Oh, yeah . All right, listen up. End of the month, fellas. Crunch time. Got to move some serious steel before the new inventory arrives. Top man on the board. Gets a fat bonus 1,500 cash. Bottom fish . You dont sell a car this weekend. blows raspberry . Hit the bricks. Or you can get out now. You got your number down its simple men get. Them. In. The car. Get them to, to smell it. Then you get them to drive it. Then you get them to buy it the feel of the wheel. mimics engine revving seals the deal the feel of the wheel. Rice burners got us beat on price and mileage, mickey. Man yeah, were busting our humps out there, but were losing loyal customers with these new, uh, kcars. The cars . The cars dont lose customers. Lousy salesman do laugh you think guys walk on this lot because theyre thinking about mileage . Guys walk on this lot because they want to buy american, to give us their money. And you know what you do . You take it, damn it take it people want cars to project an image. Cars to make them look younger or more powerful. Men want cars that women just want to. grunts . Get into. chuckles aint that right, donna . Yeah, but i would have never got knocked up at 17 in some kcar. It aint go no curves, no back seat. men laugh never take no for an answer someone says theyre just looking . You tell them thats how you met your wife. Whatwhat if they say they have to check with the wife . Then you tell them to go get their pants back you get them in a box and you close these bastards and if you cant do it, then you find someone who can but you do not and i repeat you do not let them walk out that door are we clear . all assent are we clear . All yeah shall we go sell some cars . cheers, applause lets go sell some cars. Mickey Mickey Mickey can i talk to you a sec . Phones arent gonna answer themselves, sweetheart. I know, its just, um, things are real tight for me right now. Looking for an advance . Just for this week. But im ready to take on more. Thats great. Ill tell you, why dont you start by, uh, cleaning this mess up right here . Look at it, pigsty right here. Look. Stroke me, stroke me say youre a winner. Stillman classic car buff trolling for rts found more than he bargained for in the trunk of this old beater. Adult female . Looks like Blunt Force Trauma to the skull. Tire iron was in the trunk. Its a 73 eldorado. Guy probably wanted the taillights. Donna damico, age 2 went missing back in 81. Anyone notify next of kin . Stillman were trying to locate her mother who filed the missing persons report. Car dont belong to her. Keys dont fit. And the, uh, vin number plates gone. A 73. Cars had confidential vin numbers that far back . Stillman should be buried in there somewhere. Its probably on the frame or under the engine block. Whoever dumped hernew what they were doing. The fat slob at the gate said they dont inspect cars at intake. Place should advertise to criminals dumpjobsrus. Lets tow the car. cell phone ringing let the auto squad take it apart in the garage. Hello, this is stillman. Valens what is it . A scrap of paper with some names and some numbers. Still make out the ballpoint. Lester, 1,200 bucks. Somebody she owed money . Address at the tops faded out. See if qcan pull it up . Ill run the name lester against titles on 73 eldorados. Donnas mother passed away eight years ago. Only surviving next of kin is her daughter marisa. How old was she back in 81, when her mom disappeared . Five. Ill handle the notification. Captioning sponsored by warner bros. Television [ horn honks ] kevin toaster strudel, yah . Warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel. You know, from our 4,000 television commercials. Yep, there i am with flo. Hoohoo watch it [chuckles] anyhoo, 3 Million People switched to me last year, saving an average of 475. [sigh] it feels good to help people save. With great discounts like safe driver, multicar, and multipolicy. So call me today. 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Ensure the water you drink at home is truly clean for your family with the pur faucet filtration system. The multiplelayer filters are certified to reduce contaminants others could leave behind starting at just 20. Try pur faucet filters today. [ male announcer ] it takes two hands to eat a manwich. Leaving zero hands to save the universe. Hold on. Its manwich. Do to steed motors where she worked as a greeter. Hold on. Boss says she left at 7 00 p. M. The day she disappeared. Never returned to pick up her daughter from the sitter. Witness statem nothing indicating foul play. Like she vanished. Only after she emptied her bank account 400 bucks. Any guys in the picture . No husband, no degree, bad credit and crap job with limited prospects. Jeffries assigned figured she skipped town; ditched the kid and a miserable situation. Vera wouldnt be the first. We got any other friends or family . Jeffries friend paula coming in. She was sitting the kid the night she disappeare what about the daughter . Marisa damico. Shes not returning our phone calls. Rush