meanses for your wallet. just days after his 50th birthday a florida boy is set on fire and his classmates are accused in his attack. the horrific story of revenge, retaliation and the young boy's fight for life. >>ler doctor says she died and was brought back twice. and this new mom who survived h1n1 is al live and well. so why are pregnant women at greater risk? and you've heard of the cat in the hat. how about the cat in the box. meet the kitty who wept on a u.p.s. adventure and has a story to tell. "early" this thursday morning october 15th, 2009. captioning funded by cbs good morning, maggie. no we are not in spain. we're on the floor of the new york stock exchange and the bulls have had their run. the dow finally reaching 10,000 yesterday, a serious milestone. we'll have complete coverage in just a couple of seconds. also we have some breaking news to report this morning. police in gentleman pap have released an american father 20 days after he was arrested for allegedly kidnapping his children from his ex-wife. this is a story as you know that we have been following very closely and we'll give you all the details from the news desk in just a few minutes. think back it last winter and spring. we're on the floor of the new york stock exchange day after day as the dow dropped down to 9,000, down to 8,000, down to 7 do urks down to 6500. it was unthinkable then that it might reach 10,000 this soon. jeff glor is with us now at the new york stock exchange with more on what was a banner day for a lot of folks town here. >> reporter: truly staggering to think the market has come that far so quickly. also stagger to go think how far it still has to go before it hits all-time highs. and there's still some split down here where b. where the market's going next. but as for yesterday, yesterday was a happy day. wednesday's close on wall street followed cheer on the trading floor. a milestone few saw coming so soon after the bear market bottom. >> never in my wildest dreams did i think that we would as send to the levels that we did in the same calendar year. >> reporter: take a look at the dow's wild ride. after an all-time high of 14,165 on october 9th, 2007 it went all the way down to 6,547 in march of this year. now it's back to 10,016. after wednesday, a 53% increase in a little more than seven months. the broader s&p 500 is up even more impressively, 64%, while the tech heavy nasdaq is up 72% since it march low. wednesday's rally was led by strong earnings reportses from jpmorgan chase and the chip maker intel and smaller than expected decline in u.s. retail sales. >> i think retailers for the rest of the year are going to remain very aggressive in order to bring the consumer some to the store. >> reporter: that is the strong economic news. now the sobering. the dow is still 29% off its all-time high and the dow first hit 10,000 all the way back in 1999. >> the down side of it is it reminds people that for ten years we've basically gone nowhere. >> reporter: on in celebration but also that sober reminder the market was handing out these 10,000 2.0 hits yesterday. it last hit 1,000 in march 1999. >> ten years is a long time. stay right there. i've got some questions for you. but we're also joined this morning by jill schlesinger from cbs "cbs marketwatch." is it still called market watch 14. >> no items called "moneywatch." >> i knew it was "moneywatch." we have the giant surge in the dow. the bears saying don't get your hopes up the bulls saying this is this new floor we can go from here what is your sense? >> my accepts is it's never as good or as bad as you think. you really have to be very clear about what your eninvestment strategy is what your own risk tolerance is just because we've crossed over 10,000 doesn't mean we're in the colorful land of oz never to go back to black and white. there will be some down times again. should you not jump in 100% into stocks. just like you shouldn't have bailed out 100% at the bottom. >> right. the other aspect of this there's been so much stimulus money coming to the country, there's been so much fed money that's been pumped in to so many of these markets. what is the which is do him in terms of that? can this market live without that dome in. >> it's a great question. you talk to people yesterday, the question the market can go to one that's been stimulated to one that's been self sustained. i think a lot of people would argue that going back up the recovery is even more difficult managing that the right way, taking things out of the system is more difficult than it was on the way pack done. >> one of the other aspects of this story as we've looked at the financial news over the last couple of days is the bonus money that is going to be pouring in to some of these institutions is phenomenal. it will hit record highs. jim axelrod has more on that. >> reporter: it seems old times could seen back wall street.wall street journal has looked at 23 top bank hedge fnds and money managers and predict as record high compensation pool of $140 billion for this year. that would top 2007's record payout of $130 billion. it's absolutely unfair for wall street to be paying itself record bonuses, the taxpayers made these bonuses possible by loaning wall street money at near zero rates. this is up seemly and inappropriate. >> reporter: the journal projects at year's end compensation at goldman sachs will be up 99.8%, at bank of mek, 63.4%, morgan taply comp levels will be up 33.3%. >> the backlash will be overwhelming and well deserved. >> reporter: but if backlash means regulation,s some experts say that is not the right idea. >> do you think that it's the government's job to decide how much money people should be paid? and i think probably on balance most americans don't think that. >> reporter: still even though compensation levels may soon be up to pre-dry sis levels corporate profits have yet to catch up. jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> so we're looking at unemployment going up to almost 10%, right on the verge right now. the story this morning that says foreclosure rates over the last three months have hit a record high they've never been this high a million new knocks on the door. people on main street where looking at those kinds of bonus numbers and saying what on earth is going on? why is there such a giant disconnect? >> the problem is that when we first started this t.a.r.p. road we didn't put any restrictions on pay. there really were no rules. we only added that later and only for the companies where we still have an investment in them. there's no way for us to limit the compensation. >> they're not out of the woods yet. >> exactly. but the problem for main street people is who cares. it doesn't feel right. and we get that. the problem is unemployment is a lagging indicator, it will be a longer time before we see that improve. you'll see your portfolio ge up before you feel better about your job. >> thanks very much. thanks for being here this morning. that's it from the morning stock k3 change for right now. let go pack to our studio. russ mitchell has this morning's headlines. good morning. a you knew wave of terror struck pakistan this morning. teams of suspected taliban gunmen a attacked government buildings killing at least 18 people. and eight more died when a suicide bomber targeted a police station. the minister called it the beginning of a guerilla war. now the latest on a custody battle involving an american father in japan. he was release tad after more than two weeks in a jail. he's accused of trying to retrieve his two junk sisters from his japanese e wife. she took them to skra pan in august despite a tennessee court order to stay in the u.s. the charges against savoie have not been dropped. jas these prosecutors say he was released because they do not consider him a flight risk. we'll have more on this story later some this hour. and finally, one promoter describeses it as the biathlon much the 21th century, it is called chess boxing. that pretty much describeses. they hunger down at the table for four minutes of rapid chess. and then they put on the gloves and duke it out for lee minutes. you can win with either a check mate or a knockout. and it is up to the referee to to declare a winner. part of our continuing series to bring you all the goofy sports from around the world. >> makes sense, you exercise your brain and your body. >> that is true. >> are you administer likely to win this a check mate or a knockout? >> what do you think, dave in. >> i'll go for a check mate. >> yeah i thought so. >> i'm not a knockout -- i'm a lover, not a fighter. >> i'm with you, dave. sdl there you go. >> i could knock both of you out. >> you know why? because you're a knock squout. >> bra bravo. >> why tonight we walk over to the weather wall and see what's going on. let's check things out. boy, we have got major weather across the country to talk about. we are back from the west coast, luckily we did not see mudslides, but a lot of instability in that land out there especially in the northern 2/3 of the state. so we'll keep an eye on that. but let's begin east where a major storm system will roll through washington, philadelphia, it's going to be in baltimore first and then philadelphia, new york keep in mind we'll see wind-driven rain raw temperature, high e. elevations in pennsylvania and southern new york you could you see some snow showers rolling on through. then we'll go to the mid mississippi valley and the ohio valley where you're going to see rain help ped on on into areas around the northern great lakes