problems on the road. as far as problems go, we just have that one that we've been talking about all morning. it doesn't appear to be a major one. it's isn't -- it's in the city. watch for fire activity around south fulton. speeds still looking nice around the major road ways. lots of high 50s and low 60s. 60 and 61 are your averages on the top and west side outer loop. there's a look at an empty 83. no issues there. 83 at rock ston road also problem free, . -- free. for traffic information any time log onto here is what people will be talking at today, another sign al-qaeda could be crumbling. a senior terrorist leader has killed by a u.s. drone. >> one to have last living members of osama bin laden's inner circle is dead. this morning the white house says his killing is a victory in the war on terror. >> he lived at the top of the command but he died in the cross airs of a u.s. military drone. he had become the public face of al-qaeda appearing in videos calling for and helping plan attacks on the west. >> he served as all kai da's general -- al-qaeda's general manager overseeing the group's day-to-day operations. >> he grew after his 2005 escape from a military prison. he urge urged rebels in his nay traffic information any time log libya to continue fighting against democracy. he is the latest al-qaeda leader to die in the u.s. air campaign. since osama bin la la den was kill -- osama bin laden was killed 13 months ago there have been major deaths. >> removing the two number leader for the second time in less than a year and further damaging the group 's moral and brings it closer to -- bringing it closer to its demice. >> the government says there's no one within al-qaeda that can match him. >> pakistan recommended the u.s. stop drone attacks. >> u.s. leaders have resisted those calls saying the military has a shot at a known terrorist it will take it. wisconsin's governor, scott walker, is waking up this morning with his job still in tact. walker is the first governor in u.s. history to survive a recall attempt. he defeated tom barrett. the victory is said to be a blow to democrat ands and labor union. jerry sandusky's jurors have been choosen up in pennsylvania. several of them have direct ties to penn state university, a student and a refired processor. over to 0 -- professor. over 200 potential jurors were brought in for questioning. >> he said he's trusting them from this point forward to act as jurors and not to read newspapers. >> sandusky a former assistant football coach is charged with sexually abusing 10 years. if convicted he could spend the rest of his life in prison. the american civil liberties union says it has new evidence in the abuse of power investigation into john leopold who is accused of ordering police officers to investigate his opponents. he pleaded not guilty. another state lawmakers is calling for more police protection in the busiest tourist spot in baltimore city. mike schuh is live right now. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. a state senator is saying that state police should help out baltimore city police county in this area -- down in this area. >> a vicious beating on saint patrick's day. intlsz >> -- >> somebody has stalked a male in the crowd. >> a mob of teens fighting, a 711 lewded. state senator jeff brochen says it shows a need for state police patrol. he echoes pat mcdunn who called the area a no travel zone. >> i think the city police need help. >> the mayor disagrees. >> crime is down. we were we are safe -- we are safer than we were last year. >> over all it's down 6 perper with vie -- 6% with violent crimes down 14%. >> anyone questioning the progress needs to take a look at the facts. >> visitors will tell you they feel safe. >> i saw cops on bicycles, no problem. >> city police is good enough. there's too many of them as it is. we don't need state police. >> reporter: on busy week week -- weekends the city police are adding 50 officers and beefing up those security cameras. back to you. >> state police say they will have troopers on patrol for next week's celebration. troopers are also members of the joint war and gun task forces in baltimore city. in howard county five men are behind bars after officers discover a meth lab. they found the lab on the 4th floor of a hotel. they found heroin and a gun. the surrounding hotel rooms were evacuated while police removed the lab on monday night. many marylanders are still cleaning up after 10 tornados tore through here. we have a new photo of the ef-1 tornado. damaging estimated -- damages estimated to be in the million dollars there. in a related matter the governor made the first call on a new statewide community aid owe system for -- community radio system for responders. it gets everybody on the same radio system. the first phase of the new system will be fully operational by the end of the year. a rare sight up in the sky. the transit of view view -- venus. kai jack son joined stargazers for an event that won't happen again during our lifetime. >> the transit of venus is one of the biggest events to happen in recent memory. >> i'm excited because i like science myself. >> for 7 hours stargazers saw the planet venus as a tiny black dot move across the sun. >> view news and the -- venus and the earth arrive where they cross at the same