is hunting her down. Checked registrations on all 73 eldorados, no hits on the name lester. Check the dealership, see if there ever was a guy that name worked on that lot. I hate car salesman. You could use a new ride. Whats wrong with my car . Nothing, if you like being single. Excuse me. Is that, um, marisa . Mmhmm. Rush marisa . Lily rush. Ii called before about your mother. My mother walked out when i was five. We just found her body. Where . In the trunk of a car out in elmwood. Might explain what happened to her. Cant say its a real shock, given her choice in men. Anyone in particular . I was referring to the loser who knocked her up in high school. Your dad. Got to be around to earn that title. Never even met him. Whod you grow up with . Grandmother raised me, who wasnt expecting to. Reminded m constantly. I know you were young, but if theres anything you can remember about your mom what she was involved in. Only thing i remember was we never had any money or a place of our own. The name lester mean something to you . No. Did she leave anything behind, personal effects . Sorry, all i know is the police said she cleaned out her bank account. Couldnt get away fast enough. You think of anything, let me know. Always knew something must have happened. Donna never would have just taken off. She loved that kid. You were babysitting marisa the night she disappeared . Woman we were good friends in high school. Dodged a baby bullet myself. Figured id help her out whenever i could. Any guys she was involved with at the time . Dang was a hassle for her the kid and all. She was really struggling to make it on her own. Stillman any idea why she emptied her bank account before she disappeared . No. But it couldnt have been much. Donna didnt have two nickels. Miller she owe anybody . Someone named lester . Wasnt like her. She hated to borrow. Was a real blow when she had to move back in with her mom. Wouldnt wish that woman on anyone. You worked with her at the dealership . Helped her get the job as a greeter. Quit cause i couldnt stand it anymore. Bunch of sexist sharks. sighs softly no idea why she wanted to swim in that tank. whip it by devo playing crack that whip give the past the slip steed motors. Ill transfer you to service. Hold, please. Hi, mommy. Aw, geez, paula, i totally forgot. Hi, boo i got to run, donna. I told you i got a date tonight. Yeah, i just got to close out. Uh, just a few things. Donna, hold and clear my next appointment. Tell mickey the fleet sales can wait. I want to make sure we get mr. Callahan here all squared away tonight. Certainly, sir. Now, george, if i can get him to throw in the floor mats with the rustproofing, do we have a deal . Man come on, frank. I stole that guys tradein. The deal should have been twopounder, easy would you lower your voice, please . You got a problem, take it up with mickey. I dont care. Please, sir, wait. Sir, please. Someonhas misplaced mr. Hathaways keys to the chevy nova. Ill get right on that, sanil. Perhaps mr. Hathaway would like to take one of our vehicles home tonight, huh . Tell you what, sir. Take the car home. Bring it back tomorrow, huh . Donna. Donna yeah. Stay late tonight . Yeah, you know, about that mickey, ive been busting my hump around here. We all appreciate your hump, babe. Just give me a chance, all right . Let me sell a car. Whos gonna do your job, sweetheart, hmm . You know that lincoln mark trade that came in yesterday . I know someone right now i could flip it to. Well see. What about tonight . Hey, you want your shot . Pay your dues. Pay your dues. I got to stay late. Can you drop marisa off at my moms, please . All right, all right. Bye, baby. Single mom, no degree what are you gonna do . We found donnas body in the trunk of a 73 eldorado. You know anybody who drove that kind of car . No, but i wouldnt know a kcar from a corolla. That was donnas thing. She could tell the car a guy drove by the shoes he wore. Boss, auto squad found a vin number on that eldorado. Tracked the dmv records on the owner. Marshall brooks. We got him . He died a couple years ago, but he traded in the caddy to steed motors, week before donna disappeared. Whats was the name of that Sales Manager who gave a statement back in 81 . It was mickey thompson, today the oud owner of steed motors. Thank you. You boys let me know when the philly pd is ready to upgrade. Ill get you into so new charger, zero to 60 in five seconds. Volume deal, below invoice. Brass gets the new cars. We drive the beaters till the wheels fall off. chuckles personally, i prefer the American Classics like the 73 eldorado we found donna damicos body in. A shame. That gal was a rea valens you gave a statement, said, uh, she left work at 7 00 that night. Sounds right. Failed to mention it was in the trunk of the caddy headed for t title traced back to this lot when you were Sales Manager, mickey. Lot of cars come through, guys the beaters go in one door and out the next, sold off for parts. That before or after you stripped the vin number . chuckles