[ laughter ]. that sa live look at the rock hall, will is next door where hes us a few science tricks. maybe you are looking for something do with the kids today or go get science fix. it is the last day in january but its feeling more like march. too . wait, wait, wait, no we didnt finish winter yet. we can still get a blast. someone is playing a. were getting mild temperatures before the chilly air returns to the region. normally this time of year we see a high of 33 degrees. today when we hit those middle and push the upper 50s we will be well above normal. satellite and radar quiet at the moment but clouds will stick around not only through midday but into the amp and i think well get aternoon and i think well get late day showers into the overnight period. right now everyone has arrived the 50s and were going to push middle 50s later oy winds are moving on up, that is going to keep us moist, keep us mild, until we get that wind shift later ony 52 downtown, and over the long haul i think well see a pretty decent day today. if youre out later on this evening, make sure you have that umbrella rain should arrive after sunset. thank you oech. new this morning, a driver is under arrest after striking two pedestrians in night. it happened along lost nation road between pelton road and apollo parkway. both people were struck on thef the road. a 57yearold man died at the hospital and a 50yearold man suffered life threatening injuries. hes recovering atr was arrested and charged. alcohol was a factor in this crash. another day, another story about Johnny Manziel and once again news question him in texas early saturday olice say at 2 a. M. they were called about a possible assault. there are allegations that johnny assaulted his former girlfriend. when Police Arrived they did not find the person who called. they spoke to a 23yearold woman who says she was involved in a disturbance with her manziel. she had concerns over his wellbeing so they tried finding himg a police helicopter. they found himself. police are still investigating this bun. is this last straw for Johnny Manziel. he browns. well stay on this story the debate on whether or not to legalize marijuana in ohio is coming back but the pitch to the voters we take a look at the newfor legalization. reporter issue 3 brought millions of ohioans. all inclusive with recreational and medical marijuana, now poll just the medical part. it is a naturalme for the government to step up. reporter two state senators started a statewide tour toort on the issue. long discussion on the csu campus, expressing opinions on both sides. people say we dontaths attributed to marijuana, i of 80 to 90 thc levels. i have to choose between going toor using cannabis or suffering might get me hospitalized or behind bars anyway. reporter for its about helping her daughter. we potentially could have lost her. this is not approved for her age group and were asking legal cannabis. its not a medicine that will cause her to get high. its an oil thats taken through a syringe. we dont have an issue with people with seizures and debilitating effects in life, we have a dispute with the rest of it. . there are plenty of arguments for and against the issue. state senator yuko has multiple sclerosis and says marijuana is helpful for that condition. theyre going to gather input with further stops. the Great Lakes Science Center has a new exhibit for families to its a behind the scenes ripleys believe it or not. a sneak peek and youve been having a great time out there. 10, have equal amounts of fun. . length. one of the cool things is the guy Worlds Largest shark. robin tell me about this because they needed a bigger boat for jaws, i say they would need a cruise liner if fishing for Something Like this. of teeth and extra teeth waiting to pop up if they lost one. you can take your picture in a living on your body, believe that one, and you can also stand next to the worlds tallest man who was born in 1918, lived to be about 22 years of and grug to grew to 8 feet 11 inches. stand next to him, and just see how big 8 feet 11 inches actually is. reporter the Science Behind this, this is actually a condition that he had, and i was talking a actually kind of take away so thats why we dont have 8 feet, 9 feet people any more. absolutely. there is an organ called the pituitary gland that has growth hormone and modern science and technology would prevent this from see an 8 foot 11 inches person again, at least not in the developed world. able the cavs. a bed of nails im going to be lying in, coming up, so relieve stress. john kasich picked up another big supporter. how it helps his chances in ohio and new hampshire. and the water crisis continues in flint. the new issues concerns parents this morning. . welcome back, we have just one day left until the Iowa Caucuses and the first actual voting in the race for the white house. Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton have small leads in the latest polls but the races are Donald Trump Holds a nearly 7 point lead in iowa polling and clintons lead over sanders clouded with more controversy over that email investigation. something clinton says she isnt concerned about. im really not concerned because its the same story that has been going on for months now. caucus turnout is usually so small that a few votes can make a difference. that will keep these candidates pushing hard all the way until monday night. in the meantime, Ohio Governor kasich has picked up another major endorsement. the New York Times giving him the nod for republicans and Hillary Clinton on the democratic side. kasich is among the favorites in that key primary state. he sent a message about his leadership and willingness to work with people in different areas. im an independent guy, the Republican Party is my vehicle but it has never been my master, and if tune, but other people who may not think