>> he said, "i didn't want my body to be opened. i didn't want to be violated in that way." he is regretful about it. >> we will bring you more of that revealing "60 minutes" fluff. conversation over? in what say would be the final word between the link between cell phones and cancer. a major new finding from the largest ever study finds that no brain risk for avid cell phone users "early" this friday morning, october 21st, 2011. good friday in the morning to you. i'm erica hill. >> i'm jeff glor. chris wragge off this morning. steve jobs didn't talk to many people. >> he didn't. he spoke with walter isaacson for a biography he wrote. we have a little bit of a preview coming up soon here. first, we want to get to our top story the killing of moammar gadhafi. this morning, his burial is on hold and a lot of questions how the long time dictator died on thursday. cbs news correspondent elizabeth palmer is in tripoli, libya, this morning with the latest. liz, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jeff. well, a few more details may emerge with amateur video available this morning presumably taken by one of the rebele rebel fighters who was on the scene with the captors. we warn you it it contains graphic images. the violent death of a violent dictator. gadhafi final moments face-to-face with his captors pleading with his life. the end came outside of his birth place of sirte and he was shot by revolutionary forces who broke their promise to keep him alive to face trial but soon seem to regret. libya's prime minister was unusually evasive when he described what had happened. he was injured with a bullet to the head, he said. the coroner wasn't able to determine whether the bullet came from the rebels or gadhafi's own forces. gadhafi's personal weapon was a golden pistol. the rebel fighters say they took it from him and yesterday, they paraded it through sirte as a trophy. gadhafi loed now lies nearby in misrata that suffered such damage as the citizens fought gadhafi's army to a standstill. instead of burying gadhafi quickly they may want to keep the body on display in the morgue to prove he is really dead. but thousands believed it right away and the celebrations went on all night across the country. anyone in mourning stayed well out of sight. libya is about to officially begin its new chapter. the interim lead is going to call tomorrow liberation day and that means the clock starts ticking. eight months from now, there will be elections. at the white house, president obama is congratulating the new leaders of libya and his nato allies who forced a no-fly zone there. senior white house correspondent bill plante has more now on the president's reaction. >> good morning, erica. you remember seven months ago, president obama was reluctant to get the u.s. involved in he libyan rebellion and when he did he was criticized for allowing nato to take the lead. in a meeting on thursday, the president defended his decision saying the u.s. had done exactly what it set out to do. >> a whole range of international issues. there is enormous capacity and we are able to leverage greater resources more effectiveness at lower costs than we were able to work together. >> reporter: the white house says the u.s. spent just $2 billion on the libyan operation and suffered not a single american casualty. >> this is a momentous day in the history of libya. the dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted. >> reporter: the president pledged continued u.s. help but gave no details on potential u.s. aid, either humanitarian and nato's involvement will end almost immediately. >> now we will be a partner that forge a future that provides dignity, freedom, and opportunity. >> reporter: referring to the upheavals across the arabian world, mr. obama had a warning. >> for the region, today's events prove once more the rule of an iron fist inevitably comes to an end. >> reporter: the president also recalled american anguish at the bomb of pan am flight 103, the 1988 terrorist attack blamed on libya that killed 270 people and 189 of them, americans. >> we are reminded today of all of those americans we lost at the hands of gadhafi's terror. >> reporter: administration officials didn't want to talk about the political implications of gadhafi's demise unlike on the attack on osama bin laden u.s. forces don't appear to have been directly involve and that victory only gave the president the brief boost in the polls because the only matter that really matters for americans is the economy. erica. >> bill plante at the white house, thanks. also in washington this morning is arizona senator and former presidential candidate john mccain. sir, good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> it is a new day in libya. there is so much work ahead. what do you see as the most immediate challenge now for libya? >> well, i think the first challenge for us is to try to help the wounded situation. they have 30,000 wounded and they really don't have the capability to take care of them. i'd love to see a hospital ship in the harbor of tripoli. we could transport some of their wounded to our military hospital in germany. i think that would be the first priority. they simply don't have the capability or the talent or expertise to care for the wounded. i think the next thing is we have got to get these depots of arms under control. i think it's very obvious that we have to help the libyans get the militias into a national army. there is really not much control over them. finally, help them recognize this is step one on a day towards building democracy and it's a long, hard path to it. >> it is, as we have seen in some of the neighbor nations which were involved in the arab spring. there are important long-standing tribal divisions. what should the u.s. role being in helping bring the different factions together for a unified government? >> first of all, i have some confidence in the transitional national council. i'm very appreciative of the british and french leadership. qatar played a big role and they would welcome our building blocks to assist and help in the fundamentals. they are a rich country, so they would be willing to reimburse us. this is not going to cost american tax dollars, but they have never known democracy, they have been under this brutal oppressive dictator for 42 years, and so they will need a lot of help in that direction but i do have some confidence in them. >> you think mainly that help is in a diplomatic sense is coming in and advising? >> not so much diplomatic as we have these ngos, these organizations that helped the former iron curtain countries after the berlin wall came down and helped them with, you know, things like voter registration and how political campaigns are conducted and all of the fundamentals that come so easy to us but they have never experienced. but this militia issue is really something very important because you can't have a bunch of different little armies running around. they have got to have a national army and that would be a very important priority. >> and even in terms of we could see that in terms of how details or lack of details and clarification on how gadhafi was killed, how everyone stepped in. there is so much take to you about with libya but a lot going on here at home, specifically within your own party, sir. a lot of talk after the debate off the fireworks there. newt gingrich saying he thought it hurt the entire party. with this infighting playing out, are you concerned about it? >> i am a bit concerned because, obviously, the people who are making this judgment aren't as much interested in seeing fighting as they are judging the candidate's knowledge and expertise and talent. you know, one of the things i think, maybe, erica, we may be reaching a saturation point on didn debates too. i think they should be more respectful. >> are they going to move beyond it? >> i think they will move beyond it because i think the candidates feel that