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hospitals and clinics. in maryland, only a few of the shipments have arrived already. though officials ordered 34,000 doses this week, which will only cover a fraction of the estimated 2.9 million marylanders considered most at risk. but state health officials say more vaccine is on the way. >> the federal government has committed to vaccinate every american, as long as there is demand to do so. so we will continue to order against that, -- against what's available to maryland. >> reporter: h1n1 disproportionately affects children. like 14-year-old destiny parker, the 9th marylander to die from the virus so far. in fact, it is so concerning that st. vincent of laurel is closing. concerns like those are why a vaccination was put on a fast track with researchers at the university of maryland playing a key role in the development and testing of the vax vac -- the vaccine. demand for that vaccine is so high today. the federal government is moving to act each faster. -- even faster. >> what we have have decided is to make it available as soon as it comes off the production line. >> reporter: all states hope to have the injectable version of the vaccine available to them, within two weeks. >> reporter: like many other medical facilities getting those vaccine shipments today here at sinai, those vaccines are only for the healthcare workers at first. now, eventually, offices around the state will be able to vaccinate the rest of the public. but they want to vaccinate the healthcare workers first so that they are protected as they go to vaccinate the rest of the public. the state says they hope to have a million doses of the injectable vaccine, coming up by the end of the month. back to you. >> complete flu watch coverage continues now with healthwatch reporter kellye lynn as many people want to know if taking the vaccine is safe. >> reporter: testing on this vaccine didn't get under way until august. and that alone leaves some marylanders uncomfortable about getting vaccinated. >> take a deep breath. >> reporter: it's a shot in the arm not everyone will be lining up for. >> i still hear people saying they don't want to take it. because they don't know what they're being injected with and things like that. so there's a lot of fear out there. >> reporter: a recent poll shows six in 10 adults are not absolutely certain they'll get the h1n1 vaccine. and four in 10 say they will absolutely not get it. >> i probably will talk to my son's pediatrician, and decide based on that. >> reporter: for the undecided, the survey finds side effects are holding people off. >> there is no reason to believe that this is unsafe because it's manufactured in the same way we do regular seasonal vaccines. >> reporter: they have tested the vaccine on thousands of people, including other children. >> reporter: although the flu mist nasal spray is not recommended for people with underlying health conditions, including pregnant women, dr. wilbur chen, an h1n1 investigator, says for healthy marylanders, there is no reason to fear. >> i think the risks -- benefit of getting vaccinated would far outweigh the risks. >> possible side effect, fever, body aches, and pain, swelling or redness at the injection site. also, the h1n1 vaccine is made in chicken eggs and could cause a reaction in people who are allergic to eggs. >> reporter: another possibility, sally, although very, very rare is a neur neurologic disease that can cause paralysis. it was responsible for deaths in 25 people in the 1976 swine flu outbreak. dr. chen says there has been no association with that outbreak and this latest vaccine. >> for updates, more important information and past stories, go to a 1-year-old boy is home safe and sound, after being taken from his bed in the middle of the night. weijia jiang talked with the boy's family and has more on the late developing information in this story. weijia? >> reporter: police called this case bizarre from the beginning. now, neighbors say what may be more disturbing than what happened is who did it. >> reporter: this image of a happy, healthy, 14-month-old cory green junior -- green jr. is opposite of what neighbors saw tuesday morning. alone, shivering in a parked car. >> he was just trying -- crying. just sad looking. just i don't know what to do. >> reporter: police say a child relative of the toddler who lives in the same house, took him out of the house at 2:00 in the morning and put him into ellis's car. detectives say an unthinkable act, an act of retaliation after a fight with the parents. these. >> -- >> this is a family act. at this point, and i want to emphasize, at this point, we don't expect any charges. >> reporter: they are not saying how any are related. as for little cory, with concerns of i had hypothermia, he was rushed to the hospital for a full checkup. his aunt, grateful it was not worse. neighbors glad the car was unlocked. >> these types of incidents don't always turn out well. so it's like a blessing. >> what if they found the baby in the trash can. or the wrong person's car. the wrong person might have found him. >> and police