Voiceover the key of david with gerald flurry. Gerald flurry greetings, everyone. Last week i talked to you about the ark of the covenant and how it was going to be discovered in this end time according to the prophet jeremiah, and it is going to cause quite a public excitement when that happens. Today i want to talk to you about the tombs of the kings because they, too, are prophesied to be found in this end time and cause a world sensation. Both of these events are prophesied in the book of jeremiah, and its something you need to be concerned about because it is going to impact your life. Christ told us that we ought to live by every word of god, and he also asked, well, when the son of man comes, shall he find faith on earth . And of course, the answer was, well, there was going to be a world crisis in faith. People are not going to believe god; theyre not going to believe his word. Now, that is the worst crisis of all when you understand it spiritually. The tombs of the kings are going to be found just before the tribulation and the Second Coming of jesus christ. The righteous kings who sat on davids throne are actually buried in a massive tomb you can see that in your bible , probably a tomb with many rooms, certainly with a lot of thewell, all of the righteous kings buried there alongside david and solomon. Now, a small part of davids palace has already been discovered, and every indication is those tombs are right under davids palace, or very close to it, and theyre going to be found. The apostle peter, when he was on this earth in the First Century, said that it was just common knowledge, that everybody knew where davids sepulcher or tomb was. Everybody knew. But why is it nobody knows today . Not specifically. But the problem is, there was a time when people were trying to get into those tombs and did on a couple occasions , and then when they tried to go even further, two men were struck dead, according to josephus, the famous jewish historian of the First Century, and an outstanding one, at that. Two men were struck dead, and that caused so much fear that nobody ever attempted after that to enter the tombs of the kings, nobody, because there was such fear of god. Now, theres a reason why god did that. Somehow, one way or the other, god caused those men to be slain because he did not want those tombs opened then and destroyed. Thats all prophesied to happen, in this end time, right out of the book of jeremiah. And yet i dont think youll ever hear anybody really speaking on this, perhaps, except this work, but why not . It is, after all, in the book of jeremiah, and jeremiahs an endtime book, so why shouldnt we talk about it . Let me read to you something that my son wrote about the tombs of the kings, and hes quoting josephus here, that famous jewish historian of the First Century. Notice what he said. First of all, the jews who returned to jerusalem, from babylonian exile, were well aware of the tombs and their location, you can see that in nehemiah 3 and verse 16, when they came back to build the second temple. It was there and people knew where they were. But, josephus, writing in the First Century a. D. , describes davids burial and his tomb this way he was buried by his son, solomon, in jerusalem with great magnificence, and with all the other funeral pomp which kings used to be buried with. Moreover, he had great and immense wealth buried with him. josephus goes on to describe the first known raid of davids tomb by johann hurkanus, the high priest. He was besieged by antiochus that was called pius, and he was desirous of giving him money to get him to raise the siege, so this high priest grew fearful and didnt trust god, and he opened the room of davids sepulcher and took out three thousand talents. But as josephus tells us, hurkanus only raided one room of the tombs. One hundred years later king herod determined to pick up where hurkanus left off. And notice what he did. As for any money, he found none as herkanus had done, but the furniture of gold and those precious goods that were laid up there, all which he took away. So he took some precious goods out of the tombs of the kings. Now well go on and read a little more of josephus just to conclude this. But heres what josephus wrote he had a great desire to make a more diligent search and to go farther, even as far as the very bodies of david and solomon, that is in the time of herod, he wanted to go further now than he did the first time. Notice what happened, where two of his guards were slain by a flame that burst out upon those who went in, as the report was. There was just a flame that burst out and destroyed those two men. Now, who do you suppose inflicted that pain on those men and that death . Well, obviously god did it because those tombs were prophesied to be opened and destroyed in this end time by jeremiah, not at that time. And this concludes by saying so he was terribly frightened and went out and built a monument, or kind of a door to block that, a monument of that fright he had been in, and this of white stone, as the mouth of the sepulcher, and that at great expense also. So here were two of herods guards that were going to go in there, right in where solomon and david were buried in, of the many tombs there, and god struck them dead, struck them dead because of what they did, and it brought great fear into the mind of herod and others, and that frightened them so much that theres no record of anybody attempting to get into those tombs