hey, hold your horses. Now, whos the owner traded that car in . Marshall brooks. No, i dont remember the car, but i remember him. Repeat customer. One of bruces clients. Bruce . Bruce donnelly. Must have taken the caddy off trade. Lot of cash slipped away on used cars back then. Saying this guy dumped the caddy . Well, if it was a clunker, he could have had it stripped for parts and sent to salvage. And this bruce had a problem with donna . Not when she was getting him coffee. Donna was a gogetter. Hey, you want to play with the boys, chuckles you got to roll with the punches. burnin for you by blue oyster cult playing yo, donna. I just talked to the tower. He sees youve been working your tail off. I told him you could have the next up. Come on. Mickey went for that . Yo, mickey. Yeah, give it to the green pea. Guys looking for his daughter. I sold him a car two years ago. Hes a whale. I thought sanil had next up. Sanil couldnt close a door with two hands and an arm. Look, you work this right, this could be worth a pound or maybe two. I know everything about that car, inside out. You get him on the hook. You tell him to follow you inside. Dont even turn around, all right . Go on. Go make me proud. Thanks, bruce. Showtime. Hold on a tick. So guy wants to know if well take a check, full amount. Damn i knew that guy was a lay down. How about that . Didnt even have to get him in the box. Got to be some kind of a record, writing a check on the hood of a car. Dont i still have to get him inside, sign paperwork . Yeah, why dont you get him to wallpaper the showroom with his checks while youre at it . I thought bruce sold him a car. Every schmuck on the lot sold that flake a car. Every month for the past five years. What are you guys talking about . The guys a major hoople. He just likes talking to car salesmen. laughter oh, you think thats funny, bre . Oh, you cant handle it, why dont you go back inside and answer the phone, sweetheart . All right. I think ill call your wife first, tell her about all the female customers youve been testdriving, huh . You wouldnt dare. Wouldnt i . laughs chuckles salesman should never mess where he eats. Especially with the lady who transfers his calls. Bruce and donna had a thing . Thing or fling. Bruce was a dog. He always had women calling the office. Donna ever get to tell on his wife . Hey, all i know is that he took two weeks after she disappeared. Bruce was a closer; he never took a vacation. You never told the cops . He was still married. And at the time, my top salesman. Is he still selling cars . Last i heard, up the street. German luxury sedans, so screw him. Has oats that can help lower cholesterol . And it tastes good . Sure does wow. Its the honey, it makes it taste so. Well, would you look at the time. Whats the rush . Be happy. Be healthy. Excuse me. Do you have an appointment . Dont need one, bruce. Excuse me. I thought you were customers. Jeffries we can tell. Miller here about a car. Remember this one . 73 eldorado . Cant say i do. Jeffries you took it as a tradein from Marshall Brooks back when you worked at steed motors. exhales sharply long time ago. Maybe i did. We found donna damicos body stuffed in the trunk. Greeter girl you had a thing with before she disappeared . I knew donna. But we definitely didnt have a thing. Your old boss, mickey, says different. Then hes mistaken. Hes also a jealous schmuck, nothing more than a piker. You can tell him i said that. Told us you were the last one to handle that cadillac. Thats a crock. Look, i sold cars. I didnt process tradeins. And i had no problem with donna. Way we heard it, she screwed up your marriage pretty good. I screwed up my marriage. All four of didnt need any help with that. Truth is, i tried to help donna. Nobody was moving american back then gas prices, the economy in the toilet. But she saw something none of the other jokers on the line did. brass in pocket by the pretend i got brass in pocket come on. The guys a tirekicker. Look at him. What . cause hes a puerto rican . He wont even come inside. He hates all the new models. Deadbeat. Yeah, its a waste of time. Well, get rid of him before mickey sees. Hes on the warpath today. Just let the parts manager go this mning. Youre kidding. Why . Because the parts keep disappearing, thats why. Blamed him for the breakin last month . Just get the chiseler off the lot, all right . Mickey called. Actually, uh, donna, youre up. For real. Mickey said you cant do a gonna make you, make you this is no place for a lady. Gonna use my arms, gonna use my legs you like that car, sir . I dont know about these kcars. Its a lot of money for all that plastic. Whats this leatherette thing . I cant say that i blame you. Let me show you something else. Imagination, cause i see, i, myself, i prefer a car with a little bit more meat on its bones, you know what i mean . This is a used car. And its priced right. I mean, forget those little fourbangers. What i like is a big v8 with some real power unde its a big car. Donna you look like