are not releasing any details about the child relative, including the age or the sex. but neighbors tell us that the oldest child that lives in that house is in his early teens. tonight, we're live in northeast baltimore, weijia jiang, wjz eyewitness news. >> the toddler was treated at the johns hopkins children's center. a howard county man charged with killing his girlfriend and dumping her. >> reporter: at first reports were that 40-year-old victor cruz was found hanged in his cell. but now police are saying he was found unresponsive. cruz was arrested on sunday in the murder of 30-year-old elda aldarino. she had been missing since last year. and her body was found in a manhole on friday. police say that cruz had now confessed to murdering her. he was charged with strangle and assault. >> police are awaiting autopsy result to determine cruz's exact cause of death. baltimore city police have charged a man in the murder of an 18-year-old in southwest baltimore. saturday morning, a police officer heard gunshots and chased a chevy malibu that was speeding away from the 4,000 block of massachusetts avenue. 20-year-old perry scott. scott is being held without bail tonight. it's a call that shocked even seasoned homicide detectives. a father tells police that he drowned his three children in a hotel bathtub. now, after months of many delays, mark castillo goes on trial for three counts of murder. >> his children, anthony, austin, and athena, all under age 6, were found drowned in a hotel bathtub. police say mark castillo, in a custody battle with his ex- wife, said he drowned them. the mother explained that she had tried for months to get his visits denied. >> i can say, i told you so, but unfortunately, that doesn't give me relief. >> reporter: amy castillo has been ordered by a judge not to speak. but a friend says she seeks justice and closure. >> this is kind of unchartered waters for a mom to have lost her three children, essentially her husband. you know, she never dreamed anything like this would happen to her family. >> reporter: the judge told castillo today if he wanted to be present each day of his trial, he could be. or if he didn't want to, he didn't have to. he began to cry at that point, as he has during many driels over the past year. >> probably showing a sense of remorse and sadness, which is probably appropriate for him. >> reporter: family, friends and church members all present in support of amy castillo. >> it gives me great peace to know that no one can harm them again. and that they are with jesus in heaven. >> reporter: friends say the mother has found it hard to go back to work as a pediatrician. and only now can work a few hours. >> before jury selection begins, a judge must talk about statements. ridge will -- bridge will be closed for two months because an 85-foot girder has eroded. that will be replaced. also, a new deck surface will be poured and new stripes painted. the bridge is expected to be opened by mid-december. here's a live look outside. is there rain on the way? bob turk is in the weather center with the updated weather. >> we have clouds as you can clearly see. we have clouds and some rain to our west. will it actually get here? not so sure. we have a lot of batch of showers down across eastern kentucky. southern portions of virginia. but as you can clearly see, it's moving pretty much from west to east. it's not really moving up the appalachian chain. the stuff is moving up to the north. at this point, in between, there's not a whole lot between cleveland and down across virginia. and that's moving in our direction. at this point, i don't expect to see a lot of rain. it should be out of here by about 7:00 in the morning. most of the day tomorrow will clear out and get quite windy. that's the main weather feature for tomorrow. sunshine and wind. kai? >> thank you, bob. still ahead on eyewitness news at 5:00. protection on the roads. how a harford county intersection, where a ballet dancer was killed is now being changed. fighting rights. passengers being stuck on tarmacs for hours on end. i'm sorry. late-night talk show host david letterman uses humor to apologize for his sexual air fa- - affairs. but will it be enough? >> we'll have the forecast with bob when we come back. talk show host david letterman's affairs with staffers is still the talk of late-night. letterman once again apologized for the sex scandal that has erupted around his ongoing extortion case. >> i want to say, the whole thing is surreal. >> reporter: sometimes somber and contrite. letterman addressed the media in a frenzy. >> my thanks to the staff for once again putting up with something stupid i've gotten myself involved in. >> reporter: and pleading for his wife regina lasko's forgivesness. >> she has been horribly hurt by my behavior. and when you hurt someone, it's your responsibility, you try to fix it. >> reporter: still, there was an uncomfortable mix of attempted humor from letterman. >> i got in the car this morning, and the navigation late lady wasn't speaking to me. [ laughter ] >> reporter: and letterman even brought on two veteran funnymen for comic relief