it really doesn't help their cause, particularly since it's the general election that they really is their ultimate goal. >> senator john mccain, good to have you with us this morning. >> thanks, erica. we are learning more this morning about terry thompson, the ohio man who killed himself after releasing his collection of wild animals. turns out he was deeply in debt and a colleague said thompson had more animals than he could handle, not surprisingly. cynthia bowers has more. >> reporter: six animals including these leopards are all that remains of terry thompson's 56 exotic pets. these pictures taken at the columbus zoo are in sharp contrast to the massacre inflicted on 50 others including 18 rare bengal tigers. all set free by thompson prior to his suicide. photos whose release angered local sheriff matt lutes. >> we understand people are frustrated and disappointed in matt. we are. we are the ones put in this situation and we are the ones who had to deal with it at the time. >> reporter: this map shows how far the animals wandered. they shot tigers and bears three locations around the farm and here close to a neighbor and in this area just yards from interstate 70. a black bear was shot near a local road. thompson did not leave a suicide note explaining why he took his life, but there are clues. these tax records indicate that last year, he owed the federal government more than $67,000, a lien had been placed on his property, and his wife had recently left him. governor john kusakr will work hard on banning the ownership of exotic animals and can't come soon enough for the folks here who say they lived through a senseless tragedy. a number of people feel understandably that the animals should have been taken away from him after he was charged with cruelty to animals. they weren't. now maybe the law changes here. >> a lot of people will watch and see how it impacts other states in this country. check in now with betty nguyen who is over at the news desk with a check of today's other headlines. winter is two months away and the government is out with its forecast. the pacific ocean cooling will mean extra snow and cold. the northwest to the great lakes and the ohio and tennessee valleys, but it will stay dry and warmer from southern california to texas and oklahoma. which is no help for the drought. as for the northeast, well, that's anybody's guess. in the same way senate republicans filibustered president obama's massive jobs bill, the first pieces of the bill are being stopped too. a 35 billion dollar measure would have helped state and local governments avoid from laying off police, firefighters and teachers. yesterday, republicans unanimouslily opposed it because it would have levy be a surtax on those making more than a million dollars a year. the number of people making a million dollars a year or more jumped 18% from 2009 according to the government, while 50% of u.s. workers earn less than $26,364 a year. two separate parts of the country had a rocking day. yesterday, there were three small to moderate earthquakes, two near berkeley, california. another near san antonio, texas. no injuries or damage were reported. and in case you didn't know, doom's day is here. yep, it's supposed to be today, october 21st, that is according to california preacher harold camping. earlier this year, he had predicted the end of the world on may 21st. and after that date passed, he said, well, it's going to happen too today. he doesn't say what time though. in sports the world series is all even. in the ninth inning, texas got two men on base in scoring position. the rangers josh hamilton hit a sacrifice fly to tie the game. the next batter, michael young, hit another flyball driving in the go-ahead run. texas beat st. louis 2-1 and the series is tied at one game each. game three is saturday night in texas. you got to look at this. a brawl in tucson, arizona. just before the half in a college football game, a streaker dressed like an official ran on to the field, see it there. security guards were chasing him as he was removing his clothes and during that distraction, players started a shoving match which escalated into a huge brawl that cleared the benches! get this. it just goes on and on. in the game, arizona crushed ucla 48-12. i have a feeling it looks like no one won in the brawl. time for weather. is there a new biography of steve jobs which comes out monday. less than a month after apple's long time leader died of cancer. the author walter isaacson interviewed jobs more than three dozen times. lter isaacson >> he tells steve kroft of "60 minutes" that jobs made a crucial mistake after his cancer diagnosis in may of 2003 and it may have cost him his life. >> they do a biopsy and say this is good, 5% of pancreatic cancer that can be cured but steve jobs doesn't get operated on right away. he tries to treat it with diet. he goes to spiritualists and he goes to various ways of doing it macrobiotically and he doesn't get an operation. >> reporter: why doesn't he get it operated on immediately? >> i've asked him that. he said, "i didn't want my body to be opened. i didn't want to be violated in that way." he is regretful about it. his wife is a very solid decent person understood it but said, no, no. the body is there to serve the spirit. you should get this operated on. soon, everybody is telling him, quit trying to treat it with all of these roots and vegetables and things. just get operated on. but he does it nine months later. >> reporter: too late? >> well, one assumes it's too late because by the time they operate had him, they notice that it has spread to the tissues around the pancreas. >> reporter: how could such a smart man do such a stupid thing? >> you know, i think that he kind of felt that if you ignore something, if you don't want something to exist, you can have magical thinking and it had worked for him had the past. he regret it. >> interesting, though, when you're faced with something like that' you talk to anyone who has gone through cancer with a family member who has, the decision has to be made by the person themselves so they have to do what they are comfortable in. >> and that is the decision he made. he said he wanted to write this book or authorize this book so his kids would know more about him. >> you can see that full interview here on cbs sunday night on the "60 minutes." people who lost loved ones in the lockerbie bombing are here to join us on the death of dictator gadhafi. why dozens of foreign ambassadors are coming to new orleans and it's all ahead. this is "the early show" on cbs. what is that? it burns! it's singeing me. it's the sun. get out of the office more often, with chili's $6 lunch break combos, featuring texas toast half sandwiches. chili's lunch break combos. 