other than that, i think they just put me up are here for eye candy because obviously i'm more attractive than anyone else who has been up here. >> reporter: what matters most is that owners and players achieved peace without disrupting their regular season. a partnership cemented in an emotional embrace between colts player jeff saturday and colts owner robert kraft. >> thank you, man. means a lot. >> ravens' owner steve bisciotti replace leased -- released a statement. he also thanked season ticket holders for their faith and support during the financial lockout. >> and the ravens' first preseason game, august 11th, in philadelphia. a frantic 48 hours for the family of a missing 7-month-old baltimore boy. he was found this morning. tonight, how the infant's mother was reunited with their son. wjz is live. mike hellgren has this. >> reporter: vic, the motive for one is still a mystery. the young lady, the teenager who police say took this baby, is being questioned by detectives. she has not been charged. >> reporter: keyon birch's mother tries to get inside the children's national medical center, rushing there to see her search-month-old baby. this is i-- 7-month-old baby. this is a picture of him, taken minutes after police found him alive and healthy at a bus stop nearby in northeast washington, d.c. >> i want to thank god my son is fine. nothing is wrong with him. >> we got him back, though. all of the prayers, thank you, everybody. everybody. >> reporter: the infant was with the 16-year-old who police say took him. janay busier. janay's dad says they were acquaintances. she came up asking for food and cigarettes. when he left to get her one, she took off with him. >> i think she had a hard life. i don't know that she intentionally meant to steal this baby. i would hate to think that. >> reporter: police have questioned boozer but have not revealed what they believe was her nomo tive for taking -- motive for taking the child. >> i really thought i could trust her. i let you into my house. i'm willing to do it. just said, make sure he don't put nothing in his mouth. i didn't tell you tatouch -- to touch him or nothing. >> i just hope she gets the help she needs. scooz it's-- >> reporter: it's also unclear what she did with the baby during the more than two days they were gone together. >> reporter: and we have new video to show you tonight of little keyon at his home in west baltimore, with his grandmother and other relatives. they are holding him tight. he was checked out at the hospital. no health problems. as you can see, he's just a normal, healthy 7-month-old. and vic, they are glad that he is home safely tonight. >> and we are, too. city police say they will consult with the state's attorney's office, before filing any charges against the teens. storms caused problems. sky eye chopper 13 was over this house. it was damaged by a lightning strike. but no one was hurt. now, as the system moved through, it brought heavy downpours, sparking flash flood warnings in some locations. and sky eye chopper 13 over the falls at the baltimore city, county line. look at that. you can see water flowing quite rapidly. all right. wjz is live with first warning weather coverage. meteorologist birp det woods and bob turk have more! we have extreme southern portions. eastern shore now, pretty heavy activity. denton over toward fredericksburg. mostly to delaware now. and one strong cell, near great mills and patuxent naval air station. that's moving away from the region. down to about salisbury. heading to ocean city. there are still some more showers across northern portions and central portions of pennsylvania. so it's possible that we may still see some additional showers. but the bulk of the strain, as can you see, has moved on across the region. bernadette in the outback. a lot cooler. with a look at the current advisories in effect. bernadette? >> as bob just said, there are still just a couple. but most have been canceled. here's a look at the wrap-up we have going on at this hour. and you can see most of this is on the eastern shore. all of the flash flood warnings and severe thunderstorm warnings have been canceled. now, as far as temperatures go, it really has cooled us down. take a look at the numbers around the region. 75 is where we sit in baltimore. after a high of 91 degrees today. the dew points are still high. they will start to dropover night. and look at the change in temperatures from today, as compared to this point yesterday. 