the kind of man that can handle it. I mean, look at these lines. That is real leather inside. Power everything. Curves and chrome. I mean, i think i lost my virginity in the back of one of these babies, you know . Im donna. Esteban. You want to talk price . Follow me. Ooh, oh she sold that sled for a pound over blue book. Nobody was moving the used stuff back then. And she was smart. That breakin you mentioned anybody ever find out who did it . Nope. Cops interviewed everybody. Inside job . That car lot, everybody was working some kind of scam. Valens i dug up the old burglary report. Breakin happened a month prior to donnas disappearance. They killed the guard dogs . Yeah. Threw poisoned meat over the fence. Stole twograndworth of parts. Insurance cover it . Yeah. Lock on the gate wasnt even broken. Trying to track down the insurance investigator. Inside job. Donna could have got caught up in the mix somehow. Well, whoever did it had to know where to flip stolen auto parts. A salesman, oscar anderson, called in the burglary. Questioned extensively. Well, historys about to repeat itself qd recovered the address on the lester receipt well, historys about to repeatin donnas jacket. Receipt . A business address . 482 ridge avenue today, its a wawa. But back in 81, it was a goodwill. Marisa damico came by, dropped that off. Said you asked for it. Personal effects from her mother. I guess she thinks about her more than she let on. Now, all you would need to do to collect your luxury spa Vacation Getaway prize, mrs. Hanover, is attend a brief presentation uponour arrival at our las vegas resort. Thank you. Byebye. Ce a salesman, always a salesman, huh, oscar . Oh, i just do this to keep me young. Theres nothing quite like the rush from a good sale. You remember donna damico . I remember the day the police came, said shed gone missing. Yep. Left that little girl behind. Just awful. You see her the night before . No, i had a big day on the board. Took the boys out for drinks. There was a burglary earlier that month. You called it in . I was first one on the lot. Had to prep a car for a customer. You think donna was involved . Do you . Well, i know people were desperate. You see, after the oil crisis, to feed their families, and then mickey lets this lady start selling cars. Created some resentment. Day she went on the board, the timing could not have been worse. Mickey we got to squeeze more out of every deal. Get them in the box. Work the four square price, down payment, monthly, tradein. And you hammer away. Start high, you wear them down. You confuse them when theyre ready to give up, you call in a closer. Its not working, mickey. They dont like the cars. Atd you say . He means they cant trust us when they dont trust the product. Ii took auy on a test drive. I cranked up the window, andand the handle broke. You want to sell . Then you do whatever it takes cold canvass work the phones no shown appointments, no more ups. Im trying, mickey. No. No, what youre doing is that youre failing, my friend, okay . i mean, the coffee girl could sell cars better than you yeahbecause you let her take my last up whoa i didnt take anything. Shut your mouth, woman. Havent you done enough already . I only closed that deal cause you couldnt. You couldnt close a window, hoover. Ive carried you long enough. You know what . Why dont you, why dont you try selling vacuum cleaners . another one bites the dust by queen playing without you when youre gone mickey. Mickey, please. Are you happy . Are you satisfied . Ii need this job. Now you need a new one. Why you still here . Go on, hit the bricks. Another one bites the dust. I told her not to worry. Wasnt her fault. Vera so donna got promoted, sanil got canned. Its either in the blood or its not. Some guys just cant close. Hmm. To help pay for the road trip. Before they earned 1 back on all purchases everywhere, every time and 2 back at the grocery store. Even before earning 3 back on gas, with no hoops to jump through. The garcias hit the road with their bankamericard cash rewards credit card and shortened the distance between each other. Thats the majesty of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. [ female announcer ] when your swapportunity comes, take it. What . What . What . 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But then i remember theyre going back to school and payless has shoes for everybody. On sale [ male announcer ] hurry in to find great prices on a huge selection of back to school shoes. Womens start at only 16. 99. Kids only 9. 99. [ sighs ] hear that . [ silence ] thats the sound of september. [ male announcer ] Everybody Loves to payless. 1979 i came here with nothing. Tried to sell cars to make a living. Chrysler. Perfect timing. Nobody wanted to buy american anymore. Especially from me. Donna damico sold cars; understand you had a big problem with that. Wasnt personal. We were all stggling. I realize that now. Well, you were humiliated. They fired you and you blamed her. No, i went to night school to learn computers, programming. 