and back into portions of northern minnesota and northern wisconsin, could you see some snow. temperatures in the 30s and 40s. mid mississippi valley ohio valley in the 40s and 50s. raw and nasty. and we are grg to stay wet through much of the end of the week and into the he can p weekend in the pacific northwest as we clear out in florida -- excuse me clear out in california. and in the southwest, we are going to see temperatures climbing into the 90s once again. but here is the troubling spot. if you're traveling into the northeast today most that's a quick look at your weather. i didn't play with my this is my country set from fisher price. i do know this is california this is florida. more in just a little while. >> california west, florida east. thank you, taf. still to come this morning, a young mom's amazing survival story after her near fatal battle with h1n1 after giving birth. we'll tell you how she was able to beat it. and he was accused of trying to kidnap his own children in japan. now an american dad is going free this morning and we'll be speaking with his wife. this is "the early show" on cbs. music plays when it comes to things you care about, leave nothing to chance travelers. insurance for auto, home and business. ♪ our natural sweetener comes with zero calories and a clean sweet taste. it won't insult your intelligence or make your butt look fat. it's the sweetness of the stevia plant served straight up honest, uncomplicated. enjoy. try the first great-tasting, zero-calorie natural sweetener born from nature. truvia. honestly sweet. find it at your grocery store. right at work... grab it. 100% natural white meat chicken and no msg added. campbell's select harvest chicken with egg noodles soup. m'm! m'm! good! @ work. ♪ ♪ (announcer) try out a few different moms and get all of the extra mothering you need this cold and flu season. the kleenex virtual moms at of all the things made just for men, maybe this is one of the most important. new centrum silver ultra men's. a complete multivitamin for men over 50. it has antioxidants and vitamin d... to support your prostate and colon. new centrum silver ultra men's. g a horrific crime has shaken the nation. a 15-year-old boy was doused by lighting fluid and lit on crime. this morning that boy is fighting for his life in a miami hospital where he's expected to remain for months. >> in high 31 year we say it's the most heinous crime i've ever seen. well in this case, this one pit fits in that category. >> reporter: 15 year michael brewer has burns over 2/3 of his body. five boys who were all 15 to 13 years old have been charged in the brutal attack. >> do i find probable cause for attempted second-degree murder. all right police say brewer owed one of the suspects matthew bent $40 for a video game. when he didn't pay up police say suspect bent tried to steal a $500 custom bicycle belonging to brewer's father. and when brewer called the cops bent wanted revenge. >> itthis group of kids thought that because the kid may have snitched him out and turned him in because they were trying to steal his dad's bike they felt in their mind it was okay to set him on fire. >> reporter: vendor jarvis accused of douses brewer with running alcohol, mendez accused of flicking the lighter. >> tour him to pour it on him, chat time a second suspect poured it on help and a third suspect lit him on fire. >> reporter: michael ran and jumped in to a pool, but it took a good a mayor than with a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. authorities say bent and jarvis laughed when they were questioned about the attack. >> they're good kids they have good grades no problems in school. just wrong place, wrong people. >> this morning michael's mother valerie brewer, and his doctor nicklaus namias join truss miami. good morning. i'd like to begin interest valley. i know you haven't left michael's side since this happened, so i appreciate you taking a pew minutes to speak with us. how is he doing this morning? >> i have not been able to see him this morning, but i know he's in very good hands. they made me leave last night to get some sleep because i haven't slept since i've been here. and the moment i'm done here, i'm going back to his room and i won't leave until they kick me out again. >> this sounds like it's been exkushex excruciatingly difficult for you. it me through what you've paep through. >> it's just a big plur. it's heartache and pain and i have a wonderful support system. my family, my friends, and the staff here at the hospital they're all taking care of me. and helping me to get through this. >> that includes, of course you, dr. namias. i would like to turn to you and ask you about michael's condition. how is he doing and what is the greatest risk that he faces right now? >> he's doing as well as we could hope someone could do with this condition. but don't mistake that for being good. this is obviously a very bad, thing, a very serious thing. people said yesterday he was out of the wood but that's only half of it. burn patients only really start to get sick four five six days in to it. so new we're dealing with massive inflammation of the whole body and then we'll deal with even more with infections and organ failures. and this is just part of the long process of treating a major burn. >> where are his burden of proofs, why? >> really every body area is involved. it that's no part that's spared. fortunately it's not all of every part but it's all over history so he arms legs head. everything's solved. >> valerie, i can't imagine what it must be like to sit there and listen to this to see your son in that condition. how do you feel about the -- >> very difficult. >> -- that this has happened and that his chas mates are accused of doing this to him? >> it's disgusting. makes me very angry. our country, our world, needs to wake up and see what is going on with our children. they need to do something. this has got to stop. it's not just my son. it's everybody's children. this could happen to somebody else and god forbid -- i don't wish this agony and torture on anybody. we have got to do something to make this violence stop today. >> in the mean time, i know there are a lot of people who want to help you and your family, valerie. a charity i worked with for many years, neighbors for neighbors, is helping you, so we'll link everybody to them through our website, which is and as you said, michael's in great hands town there at jackson. we wish him a full recovery and thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. we'll be right back. >> announcer: this portion of the early show oig sponsored by walmart. save money, live better. walmart. 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(announcer) there is hope. understanding your pain... the first step to treating it. talk to your doctor and visit for answers and support. announcer: right now all over the country discover card customers are getting 5% cashback bonus at grocery stores. now, more than ever it pays to discover. walmart checks other stores' prices so we can save on all our game time favorites. and if there is a better price out there they'll even match it. which means come game time... ...i'm just as ready as he is. game time costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. welcome back. i want you you all to meet the pen net family. you guys are not going believe this. cody, the cat, it disappeared monday. and natalie immediately suspected that he had been shipped out by accident in a u.p.s. box from the family business and natalie, your mom said -- >> that that's not true natalie, that can't happen. >> guess what? it can and it did. two days later, someone in illinois got cody inside the box. he was alive as you can see, is he well, reunited with his family. we'll talk more with them ahead. >> me did that ouch. c1 25 minutes past 7:00. there has been more rain in the region. sharon will have the effect on traffic and marty has the update in weather. >> that was a nasty shot. i guess the light there in the center of the shot looks like an upside down l. that is the promenade. imagine the lights are on a light sensor. we never see those on at 7:25. not in the past several months. welcome to shorter days. a gray and dark morning. shower activity again. another wave of moisture spreading up the 95 corridor. the forecast today is the same forecast through saturday. mid-40s and gray skies and damp conditions. let's go to sharon. i suspect locking outside it is busy. we have a vehicle fire at 83 southbound. and an accident at perry hall. 32 east, a crash at the parkway. the shoulder gets by there. one on murray hill. it is slow from the beltway to 895. there is the look at the beltway. drive times and speeds are slow on the top side at 95 and 83. there is the live look at the top side. this traffic report is brought to you by jhc. learn more at the protection from the h1n1 virus is available in baltimore city. we have mary bubala live with the latest. [ no audio ] >> thank you. anne arundel county has vaccines available by appointment only. two firefighters needed help when their ambulance was on the way to a fire call and the ambulance flipped over in an accident. another blow for a city police commander who is suspended for spending too much time on the internet. major roger bergeron was demoted after he oversaw the district in canton and a windy morning here in new york city. welcome to all our fans on the plaza and welcome to all of you. back to "the early show." ahead this morning, the steer of the cat who went out for a big adventure. we'll