exactly the way i do that want to come and play in the orchestra theyll all be welcome because if we dont do it that way were not going to get anything done. he wants to think about government like a modern business. and move away from the habit of listening to the loudest voices. in the meantime, the city of flint, michigan, is still struggling with lead poisoning in its water. some water samples are testing so high they exceed levels that can be treated effectively with filters. the water crisis is concerning term the tainted water for months. we have that story. and qru. reporter these kids were two years old when they started the water. age of six, the most vulnerable population. it breaks my heart because they already, they already have a struggle. everything is a struggle for them. reporter preschool director Jennifer Rivera watches with a careful eye and wonders if she is already seeing signs of lead exposure. ive noticed the speech, the articulation, and ive noticed behaviors of anger. reporter right now flint is getting a lot of attention. right now these kids are getting a lot of attention. but this is the insidious part of lead exposure. the symptoms may not show in the weeks or months to come. it could take years. and every single one of these children will have to be tracked their entire childhood. a good education, a healthy diet, and a stable home are all ways to lessen the effects. but those are the Building Blocks of childhood that a single mother was already struggling to give her girls. time. are they smart enough to do the things they were just doing, or did the lead level cause their intelligence to fall off a little bit . reporter carlina spent the first year drinking baby formula with elevate lead levels. when a move comes to see me the anguish in her eyes is palpable. we need to provide the nutrition services, and Health Services for these children now. reporter the governor has asked the federal government to expand medicaid for the children of flit and theyre developing a Long Term Plan to monitor health problems. and then there is the grid of this post industrial town. will get through this. flint are depending object it. on it. coming up, it was a battle of the two nbas elite last night at the arena. sports is next. first, here is a check of the weather. and it is an exhilarating forecast. cloudy skies, but temperatures very, very mild, most of us in the 50s, were going to keep on going to the middle 50s later on this afternoon before the rain arrives. ill let you know when our next cold . hi, everyone, what a win for the cavs. best win of the season, 03 against the warriors and spurs combined, lost in san antonio earlier this month. big three came out on fire. love, another big night. he had 14 points at this point in the First Quarter with that triple. cavs at 37 in the First Quarter. second quarter, smith hits the jumper, up 16. halftime, lebron, up 66 points at halftime. second half, irving, wow he had a bunch of those in the second half. big three, good passing. love from three, 8166. three triples. all three members of the big three over 20 points. lebron to make it 8869. he had 16 points in the third quarter. and then check this out, lebron gets it taken away, and then, oh, he takes it back. cavs win 11784. fourth straight win. theyre at indiana on monday night. lets talk about Johnny Manziel, more trouble for the troubled browns quarterback, and i know that surprises you this morning. according to police, in fort worth texas, at approximately 2 a. M. , Patrol Police were dispatched to check on a possible assault. there were allegations he might have assaulted his former girlfriend earlier that night in dallas. used the assistance to locate him. he was not arrested. see occurred. this time. the nfl is looking into the matter. talk about another qb. of buzz this week. he went 6 and 10 for 50 yards, two of his incompletions were drops. he needed out of him. big arm, good location. the buckeyes miller, two catches, eight yards, a five yard run and a kick return. the south beat the north 2710. pitchers and catchers report to spring training in 18 days but yesterday many indians players sold out crowd, over 3,000 people attended the aloft. 20 indians players, including lindor fans got autographs and visit and take pictures and much more. now, we cant expect wins at tribefest but we need them in april. thats been the big problem for fran conna getting off to horrible starts. 15 games under. 500 for the last three years. last year they were 714. they need to figure this problem out. its frustrating because we play so well in the sec half and were always one of the better teams. weve been good second half teams and each year its been almost catchup so april is going to be important for us. were going to have to play the way we do in the second half, in april. very important that you tune in going to be a good one. hoins from cleveland. Com joins me as we talk indians and i look forward to doing that. all right, everybody, that is your sunday morning sports report, have a . how about this one for you . have you ever had the fear of putting on the wrong pair of pants or shorts in the morning . it happened to lebron last night. he was sporting the standard gold shorts at the start of the game last night with the spurs. see, thats the picture on the left. he quickly changed into the gold shorts during the first time out. a cavs Spokesman Says it was an honest mistake by the lockerroom attendant. sometimes you end up wearing the wrong outfit. have you ever done that whether its socks or shoes, youre getting dressed in the dark . fashion statement. he is a fashionable man. chalk it up to that. fashion statement of the day. do you know how many people i saw running in shorts yesterday . shorts, in january . yes, to be able to get out and enjoy mild temperatures during the last weekend of january, a treat. overcast