after that, and today they dont even know where they are. But i can tell you from the bible almost precisely, the bible and secular history, almost precisely where those tombs of the kings are, and you are going to see that they are going to be found in this end time, and its going to cause quite an uproar. Its also going to fill some people with rage, who are the enemies of the jews. But why would god do all of that . Well, because all of this was prophesied to happen in this end time, and god wasnt about to let men to, in any way, interfere with his plan. Notice jeremiah 30. Let me just give you a little background here on jeremiah. Jeremiah 30 and verse 1 says the word that came to jeremiah from the lord, saying, 2 thus speaketh the lord god of israel, saying, write thee all the words that i have spoken unto thee in a book. 3 for, lo, the days come, not that day, but the days are coming, saith the lord, that i will bring again the captivity of my people israel and judah, saith the lord and i will cause them to return to the land that i gave to their fathers, and so on. So it goes on to say in verse 7 that theres no time of suffering ever like this that is going to be coming upon them, which is called jacobs trouble. And then in verse 9 it goes on to talk about how david is going to be resurrected to be king over israel at that time. Obviously its the very end time, and just before the Second Coming of jesus christ to this earth. Now lets look at that prophecy that is so earthshaking and ought to get a lot of peoples attention, but it doesnt seem to because, well, when the son of man comes, shall he find faith on this earth . Not very much; thats the answer god gives. Notice verse 32 of jeremiah 7 therefore, behold, the days come, saith the lord, that it shall no more be called tophet, nor the valley of the son of hinnom, but the valley of slaughter for they shall bury in tophet, till there be no place. In other words, theres no place left to bury people, if you can imagine that. How bad is that going to be . How much should that concern us today . Well, its for this end time. We ought to be thinking about it in the age of these weapons of mass destruction. We ought to be thinking about what god says is coming upon this world, and how hes going to solve it by the Second Coming of jesus christ. Verse 33 and the carcases of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth; and none shall fray them away. 34 then will i cause to cease from the cities of judah, and from the streets of jerusalem, the voice of mirth, or joy, its just going to be gone, no more joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride for the land shall be desolate. No happy marriages, its really going to be very bad. I dont know how you could explain it as getting much worse than what is prophesied here. And why doesnt this concern men enough to dig into these prophecies and learn to believe god . Because what he prophesies always comes to pass it always comes to pass. Now, this is specifically aimed at judah and jerusalem in the middle east. Thats what this prophecy is about. The overall prophecy was to israel and judah; judahs actually a part of israel, but they were separated from them when the lost ten tribes rebelled and then became the lost ten tribes. But i tell you, this is a tremendous emphasis on what an archaeologist is going to find in this end time. Tremendous emphasis on this prophecy notice now what it says here, and its one of the strangest prophecies in all the bible in a way, and one that really gets almost no attention. Verse 1 of chapter 8 of jeremiah, and there should be no chapter break there, it should flow right on because its the same prophecy at that time, saith the lord, they shall bring out the bones of the kings of judah, and the bones of his princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of jerusalem, out of their graves so the inhabitants here, that last word inhabitants actually is talking about the inhabitants sitting there with a throne, whether it be a king or a prophet or a prince. It just means inhabitants that will sit on a throne and do some kind of judging. Gesenius tells you that. Also heres one definition from gesenius hebrew and chaldee lexicon specially to sit is used of a judges, where they sit to give judgment psalm 9 5 , kings sitting on their throne psalm 9 8, and 55 20, and isaiah 10 13 , where it talks about kings doing that, and those are the inhabitants that jeremiah is talking about. But notice then now here theyve discovered all the bones of these kings, and somebody is bringing the bones of all of those kings out of the tombs that have been found. They were discovered in this end time, and i mean immediately ahead of us. And then verse 2 and they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, that is the ruler of everything, the heaven, the earth, the angels, spread then out, whom they have loved, that is, these righteous kings loved god, and these people that are coming in there, into jerusalem, hate what god says in his word, and this is in the great tribulation when this all happens, after they have found them, just before the great tribulation. But notice this verse continues, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth. So god lets them just go in there and destroy the bones of those righteous kings to try to teach the jews and two other nations of israel talked about in our book on the United States and britain in prophecy, and theyre going to be facing