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Watch out for them in todays show. Im here at paul the gorillas annual banana festival and what an appealing day its been so far. Ha, ha, appealing from the banana photo booth, to the strange but wonderful banana petting zoo, to the always popular cart of banana stuff. laughing and now, to the nothing but banana sculpture contest. Lets see how paul scores marcus and keiths banana eiffel tower. And annie and dannys banana taj mahal. applause and cheers 9. 5 we can beat that. Ours is definitely a 10. Paul. That sign said zero, as in nothing. As in no points at all. Did you see our banana taj mahal . Did you see it . Because it looks just like the real thing. What am i missing . Annie you said you were going to read the rules . Hey, i dont read rules, ok . What kind of prankster do you think i am . But. cheering a zero . Danny rebus is not a zero a nothing a nada they get it well, that does it from the park. Paul and i are off to the diner to get ready for the banana Festival Party hope to see you there later, bye. Hey guys, i think your sculpture was really awesome even if it did have a strawberry on it. Gee, thanks. Im really sorry that you guys got zero, i thought your sculpture was really awesome. Will we see you at the party . You might. Come on rebus, are you thinking what im thinking . That depends on what youre thinking. whispering im sorry, all i heard was ruin the party shhh was that loud . Yes hey you guys feel the power feel the power feel the power, yo and plug it in its electric Electric Company get connected Electric Company its electric Electric Company get connected Electric Company the power we perfected is electrically connected so use it as directed and expect to be respected just turn it on and you will see that you belong in the company feel the power feel the power feel the power, yo and plug it in plug it in, everybody Electric Company Electric Company Electric Company. Electric company yes, paul, the food is all set. And yes, i ordered the shiny banana balloon. Seriously paul, relax, i got this party under control. Oh what . Have you seen danny and annie . No, why . Theyre going to try to ruin pauls party. Are you serious. Why . Come on, why are they going to mess with my man, paul . We heard them say it. I saw them too. They were upset because they got zero points at the sculpture contest. Guys, youre upsetting, paul, hes already nervous enough. Paul, look at me, dude. No one is going to ruin this party, ok . Nobody. Come on, look around, you see any pranksters in this diner . Nope exactly all right, scrambler whats our move . A delivery. Rebus its gotime, come on. Broadway banana products. 10 balloons for 20 dollars. So you want a zero paul the gorilla . Well show you a zero laughing let me just doublecheck the order here. Oh, my bad, i almost gave you ten balloons for 20 dollars. Thats correct. No sir, no, it says here that you ordered zero balloons for 120 dollars. No wait, wait. That would be 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and zero. There you go, zero balloons; that will be 120 dollars. Just send me a check. What just happened . Let me see that marcus, put your power on this. All right, lets check this out. So the correct order was 10 balloons for 20 dollars. But if you take the one from here, move it here. Zero balloons for 120 dollars, which means the amount of balloons and the amount of dollars was scrambled. They think were zeros and theres nothing to us in their boots theyre all the same tell them, danny. cause when you do not give respect to a zero you are making a big mistake tell them, annie. Theyre going to be so sorry watch what happens when you dont appreciate a zero something wont add up check out these zeros next to the number one six zeros make one million go zero you see its now one million my hero ignoring zeros power could be the biggest mistake of your life zeros could ruin what youre doing until you learn to appreciate a zero something wont add up they cant ruin this party all that wonderful food. Do you realize that i eat celery for dessert every single night . Whoa, every night . No, i take that back once i had to eat dog food. Gnarly; did you like it . Why dont you watch this and decide for yourself. The importanator 3002 helps you figure out whats important in a sentence. Whats important . Capital letters i know what that means. People amy and tim bold tigers; tim juggles tigers . Italics on a tightrope. Be good, ill be back soon. I feel silly; why are we dressed like dogs . For the woofwoof, crunchy yummy dog food contest. If i direct the best commercial, we win a years supply of dog food. But