skies, over the downtown city skyview right now. moisture has moved out so were not going to see any rain during your midday and early afternoon. i think well stay in the clear for the next several hours. these temperatures are really bumping up. and now were into the lower 50s for most of us. winds moving through helping us with the milder temperatures. although we have overcast skies, winds will ramp up in the as the next system pushes through. we have late evening showers continuing into the overnight. and the temperatures drop. we slip into the 30s, cooler on monday morning, and then well return to much milder temperatures once we get back to tuesday. so a little bit of an up and down and back and forth for the next couple of days. most of us will remain in the middle and upper 50s for the short term but again, the long Term Forecast features a return to winter. you knew this was too good to last. 6 p. M. , 7 p. M. , we see the first showers move through. pushes through quickly. by 4 30, 5 00 as youre getting up to start your monday morning, the clouds start to move out and well have a chilly start to your monday. well stay in a chill until monday afternoon but the next front will bring us actually a warmup on our tuesday which is groundhogs day. highs today, mid50s for most, a 50s, still feels comfortable. overcast skies throughout and the rain chances very, very late in the day. with our forecast, though, well be fairly even through the overnight before those temperatures start to drop prior to sunrise. overall tonight, will be a brisk one, winds will ramp up and youll want your umbrella if you head on out for the evening. although the Window Nation sevenday forecast features a warmup it will be short lived. were going to be dropping behind that front tuesday into wednesday when those temperatures reduce, that rain chances on over toward snow. we have a guest here today. first of all, id like to welcome you, geena hartman, with muttly crew, the director there. tell us about our four legged visitor. we have winney with us. being kept in a basement so we went and rescued winney. she was in less than desirable conditions. we think there was a little bit of abuse there with winney. so we brought her to us and she is really doing great. shes such a sweet dog. what have you noticed about per personality. starting to come out of her shell a lot. shes a little bit timid. shes starting to experience everything about life for the first time. we dont think that she really got out of that basement at all. is life. great with other dogs. what kind of home might be she be suitable for . loves other dogs, she would do bernie do best in would do best in another home with other dogs. shes a puppy, high energy, would do great with a family. and how we can find her her furever home. website page. thank you. . all right. i think winney is trying to come thats where shes coming. shes walking my way. still to come this morning, more work this week on the lakefront west project, which road will be closed and how to detour around it. reporter im taking a nap here on my new bed of nails. they warned me a little bit when they put the tarp down. i felt i was in dexters room, but no blood spillage no tarp needed. well take a look, and how this center, after the great. break. . thanks for being with us this sunday morning. it is january 31st. of course one of the big stories, doesnt feel like january, feeling like spring. and that is a live look at the Science Center where will has been keeping us entertained. all of that coming up in a bit. first we want to get straight to weather because its going to be nor glorious day outside. were hoping for a repeat of yesterday. this is definitely a repeat. we wont have as much sunshine today as yesterday but thats okay. i think our temperatures wont quite as warm, but it will be close. so, today promises to be overcast, moisture moving in so youll feel a little bit of that humidity, brisk winds out of the south but well stay dry until 6 or 7 00 this evening. moist side southerly winds pulling in the gulf moisture. we should see our temperatures top out around the milled range 50s middle range 50s. the Great Lakes Science Center has a new exhibit for people to enjoy. ripleys believe it or not theres been a few things that weirded us out including that outfit you have on right now. reporter i think this is a good look for me. i look it. reporter i love it. [ laughter ]. reporter a lot of Different Things going on down here. the ripleys believe it or not, that is behind us, that is here until april 24th. they have experiments and everything going on all year long around here like the bed of nails. dante is helping us out. explain to us and what were doing. we know its safe. we know that dante is not going to be hurt. if you have stepped on a nail it probably hurt really bad but we have 450 nails that dante is laying on which means that his wait is equally distributed on those nails. its a fraction of a pound on each nail. totally safe. Science Behind t go to learn about our presentation schedules. nails . i think we should try 900. reporter take it up a notch. come on over. well put a second bed of nails on top of dante. im ready. excellent. just like the first bed that hes laying on, we knew that that wouldnt hurt at all. so lets make things a little bit more interesting. will, what youre going to do is place this on top of those wood bricks. how is that feeling, dante . you feeling okay . thumbs up . yeah. its pretty heavy block and we could just lift it up. weve already shown that its dangerous but really safe once the know the science. we could just take cinder block off. reporter were not going to. hard out. three, two, one im fine. reporter any marks on you . on the last one but not me. reporter all right, we nailed it. [ laughter ]. . we nailed it. i cringed. dont know about his coat. looks like he has a