time. that's why it's so rare. >> at the maryland science center all eyes were on the sky, some used protective glasses so they could safely watch venus traverse the sun. a future as tromer summed it up this way. >> as far as i know, venus is supposed to be crossing the sun. it is like an eclipse but people with calling it a transit. >> the transit of venus is a big deal. it won't happen again until 2117. scientists tell us even then most people in the united states won't be able to see it. >> did you see the transit? >> we did. i thought it was going to cover the whole sun. it was still neat. >> it's a one in a lifetime event. my kids might not be able the see this. >> the last transit of venus was 2004. scientists say the next one won't happen until 2117. the reality is no one alive today will see that one. >> before 2004 the last transit of venus happened in 1881 and then in 1889. the oriels will be back at finway park playing the red sox after another extra innings victory there last night. the red sox would tie the game in the 9th inning. later the call would require video review, but the oriels got the lead back with a single in the 10th. the birds open the series with an 8-6 win. wjz and the oriels are teaming up to feed the hungry and homeless. bring along food items or extra cash for the oriels food drive benefitting the maryland food bank. on friday i'll be collecting donations along with adam and derek. on sunday deanies, vic, kai, bob, gigi and pat. on sunday it's mary, jessica, monique and meghan. it's part of wjz's continues commitment. >> it's -- continuing commitment. it's going to be a nice weekend. i'm on the nasa website here. go to nasa has this really neat satellite that does nothing but observe the sun. >> look at that. >> lot s of different filters for a couple of different cameras. they show you the view of venus from all these different filters that they throw in front of the camera to observe the sun. i'm going to jack this thing up a little bit. look at that. it's really, really neat when you look at it from nasa's point of view. look at that shot. you know, venus is a good size planet. that's about what earth would look like if somebody on mars was watching the transit of earth. sun is pretty big. if you look at the consolation, the right shoulder is a star called beetle juice. that's what our sun would look like going in front of beetle juice. >> got you. >> yeah . there's pretty big oh jekts out there. -- objects out. check that out. >> we are not the biggest fish in the pond. >> this is what making its interesting. let's talk about the sun. the earth is tilted on its axis and constantly moving back and forth around a good sized star, the southern light. that gives us uneven heating and cooling. add the moon that tries to rip the atmosphere off the planets every day. that's how good weather forecasting is in 2012. 75, maybe a shower or thundershower around yesterday. 75 the high, the low 50s now. nice, warm summer like for the weekend. first warning details coming up shortly. ron matz is basking in the sunshine this morning. how are you? >> reporter: we're doing great. what a beautiful morning. get outside. we're with the red devils, their big event coming up sunday, the 10th annual 5 k run and stroll benefitting breast cancer patients. we're going to tell you about it when the eyewitness news morning edition rolls on. ,,,,,, and that's our quarterly wrap-up. any thoughts? wow. yowza. terrific. incredible. no, i mean, really, this is so good. that's great, guys. thanks. off the charts. phenomenal. thank you, i'm just glad we're all on the same page. slam dunk. incredible. mmm. i agree. kick up the flavor with dunkin's new breakfast burritos, made with fire-roasted veggies, melted cheese, and delicious steak. grab one today. bring on the day. bring on the flavor. good morning. it's 51 right now. calm winds, 89% humidity. 47 oak land, 48 cumberland, 52 elkin,'s ton at 5 -- easton at 57, 51 columbia, 52 bel air, 53 in westminster. a cool pool over the region. warm air is trying to come into the area. later on today and tonight not unlike yesterday, as warmer air approaches tomorrow. a greater chance of afternoon shower. 75 today. 54, partly cloudy over night. tomorrow temperatures of 84. ton, take it away -- don, take it away. here is sharon gibala with traffic control. >> good morning. a good morning on the roads. we started off busy. we only have one issue, that fire activity we've been talking at. watch for equipment on the road at south fulton avenue. you can take south mount street instead. speeds on the beltway, not much changed, 60 and 61. 