's breaking news, which has just happened up in boston. three additional people now in custody in connection with the marathon bombings. mary bubala is in the news room with the latest. good afternoon, mary. >> reporter: good afternoon. in a tweet sent out this morning the police department says only that three more suspects are in custody and more details will follow. a boston police spokesperson confirmed the tweet but won't release the identities or their roles. 26-year-old tamerlan tsarnaev was killed in a fight with police. his brother, dzhokhar is being held in a prison medical facility and being charged with using a weapon of mass destruction. the bombs killed 3 people and injured more than 260. the head line today, three more in custody. back to you. >> thank you, very much , mary. sometime today members of tamerlan's family is going to claim his body. in this city, three people are being treated after a pick up truck jumps curb and slams into a bus stop. three men were hurt enough to be taken to the hospital where they're in stable condition. we heard nothing about charges. officers say they need more manpower in the wake of a corruption scandal at the baltimore city detention center. wjz is live. mike hellgren tells us about a meeting today when the union and the management. good afternoon. >> reporter: good afternoon. union leaders say they want to discuss the reforms for the troubled facility. it comes a day after governor o'malley called the federal investigation a positive development. >> officers who spent years in maryland's correctional system called for more staffing in the wake of a scandal involving the baltimore city detention center. tavon white ran the black guerrilla family gang and impregnated four officers, corrupting them to smuggle drugs and run a core ruptive empire. >> as long as we work with the teares -- we don't have the eyes on the t ie rs to watch the inmates. >> the governor expressed confidence in his top leadership and said he was given no timetable on the investigation. >> a federal investigation involving this many partners and going after a network like this is not like, you know, getting a cheese burger at the drive through window. these things do take time. >> the governor says he first became aware of the federal investigation last spring and told his top leadership to give federal prosecutors whatever they wanted. >> the indictment said there was no effective punishment for officers, they would be transferred. >> there will be no doubt some changes to the process of background checks that go into the recruitment of officers. >> the governor's secretary of public safety has now moved into the city detention center to better supervise the facility. >> reporter: while the secretary has moved in, inmate tavon white has moved far away. he's being held at a facility in far western maryland. he pleaded not guilty in federal court on monday. reporting live, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you. the indictments officers have ba pended without pay. a harford county sheriff is charged with a crash. it started when a driver hit the cruiser of deputy christopher bales. he confronted the man and got caught up in the doors as it took off. he fired one shot at the driver and is charged with wreckless engagement. authorities say a search turned up evidence of ricin at a studio connected with the man who sent the letters. james dutschke was arrested over the weekend. traces of the poison were found in items in the trash outside that studio. ricin is made from caster beans and he bought them online last year. the food and drug administration announces it's lowering the age to buy a morning after pill without a prescription. anyone over 15 will be able to purchase one step over the counter. danielle nottingham has the latest for wjz. >> girls as young as 15 will be able to buy plan b over the counter. until now anyone under 17 needed a prescription to buy the morning after pill. under the food and administration's decision all someone needs is identification showing they have 15. >> groups like the family research counsel said young girls should not be making these decisions without their doctors or families. >> parents are still in control of their daughter's lives at this point. >> women's groups wish the decision came with no age restriction. >> it makes it more burdensome to get access. >> the age restriction may still be dropped. earlier this month a federal judge ruled the fda must make the drug available to anyone regardless of age. there's still no final decision in that case. >> plan b does not end a pregnancy. it prevents ovulation if taken within 72 hours of having unprotected sex. they have to change packaging to meet the new fda requirements. that's expected to take a few months. >> the fda's ruling applies only to plan b one step and not to any generic version. the maryland department of natural resources is reminder boaters permits are now required for large gatherings on the water. it's to be sure everyone is safe on the water. it costs $100 to apply and get one of the permits. talk about a picture perfect day this noon. the sunshine has returned. the rain clouds have moved on out. it's feeling pretty fantastic outside. we have complete first warning weather coverage with marty in the out back and meteorologist chelsea ingram in the first warning weather center. nice work, guys. good afternoon, chelsea. >> good afternoon. a beautiful day on tap for us. this nice weather just might stk around. temperatures are comfortable. t ting in the 60s right now. around 62 in baltimore, 66 in washington and 66 degrees in elkton. we will bump the temperatures up a few more degrees into the afternoon. just a few high clouds, other wise it is about picture perfect. we're going to go to marty to talk more to us about this beautiful weather and how long it will stay around. marty. >> reporter: thanks. our message is simple, make your weekend plans. take a look at a graphic we have for you. tomorrow we continue this run of dry, comfortable conditions. be a little cool down at the ocean. in other words, when spring fest happens this weekend down at ocean city, it's going to be extremely comfortable. by the weekend here, it's going to be, well, nice and warm. it's a good run of weather folks, make your weekend plans. chelsea ingram joins us shortly during or first warning weather segment with more details. now back inside. >> thank you, marty. the orioles are 1-1 after a win in seattle last night. in the 1st inning nate mcclout with a homer to right field. later a wild pitch brings machado home. he hit a double to get on base. matt wieters also got a double. four runs in the 1st. they won 7-2. the final game in that series is tonight at 10:00. you can see it on masn 2. still to come on eyewitness news at noon, tens of thousands rally across the world today for may day. what workers in bangladesh are demanding on this labor day. >> place your bets without giving the couch. internet gambling gets the go ahead in one state. we will tell you where. >> take a look at all that sunshine. meteorologist chelsea ingram will be back with your first warning weather forecast. complete coverage continues with don scott, jessica kartalija and first warning weather with marty bass and meteorologist chelsea ingram. it's wjz, maryland's news