couple of in there. reporter hes okay. thank you very much. the lakefront project will close the roads this week. where and when we can anticipate the work to start. reporter hi, there, hope youre having a great sunday. i have a Traffic Alert for those of us who travel on the westside. its going to start tomorrow near the west shoreway because of the lakefront west project. cass avenue and west 54th street, this portion of the street had close tomorrow and had remain closed until june 2016. live in the area that access to driveways will be maintained. you can always track the drive yourself, im always helping you on wkyc. Com traffic. we have live cameras and traffic conditions for you, and of course i will be here tomorrow morning to help you through your commute. have a great day, and back to you. just ahead on channel 3 news tonight, we have a way to put away that never ending backpain. . thanks for being with us. if you havent stepped outside, open the window really quick. it is beautiful out this. even smells like spring. open the windows and breathe it in. our air quality is very good today. our u. V. index is very low today. we have very little sunshine but the temperature is mild, that south southwesterly wind flow, this is a day to enjoy the outdoors. take it all in. satellite and radar shows theres moisture just at our door step. a few of us see showers, others see the rain move in later on this evening. i think for most of us the rainfall will hold off until half sunset. the temperatures, though, already bumping up, everybody is in the 50s. well keep on going, middle 50s most by the time we get into the early afternoon. the winds will be brisk, sustained winds above 15 Miles Per Hour, closer to 20 miles an hour winds later on. overcast downtown, winds out of the south steady at 10 Miles Per Hour. overall today a great finish to the month of january. showers start later on, cooler tomorrow, temperatures take a dive and then we return to mild temperatures in the tuesday forecast. most of us will see the overcast through the midday and afternoon with very few breaks but i think about 6 or 7 00 is when well see a few of these scattered showers emerge. more steady rain through the overnight hours, after midnight and prior to sunrise, then at drivetime tomorrow, 6 a. M. to 7 a. M. , we start to cheer out. well see more sunshine early on your monday morning however temperatures will be chilly. well dive out of these middle 30s down into the 20s. so, very, very, very, very friday sid monday for us, enjoying the weekend while we have it. todays temperatures middle and upper 50s, overcast skies sticking around. but the long term looks like well see several changes. once we get past our mild finish to our january forecast the bulk of our temperatures are going to return to normal. lets take a look at our winds. first of all, sustained winds will be above 15 Miles Per Hour and we will see the opportunity for gusting chose to 30 mile per hour winds. talk to you by our Window Nation sevenday forecast, the up and down will come to answered on groundhog day when the temperatures take a dive, behind that the moisture will transition, rain to snow. . i hope that groundhog doesnt jinx us. i have my optimism ready. well trust you over oh groundhog. i hope so. you heard it here first. today one price drop could put an end to back pain. money man matt granite shows us the saving. reporter great to be with you this weekend a time when a lot of us focus on fitness. i want to focus not only on fitness but at the age of 30 i started having back pain issues. i figured this was some contraption or some way for not only to benefit my back but to get me into better shape. i reached out to a local trainer to test my deal. hey, matt, thank you for sending me this ball. i use an exercise ball with my clients, great for tightening abs. its great and travels light. comes with a pump which is awesome. this one has a 2,000 pound antiberth capacity. you can use this at the house or at yours office as a desk chair. everything i tested there was one model that stood out. Monica Robins was on to this before anyone in the country, i think is a testament to not only how much she knows about health but the fact that she can join in for ways to save any time. your link, the deal, on wkyc. Com. well have to try it out. up next, took seven minutes with Russ Mitchell. a chat with one of the most prominent names in Law Enforcement, his philosophy on catching bad guys . good morning. im Russ Mitchell and welcome to seven minutes. our guest today is someone you have seen often on our news program, a prominent name in haw enforcement, pete elliots career has spanned three decades. the longest serving u. S. Marshal in the history of the Northern District of ohio and he joins us for seven minutes. marshal elliot, good to see you. thanks for having me. that last stat is interesting District Office was opened in 1855. you were appointed by a republican, george w. Bush, reappointed by barack obama. why do you think you have survived so hong. ive been able to work with everybody across the board, i dont care if its democrats or republicans. i have a great team and that makes that difference. for people think of Tommy Lee Jones in the fugitive. what does a u. S. Marshal do . we do a hot. im in charge of the Northern District of ohio so i have a dedicated staff throughout the district that protects federal judges, we apprehend fugitives at record paces, we run the federal witness protection program. anyone who gets arrested is in our custody federally. in 2003 you created the violent fugitive tax force, 40,000 fugitives arrested in that time. right. the men and women of the task force. we started small, today we have 125 departments, 350 men and women that are dedicated go out and risk their lives every day. 40,000 people. the most violent fugitives out there. our guys are out there