97 looking good. right now if you take a look outside just north of ben field, boulevard, we had an earlier problem with a tractor trailer, that is gone. this traffic report is brought to you by your toyota dealer. test drive the new 2012 camry are. it's ready -- camry. it's red ady. are you? back over to you. straight out to ron matz. >> reporter: we're with the red devils here. it's the 10th anniversary event and here is jan wilson, executive director. how are you doing? >> i'm well. how are you? >> reporter: doing great. we were with you last week when we presented a check for dick did he feel man. >> we have to stop -- dick gelfman. >> reporter: talk about this event. >> it's our biggest event. we're look ing to welcome 800 people. >> reporter: last year you raised $110,000. >> we're going to do better this year. everyone has been so supporttive. >> reporter: let's talk about where the money goes. >> to improve the quality of life for breast cancer patients and their families living in maryland. >> reporter: we'll see you next week. let's come over here. we're going to talk to chris here. how are you? >> aisle well >> reporter: -- i'm well >> reporter: how did you get involved in this? >> my wife died of breast cancer, along with jan's sister. we're helping to support others. >> reporter: this raises a lot of money and helps families. >> exactly. families all over maryland, every county and all the hospitals too. >> reporter: thanks for coming out. rita,what's your title? >> the board president for the red devils. >> reporter: is that an elected position? >> well, i'll say yes, it is an elected position. i got a number of votes all here. >> reporter: you talk about participating in an event like this. it's 5 k run and í cholesterol í stroll. talk about -- í stroll -- stroll. talk about a person in your family. >> i think our oldest walker is my 88-year-old dad, who was a dj veteran. >> reporter: that's awesome. >> he did it last year. so i said, dad, are you going to do it again? he said, sure, why not, i will keep doing it as long as these legs keep moving. >> reporter: that's great. i love to hear stories like that. jan, we have some great items that be raffled off. >> we have a wonderful assortment of items. we have an auto graphed football, baseball, a purse, vip oriels package, all sorts of things. the raffle tickets are inexpentive. if you're not -- inexpensive. >> reporter: it's 9:00 to 11:00 sunday. the red devils, you guys do great work. give yourselves a big hand. you deserve it. that's for sure. don and marty, be careful when i come backful i have my devil beads on. we'll see you later. >> how did you get those beads? >> um, a young lady here. this lady loaned them to me. >> blame it on her. >> reporter: thank you so much. good luck sunday. >> see you. still to come on wjz. >> good morning. it's an event that's expected to bring hundreds of thousands of people right here to baltimore's harbor. what you can expect at it's 26 minutes past 6:00. ships will sail into our inner harbor for the star spangled celebration. here is monique griego with more on the festivities to come. >> hundreds of thousands of people are expected to come here to the harbor for this year's event. many people are hoping it means for tourism for years to come. excitement ignited with a bank as the celebration of the bicentennial of the war of 1812 kicks off at the inner harbor. >> it's going the biggest thing we've seen in the last 30 years. >> the mayor and governor were on hand to introduce the event, next week's star spangled celebration. >> we will have a great celebration. >> it will bring an international parade of more than 40 tall ships and naval ships. the bicentennial means everything is bigger and better. >> i'm more than excited to have all of this come into the area, bring tourism so i can show off where i live. >> in addition to the big boats there will be a military air show head lined by the blue angles. >> it's a tremendous opportunity for families to come down and see the ships. >> it's part of a tourism push. >> we're looking forward to the positive buzz. >> many are hoping and expecting that visitors who come next week will remember what the home of the star spangled banner has to offer. >> they're saying, wow, there's the inner harbor and it's rejuvenated, there's the science center, the md -- the maryland hispanic to tal society. -- historic society. >> all the event and tours are free to the public. >> wjz will bring you special live coverage of the celebration. it starts next wednesday. next up this morning right here on wjz. >> survived a recall election. >> state are state police need -- are state police needed to keep the inner harbor safe? i'll tell you who thinks so live when we return. >> sharon gibala here with witness traffic control. if -- with wjz traffic control. if you're about the head out, only -- about to head only, only a few issues. >> maryland's blare witch director ed sanchez joins us on coffee with. he has a new trialer called lovely molly. it's a big budget hollywood flick. it's coming up as the morning edition continues right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, man: there's a cattle guard, take a right. do you have any idea where you're going ? wherever the wind takes me. this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. it's 6:30. that's a lye look at inter-- live look at interstate 95. it's another nice day start. notice the shadows on the road. sharon is watching the road, marty is in first warning weather. >> right now we're in the low 50s on tv hill. that's 6 degrees cooler than this time yesterday. 