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Million miles visiting more than 100 countries in the last four years. Ray suarez examines her legacy. Woodruff mark shields and david brooks analyze the weeks news. Brown and we close with a preview of sundays big game. Nprs mike pesca joins us from new orleans, site of super bowl xlvii. Woodruff thats all ahead on tonights newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by bnsf railway. Support also comes from Carnegie Corporation of new york a foundation created to do what Andrew Carnegie called real and permanent good. Celebrating 100 years of philanthropy at carnegie. Org. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. And friends of the newshour. And. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Brown for the second time in five months, a u. S. Diplomatic post has been the target of a deadly assault. A suicide bomber detonated a vest with explosives outside the u. S. Embassy in ankara, turkey, today, killing himself and a security guard. The white house described it as a terrorist attack. The explosion occurred around 1 15 p. M. Local time. Afterward, police tried to hold back the crowd gathered outside the u. S. Facility in the turkish capital. Debris littered the street near a Side Entrance where the blast took place. Emergency workers wheeled one of the injured into an awaiting ambulance. U. S. Ambassador to turkey Francis Ricciardone spoke to reporters outside the embassy. Right now, we are all dealing with our sadness at the loss of our fellow member of our embassy. We salute his bravery, his service to turkey and to turkishamerican friendship. Our hearts go out to his family. Brown in istanbul, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the bombing an attack against peace in our country. And in washington, the state departments Victoria Nuland said a series of security upgrades to the Ankara Embassy saved lives. Where this happened was on an external perimeter access site far from the main building. It is that kind of setback, that kind of hardening, that kind of structure that weve been working on over the past ten years that actually insured that this wasnt far worse than it could have been. Brown no group has claimed responsibility for the bombing, but turkish officials said it was the work of an outlawed domestic militant front. A short time ago, i spoke to Tulin Daloglu in ankara. Shes a reporter for almonitor, a media web site that covers developments in the middle east. Welcome. Well, you arrived on the scene shortly after the explosion. Tell us what you saw. I talked to the witnesses the neighbors here. And people told me that there was a huge explosion. The sound was really too loud and they said that the walls trembled in their homes and they felt that their organs had shaken. So she immediately understood that something went terribly wrong at the u. S. Embassy their neighbor. And as i looked around i seen that you know, also our journalists the turkish correspondents here were kind of calm and quiet because the only injured is now at the hospital is one of ours. A turkish correspondent diplomatic correspondent. Brown now the turkish interior minister said the bomber was a member of a far left group. What is known about this group . And why they might attack a u. S. Facility . Well this group named revolutionary Peoples Liberation party in turkish we call it was founded in 1978. And its a secular terrorist organization, different from the islamist leaning terrorist organization. It embraces a marxist leninist ideology. It is antiimperialist antiu. S. And antinato for that matter. It has attacked u. S. Interests and facilities during and before and after the first gulf war. But they hadnt done anything for a long time. So today is the first after you know a long break that they had attacked. U. S. Embassy here in ankara. To you do we know how clear the evidence is that points to them . And i ask this because ive seen some terrorism experts here in the u. S. Questioning about whether the turkish government has rushed to judgement in pinpointing this group particularly because there are any number of groups operating in turky capable of such violence. True there are a number of terrorist organizations from, you know extremist leftist to kurdish to islamist terrorist organizations operating in turkey. I wouldnt go into speculating further than what the turkish authorities have provided to the turkish media. And were hoping that the coming days we are going to have more details as to why this happened and why whoever targeted the u. S. Embassy today had done so we dont know really much detail tonight. Tulin daloglu is in ankara for us tonight, thank you so much. Thank you so much woodruff still to come on the newshour the lack of trust between israelis and palestinians; Hillary Clintons tenure at the state department; shields and brooks; plus, the big game on sunday. But first, the other news of the day. Heres hari sreenivasan. Sreenivasan the u. S. Economy grew in january, but not enough to slow down unemployment. U. S. Employers added 157,000 jobs last month, but the Unemployment Rate still ticked up to 7. 