some dire consequences of all of their terrible sins. And this is going to end with the Second Coming of jesus christ. But look, you cant go in there and bring out the bones of those kings unless you know where they are, unless the whole world knows where they are, or at least theres going to be a spectacular sensation in this world when those bones of the kings are found i mean, that tells you everything about who israel is and who judah is and where they are, and it tells you all kinds of things about their history. But i mean the tombs of the kings have not been seen for nearly two thousand years, and yet i can tell you theyre about to be found because of what jeremiah prophesied why cant people believe god . Well, you see why were having so many problems in this world; people dont believe god they dont have faith to believe in every word of god, which christ said we should, and thats what a christian is supposed to be, one that follows christ and believes him when he said, live by every word of god. But here the enemies of the jews are having a heyday and they are in a rage about these findings and these discoveries in archaeology, and they know its contrary to what they want to believe, and they want to destroy all of that. Its a thrilling event to the world when these bones are found, and especially to the jews, but if you understand the prophecy of psalm 83and well send you information about that if youd like to have itbut it says there that theyre going to go after the jews, and well, actually three nations of israel, and try to blot out their name forever thats the spirit behind the destruction of those bones of the kings, the righteous kings of judah, and its contrary to what god would have them do, but god is allowing it and bringing it upon them because of their sins. Clarkes commentary says, look, theres no chapter break here. He can see that the flow was there; its just one continual prophecy, and he wrote this, it says their taking out those bones like that was the highest expression of hatred and contempt. The highest expression of hatred and contempt well, now, thats something to think about. Why would they have all of that hatred for the jews and for, frankly, america and britain, as well . Why would they want to blot out the history of righteous kings in judah . Well, its because theyre being inspired and moved by satan, the devil. And Queen Elizabeth today sits on davids throne, and you can easily prove that in our book on the United States and britain in prophecy. She sits on davids throne, and god promised david that that throne would be on this earth forever, and certainly kings are going to be sitting on that throne all the way up to the Second Coming of christ, and then christ is going to sit on it for all eternity that throne is not going away, regardless of how much satan hates it and wants to blot out all that information. It isnt going to happen just the reverse is going to happen our key of david booklet will explain that to you, and we also have some articles on archaeology that well offer you at the end of this program, and also a short article on the tombs of the kings written by my son, and its information where hes just quoting from josephus and other historians and the bible. But notice verse 3 of this chapter 8 of jeremiah and death shall be chosen rather than life by all the residue of them that remain, do we realize what this earth is about to enter into . People would choose death rather than life because its so horrifying . And theres so much atrocious evil being inflicted on people on this earth, and its all because of their sins. Well, you can read the rest of that, but its a very important verse and says a great deal. Now let me just read to you from i kings 11 and verse 43 to prove to you more about why these kings are buried together in one massive tomb, which is probably right under the palace of david, which has already been found. Ten to fifteen percent of it has already been excavated, and the rest of it is going to begin to be excavated very quickly, and its all there in the city of david, or jerusalem. But, and solomon slept with his fathers, it says in i kings 11 and verse 43, he slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of david his father thats jerusalem. But who are the fathers . Well, the fathers are david and solomon and those other righteous kings that sat on davids throne throughout history like Queen Elizabeth. And the righteous ones it said were, in the past, buried with their fathers. Now, its been a while since we have had the kind of righteousness that god is looking for, but notice i kings 15 and verse 24; ill just quickly read this to you and [king] asa slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of david his father now, he was right there with david, his father and the other fathers, and these are the tombs of the kings that im talking about. I kings 22 and verse 50, and [king] jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of david his father so you can see the evil kings were in the city of david, but not sleeping with their fathers. They didnt deserve that honor, so here we have just some amazing knowledge. And if you look at acts 2 and verse 29, let me quickly read that to you men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch david, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. Everybody knew where it was, and they became fearful of digging into that tomb. And josephus was born actually a few years after