i eat cat food. Youll get used to it. Heres the script. And action cut cut cut donnie, the word this is in italics. Oh, italics. So . That means you have to stress that word when you read it really make it stand out. Action cut donnie, nice job stressing the italics, but you dont have to stress the word that much. Lets try this one more time, ok . All right, fuzzball. Action no more dog food im a cat, im a cat hey yall, look what i can do. I can raise a letter to the sky its bigger and better texassized i can stretch a letter and make it rise when its time to. Capitalize take a look at this sentence. Look at all those lower case as ah time to capitalize whats important. If its a start of a sentence raise up armadillos if its a place or a person i have an uncle in austin if its a day of a week or month in a year raise up august thats 3 capital as yall now its clear i can raise a letter to the sky its bigger and better texassized i can stretch a letter and make it rise when its time to. Capitalize yeah so whats happened so far . Lets check out the scores at the banana sculpture contest. We got a 9. 5. Now for the pranksters score. Thats the number zero. That means we scored nothing no points at all, zero then well make some trouble at the party. Hey, you guys well change the amount of stuff they order for the party. The amount is how much you have of something. 5 bananas. Well use zeros to make the amount more or less. Though a zero can mean nothing some say it doesnt count a zero has the power to change the amount i could take one banana and make it ten now watch what happens when i do it again the amount goes up it becomes 100 who made this mess . The zeros. Yeah, we did we didnt end up as banana sculpture heroes but well ruin this party with the power of zeros ive never seen him this way. Yeah, he took the balloon thing a little personally. Ok, thank you, thanks anyways; all right, bye. What happened . Unfortunately, theyre all sold out of shiny banana balloons. But, were going to get some nice normal yellow balloons. cheering who doesnt like nice yellow balloons . Paul, paul, come on man, look at me, look at me. Im not going to let danny and annie ruin this party, ok . Check it out, i made a list, a list of Everything Else well need for the party. When the next delivery comes i check the amount on the list. If its wrong, we send it back and we get it right. Come on, come on who loves ya . Come on, yes annie, youre a genius. Broadway banana products company, perfect. Hes loading up the truck now. Awesome i cant change the list while hes staring at it go distract him. Distract him . I dont know how to distract him. He sells banana stuff, ask him about that. Go go excuse me, sir. Do you know where i might be able to find banana banana what . Banana. Fanny packs . Its our most popular item let me just check. Hey no you want this, dont you . You know what . Youre in luck, my friend, because this is free for you and ill get the straps. There you go thats yours. If your friends ask you, which they will, you got that from barry banana. I most certainly will. You have a good day. Ok hector, delivery. Barry . So, i have got 20 cases of bananas for 2 dollars; 6 napkins for 50 dollars; 3 paper plates for 30 dollars; 40 banana pinatas for 2 dollars; and one bananafannafo fanny pack and thats just for the heck of it. Barry . That is my name. Those are not the correct amounts. Yes, they are. No, i wouldnt pay 30 dollars for 3 paper plates. I ordered 30 paper plates for 3 dollars. See, your whole list was scrambled. Well, this has never happened in all my years of selling quality banana products. Actually, it happened earlier today. Oh. Right. We cant get our order past the door, hector has all the amounts written on that list. Well, i guess well just have to change the list. Oh. Nice thinking rebus. Thank you. Youre welcome. All right, this is the plan. Jess, youre going to come with me, were going to go with barry to the warehouse and were going to get these orders right. Keith . Ill go inside and help john. Youre the man, dude. Marcus, when youre done setting up the tables, i just need you to call and check on the music. And remember to stick to the amounts on the list, all right . No problem. Lets banana split. Lets do it. We got to get to that list. Go, go, go. Go, go ok, they ordered 1 oneman banana band. Lets make it 10. Oh, that will be awfully loud. Hey, you really know how to ruin a party. Thank you. Youre welcome. Well borrow this zero from here and. laughter one man banana bands all the banana music you need in one banana man. Hi, i just wanted to make sure that 10 oneman banana bands are coming to the electric diner. Are you sure thats the correct amount . My order slip says that hector just ordered 1 oneman banana band. Just one . Nope, im afraid youve been pranked, ive got the correct amount right here 10, one zero. Ok sir, you got it thanks for calling. Those pranksters cant get anything past marcus barnes. Barnes. Barnes. 