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>> i just dropped my kids off the bus to school. my wife called me and said gadhafi has been killed. i had been fantasizing about this moment for 20 years. i was wondering how i would react and i think the one reason why it was more excitement rather than just simply satisfaction was the fact that i knew it was tied to the freedom of the libyan people. it gave it more significance and more meaning rather than just justice, it was tied into the end of tyranny and the libyan people. >> the fact it was the libyans who did this and not the americans or he wasn't tried in court, you wanted it done this way? >> i think the story had to end this way. it's a little bit of poetic justice. i think my fantasy was always about american special forces going in and getting gadhafi similar to how we were able to kill bin laden and i think your reaction there was appropriate. it's a little bit more subdued in this case, enabling them and empowering the libyan people to free themselves i think puts the u.s. in a better situation and i've never been prouder to be an american the fact we stood up and supported not just the pursuit of justice an perhaps it could have been done sooner but also supported the libyan people and their freedom. >> susan, as you heard about this and processing it now over the last 24 hours, what is your reaction? >> well, i just feel wonderful. i have waited for years for this, just as brian has, and if you had asked me a year ago, i thought this was impossible, it would never happen. and it happened. i'm going to drink a bottle of champagne. i just -- i just -- it's the -- i feel better than i have ever felt since december 20th, 1988, before the bombing. >> and that is definitely saying something, considering what these last more than 20 years have been like for the both of you. abdel dbaset al megrahi is convicted of the bombing and we have been told he is near death but as far as we know he is alive today. susan, anything specific you would like to see happen now or could happen now to al megrahi given the changes? >> what i hope is that the u.s. justice department will send people into libya, that the libyan government will cooperate in trying to find out everything we can about the actual details of the bombing, who else might have been involved, how it was done. to me, now, that is the most important thing. i mean, i wish meg drahi could be returned to prison. i doubt it will happen. now i hope get as much information out of him as we can. i think he will live long enough for that. i've been hearing about his death for years and i think he will hold on a lot longer. >> you see pictures of him in bed with the mask on. we were told he was on the verge of death two and a half years ago and had to be freed at the time. >> right. susan mentioned this as one of the best days she's had in 23 years. when megrahi was released for both of us one of the worst days because we had worked so hard to bring some sense of justice to this. we had one libyan agent convicted. we knew gadhafi and state of libyan was behind it. with the tireless work of people in the justice department and the law enforcement officials in scotland and it was all undermined for cynical reasons. i don't believe anything i hear about it and to susan's point, we love him to serve out the sentence in the united states because we don't trust the skots any more obviously. >> appreciate you both being with us. i know every december you get together, a lot of the families of the victims in arlington cemetery. i imagine it will be different this year when you see one another. >> we will work the champagne in, susan. >> we will be thinking about both of you. thank you both very much. >> thank you. up dimension, the latest report on cell phones and cancer. >> it's the biggest study ever and the news may be good. this is "the early show" on cbs. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! 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[ male announcer ] each of these photos was taken by someone on the first morning of their retirement. it's the first of more than 6,000 sunrises the average retiree will see. ♪ as we're living longer than ever before, prudential's challenge is to help everyone have the retirement income they'll need to enjoy every one of their days. ♪ prudential. bring your challenges. ♪ this morning, more than three dozen diplomats around the world are wrapping up a special trip to new orleans. >> the idea is get people from other countries visiting there with the city still struggling to recover. cbs news national correspondent chip reid is in new orleans with more. chip, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jeff and erica. it's hard to imagine you can spend an entire day with 40 foreign ambassadors and hear barely a word about moammar gadhafi but that is what happened here as they kept the focus on the people and the culture of new orleans. ♪ >> reporter: on a street car in new orleans, not the usual crowd. ambassadors from around the globe from south korea to tanzania to trinidad and tebogo getting a glimpse of america's most unique cities. >> the united states is is not just limited to washington. it's a diverse country with diverse culture. >> reporter: that is exactly the point of experience america, according to the state department's chief of protocol. >> we bring them to this extraordinary region of our country and they get to taste it, they get to smell it, they get to experience it all. >> reporter: the program which began during the bush administration and is funded by private donations, has taken ambassadors across the country and this week, brought 40 of them to the big ease. >> very nice to see. >> reporter: they got a lesson in pronunciation from mayor mitch landrieu are they pronouncing the way to pronounce new orleans? >> it's new orleans. >> reporter: they feasted on cajun food whipped up by the city's most famous chefs and they were treated to new orleans jazz and blues. just about everywhere they went. at the cafe dumond, they tried the famous beignets and celebrated by making a little music themselves. ♪ when the saints go marching in ♪ >> reporter: but it wasn't light-hearted fun. at a school in new orleans poorest neighborhoods they filled bags with food to help student get through the weekend. down the hall in another classroom the ambassador from iraq explained the horrors of war. >> you know you had a tough time with katrina? now we have like a hundred katrinas together. >> reporter: after class, he told us why these trips are so important. >> it's an opportunity to learn about the united states, to learn about the culture of the united states, what makes the united states tick. >> reporter: now, one place the ambassadors did not visit is here, bourbon street, which has a reputation for being a bit on the wild side, maybe a little bit too wild for the diplomatic set, at least when the cameras are rolling. jeff and erica. >> maybe they just didn't go with you, my friend. >> chip, you look bleary-eyed! >> reporter: no, absolutely! eight hours of sleep, jeff! >> did i see just before we took chip's shot, did i see you ripping some beads off? no? >> reporter: no. it was somebody who looked like me. >> he is a pro. thanks a lot, chip. still ahead this morning, what is next for libya without moammar gadhafi? why some in the united states are concerned who may fill the power vacuum. this is "the early show" on cbs. save on all the top brands and names you love. it's sears' biggest sale and lowest prices of the season, so don't miss out. that's real deals for real savings. sears. halloween again? nice mummy costume. can't anyone do anything origina.ahhhh. edible arrangements bouquets. they're so fun it's scary. call, click or come into the location near you. or a can of paint... a click... or a clamp... you came together to vote, to share... to volunteer. and now, thanks to you, 10 communities have more to smile about... more to be proud of... and more to be grateful for. what's next? tell us on facebook, and together, we'll do more amazing things. tell us on facebook, coming up, retailers offering christmas on the cheap. if you look in the right place a lot you can get for a loss let. >> some of it is even free which is my favorite price. we will tell you why retailers are working so hard this year to get you in a shopping mood and, yes, you're right. it is not even halloween! take the deal when you can get it! we will have it aid for you ahead on "the early show." cajun raw seafood pizza parlor french fondue tex-mex fro-yo tapas puck chinese takeout taco truck free range chicken pancake stack baked alaska 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at restaurants. it pays to discover. helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. you had me at "probiotic." bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. these covered cfls look great and last longer- perfect for 'them hard-to-reach places. 3-way cfls really click with my style. go to participating retailers for bge's instant discounts on select cfls. