disappearance. And when ethan and leather left the apartment, bobby had that covered, too. Hed already tracked ethan to al hotel and attached a gps locator on his car as it sat in the parking lot. Now th day when the team didnt know where ethan and heather were and what they were doing. And almost immediately, they gothen ethan was at work, heather sneaked over to visit the man living next door. Rode around town with him. They were going to the bank a and i called one of the investigators of wachovia. As a result of that, they found that they were kiting checks. Aling money from the bank. Despite what bobby told the bank, it never resulted in charges against anybody. The gps tracker on ethans car the jewelry was a red flag to us. T kates jewelry . They couldnt be sure yet without more surveillance, that is. And then the landlord called tip. This one bad ethan and heather werent paying rent. He says, im going to evict so after he said that this is not good news. I said, hold on. If these people are evicted, we dont know where theyre going. Eam didnt think of something and fast, heather and ethan might slip out of their sights, and charleston, for good. An enticing offer from the ateam. 10,000 reasons to start talking. 10, 20s, 50s. Hat, the eyes a package its a swiffer wetjet. It almost feels like its moving itself. This is kind of fun. That comes from my floor . Eww this is deep couch sitting. Deep couch sitting unless you have allergies. Differently. Only flonase is approved tour itchy,z watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Fl whatcha gonna do when you get outta here . I m gonna have some fun consider fun . Yeah, we rocking right now. Re s a party over here. Am of retired detectives searching for kate waring had a big problem. Crimesolving 101 told them heather and ethan had to be alive. One a known forger, the other on tape trying to take money from kates bank account. But they were about toack of a rent payment. And if that happened, they would slip the invisible net the ateam had so carefully woven. He camera, we had the gps, weve been tracking every movement that they have. So they made a call here to ice overlooking charleston where the teams money man, john rivers, decided hed pay ethans rent. Secretly, of course. Plan which after a little brainstorming offered a bonus, a builtin opportunity. Heres how the ateam wanted heather or ethan forged kates 4,500 check, but they needed original handwriting samples. We determined what was on the check that we needed comparison and we had numbers, obviously, on the check. Then the ateam helped thans contained the numbers and letters. When ethan and heather signed the document, agreeing to pay the rent in installments, they were giving the team the very rove they forged kates check. The team took the handwriting to mickey dawson, who set up the police handwriting lab. The qu heather and or ethan forge that check from kate . The one ethan tried to cash . Immediately that day our handwriting document examiner hem. No question about it. So if ethan and heather forged a check from kate, what else did they do . Someone on get a look inside that apartment. If kate had been there, there still might be evidence of something. N . Well, the landlord has a right to inspect a tenants safety and welfare. Needed to go in and spray for bugs. You can understand why that that little place. James thought it would be best if he went with him to make sure that the bugs were taken care of. T bobby minters gps device showed ethans car was out somewhere. Well, when we opened the doorn macks on the couch smoking a joint. For gods sakes. Im like, hell, with the re going to be using dangerous chemicals. Youll have to step out on the outside while we get this done. No idea who you were . No idea who you were . No, no, no. That . Absolutely. Yeah. The exterminator and i went inside. We closed the door behind us, just searched the apartment. In one of the backpacks, in ethan macks backpack, was some chinese money. Chinese currency. Chinese money . Yes. Janice waring had brought the bills to kate from hong kong, souvenirs. Had ethan stolen them . T here on this pole. Time to stir things up, apply some pressure. Bobby minter knew how. Bobby put on every telephone very vacant house, every y stop sign, wanted information, missing person, kate warings poster. Eople hung out. Wherever they went, including on macks windshield when he was osters to send a psychological message to them. But no response. At which point john rivers said what they do understand and on the street as it were is andrew jackson. Min franklin. And they would recognize their 10,000 worth of bills went ocery bag. 10s, 20s, 50s, and 100s. A bag with when you open it up, you know, two rolls and then sees that. The eyes just jump. Well where better to leave the bag of money, they decided, than under the nose of the neighbor heather was going to see. Rry williams, the one who seemed to be kiting checks with her. We knocked on the door, and Terry Williams come to the door with no shirt on. Uhhuh. Rt on, short pants. Terry, listen, we know youre great friend with these people, mack and kamp. You dont have to live in this condition. We know youre back on your