find out all about cody's encounter with a shipping crate and his thousand mile journey. plus the latest developments in an international custody battle. an american dad accused of kidnapping -- trying to kidnap his own children in japan is going free. and we'll be speaking with his wife about that development in just a bit. but first, h1n1. pregnant women make up 6% of the confirmed deaths from the virus even though they account for only 1% of the population. our dr. jennifer ashton is here with an incredible story of one young woman who almost didn't make it but did. and that's what he want to stress this morning. >> finally a happy ending. nine months in to her pregnancy, karin mchugh had one of the worst cases of the h1n1 flu doctors had ever seen but remarkably she liveded to see her newborn son. >> hi little boy. he's perfect. couldn't ask for a healthier baby. >> reporter: lee am is not like any other two month old. he's a miracle baby. >> i just want to hold him cho it me all the time. all right but liam's mother karin, lpt almost didn't live to see her baby boy. she was nine months pregnant when she developed flu-like symptomses and struggled to breathe. doctors delivered liam by emergency krcht section but then karin started crashing. >> i said if i don't make it out of this i'm sorry if i wasn't a good wife. >> reporter: doctors discovered she had one of the worst cases of h1n1 they'd ever seen. >> it was a downward spiral. i almost didn't make it. >> reporter: pregnant women are among those most at risk and at that time there was no vaccine available. >> i really put her in god's hands. there was nowhere else to go. they were doing everything they could. >> reporter: doctors turned to heart/lung by pass, a machine circulated obs again natured blood back it into her system for almost a hospital. after seven weeks in a medically induced coma karin survived and held her newborn baby for the first time. >> i guess it just wasn't my time. i mean, i wasn't ready to leave this earth. >> i'm so happy to see her doing well. i know she was saved by something called an ecmo. >> it's a heart/lung by pass machine to give it ox again as a bridge to recovery in people who usually have respiratory failure with a severe lung in-feeks. recent study out of australia found that patients with severe h1n1 who are treated with ecm ocht, 79% survived. >> can be a real lifesaver. why are pregnant women so susceptible to h1n1? >> two reasons. their up mine system is slightly suppressed and as the pregnancy progress, the uterus makes the shear mechanics of breathing who are difficult. we know they're at much higher risk for 15 veer complications like pneumonia. >> is there anything that can be done to prevent the complications? >> things like echmo in rare cases can be life saving but the key is for pregnant women to get the flu vaccine. prevention is better than treatment. >> try to get that message in at least once a day. >> absolutely. >> all right, thank you. let's go back to dave now. he has another look at the weather. and we have got travel troubles this afternoon. if you're coming through or into the northeast or trying to get out, watch it. as the afternoon progresses the winds pick up 40 to 50-mile-an-hour gusts. heavy downpours of rain, coastal flooding a possibility, and in the highest elevations in places in pennsylvania and sections of new york you could see some snowflakes, as well. so this is a nor'easter it will be a real mess today. now we'll stretch back to the ohio valley and some to the mid mississippi valley, there you're talking about a steady rain today. sloppy. we go up to the nofrn -- well energy to areas of the northern great lakes and stretching back some to the upper midwest, there it's snow showers as a low pressure system pushes through. the southeast still sees some rain. the southwest, there you'll see a warm-up. look at those nice temperatures for this time of the year. and in the pacific northwest, it's rain once again as we wrap up the workweek and head on in and make that turn to the weekend. looks like we'll see temperatures on on the mild side in the 60s but rain throughout the areas in the pacific northwest. that's a quick hook at the national maps. looking for warmer weather by the way, head on into places like nebraska and some good morning. here is first warning doppler radar. another wave of moisture moving our way. it will be on and it will be off. let's look at the forecast. this is the case through saturday. the fact of the matter is we are in the 40s. we will have showers and damp conditions. 47 today. 42 tonight. 46 tomorrow. 45 on saturday. we don't bust out of this until sunday. that's a quick look at your weather picture and here's somebody coming up that will really want to make you you pause. >> oh, i was into to go use that line. you stole it. >> now you're in trul. >> paws. we have an amazing story of cat, crates and chiropractors when we come back after this paws. discover a light yogurt like no other. activia light! delicious, fat free, and above all... the only one that has bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. activia light. ♪ activiaaa! ♪ last monday cody the cat went missing in dallas. his frantic owners searched for two days and then they got a call from a chiropractor 950 miles away near chicago saying i think i have your cat. cody it turns out had been on a long journey in a u.p.s. crate. joining us to tell the tale are cody and his family, 9-year-old natalie bennett and her parents, made rae and darrel oig. good morning about. craze jes thing i've ever heard. natalie, take me back to monday. how did you realize cody was missing? >> because like i walked in the door from school and i usually go in my room and he can comes like following me and all that. and i'm like where is he because like he's not here. >> you said that you immediately thought maybe we shipped him out from our family business by mistake. why would you position that? why did that occur to you? >> because like i know that he likes boxes because one day i was walking in my mom's room and i saw little eyes and i opened up the box and he was in the box. >> so you run to your mom, you're like, mom, mom, i think we shipped out cody and you immediately say -- gr no that's not possible. didn't happen. >> so then you start looking for cody? >> that night, next day and wednesday morning, we were looking for him. >> did you position, darryl it was strange? >> they run off occasionally so i knew it was normal. being from the country, i figured he'd come back when he was ready. >> and you get the call from the chiropractor and he says what? >> yeah he called at 12:00 on wednesday and said are you the owner of cody bennett, and i said yes. and he said i have the cat. >> how he know the name? >> because of his tag. and i said can i come get him? and he said well, actually we're in illinois. and when he said his name, i knew needily lyneedily it was our customer. and i said sorry. >> who packed that box? >> a lady that worked in our office. >> she must feel terrible. when the doctor found him, what kind of condition was he in in. >> he was just hm, just a little bit scared. >> so now he's back to normal and very happy in mommy's time are you going to listen to natalie when she has a hunch? >> probably. >> very good. i know you guys flu in from dras from dallas yesterday to be here. did they let you bring cody on your lap on on the plane is this. >> oh, yes. because he's like enough with the crates and the boxes. >> he trembled the whole way, but now he's settled town a little bit. >> a happy family reunion. thank pup. >> thank you so much. coming up, an american dad akccusedkccused of trying to kidnap his children goes free in japan spell we'll speak with his wife here on "the early show" on cbs. i did not like suffering from nasal allergy symptoms like congestion. but nasonex relief may i say... bee-utiful! prescription nasonex is proven to help relieve indoor and outdoor nasal allergy symptoms like congestion, runny and itchy nose and sneezing. 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( blowing, shouting ) what now? we're cereal here! what? just cooling it down. - enough said. - gotcha. yeah, safety first. whoo hoo! watch the whole grain. try kellogg's frosted mini-wheats hot. just add warm milk and you've got a hot, new way... to keep your kids full and focused all morning. dude, your eight layers are showing. oops! mini-wheats hot. keeps 'em full keeps 'em focused. kick it up with the #1 lengthening mascara! lash stiletto from maybelline new york. ooh la la. the #1 lengthening mascara! the difference? our grip and extend brush lengthens to a sexy point... up to 70% longer. pro-vitamin b5 adds black patent shine. never breaks. length this hot... towers over the rest! lash stiletto, the #1 lengthening mascara. it's showstopping. maybe she's born with it? maybe it's maybelline. to complete your provocative look try line stiletto ultimate precision liquid eyeliner. announcer: right now all over the country discover card customers are getting 5% cashback bonus at grocery stores. now, more than ever it pays to discover. for a value that goes a long way only campbell's chicken noodle soup is made with fresh egg noodles. 