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at bgesmartenergy.com. . we have weather and traffic together. >> a wonderful day shaping up, temperatures in the 40s right now. we will go up to about 62 and partly sunny and a breeze and cool. nothing like the winds from yesterday, but a light breeze. 30 tonight, low 30s, close to about 46 downtown. 63 tomorrow with sunshine and nice for saturday and sunday. a look at the roads? hello, congestion to watch for out there, south bound 295, this is continuing over to 175, as far as the beltway itself, on the west side, about 15 minutes there from liberty road to 70. that has thinned out and this is over to harper road and we are watching south bound 29. let's look, as you can see, it is continuing to build on the beltway, this is a traffic report brought to you by home pest control -- . another disturbing story with students having sex on school grounds reporter: good morning. three high school students are charged this morning in this case. by the time that the police got to the school, word of what happen in this auditorium spread. the police said there was a class in session with a sub teacher present. three students took part in secretary sex in the room and someone took pictures on the cell phone. the three have been charged with indecent exposure and lewd sex. bad news from maryland, a defense company that is cutting 800 jobs, mainly in the state. most are employees in the electronics will be eliminated by voluntary buy outs and this is the second round of cuts in maryland this year. stay with us. up next, with moammar gadhafi dead, what is next for libya. the doctor is dead. how to combat ,, hey, what are you drinkin'? dunkin' iced. the biggest iced coffee i can get. iced coffee helps me keep up. i love iced coffee. drinkin' dunkin'. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. drinkin' dunkin'. dunkin'... iced coffee. i run on dunkin' iced coffee. america runs on dunkin' coffee. ♪ good friday morning on "the early show." nice to have you with us it at the top of the hour. >> yes. >> that was a yes for the sunshine or a yes for the friday or both? >> both. >> take it all. >> tomorrow is supposed to be even better. >> i know. i'm happy you're having a barbecue you invited us all to. >> come on over. >> chris wragge is off morning. >> every year, stores put our holiday earlier and earlier and now seeing more holiday bargains than ever. >> in october. >> yes, indeed, it is kind of early. one website is literally giving stuff away this year as long as you pay for the shipping. coming up, rebecca jarvis will tell us where the best sales are and why they have happening more than two months before christmas. you know the edwards saga has been a rough road there. elizabeth edwards passed away of cancer in december and john edwards facing possible jail time over a possible contribution scandals and other scandals in his public life. good news to focus on. their daughter cate is getting married and we are learning her mother planned some of the wedding before she passed away so more on her big day ahead this morning. first, the death of moammar gadhafi, his body is held in misrata as the new government will investigate how he was killed. elizabeth palmer is in tripoli with more. liz, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the united nations human rights office wants an investigation into the circumstances of colonel gadhafi's death and specifically they want to know whether he was executed. there is new video out this morning and i should warn you, it does contain some graphic images but it shows clearly he was a live when he was captured. now how did he die? the government says it doesn't know and it certainly isn't naming anybody who pulled the trigger. it is, however, being very public about displaying the body. it's lying in a morgue in misrata in the city in the middle of the country on a bloodied mattress. as you can probably see, the spectators can't take their eyes off of it. this is something they really thought they would never see. according to islamic ritual, the body should be buried today but that is not going to happen. the government perhaps worried that a grave could turn into some kind of shrine or perhaps a rallying point for some sort of insurrection down the on road. the country is ready to turn the page and the clock will start to tick for elections coming up in about eight months. jeff? >> liz palmer in tripoli, thanks very much. joining us here in the studio this morning is bobby ghosh, deputy international editor for "time" magazine and our go to folks especially on the region. you said at one point yesterday that libya could actually have an easier road to hoe than in egypt or tunisia but a lot of people would say, wait a minute. just looking at what happened yesterday with gadhafi, it looks like there is not a lot of organization there. >> they lack institution. this man ruled this country for 42 years pretty much by himself. they lack institutions and they are going to need help with that. but they have a very small population, 6.5 million people, they have enormous amounts of oil and this is an amazing statistic in this day and age when so many countries around the world are worried about debt, libya's grand total of debt is zero dollars. they have a clean sheet on which as to start. they are looking for handouts from the rest of the world but they are going to need a lot of advice, a lot of consulting and a lot of expertise, which the rest of the world is perfectly capable of providing. >> but as you know, we are talking about dozens of tribes that haven't gotten along in a long, long time. this is just a lot of deal making that needs to be done here? >> love ideal making is what the done for thousands of years. and they have a pot of money, giant pot of money on the table so deals are not that hard to make when there is enough wealth to be shared. there will be issues. i don't want to make it sound like it will be christmas. it will be hard. every two steps forward will will be a step back. but unlike egypt which is desperately poor and has a huge population, tunisia doesn't have any oil. libya has plenty going for it. >> who comes in and helps with that? diplomatically what is the best choice there for the libyan people to get them to accept some of these changes as well? is it the united states or is it other nations in the region? >> i think the british and the french who took the lead in the nato campaign will probably want be out there first. and the french and italians have longstanding connections to those countries. the u.s. will, obviously, play a major role. they will expect the united nations to be involved as well but libyans and people who grew up outside of libya. many fighters are people who grew up in france and there is a huge libyan american community that is rare to go. a lot of people in the transitional council are actually libyan americans. so there are already americans participating in you like in the rebuilding of libya. >> can we talk quickly about syria and yemen? arab these are two countries where the dictators remain. >> yes. >> will they go soon? >> i think with syria -- >> different cases. >> yeah. i think syria will take longer. yemen it does look like things are coming to a boil. they have been doing so for quite a while. across the arab world, dictators as well as rebels will both be looking what happened in libya and think we have to get a resolve. >> those in power are thinking i have to -- i don't want to end up like a gadhafi. could this be worse for the people specifically in syria? >> it could very well be. i think al assad is thinking i don't want to be dead and bloody on a gurney. >> he has nowhere to go. is somebody going to take him at this point? >>ed saw the saudis will take a anybody. but not where he wants to go. it's not just one man. he has a large number of people around him who depend on him and their survival is important to him as well. >> he wants to go to syria