10 oneman banana bands . Thats going to be awesome i dont know, dude i smell trouble. Oh yeah, i smell that too. Because sometimes when you buy too much of something, things go very wrong. And your aunt, who happens to be a witch, gets very mad at you. What are you talking about . Youre about to find out. If you thought ketchup and mustard were a great team, meet pictures and words. Take a look at this picture you see some guy and some chicken oh, and some ninjas but who are they . Why are they fighting . Well, according to the words that guy is eduardo; the chickens name is dante; and they are a world traveling ninja fighting team little tip for you pictures are your friends. Let me explain. When i was little, i was obsessed with dinosaurs. I had dinosaur stuffed animals and dinosaur bed sheets, and id romp around my room like a dinosaur. With my cat named dinosaur. And of course, this was my favorite book. Before i could even read i would look at the pictures and learn everything i could. Like, just from this picture, i figured out that some dinosaurs eat plants, but i still wanted to learn more. Thats when i started to read and i remember i saw this picture. And next to it, this sentence. But what did it say . That big word freaked me out so i looked at the picture. Its a Tyrannosaurus Rex. I could read Tyrannosaurus Rex then another tough word. I looked at the picture bones, its a skeleton. Thats the word. Wow, i couldnt believe it 200 bones i had to tell somebody. So i told dinosaur and you know what he said . Meow he always says that. howling honking all aunt hildegard boys, youre spending too much money on household supplies. And i wrote this report to prove it. Luckily, ive taken the most Important Information and put it into this handmade bar graph. Nice graph. Silence the taller the bar the more you have spent. First, shampoo as you can see by this short bar, you have spent 6 dollars on shampoo this winter. This is. gasping . Quite good. We rock. Rinse and repeat. Silence on trash bags, you have spent 7 dollars. This is. gasping . Not bad. But then, we get to this tall bar for toilet paper. 137 dollars on toilet paper this winter who is responsible . Give me a break; its cold out there. Nuggets chill little hamster. How can i chill, i mean, one minute annie and danny are ruining the party, the next minute hector is saving it. And now, 10 oneman banana bands are about to show up . Loud music is not good for my headaches. Did i mention i get headaches . Uh werewolf . Oh, partys starting wait for me hey come on in the partys going on. Youre going to bring more to the party, of course. Hector, we checked the amounts of the deliveries, everything is correct. Nice, and theres the oneman banana band welcome to the party, sir. You see paul, its coming together. Oh yeah and theres another oneman banana band, i didnt ask. Excuse me, no, hold up, dude i think theres a little of a mix up. Hector . Hector . Hector . No. Where are you coming from . Marcus . Marcus . Can i check that list . Yeah. Ok. I dont know why we have so yep, 10 oneman banana bands. We ordered 1 oneman banana band what . They must of scrambled it when i wasnt looking. Hector, it is really loud in there. I know, man please dont leave. Come on guys its so much fun. Wait, guys please. Paul, trust me, this partys gonna go on as scheduled. Somehow. Hector . Yes. Ive got an idea. I dont see any sign of the Electric Company. Did we actually beat them . I mean, of course we beat them, i knew we would. Were victorious. You cant prove anything not now guys, we dont have time to talk, someone ruined the banana party. We dont know anything about those banana bands. I mean, we dont know anything. Oh, we know you guys didnt do it. You do . I mean, whoever ruined the party pulled a really good prank. It was a good prank, wasnt it . Yeah, the only person that could pull a really good prank like that is francine. What about us . What about you . You guys didnt score a single point in the banana sculpture contest. Ha that shows how much you know. We did ruin the banana party and there is nothing you can do about it laughing oh i think you owe paul an apology. Sorry, paul. And barry, the banana product delivery guy. Sorry barry, the banana product delivery guy. What are you going to do to us . Well, you made us order 10 oneman banana bands; we only needed one, so