9 , showing job availability isnt keeping pace with the number of people who want to work. The Labor Department figures also painted a better picture for hiring at the end of 2012. White House Press Secretary jay carney welcomed that news, but said it was not good enough. We still have work to do and we need to make sure that when we device economic policies and we negotiate with congress on how to move forward, that we cannot neglect the essential responsibility to insurance that the policies we put in place promote job creation promote Economic Growth. Sreenivasan on wall street, the jobs numbers pushed the Dow Jones Industrial average above 14000, a level it hasnt reached since 2007. The dow was up 149 points to close above 14,009. The nasdaq rose 37 points to close at 3,179. For the week, the dow gained threequarters of a percent, and so did the nasdaq. The Obama Administration announced new rules today for contraceptive coverage under the Affordable Care act. Faithbased nonprofits, like hospitals and universities would be allowed to issue Health Insurance without providing coverage for contraceptives. However, employees and students would be able to obtain a separate policy at no cost to the employer. More than 45 federal lawsuits have been filed challenging the contraceptive coverage requirement, claiming the mandate violates religious beliefs. Protesters across egypt defied curfews to chant against the rule of egyptian president mohammed morsi. The protests cap a week of political rioting that left up to 60 people dead. And tonight, some of the protests reached the doorstep of the president in cairo. Demonstrators hurled objects, including firebombs, over the wall of the president ial palace. Morsi was not inside. Opposition parties called the protests in an attempt to win concessions from the president. In pakistan, a suicide bomber attacked a shiite mosque killing at least 23 people. The attack happened as worshippers were leaving friday prayers. It damaged several small shops in the area and peppered a wall with shrapnel. More than 50 people were wounded. No group has yet claimed responsibility. Army forces in mali got some backup today from neighboring african countries. 2,000 soldiers from chad and niger are patrolling alongside french troops in the north to try and secure towns there. French president Francois Hollande is set to visit tomorrow and discuss when he might bring home some of frances 3,500 troops. Theyve been in mali for four weeks fighting against islamic extremists. In mexico city rescue workers kept up their search for survivors of an explosion at the offices of mexicos staterun oil company. The blast happened late yesterday, killing at least 33 people and wounding 121 others. Rescue workers dug through the rubble of the basement and first three floors of the building where about 250 people worked. The cause of the blast is still unknown and authorities are investigating. The retired cardinal of los angeles, roger mahony, was relieved of all his public duties today by his successor. It came as the diocese released thousands of previously secret documents showing he shielded priests who sexually abused children decades ago. The public censure was unparalleled in the American Catholic church. Mahony will still be able to celebrate mass and can vote for pope until he turns 80, two years from now. U. S. Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu announced today hes stepping down. During his tenure, he came under fire for the handling of a Solar Energy Loan to solyndra. It later went bankrupt and laid off all its workers. Chu will stay on at least until the end of february, or until president obama names his successor. Nasa paused today to remember the lives of seven astronauts who died ten years ago when Space Shuttle columbia broke apart in the air over texas. A few hundred people gathered at Kennedy Space center in florida including family members and other astronauts. The accident happened as the shuttle was returning home with only 16 minutes left till landing. The brash, boldtalking former mayor of new york city, ed koch died today of congestive Heart Failure at a hospital in new york. Good morning. Im ed koch, and im running for mayor. How am i doing . Sreenivasan ed koch was most at home on the streets of manhattan. A quintessential new yorker, the larger than life koch, who ran city hall from 1978 to 1989, was best known for shepherding new york out of financial ruin, restoring the citys finances through tough budget cuts, and improving its decaying subway system. But he insisted his biggest personal achievement was rallying new yorkers through the 1980 transit strike that crippled the city. Still, as homelessness and aids soared in the 80s, his response was criticized. And the city was roiled by racial tensions amid the beating deaths of two black teenagers at the hands of white gangs. During the 1988 president ial campaign, koch ignited controversy saying jews would be crazy to vote for jesse jackson. But koch told the Macneil Lehrer newshours Charlayne Hunter Gault Jackson was provoking people. Ive been the mayor here for 11 years. For ten years, prior to this particular period, weve had no difficulty in this city as it relates to civil disturbance. What he is in fact conjuring up is that the summer that he came here, there might be civil disturbance. Thats what hes saying fire in the theatre. I dont think thats very nice of him to do. Sreenivasan koch left office in 1989 after losing the democratic primary to david dinkins. Current new york mayor Michael Bloomberg reflected on kochs legacy today. And when we mourn his passing, ed really we always say this, but ed really would have wanted us to celebrate his life and the life of the city he loved. Sreenivasan koch voiced that love for his city often, as here in a documentary released in theaters today. Whenever i would fly home there was the city of new york laid out before me, and i thought to myself, this belongs to me its extraordinary. Thank you, god. laughs sreenivasan ed koch was 88 years old. Those are some of the days major stories. Now, back to judy. Woodruff and we turn to another story from Margaret Warner in israel. Shes been exploring key issues facing both president obama and Prime Minister netanyahu after elections in both countries. Earlier this week, margaret looked at the spillover of the war in syria and the threat posed by Irans Nuclear program. For tonights report, she traveled to the west bank and gaza to examine the growing disillusionment among both israelis and palestinians about the prospects for peace. When i start a Small Business then start to be big. Warner he launched his furniture business in the west bank town 20 years ago. S a young man just before the 1993 oslo accords promised a newera in israelipalestinian relations. He thought his world was changing. And all of my customer