73 at lufrng going lunching going to a -- lunch going to a high of 75. it's only a 35, 40% chance of showers for later on today. i don't think a lot of us even see any action at all. your rush right now from sharon gibala, wjz traffic control. >> fortunately for our morning commuters not much action on the road. little fire activity in the city on south fulton avenue. take the south mount instead. no may jor -- no major delays. speeds averaging at 60 and 61. there's a look at 95. we do have that continuing construction project. there's a look at the west side of the beltway, problem free for the moment. this traffic report is brought to you by you toyota dealer. at the top of the news, , wisconsin wisconsin's -- news, wisconsin's governor will get to keep his job. >> perhaps relieved, wisconsin governor scott walker took the stage after surviving tuesday's recall election. >> what has sustained them is there were good and decent people who stood with him shoulder and shoulder and arm to arm. that's what you have done for wisconsin and for america. >> walker is the first sitting governor in history to keep his seat after a recall vote. he defeated the democratic mayor, tom barrett. >> this is not the end tonight. >> walk er's victory is a blow to democrats and unions, which fought back after he cut state spending. political experts say it could be a sign of what's to come in november, including the roll money played. >> the wisconsin race is a preview of what we're going to see, which is big money influencing elections and unchecked spending coming from wealthy folks. >> in a statement mitt romney said last night's vote will echo beyond the borders of wisconsin. he claimed victories of his own yesterday, sweeping five republican primaries. >> as chairman of the democratic governor's association martin o'malley appeared there several times to support the challenger. guns and drugs taken off the streets after what police are calling a lengthy investigation. they found $20,000 in drugs and cash and several guns when they arrested roger dire. he's accused of running a drug operation. police credit tips from neighbors for his arrest. the hartford county man accused of cannibalism may have targeted another man. 21-year-old alexander kinyua admits to eating the heart and parts of the brain of his how house -- house mate. that student he attacked two weeks earlier said when he regained consciousness he was standing over him with a knife. a new call this morning for state troopers to patrol the area alongside city police at the inner harbor. mike schuh is live at the harbor with the latest on this. >> reporter: good morning. the question is, have things gotten to the point where the city needs help from the state. the answer is yes or no, depending on who you ask. >> a vicious beating on saint patrick's day. >> somebody has stalked a male. >> a mob of teens fighting. >> i think it's dra send it -- crazy. >> a 711 lewded. >> state don't want to go downtown. >> senator brochen says it shows a need for state police in the harbor. >> i think the city police need help. i think they're stretched too thin. >> the mayor disagrees. >> crime is down. we're safer than that district than we were last year and we will continue to trend downward. >> despite the high profile crimes over all it's down 6%. >> anyone that's questioning the progress that the baltimore police department is making needs to take a look at the facts. >> ask visitors, they will tell you they feel safe. >> i saw cops on bicycles and in the helicopters in the air. no problem. >> city police, they're good enough. there's too many as it is. >> reporter: now, it's not unpredented to have state police to help out the city police. think of the preakness, the fire fire works events and that celebration scheduled for next week. reporting live downtown, mike schuh. >> this summer city police have stepped up patrols around the harbor during the busiest nights of the week. a gruesome discovery at two canadian schools. luke magnata video taped a murder and it included evidence of cannibalism. the 29-year-old mailed body parts to political offices. yesterday packages containing a human foot and hand were discovered at schools. >> i wouldn't know where to begin. i think it's disgusting. >> i have a son here who i love very much. >> police say cannot immediately confirm if the body parts can be linked to the same case. in africa the death toll continues to rises after a plane crash into a neighborhood. 150 people were on the flight when it crashed into an apartment building. piloted radioed engine trouble before the crash but the exact cause is still under investigation. search crews are still looking for more people. the at state department has not con if firm -- confirmed the number of americans on that flight. a super bowl winning former baltimore raven has filed for bankruptcy. jamal lewis is more than $10 many -- in debt. wjz in investigating pro-- investigates why professional athletes lose it all. >> former rayer raven -- raven jamal lewis was living the high life, making millions, buying property. now he's in financial trouble with assets that include a four coat, a trucking business, amuseumment park and that championship ring he won in baltimore. he's reportedly $10.6 million in debt even owing money to m&t bank, where he once said football isn't only about what's happening on the field. >> i came to find out that i'm not a youngster anymore, this is a business. >> threws is not alone. -- lewis is not alone. an twon walker made more than $100 million. he had several bentlies and ended up broke having to sell his championship ring. >> sports illustrated estimated that 8 in 10 