rent. Look at that bag of money. This could be all yours. Now to close the sale with Terry Williams, they try to bluff. Tell us what happened to katen find her. We know mack and kamp killed and this money could be yours. Int, thats when the side the bedroom door busts open, and theres a lot of ing. To their utter surprise, there came heather came. Angrily and quickly pulling her clothes back together. Didnt appear to be a business meeting the team interrupted. Told her who they were and who they worked for. And then heather kamp gets on the cell phone and makes a call to ethan mack. Ethan, investigators are here trying to get Terry Williams to roll on us. And when she said that, the oked at one another and police terms, we knew that was definitely the case. We knew, hey, they had done it. Of investigating made it perfectly clear to the ateam whatever happened to kate waring, ethan mack and heather kamp were in it up to their eyeballs. A new direction. The search for kate waring takes the ateam to a wild and desolate place. D they find there . The internet got rocket mortgage. A fast, easy way to refinance. Getting you the money you need feel a cold sore coming on . Only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. It penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Ut, knock it out, fast. Abreva. Jane s always on the move. Luckily her light fit up with her. Packed with 12grams of protein and no added sugar. Ree to enjoy. There has to be a way. Carry the centimeter, divide by 3. 14 something something something. [ beeping, whirring ] great caesar salad e name your price tool shows people policy options to help fit their budget. Is that a true story . Yeah people really do save an average of over 500. I mean about you inventing it. What really matters . So. Kate waring had been missing since june 12th. It was so awkward now, but necessary. The once very private warings and their daughters intensely pe glaringly public. They had to be. You cant just sit back and hope that shell be found. I mean, we worked every day all ong trying to find her. Thats when it hit home. Kate was the latest of hundreds of people still lost in south carolina. And it seemed to janice and tom taking cases like theirs seriously. What about all those other families also desperate for help . The warings held a vigil to makeuse. Somehow or another, somebody will be moved and want to come forward and tell us where katie is. That was the public waring couldnt help but be drawn back to the playback button on the voicemail. Voice. Dad, mom . If youre there, pick up the phone. If youre there, pick up the phone. Call me back later. Bye. At photographs of her or play voicemail message. Keeping her voice current in my mind. Meanwhile, andy savages atime of ex detectives was making progress. Lashed that grocery bag of cash around the neighborhood, they certainly got a rise out of ethan and heather. A furious ethan called andy. Your investigators are out here. Theyre accusing me of being involved in this homicide. T friend in life. As hes on the phone, kamp calls. She starts out in this rage about you know, what are you doing out here, accusing me onothing to do with that. Fascinating reaction, thought and perhaps an opportunity. Background on kamp. So we knew her and knew her personality. We knew a little about what buttons to push. We had toward heather was one of the comfort. Not one of angst. And during that time, we planted mother, she must know the feeling of Janice Waring missing her daughter and y for a mother. The call from heather wasnt all that fat bag of money accomplished. Before long, it reeled in a fish. Neighbor heather was sneaking off to see called, too. The ateam went to talk to him. And he said, i know ethan and heather did something to kate. Terry went in the back room, came back out, and had this ipod. And terry said, i believe this kate. Ow that was huge. The last time kate was seen with that ipod it was at the gym the day she went missing. Now a man kate never met said the ipod days after kate disappeared. Just to be sure this was, in fact, kates ipod, tech expert bill capps got the serial and within minutes, had the proof. I examined the registry files from all the computers that we had access to that kate had used in the past. Ositive that that was kates ipod. Of course right away the ateam told the police about thehanded over the handwriting experts report showing that heather and ethan forged kates check two days after she vanished. And now things started happening fast. Hearttoheart with andy savage, heather made a remarkable decision. She called the Charleston Policeconfessed. No, not to murder. Instead, she said it was she who supposedly signed by kate waring. Ried to cash it two days after kate disappeared. Now surely the police would est them both. But heres something you should know about the way it worked between the ateam and their former colleagues, the cops. The deal was entirely one way. He ateam told the cops everything they uncovered. The cops told the ateam nothing. Kept their ears to the ground and waited for something to happen. But they didnt have to wait for long. We knew something was up. First thing we did was yanked the gps off