21 degrees cooler. now, that's in baltimore. obviously, a little farther to the south. the thunderstorms have gone through. that's why we're not seeing a full consist contrast there. >> thank you, bernadette and bob. a program at bge, designed to save customers money is under fire. many people across maryland lost air conditioning for hours on the hottist day ever on record in baltimore. tonight, adam may takes a closer look at peak rewards. >> reporter: bge is now considering major changes to their peak rewards program, after tens of thousands of customers complained during the weekend heat wave. >> when the temperature in baltimore city hit 108 friday, flowers weren't the only things that fried. >> look at my face. i am sweating to death. i mean, washing my head. look. it's just hot. and my air is on. >> reporter: but bobby mckinney enrolled in bge's peak rewards program. so her air conditioning was shut off for more than six hours. >> what do you say to them? what do you say to customers who sat there for hours on end in a hot house? >> certainly we are looking at how this program works, how it worked on friday. what we might want to do better. >> reporter: under peak rewards, customers get up to $twro00 if -- $200 if they agree to power cycling. that means they can shut off air conditioning units at emergency events. and friday was the first time they've done it since the program started. now the state's utility watchdog is looking into bge's actions. the chairman of the public service commission's action says they am address complaints, but it's premature to say if it was planned. >> do you think people understand? >> we absolutely want to do a better job of making sure our customers know what they signed up for. >> reporter: 350,000 enrolled. and 2500 withdrew since friday. another 1300 have made changes. mckinney says she's done. >> i'll tell you one thing. this box is coming out. >> reporter: not all of the people were unhappy. bge supplied me with a couple of e-mail frls some customers who had their their air conditioning shut off. they were thanking the power company for avoiding a total brownout. >> bge is planning to mail peak rewards customers a reminder about how the program works. baltimore county police make two arrests in a double shooting. one of which was fatal. 17-year-old ryan mclean and 18- year-old elder smith accused in the shooting death of messina. 22-year-old darnell hill was also found shot. but is recovering. detectives say the victims and suspects did know each other. and overseas tonight, the suspect in the norway twin terrorist attacks admitted to the violent rampage. and in a twist, said he did not act alone. kai is in the newsroom with the latest. >> in court today, he pled not guilty, but also confessed to the attack, saying they were not necessary. brevic is accused of setting off a car bomb, then opening gunfire. at the hearing, a 32-year-old claimed that there are two more cells in his organization. so the judge ruled that brevic will be held in complete isolation, while police investigate those claims. also at the hearing, brevic says his goal was to send a clear signal about his anti- muslim views. >> today, officials lowered the death toll from the attacks from 100 to 76. the clock is ticking. one week from tomorrow. the united states will default on its debt. if lawmaker the can't reach a deal to raise the debt ceiling. as jay dow reports, noirkzs continue, while the effects are already being felt. >> reporter: president obama is laying out what's at stake with the debt limit deadline fast approaching. >> if we don't address the debt that is already on our national credit card, it will leave us unable to invest in things like education. >> reporter: but democratic and republican negotiators raise the nation's debt ceiling. now, they are pushing plans for getting the job done. on the democratic side, senate majority leader harry reid's plan would raise the debt ceiling by the same amount as the reduction, and leave programs like medicare and social security untouched. >> the proposal provides everything the house republicans have said they need it. i hope my colleagues on the other side will still know a good deal when they see it. >> reporter: the republican plan promises spending cuts that exceed the hike in the debt ceiling, calls for medicare and social security reform. and will require another debt limit hike, the first of next year. >> reporter: congress has got to come together and resolve these issues that have been hanging out there for too long. >> reporter: a last-minute deal still has a chance of passing congress before the deadline. but it's still uncertain whether that agreement will represent a long-term solution to the nation's budget deficit or a short-term fix. >> reporter: many fear a short of- -- hort- short-term risk may hurt the nation's credit, all while leaving today's problem for another day. jay dow, wjz eyewitness news. >> and we just learned president obama will speak about the debt crisis tonight at 9:00. house speaker john boehner will deliver the republican response. you can watch both live here on wjz. motion to dismiss. a federal judge will decide whether or not to toss out bribery charges against the powerful maryland state senator. wjz is live. political reporter pat warren is live downtown with the latest on the ulisses -- ulysses currie case. >> it's been another day on a motion. ulysses currie and two shoppers former warehouse executives stand trial for bribery. >> reporter: may, 2008, the fbi swoops in on the home of ulysses currie and shoppers food, armed with a warrant and allegations that curie used his political muscle to push legislation favorable to the shoppers change. >> reporter: did he trade influence for income? federal prosecutors say yes. that currie used his position in public office in exchange for a quarter million dollars and that's a bribe. currie arrived in federal court today, hoping to have bribery charges dismissed. >> getting upset -- i don't want to say it's a waste of energy. but i need to focus on my family, my child. you know, continue to focus on my constituents. >> reporter: currie has resigned. on may 11th, they dropped seven corruption charges. but today, argued against the defense motion to dismiss bribery charges. the defense claims there is no clear definition of official duty for lawmakers. and currie believes he was acting as a private consultant. so while there was a conflict of interest, there was no bribe. >> reporter: the prosecution refutes that. and of course, judge richard bennett will have to rule on that. reporting live from the u.s. courthouse in downtown baltimore, i'm pat warren. back to you on tv hill. >> the trial date is september 26th. still to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news. >> her side of the story. the hotel maid who said the head of the imf sexually assaulted her, opens up. why she's speaking out. the grandstand going up for the baltimore grand prix. how the construction could impact your commute. a home away from home. a first of its kind hospice here in baltimore, provides sick children with new hope. some storms bring welcome relief from the heat. but are more showers ahead? the first warning weather forecast is coming up with our weather team. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, construction begins tonight. workers will start installing the race track wall. megan mccorkell with more on the crews already hard at work. >> we want to show you what just pulled in. these are parts of the cement wall. gives a first step in the transformation in this area. >> reporter: the streets of downtown baltimore will soon look -- >> how about that? >> like this. the baltimore grand prix, now just weeks away. but to get from here to here, you have to start here. >> people are going to be amazed when they see baltimore around the world. >> reporter: martin designed the two-mile track but will run around the inner harbor and camden yards. >> what we're building is almost a small city within the city. >> reporter: they will be surrounded by a concrete wall and fencing. >> the fans have been really safe. we have been doing these for more than 30 years. >> reporter: starting tonight, crews will begin working on light street at the inner harbor. next week, work begins on conway street; much of the work will be done overnight. so it doesn't tie up traffic. drivers are gearing up. >> it's going to be the benefit of baltimore city. so we have to bear with it a little bit. >> i really love potter's fork. and i think this is going to be a good thing. i think it will be good for the town. >> reporter: starting august 29th, several roads will be shut down. and two dozen will be diverted. as the need for speed takes over the area. >> reporter: and the mta is warning drivers in this area to discover, look for alternate routes as it gets closer to race day. we're live at the inner harbor, i'm meghan mccorkell. >> thank you, meghan. and the grand prix has started a new website. and to get that website, go to our website, wjz.com. and then click on news. it's the first of its kind in maryland and all over the u.s. a hospice for children with terminal illness. mary has more on this unique place. >> reporter: it is difficult for many to think about and talk about. but for many families, this new center fills a void during the most painful time. >> reporter: right off emrald k. boulevard now sits dr. bob's place. it's a hospice facility for children. named after dr. bob erwin, the well-known pediatrician felt strongly, children needed a place to die, with love, comfort and care, just like adults. >> so often, children died in an intensive care unit setting. and he worries that they were not comfortable. he worried that their pain and symptoms were not being managed well. >> reporter: so years before, dr. bob started fundraising. others followed. and now his dream is a reality. the $4.6 million facility opened last month. >> i love how it feels. it feels happy. comfortable. feels like home. >> reporter: the first patient moves in today. there are 10 bedrooms and other common rooms to make the children from babies to 18 feel at home. >> reporter: all of the patients' rooms are private. this will be for an infant