32 feet in every can. ♪ so many, many reasons ♪ ♪ it's so m'm! m'm! good ♪ (announcer) febreze introduces the new flameless luminary it has authentic candle like scents and a flickering candle like glow but fortunately... it's not a candle it's an entirely new way to freshen the air with scented shades you can change on a lighted wooden base nice! new febreze flameless luminary big on style not on price part of the new febreze home collection harry's back from the stock exchange. did you see cody the cat? >> that is a really good looking cat. >> you can believe that? >> he's for the the good face. >> he looks a little bit like dave with the -- right, the black and white, are the scrub? >> we'll see who is it the weather in the next hour. >> stay tuned for that. and also ahead we'll be speaking with amy savoie she's the wife of chris savoie who as you know was held in a japanese jail for 20 days accused of trying to kidnap his kid there is. he's been released but this is not over yet. we'll talk to her ahead this morning. my health is important to me. it's critical that i stick to my medication. i cannot be one of the 61 million americans who do not refill their prescriptions on time. readyfill at cvs pharmacy automatically refills my prescriptions and reminds me to pick them up. you mean, reminds me to pick them up. [ chuckles ] stop by your local cvs pharmacy to ask if readyfill is right for you. readyfill, only at cvs pharmacy. announcer: kids who don't eat breakfast aren't getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies all the nutrients of a complete breakfast to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. this morning an update on a custody battle we've beenle following. a tennessee man who was being held in southern japan for trying to kidnap his own children has been released much to the delight of his family back here in the states. lucy craft reports from tokyo. >> reporter: businessman christopher savoie was freed today after spending more than two weeks in jail. savoie was arrested after making a desperate bid to grab his open children away from his he is strapged japanese wife as they walked to school. of a tir their divorce in the united states, his ex-wife tee guyed a tennessee court order and took the children to japan back in august, but in skra pan, u.s. you laws carry no weight. family law attorney said savoie never expected to be arrested. >> he had no idea that his act is criminal under japanese law because is he the father biological father and also he has the legal custody right. so he was very much shocked. >> reporter: police declined to press charges after deciding savoie was not a flight risk. they said savoie expressed remorse and promised to use mediation to arrange access to his grade school aged son and daughter. lucy craft, cbs news tokyo. >> advice savoie eye wife, amy, joins us this morning from nashville. good morning, amy. >> good morning. how are you? >> i'm well p i know you're probably just eks ex-stat tig. when will chris be home. >> >> i don't know when he'll be home. he's busy with his lawyers finishing up paperwork being but i'm relieved he's coming home. >> have you had a chance to speak with him? >> yes i have 3 p. >> what was that conversation like? >> he is -- he's agitated. he's traumatized. it's been a terrible ordeal. and in addition to dealing with the trauma from the last two weeks, again he's faced with the reality that the family life he had in tennessee has been completely dismantled and apparently ir reversebly. so issac and rebecca are not going to be with him. they've been taken from him. eve he been taken from their very happy situation here in tennessee. they were very happy children here. and we're still heartbroken by that. and we have a long road ahead of us and we have a lot of families we want to help. >> issac and are a beck today ages eight and six, chris' children, they told him this they're not giving the kids back? they're not letting them return to the state? >> no is he not returning with the children. >> and he gets the sense that he will never ever get them back why? >> because there has not been one sipping gel case of children who have been abducted to skra pan that where the children have been reunited with the parent. >> as far as chris' case is concerned, they have released him. they have not pressed charges, but they haven't dropped the case either. what does that mean does he think this is definitely over for him or is he worry that had something else might develop? >> he and i haven't really had a chance to speak in any kind of fluid conversation. it's been cut short by the fact that he had to get off the phone and work with attorneys. he and i have a hot to talk about. but there's going to an meeting in d.c. next week with a lot of families. this story's not just about us or christopher or issac and rebecca. it's allowed to us shine a height on so many families who have been devastated by these actions. the abduction of a child from a place where they were happy. >> he'll keep fighting, this is not over? >> item. >> all right. amy savoie we wish you the best. thanks so much. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. your local news is next. of all the things made for women... maybe one of the most important... is new centrum silver ultra women's. a complete multivitamin for women over 50. it has vitamin d which emerging science suggests... supports breast health... and more calcium for bone health. new centrum silver ultra women's. mom knew i needed calcium from day one. now i'm the mom. and i know... 80% of us don't get enough calcium from food. our bodies can steal it from our bones. give yourself some tlc. tender loving caltrate. and give tlc to somebody you love. ( bird chirps, thud, footsteps ) don't let anything stop you, sears days is here with the lowest prices of the season. save 50 to 60% off coats for the family. grab a craftsman drill for $88.99. get a panasonic 42" 1080p tv for only $699.99. find the lowest prices and lock them up with sears layaway. it all ends saturday. sears. life. well spent. c1 5 minutes before 8:00. it is an icky day. it is gray and windy and wet out there in most parts of the region. sharon is thinking of adjectives for the commute, but let's go to marty with the weather forecast. what you see is what you get. in essence, we are going to have waves of moisture pressing through the area through saturday. look at the forecast. other than a minor change in temperature, we will see gray, damp and breezy conditions with temperatures in the mid-40s. did i say all the way through saturday? it is worth saying again. let's go to sharon gibala in the traffic control. a messy morning commute. lots of problems to report, including a vehicle blocking the ramp at sedona road. an accident on the beltway at the parkway. another at charles street and the beltway. one at the ft. mchenry tunnel. there is a crash at bel air and ford. watch for delays on 95 southbound from gun powder falls bridge. the jfx is jammed from the beltway to 28th street. there is the look at the drive times. delays on the top side and west side. the top side is slow at 18 18 miles per hour. there is the live look on the sued. not look -- 18 miles per hour. there is the live look at the beltway. don, back to you. in a few hours, some of our citizens will get the vaccination from the h1n1 virus. we have mary bubala with the story. [ no audio ] >> thank you. anne arundel county is having a clinic today for flu shots, but you ne boss: so word's gettin' out that geico can help people save in even more ways - on motorcycle insurance, rv, camper, boat insurance. nice work, everyone. exec: well, it's easy for him. he's a cute little lizard. gecko: ah, gecko actually - exec: with all due respect, if i was tiny and green and had a british accent i'd have more folks paying attention to me too... i mean - (faux english accent) "save money! pip pip cheerio!" exec 2: british? i thought you were australian. gecko: well, it's funny you should ask. 'cause actually, i'm from - anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. a family tragedy led this woman to turn to food and she gained more than 100 pounds. we'll tell you how she battled back and was able to lose the weight and keep it off. do you drive so much it seems hike you live if your car? we'll tell you how to feel at home even when you're on the road. and you may not drop pianos through your roof but the guys from disaster house will show you how to fix that money trap you call home. "early" this thursday morning october 15th, 2009. captioning funded by cbs welcome back to "the early show," everybody. do they know that halloween is not until the 31st? a lot of costumes here today. right? >> like basketball man over here. >> ups there's not a costume and that's how he dresses every day. >> that's very possible. >> it is possible. >> it seems like it is doesn't it? >> welcome back everybody. i'm maggie rodriguez with harry smith and dave rice. squully, a lot of people have been tweeting me to say somehow julie, how is charlie. they're doing fine. she seems really happy. so we wanted you you all to know. >> how about a baby picture huh? >> they want that too. we'll see if we can make that happy. >> there's a lot of news to bring you today along with people dressed up with dog heads on. >> i like the outfits. we'll meet them in just couple of minutes. in the mean time bred to be a news man that's russ mitchell. do you like that? >> that is very good, david. >> arf, arf. good morning to you at home. bad news for social security recipients today. it is the official announcement for the first time since 1975 twll nobody cost of living increase next year. president obama and some democrats in congress want to help social security resip crepts by sending them one-time $250 check, but that would cost $13 billion and the president has not said where