the car because we didnt want the police to seize the car and have our gps. Ethan was easy enough for thece to find. They arrested him at his hotel job. But they didnt seem to know where to find heather. E had to tell them where she obviously, they didnt have a surveillance on her. So you could tell them that. We told them. We told them where heather i mean, we the gas station shes working at the local gas station. Walked into the gas station and bought a pepsi. It, and walked out. And the Police Officer in uniform had pulled up. He was peeping around the corner of the building. I said, thats her inside. Ethan and heather were charged with forgery and justice for the murder charge following shortly. We get a call from ave friends still at the Police Department. We get a call that, hey, the police are searching the island for kate warings body. Wild, beautiful, isolated. And 20 miles from kates home on so i got in my car and drove and there were the police. So i sat there in the shade and watched them all afternoon. Interfere. Watched Police Officers and cadaver dogs. Ton of folks. The whohis primarily is where the mission would end. If it was the Police Department kates remains, at least shed finally be coming home. And the ateam could take quiet satisfaction in the belief that it was their investigation that made it happen. Except it didnt quite work out way. She said, well, they didnt find her, did they . I knew they wouldnt find her. Was heather kamp, the con 73 water. And smart people like this person, t to be even more water. Theres about to be even more water. People think its really funny to find water people dont want to be in and then push. If you are religious, your goal at some point is to be forcibly submerged in water. When water freezes, people play on it. When it bubbles, people sit in it. Moves, people slide down it. In fact, there are only two things you really cant live without water and your phone. So why in the world would you ge ok, try again. The new waterresistant galaxy s7 edge. A headache had a headache but now, i. Dont excedrin is fast. In fact for some, in just 15 minutes. Excedrin. Now available in geltabs. vo new tidy cats lightweight 4in1 odors, plus locks clumps tight. And now its light. Every home, every cat. Ats for that. . Dad hey haley, break a leg, huh . Girl thats rude. That means youre going to do fantastic. Ank you. Are you nervous, honey . A little. Mi hija. This thing the good stuff. The sonoma collection. The lingering summer heat lay close to the marshes of wadmalaw island, steamed up through the dense bushes toward beyond. It was october of 2009. A delegation of Charleston Policemen had sifted through the brush, eyes to the ground. Daver dogs nosed along the shores of polly point road. Heather kamp sat in the back seat of the police cruiser. And bill capps, from the ed from his car. The cops had brought hgh kate warings body. D if they had luck, they just said, no, and continued driving. Police called off the search,back to jail. Had she intentionally given them Bad Information . Perhaps nobody would find kate. Not the police, not the ateam. And then rific break by the criminal justice system. Mack and kamp both came to the bond hearing. Video. At the bond hearing, mack shows up with his family. Yeah. Who were all there to support him. Nder but the chief public defender. Wow. Kamp has no one. She has no family. E has no support to speak on her behalf. I immediately said, james and treat her with caring. And within minutes, the same men whod so upset heather with their bag of money were face to what was the look on her face . When she came out . Stunned. She was stunned, very surprised. And i said, heather, we need we just all we want is the body. She said, well, they didnt find it, did they . She said, i put them to the test. Hey were going to help me. They wouldnt arrest me. And the minute i told this area s, the general area where she was, they got all abusive with me, you know, and they berated me. So they failed the test. That moment what happened was well, sheer luck. Directly across the lobby in side of the visitation area, they brought mack to see his attorney who happened to coincidentally . L. And also coincidentally, they positioned ethan and heather across the hallway from each other separated by glass they could see each other . Oh, yeah. I told her, theres his lawyer and detective over there with him. Shes over there ratting you out. Ed waving her arms trying to get ethans attention. So she snaps and breaks. With a little more encouragement from andy s his deal if heather told him exactly where to find kates body, and if it turned out she had nothing to do with any would help her with her forgery charges. And at that moment, heather kamp agreed to tell the ateam what know. Her directions were precise. They drove out here right away. S the large old tree that she described with the farther up between your left in the thats running down to the water. She said, after you do, that youll look to your left over here, on my right and left, andll see some underbrush growing. T kate remains she said the body is five feet from this path, from this roadway. Incredibly detailed. Just the sort of place to