sort of. >> so, marty, how is your family? >> they're all dead. >> what a horrible, horrible turn of events. they're all dead. >> this is so much fun. >> you spend one more minute on his lap, you're going to get blackmailed. [ laughter ] >> reporter: the public's reaction to letterman's shocking confession has been mixed. >> he apologized. he talked about how it was tough on his family. and it was also tough on the people that work at the show and the women in particular. and it was real heartfelt. >> he handled himself well. he was serious in that i think he realizes the magnitude of what's going on. he realizes his part in it. >> prosecutors say cbs news producer joe halderman tried to blackmail letterman out of $2 million by threatening to expose letterman's affairs. halderman had previously dated letterman's assistant stephanie burkett. a person has been struck by a car. let's go to captain mike perry with more. >> reporter: hello, kai. we have a fatal accident which has occurred at harford road and 25t street in northeast baltimore. very early information is that the female crossing this street, with a walker, was struck, apparently by a tractor- trailer. now, the tractor-trailer is not here at the scene. and it is not clear whether police at this point have that driver in custody. but as you can see, they have harford road closed about two blocks north and south of 25th street as well as about one block either side of harford road on 25th street, as they continue to conduct their investigation. the police have not released the identity of the person that was killed at the scene. back to you on tv hill. >> thank you, captain mike perry, reporting live. if you're waiting for someone to get home from work, let's check the roads with sharon gibala. we're following that accident, as well as some other ones, including on the top side of the beltway. watch out for that accident on the inner loop. another accident in aberdeen on park beach drive at forest green road. one crash we are following in the city, the one that captain mike perry just mentioned, east 25th. we had it at bona part. we understand it is at harford road. watch for harford to be closed two blocks before and after east 25th. also old stockridge drive. and traffic being detoured onto joppa. 95 remains slow due to an earlier vehicle fire. that has cleared. speeds starting to get closer to normal. 295, meantime, is in the red from 195 to the beltway. there is a live look at the beltway. west side looking good there. you'll find it will take you about eight minutes on the inner loop. between southwestern and security. there's a look at the top side. there is an eight-minute delay there as well on the inner loop between york and harford. this traffic report sponsored by susquehanna bank. if you're 50 or better, susquehanna is offering superior checking. visit, fdic. the death of a dancer with the washington bahay has prompted government -- ballet has prompted government action. the intersection where she was run over by an elderly driver, was redesigned to make it safer for you to cross the street. >> reporter: at only 20, mary sal vadari had already landed a job of her dreams. >> she was a woman filled with great joy. and that joy just came out in her dancing. >> reporter: eight months ago, she performed here at the harford county community college. >> the studio company had completed a performance in harford county, maryland. >> reporter: afterward, they checked into a hotel. about 24 and edgewood road. >> reporter: police say mary was going across the street to get something to eat from her hotel. she made it across two lanes. but by the time she hit this third lane, a 73-year-old man who died this way, who had the green light hit her. >> reporter: while her colleagues mourned, they worked to make it safer. >> reporter: at this point, in about two weeks, they should be starting the work to have better access, sidewalks, handicapped accessibility. what they called an island in the middle so that when someone make its only halfway across the road, they can then be able to stand safely out of the traffic. >> reporter: sadly, officials admit the death of this most talented person brought about these changes. the hassp family, whose hotel mary stayed at before the accident, pressured the county and the state to make the changes. mike schuh, wjz eyewitness news. a contract has been awarded and work should be completed in about a month. as bob would look at our weather. beautiful weather. we have clouds moving in. let's take a look at temperatures right now. kind of holding steady at 66. southeast winds at 8. barometer falling a little bit. come back and take a look at a chance of a little rain overnight. don't let the clouds scary. most of us will be happy if we get any at all. while most of us are sound asleep. i'm talking like 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 or 7:00 a.m. then it clears up. tomorrow will be windy. temperatures still pretty pleasant. 66 here. 70, ocean city. the coolest spot as you might normally expect. oakland at 60. 