that money would come from. today mr. obama is flying to new orleans, his first trip there since taking office. chip reid reports from andrews air force base. >> reporter: when the president arrives in new orleans' lower ninth ward today, he'll see signs of progress alongside landscapes of utter desolation more than four years after hurricane katrina. sn like a whole community just disappeared. >> reporter: some here are disappointed the president hasn't been here since february 2008 and that his visit will be less than four hours, touring a school and holding a town hall. >> if obama doesn't get a chance to just drive around and talk to some of the citizens and see what's going on he may miss some things. >> reporter: the white house argues that top administration officials have been busy with 35 trips, freeing up $1 billion in aid stuck in red tape and bringing another billion in stimulus spending. >> i think they'll understand and see we haven't just made promises, we've delivered. >> reporter: even some top louisiana republicans agree this white house has delivered, but some katrina victims are not happy the president is stopping by so briefly before flying to san francisco for a if you said raiser. chip reid cbs news, morning side maryland. in pakistan today, another round of terrorist attacks. the latest is what's described as a human good explosion in the northwestern city of peshwar. the school is closed. they report at least one deaths and many injuries. earlier they attacked three government businesses in lahore. at least 38 people died in those attacks. finally, sin scientists report that the arctic is melting so fast, the north pole could be ice free during the summer within the next decade or two. cbs news correspondent elizabeth palmer has more. >> reporter: the british exfloor race team walked and swam 280 miles across the arctic ice north of alaska. along the way, they drilled hundreds of core samples to measure the ice and found in some maces it was only six feet thick. but more alarminging, all the ice was formed this past year. that means this area once cuffed with ice that built up year on year will regularly now be open water during the summer months. >> the summer ice will disappear within 20 to 30 years and it will be a lot of it will be gone within ten years. >> reporter: climate scientists say the ice has helped keep the planet cool by reflecting the sun's rays. once it's largely gone the sea will absorb heat more rapidly and global warming will speed up. elizabeth palmer cbs news, london. katie couric now has preview of tonight's evening news oig. good morning. afghan children as young as seven are being turned in to terrorists, some even tricked in to carrying bombs by the taliban and al qaeda. we'll take you behind the fight to save them and rebuild their shattered young lives as our series "afghanistan: the road ahead," continues tonight only on the "cbs evening news." now back to "the early show." it is now 8:# 5 on this thursday morning. dave is out on the plaza with another check of the weather. >> nice to see you again, russ. good mgood morning to you. we have a very excited crowd to be here from kings purchase row oig community college. nice to see you. the college by the sea. and look at this. these people, you know i have a golden retriever. and my gold p retriever does not have a snout quite like yours. nice to see you though. we have over 160 breeds being really bragged about today and 41 breeds ofcat. meet the breeds with aks and pet partners. nice to see you. let's take a check of the weather and see what's happening all across the country as you bring your pooch out for a walk this morning. let's go it the maps and check things out. it looks hig ss like things are heating up. we'll meet our friends from tucson, but it will be heating up in the did desert. look at that 95 degrees in phoenix, 58 in las vegas. it will be nice and warm in the desert southwest. high pressure really gorgeous weather being brut to you. we widen out the picture. if you're traveling eastward it will be a mess here in new york city. in philadelphia baltimore washington later on today, we've got some strong storms rolling through. we'll have high winds, gusty conditions heavy rain, localized nooding. so we'll watch that. ohio valley, mid mississippi valley, you'll see some rain as well. and as we head to portions of the upper midwest, northern great lake you'll see cold temperatures, maybe even snow showers in some area. that's a quick look c1 good morning. our forecast agrees with dave. because of the nature of the network broadcast, it is a broad brush we paint. we have a bit of a nor'easter happening here. it will be breezy out. i don't see a ton of problematic winds. temperatures 20 below normal. rain in the forecast today, tonight and tomorrow. by the way, lingering that rain >> announcer: this weather report sponsored by chili's. back for a limited time three courses, two people, $20. that's a quick look at your weather picture. you know your costume doesn't quite make it when you have to wear a name tag with your breed. but you're a lovely great pyrinese and it is nice to see you. maggie over to you you. ahead this morning, another success story. you'll meet zoo made rosario who about a alongballooned to 230 pounds after a family tragedy and then found the ultimate incentive to finally lose weight. hear how she did it when we come back. slow-smoked in house for hours over pecan wood chips to create a sweeter, smoky flavor and fall-off-the-bone tenderness. then they're triple-basted in one of our three delicious flavors -- chili's new better-than-ever baby back ribs part of our three courses, two people $20 deal. or you can share an appetizer, choose two entrees and share a dessert. ♪ i want new baby back ribs ♪ for a limited time only at chili's. light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand and a taste you'll find... [sluuurrrrpppp!] irresistible. light & fit. great taste, fewer calories. [ female announcer ] every year millions of americans face disaster. that's why we created the tide "loads of hope" program, a free laundry service that provides clean clothes to families affected by disasters. [ woman ] it feels so good to be able to know that i've got clean clothes. you don't know how very basic essentials are until you have none. ♪ ♪ this is what gives us hope. [ female announcer ] you, too, can help families affected by disaster by purchasing yellow-cap tide. together we can provide loads of hope. walmart checks other stores' prices so we can save on all our game time favorites. and if there is a better price out there they'll even match it. which means come game time... ...i'm just as ready as he is. game time costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. i was always going. having to go in the middle of traffic and just starting and stopping. having to go in the middle of a ballgame and then not being able to go once i got there. and going at night. i thought i had a going problem. my doctor said i had a growing problem. it wasn't my bladder. my prostate was growing. i had an enlarging prostate that was causing my urinary symptoms. my doctor prescribed avodart. (announcer) over time, avodart actually shrinks the prostate and improves urinary symptoms so i can go more easily when i need to go and go less often. (announcer) avodart is for men only. women should not take or handle avodart due to risk of a specific birth defect. do not donate blood until 6 months after stopping avodart. tell your doctor if you have liver disease. rarely sexual side effects swelling or tenderness of the breasts can occur. only your health care provider can tell if symptoms are from an enlarged prostate and not a more serious condition like prostate cancer. so have regular exams. call your doctor today. avodart. help take care of your growing problem. day four of our early gets down to size series continues. after the birth of her third child, zulma weighed 135 pounds but when her husband became terminally ill she gained nearly 100 more and faced a battle for her own life. >> when i realized i was fat or heavy was after my husband passed away. because then i had more time to to focus on myself and it was horrible. slowly but surely after about six years, i became 230 pounds. i'd get up two hours early to put together an outfit to come to work and i'd put something on took it off, put something else on, took it off, put something back on. it was just a nightmare. and eventually i'd start crying. i wore black was the way i hid the weight. i didn't socialize, i didn't want to go out. i felt like i was a fat girl in the crowd. and no one would want to dance with a fat girl or talk to the fat girl. every day, i knew that i needed to lose weight. and i did try a lot of things. i spent some money on new friday system, i spent some money on weight watchers. i dietsed all day and then i didn't diet at night when people weren't around. eating alone that was a big thing. i always ate alone. and i hate eating alone. i had no choice because everyone would make me feel bad. no matter what i was eating or 40u6 it was always wrong. realizing that my sons had lost their father they were going to lose their mom, too, from owes bity so i decided i had to do something. >> and to solve her weight problems zulma decided to have lap band surgery. we have dr. christine ren with us who zulma calls her savior. dr. ren is the director of the program and performed the roer. good morning. a lot of questions about this roer. before we get to that we want to seat results, so