which means stay where he is at. bobby, thank you for being here. betty nguyen has more at the news desk. >> good morning. a pareed down version of president obama's jobs plan seems to be meeting the same resistance. yesterday the senate rejected the $35 billion bill aimed to help local and state governments avoid layoff of police and firefighters and teachers. republicans unanimously opposed it because it would have levied a surtax of those making more than a million dollars a year. we are learning that terry thompson who let loose 56 exotic animals in ohio had big money problems. six of thompson's animals were rescued after they were released and now at the columbus zoo but the rest were killed. court records show that thompson owed $67,000 in back taxes and there were liens on his property. and in a strange twist, new video shows thompson had links to super model heidi lum. she posed with one of thompson's cubs in a model shoot. thompson apparently rented out some of his animals for photo sessions and other special media projects. and follow-up on a hero firefighter. he had a happy reunion with a little boy he saved this week. glenn mcgillfray held this boy at a boston firehouse. the first time the two met since the fireman gave xavier a peck on the head after he was dropped from the third floor of a burning apartment building. >> this is where i work, okay? this is your house too. all right? >> and when asked what he wants to be when he grows up, xavier said a . the temperatures are going up, around 50 in the area. 49 for marshall, 49 in washington d.c. and up and down 5eu, the temperatures are going up a bit. -- 95, the temperatures are up some. not as windy as yesterday. up to 62, partly sunny tonight and th announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by starbucks via ready brew. look for it at starbucks stores and where you buy groceries. up next, the doctor is in. dr. jennifer ashton is here to answer your medical questions from head-to-toe. >> or should we say from teeth to feet? >> yes. that would be appropriate. >> we'll explain. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. ♪ it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via® ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via® taste promise. look for it at starbucks stores and where you buy groceries. my doctor recommended one a day women's prenatal, a complete multivitamin with folic acid plus dha to support my baby's healthy brain and eye development, before, during and after my pregnancy. one a day women's prenatal. before, during and after my pregnancy. wait a second... with olay challenge that. new regenerist wrinkle revolution... relaxes the look of wrinkles instantly, and the look of deep wrinkles in 14 days. ready, set, smooth... regenerist. from olay. if you think occasional irregularity is no big deal, think twice. it may be a sign that your digestive system could be working better. listen to this with occasional irregularity, things your body doesn't use could be lingering in your system, causing discomfort. but activia has been shown in clinical studies to help with slow intestinal transit when consumed 3 times per day. 7 out of 10 doctors recommend activia. and the great taste is recommended by me! welcome mi amiga, an adventure awaits. ♪ a celebration of flavor and magnificent tastes ♪ [ cow bell, cow moo ] ♪ like chicken beef or seafood ole' ha haaa ♪ adios little one ♪ your time here is complete ♪ and my kitten just a thought, put some boots on those feet. ♪ friskies ♪ feed the senses [ female announcer ] see puss in boots, only in theaters. ♪ in this morning's "healthwatch," ask it early, which means your health questions, everything from job stress to sore feet. those poor dogs! >> yes, indeed. medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton is here to answer your questions. you made it, by the way. >> made it, despite the traffic. >> two-hour commute. how about that? first question comes from cindy. let's take a listen. >> what is the best way to soothe sore feet? >> oh! everyone can relate to that, right? >> yeah. >> 1 out of 6 americans have foot pain at some point in their lives. 90% of women are wearing shoes that are too small. not me because i've embraced the fact that i have very, very big feet. >> mine are bigger than yours. >> i get the right size. and get this. for every mile we walk, we actually exert 60 tons of force and pressure on our feet. so it's no wonder that once in a while people can have foot pain and we all know how that can shoot up your body figure livety, literally, or emotionally and affect your whole mood. like with any physical ailment you want to find out what is causing it. is it a plob with the plantar fascia which is the surface of the foot you're standing on or achilles tender on getting she's that fit which is why women should try on shoes at the end of the day when their feet are a little more swollen. the key is figuring out what is the problem, and dealing with it. ice, anti-inflammatory medication or foot massage. you want to address the problem because chances are it will get worse if you don't address it. >> every husband should provide foot massages. >> jeff glor, prince of all men. >> nicole glor is a lucky lady. this from peggy who writes in my teeth are going really bad and curious if this will lead to other health issues. >> we say this is a window into your general health status. so this is not just about cavities. this is really about your oral health and well-being and closely rinked to peridontal disease which many doctors and dentist believe is the number one most common inflammatory condition facing americans and most of us don't know we have it so you want to pay attention to your oral health. there are a couple of things that bear repeating because they are so easy but so important. number one, brush your teeth twice a day which is really key. you want to floss daily. the dentists say only floss the teeth you want to keep and that is because it's very, very important. you want to replace your toothbrush about every three or four months when the bristles get frayed the toothbrush is not doing its job. interestingly. limit snacks. your mouth produces less saliva during slacks than regular meals and saliva is important to flush away. >> why are good tips to destress while still at work? >> mind/body connection very important and something affecting your mind or your mood, definitely can have consequences on your physical health. so, if possible, when you're at work, take a break. even if it's 1 to 5 minutes. deep breathing. step outside. turn away from your desk or your computer. of course, with your boss's approval. do a little bit of exercise. even if it means taking a one-minute walk around the block, that can really help. lastly, ask for support whether it's a coworker or a support system that you have at your job, don't neglect your physical and emotional stress. >> great advice as always. >> enjoy the weekend. >> yes. >> you too. up next, we visit the texas killing fields. a detective is trying to solve the murder of more than 30 women. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. . more on that coming up. announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by benefiber. a better you from the inside out. that is beauty of benefiber. the fiber supplement that's taste-free and dissolves completely. so you can put it in whatever you like, even water. benefiber. makes taking fiber easier. y. hurry in for the lowest prices of the season. save on all the top brands and names you love. it's sears' biggest sale and lowest prices of the season, so don't miss out. that's real deals for real savings. sears. [ female announcer ] find yourself sometimes cleaning up after your dishcloth? bounty extra soft can help. it's super durable, and in this lab test bounty extra soft leaves this surface three times cleaner than a dishcloth. even with just one sheet. super clean. super soft. bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins. there is a stretch of highway southeast of houston where the bodies of more than two dozen women have been found. their killer, though, has never been caught. >> the case has inspired a new movie and tomorrow night "48 hours mystery" looks at the ongoing investigation as correspondent erin moreyy tells us nothing in the film can match the terror in the gritty cases. >> texas city, texas, is a long way from hollywood. but two veteran detectives here, brian goetschius and michael land, were the inspiration for the lead characters in the newly released movie "texas killing fields." actor jeffrey dean morgan plays brian. >> the body was found right over there. >> joo a cop with a rather unusual style. your character in the film preys over bodies. do you do that in real life? >> i do. >> reporter: michael land, a more traditional tough guy s played by avitar's star sam worthington. >> she is in the fields and she's as good as gone. >> reporter: they are just two of the countless investigators over the years trying to solve the murders of more than 30 young women whose bodies were found in places like this desolate abandoned oil field. the particular area where your daughter was found has kind of gained a name over the years, hasn't it? >> yeah. now they call it the killing fields. >> reporter: the movie got its name from where tim miller's 16-year-old daughter laura was found in 1986. she had disappeared a year and a half earlier. the killer was never found. and the murders continued up and down the highway between houston and galveston. brian goetschius joined the investigation in 1996 when 13-year-old crystal baker was kidnap from a convenience store in texas city. her body identified in another county two weeks later. what made the crystal baker case so difficult to solve? >> we had a two-week window that we lost. people can't remember who they saw at a convenience store two weeks ago walking down a road hitch-hiking. it just wasn't there. >> reporter: a year later, it was 12-year-old laura smither, murdered after she went out for a morning jog. and four months later, 17-year-old jessica cain simply vanished. investigators like brian goetschius and land found themselves up against human predators who were using texas killing fields to get away with murder. >> there is somebody amongst us or some thing, some monster there that we don't know about and how do we stop them? >> reporter: this new movie is fiction which is why we decided to take a look at the real cases with the hope that maybe somebody will come forward with evidence and help solve some of these cases. most of them are unsolved. >> and do we know for sure the bodies of more than 30 women, are they all thought to be connected, work of the same person or that is not clear either? >> no. initially they thought it was one serial killer and maybe the hope it's one person but it's been 40 years. numerous victims. now they think there is probably more than one serial killer. >> when you talk about that amount of time is it realistic the killer might still be caught? >> yes, absolutely. our hour tomorrow night we highlight one case where they just got a guy, 15 years later, because of dna. so it is realistic. >> it does give you a little bit of hope. i know the movie is fiction as you said. but is there hoping that the movie too could maybe spur some sort of memory for stwun? >> well, i think. i think it highlights and puts attention on this story but that someone of the reasons we looked at the real cases. we are dealing with the real cases. we have two young women who have never been identified and we will show their sketches and maybe they will at least be identified because of our hour. >> hopefully, that will bring comfort to families who are trying to find their missing family member. >> aaron moriarty, scary stuff. >> yes. >> you can see it tomorrow night on "48 hours mystery",,,,,,,,,,, hello again on this friday morning. i'm jessica kartalija. let's go to tim. our forecast takes you forward into the weekend. 62 today, partly sunny skies. 41 tonight and looking ahead into saturday and sunday, brilliant sunshine on both days, 63 degrees and nice. we send it over to kristy breslin. >> the west side outer loop is thinning out. at least 15 minutes from liberty road to route 70. stop and go from anne arundel mills. accident southbound 29, attracting a lot of attention. not too bad. the beltway is west of york road. this traffic report is brought to you by bill's carpet. bill's as it all for you. back over to you. baltimore county police are investigating a shocking case involving students having sex on school grounds. mike schuh stays on the story. >> reporter: good morning. three high school students are now charged this morning in this case. by the time police got to the milford mill academy, students say word of what happened had spread. there was a class in session with a substitute teacher present when three students engaged in consensual sex in the room. one student captured it on the cell phone. the students have been charged with a count of perverted sect act and indecent exposure. mike schuh reporting from police headquarters, back to you. this morning opening statements are expected to begin in the trial of a murder for hire man. bish was was hired to kill the woman's husband. the state is seeking the death penalty. a baltimore county man is convicted of murdering a teen. yesterday jason gross was found guilty of killing rochelle battle in the essex area. police believe it happened in march 6th of 2009. the girl's body was burned in an incinerator. up next, which famous politician's daughter is getting ready to walk down the aisle this weekend and a look at the new tactics retailers are taking to get you shopping this holiday season. season. of course, news and weather i'm drinkin' dunkin'. i'm drinkin' a dunkin' latte. i can't think without my dunkin' iced latte. it's a real latte. i love it. i run on dunkin'. get a premium latte without a premium price. ♪ we're back on "the early show." it's a friday morning. good morning, every. i'm jeff glor, along with erica hill. chris wragge is off this morning. coming up, john and elizabeth edwards' daughter cate is getting married tomorrow. elizabeth edwards died last year after a long battle with breast cancer but had the perfect time to plan a wedding with cate. if you're putting your wedding or anything else on one of those social networking web sites, double-check the photos before you post them. turns out you should have the right picture. we know it's important to help get a job interview, maybe your roommate. maybe you're looking for love. did you know a bad photo could reportedly sink your chances even if it's on someone else's r website. what to look for in that profile shot. >> apparently, yours stacks up well. >> i cheated. retailers are so spooked about the tough economy they are getting in the christmas spirit ten days before halloween. >> the good news here, it means big sales for you. big incentives to buy. they hope. business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here to tell us where we can find those deals. i mean it does seem, i have to admit, a little early. >> it is a little early. and things are always going earlier and earlier among the retailers. but the big thing here is they want to attract customers so they are doing things like putting out incentives. for example, stauer is giving out this $249 amethyst necklace if you pay for shipping. it depends on what you buy but ultimately you can get this 249 dollar necklace because they want to drive people to their store. nordstrom you get free shipping and handling. raymore, no interest for four years. sears is doing price matching and plus pay 10% of the difference. let's say you find something a hundred dollars price difference, you get 10 back if you find something cheaper. >> why would stores be giving things away for free? >> right. the