is israeli people israeli companies. I reach. Warner times were good with 150 employee os making and selling furniture. Then came the second palestinian intifadah or uprising, that brought suicide bombings and terror to israel. After the intifadah all things gone closed everything. Warner thousands of shoppers from israel used to drive up this road to take advantage of bargains in the palestinian shops just ahead. But after the violence of the early 2000s the popular shopping district has become a virtual ghost town. Hundreds of miles of concrete and concertina wire now separate israel and the wes banks. With sharp restrictions on travel between them. Shop signs in hebrew have been papered over. Many have closed. Maree went from 100 wholesale israeli customers to ten. We used to go over there shopping on saturdays. And thats how i met mahmoud. Israeli merchant essi achavan sells his furniture from his store in tel aviv. Besides the business we talk to each other every day. We ask about each Others Health and about his kids and everything else. Warner but the warm feelings dont extend to most palestinians. If it wasnt with the business, i dont like you very much. I take your money and thats it. The hate that they teach them in palestinian schools and you could see it you could feel it. Warner and maree distrusts most israelis he knows. They say they want peace. But when they have elections they vote for one one like netanyahu. Dont want these. Only want to take more land to make the whole more like snake. The two Public Opinions are splitting apart, growingly in both israel and palestine. Warner Ghassan Khatib former professor government minister and pollster says growing numbers of palestinians and israelis know nothing of each other. They dont go there. They dont go shopping from israel. They dont go for beaches in israel. Israel for them is only soldiers occupying soldiers. Which adds very negatively to the Mutual Understanding. Warner creating Mutual Understanding was the idea behind bitter lemons. Org a web site khatib founded with israeli analyst alpher a forum for israeli, palestinians and arabs to engage on dialogue online but last fall after 11 careers bitter lemon shut down. The demise of bitter lemons is a kind of metaphor for what is happening in the middle east. Warner alpher said donor interesteds faltered and some palestinian and arabs grew reluctant to contribute. There were pressures on palestinian writers veteran writers, no long ter to take part. Warner to what degree does the demise of bitter lemons also reflect the growing distance between israelis as a society and palestinians as a society over the last dozen years. I think to a high degree. It reflects that growing distance. The cynicism has grown, the sense of hopelessness the sense is not much left to talk about. Warner two states sidebyside is still the goal espoused by israeli Prime Minister netanyahu and Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and the United States. But there have been no meaningful negotiations in five years. And the militant group hamas running gaza rejects them entirely. Meanwhile israeli settlements in the west Bank Continue to expand. And polls show public support for negotiations on a two state solution while still a majority, is shrink on both sides. The dream of an agreement for two states living sidebyside is less doable nowadays. I think that there is a beginning of change in the political thinking among the new generation. They probably feel as i do and as a growing number of israelis and palestinians do that negotiations even if renewed, are pointless. Warner we found those hardening attitudes among young people in two cafes just eight miles but a world apart. Avishai shraga and his wife thatire took their baby a Financial News web site writer he was called for army duty in last years conflict in gaza. We are going to defend ourselves and do it determinedly. Including there going to war. Warner at 30 the only palestinians hes known were as a soldier on the west bank. He thinks netanyahu should spend his energy on problem os at home, not pursuing talks with the divided palestinian leadership. Theres not enough room here for two states. If we give up the west bank tell arrive is going to be under fire for a long time. Warner but his wife taire who works in the Tourism Industry has fears too, that without talks the current calm wont hold. Do you think the status quo can last indefinitely. Absolutely not. Unfortunately. We see periods of quiet, and thats what we are in right now. But we know to look ahead and to be weary. Warner so what do you think is the alternative . Make the situation better for both palestinians and israelis. There is a lot of work to do on their side. Warner that work is being done in ram a labs the west bank home of the Palestinian Authority the separation has boosted business here o highrises dot the skyline shoppers jam the streets. We have night life in ramallah which is im proud of. Warner young palestinians flock to jack saades upscale jasmine cafe yet he senses frustration among young people over too few Job Opportunities and no clear path to statehood. There is no vision, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. That makes it more frustrating to everybody, especially the young adults. Warner customer ra want assad, a 25yearold Graphic Designer says shes not frustrated. It is very hard to build a career but it wasnt always that way. And it is not going to stay that way forever. Warner she doesnt know many israelis and doesnt care to. I dont think any negotiation is going to go anywhere. Like i think now we need just to stop fighting and focus on ourselves. Warner what do you think the future is, a two state solution. One state solution. A possibility of a two state solution succeeding succeeding because its not going to happen. Warner but you think israel has a right to exist here . I do believe not. But its happening. It happened. Its a fact. Now we have to accept it. Warner that grudging acceptance