nfl players have financial difficulties two years after they retire. >> athletes feel immortal. >> steve silver man has seen it all. >> we had one client who retired with $50 million and within 10 years had declared broupt si. there are a -- bankruptcy. there are a lot of shad did people that feed -- shady people that feed on them. before you know it, the money is out the door. it's a lot like a lottery winner. some people don't get it. >> lewis will be in court again next month. lewis retired in 2009. he's just 322 years old. -- 32 years old. >> attorneys site divorces as common drains on the finances of athletes. in 15 hours, maryland's newest slots casino will open. the maryland live casino will hold its grand opening tonight at 10:00. it's the largest gambling site in maryland so far. it will feature nearly 5,000 slot machines and electronic versions of table games, which we're told are neat. the oriels did not make it look easy but they're back in a tie for the division lead. jim johnson had his first blown save of the year last night in boston. he gives up the tieing home one with two outs in the bottom of the 9th. the oriole residence responded in the next half inning to score two runs. the birds win 8-6. game 2 is tonight. the oriels run home from their road trip for some inner league play with the phillies. saturday it will be on wjz saturday afternoon at 4:00. in basketball, the heat now on the brink of elimination from the nba playoffs. game a of their series with the boston celtics, the heat lead for most of the 4th quarter before the celtics came storming back for a 94-90 victory. game 6 in boston tomorrow night. the celtics could advance to the nba finals with a win. they lead that series 3 games to 2. cheering crowds packed the area around bucking ham palace yesterday to celebrate the final day of the queen's diamond jubilee. >> it just touched me deeply so see so many thousands of families, neighbors and friends celebrating together. >> the force through over the palace as queen elizabeth 2nd stepped on to the ball koeny. she made a rare address to the nation thanking the country for helping her mark per six can decades on the -- decades on the thrown. his husband is still in the hospital so her son, prince charles, stood in for him. but it was all about her. so we have celebration started middle of next week to the middle of the next week. the fact of the matter is this, are there going to be any british ships coming? i was wondering if we kind of smoothed over any ill will over the past 200 years. >> they have come to visit before. i don't know about this time. >> i got to be honest, if they had a good sense of humor, send one over and start unloading blanks the fort and say i got you this time, surprise. i'm just curious if there's any british ships coming. >> i'd have to check the schedule. i don't know. >> it would be like a raven's fan going to a steelers victory parade. >> it's got possibility. >> i was looking at the website while you were reading that. i was curious. i want to take a look at the day part. it's not a bad day start. during the break i'm going to check and see if there's any british ships coming. coming up on -- 73 at lunch on a way to a high of 75. this evening 72. it's going to look like it's trying to get over cast. there's a 35 to 40% chance of passing shower or thundershower. i don't think the vast majority of us will see rain. this is the website of the blare witch project. on coffee with, that's the man who created blare witch and directed it, ed sanchez. ed still lives in maryland. he hasn't gone hollywood personally, but professional he's one of the hottest directors in america and has a new big budget flick coming up. he was in town and stopped by for a sit down. what a treat. sharon gibala has your traffic control, we have first warning weather and more coming up any objection. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ jimmy bond i'm sticky and uncomfortable. try gold bond powder. medicated to protect, absorb, even relieve itching. -thanks, jimmy. -thank gold bond. ♪ this stuff works good morning. welcome to town. we just did a little bit of research real quick. there is a british ship coming, it's the argus. it's actually a hospital ship. a couple hundred years ole. old -- old. we are being visited for the navy. 51 at tv hill, 89% humidity. still 46 and 50 at oakland, cumberland and haggers town. almost 50 ocean city, 52 in bel air and elkin. 50 westminster, 51 columbia, almost 60 in rock hall. we have a cool pool over the region. warm humid air is going to come running up the 95 corridor. today we will have the same afternoon as yesterday. tomorrow a better channels of a shower or -- chance of a shower or thundershower. 75 today, 54 tonight. partly cloudy skiesy over night. tomorrow the same as today. having said that, mainly later, probably more enhanced chance of shower. cleared it out friday, 84. 