main thing here is they just want to drive foot traffic. they want to drive customers into their stores to hopefully spend the dollars they will spend this holiday season in their stores. >> that is because we don't have the money to shop the way we used to or not taking on as much credit as we used to. how much really have our shopping habits changed? >> they have changed in both the way we are spending less but also we are going to stores less. shopper track estimates our foot traffic in stores this year is going to drop by 2.2%. most of our shopping is getting done online. so in order to attract people to come shop at your store you have to have a multifacetted strategy this is a component of it a number of retailers are employeeing. >> any good news on jobs? >> it's mixed. retailers are very important to the space of jobs and hiring in this country. about 24% of the jobs in this country come either from working at a retailer or from making are product that then gets sold at a retailer. it's a very important space. the important thing to keep in mind if they are successful and their strategy ies work we coul see more people employed at retailers. this is a seasonal time for retailers and see a hike in employment among retailers this time of year. >> give us an idea what are the companies hiring in hopes they will have more foot traffic? >> macy's and kohl's are two of the big ones increase their hiring by 4% to 5%. their seasonal hiring. partycity and jcpenney and toys r-u.s. go out to the retailers now. the first people in line at these retailers are usually the ones who will get the job when it comes around to seasonal time. fill out the applications now. another thing to consider here, seasonal hiring can frequently turn into full-time hiring. if things pick up at these retailers, if the economy does pick up, then these people who are employed seasonally are the first to get the full-time jobs. >> good to be first in line there as well. >> yes. >> rebecca, thanks very much. betty nguyen with the job at the news desk with one more check of headlines. good morning. secretary of state hillary clinton is in pakistan this morning, pushing the pakistanis to crack down on islamic militants. a light moment though at a town hall meeting one woman described the u.s. as pakistan's impossible to pleas mother-in-law. >> you know pakistan is facing brunt of whatever is happening and trying to cooperate with the u.s. and somehow u.s. is like -- is as a mother-in-law which is just not satisfied with us and comes up with new ideas! >> now clinton said because she is a mother-in-law, she totally understands. and hopes to do better. in australia, some dramatic video of a car hitting a baby stroller. out of control vehicle crashed into a store. look at that. near sydney on wednesday. the car smashed out the front of the store and it hit the baby stroller. as the horrified mother watched, she ran to her baby who, remarkably, was not hurt. listen to this. a shark off the coast of oregon has left a scary calling card. a surfer got a close-up visit from a great white shark who took a big bite out of the surfboard. lucky for him, though, the 20-foot long shark only bit the board and missed him. he is unhurt but says he is staying out of the water for now. sounds like a outside our window, thanks -- things are shaping up to be pretty nice. breezy and cool, 62 degrees. tonight down to 41 degrees. the average is 44. we expect lower 30s in the suburbs. 63 tomorrow. brilliant -- sunshine and very cate edwards the oldest daughter of john and elizabeth r edwards is getting married tomorrow. one of the bride's best friends and closest companions will not be there. >> reporter: less than a year after losing her mother to braet cancer, 29-year-old cate edwards is ready to i do. her engagement came over thanksgiving weekend last year two weeks before her mother elizabeth succumbed to her long battle to breast cancer. >> wherever i am, wherever you are, i have my arms wrapped around here. >> reporter: in her. >> she always responded, no, i love you more and as you can imagine, none of us ever won that battle. >> reporter: before her passing, elizabeth helped cate plan for her wedding and often spoke about preparing her family for life without her. >> the most important thing can you give your children are wings. because you're not not always able to bring food to the nest. sometimes they have to be able to fly by hemselves. for the edwards the wedding is shaping up to a family moment mired in controversy. glamour magazine has an interview with cate edwards. >> good morning. >> cate has been very private about all of this but giving you some details here? >> yeah. she did a beautiful essay for "glamour" magazine and she is a very private person and been very careful not to get pulled into the string of what is going on in her family's life but she did this beautiful essay about her mother. she wanted to honor area mother's legacy. actually her mother didn't like the word legacy, her mother's story, she preferred. so she did actually reveal a few things about the wedding. >> and the gatiengagement too. very sweet details and how her mother was involved a little bit. >> yes. trevor upton, her fiance, was close with elizabeth edwards and he involved her in the proposal. he had sent the ring to elizabeth. elizabeth put it in the trunk of the car and then cate went to pick trevor up at the airport and trevor popped the trunk and popped the question. so liz wedge was very much supportive of this relationship and she was even a part of the proposal. >> when elizabeth passed away last december, i think a lot of people wondered not just about cate but the younger kids who are a lot younger than cate. is she involved in bringing them you will at all? >> yeah. she is 30 but not their mother but their big sister and has taken a role of kind of stepping into that motherhood role. she drove emma to camp last summer and just as elizabeth had driven her to camp and says that emma was like, don't worry, i'm going to be fine. emma was being nor nurturing to her than elizabeth used to and it reminded her of her mother. with jack, tremendous trade books. jack is trying to get her to read the hunger games right now because he is totally into it. she is very much a part of their lives and they are a close family and i know that was important to elizabeth that they sort of take care of each other and she is really doing that. >> in the beginning we mentioned she is a very private person and not only when your family is in the public eye for being involved in politics in this country but in general when your family has dealt with a lot of scandals and things involving her father obviously and that is understandable and coming forward before her wedding. any little detail she is sharing that may be of interest to folks? >> a few details have gotten out. we don't know the guest list. they have a lot of important friends. it's 150 they are inviting. a small wedding. they are doing the ceremony in chapel hill, north carolina, and the reception at her parents' estate outside of raleigh and it just seems it's going to be a wonderful celebratory affair. i know elizabeth is going to be a part of like every moment but they are trying to keep a lot of the details quiet. they are private people and to the extent that they can be, and but i know that the town of raleigh is just absolutely rallying behind them and do everything they can to keep it private for them. >> lauren iannotti, thanks very much. i know we will find a lot of the pictures online later. speaking of online. remember your friends are not the only ones look at your profile. this year a microsoft survey found 80% of job recruiters look at a candidate's online resume app and it starts with having the right photo. >> my picture is important because i feel like my friends look at it. >> a normal picture without too much fuss. >> i think it symbolizes what you want people's