came hard. To a group of palestinian and israeli fishermen who tried building lives together in gaza in the 1990s. Chronicled in this 2005 documentary troubled water the israelis lived in a a settlement and fished with palestinians nearby. We tracked down two of them abu hani still in gaza and goran living with his wife in a kabutz in southern israel. It was fun. Most of the day we spent on the beach in the hut. We had the expectation that it would continue like this. We thought if peace works for us, that this is like the microcosm. Warner but then came the 2005 israeli pullout from gaza and rocket attacks from gaza into israel. When i came i was a leftist. Today im right wing real right wing. Warner we found 62yearold abu mani near his fishing hut. We used to be together and earn money together. We were good to each other. But those wars israel has always wanted war. Warner dow stay in touch with them. Never. Its finished. They say are you in gaza and no one can come in any more. Warner business is business as much worse now he says since the israeli navy keeps palestinian boats from reaching the better fishing waters farther out. Warner how do you feel about israelis do you blame all israelis. No, there are some who are decent and some who are bad. The government is bad. Warner so do you think there can be peace we pray to god for peace between us. So they wont kill me and i wont kill them. They cant stand us period. They dont like us at all. As far as theyre concerned we can all die. Theres no solution. None at all. Warner attitudes making for rough waters for efforts to restart negotiations in the year to come. Z woodruff you can see more reporting from margaret and our team in the middle east online. Brown this was Hillary Clintons last day on the job as secretary of state. Ray suarez looks at the diplomatic career of the former first lady and u. S. Senator. I am more optimistic today than i was when i stood here four years ago. Suarez clinton bid farewell to her staff today as a standing roomonly crowd packed into the state departments lobby. I have seen, day after day, the many contributions that our diplomats and Development Experts are making to help ensure this century provides peace, progress and prosperity that not just us but the entire world, and especially young people so richly deserve. Suarez clinton visited more countries than any previous secretary of state, a total of 112 401 days on the road logging nearly 957,000 miles. Shes been a vocal advocate for womens and girls rights and empowerment around the world. We are now an administration that will protect the rights of women, including their rights to Reproductive Health care. Suarez clinton also worked to help free political prisoners, like myanmars Opposition Leader aung san suu kyi, who spent years under house arrest. She was the first secretary of state to visit that country in more than half a century. Clinton has overseen the state department while the u. S. Military has fought wars on two fronts in iraq, where the forces are now gone; and in afghanistan, where american combat troops have begun drawing down. Clinton also used social media and the internet in her soft power and Public Diplomacy efforts. The secretary garnered high Approval Ratings both abroad and at home. In a recent Washington Post abc news poll, 67 of americans expressed a favorable opinion of her. Its an open question whether her tenure includes a standout Foreign Policy achievement. Still unresolved issues include Irans Nuclear program, the lack of a middle east peace process, and the raging war in syria. Clinton made her final appearance on capitol hill nearly two weeks ago to testify about septembers attack on the u. S. Consulate in benghazi, libya. It claimed the lives of the u. S. Ambassador and three other americans. She took aim at Senate Republicans who accused the Obama Administration of deceiving the nation about what happened. The fact is we had four dead americans. Was it because of a protest . Or was it because guys out for a walk one night who decided they would go kill some americans . What difference, at this point does it make . Suarez president obama gave her high praise in a joint interview sunday with cbss 60 minutes. I think hillary will go down as one of the finest secretary of states weve had. It has been a great collaboration over the last four years. cheers and applause suarez clinton said her immediate goal is to catch up on 20 years of sleep deprivation. As for any political aspirations, she hasnt made any intentions known. But an independent superpac has been created to support her with hopes that shell run again for president in 2016. Meanwhile, clintons successor, former massachusetts senator john kerry, was sworn in at a private ceremony this afternoon and starts work monday. For more on Hillary Clintons legacy, we turn to two longtime Foreign Policy watchers. Trudy rubin is the worldview columnist at the philadelphia inquirer; and Susan Glasser is executive editor of Foreign Policy magazine. Well, trudy rubin, you heard the president just a moment ago say that Hillary Clinton was a Great Success as secretary of state was she . I think it depends on how you define Great Success. If you ares talking about implementing his policy os within the confines of the policy then she did a good job overseas carrying out his ideas and making a terrific impression when she did Public Diplomacy. Because shes such a talented politician, even overseas. But if it comes to signature achievements either any big achievement under obamas policy negotiation on middle east peace, or syria on solving still existing issues in afghanistan and pakistan, apart from the pullout, or any doctrine of her own or signature issue of her own i dont think that there is anything you can point your finger to. She basically was a loyal soldier who presented a terrific image of the u. S. Abroad but not in a way that is going to leave a Lasting Impact i feel. Suarez Susan Glasser how do you assess her years within i do