peter was speaking these words. So the people commonly knew where davids throne was at that time and where the tombs of the kings were. But they dont know today. I mean for almost two thousand years they have not known. Nehemiah, when he went back to build the second temple, help build it, he talked about the place of my fathers sepulchers, he knew exactly where they were. Nehemiah 2 and verse 13. He knew about where the fathers tombs were; he knew that, and a lot of other people did. Norma franklin, an archaeologist said this supports the assumption that the kings of the house of david were also buried in the royal palace. Well, they assume that, and i think its more than just an assumption. I think its more than just an assumption. But look, there is an archaeologist on this earth today, right now that has already uncovered a greatwell, at least a pretty good percentageof davids palace. Will those tombs of the kings be located right under that palace . Theres a very good chance they will be. Jeremiah prophesied that they are going to be found theyre going to be found davids palace has already been found and all we have to do is just believe god christ asked though, when the son of man comes, shall he find faith on this earth . And the answer was, theres going to be a world crisis in faith. But how about you . Do you really believe every word of god . Do you believe jesus christ . Until next week, this is gerald flurry, goodbye, friends. Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And save you up to thousands of dollars in outofpocket costs. 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She gained early fame as an extraordinary dancer and singer, and she used proactiv to fight breakouts caused by stress and heavy makeup. Now, with a fastrising movie career, her face is in the spotlight, and she keeps her complexion flawless withproactiv plus. Hi, im julianne hough. When it comes to acne, are you at your wits end . Its frustrating, isnt it, when you feel like theres nothing you can do to make yourself look better. Along with that comes a sense of embarrassment and shame. You think the only thing people notice about you is your bad skin. Fortunately, after years of research and development, the founders of proactiv, doctors katie rodan and kathy fields, discovered a breakthrough that will once again change the way that you fight acne. Its called proactiv plus, and it brings together the very best of what works for acne with the very best of what works for your skin. Acne healing plus a whole lot more. 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Take a look as julianne shares her own proactiv plus routine. The thing that i love the most about proactiv plus is that it just feels effortless. Step one, i wash my face with the exfoliator. The thing that i love, too, is that its creamy and theres scrubby beads in here, so it really exfoliates the skin. Its great. Gets all the dead skin off but still makes it feel like ive moisturized my face. So the next step is step two, and this is the pore targeting treatment. This is the real powerhouse. You just do a little pump like that, i love it, its the exact right amount that you need. And it doesnt feel like other acne medicine treatments. I mean, this is like silky smooth, it doesnt leave your face feeling dry. And last but not least, step number three, the hydrator. This is my alltime favorite. This is like velvet. It is so smooth and so hydrating. I love the way that it feels on my skin. And whats so great about it is its also killing the acne at the same time. All done. How easy was that. Voila three easy steps. With proactiv plus, its fast, you know, you can just wash your face, then put on the treatment, and then use the hydrator and youre done. And ive got this new glow to my skin that i didnt even know i could have. I have very fair skin. So any kind of blemish or anything that pops up gets very red and very noticeable. Proactiv plus definitely cleared acne, as you can see, but it also really helped with evening out my skin tones. And my pores are looking much smaller. I feel like with proactiv plus its more than acne fighter. The whole regimen, in all essence, has been wonderful with my skin. It feels clear, clean, i feel like my pores are a lot smaller. My skin is healthy again. Coming up, dont miss adam levine. Singer, songwriter, and coach on the tv hit the voice. As he shares the story of his own struggle with acne. Its true. Its something thats just been a lingering problem throughout my life, and i still deal with it to this day. Fortunately, proactiv plus works. And i honestly wouldnt be here telling you this if i didnt really think it could help. Its not just treating your acne, youre taking care of your skin. And just ahead, if youve always dreamed of having flawless, glowing skin, heres your chance to experience the skinclearing magic of proactiv plus. Now from proactiv, americas number one acne brand, comes a revolutionary new way to fight acne. Announcing allnew proactiv plus, the dermatologistdeveloped breakthrough combination of acne medicine plus advanced skincare. The results are astonishing. Skin is not just clear, its radiant. Ever since i started using proactiv plus, my skin has changed in every way. Everythings just even and clear, i dont have breakouts. I feel like my face just like glows now, its just so healthy, i love it. Call now and get started with your daily dose of instant radiance. Step one, the skin smoothing exfoliator. 