arresting the most violent every single day and have done an outstanding job. you want to talk about the cold case fugitive unit created last year. a lot of cold cases out there . a lot of cold cases. a lot of murders from the 1970s and 60s. theyve done a tremendous job and phenomenal job catching the worst of the worst. at what point does it go cold from a theoretical standpoint you consider something a cold case. anything from the 60s, 70s, 80s is cold to us. the last person we caught was an escaped murderer, from 1978. frank freshwater, he escaped later you caught him. how did you do that. i cant tell you that. i tried. i have a dedicated staff. that is what makes the difference. they dont stop, they work very, very hard. and again, as we tell our guys, success is going from failure to fail ural with great enthusiasm. our men and women never quit. they never stop until the case done. you sound like tommy lee i do. is there a case, a time, when you see these cases, theyve been around so long, you say to yourself in private, this is never going to happen, were not going to catch this guy . no, weve had some frustrating cases over the years, but we, you know, we continue to look for tips from the public. your station has been partnered with us since 2003, and on our fugitive of the week program. we capture person after person that program. back to the freshwater case, that is the longest, what is that, the longest fugitive ever out this who has been caught by the u. S. marshals. he was on the run for 56 years, so. how did it make you feel that you were able to catch him . well, great. we dont jump for joy and then just, you know, rest on that. my men and women start the next day. they really put down the case and start on a new one the next day. unfortunately here, thought the city and district, we get murder after murder. and it seems to be an everyday occurrence and our men and women are on those cases every single day and on the cold cases every single day. theyre doing a phenomenal job. ive heard you talk about this before, this disconnect between Law Enforcement and the community, one that both sides are trying to repair. do you see that Getting Better before it getting worse in the next year or so . i do. the only way we make a difference is the community and Law Enforcement over the years weve been table to start some programs in the Marshal Service that have been effective. one was fugitive safe surrender. we started that in 2005 and today over 60,000 fugitives have peacefully surrendered. thats made a difference. a unique partnership between the community and Law Enforcement. thats what we need. are you surprised that the disconnect has gotten this wide as it has become . nothing surprises me any more, to be honest with you, russ. theres a lot of dedicated Police Officers out there every single day who want to make a difference and want to partner with the right organizations out there and they do. its often the bad things youre hearing about that is in the news but a lot of good out there. we try to report on those as lets talk about you, Third Generation Law Enforcement is this a profession you knew you would do . probably nots probably not always. i have a father, grandfather in Law Enforcement, i have a brother and sister, one normal brother, but you know. . [ laughter ]. one normal brother. ive been honored to serve as u. S. Marshal for the last 13 years and i think im in my 33rd year of Law Enforcement. a lot of good ive seen. youre from lakewood ohio. st. Edwards. the most rewarding part of your job these days . seeing people in my office promoted and being able to put them in those positions. you know, again, im only successful because of the staff that i have. and thats the only reason. so i have a great staff out there that are very dedicated, very hard working. not only in the warrant side but administrative side, operational side and stow on and so on. i have a dedicated staff and they make a difference every day. we have a little more than a minute left. you have received so many accolades. what are you most proud of. when you look at your legacy, what are you most proud of . i remember when we started the task force back if 2003 and people said theres no reason to reinvent the wheel, 40,000 fugitives later it was reinvented. im proud of the partnerships we have. im proud that the people came to our task force and the police chief in cleveland, the Cuyahoga County sheriff were on my task force. thats only two of many that have been promoted throughout the years. im proud of their accomplishments pete eliot will run for office. any truth to that . i think you have the wrong person in the u. S. Courthouse. is that a no. no. that is a no. i have no intention or plans on doing that. Law Enforcement has been my whole life and, thats the only thing i pretty much know how to do, and thats what im going to stick to. you know, im fortunate to be the longest serving in northern ohio, if i last one more week the longest serving in the state of ohio. its been good and this is my profession. pete elliot, thanks for coming. thanks, man. that is all for this week. see you monday at six on the news and back here next week for seven minutes. have a great weekend. . announcer to watch this again, . one week away were getting a look at to air. the ads are always one of the most popular parts of the super bowl. the average rate for a 30 second ad year. this year, seth roguan and amy lite commercial. 270 million. it were hoping that we get some entertainment value out of it. lots to talk about on monday. at least if the game isnt commercials but ural both are. temperatures will be mailed before the change takes place windy and mild today, rain one. not . feels like spring. all right. morning. be sure to tune back in for channel 3 news at 6 and in the mean time you weather,

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