think there is a paradox about Hillary Clinton that as popular as she iss, everybody says she is doing a terrific job as secretary of state f you ask what is it that she las done nobody has any idea what she has done or even what a secretary of state is supposed to do in this day and age. I think this phrase implementer, is one that mcdonagh now the chief of staff in the Obama White House but was the deputy chief security advisor when i asked him who was really in charge of setting Foreign Policy strategy, in this administration was it Hillary Clinton or was it the white house. He made it very clear the white house was in charge of the big picture and he described her as the principal implementer. Well, the president is the boss. Was she an effective advocate for the Obama Administrations worldview around the world . Well, i means thats where clearly she gets marks. She had a level of celebrity star power not to mention her absolutely relentless desire to travel around the world. We did it the other day of all 112 countries that she went to from afghanistan to zambia, called it a secretary of schlep. And in some ways there is actually a real dewait debate opened up. Michael kinsley said it was a complete waste of time. Suarez trudy the boosters of Hillary Clinton have noted that at the time that she became secretary u. S. Prestige around the world was heavily damaged by very contentious relationships during the bush years. If you limit the questions to whether those have been repaired, how does her record as secretary look then . You know the Obama Administration put an emphasis on alliances. And theres no question, she set out. She repaired the relationship with europeans. She brought about closer relationships with Southeast Asian countries in an effort to pivot towards asia and sort of create a buffer against china. But if you look at how that translates into policy i think there is a bigger problem. She was very good going out to a country soothing ruffled feathers, for example, with officials in afghanistan and pakistan. And speaking out to the public. But what kind of a Lasting Impact did it have. For example in pakistan where i was there when she deflected criticism angry shouts from students and she had them eating out of her hands. But in pakistan the government is still providing shelter for the taliban. And theres still no real solid ra approachment between us and then. So it is very hard to see that her soothing her repairing of Appliance Appliance alliances necessarily resulted in concrete policy achievements. Suarez susan wasnt it a pretty complicated mess not only where places as trudy knows like pakistan but even with some of americas closest allies. Well, thats exactly right. I mean these are times where you know, you play the hand you are dealt as secretary of state not only because the white house decides the big picture policy. But the world over the last four years has been a complicated place who would have expected that actually europe our closee closest allies would have been in a period of enormous internal turmoil greater than anything they have seen since the end of world war 2. So clinton was left to manage those relationships. I think i would say that she was often a soother but often as not she was also someone who would speak out in a tough manner. Look at her championship with the russians. Even as president obama was proclaiming a reset in our relationship with the russian, Hillary Clinton was always often cast in the role of the tough guy in that relationship. And remember that when Vladimir Putin came back to power he publicly castigated her for secretly fomenting a revolution against him. So she wasnt afraid to speak out in this role either in many ways. Trudy, do you think she pulled the Obama Administration in a more hawkish direction than its own instincts might have done . Not necessarily. You know i think she hughed to the Obama Administrations position on syria which was trying to get a deal between the russians and the americans and not helping militarily. She stuck with that. On iran she was a hawk during the primaries between her and obama. But obama has publicly at least advanced a hawkish position. So she seems to be walking in tandem with him there. So you know it isnt really clear if she had been left to her own devices or if obama had played Richard Nixon and made her his kissinger, whether she would have taken positions very different from his. As it is because she was the implementer she tried to carve out some areas of her own, networking Public Diplomacy and working on womens issues. But even in those areas including womens issues im not sure how lasting the impact is going to be. For example, if we pull completely out of afghanistan all the games that women have made maybe lost. Susan glasser quick final thoughts. Well, i guess were all going to be talking about Hillary Clinton for some time to come. We are have four years to wait and speculate to see whether she runs for president or not. Suarez susan glaser trudy rubin, thank you both. Woodruff and to the analysis of shields and brooks syndicated columnist mark shields and New York Times columnist david brooks. Well Congress Welcome gentlemen. So Hillary Clinton, we just heard this discussion david. The two of you weighed in on her legacy last week. And i think both of you agreed in essence that she didnt have an overarching strategy. There were some pushback from viewers who said she brought credibility to the United States. Anything to add, david on that. I respect the credibility of the viewers. You know every white house has covered sis reagan power has been more condition sen traited in the white house than the one before. This administration certainly continues that trend. And so decisionmaking power whether on Foreign Affairs or Domestic Affairs is concentrated in the white house in a reasonably small circle and i do think Hillary Clinton executed that policy. So was there a big new at that time gee that one associates with her no. But she did