leave a body. The police, the team found nothing. I was very disturbed. Ng her . Because we were we were convinced that she was here. They searched until darkness finally forced them out of the marsh. D andy savage who was out of town on business. Theyre on a cell phone from where they are on a hotel in boston, punched up the address for google earth. G at the satellite i said, well, james, is there aur left . So i was pretty well able to identify where they were. I said, what you got to do is just print that off. Isnt that amazing, you can do it from away . You can also do it from the police station. The map showed the ateam exactly how and where they lost the trail. Estigating so much, savage wasnt ready to give up on heather. But he wasnt naive either. We knew that she was a sociopath liar. Ing specific from her. Give me something that nobody else knows so that we can believe what youre saying is truthful. When she told us about the souvenirs from kates body. The jewelry she was wearing and where it was located. Ates jewelry at a pawn shop. And behind the dresser in their tiny apartment, kates bulldog one shed gotten in moscow. Kates purse as a memento. She was telling them the truth. Next morning first light to use the google map and more detail from heather, the team would return to the island. You know, all that we were fruition. All our suspicions about her activity and macks activity, at that point we knew we had the right people. Ng, theyd be going without police. Good idea . The ateam under arrest . What do you mean you were arrested . We were not free to leave. They made that clear. Have you seen your garden . Itll blossom. Find low prices on the things that make delicious. Walmart. Oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. flourish spray noise flourish spray noise flourish spray noise flourish spray noise of real cream in 15 calories per serving. Enough said. Reddiwip. flourish spray noise share the joy. Eak havoc on our clothes, ruining them forever. Sweaters stretch into muumuus. And pilled cardigans become pets. But its not you, its the laundry. Ur clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. With downy fabric conditioner. It not only softens and the damage of the wash. Clothes stay your favorite clothes. Downy fabric conditioner. The early sun had cooked the mist of the marshes of wadmalaw island. Gene frazier shared a car from the city. They rode in silence most of the way, confident the precise er kamp had given them were correct this time. So this was it. It was somehow fitting that they called the human bloodhound, was the first to spot her. I saw what looked like an animal path. R something had pretty much beat down the bush. So i walked up to the animal d walking parallel with the road. And walked up, and i saw what looked like bones. And i said, i think i found her. Aid, hey . Hey, yall, come here. I think i found her. It was just like a ton of bricks came off me at that point. I said, oh, my god. There she is. t much left. In the end it took only six the earthly remains of kate waring. And thus, at last, fulfilled their promise to her parents. Bobby was standing, and i with my camera just to document the scene the way it was whether we saw it. Then i just backed out of the woods, and bobby followed me out. We called 911. 911, whats the nature of emergency . Yes, maam, this is robert minter. Okay, you need police, fire, or ems . Police. Whats the address . No address. He woods. We found a body of kate waring. You believe you found the body of kate waring . Yes. I know we did. In the wood . Yes. At happens after bobby hangs up. The 911 recording continues [ ringing ] you can hear the operator spreading the word around to s, a bit skeptical at that fourmonthlong mystery is finally solved. Hello . Hey, sarge. You ready for this . No. Off of polly point road. Off of where . Polly point road. All right. T . He says he knows its her. Out on the island off polly trio of former cops instinctively revert to the long practiced standard procedure. We said, okay, lets secure the crime scene, back out, wait Law Enforcement to get here. So far, so good. But what happened next was quite a surprise. The first officer was a y deputy. And i said, well show you where the remains are. Took him out there and said, scene now, and were backing off. And thats what we did. But that wasnt the end of it, was it . No. No. We were detained to put it mildly. Detained . Detained, placed in separate s. What do you mean you were arrested or well, very strictly i guess not free to leave. Clear. And, one, we couldnt leave because they seized my car. But wait a minute. You found the body. And showed them where it was. They wanted a statement from us g that we had done from the very beginning. Not just what we had done that day. The whole, long story . Thats basically what they were asking for. And in fact, they hadory along and along as it occurred. Hours later the exdetectives were finally released. But not bill capps car. K until they filed motion papers for an injunction. Even now the memory still rankles all of them. 34 years in the Police Department. Ck of a police car and have some guy question you, get you to take a statement. Thats