this is zulma before. i have not seen her after. come on out. let's see the new -- oh, my goodness. amazing. half the size. how much weight have you lost? >> so far 104 pounds. >> so far 104 pounds. because this continues for you? >> yes. >> after how long? >> two years now. >> two years. wow. congratulations. please have a seat. how do you feel after two years of making this transformation slowly some. >> i feel wonderful. thank you. >> how has it changed your health? >> health wise, i'm perfect, i don't have to take any pills anymore and i'm completely happy. >> and you had the ultimate incentive, which i find is kind of a common thread with all the people i've met this week. they really need something that in their brain makes them go i need it lose weight. and for you, that was your kids. >> yes. >> and they're doing well, too about. >> they're doing very well thank you. >> because this was their mom before and you were in danger of losing your own life if you continue order that path. >> yes, obesity definitely is a problem. >> so why did you decide on lap band surgery some. >> i tried everything else. i tried weight watcher, i tried new friday system, i tried dieting and bicycling, i just couldn't breathe and i thought about gas troe bytric bypass but decided on the band. >> she was at such a weight that was dangerous to her health it it also impinged upon her quality of life. she could barely walk several blocks without getting winded. and i think a quality of life is very important, certainly for a woman especially with her kids. and she had tried erg. and she had nutritional insight. she knew what was bad for her, what was good for her, but it was the portions. and as we get heavier and heavier, our bodies actually ask for more and more food. >> so what does lap band surgery entail in. >> it's actually just placement of a device inside of your body and it's made out of silicone. it just wraps around the very top of the stomach and what this does, it gently squeezes around the stomach and gives signals to the brain that you're full very quickly. so you can still eat healthy but the portions that you're eating are much smaller. >> but it takes discipline because you have to stick to that portion sooiz. were you afraid that you wouldn't be able to stick to it? >> i was very afraid. definitely dedication. >> so how did you do it? because you're somebody you you used to say you used to eat by yourself when nobody was looking. how do you change your mind set? >> like i said my kids and it is very important to feel the isolation that you feel when you're heavier. it might not be an actual interpretation of what everyone else feel, but this is what you feel. >> thank you very much. doctor she'll tip on her path of losing weight? >> absolutely. >> we want too get every information on this procedure, so we'll put it on the website 37 it's you will also see a sample what have zulma eats every day to see if you're interested in this for yourself. and tomorrow we'll be introducing to you our early bod squad. three diet nutrition and exercise experts who will be helping some of you. we want to get some of you solved in this down to size. up next morning, pepsi says its new iphone ap was supposed to be funny, but not everybody's laughing. we'll tell you why a controversy is brewing this morning on "the early show." if she agrees ocean spray craisins sweetened dried cranberries, are sweet. we'll take that as a yes. craisins -- the sweetest way to eat a cranberry. sea salts vary in color and taste. one tops them all. adding it helps us use less salt than before in campbell's tomato soup while keeping the famous flavor. ♪ so many, many reasons ♪ ♪ it's so m'm! m'm! good! ♪ pace yourself. be aware of your surroundings. don't ignore obvious signs. stay hydrated at all times. get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. ♪ and don't worry-- lots of people live active lives with asthma. answers and advice to help you get well and stay well. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. learn more at this morning pepsi apologizing for a controversial iphone application that it recently released. the application provides guys with pickup lines that are supposed to help them with women. but it's not going over very well in some places. michelle miller has more. ♪ i got a feeling that ♪ >> reporter: when it comes to dating most men will admit -- >> you can always use always help. >> reporter: that's what this new application aimses to deliver. ampa before you score is a high-tech app with a how-to guide with realing in the opposite zegs. the application sets out to place women into 24 different categories like artist athlete and bookworm. users can click on the type and swlekt from a list of facts and pigs that might appeal to that woman and imprif their game. among them, pickup line billed to attract anyone from a cougar predator meet your prey. hello mrs. robinson. to a pampered princess. dating coach plat titus loves the idea. >> approaching is a woman is hard enough, but being able to have a little bit of a guide or a flow chart like this app gives you? work it. use it. >> reporter: what has some up in arms, for one -- >> wow. >> reporter: under the married woman category a link that locates the near he is motels. >> this that's pretty sketchy. >> sweet. cuts right to the chase. >> reporter: then there's the keep a list feature which encourages men to brag about their conquests with names and details. >> are you offended in do you think this is -- >> it's very offensive. right? because it's so shallow. >> reporter: in fact pepsico inc. which released the free application on friday apologized on twitter after an inbox of viral krit tim. our app tried to show the humerus links guys go get women. we apologize if it's in bad taste. tweets answered back what a joke, there's month doubt that objectity guying women is offensive. but lauren mac grat didn't get mad, she got even. >> help me prove not all guys are jerks. it would take some work to prove that. >> reporter: michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> so we got hold of dave's iphone and he actually happens to have this application on here. i'm so sorry. >> that is so wrong. >> i set you up. i thought just for fun we would check political girl to see what kind of stuff you could get, right? and then here are the pickup lines for political girl. for democrats, a minute ago we hadn't met. now we have. that's change you can believe in. >> that's nonefunny. >> for republicans, talk to me. >> that's it? >> may the terrorists win. >> oh, no. >> that's sad. >> all right. it's getting hot in here since global warming isn't real it must be you. >> this is -- i think they were better off with madonna sippinging "like a virgin" than this if you remember that controversy when pepsi brought madonna in about. >> dwro blame pepsi, i blame the loser guy who would try to use to pick up a guy and the woman who would go for a girl who would use this to pick her up. >> let's not attack loser guys right now. i think it's a little strong. >> you're a i think is sgel guy. try this one. baby, you must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day. works every time they say. >> hey wlark's your name? >> hey, baby, you must be tired you've been running through my mind all day. why is there silence right c1 it is 8:25. the rain on the lens tell part of the story. sharon will wrap up the rush after marty tackles weather. >> the temperatures were the same this time yesterday, however, we don't have the sea breeze or damp conditions. we have a steady rain in some locations that we did not have yesterday. it is a cruddy morning. the forecast shows it will be a cruddy day. we will be almost -- you know, close to 15-20 degrees below normal today, tonight and tomorrow. saturday we keep it in the mid- 40s with rain as well as today and tomorrow. we don't clear out until sunday. here is sharon gibala in the traffic control center. good morning. not such a good morning an area roads. a vehicle fire at 83 southbound. the ramp is blocked. we are looking at an accident at 97 northbound with the crash there. a wreck in nottingham at perry hall boulevard. one at the ft. mchenry tunnel. blocking the left lane of the tube. delays to 895. on the jfx, 17 minutes from the beltway to 28th street. there is the live look outside at the top side of the beltway. it is not moving quickly. this traffic report is brought to you by exxon. get a large coffee and get a free half litre of aquafina water. and the h1n1 vaccine is available in baltimore city. we have mary bubala with the rest of the story. >> reporter: in just a few hour, the baltimore city health department will hold the first h1n1 flu vaccine clinic here at poly high school. it is for children and young adults. today, the flumist is only available to people between the ages of 2 and 24. you need to bring a student identification and prove your age and that you are a baltimore resident. don, back to you. >> thank you. the anne arundel county will have clinics today, but you need an appointment. a surprising guilty plea for the man who drowned his children in a downtown bathtub hotel. mark castillo will be sentenced to three life sentences without parole. and jonathan ogden signed autographs last night at wal- it's cold. it's cold. >> the weather is going to the dogs. dog day. >> there you go. that's a dog holeding a dog. that's weird. welcome back to "the early show." some this half hour do you drive so much you feel like you live in your car? >> no, not thi more. i take