the other nine are all yours. Gentlemen, take it away this is too much 1, 2, 3, 4. Kapow prankster planet the wordsuckeruppernator is sucking up words so its jessica and marcus to the rescue there are 13 buttons to shut it down but pushing them all is up to you boom prankster planet kapow prankster planet meanwhile, in the city. Rebus power, dont fail me now theres the off button whats with that weird machine . Weird machine . Nobody insults the danny rebus maker, because the danny rebus maker can make as many danny rebuses as danny rebus wants the danny rebus maker to make. Both huh . Ill just enter the amount of danny rebuses i want. A 1 and a 0, oh thats ten, and kabloomie whoa ten brand new, handsome, brilliant danny rebuses i love you all. Come on dannies, surround them danny, whats up with your dannies . Yeah, theyre just standing there. Thats weak. Thats it its one thing to insult the danny rebus maker, but nobody insults the danny rebuses that the danny rebus maker makes. Both huh . Watch what happens when i change the amount of dannies. Ill add a 0 to this 10 making ten times as many. Thats 100 a boo and a yah. Whoa were surrounded woohoo we got em boys youre geniuses, all of you. How are we gonna get to the button . Danny, great work. You too, danny. Oh hi, danny. Ugh, i thought one danny was bad enough. Hey what if we knock them over, like dominoes . Maybe the last one will push the button. Great idea. Dannys distracted. Now no, no dannies, get up are you sleeping, danny . Come on, push that button yeah or knock it into a sewer. Both hey you guys go to pbskidsgo. Org, press that off button the Electric Company needs you uhhuh hes having an awesome time. Thank you. Thanks man. Im glad it came together. Paul, okay paul. snoring whispers is he sleeping . Oh, come on paul. Im gonna put you down. Youre really heavy. Its been a big day for the gorilla. And for those everywhere who love the banana, this is Jessica Reeves signing off. snoring both make silly noises hey guys, listen. I think its cul. Thank you. You can look at me now, right . Yeah. Banan. Banana nana. Announcer your pbs kids go friends are ready for anything. Ready to fight a little crime . Oh, hi this is a pretty big deal, huh . Presto announcer and now theyre ready for you weekdays on pbs kids go or anytime you want at pbskidsgo. Org. The Electric Company is brought to you by. Find your voice and share it American Greetings proud sponsor of the Electric Company. Agreement from the u. S. Department of educations ready to learn grant, and viewers like you, thank you. Just go online to pbskidsgo. Org. We have behindthescenes, entire episodes, and loads of brandnew games all the time. But dont just take my word for it go, check it out for yourself. Play your harmonica like you mean it this is going to go on a long time and im not sorry to do it i love that thing i like your hat i like your shoes laughter wild kratts is made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Wild kratts chris were here in africa, on the eastern savannah grasslands. Hi, im chris. Im martin. Were the kratt brothers. When youre heading out on a creature adventure, you have to make sure to pack all your gear. Like headlamps. Chris water bottles. Martin granola bar. Everything you might need when youre in the bush. Because if you forget something while youre out there you could be in trouble. Uh, chris. Chris whoa, a giraffe. Amazing. Thats the longest neck in the world right there sticking its head right in the window. Martin this is one way to start a giraffe adventure. Chris wow, this giraffes neck is longer than my whole body. We got to get out there and check it out. Come on. Martin all right, well be right outside. Dont go anywhere. Chris oh, wow. Martin yeah, look at them all. Giraffes of all different ages. Chris were, like, puny compared to these guys. Even the newborn babies are taller than we are. Martin that one was born just a week ago. And that baby giraffe is only two months old and look how huge he is. Chris a baby human, two months old would be only about this big and wouldnt even be able to walk. These giraffes can walk 15 minutes after theyre born. A young giraffe will stay with his mom for about a year, and then head off on his own. Martin itll take him four more years to grow as tall as his mom. Chris eighteen feet tall. The tallest creature in the world. But why . Why is a giraffe so tall . Why the long neck . Imagine if we could try it out. Find out what its like to have the long neck of a giraffe. Then wed really figure out the power of the giraffes neck. What if . What if . On adventure with the coolest creatures from the oceans to the trees the