station. ,,,,,, i live for this. but then my hearing problem started. in noisy environments, the voices were blurry, and i started missing things. it's like i was fading into the background. at connect hearing, we know how important hearing is to making the connections that are important to you. if you're having trouble hearing, call now to make an appointment with a local connect hearing professional. call to schedule a free hearing consultation, and learn how today's technology can help you. save hundreds with special offers available for a limited time. right now, get a $500 gift card good towards the purchase of any premium hearing aids when you make an appointment at your local connect hearing clinic. i'm glad i didn't give up. the hearing professionals at connect hearing gave me back my sundays. it's 62 degrees and sunny in central maryland right now. beautiful outside. your complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. thousands of protesters in bangladesh use a may day rally to fight for justice. factory employees took to the streets demanding the owners of the garment building factory that collapsed be held accountable. across the world millions of people are taking to the streets to commemorate labor day and demand better working conditions. the white house is said to be considering a plan to speed up the end of the civil war in syria. sources say the president is considering sending weapons to the rebel groups fighting the syrian army. it comes after he asked his national security team to see what they could do to topple dictator bashar al-assad. more evidence is necessary before the u.s. can take any action. a paramedic is the first witness to testify in the wrongful death lawsuit against michael jackson's concert promoters. he described jackson's bedroom and the frantic efforts to revive him the day he died in 2009. more witnesses are expected to testify today about the medical treatment the pop star received. the trial is expected to last several months. you can place your bets on the poker table without leaving your house if you live in nevada. they decided to have a 30 day trial. it offers internet poker for anyone 21 and over. it's been out lawed since 2011 but the federal government has softened its stance for online betting. they say it could grow to a $100 million a year industry. still ahead, stay hello to all that sunshine. how long will it be sticking around? your complete first warning weather forecast is 2 and a half minutes away. >> first let's take a look at today's midday stocks to be followed by last night's mega millions numbers. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, welcome back, everyone. i hope you had a great start to you day. how could you not with all of this sunshine. that's going to stick around in the forecast. temperatures are comfortable too. right now around 62 degrees in baltimore, 66 degrees in washington. everyone sitting in the 60s. some lower 60s on the eastern shore. 61 degrees in kent island, also 61 in annapolis. the temperatures will bump up a little bit as we head into the afternoon. over all it's going to be a warmer day than it was yesterday. around the 13 miles per hour, that's the wind speed in baltimore. winds are still coming out of the east. the good thing is most of the moisture is located down towards our south so we're not pulling in a lot of atlantic moisture as we head through out the day today. here we are on satellite and radar. a nice big area of clear, dry air. that's associated with an area of high pressure and it's a strong area of high pressure and will continue to strengthen as we head into the latter part of the week. that's going to control our weather and keep that moisture down towards our south and all those clouds out of the way as well. today through friday we're going to see high pressure control our forecast, bring us plenty of sunshine and continue to strengthen as we head into friday. the weekend even looks good too. your bay forecast looks good for today. around 58 degrees, that's the water temperatures. winds out of the east at 10 to 15. a little breezy with waves at 1 to 2 feet. next low tide is going to be around 7:18. for today, temperatures around 72 degrees, mostly sunny and warmer. tonight 42 degrees, partly cloudy. it's going to be cool. if you are going to be heading out tonight, be sure to have a light jacket with you. that's typical for our springtime nighttime weather anyway. for tomorrow, around 70 degrees, mostly sunny and pleasant. like working on days like this. >> i know. everybody wants to hug you sand and say thank you. still to come on eyewitness news at noon. >> researchers discover a new benefit for women who take hormones after menopause. >> here's the top stories on at this hour. for instant updates on all the day's news and the first warning day's news and the first warning weather forecast log o in today's wjz health watch a new study finds women who take hormone replacement therapy after menopause have stronger muscles. researchers studied identical twins and gave hormones to each. the ones taking hormones saw changes improving their over all muscle function. women who need extra help to get pregnant are more likely to suffer psychological recovery if they miscarry. they compared the mental well being of some of the women after miscarriage and those who needed help getting pregnant suffered higher levels of depression, anxiety and stress. a first of its kind study finds child is treated in an emergency room from injuries from an amuseumment park ride every hour. they found nearly 93,000 children were injured between 1990 and 2010. most suffered head or neck injuries. be sure to check in with wjz eyewitness news today at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. we'll have the latest on the breaking news out of boston with three new suspects are now in custody. >> an incredible home video of a cargo plane crash in afghanistan where 7 americans are killed. we'll update that story for you. please join us for these stories and all the day's breaking news today at 4:00 right after dr. phil. and for how long can it stay this nice, the five day forecast is coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,, welcome back, everybody. marty take it away. >> reporter: we have these breezes moving across federal hill. as you look a shot at that flag moving from left to right, that's an eastern breeze. the weekend is going to be fantastic. may the 1st right now. may the 1st and spring hits in maryland. sunshine essentially through the five day with temperatures averaging right around 70. got the big duck decoy festival. on that happy now, back inside. >> thank you. it's also flower mount. >> tea time for me. don't miss the cbs prime time line up on wjz this evening. at 10:00 it's the original csi then stay tuned for eyewitness news at 11:00. a group of high school seniors in tennessee wanted a classy ride to their prom. thanks to a mix up they got the free at last party bus. the bus had ads on the side for a bail bondsman and had a stripper pole inside. they made the best of it. >> i'm sure they were a hit for that. >> i'm sure they're parents were thrilled. have a wonderful day, everyone. >> see you. mine was earned in djibouti, africa, 2004. the battle of bataan, 1942. 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