taxis. >> you might be surprised what you can to to make it feel like home. >> a sauce pan for your car a blow drier if your car. >> stop. who is making sauce in their car in. >> well, you pull over -- >> no offense. >> wait a minute had p it's a popcorn popper. >> wait a minute, dave. dave, take a minute. >> aren't you supposed to not do applications, you're pot supposed to -- >> right, you're not supposed to be distracted from the road. >> gentlemen may i speak? >> go ahead. >> when you live in your car the way some people feel like they do they pull over sometimes, take a little break, pop some popcorn, blow dry their hair. >> don't you remember the time you were with the kids and you said hey, hold on a second, let pull over on 95 and make some popcorn. >> actually it was the new york stay through way. >> some people you have to be in touch with america dave. some people out there spend so much time in their car every day, they need something cool. -to-change up the routine a little bit. also this morning, great morning -- what? okay. >> it's a great morning to watch stuff getting busted and then put it back together again. in thank you very much. >> thank you very much. see that? we just crushed a toilet on tv. and we'll tell you why in just a little bit because the host of the program disaster house will tell you why what's inside isn't as hard to fix as you might think. >> all right. also ahead this morning, kim's like hurry up, people. indicatekatie lee is her with the perfect southern comfort foods. >> and how about the weather? >> first do you mind if i stop and pull over and pull out the popcorn? harry, could you dra my hair some thank you. >> in i would use. >> what is this? >> this -- we'll tell you in the segment. go. let'> let's take a look at the weather. see what's happening all a across the country, shall we? it looks hike we are in for some sloppy weather in the northeast. and that means if you're traveling here or traveling from here you're going to see some big problems today. washington and new york and philadelphia and baltimore, as the storm system rolls up winds kick up 30 40 miles an hour heavy rain respect possibly some flooding in some locations. big airport delays. meanwhile, the southeast is going to see some rain in the form of the florida peninsula. the northwest will see some showers into the end of the workweek beginning of the weekend. and in the southwest, it is going to be absolutely gorgeous. and speaking of the southwest, excuse me let's talk about the fact that it's heating up in the southwest. it's going to be gorgeous. and as we head into the midsection of the country you'll see cold and damp weather beginning to roll on eastward and soggy conditions remaining in the northeast. we have my friend, scott, from kold here. >> it's good to be here. >> you're the morning anchor there. cause to visit us. it is warmer this than it is here. your timing is a little messed up. >> it certainly is. >> what have you got? >> we come bearing gift, first of all. in the desert, we have prickly pair contact it tuesday candies, something that we thought that you might appreciate. >> is this actually made from -- >> from the prickly pear juice. you're supposed to share. maggie advised me you mig i could not look at that. you know, i'm on a diet. take a look at the first warning doppler weather radar. prickly pear cactus candy. let's look at the outlook. all this moisture will kickoff fall colors in a big way. that is no lie. it is what you see is what you ge sfwh and plenty of more gifts to give you. that. >> that is terrific. >> and golf towels plenty of them. >> well, harry and i and maggie will play in golf in the desert. >> exactly. so maybe we should send it over to harry and see what he thinks about that. >> love it. did you it better than i could. >> thanks for the mft tags. in july three young americans were detained in iran while hiking. iran claims they crossed in illegally from iraq kurdistan. today mothers of shane bauer sarah shroud and josh patal plan to deliver a petition asking for the three friends to be freed. and, cindy and nora and laura join us this morning. sorry i messed up your name. this happened in july. it seems like -- does it seem like yesterday or a million years ago? >> it's a long time. we want our kids back and et's getting to drag on. >> the last -- you were here not so long ago, a month or so ago. and right after that happened there was a visitation, your kids got a vision tagstation from whom shall. >> it was the first counsel lore access investigation that we've gotten. we were totally thrilled because this is what we've been waiting for. some news of the kids. up until then it's been like no news at all. they saw the kids. the kids to them said they looked good they looked fit, they looked well. they were being well fed. they gave them chocolate and hugs and fruit and they got to see each other, too. >> did what did it mean to you -- so they were all together they're not usually together? >> we don't know but we assume not. >> what did it mean to you to get this phone call and then actually speak with someone who saw your children in the flesh? >> it was fabulous. it was fabulous to know they're well fabulous that the swiss ambassador could speak with our kids they could have a conversation and that our children knew then that water working for them that they are aware and they're feeling the support and they know their mothers and their whole families will do everything for them. >> your kids are sophisticated kids. they're not naive. they would not just stumble across a border just to tweak the iranian government. it seems like ahmadinejad understandses that. can't he say a couple of years ago he wants to see them treated leniently and get something going? how do you make that happen? >> well, we're hopeful, you know, because of what he spoke of three weeks ago that he would grant maximum lean yeps si and expedite the case. but it's been three weeks now since that statement and we're anxious to see some movement, we're anxious to get our kids home. >> you've got a possession signed by more than 2,000 people. how do you coax -- because you're dealing in a world of so many unknowns. right? how do you know when you're pushing too hard not pushing hard enough? what's your sort of mind set about trying to move this forward? >> it's been 75 days now. so we did feelo feel that we have given a lot of indications to president ahmadinejad and he's given us cases back. so we feel more like we're in action mode thousand that we really want this to happen, that this has been time enough now. >> aren't you supposed to meet with the iranian mission or is that a maybe? >> we're privately submitting -- we're privately having a submission to the iranian mission. >> we'll keep our fingers crossed. in the mean time, is there a website or someplace people can go to offer their support or at least let you know that they care as much as you do? >> right. it is and we have business cards, sign the petition and here's a picture of the kids, this is josh, this is sarah, this is shape. >> and individual information about the kids too, and what great human beings they are. >> and we represent the entire united states in geography and in spirit i'm sure. these letters are from people all over the wrd and all over the country. and they're expressing their tremendous support for these young people who need to get on with their lives. >> thank you very much for coming back. >> thank you. >> and we'll remain hopeful. now here's maggie. you and dave were out here dissing this segment, so i am making him stand here and listen to us and we had convince him, because the average american spends 500 hours in a car every year right? >> that's right. >> so why not think of it as your second home make it as comfortable as you can. dannielle kyrillos will show us some cool gadgets. >> it's our job to make your life a little more comfortable. that's what we do at daily candy. so it's not buy stuff you don't need. you're in your car all the time. so make it like your car apartment that you drive around. this is a power cup and you put it in your cup holder. it's to keep things organized. you're saying you have your charger. this makes it two 220 volts plug in. obviously none of this is to be done while you're driving, but since your car-partment is your traveling home -- >> this is a good idea. >> you need your laptop or your kids gadgets while you're driving, have it charging, and then once you need to use it, it's ready to go. >> it's like an extension cords. it's great. >> exactly. >> okay. i'm can with through. >> mr. weather, et's about to rain. this is from this neat company called road pro. they make things for professional drivers. we canned a don't some neat things that people like truckers use on the road. a hair drier. it plugs right into your sgreg lighter on before work you get caught in the rain or -- >> how many sometime of times have you had to run out with your hair wet because you're running late? >> so you beat the traffic, you get to work you're in the parking lot, finish your hair. >> i'll give you that. i think thats's a great idea. >> we're two for two. >> and only when parked. it's also from road pro, a sauce man popcorn popper. >> can i give him a scenario that will sell him on this? drive-in movie. >> they don't sell popcorn anymore. >> do you know how many drive-ins are still in the united states? >> or your kids are watching the dvd in the back seat. >> and then you need a portable vacuum. >> that's a different story. >> this is called