brothers kratt are going places you never get to see hanging with their creature friends get ready, its the hour were gonna save some animals today with creature power gonna go wild, wild kratts gonna go wild, wild wild kratts gonna go wild, wild kratts gonna go wild, wild, wild cheetah speed and lizard glide falcon flight and lion pride gonna go wild, wild kratts gonna go wild, wild wild kratts gonna go wild, wild kratts gonna go wild, wild wild kratts go wild, wild, wild kratts snoring whistling softly whoa what . Where . What . Whoa that was a wild wakeup call. Martin, chris. What happened . Something spun my hammock. Like her. Dont look all innocent. I know it was you, girl. Aviva a giraffe . No, look at her. Shes just out for a morning stroll. Shes the only one tall enough to do it. Yeah, thats the tallest animal in the world right there. Up to 18 feet tall. Thats taller than three grownup people. Wow. Just her neck is much longer than i am. Why do they have such long necks, anyway . Scientists are still working on the answer to that one. There we go, all finished. These new retractable windows i installed will give us some fresh air. You know, i bet i know why giraffes have long necks to reach tasty leaves high in the trees. Oh, yeah . Well, i heard it had something to do with how they fight each other. Kind of like elk have big antlers for fighting. Neck fighting . No way. Who fights with their neck . Hey well, why would they need to get leaves up high when theres much more food lower down like grass and bushes . Hmph hmph ow what . growling grumbling chris, martin. Youre the creature experts. Tell koki shes wrong on this one. Tell aviva shes telling a tall tale about giraffes. Well, actually its not really that simple. Why dont we find out for ourselves . Well figure out the mystery of the planets longest neck with an experiment. Do you have a giraffe disc we can use . Oh, right here. Of course not i cant just make this stuff out of thin air, you know. Sorry, didnt mean to be a pain in the neck. Get it . Neck . Giraffe . Oof hey well, i thought it was a good one. Okay, so well get out there and figure out what the giraffes long neck is all about while you guys work on the giraffe suit. Sounds good. Deal. Whew, its good to get out of there. Yeah, it was getting kind of tense. Wow, for the worlds tallest animals, giraffes are sure hard to find. I know. We found endangered frogs that are easier to spot. Theres got to be some giraffe around here somewhere. Oh, hello. Martin, we found a giraffe. What . Where . Right there. Ew oh, there. Martin you mean he found us. laughing first things first if were going to understand what a giraffes neck is all about we got to know how its built. Great, lets get a measurement. All set, chris. Seven feet. Thats taller than most people. A neck as long as a person thats incredible. Whoa whoa both crashing and grunting just a little tied up here. Necktie. Thats a good name. Mind if we call you necktie . Aviva guys, stop messing around. I need to know how that necks built. Were on it. I can see that. But i need to know whats in it. Scanning neck and uplinking image feed. Neck inspection complete. Koki incoming scan image. Aviva one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Same number of neck bones as we have. Only the bones are much longer than ours or a gazelles. And whats that . Aviva special valves on the blood vessels. It takes so much effort for the giraffe to pump blood all the way up to his head that he has an extralarge heart and special blood vessels to keep the blood from flowing all the way back down. Wow, with all these special features a long neck is definitely important for something. clearing throat reaching leaves. Neck battles. Anyway, this scan is what we need to replicate the neck for the power suits. If we just adjust the programming in a few places, it should work. Okay, disc maker engaged. All set. Martin aviva. Is the suit done yet . Just finished the disc. Putting the suits back together now. Hurry. We dont want to lose this giraffe. Okay, okay, im going as fast as i can. Now are you done . Okay. Easy, guys. I mean, really. Wait, did i install the deactivation module . We cant wait uh, okay, okay. Yes, im done. There. All set. Jimmy. Zap it whew. Pulled that off in record time. No problem. both panting whew a mixed herd of herbivores. This is great. Yeah. All these differentlooking creatures eat grass and leaves but do they all eat exactly the same plants or what . We need to get in the middle of the action to find out. Ill stick with necktie. Oof maze. Hey, buddy. laughing and ill go zebra. Activate creature powers activate creature powers whoa heads