execute and energy etically. A lot of talk about 2016. Do you have a thought about whether she is going to go. I do, judy. I cant right now. But she brought total command of the issues. She is articulate. She was a rare secretary of state that if the president wasnt going to be there foreign leaders were more than mollified, they were satisfied to see her because she was a towering National Figure in her own right. And one thing that sort of a negative positive there were no leaks f there were tensions with the white house, and i know there were, that boy, there werent from her. She made a leak proof ship. Rooney you give her. Warner you give her credit for that. I do enormous credit. Woodruff and not the white house. The white house is hermet hermetically sealed. I would also add that its rare in an administration for a secretary of state and secretary of defense to get along really well. There is some natural tension there. And she engaged and she and panetta got along fabulous. Warner speak of secretary of defense chuck hagel who david president wants to be the secretary of defense hearing yesterday confirmation hearing before the senate pretty rough going. What did you take away from that. I thought it was terrible. I thought he did a very poor job. We interviewed him, mark and i said nice things about him. I internal enjoyed the interviews hi with him but he really did a bad job. He projected weakness which is not something you want in a secretary of defense. Conot even respond to pressure from senators with any divorce or vigor. He project aid guy who hadnt prepared. Some of these questions were obvious about the surge about some of the things he said on al jazeera. You have to have an answer. Its like somebody without walks into a big home of their life without having done their homework. So i still think he will be confirmed. On more or less partyline votes but if it was up to sort of a looking for a boost of a sign of confidence this was not it. Woodruff how do you see . I disagreement i thought he was compelling electrifying. No, he did not help himself. He did struggle. He did not appear to be prepared for the questions. I mean the intensity and hostility of the questions especially from his former republican colleagues beginning with john mccain who apparently is convinced at this point in his life the most seminal event in u. S. History was not the Constitutional Convention concord lexington or it was the surge. And where you stood on the surge. Woodruff in iraq. In iraq that determines whether in fact you are a visionary or a retrograde. But i was it was a lousy performance by chuck hagel. He obviously decided he wasnt going get confrontational. When ted cruz, the junior senator from texas basically accused him of dishonesty raised questions about his honor, and the idea that chuck hagel that david and i know didnt say wait a minute you know and he did at the last question im out of time now but let me ask you about this about your speeches and what you reported and didnt report. I mean at that point chuck hagel says let me tell you you know, youve just raised a question, i dont care about time or time being out this is my time to tell you, you know, that you are absolutely wrong and and that was just missing completely. Woodruff so there is some reporting that hagel this is a deliberate strategy on hassles part. It was. Woodruff not to be con fron taetional you are saying if that is what it was t didnt work. The senators were awful. We just had the highest suicide rate in the history of the u. S. Military. We had one senator joe done oly, most Junior Member from indiana, before anybody even asked about suicide, nobody asked about the troops. Nobody asked about military families. I mean you know israel is important. Its crucial iran is important 117 times israel was mentioned by questioners. And yet i didnt hear anything about widows and orphans and what were going to do about returning veterans without jobs and post traumatic stress. I think thats fair. But the surge was a major event in recent defense history. The secretary should have a view on that. If you go in the confirmation process youre going to be asked about the embarrassing or stupid things you said. You should have a vuchlt you should certainly be able to express the administrations position on iran correctly which he did not do. He didnt dot containment thing. That was terrible. He got that wrong. Now i agree ot questions well, his job is to administer the Defense Department in a time of defense cuts. And so if you are interested in the competence i agree they should have been asking about that. But the down would be if he cant be the tough guy here well its going to requires tough guy to cut the Defense Department intelligently. Youre going to have to stand up to a lot of very vested interests and we just have to know we do that. That clip they played on Hillary Clinton addressing her critics before the Foreign Relations committee and the senators time and time again, even if they ask these cosmic questions about the globe, they come back to well, what about my base. You know lets lets get to the really important things, back home you know are you going to keep my base. Woodruff funding for that david just thinks will still be confirmed. Do you have a thought. I do. I mean i do think he had will be confirmed. The first vote will be in the committee, 1412. I think right now roy blount, the republican announced against him today that was a possibility. So it looks more and more like a partyline vote. Woodruff so the other attention that got a lot of attention this week was the other hearing that got a lot was on gun violence. Very poignant testimony from gabrielle giffords, the former congresswoman. And then the nra represented by some pretty remarkable pushback from wayne la pierre and some other folks does this change, i mean where are we in the debate over whats going to happen about guns . I mean has it moved, david . Well in terms of the theatre of the hearings giffords