window seat because it's the first windshield mount to keep your ipod or iphone to get your directions or music right at eye level. when i'm trying to fiddle around, it cause as lot of accidents. to keep it right where you can see it just like you would your gps if you happen to get your directions that way. >> i like that. >> if we're going to drive every wrrks i think a lot of moms feel like professional drivers. make it fun, put on some drives gloves. isn't this a great color? leather gloves online. zippers are the mostly sunny have access si so that could -- >> and i thought of dave when i saw this one. >> i love this. this is terrific. >> it is the sky boost from cargo. >> oh, your little dog wants to see the sights, too. you don't wab to be fidgeting with him, so this is a booster, it holds up to 30 pound, it's $63, keeps the seats from getting all harry and furry. >> this is a great idea. >> should you get it for your parmts. >> yeah. >> they also make this luxury tray table, so your passengers in the back, whether kids coloring or eating or your car pool guys can work on the laptop in the back seat. >> that's cute, too. the only thing i felt was silly was the popcorn thing. >> we're all about making-more comfortable, more convenient. >> >> excellent job, thank you. for more, go to our website, ever think your house looks leak a disaster zone in you ain't seen nothing yet. disaster house is the diy head work's new show in which they actually destroy a home, then show us how to fix it up. contractor george bush temple is the host and he is with us this morning here live on the mazza. good morning, sir. >> hey, how are you. >> so i saw this clip and i thought it looked so great when you dropped the piano on the house. and you get to wreck stuff. >> absolutely. >> so what is the point of wrecking stuff in order to show people how to put it back together again in. >> well, our show is about putting a house through a disaster. what you should do, what insurance will cover, and how you can fix it. but before it's fixed, you have to break it. and that's where we have a lot of fun and creativity in causing these disasters. >> one place a lot of disasters happen, believe it or not, is in the bathroom. and there are people in america who still don't know when their toilet is clogged that they should get one of these. >> yeah. you're a do it yourselfer. >> i am that kind of guy. >> so the plunger is the first line of defense and it actually works -- good form right there. it will actually work. it throws a little pressure down to release the clog. >> that's right. now, if there's really something funky down there that has been building up over generations, it's not just your standard too much toilet paper, just tell it like it is -- >> i love how you're steering this i really do. >> then you've got to deal with one of he's babes right here. should every household have one of these? >> not a bad idea. it's called a hand auger. it's like a snake where you shove it down the throat of the toilet get in there, and you can pull it up and down. >> oh, quau. you can feel it going through there. >> you've churned butter. up and down and around. and that should do it. this is a $30 tool. it will save you 300 bucks calling a plumber. >> why don't you go ahead and do this. because i'm afraid i'm going to destroy the whole thing. >> well, i know. >> because you know what, some people can can do this part. they're afraid what's in there. >> this is talking about leaks. people are scared of their toilet. >> you put on your xwhass. i have glasses. we'll be all right. >> beautiful. all done. >> that's right. >> so first things first. the water in the tank it's clean water. it's the a imwater that comes out of your faucet. don't be scared. your biggest leak will come from here. it's just a flapper. when you pull this arm up it comes down, the seal gets broken. >> and you can replace this so easy to do, and you can become a national hero. >> i'm serious. you put one of those things back in and it's lying, oh, yeah i put it back in, you know. >> so rue. you get a cape, a mask, and you're flapper man. >> but these are pretty standard now, this mechanism is pretty standard on almost all toilets. >> exactly. and the other thing is this is only hand tightened. do you want need tools for this stuff. it's at every hardware store around. >> let's talk a little bit about water as long as we have a toilet out here. he is specially if you're building a new house, you're doing remodel, it's all about the low flow fp if you have an old fashioned toilet like this how much water does it use? >> this is 450 gallons. this is what a family of four will use in a week with just tear toilet. >> that is a lot. >> that is a ton of water. if you come over here the new low 234r0e toy receipt let silettoilets, this is 140 gallons. literally 1/3 p. >> and when they first came out not so great. much better now. >> what they did is they just changed the valve, but now it's a whole different system. it works better. you save that much more money. and that's great for any family to have. >> congratulations, man. fully show where you get to wreck stuff i think is a good show. that's a good premises for a show. >> i'll have you can by. >> thanks so much. josh temple good job. disaster house airs tuesdays at 10:00 p.m. on the diy met work. up next katie lisa here to cook up some comfort food for sunday supper when we come pack. >> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by ocean spray craisins sweetened dried cranberries. the sweetest way to eat a cranberry. time for some comfort food. those dishes that bring fopd memories of fun family time. >> in her new book the comfort table, recipes for every day occasions. our katie lee shares some of her favorites. good morning. >> good morning. >> congrats on the book. i love it. have you seen this? every chapter a different occasion. we're doing sunday supper today, so it has a full menu. it has a wine choice and even a play list. >> yeah, because the music sets the mood for your dinner. so for sunday sun, i have some good kind of old fashioned country. >> fried chicken, okay this all works for me. >> let's get started with the fried chicken. sunday supper at my grandma's house was all about the fried chicken. this smi favorite sunday supperer. so my fried chicken starts with just seasoning. and then i mayorrinate. >> fridge or room temp? >> fridge. and then into in self-rising flour. it just means that it has a leavening agent in there. so if you can't find it, add some baking on soda and a little bit of salt to your in ourflour. 350 degrees in some nice oil. i love the sizzle of fried chicken. don't move it around because you'll lose the hard crust if you move it. >> there was a part that was exposed. >> it's supposed to be like that. >> so you put it in for five minutes with the lid on without moving it. take the lid off and turn it. sorry, harry. and then you'll take it out after five minutes and put it in the oven for the last ten minutes, 450 degrees. i've got some in here and it looks so nice and yummy and crunch crunchy. look at that. now you can have a bite. i'm sorry i scolded you. >> and i ended up going straight to the whipped cream because i'm so depressed. >> you love pie. we've got collard greens, sweet potato casserole. >> wul pet all the recentwe'll put all the re pieces on the web. and the book hits bookstores next tuesday. >> harry you're in the paying attention. give him more whipped cream about have a great day, everyone. your local news is next. c1 somebody is on the roof of our building. marty is over in the first warning weather center. >> i never saw anybody on the roof before. >> every once and a while somebody be -- somebody is on the roof doing maintenance. we will have continued shower activity. it will be raining or damp and breezy and gray and cold. the temperature is going to be 15-20 degrees below normal depending on where you are located. don. the h1n1 vaccine will become available to the general public in baltimore city later today. the first wave of recipients will meet criteria. mary bubala has details. >> reporter: in a few hours, the city of baltimore will hold the first clinic at poly high school. it is for children and young adults. the flumist is available for people between the ages of 2 and 24. parents will need to bring a child's birth certificate or student identification if they are a city resident. you can get the vaccine from noon until 8:00. don, back to you. >> anne arundel county has a click inn starting today, -- clinic starting today. two paramedics were treated at shock trauma after the ambulance was on the way to the medical call and flipped over at lexington and st. paul. the other driver had a minor injury. another blow for the city police commander who was suspended last month. major roger bergeron has been demoted. before the suspension, he oversaw little italy and canton and fells point. bergeron was suspended for spending too much time on social networking web sites while at work. a new cell phone service for verizon and sprint and at&t on the subways. and matt stover will suit up for a new team on sunday. he joined the indianapolis colts. he takes over for adam vinatieri who had knee surgery. and the ravens will be looking to stop the two-game losing streak when they face the vikings in minnesota this weekend. you can see the game here on wjz 13. coverage kicks off at 1:00. stay with wjz. complete news and first warning weather today at noon. updates available at

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