someday. and there's enough room for a mom or a dad to sleep with their infant every night if they want to. >> reporter: dr. bob's place is new, but its pediatric staff, nurses, doctors and social workers have decades of experience in end-of-life care for children. >> and what's so unique about them, in comparing them to adults is they don't want to be in bed. they want to sit and have pop corn with mom and dad. and what we have to do is help them get comfortable enough and provide enough supportive care so that they can do those things. >> reporter: funding for dr. bob's place came from grants and local foundations as well as from the city and the state. >> looks like a very much needed place, mary. thank you very much. for more information about dr. bob's place, go to our website. rain came. >> it was only 90 today. >> nothing. >> compared to last week. last week was really remarkable weather. i'm telling you. it was like a blizzard in reverse on friday. all right. no blizzards, but we do have some dryer weather headed our way. 77. close to 90. 70s for the rain. no wind now. but the barometer is holding steady. come back and take a look at a pretty decent couple of days. the rain came down. it was fast and furious. people already back out on the water. >> now getting -- after some heavy storms. the lower eastern shore from dorchester county, cambridge, down toward there. take a look at that batch of rain. just clear of easton and cambridge, just beginning to leave your area. still good down there. ocean city, rain on the boardwalk. maybe heavy showers in the next hour or two. simples have taken a real nose dive. it's already recovered to 81, d.c. 82, pax river. easton just rain. ocean city, light rain. 82, 85. a lot more comfortable, at least temperature-wise. it's very humid, with a dew point of 74. but by tomorrow, it's going to get a lot more comfortable. dew points should be in the low 60s. and that's going to make a real difference in the way you feel. 79, annapolis, kent island, rock hall. it's 75. and westminster, with sun now, it's 78 degrees. tonight, some spots may actually get back into the upper 60s. very light winds right now. that sounds pretty good. winds very light at ocean city. storm headed that way, could get a little gusty. pax river, to 15 miles an hour. now, this system moving through the area tonight, will bring in with it, a little bubble of high pressure from southeastern canada. that will dry things out. it will still be warm for the next couple of days. but a lot lower humidity. the winds coming back out of the northwest. quite a few showers as can you see. the secondary line of showers across pennsylvania. if it holds together, it could bring us another shower. in probably the next four hours or so. between now and 10:00 tonight. then tomorrow, sunshine returns. but lower humidity now. for two days, it looks like it will be pretty pleasant. by late wednesday and thursday, the highs move off the east coast. that means the winds come back around the southwest. that will bring in additional heat. and yes, some additional moisture. and humidity. 93. 105 in dallas. mid- to upper 80s. so this warm air sitting around here is going to start moving back toward our region. by thursday and friday, back in the 90s. friday could be even in the upper 90s once more. northwest winds, 5 to 10 knots. bay temp, in the mid-80s. all of that heat. tonight, then, any showers are pretty much done here. but we might see one or two later. 70 tomorrow. 91. but lower humidity will make it feel a lot more comfortable than it was this afternoon. and that's the key to your comfort. the low to middew point, the -- lower the dew point, the more comfortable you're going to be. >> you'd think i'd learn that by now. the powers vested in me, by the state of new york, i pronounce you both married. >> history-making i dos. scores of same-sex marriages could soon be blocked. the new challenge to the controversial law. a vandal at a local convenience -- set a local convenience store on fire. we'll show you the strong evidence police have against them. the maid tells all. the maid at the center of the controversial rape case ,,,,,,, it is 6:30. 77 degrees. and mostly cloudy. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. telling the world her story. for the first time, we are hearing from the woman who says the former head of the international monetary fund, dominique strauss-kahn, sexually assaulted her. ines ferre reports for wjz from new york, with more on what she is saying. >> the woman at the center of the sensational case against dominique strauss-kahn is going public with her story. >> god is my witness. i'm telling the truth. from my heart. >> reporter: she is a hotel maid who says the head of the international monetary fund attacked her when she came to clean his room. in an exclusive interview with abc news's robin roberts, to air exclusively tuesday night, she gave her story. >> i said, i'm so sorry. he came to me and grabbed my breast. no, you don't have to be sorry. i said, stop this. i don't want to lose my job. >> reporter: she was working here when the encounter would in -- happened in may. she said she didn't know strauss-kahn was a high-profile french politician until later. >> reporter: strauss-kahn denies the accusations andy main -- and remains free on bail. his lawyer says what happened between the two was consensual. and while prosecutors have not dropped the case yet, they admit their evidence is weaker. the immigrant also spoke with newsweek. >> she was tired of being sullied up in the tabloids, being called a prost tute or -- prostitute or money digger. so she wanted to put a face to the allegations. >> they're -- strauss-kahn's attorneys are asking to dismiss the case. >> reporter: legal experts say it is risky for an accuser to speak publicly in a criminal case. it gives the defense a way to pinpoint discrepancies with her testimony or to argue she has other motives. randall pinkston reports for wjz from oslo. the suspect admits carrying out the attack but says there are others out there like him. >> reporter: anders brevic left a courthouse on his way to spend the next four weeks in solitary confinement. at a closed hearing, the 32- year-old confessed to friday's massacre, but pleaded not guilty. >> reporter: if you believe that he needed to carry out these attacks in order to save norway and western europe from, among other things, cultural marxism. >> reporter: police are investigating brevic's claims that there are two more cells in his organization. officials say brevic admitted he bombed this. and opened fire at a youth camp. police initially put the death tolls at nearly 100. but they refused -- revised that figure to nearly 76. a huge crowd of norwegians gather to express their sadness. most holding flowers. many in tears. >> reporter: in vigil is the latest response in the terrorist attack. norwegians want to send the message to the confessed gunman and anyone who follows him that this normally peaceful nation is violent. >> to tow showthat we care for each other. >> earlier today, a moment of silence was held for the victims. >> we can't understand. >> brevic's attorneys say he was strong in his beliefs. prosecutors say he seemed calm and unaffected by what happened. >> brevic will be held for at least eight weeks. half of that time in complete isolation. new leads in a murder outside a baltimore county nightclub. mary is in the newsroom with the developments. >> baltimore county police have just released sketches of two suspects. they hope someone will recognize. take a good look at the men wanted in connection to the shooting wanted outside of the club. 36-year-old george bryan died after being rushed to johns hopkins bayview medical center. detectives believe the two men were at the nightclub at the time of the shooting. denise? >> thank you, mary. if you have any information, you're asked to call baltimore county police. arsonists set a local convenience store's garage on fire. now, police are hoping you can catch the suspects. wjz's monique griego has the video you need to see. >> reporter: surveillance video shows two guys, one in plaid shorts, police say the guy on the left lights a t-shirt on fire, drops it, then walks off. moments later, flames ignite the garage. >> there were people sitting out here. and for that to happen, it's barbaric. >> reporter: chris woolen who lives up the street says the store was recently renovated by a new owner and has since become a new neighborhood hangout. he can't believe someone would set it on fire. >> they got no life, nothing going on. >> they showed us the damage. he had to replace the garage's charred roof and walls but told us it could have been worse. >> tony the owner says most of the stuff inside this garage is very flammable. so his biggest fear was that once it caught on fire, the entire garage would go up, and then flames would spread to his house. >> sort of a densely populated area. and then the fire could easily spread to row homes. >> reporter: kevin brown says thanks to this surveillance video, from inside the store, they got a good look at the man in plaid. they're hoping someone will recognize him. if not, neighbors like woolen are also on the watch. >> i'm sure we'll all see the video. we'll know who they are. and we'll make sure they don't come around here anymore. >> reporter: and the fire caused around $4,000 in damage. and police believe the suspect in plaid does live in the area. denise? >> thank you, monique. if you have any information on this case, you're asked to call baltimore police. a challenge to same-sex couples, celebrating wedded bless tonight. >> i now pronounce you legally married. >> hundreds of couples tied the knot in new york yesterday. that's when the state legalized same-sex marriage. but the honey