first social media impression of you to be. >> i know it sounds shallow but you want to look good. >> i love it myself, obviously, think this is kind of either attractive, unique picture. >> my facebook profile picture is fairly important. so i say on scale of 1 to 10, a 7 or an 8. >> i like his picture. >> she is the main part of my profile picture so i'm sure she likes it. >> i tell you what i don't want to do is put my children on my profile picture instead of myself. that drives me crazy when people do that! absolutely crazy! >> i change my photo every two weeks. every monday, i have to do it. >> i think if a friend had a bad picket, i wouldn't say anything. >> if a friend had a bad picture, i would definitely say something. >> really? >> yeah. >> sometimes i do say need to change that picture. >> i mean, i'll ask my friend sometimes, like if i look bad. you got to love me now. >> would you let her no? >> yeah, i definitely would let her know! >> here with the do's and don't's when it comes to your profile picture is jennifer jolly, tech lifestyle editor for tecca.com. why is the profile picture important? is it only when you're looking for a job or all the time? >> in today's modern world it's important all the time. it's your first impression on the world and you know that old saying a picture tells a thousand words? that is to powerful and so profound in this modern times we are living today. >> especially today multiple sites mr. facebook, twitter, link linkedin, whatever else. >> never post any kind of photo where you're nude, lewd, drunk. >> like this one? >> you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so is this a potential boss goes to look you up is this what you want them to see? you mentioned 80% of recruiters are looking at this. you do not past go if this sort of a picture comes up. >> you could be tag inside a number of pictures that could come up if you at that frat party a couple of years ago. >> a lot of companies are hiring background checkers and they go and see what your background says about you and lasts just like criminal background checks for seven years. >> i have pictures of erica looking like that but i'm not putting them up online. >> you're so funny, jeff. another don't is avoid the picket altogether. instead of avoiding the picture altogether is it okay to put up, say, the buffalo bills logo, jeff glor? >> yes, it is appropriate. >> a lot of people they are protecting their privacy but putting up a logo or some other photo. >> just so you know this was my twitter logo at the beginning of the football season for a couple of weeks. i got endless junk about it. >> grief about that? >> yes. >> that shows that you're very passionate. i'm being kind. you're very passionate about the bills. but your public profile is just that. your picture. it's your photo. >> this is the new picture, by the way. >> and that is much better! this is one of the only chances that people have in the digital age to connect with you and make an emotional human connection with you. so you want them to be able to find you. also linkedin shows you're seven times more likely to have somebody view your page with a picket. so it makes really good sense and in the job market as well. >> can we look at yours? >> what is it about jeff's pictures and other pictures? >> erica's picture is really good. >> first of all, that smile. the engagement and the smile. erica, you connect with millions of people every single morning and this is a perfect way to connect with people online. smile. body language counts. people, you know, who aren't smiling in their public profile pictures, it says you're not friendly, you're not approachable. those things really matter. >> it's good they took only the face in that shot because she does have the two cans of beer in either hand. >> i held them under the table. >> but you cropped them out tastefully which is the bottom line. >> i kind of disagree on this one. there are people in the piece who said don't put pictures of your kids, don't put your wedding picture. why is that bad? if that is what you're most passionate about and if you're not using this for a job, i use facebook for my family and friends i'm proud of them and i want people to know who i am, i am a mom. >> there are exceptions to every rule and that is one of them. if you're a mom and that is the whole image that you want to put out there to the world and be judged on, that's fine. but, remember, there are also several layers back. if people really want to see your kids and engage with your kids, they can go into your photos and look there. this is about you. it's your chance to shine and put your best face forward in this wired world. >> great advice. >> i have a good one. >> you have it now. you fix it. >> we will get one of you tailgating at the bills game and that will be perfect, right? >> the best of both worlds! >> jennifer, thank you. >> thanks. ahead, i'm not sure if you were aware but apparently this is prime zombie season. the walking dead are actually taking over hollywood and perhaps your are,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, an extra creepy halloween this year thanks to the brain ,, eating zombies running around. >> they have taken taken over as the new creepy sensation in this country as cbs news correspondent michelle miller tells us. >> you got to love them. the undead has shifted to the undead. zombies have slowly lurched past vam tirpires for the top monste spot. >> this is the last time you'll ever see me. i won't come back. >> reporter: move over, edward, there is a new undead in demand. >> bite me! >> reporter: while vampires may have been the "it" monster in recent years, zombies have slowly walked their way into the light. from protesters to parades. they haven't been this cool since michael jackson's "thriller" in 1983. ♪ because this is thriller >> zombies get popular october 31st but now popular all year-round and that is due in part to the success of "the walking dead." >> reporter: on sunday, more than 7 million viewers turned into the second season premiere of amc's zombie series "the walking dead" scoring the highest rating for any drama in basic cable history. "the walking dead" success is surprising because you knew you had sort of that fringe, sort of horror audience with zombies. when you have that many viewers and that many people talking about it, it's just going to seep into sort of all ailments of the pop culture. >> reporter: have you seen an increase in the number of zombie costumes? >> this year, everybody wants to be zombie. all of these, they want to be. >> reporter: the centers for disease control and prevention even got in on the fun releasing an online comic called zombie pandemic. the tongue in cheek instructional was created to spread the word about disaster preparedness and already has more than 3 million views. >> the idea was to leverage that popularity or that zombie trend to get our message in helping people prepare and helping families make kits and be better prepared for all hazards. >> reporter: so whether political, prime time, or even popeye, zombies have never looked better. ♪ >> it's fun. >> i like it. >> so vampires are undead and zombies are dead/dead? >> they are really dead. who would you want to go out on a date with? >> neither. >> vampires. >> edward. >> oh, no. >> i never -- >> i'm sorry. >> that's okay. that means we will not fight over him so it's all fine. >> two of them? >> there is a werewolf and then a vampire. >> is the werewolf dead? they are very much alive? >> he is warm blooded. ready to go. >> thrilling dead. >> i'm learning so much this morning that i don't know what to say. >> i find out everything when you send me out on a story. >> the walking dead. >> yes, you do. nothing but the best assignments for you, my friend. happy halloween. >> thank you. you too. have a great weekend, you too. have a great weekend, ,,,,yone. 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