right. Like a criminal. Thats what we were sitting in the back of a car like a still, this was it. Use on the battery. The warings fell from their anxiety and into grief. Mixed emotions. Relief that shes been found, at the same time, devastating grief that now you have conclusive evidence that ghter is dead. And that youre never going to see her again. And then as soon as they were allowed after the crime scene down, after all the evidence was taken away, the mbled at the spot where kate lay hidden for so long. All except tom waring, who did not want the image burned in hissmal place the love of his life lay dead. But perhaps it was a mother thing. Had to see it. It helped me to see for myself it was so remote. We wouldnt have found her in a million years. And not knowing where she is, i mean, its just it would have been horrible. Hey formed a circle, held hands around the place they knew she had been. The investigators is a deacon in his church. And he said a prayer. This beautiful water, marsh, and docks. I think it might have given mrs. Waring some peace thinking, you she wasnt in a garbage dump somewhere. It was a peaceful place, gods place. E ateam had done its job, and kates killers could finally be brought to justice. Or so youd think. But the mystery, the web that spun on that train down from washington was far stranger, more bizarre than you have so and justice . See. It stick . The actual evidence, just wasnt there. And the close call that just might have saved kate warings life. If i could have hung on one ould have helped them get her. A chance to live longer with. 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And solicitor wilson had a actually, two problems. For one thing, though practically leapt at a deal to plead guilty to murder and to turn states evidence against ethan, her credibility, as youll soon see,xactly triplea. And despite all the information the ateam uncovered, what could be used in court was thin. I mean, frankly, we didnt idence. We had a lot of opinions, and we had a lot of conjecture. But actual evidence, it just ere. Kates skeletal remains gave the solicitor none of the forensic evidence that juries like to see. And the coroner was unable to even a cause of death. As for those personal items of kates that they found in ethans apartment, those could just have easily been gift. Posedly best friends after all. And to top it off, there was the amazing tale that came with the states star witness, heather. Kates body and agreed to testify against a man she revealed she actually married soon after the crime. As also, as ethans lawyer was discovering, a gray day worldclass liar. Not only was she a drifter. E con artist with just the most horrid background of anyone id ever seen. I mean, a true sociopath. David ada was sure that the train to palmetto took one look at kate waring and knew shed found her ideal next mark. Re . His research, he said, had turned up enough kamp victims to fill a small bus to the poorhouse. Ames that we could use. We called all 13. Whoa. These were men and women all over the country. She would say that, you know, she was pregnant, she would say ed of leukemia, that men had beat her. Her scam troll the one, move in, fleece him, and a mountain of debt. All the while pretending to be a doctor, an heiress or a mafia family. Hat was probably the worst whirlwind ive ever been through, seen, done in my entire life. Ris beard, for example, in pennsylvania. Just being around her made me feel better because thats what i wanted, you know. To be loved. He found her on the internet. In less than two months, they were engaged, and she said she was pregnant. At the time i pet her, i had it met her, i had no credit cards to my name. She persuaded him to get 15 cards which she maxed out, m 33,000 in debt. By the way, she told chris sisterinlaw, lori that she was a pediatric burn specialist and had worked with and as lori had been having some behavior issue with her daughter, heather gave the girl a blood test. See if, you know, there was with her. D she said, i want you to know that your daughters bipolar. But it was odd. Now based on a quick blood test whether or not her daughter was bipolar . And why would heather use her he test . Lori hit the internet just to check out the woman who was playing doctor with her child. And found that, you know, shewanted felon. She called the cops who arrested heather in the act of spending more of chris money. But somehow heather slipped off the hook. Ssed charge and pushed hard for a prosecution, nobody followed through. And lori eventually gave up. Guilt now. I think it was a month or so after i gave it up, thats when kate. And i always feel if i could have hung on one more month, i could is helped them get her. Now as she prepared to defend ethan, david aler was feeling much better. His crimes chief accuser, it a practiced conatorist. Would any con artist. Would any jury believe her . Ethan might be naive, but his story, after all, had never they had gone to dinner, he, kate, and heather. After they went to dinner, he dropped kate back off at her here in downtown charleston and spoke with her a couple times via text message that night. And he didnt talk to her again