honeymoon is over. after opponents filed a lawsuit. they say the state senate broke rules when they passed the marriage equality act. time now for a quick look at the baltimore sun. some baltimoreans manage to travel the city without owning a car. more on the surge of people opting out of bge's peak rewards program. and a look at what the ravens have to do immediately to get the roster ready for the season. for these stories and more, read the baltimore sun. and remember to look for the updated forecast, from wjz's first warning weather team. two a-list, hip-hop super stars are joining forces. and they're making a stop here in baltimore. according to our media partner, the baltimore sun, kanye west and jay-z will perform together at first mariner arena infer 21st. it is part of a 24-city tour. tickets go on sale august 8th. will probably be sold out august 9th. >> yeah, bob and i are going to this. we gotta go. and actually, this is very big for baltimore. >> you and bob? >> yeah. bob. i like kanye. >> of course. you i understand. the bob part, i'm a little confused. >> he's a rocker. still to come on wjz eyewitness news. what happened to amy winehouse? the world awaits the cause of death for the popular singer. amanda knox, close to freedom. the evidence that could turn the italy murder case upside down. bob turk. first warning weather center. sunny, warm, but less humid weather coming your way. i'll have the exclusive first warning fi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, the results of dna evidence, used to convict american student amanda knox of murdering her roommate in italy are in. her defense ruled that most of the evidence is completely unreliable and contaminated. knox has already served four years in prison. experts testified they found no dnaor blood on the blade of the murder weapon. knox's family is optimistic after today's hearing. >> reporter: you know, it was a an excellent day. to be able to see everything, step by step, exactly what our experts said. and now confirmed by independent experts is very powerful. >> knox could be released by sept. jeffs is charged with assaulting two children and leading a radical breakaway sex of the mormon church. he was found guilty last summer but his conviction was overruled because of faulty jury instructions. if convicted, jeffs faces life in prison. well, we'll have to wait a little longer to find out how amy winehouse died. winehouse was found dead in her london home saturday morning. the five-time grammy winner struggled with drug and alcohol abuse for years. her funeral is tomorrow. bob schieffer has a preview of what's coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. after returning home from the war, this veteran was left depressed and on the verge of suicide. until his pit bull puppy showed him life was worth living. now, he's offering hope to other veterans, by giving a helping paw. we'll have that story tonight on the cbs even ♪ [ rock ] [ chattering ] [ man on tv ] 96309. [ man ] ♪ she got it, you got it ♪ i got it, we got it [ groans ] ♪ who's got it see you later. ♪ yeah! ♪ come on, she got it you got it, we got it who's got it ♪ we're all different. that's why there are five new civics. the next-generation civic. only from honda. [ child's voice ] oocan i have some?od. [ child's voice ] you guys should rock, paper, scissors for it. ok. [ chuckles ] best of three? sure. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. [ scoffs ] one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. i win! oh, man. [ muffled ] congratulations. [ male announcer ] get your own bbq pulled pork sub at subway®. tender, slow-cooked pork with irresistibly bold barbecue sauce. subway. eat fresh®. is it only a brief break from the heat? meteorologist bernadette woods and bob turk with the five-day forecast and what to expect tomorrow. bernadette? >> tomorrow is fat-free. this is what we're expecting. still a couple of thunderstorms tomorrow night. tomorrow, we start out the day, still warm in the 70s. but as we head through the afternoon and heat up, humidity is not going up. it's actually going down. then tomorrow evening, temperatures start to drop off, and tomorrow night, we go down into the 60s. so for the rest of the five- day, here's bob. >> and it's about time. i'll tell you. 66. it's going to be a warm day. but a lot less humid. and 90 on wednesday would feel pretty good. humidity starts creeping back. thursday, back in the mid-90s. kind of sticky. really hot again on friday. upper 90s. look at that nighttime low, with 77. hot and humid on saturday. it will probably be a thunderstorm picking up in the region. 