69 in washington. dew points, not too bad. but it's coming up a little bit. winds beginning to shift around more to the southeast. coming off the ocean. bringing some of that moisture in. gets the air with the front across the region. tomorrow morning early. may see some shower activity with that. take a look at satellite picture. out to the west, quite a good bit of rain here. from great lakes to chicago area. down through missouri to north texas. some areas seeing decent showers and thundershowers. a little snow in the dakotas. but to the east, see the front? watch how it just dieless, just evaporates them. here in maryland, just the clouds. all of the rains in kentucky, extreme southwestern virginia. southern west virginia. and this is moving pretty much across the carolina borders. with our southeast flow, we'll probably get some enhancement with the rain. this is headed up toward ontario. not concerned about that either. this front will cross the region. behind it, yes, it will get windy. but the sun will be out tomorrow afternoon. you'll probably forget about the rain. and we have a nice day coming up on thursday. no weather issues really for our wednesday. let's go real quick. new tropical storm. just getting winds of 40 just developed. it's heading out to the west/northwest. will not affect any land areas. and later tomorrow, expecting to be a remnant low, with no impact. that's good news. but we still have still the hurricane season. so we'll keep watching these storms for you if they happen to form. small craft advisory. up to 25 knots on the bay. very windy by afternoon. could see a wind gust to 30. bay temp, 68. tonight, then, clouding up. a little rain overnight. 56. a little rain early. i mean, early, before sunrise. then the sun comes out. and it gets windy by afternoon. the sun will be out in the afternoon. a little rain overnight. and a nice, but windy wednesday headed our way. >> okay. good timing. thanks, bob. still ahead at 5:00. power is knocked out to hundreds of thousands of people in baltimore. but don't worry. it's just a drill. we'll have that story coming up on wjz eyewitness news. risky food. the new report links common foods to illnesses. what's in your refrigerator that could make you sick? i'm ron matz at m&t bank stadium, where baltimore fans will gather tonight to see barry levinson's new movie. a sneak preview of the band that wouldn't die. coming up. it's 5:29. 66 degrees and cloudy. good evening. thank you for staying with eyewitness news. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. power is knocked out to 800,000 people. that's the scenario for bge employees today, as they test out their emergency response systems. wjz and andrea fujii are live outside of headquarters to explain. >> reporter: yes, today was bge's annual storm drill. and today, they were dealing with a mock hurricane named jason, a category 1 storm, a size they hadn't seen since hurricane isabel. >> reporter: just as hurricane isabel knocked out power to 700,000 customers in 2003, bge says they want to be better prepared for the next big one. >> this is a drill. >> reporter: 300 employees are taking part in the annual drill. specifically testing out their mobile operations center. equipped with internet, telephone, satellite. >> and a lot of other capabilities that allow us to do work that might be more challenging in an area where there has been a lot of power outages. >> reporter: m&t bank stadium is one staging area that could be used during a storm. >> how do you prepare for a storm? how do you get employees in, if they've left power at -- lost hour at home or homes are flooded? >> reporter: normally, teresa cane is a bge scientist. but during the drill, she's an external work crew coordinator. >> i was wondering if you could tell me about how many crews are coming in and how many hotel rooms we need? >> reporter: during this, they come in from all over to help. and teresa will be one of those helping. >> trying to get hotel rooms and arrange for them to be fed. >> reporter: after isabel, bge says hour was -- power was restored to all customers within a week. they're hoping today's efforts will shorten that time frame. >> reporter: now, in real life, all 3,000 3,000 bge employees will respond to emergency situations. reporting live from doubt baltimore, andrea fujii. >> this drill started yesterday and will last all week long. anne arundel police say a woman's medical condition likely caused her to fall and get struck and killed by a bus. they say marlene turnage was not in the crosswalk while attempting to drive. after falling by the curb, she was struck by a bus which did not stop. the driver told police she was abuna -- was unaware she had hit a person. the man accused of hitting yale university student annie leigh makes his first appearance in court. adam may has more. >> reporter: the lab technician who worked with annie leigh did not enter a plea to the murder charge. he arrived in this van here. the judge scheduled an october 20th hearing for both sides to introduce some evidence. snai's body was -- leigh's body was found in the basement of the building where she and clark worked. investigators are calling it a