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If you dont see clearer skin, if you dont see more radiant skin, if you dont see the difference and love your skin, send the empty bottles back for a full refund. It really is that simple. Imagine your skin clear, healthy, and radiant. Dont let this special opportunity to try new proactiv plus slip away. Call now, and be sure to mention our special tv promo code plus123 when you call to lock in over 50 in savings and your free gifts. Let the radiance begin. Hes a rock star and a coach on the hit show the voice. But did you know that superstar adam levine has struggled with acne since his teens . Its something thats just been a lingering problem throughout my life, and you know, ive dealt with it in various different ways from when i was 15, 16 years old. It was a hard time for me, and i still deal with it to this day. And now you think to yourself, im an adult, and i have acne, whats going on, this is insane. Finally, with proactiv plus, hes found a product that he not only uses, but wants to speak out for. For anybody thats seeing this commercial, because acne was such a profound problem for me when i was young, dealing with it is an important thing. And thats why proactiv plus is a gamechanger. Its one system that does everything. Not only does it keep the acne away, but it makes your skin look amazing. Its nice to nurture it a little bit. And im a guy, and i can say that. Acne is complicated, the solution is simple proactiv plus. Proactiv plus is a breakthrough. It intelligently targets pores where acne medicine is needed most. How is that possible . With smarttarget technology. Here to explain are the creators of new proactiv plus stanfordtrained dermatologists katie rodan and cathy fields. Thank you. Thank you so much. We know that many of you have had issues with acne medicine causing dryness and irritation. And most acne medicines never make it into the pores. They just linger on the surface and they cause irritation. Our new smart target technology represents the next generation of acne medicine. It keeps the medicine off the skin surface and into the pore. What makes it so unique is that its an encapsulation technology. The benzoyl peroxide molecule is wrapped in layers of lipids and water, and its those lipids that draw the benzoyl peroxide down into the oilrich environment of the pore, where they can kill the acnecausing bacteria with laserlike precision. Now, once inside the pore, these microlayers open up, unfolding like a flower, gradually releasing the benzoyl peroxide for a longerlasting effect. This new Technology Gets into the pore faster, it goes in deeper, and it kills bacteria longer. And smart target Technology Helps proactiv plus work on all types of blemishes, whether youre dealing with chronic acne or occasional hormonal breakouts. I had a lot of breakouts around my mouth area, ive used so many different products and tried so many different things, and ive never used any other product that has worked as quick as proactiv plus. Its given me the best results ive ever seen in just two weeks. Using proactiv plus, it completely changed my look and my skin. Its not just fighting the acne, but its taking care of and its hydrating your skin. Its definitely working. And im superhappy about it curious to know if proactiv plus really works . Watch what happened when we asked 50 women and men to try a brand new mystery product to clear their acne and transform their skin. On day one, they shared their struggles with problem skin. Maybe you can relate. My problem areas really around here, around the jaw line. I also have big pores around my nose especially. I guess, um, its an average day. The skin is drier than usual. I call these my little volcanoes. Every time i use my phone, i feel it. And its generally the same same spots over and over again. If i had clear skin, i would be so much more confident. Im completely exhausted and i need something that really changes my skin for good. Its not just blemishes when its on your face all the time for your whole life, pretty much. And its really embarrassing, and i just feel like theres nothing i can do anymore and that im just stuck. Inside, im totally different. Im this open person, im the life of the party. But im at the point in my life that this has to be over. We followed everyones progress, and the results were truly astonishing. My skin is doing great and its just so different. Besides acne clearing up, my skin is very healthy and it looks more appealing. The weight that i had on my shoulders is gone. My skin has definitely been clearing up. I mean, i barely have any breakouts, it feels like, the rest of my skin. Besides the acne clearing up, i feel that my skin has more glow to it. The tone is healthier. It makes my pores look smaller, and makes my skin feel younger. Im very excited that its working because its easy to use and makes my skin look good. My skin is feeling amazingly beautiful. Its so soft, its so radiant, i have a beautiful glow, and amazing tone and texture and my confidence is like, at 100 right now. Im so happy. I am just thrilled. I just didnt expect my skin to be as clear as it is, and i see that the product is really working. Its amazing. Im sorry. Right now, im the most confident person that ive ever been. So thank you, proactiv plus, for letting me be the person that i know that ive always been. Do you sometimes avoid social events . Do you shy away from situations where your face is