after that. L on heather. And with her as ethans chief accuser, how could any jury convict him . But just days before the trial rt, Solicitor Scarlett Wilson uncovered something the case lacked a clear motive. She found it, she said, in shes talking about how someone has tried to extend her has tried to assume her identity and mess with her money in her bank. And i think kate was threatening to get her father involved. That was a new dimension. Sure. For heather kamp. I mean didnt need katie as an enemy. Have no doubt katie confronted heather kamp with that. And that, the prosecutor said, is when heather kamp and ethan mack decided they had to g. Kate waring had to die. He began to make the choice scam, to see rip off kate waring. Finally, the prosecutor Scarlett Wilson, felt ready. And almost a year to the day after kate was found she l of ethan mack. The sole defendant in the courtroom. Heather having taken the plea the warings tried to prepare ugh what they saw defied preparation. We had to see images and see what it was like when they found her and then go through all the. And we were seeing that for the first time along with the jurors and all those other spectators in the courtroom. The ateam took the stand, as did detectives and experts from the Charleston Police department to present the i q idence. D forgery. Prosecutor wilson told the jury that ethan and heather killed kate to avoid getting caught for forging kates checks her credit cards. Then heather took the stand and told the jury it was ethan, not her, who lured kate to their then smothered her, shocked her with a taser, drowned her in the bathtub, and dumped her body out on wadmala island would find her there. That jury . At the trial went better than i ever could have hoped. Except, that is, for two things one, would the jury tually killed his best friend, kate . And two Heather Kamps a liar. Mps jealous of kate. Heather kas the one stealing. But heathers testimony did seem to terrify one person. Lf. And it showed. When he was in the courtroom waiting for the jury to come back, we have that picture of what was happening with your client . At that point, you know, true fear. Fear. I could really see it. What hold did heather have on this man . Macks mom. His mother said, theres more to this story. And you need to tell it right now. Im lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. My bargain detergent, it couldnt keep up. So i switched to tide pods. Ncentrated. So i get a better clean. Voted 2016 product of the year. If its got to be clean, its got to be tide. To shout from the mountaintop. Pcrickets plans start at 35 a month, pafter 5 auto coverage nationwide pthan tmobile or sprint. Ss. Psomething to you just never can tell how a jury will react to the fact of a complicated murder case or the accusations of a person like kamp. Ethan mack cooled his heels while his jury tried to decide if he did or did not smother, d drown his best friend, the woman he claimed was like a little sister to him. And then after 14 interminable hours, they trooped back into nd told the judge they could not decide whether oruilty of murder. What im going to do is on the murder charge, im going to declare a mistrial on that. This trial, a hung jury. N. Right. It wasnt going to be over. It wasnt going to end. We were going to possibly have to relive that whole event Solicitor Scarlett Wilson vowed to find just somehow. Then quite unexpectedly, there was an intervention from a surprising source. It was ethan macks own churchgoing, nononsense mother. Ied during the trial for her son, of course. Told what she was made of. E mack dean, dean. Hes a mamas boy, isnt me . Yes, he is. Do you know anything about your son having any involvement with kate warings murder . If you did, would you stand here and support him . L turn him in. Then as ethans mother sat through the trial, she heard things she knew her son, knew when he was hiding something. E him in jail. Ethans attorney heard it all. So it did get loud in that cell basically his mother said, theres more to the story, and you need tell it. And you need to tell it right now. His mother wanteduth and tell what happened. So it was decided. Soon after ethan and his mother had their talk, he appeared e and admitted he did participate in the murder of his good friend, kate. He agreed to plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter in exchange for a 25year prison you understand that the court still treats this as a guilty plea. And that your criminal record will reflect that as a guilty plea . Yes, maam. Of course, since heather pleaded guilty to murder and struction of justice, they didnt need a trial for her either. Guilty but mentally ill, by the way. At her sentencing, her attorney said she developed after a ly traumatic childhood a whole basket of seriously psychological orders. Incapable of separating truth aban abandoned children and constant drifting. If heather was hoping for a shorter prison term because of t get it. Instead, Solicitor Scarlett Wilson noted she continued to lie about important details after she made her deal to testify. E the deal, the sentence, 39 years. 