up. Zebra power. Giraffe power. Herbivores, here we come. Whoa, whoa oh, oh, ah you go ahead. I got to figure out how to balance this neck. straining hm. The gazelles are nibbling on the delicate, tender grasses. Theyre not eating the thicker, tougher stuff. Ah, but the zebras are. They eat big mouthfuls of the thick, tough, hardtodigest grass. It all looks like a bunch of grass but the herbivores are naturally splitting things up. Its natures knowhow at work again. And if the grasseaters are doing it maybe the leaf eaters, like the giraffe are doing it too. Martin, weve got a breakthrough here. Yeah, me too. Look, i got this long neck balancing thing down. Whoa almost. Thanks, chris. Whew, everything looks different from way up here. Everythings so small like those cute little kittens over there. Where . Where . Right there. Behind those. gasping wait a second. Those arent kittens. Theyre. Lions run whoa add another benefit of a long neck to the list. A giraffeseye view for spotting danger far away. Necktie necktie oh, no. A classic lion ambush. Have one lion hide up ahead, while two others push the prey straight towards them. They do that on purpose. lions roaring whoa a hoof kick. Thats a dinner platesized hoof right in the face. Chris yeah, with enough power to kill a lion. Oh, theyve had enough. Theyre out of here. Whoa. Okay, okay thats enough herbivore action for now. Deactivate, dude. chuckling deactivate. whimpering i cant deactivate. Oh no, oh no, im stuck in giraffe mode. Im a sitting duck out here like this. Easy, bro. Its probably just a little glitch. Hang on. Aviva, come in. Whats going on, guys . Did you prove my theory . Not yet. Little problem. Martins suit is jammed in giraffe mode. Little problem . You mean big, long problem. It wont deactivate . Oh, no. The deactivation module. What . What about it . Oh no, i thought i might have forgotten something. But its its gone. You lost it . You mean my suit cant deactivate . I dont know what happened. It was right on my work station and now its gone. But dont worry. I have the plans right here. I always keep the plans. Ill just make a new deactivation module, install it into your suit, and problem solved. Martin whew. gulping i had a real lump in my throat for a while there. Great, so now we can get back to the mystery of the giraffes long neck. Whoa, martins really having a hard time with that long neck. Id better get to work on this. Hm . Uh, the plans. Did you guys take them or something . What . We should probably hurry up with this experiment because im getting a crick in my neck. A what . A crick. A sore neck. Ah, im telling you, this suit is a killer. Well, being a giraffe will help with the experiment, so its all good. Yeah, no problem. I love being attacked by lions. Just work on that hoof kick and youll be fine, bro. You mean like this . Whoa giraffes should play soccer grunting sighing okay, great. This is where weve got to be. The trees. If only we could start our experiment with trees that hadnt been eaten by anyone at all. Yeah. No giraffes, no impala, nobody. A blockedoff set of trees. No problem. Ive got a place like that. All what . Its my special place. My favorite spot. You know, if i need to get away to. To get some sleep. Oops. But its kind of scary out there sometimes, so i built a fence around the trees to keep the lions and hyenas out. Thats great. So you already started the experiment. Yeah, well, you know. I do it for the team. Wheres the spot . Ill send the coordinates. Actually, jimmy and i will meet you there. I want to be there when you prove im right about the mystery of the giraffes neck. Besides aviva needs more time to look for the. Mm what . Time to look for what . Well. The plans, uh, we sort of cant find the plans. You lost the plans too . Oh, my neck hurts again. Ah. But dont worry. Theres still one last solution. We can use the deactivation module in chriss suit. Koki and jimmy can bring back the suit, ill take it out and then reinstall it in yours. Whew. Okay. Koki hang on, jz. Whoa sighing im up to my neck in problems today. gasping just up there. Thats it. Hmm. Hi, chris. See . Perfect rock for my naps. Yup, and nobody can reach those trees, not even a giraffe. Ah, and look how different the trees are now. They havent been touched by any herbivores, so there are branches growing high, low and everywhere. So if we take away the fence. Well, that was easy. Never said i was a professional fence builder. We can see what happens when we let all the leafeaters back in. Yeah, and im wondering whats going to happen when that guy gets here. He doesnt look very friendly. screaming panting got chriss power suit. Better bring