96, 75 to start the weekend. >> okay, bob. thank you. donny and marie osmond are in siewrks city. >> coming up on entertainment tonight, marie protesting donny dancing. the singing siblings are creating a stir in sin city, amidst all of the osmond excitement. >> we have about a thousand people here tonight who want to say hello to "et can the. >> hello! >> reporter: donny dancing with the fans. first, a little rehearsal time. [ inaudible ] >> midsection. >> reporter: then the flash mob. the dancing with the stars champ hasn't lost his touch. meanwhile, marie is out on the strip. >> one, two, three, four. >> reporter: et, i want to be entertainer here. we're protesting. >> reporter: so-called resort fees, hidden fees resorts charge for services that patrons may not want. >> they're billed for things like water and internet services and things they don't even know. and it comes to about $60. and also the amy winehouse investigation. we have the latest on the troubled singer's death. plus, maria -- maria shriver's 911 call for her injured son. and you can see entertainment tonight, here on wjz. still to come tonight. an nfl deal now done, what's the time line to get the season started? >> mark has the answer next in ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well, just in time. now they have some training to do. mark is here with the wjz the fan sports report. >> talking about business as usual. it's going to be unusual as they get into this. the lockout is over. and the cuts and signing of playerless, that's next. the ravens are among the teams that need to free up salary cap space. veterans are expected to be among those released to free up money to sign new players. 4 1/2 months of talking turns immediately to fast and furious player transaction. there are details still to be worked out in this new labor deal. but the player side said nothing will hold up the agreement agreement. >> we managed to talk about a lot of the things that i think make football better and safer. so i think we had a little bit of a head start on those issues. and i think that the faster we can resolve them, the better it is for the game of football. and for the men who play it. >> rookies can be signed tomorrow. free agent signings can start saturday. ravens players allowed into the team facility tomorrow, 11:00 a.m. by agreement, there can be light practices on pads. and the real hitting can start on saturdayment camden yards in october. construction has begun at a 9- feet tall statue. tell be positioned at russell street and washington boulevard, on the northwest outside the ballpark. it's a gift to the city, from robinson's long-time friend. they embark on a 10-game road trip. coming up, a loss to the angels yesterday in what could be the final home game for pitcher jeremy guthrie. guthrie is aware of a possible trade but was in no mood to discuss that subject after another loss. >> no, i only hear it because you guys bring it up every 3 1/2 minutes. most players don't hear the rumors. most players don't know. i guess it's exciting for everyone else to talk about it. so we hear about it through those avenues. >> they don't call away players. he says he thinks it's a good thing. koji says he likes playing in baltimore. but it's not fun being on a losing team. he's having an outstanding season in the third year with the o's. he is coveted with a number by a contending team. o's at toronto tomorrow. michael phelps had to settle for a bronze metal in the first defense at the swimming championship in china. phelps swam the leg. by the time it was over, phelps and his teammates finished third. france scheduled to swim five more events in shanghai. from baltimore swimming star to a skateboarding star, dundalk, in action at the dew tour in ocean city. he saved his best for last. his final routine got the highest score. vaulted past shaun white. still going strong. and beating the kid. aged 38. don't grow up, bucky. >> i thought of them this weekend. imagine how hot it was doing that? >> that's impressive. >> it is. >> be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, be sure to tune in to cbs at 10:00. it's hawaii five 0. >> for bob and mark, thanks for watching. there is much more ahead on the cbs evening news, let's go ,, >> schieffer: tonight with the debt deadline fast approachinging, president obama will address the nation as both parties scramble to come up with separate plans to cut the deficit. the suspect in the norway massacre claims that other terror cells exist. jeff glor reports from oslo. and bob orr looks at the home grown terror threat to this country. a windfall for prescription drug users. ben tracy says the price is about to come way down for top sellers like lipitor and plavix. and combat stress has this vet on the verge of suicide. >> i was this close to pulling the trigger. >> schieffer: but chip reid reports his best friend came to the rescue. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> schieffer: good evening. scott's off tonight. i'm bob schieffer. president obama has asked the networks for time too address the nation on the debt crisis tonight. cbs will carry the address and the response by republican speaker john boehner