and the people who want more gun control certainly dominated. I still think the nra is weirdly inept. I assume they know what they are doing, this is their business. But they are no projected at least to me. And having said that know my sense is, and its just a vague atmospheric sense that a lot of the oomph has gone out of the president s initiative, what biden is doing. He is up there working hard but its very hard for members of congress to vote when their phones are being flooded. And the people who really vote on this issue are on the gun rights side. And so i thence a little dissipation in the passion. And its still possible to get some reforms on the background checks and things like that. But one senses like the immigration, you see a move. You see Real Movement toward a possible law. I dont see that same sort of bipartisan or even partisan in a few move oment. You see it petering out. No, i dont. I think that i think there is emerging consensus on the University Background check. And its something that the nra did support in the past and is now opposing. I mean the nra strategy is something else. I mean when they have david keen who has been on our program, the president is sort of avuncular and rnd and then they go with wayne la pierre who is bombastic and strident and following gabbie gifford and especially mark kelly her husband who said that if there were background that Gabby Gifford would not have been testifying that day. I think there is a good chance on high capacity magazines. I mean when youve got military style assault weapons and high capacity magazines, theyre intended for one person. And that is to inflict as much damage on human beings in as short as time as possible. That is what they are there for. I thought the president showed some presence when he talked about people grow og up with rifles. A 10yearold receiving a rifle from his father. That there is not the demonizeing of the other side of people who have firearms as part of their family and tradition. I thought that show a certain maturity and i hope a political awareness. Woodruff we know the president is going to keep talking about this. He is due to go to minnesota on monday to talk about this the gun issue again. David, you mentioned immigration. There was you the Bipartisan Group of senators come out this week with the plan and the next day the president rolled out his plan. So you do see some movement there. Yeah, i do. I do. The republicans clearly want to move more than they have. The right wing talk radio is more divided than it has been. I think the evidence going is all points in the right direction. And i think weve got very little good Economic News coming. If were going to boost the economy, create some dynamism in the economy increasing the number of high school is pretty of the only level we have there is a strong economic argument. My only fear is we get distracted by secondary and tertiary issues like what kind of fence is built and what triggers to what and so far the debate is being shifted to the other issues and missing the main benefit of an Immigration Reform bill which is the dignity of the people who are here but also the Economic Growth we get out of it. David makes a good case. The reality is that the republicans are twice had romney as a potential nominee. They chose him in 2012 2008 and 2012, he had been the most get tough on the Illegal Immigrants undocumented immigrants illegals as he called them. Accused john mccain of want to give Social Security accused Mike Huckabee selling out in the dream act in arkansas. Really most strident and we saw what happened. Its not simply judy hispanics. The country will be 9 asian in 2050. The electorate will be. That is a group of voters who have helped even more alienated from republicans. So you have got the republicans are looking at a country that is going to be a majority minority country in just over a generation. And they are increasingly white party. And are you saying that is an incentive. John mccain has been candid about it. He said my own state the demographics of my own state are changing. It will be arizona will be a democratic state. General bush has predicted that by 2030 texas will be a blue state unless the republicans act on this. Hes one of the few people who has sounded this alarm in his party. The republicans are actually pretty smart about this. They say immigration is a threshold issue. It is not enough to get the latino vote but you have to get over thatness. Its not the silver bullet. If mitt romney got the percentage Ronald Reagan did of hispanics we have depeted barack obama. Speaking of thresholds the super bowl sunday night im going to put you both on the spot. Call the score who is going to win. The score will be 20, that is baseball John Harbaugh the Baltimore Ravens coach, the kid who wasnt the starting quarterback, wasnt the golden boy Baltimore San Francisco is beautiful a wonderful city, tony bennett sings a great song. Herb canee called it baghdad on the bay. Its romantic. Baltimore charmed city will win 2421. Joe flacco good luck with that. Listen, San Francisco has a better defense, much higher ratings in San Francisco than in baltimore. 