1981. Now, that was perfect timing. Stillman you ever see donna again after they let you go . Day when i came back to get my last check. I hated that place. You didnt bleed the customer dry, somebody else would do it for you. Esteban, what are you doing here . I cant afford the car you sold me. What do you mean . We went over the numbers; its a good deal. But then they called me to come back in. Told me there was a problem with my tradein. Problem . The man said it was worth less than what you told me, that i owe more money. Who called you . The finance department . With this loan, i cant afford to make my payments and make rent. Please, por favor, could you do something . Yeah, just, uh. Just give me a minute, okay . What is this, frank . Uh, floor mats . Dealer prep fee . 24 on h 24 on his loan . What is this . I did my job. Mickey, come on, you got to do something for this guy. The banks gonna repo his car that he needs to get to his job, and its gonna wreck his credit. You, uh. You sign for this . Is that your name right there . You, uh, looking for a good buy, huh . Well. Goodbye you own it, buddy. Welcome to america. If they didnt get you on the front end, f and i got you on the way out. Donna told him she would never send a customer in to him blind again. Jeffries so donna started cutting frank out of the loop . Sure. He figured it out. I could think of a lot of names for frank. But stupid isnt one of them. Ve baby bracelet from the hospital, phone bills. Hmm. Looks like the grandmother swept it into a box after donna disappeared. Kind of sad. All she has left of her mom. Christmas card from the dealership. Doesnt say who sent it, but the address is handwritten. Nothing else with the name lester. Are donnas keys in there . Theres, uh. Grandmothers apartment, car. And then theres this one. Kind of looks like it fits one of those ting huh. Finally finally found your lester. Thanks for bringing that stuff in. Im sorry. Its all i had. Your grandmother by any chance own a piano, marisa . A piano . No. Why . This is a key to a piano. The one your mother put a down payment on the day before she was murdered. I dont get it. Its a lester piano. Its the reason your mom cleaned out her bank account. She bought a piano . She said we didnt have any room for it. She was looking for a new place. I remember her telling me that. I just wanted it to be true. pying chopsticks lets do it again. We cant, boo. I have to be at work. I want a piano a real one to play at home. Well, maybe someday, when we find a place for it. Grandma doesnt have enough space. And that is another reason why mommy has to go to work now. I dont like it when you got to work. I dont either, you know, but everybodys got a job they got to do. Do you like ur job, mommy . I like that i found something that im good at. You know, its real important in life that you find something that youre good at. She always had to go away. I used to think she went to work to get away from me. I know what its like to as a kid, marisa. But thats not what your mother did. Now, im gonna find out whoever took her away from you. I was in mortgages till the subprime thing blew up. Never thought id find another business that would tank as bad as americacars, but i did. Cars, caskets still dinging them on e way out, huh, frank . Your line of work should the bereaved ever need a referral. You were the numbers guy at steed motors back in the 80s . Numbers stunk. Thats why i got out. See, and we thought it was cause of that burglary 81. You saying i robbed the place . Well, probably made the boss money on that Insurance Claim winwin. Donna figure it out, too . All those calls of yours she transferred . That what this is about donna damico . She cut you out. Kept you from screwing the customers on the back end. She didnt get it. Customers have all the power. They can leave any time. Our job was no different than yours. Come again . Get them in the box, get as much as you can, get them to sign before they walk out the door. I look like a salesman to you, frank . You do what you have to do. Befriend, persuade, control, lie. But once they sign, theyre gonna pay for it for years. Donna got it, frank. She just did it her way. It just turned out to be bad for your business. Donna figured out how the real money was made on the lot. And that put her in direct conflict with someone a lot more dangerous than me. Who the hell do you think you are, telling customers not to buy addons or financing . Why, so you can rape my customers on the back end, frank . Fran you dont know when to quit. Hey, shes right, frank. All you young sharks are destroying our business. You rip a customers head off on a deal, they never come back. Stay out of this, oscar. Kills all our referrals, all our repeat business. You dont sell a man one car. You sell him a dozen cars over a lifetime. Thats a profession, damn it. Go blow a sale, you old bag of wind. Why would i help you, frank . Youre selling cars out from under me. What are you talking about . I had a guy on the hook the other day, selling a 72 chevel it had already been sold. That wasnt my call. That car was promised to the wholesaler. For a song. I know the blue book on that car. I couldve sold it for twice that. Talk to the tower. Who, mickey . Why would we dump a good car for that much less . If you know whats good for you, lady, you talk to your boss fore selling another used car. Donna figured out the Sales Manager was giving the best tradeins to the wholesaler for peanuts. Rush mickey . Why would he do that . Kickbacks. He was lining his pockets. Screwing over the dealership owner, and donna knew it. But you signed her timecard. Said donna left at 7 00 that night. Mickey had me do that for everybody. I closed a deal that night. She s there at least till 10 00. He have you take care of that old cadillac, too, frank . Me . No. Mickey decided what happened to every tradein. Whether it went to the lot, wholesaler or the salvage yard. Seriously . Thats why we reimagined the refrigerator, with the industrys first handsfree autofill. [ dog barks ] perfect for when you need to multitask. Ge. Reimagining home. Are you kidding me . No, its only 15 calories. [ male announcer ] with reddi wip, fruit never sounded more delicious. Mmm. [ male announcer ] with 15 calories per serving and real cream, the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy. [ female announcer ] hey, ladies. You love it. Youve gotta have it. cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. Cinnamon toast crunch. Crave those crazy squares. ® cinnamon toast crunch. Fragile, breaking, falling hair . Not for me. Loreal triple resist haircare with arginine. Nourishes from the root up. Reinforces the strand. Strengthens hair from root to core to tip. Hair fall due to breakage reduced by 64 . Triple resist from loreals most advanced haircare. The most innovative appliances for your home right here at home. Our onebilliondollar commitment to American Ingenuity is generating more jobs where it matters most. chuckles got me in the box, detective . Yep. Hell, ive done this to thousands of customers. Unlike those schmucks, i know i can walk anytime. Yeah, you made quite a living ripping people off. People always think theyre getting ripped off. Look, youre trying to get the best deal, im trying to make a living. I just dont like to lose. Talking about you ripping your boss off dealership owner. Stole so much, you became one yourself. Bunch of twaddle. Smart owner knows every guy on the lots working some kind of scam. Too bad donna figured out your big used car scam. She didnt leave at 7 00 like you said. She stuck around to confront you. chuckles you got nothing. One of your old lackeys clued us in as to how you worked the breakin, inside job, insurance fraud. Sounds like i need better lackeys. Willing to testify that you sent that 73 caddy to the salvage yard with donnas body in the trunk. The only thing we care about here is the homicide, mick. Who told you this nonsense . Frank . Lets see. clears throat the price for homicide is life. Plus fees, which. Youll be paying on the inside. Now your down payment so far is zero. Whato you want your Monthly Payments to be . Unless of course, youre offering a tradein . Do you have anything to trade, mick . Except a bunch of bull . See. Im willing to go to bat for you here, but you got to give something up. You got to. You got to meet me in the middle. My boss. chuckles hes gonna hammer me on this one. So if this is your best offer. I dont think its gonna get this deal done. I liked donna. Got to hand it to her, she was a hell of a salesman. Some ways, too good. At selling cars . Used cars. She had an eye for it. S . She knew what a car was really worth. Like the ones you sent back to the wholesalers for kickbacks . Couldnt let her kill the golden goose. So i oered her a deal. I know what youre doing, mickey. You know just enough to get youelf in trouble. snaps fingers close the door. Me . Youre the one stealing this place blind. Youre screwing over the owner. The owner thinks im a hero cause i make him a lot of money. You, well, he dont even know your name, sweetheart. All i wanted was a chance to sell, you know, a chance to prove myself. Yeah, yeah, and you got that. Thanks to me. Huh . Congratulations. Got your bonus. Fair and square. Tops on the board, profitwise. And theres plenty more where that came from. You know, oscar was right. We keep doing business like this, and there aint gonna be any business left. Oscar . What do you listen to oscar for . He hasnt sold a car in months. What do you mean . I thought you took him off the board to handle fleet sales. Oscar couldnt handle a yard sale i would of fired him a long time ago, but i felt bad for the old guy. Let him wash cars, earn his keep around here. I earned this. For me and for riss. Sure, kid. Yeah. Hey, hey. But in the future, you check with me before you sell a tradein. Never came back. Thought she took the money and ran. Tell me about this oscar, the hasbeen. Tough racket, selling cars. Game just passed him by. Was he there the night that donna disappeared . Every night. He had a lot of cars to wash. Even let the old guy lock up. They pulled dmv records on an oscar anderson. Found his name registered to a 1971 cadillac eldorado. 