14 more than ethan. This was Heather Kamps kill. Y ethan mack was involved and certainly he laid his hands on kate, i do not believe that but for heather e here. Still, said andy savage after the fact, solicitor wilson could have had a much stronger case had the Charleston Police acted ely. Just one example when Police Arrested ethan and heather because of their incompetence, they released the ime scene where turned it back over to the landlord without examining it. The landlord went in and vacated he took their furniture and put it in storage. Cleaned the place. Cleaned the place. Two weeks later, knowing that the property had already been tainted, the crime scene was destroyed. No wonder Scarlett Wilson didnt have all the ammunliked, said andy savage. The Charleston Police said they didnt see it quite that way. They did take the case of kate said, right from the beginning. And the secondguessing from the ateam was puzzling. At least according to captain thomas robertson. D. I really am. They both did a fabulous job, and i think the team of detectives that i had working and the support that we had is it was fantastic. What may have looked like inaction, said detective david ul and thorough investigation. Possibilities. Was there some point at which you thought this girl has dead . Shes come to some serious harm . Early on. Early on . How many days after would you say . That i mean, within that first week for sure. Yeah . So you knew it was a murder no. I mean, it could have been an overdose. Been an accidental death. I think we felt like we were probably dealing with a death investigation. But neither tom nor Janice Waring was the least bit d. Hadnt the police suggested early on that kate may simply have skipped town on her own . It didnt seem to the warings that they were trying very hard to find her. The other families of missing people they asked. Families without the resources it hire an ateam . Ly, missing people nationwide. Hat a missing person or missing child should be just as important as a bank robbery because lots of people what happened to their child. It was late, after midnight, when she came to the end of her story. Ople she believed to be good friends of hers. And nobody, not the warings, notam, not the police, has heard the story you are about to hear. Kate warings life. You believe . Her longtime friend, the uncle of her godson . Ng grifter, the he didnt have a conscience. Who is behind the story of her death . For sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. S a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Se longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. 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Ls wife started using gain flings, their laundry smells more amazing than ever. sniff honey, isnt that the dogs towel . dog noise hey, mi towel, su towel. More scent boost and febreze. Lp prevent blindness in undernourished children all over the world. When you get your vitamins at walgreens,changing vitamins to kids across the globe. Get vitamins here. Change lives everywhere. Corner of they call it the palmetto, the train that glides down the eastern seaboard. Eight hours from washington to on. Fine setting to meet a stranger. Sat in the same seat . Sat in the same seat. Laughed. Were joking the whole way. Ing. Heather kamp, freshly supplied with jewelry and cash from her last mark, just by chance found herself sitting with a young woman wearing jewelry and perhaps with access s heather had what did you see in her . Why did you like her . She was funny. Now sitting here in jail, heather claimed she came to see kate not as her next victim but as a friend. And when in charleston she professed her love for kates ck, and then eventually married him, that love was true, too, so she says now. And when she told them both all iced lies about being a doctor, about her husband and child being killed in an accident, et cetera, et cetera, those stories, she says, were just part of the admits it, of a con artist. Thats what i do. Thats who i am. Thats how i learned to survive. , in court, the prosecutor called heather the mastermind who lied to con kate, lied to manipulate ethan. Lied about murder. Decisionmaker, you were the person who caused kates death. I dont take it as that. Stole from her, yes. But kill kate . That. Instead, this was the story the grifter had for us. L ethan from the start. My husband wanted to rip her off because she had money. Wait, why would ethan want any harm to come to his good never considered her a friend. Not a friend at all . No. Not like a sister or no. Tting her. And she became a problem for him. Became a real problem, says heather, when kate found out that she and ethan were stealing from her. , im going to put you guys in jail. And that scared ethan. And the whole nightmare began that night because he was not jail. So youre saying ethan of the mastermind, not you . Yes. Didnt see the taser he was he starts tasing her and doesnt stop. And by the time he removed the taser, shes not moving inside the suitcase at all. E bedroom, grabs a pillow off the bed, comes back in. Pushes me away, unzip the suitcase, takes the pillow, ver her mouth, grab the wine bottle that is maybe four feet away. Takes the wine bottle, crack, crack. Ybe its three times