case of workplace violence. but they still haven't elaborated on a motive because clark is apparently not talking to them. sally? thank you. clark's lawyers have said their client will eventually plead not guilty to the murder charge. the remains of four u.s. soldiers killed in the ongoing afghanistan war arrived back on u.s. soil. the bodies are a reminder of the war's mounting death toll. joel brown reports for wjz, u.s. officials are currently debating whether to send more troops into the war zone. four soldiers returned to afghanistan in the most solemn of ceremonies. sergeant joshua kirk. specialist michael excusa, specialist griffin and private first class kevin thompson were among the eight troops killed in one of the bloodiest attacks. their flag-draped coffin arrived at the base as president obama waived an appeal for an additional 40,000 troops. he is trying to get lawmakers in his corner as he wrestles with the future of the 8-year- old battle against the toold, which harbor -- taliban, which harbors al qaeda and osama bin laden. >> we will target al qaeda in our pursuit and we will not yield. >> there's plenty of division among the president's own advisers. vice president biden wants to consider fewer troops and a more targeted hunt for al qaeda terrorists. >> reporter: defense secretary robert gates is guarding his opinion, while secretary of state hillary clinton is said to be leaning in favor of the general's request for more troops. the president is hearing agreement on two points. a complete withdrawal is off the table. and he should take this time, making this decision. in washington, joel brown, wjz eyewitness news. >> the war in afghanistan is currently entering its 9th year. the top u.s. commander overseeing both the wars in iraq and afghanistan has been fighting a very personal battle. the pentagon says general david petraeus has early-stage prostate cancer. petraeus has undergone two months of radiation treatment. petraeus says through a spokesperson, the cancer diagnosis has not affected his ability to do his job. a different kind of grocery list. . it contains the top 10 foods that could make you list. what is on the list might shock you. >> reporter: many of the foods that are supposed to be good for you could be the most likely to make you sick. >> and unfortunately, what we found is that some of the foods that are best for you nutritionally can be the riskiest for you in terms of foodborne illness. >> reporter: a report out today by the center for silence and the public interest, contains the top 10 foods regulated by the fda that have caused the most outbreaks. leafy greens topped the list, accounting for nearly a quarter of illnesses. more than 13,000 cases since 1990. eggs came in second, followed by tuna, oysters, and -- >> things that we love. like cheese and potatoes. those are all among the top 10. >> reporter: many of the items in the report are common products, found on an everyday shopping list. and some of them may even surprise you. >> ice cream. >> yeah. >> i'm surprised -- who could -- how can ice cream be risky? >> reporter: a scoop of the sweet treat ranks 7th, ahead of to pateos -- tomatoes and sprouts. berrieses came in at number 10. >> reporter: the cdc says an estimated 76 million cases of foodborne illnesses come to the u.s. many go unreported, leading experts to think the actual total is much higher. >> most of these illnesses are preventable. >> it makes me think about cleaning my vegetables. >> reporter: but experts say that can only do so much. the fda and the department of agriculture are teaming up to write new food safety rules for fresh produce so that a trip to the supermarket doesn't end with a trip to the hospital. in washington, whit johnson, wjz eyewitness news. >> the usda recently started a new food safety working group. researchers are working on ways to prevent foodborne illnesses and respond better to outbreaks. time now for a look at the stories you'll find in the baltimore sun. the man looking to try to distribute the flu vaccine throughout the state. a silver lining for the orioles season. a breakout for matt sweeters. -- matt sweeters. -- matt wieters. and remember to look for the updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. to help mark his 200th birthday, edgar allen poe will get the funeral he never had. it's happening this sunday, near the famous poet's grave. orchinizeers expect -- organizers expect 350 people to attend. they also plan to host a viewing of a replica of his body. every year, people pay tribute to the master of gothic horror, who wrote many of his stories here in charm city. he is one of baltimore's native sons and a film director. they are a group of ordinary citizens who did an extraordinary thing. they have come together for a new movie about baltimore's extraordinary marching band. ron matz reports on a project that captures this city's very special spirit. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: the baltimore colts marching band was part of football camelot in this city. a religion that unfoaled in the -- unfolded in the cathedral we called memorial stadium. >> they believe that all of the moving vans have left the complex. >> reporter: it all ended in the snows of march 28, 1984. >> in the cover of darkness. the baltimore colts moved out to indianapolis, overnight. that meant the fans, the band, the colts corrals orphans. >> reporter: but in the band that wouldn't die, barry levinson recalls passion for football and its band. >> and this film that will have its u.s. prenear tonight -- premiere tonight and start airing on espn is extraordinary. >> it's told, with the help of never-before seen archival footage. >> barry levinson called me and said, do you have any footage? and i said, yes. plus the cooperation of wjz and a lot of other tv stations. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: without a team, the band played on. >> it was fun. it was fun being this unique band without a team. people would shout out, play the colts song, long after the colts have gone. people would shout out, we used to love the colts, but now we love you. >> reporter: love that is still felt today. >> it reaches deep. because that fight song symbolized not just a team but this community. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: a community that now embraces baltimore's marching ravens. >> that colts fight song. now it's the ravens fight song. but the band has been the constant in our football lives. so thank god for the band. >> reporter: ron matz, wjz eyewitness news. ♪ [ music ] >> barry levinson will host the u.s. premiere of the band that wouldn't die, tonight at m&t bank stadium. festivities begin at 6:00. admigs, $5 -- admissions, $5. with proceeds going to the film festival. still ahead tonight. sandwiched. a driver in washington state gets stuck between two school buses. stuck behind bars. an american father tries to get his children back. his fight from a japanese prison. i'm bob turk in the first warning weather center. a bit of rain perhaps. first, here's today's report from wall street. nice day with clouds coming in. tomorrow, it's going to be very windy headed out on the water. wind gusts could get over 30 miles an hour. be very careful f. you have a small craft, you should not go out. tomorrow's forecast will look like this. we'll see perhaps a little rain in the morning. maybe a little rain in the morning. otherwise, our computer has just crashed on me. i'll have to tell you what will happen. a little rain in the morning. and sunshine and windy conditions in the afternoon. for the rest of the five-day, the sun comes back on thursday and friday. a little chance of a little shower activity friday into early saturday. then more sunshine, temperatures in the upper 60s to about 70. all in all, a pretty decent five-day forecast. most of the rain that we get will not affect most people, sally. >> love october. thanks, bob. a close call for a driver who was crushed. take a look. it happened when the three vehicles pulled over to help a fourth driver who was dealing with a medical emergency on the side of the road. the second school bus could not stop in time, and rear-ended the sedan. triggering a domino effect. a detroit, michigan man plunges to his death when his wheelchair goes into an empty elevator shaft. he fell about eight stories into the open shaft. witnesses say the victim was a well-known and well-liked tenant in the high-rise. we're learning more about the father in japan being held after he tried to take his two children from his ex-wife. chris savoy talked in a jailhouse interview about what got him in trouble. >> reporter: for more than a week, chris savoy has been in this japanese jail. cbs tokyo producer lucy kraft was able to interview him off camera. >> he is in the detention center, along with drug users and hard-core criminals. the lights are on all the time, so he does have trouble sleeping. >> reporter: savoy's ex-wife, norico, sab ducted -- abducted their children this summer and took them to japan. last week, savoy grabbed his kids near the school and made a run for the u.s. consulate. but japanese police arrested them. >> he kept saying, what is going on here? what is going on? this can't be right. what legal basis do they have? >> reporter: this weekend, savoi e's supporters protested in washington, d.c. meanwhile, our efforts to reach his ex-wife have been unsuccessful. now, he is waiting to see whether he will face trial or be sent home. >> reporter: the state department says there are 2,000 american children taken to other countries in custody disputes. 