71 . Donnas body wa right, a salvage yard beater. But the models share a lot of the same parts, and those require upkeep. You know, seats, wheels, bumpers, you name it. Its possible oscar was taking parts off the beater for a 71 caddy. Yeah. Didnt know he was gonna need it that night to hide a body. Power locks, power steering, power roof. Its a car ahead of its time. Won it back in 71. Top man on the board. Nine out of 12 months. A real classic. Oscar oh, yeah. Bet you donna could appreciate a car like this. She turned out to be a pretty shrewd sales gal. T to admit that. Kind of a shame how it ended for you there, oscar. At the dealership. Oh, i had my cold spells. But ill tell you this wh i was on a roll, there was nobody hotter. Mickey told us you hadnt sold a car in months. You lied to us, oscar. Rush said you were out celebrating some sale, boozing with the boys night donna disappeared. Well, thats ridiculous. I dont remember if it was that exact night. Valens you should, cause you were there on the lot. Out back washing cars. You were the next hoover. One step away from hawking vacuum cleaners. Magazines, telemarket now wait just a damn minute. I had a run of bad luck is all. But my customers always came back to me. No, you were done, oscar. Doing chores for mickey. Locking up, taking the beaters to sal like that 73 caddy. Same one you stripped the vin number off, probably some 71 never had an eggcrate style grill. Its cause its from a 73. Oh, come o we take this car apart, we gonna find more parts from that 73 . You cant do that. You got careless, oscar. You dumped the body, but you took in that junkyard. But, hey, you sent donnas family a christmas card. Marisa saved it. Got your handwriting on it. Did you really think that would make up for killing her mother . I didnt kill that woman, and i did not steal her bonus. What bonus, oscar . Howd you know she got a bonus, oscar . You just told me. Rush no, we said you took her money. Now, howd you know about the bonus she got that night . Now hold on a minute. Just wait a second. Im trying to explain. I. I want to exp. sighs it wasnt me that changed. You know, it. It was the business. You give me a quality car, bet your ass, i could still close them. Sure you could. We can work something out here, right . We. We can work something out . Yeah, we can work something out. Come on. Just a spell of bad luck, all it was. If i could have just broken through. Id have been right back top of that board. Hey, oscar. Oh. Hey, donna. Just prepping a car for an appointment tomorrow. Its good to see you still get repeat business. Well, its the only way. You build a reputation, its about repeats and referrals. Matter of time, im back on a roll bucking for that bonus. Hey, who won it this time, by the way . I sold another car today, oscar. I got the bonus. chuckles what . Really . Yeah. I. Thats great, kid congratulations yeah. Soso howd you close that baby . You know, i just knew what the guy wanted. And i let the sale come to me. Like you say. Get a real charge out of it, too. laughs oh, dont i know it. That feeling never gets old. You see this car here, came on the lot today . Yeah, the impala. Yeah. Yeah. Back in 72, i must have sold 20 of these babies the minute they hit the lot. Still a good car. People just dont, uh. Hold on to them anymore. Harold bloom. Look at that. Yeah, thats his tradein. Thats the guy i sold the car to today. I know harold. Hell, i so him this car. You sold him this car . This impala . Harolds my client you know what i had to do to make this sale . Look, he just came in. He didnt ask for you. Why the hell not . i dont know. Look, i feel terrible. I am so sorry. Ill split the commission with you. I dont want your charity you know, its just, its not right. Its not how you do business. I feel horrible. You dont have to do this. Do what . You dont have to wash cars for mickey, you know, you could do something else. How dare you . You know, im not some vacuum cleaner salesman. Who do you think youre talking to . i was selling cars when you were in diapers. I have been a closer since before you were born grunts panting whos cryin now . By journey playing its been a mystery and still they try to see why somethin good can hurt so bad caught on a oneway street the taste of bittersweet love will survive somehow, some way one love feeds the fire i wonder, whos cryin now . Two hearts born to run wholl be the lonely one . I wonder, whos cryin now . Only so many tears you can cry till the heartache is over and now you can say your love will never die whoaohoh, ohoh whoa. Oh one love feeds the fire one heart burns desire i wonder, whos cryin now . Two hearts born to run wholl be the lonely one . I wonder, whos cryin now . Captioning sponsored by warner bros. Television