87 saturday, 91 sunday and monday. what a beautiful beak end. -- beautiful weekend. let's go straight to sharon with traffic control. >> it's getting busier out there. we have an accident on the topside of the beltway, on the outer loop between the jfx and green spring avenue. an accident in the city, east monument. that fire activity still there in the city blocking south fulton. if you're headed out on the beltway, delays in place, 43 miles her hour is your set back -- per hour is your set back now. there's a live look at the west side of the beltway. this traffic report is brought to you by you toyota dealer. it's the all any camry, it's -- all new camry, it's ready, are you? >> -- this morning's coffee with is with ed sanchez. >> welcome. >> thank you . >> it's great to have you. >> it's great to be here. >> we're going to do a web extra. we'll get into blare witch project and all sorts of stuff. you're here promoting basically your new movie. >> yeah. >> i think it's going to be a block buster. >> we'll see. >> yeah , we'll see. it's called lovely molly. there's the website right there. the website itself has got that signature creepy look to it. >> it's a creepy film. it's not something to take your kids to. it's about this woman that moving into our childhood home where she grew up with her new husband and it's been aban toned for 10 years -- abandoned. bad things starting happening to her. >> i would expect nothingless. >> you opened the movie before preakness in three cities. is that so you can start getting -- take me inside the hopes of the movie. >> it's just the marketing of image of the studio that bought us. they want to start small and see where it goes. the film is not your typical horror movie, more of a psychological drama. it's real intense. they're try ing to figure out how to do it. if you get a little audience: yeps going first -- audience first, they can build out. >> makes sense. >> read blare witch project. >> that's exactly what we did. >> you were the first to sneak -- >> yeah, it wasn't done that much before we did it. ours kind of blew up in a way that nothing ever had. >> the first time i read about it on the internet i thought it was a true story. >> that's how they marketed it. this one is not a true story throw. >> al fred hitch coke moved your mind is the most terrifying thing you can encounter. you're kind of making it into your signature. >> yeah. the thing is that there's nothing that i can show you that is more terrifying than what the audience: yeps can create in their -- audience can create in their mind. my thing is to push the audience and give them hints and clues into what they're seeing and let them build up the rest. >> interesting. when is this going to go widespread do you think? >> well, it depends on what it does in these three cities. if it does well they will expand it. >> don't you research these things out? haven't test audiences seen this? >> we have but it's a small film so it's still a wild card. we got into some big festivals and there's been kind of a lot of buzz about it. >> you never know. >> yeah , you never know with this kind of thing. >> you know, you're a movie director. >> yeah. >> establish ed. >> i saw some press on you, that blare witch as the most spooked movie in history. >> it was because it was so easy to be spooked. you can grab a camera and go anywhere. >> we can do it on a camera right now. >> exactly. >> our news story we shot dirty. >> yeah. >> it was just really easy, you can take your home video camera and do it. we loved it. we loved the spoof. people would send it to you. >> one more question quick. quick -- quick question. you still live in maryland. >> i do. >> has as the industry -- as the industry said, you have to get out to the west coast. >> everybody was like you have to head out to la. i like la but never thought to live there. my wife and i are both from here. as soon as we could get back to maryland we settled in frederick. we're happy here. i don't know if i'll ever move out to the west coast. as long as i can make movies and live here, i'm happy. >> that's cool. we're happy that you're happy. >> frederick beats burksville, where the movie vuz shot. >> be -- movie was shot. >> we have to take a break and we're coming back with sharon gibala with traffic control, weather and more. join us all ♪ [ male announcer ] we have more than 3,000 daily flights on southwest airlines. and that gives our customers thousands of options to fly where they want, when they want. fly nonstop service from bwi airport to greenville-spartanburg and charleston. book all of our destinations online only at 4 minutes until 7:00. here come your updates. >> 7 5 later. a partly sunny day start, we will go cloudy through the afternoon. i members of -- i mentioned that chance of passing shower. here is sharon gibala with wjz traffic control. good morning. a new problem on the topside of the bell beltway. take a look at bel air road. we have an accident on the right shoulder. another problem on the topside of the beltway, an accident on the outer loop between the jfx and green spring avenue. in the city watch for a crash on oos monument. one more on north ut route 3. fire activity in the city. this traffic report is brought to you by home paramount pest control. stay with wjz 13, complete, news, weather and traffic still ahead this morning. all eyes are an wisconsin as governor -- are on wisconsin as the governor receives a recall election. the more products we touch around the sink, the more dirt can spread around the kitchen. that's why we created the lysol no-touch kitchen system. one solution for sparkling dishes, plus clean surfaces, plus healthy hands. all in a no-touch design.