49ers are going to win, 4217, not that we care about ratings. Woodruff let me get this down. 422717 licence 2421. Woodruff and we are holding you both account. Park shields, david brook thank you. And and mark and david keep up the talk on the doubleheader, recorded in our newsroom. That will be posted at the top of the rundown later tonight. Brown finally tonight the two coaches are brothers; one quarterback has been a starter for barely half a season; the sport itself is under a microscope for its violence; and the setting, new orleans, is where the home team found itself recently caught up in a so called bounty scandal. The spectacle and game super bowl xlvii, between the Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers are set for sunday, with an expected worldwide audience of more than 160 million. Mike pesca of npr is in new orleans and joins us from jackson square. Is sow mike, start with this bit of history the two brothers going at it. Yeah, its kind of amazing that one family can produce two super bowl coaches. And more amazed at the coach of the baltimore, John Harbaugh. Because jim had its very hard to become a head coach, but his path is a tried and true one, an nfl quarterback, coach at a big time college program, became an nfl head coach. John was the guy who had to be scrappy and work a jobs and be an assistant and rise through the ranksment but theyre both here. They did a copress conference today, this is not usually happen. The coaches do not usually make nice before the super bowl. So even though there is going to be hard hits and animosity on the field, the story of the brothers will, you know, be at least one nice touching moment and certainly a bittersweet moment for their parents to no matter what happens. Brown and then of course the two quarter barr especially the young one who is for the 49ers kaepernick who is just making, he actually took over mid season from the starting quarterback who was injured. Right alex smith was injured, had a head injury disclosed it. Lost his starting job, that is usually not the case. But Colin Kaepernick represents not just an excellent quarterback and a hybrid runner slash passer, he might be a new trend in the nfl. That is if he can stay healthy. Because the things he does and the things that he is able to do are kind of unprecedented. Yeah, there have been a lot of quarterbacks like michael vick and the former 49er quarterback steve young who could run with the ball and throw the ball. But kaepernick has the pistol offense which is on every play, if you want it to be a run option a pass option a face the run and throw the pass option. And right now he is a big question mark and a headache for the ravens defense. And this, only his 10th start ever. Brown now mike, there is this spectacle and there is the game and then there is all this sort of backdrop talk about violence, of course a lot of focus on concussion. I saw that today commissioner goodell was sort of defending the sport. And this comes after president obama himself recently, he was asked he said if he had a son he probably wouldnt want him to be playing football. Right very first question, at the goodell state of the sport press conference was reading the obama quote back at the commissioner. Five i think of the first six questions were about head injuries. It is the big issue looming over the sport. And you know the league has a lot of plans to make it safer. That is the word they use, to teach proper tackling to penalize hits on the field to have neurologists and doctors on the sidelines monitoring concussionment but you know he never really talked about what safer means. And i dont think anyone actually thinks that safer means safe. And it might not even mean statistically speaking that if you are a Football Player even in this safe future that we all hope for f you are a Football Player you might not be able to avoid head injuries. So its certainly the issue that they are talking about here in new orleans. Im not sure they are going to dwell on it in the game broadcast, because we do like our hard hitting entertainment. But everyone knows if they dont solve the problem of head injuries the nfl even though it is the most ascendant form of media in the United States it could be in trouble. Brown and just in our last 30 seconds mike, you just said new orleans what about the atmosphere there . I mean its new orleans. I think on friday it would be pretty much hopping but it gets extra charged. I was here last year for a final four. I have been here many times you know. I was here for three weeks after cat writtena actually. I love this city and its great this is like in the middle of mardi gras they had mardi gras parades already, then super bowl then mardi gra parades i dont know any other city that wedges a super bowl in between a Constant Party but new orleanses can do it and theyre really proud to host the world this sunday. Brown the a mike enjoy yourselves thanks so much. And online, play our super bowl bingo. We have game boards for both 49er and ravens fans to follow along during sunday nights event. Find those on the homepage. Woodruff again, the major developments of the day a suicide bomber detonated a vest with explosives outside the u. S. Embassy in ankara, turkey, killing himself and a security guard; the Dow Jones Industrial average closed above 14,000, a level it hasnt reached since 2007; and the Obama Administration announced new rules for contraceptive coverage under the Affordable Care act in a compromise for faithbased non profits. It happened to the New York Times. Could it happen to you . Keeping your email safe from hackers. Hari sreenivasan has the details. Sreenivasan a hacker turned Computer Security whiz explains how social engineers access corporate and personal information. Learn about the red flags on the rundown. On art beat, we talk to actor jeremy irons, who stars as henry iv in the series shakespeare uncovered on pbs. Two remembrances of former new york mayor ed koch a personal take from ray suarez, and past interviews from the archives of our colleagues at wnet. Find the links on our homepage. And tonights need to know examines the mismatch between available jobs and workers skills, and profiles an Alabama Company trying to close the gap. All that and more is on our web site, newshour. Pbs. Org. Judy. Woodruff and thats the newshour for tonight. On monday, well look at president obamas address to Law Enforcement officials in minnesota, part of his public push for stricter gun control laws. Im judy woodruff. Brown and im jeffrey brown. Washington week can be seen later this evening on most pbs stations. Well see you online, and again here monday evening. Have a nice weekend. Thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. And by the bill and Melinda Gates foundation. 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