in the spotlight . How much time do you actually spend checking mirrors or touching your face . What if you could change all that, and get not only clear skin, but radiant, glowing, Beautiful Skin . Now you can from proactiv, americas number one acne brand comes a revolutionary new way to fight acne. Announcing allnew proactiv plus. The dermatologist developed breakthrough combination of acne medicine plus advanced skincare. The results are astonishing. Skin is not just clear, its radiant. The amazing thing about proactiv plus is that it clears my skin, keeps me free of breakouts, but its also hydrating my skin and making my skin feel so soft. Its like this whole great system all in one. Call now and get started with your daily dose of instant radiance. Step one, the skin smoothing exfoliator. Deep cleans, tones, and starts fighting acne while leaving your skin soft and hydrated. Next, step two, the pore targeting treatment the name says it all. Our breakthrough smart targettechnology is specially designed to put more benzoyl peroxide straight into the pores for faster, better results. And step three, a luxurious new breakthrough, the complexion perfecting hydrator. This velvety formula helps clear blemishes by unclogging pores as it nourishes, soothes, and visibly brightens your skin. Proactiv plus really gave me that extra boost. Ive got more supple texture and its still helping prevent my breakouts, which i love. Acne medicine and skin care this amazing could normally cost hundreds of dollars. So at its regular price of 64, allnew proactiv plus is already an amazing value. But today, with this special television offer, you can try new proactiv plus for the remarkable price of only 39. 95, and experience skin thats clear, plus radiant. For all the money ive spent on products that dont work, i feel like proactiv plus is such a gift that i would probably pay more for it because my skin just glows in such a great way. When you order proactiv plus today, be sure to mention special tv promo code plus123 to unlock an incredible package of free gifts and discounts. Heres what you get. First, our brand new skin purifying mask reduces redness and irritation as our special blend of antioxidants and botanicals soothes and calm your skin. The mask is your best friend. I use it a couple times a week all over and then i spot treat as well. The very next day you can tell an improvement. Itll be less red, itll be almost gone within just a few days. Its like an instant fix. Well also send you this downloadable ebook, the perfect skin handbook, packed with our best antiacne secrets and tips you can use instantly for fast relief. My skin feels amazing since they came out with proactiv plus. It gives your skin this beautiful glow. But yet its also fighting acne. Its like the best of both worlds. Imagine. Youll get all this for just 39. 95. But today, were making this offer even better. Smart shoppers who mention our special tv promo code in the next seven minutes get another 10 off the already reduced price. Youll get everything you see here, an 84 value, for just 29. 95 if you order now. 29. 95 for proactiv plus is a steal. It makes me feel amazingly beautiful, and its affordable. And proactiv plus is backed by our 60day money back guarantee. Try proactiv plus, use it all up, and if youre not thrilled with your results, you get your money back. Were that confident proactiv plus is the solution youve been waiting for. Dont waste another minute living with breakouts. Make today the day you declare an end to your acne. Pick up your phone and order proactiv plus now. Clear plus radiant skin starts here, with allnew proactiv plus. Dont let this special opportunity to try new proactiv plus slip away. Call now. We do live in a world where chairs turn around and there you are. People judge each other based on appearance and as someone whos had unclear skin, i can definitively say that clear skin is a huge part of being able to carry yourself with confidence. And if being proactive and taking care of your skin can help you feel good about yourself, then its a good thing to do. My confidence has skyrocketed ever since i started using proactiv plus. My skin has been amazing its clear, its healthy, its just porcelain. I love it. I makes every day better when you feel great about the way that you look. Youll love the new proactiv plus system, youll love the new textures. Youll love everything about it, and most of all, what it will do for your skin. You didnt choose acne, its not your fault. But you can choose to have clear and radiant skin with the allnew proactiv plus. Decide that you deserve to live your life blemishfree and then grab your phone and order proactiv plus right now. It really is that simple. Youll be glad you did. This is the old version of me and this is the new version of me. What i love about proactiv plus for me, its about feeling complete, you know, its about feeling at ease. Proactiv plus made me very happy. Very happy. This is sad jillian, and even though i have tears in my eyes, theyre tears of happiness, this is happy jillian. I feel like i finally look like the beautiful woman i feel i am in my heart. I am in love with my skin right now, this is the healthiest my skin has been in probably 20 years. And its because of proactiv plus. All it takes is one phone call right now to see what allnew proactiv plus can do for you, so dont wait. Call now. This has been a paid presentation for proactiv plus. Brought to you by guthyrenker