it back to aviva. Sorry. Gotta go. Martin is it just me. What . Or is he coming straight for me . Uh, martin. I think you might be about to test kokis theory that giraffes use their long necks for. For fighting . Oh, man. How come it was my suit that got stuck . Whered he go . Its necktie. Thats who hes after. Martin and necktie is with a female giraffe. Thats who these two are fighting over. Theyre showing off their necks trying to say, ive got a long, strong neck; dont mess with me. Ooh, and hes not kidding. He connected ramming his hornlike ossicones right into necktie. Martin but its not over. Go, necktie. Chris those hits can break bones. These battles are serious business. Ooh, neckties got some moves. Bam whoa oof. Hes turning the tables. Oh, left hook from necktie. Whoa its not as easy as it looks. Chris necktie did it and guess what . He has the longer neck. In battles like that, a longer stronger neck is an advantage. Hmm, so koki could be right. Koki whoo oh, yeah martin not so fast. Look at this. Hello, everybody. Chris different sized leafeaters eating at different levels. The shorter creatures eat from the lower branches of the tree. And even though giraffes can eat from lower if there are leaves there, they are the only ones that can get to the tallest leaves. Martin the lower leaves will be eaten away in no time, but the giraffe will always have leaves up high where no one else can reach them. Right, necktie . Whoa a purple punctureproof tongue that wraps around thorny branches and strips the leaves right off. Cool. Awesome. Aviva, are you getting this . It looks like our experiment just proved that youre right too. Arent you going to celebrate . Oh, yeah. Thats great. Giraffes are so cool. That long neck . Martin, youre lucky. laughing nervously i wish i had one. Right, guys . Mmhm. Mmhm. Wait a second. Oof. Why are you guys acting so weird . Well, i. Well, i think you might be in giraffe mode forever. both gasping forever . Forever . Sorry. groaning what happened now . Your creature power suits gone. It just disap my power suit . Gone . You mean no more cheetah racing power no more kangaroo jumping power nothing . Yeah, and no more deactivation module. So martins stuck in giraffe mode. Forever . Forever. Everything just keeps disappearing. Its like theres some kind of black hole. I mean i never lose things. Im not martin. Martin oh, that hurts. Im already going to spend the rest of my life with this freakishly long neck. At least you get one creature power. Me, im finished. Done. Im thirsty. Oh, are you kidding me . Thats what drinkings going to be like now . Oh. Here goes nothing. grunting almost there. Just a little more. Whoa hey, its not so bad, bro. Look at it this way you can beat anybody in a neck battle now. Youll be able to reach things really high up maybe taste your food longer. And youll look pretty cool in a turtleneck sweater. Hm. Hey, whats that . What . Martin its a strangelooking giraffe with a really lumpy neck. Hey, thats my power suit. And your deactivation module. And the plans its the answer to all our problems. Follow that giraffe follow that giraffe nice giraffe run, bro. Thirtyfive Miles Per Hour and using that neck as a counterbalance. Oh no, shes going into that thicket. Shes in here somewhere. Here, necklace. Necklace . Yeah, she must like necklaces. I mean, that giraffe had lots of bling. Okay, okay, we got to keep our eyes peeled. Even though giraffes are big they can disappear into dappled thickets like this, looking like just another tree trunk. Here, necklace chris there she goes martin that way oh. Hi, necktie. You know her . Easy, necktie. Were just trying to get our stuff back. See, necklace has our gear. Martin oh. Look, i think what we have here is a genuine misunderstanding. grunting ow, thats a good shot. Necktie, come on, look we get our stuff martin transforms back to human, you go off with necklace everyones happy. grunting ouch. Youre definitely tougher than me, buddy. I give. Whoa oh i give. You win. groaning chris martin, you did it. You helped necktie lure necklace in by showing his strength. Oh, great. I just cant reach. grunting too high. Martin, wake up. Nows our only chance. Wake up. Wake up, bro. We need your giraffe tallness power to reach our gear before its too late. Hurry hm. exhaling wait. Come back. straining yes. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Woohoo our stuff. We got our stuff back. Nice work, bro. Nice work. groaning ill have this deactivation module installed in no time martin. Oh, thanks. Finally. And while shes doing that who was right about the giraffes neck, chris . Well, we definitely found out that giraffes use their necks to reach food that no other animal can reach. And we definitely found out that long necks are important in how giraffes fight. Till scientists learn more its a tie. You both win in a neckandneck finish. There. Youre all set, martin. Youre free to change back to normal. Whew. Thanks, aviva. But ill do it later. What . Hey, its time for the first annual giraffe soccer tournament. Ready, chris . All set. Let the games begin. Header. Oof thats another thing a giraffe neck is good for. Hey, somebodys stealing the medals. chris laughing chris all right, you can have them, necklace. Come on, aviva. laughing yeah whoo so the giraffes superlong neck is one of a kind in the creature world. Great for reaching high leaves. For serious, swinging neck battles. Chris for seeing across the savannah. Martin for camouflaging like a tree trunk. And over there within the trees giraffes. Chris . Oh going up. Chest height. Neck height. And head height. This is the only way we can get to be as tall as a giraffe. laughing giraffe eating height. This is awesome. And this is why giraffes have such long necks to get up to those tasty leaves that other creatures cant reach. That cool look of the african savannah, with those flatbottomed acacia trees thats because of the giraffes. Thats as high as they can reach. And they can get leaves that no other animal can get to because of that long neck. Whoa, there you go. Wow. Chris now they all want the leaves. Here, you want that . There you go. Oh, theres that tongue. Wow, now thats a good closeup look at a giraffes tongue. Eighteen inches long super slimy, and purple. That purplishblack tongue actually helps the giraffes not get sunburn on their tongues. Yeah, its true. Every time it comes out it gets blasted by the sun so its got that natural suntan lotion, that blue pigment. You know, this is a whole other point of view on giraffes. Usually youre looking up at them but when you get up in the trees youre in the giraffes world. Chris and this gives a good view of those ossicones those bony horns on the top of their head. Thats what they use for those neck battles to smash each other in the neck. Martin and you know, they have big eyes with long eyelashes. Look at the cool pattern on the rothschild giraffe. Now you can tell different species of giraffe apart from their patterns. Giraffes are one gentle creature with some really cool creature powers. Okay, see you later. Giraffes are awesome. Heres to the tallest creature in the world. Keep on creature adventuring. Well see you on the creature trail. Hope there are no lions around here. A chipmunk did you see that . The chipmunk just stuffed a whole acorn in his cheek pouch. Hes getting another one a third each acorn is about as big as his skull. And he stuffs them into that cheek pouch, which expands like that into a bag. So, hes got two bags on his face. S her cubs alone . These sixmonthold cubs started their lives the size of chipmunks in their moms winter den. Now that its spring theyre out foraging with her and learning all the good places to find food. Shell watch over them teaching them everything she knows until theyre about a year and a half old. Thats when these black bear cubs will be ready to head off on their own. Announcer monday on pbs kids, the kratt brothers want you to. Pretend youre a piece of floating sea scum uh. In the Television Event that is absolutely. Awesome aviva it will be incredible pbs kids presents the World Premiere of wild kratts lost at sea, the number one underwater event, where you. Both never mess with a blowfish. Announcer wild kratts lost at sea premieres monday on pbs kids or watch wild kratts anytime at pbskids. Org. Announcer its curious george. We could put a garden on our roof. Eggplant. [chatters] you dont plant eggs to get eggplant, george. Announcer its curious george, weekdays on pbs kids or watch anytime you want at pbskids. Org. Wild kratts is made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. To find out more about cool animals. And collect your own wild kratts creature powers. Go to the wild kratts website. At pbskids. Org. Well see you there rosa hi. Im miss rosa from pbs kids with martha. Martha from martha speaks. Rosa its easy to help your kids learn anytime, anywhere. Right martha . Martha right. Like at the doctors office. Mom what rhymes with toy . Kid boy. Martha or when youre walking the dog. Mom what letter does that sign start with . Girl s rosa visit pbskids. Org read for more tips and free games like these that make it fun for your child to learn to read. Martha so remember. Martha and rosa anytime is learning time

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