he hits her. He tells me to go inside the bathroom, start the water. She was terrified, she says. Did you say, ethan, stop . t say anything. Didnt say anything at all . Why not . I cried but i didnt say anything. I didnt know what to do. I didntwhen he told me to do something, i did it. She filled the tub, she says. In there. I tried, but i cant do. Ad i throw up in the toilet. Why didnt you pull her out of the water . At that point, i the only th how am i going to make it out of this house. Did you think ethan would kill you, too . Why not . Who else knows but me . Why not . Be next . She helped him put kates body in the car. Watched him dump her out on the island. Of when she told ethan she was pregnant. That was for her own safety, says heather. I thought, if im carrying m okay. Hes not going to try to hurt me. Really . So a moment later when asked why she didnt just leave ethan, she always did, she reverses herself. I didnt want to. I really loved him. And i had a big conscience, and he doesnt. A truth, says heather kamp, every single word. And then ethan mack is led from his cell and tells his version h a revised opinion of heather kamp. Conniving, evil, evil, lying type of person that would do he can to of course, it was different when kate brought heather around. She attractive. She isnt an ugly female. She talked talked, told him all kinds of things. She told me her son died from a disease that she was trying to help find the cure for because she was supposed to be a doctor, and she told me that her daughter and her husband got killed in a bad car accident. As entranced, he said. Claimed he believed everything she told him. Thats when they moved in together, and each day hed go off to the hospital to her rk. She would be getting up, putting on makeup, putting on her scrubs and white jacket with her name that was sewed in it. Had another story, says ethan, one she had used on other marks. But he didnt knee that. That members of her family were violent and powerful drug dealers. Day, he says she told him a terrifying story. Her family members had learned that kate waring had sold out. She had ratted them out to police. Going to have to die. And those drug kingpins decided heather and ethan would be the executioners. Shes saying her family g her she better get rid of kate or theyre going to get rid of us. And theyre going to handle my family, too. Theyre going to kill my family. Ould happen . I done seen people get beat up over 5 and 10 and get shoothan that. Ethans version of that awful night the suitcase. Thats when she came ad me like,to kill her. Now right right then, ethan, shes lying in that s zipped up. What you do as her friend is you go and unzip the suitcase and say, ha, ha, okay, get up. Right . Thats not how it worked. Why not . It wasnt like that. Y mother, my sister, my daddy at stake too, and my life. But says ethan, it was not he with the pillow. I couldnt do it to her or kill her. Me out of the way, and she jumped on top of her and started smothering her with the pillow. Dropped downi be like, help me, father, please. Forgive me for what is going on and what im witnessing here and have happen in front of my face. Yeah. U werent pushing her off, you no, i couldnt stop her. I still was thinking those ng to kill me. Let me challenge you for a minute because i know youre a her. Yes, sir. Its like killing your sister, for gods sakes. Yes, it is. Thats exactly what is right. It, the taser, the wine bottle bludgeoning, the drowning in the bathtub, all heather, says ethan, not him. And when he helped hide their crime, when he actually married heathe because she told him she was pregnant. She wasnt, of course. But ethan says he believed her snt about to abandon his child. Yeah, but youre married to a killer. You got married to her after the murder. O stop threatening me with the running off and taking my baby. Gods honest truth, says ethan, every single word. T in his jail about that moment . K about it a whole lot. I thought i could have saved her. I deceived her, now everybody look at me. You getting about what you deserve . Yes, sir. Im getting exactly what i deserve. Got to do this time in jail, but still i cant bring her back. Wherever all the powers that i ask for, and how much i ask the heavenly father to take my life away to bring hers back, it wille. No. It will not. Not for him. Not for the warings. It was in court that kates ad one of the last things she ever wrote. They had gone to church together, he and the daughter who adored him, the girl about whom he worried so. Ed something on a prayer note and stuffed it in a church pew just a couple of sundays before she boarded that she wrote, please pray for my father, tom waring, who nothing. Will be fine. If i die tomorrow, i have lived through almost everything and more, and im not afraid of anything. I pray for gods forgiveness for bringing tears to my daddys eyes. Announcer and now, a message from new york mayor michael bloomberg. cheers and applause thank you. Welcome, everyone. Its now been six days since Hurricane Sandy first hit our city. Out of the woods yet, im happy to report the power is back on for 70 of new yorkers, with the rest on schedule to return in the beginning