123 of them are in japan. hollywood director roman pulanski will remain in prison after his bid for release is reject the. he is being extradited to the united states. police arrested him last month after he arrived in zurich to accept a film award. any passenger being stuck on a tarmac on a plane knows that is no way to trial. after a number of high-profile incidents, congress could be ready to step in and give passengers a break. >> unless the congress steps in this year, the chrys of frust-- cries of frustration from the tens of thousands of stranded passengers will not be heard. >> kate hannahi was on the flight that was delaid for nine hours. -- delayed for nine hours. if this becomes law, airlines would have to give the option to deplane after three hours. this summer, continental flight, operated by express jet, sat on the tarmac in rochester, minnesota throughout the night. two weeks later, a sun country flight, from jfk to minneapolis, kept passengers stranded for six hours. more than 1,000 flights were delayed on the tarmac for at least three hours from october 2008 to july 2009. a 2007 incident set off a call for reform that is yet to be realized. a snowstorm trapped hundreds of jet blue travelers on airplanes for up to 11 hours at new york's jfk. passengers were faced with no air conditioning, dirty bathrooms and only snacks. >> it was horrible. to be stuck on a plane for nine hours is horrible. >> reporter: several businesses that supported the airline industries in the past have switched sides. the national business coalition now support a passenger bill of rights. check in with eyewitness news at 6:00. prison problem. convicted criminals using cell phones to order new crimes from behind bars. now, a maryland senator is leading the charge to get those signals jammed. suddenly sick. more than a dozen football players collapse at kent island high school. new at 6:00, developments into the cause. check in for these and all new stories coming up at 6:00. it's been five days since the founder of cirque du soleil blasted off into space. now he's talking to nasa about his experience so far. >> the best time i pull is hitting my head about three times in the same day. trying to figure out how to navigate. >> the canadian billionaire paid $35 million for a seat on the russian soyuz. he has got just a few more days as a space tourist at the international space station before heading home. and when asked if it was all he had hoped, he replied, it's worth every penny. may still be a few months away, but nieman-marcus is getting into the christmas spirit. >> that's right. they have unveiled their edition of the christmas book. >> this includes a cupcake car. slip into the muffin top and take off for $25,000. or if you prefer to fly, for $225,000, you can get a his and hers. and for the wine lover, kai, you can have a wine-making experience for 20,000. >> sounds like fun. >> i'll take one of each. >> that was a great episode. the best. eyewitness sports is next. this is mark viviano. the ravens head into a defeat. we'll get a players perspective. and i'll catch up with nick markakis who shares his thoughts on the o's. hi. i'm a plug. did you know that when you turn off your computer, tv or video game, i still suck up energy? i can't help it. it's like if i put a milkshake in front of you and told you not to drink it. not to mention all the peer pressure i get from my pals. (random voices) c'mon. wahooo. pull the plug or turn off your powerstrip before we turn it into a party strip. somebody say party strip? [announcer] learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at hey, waitress. more energy... i know mark is here to talk about the ravens. i have to say something about brett favre. >> yeah. >> if this guy could be elected to the hall of fame. >> any leads to career leader or anything. we'll get to him in the 6:00 hour. but first, the ravens who have avoided the injury bug at least the first three games. brandon ianbedareio is officially out. he tore a tendon in his left thigh while making a tackle on sunday in new england. he is also a two-time pro bowl performer on special teams. pro scott burger was traded to new england. this is a bounce-back week for the ravens after suffering their first loss of the year, falling 6 points short to the patriots. the team has gone over the tape of the game and dealt with questions about game plan and complaintsplaints about officiating. the next step, putting the loss behind. >> when you show up here wednesday, this game is already in the past. when you show up wednesday, it's a whole new thing. so we start the workweek. and you can't afford to do anything else but be move on and be in tune for the next one. otherwise it can snowball on you. >> the cincinnati bengals come to baltimore on sunday, riding a three-game win streak. you can see it here on wjz. our coverage kicks off at 3:00. both teams with a record of 3- 1. baseball's final play-off hopes are on the line. detroit with the early lead. winner gets division title in a first round division. the birds are 12 years removed there their last play-off appearance. nick markakis has never had a winning season in baltimore. but he tells me he believes the team is headed in the right direction. >> have to understand, we are in a rebuilding process. and we have the guys up here now. and you have seen that guys have come a long way from once they got up here. and it's all a learning process. and i think in the long run, with the group of guys we have and the pitchers that we have, i think we're going to be pretty exciting here in the future. >> off-season priorities for the o's include planning a new third baseman. plus additional pitching help. coming up next hour, the ravens rival steps up into the wrestling ring. we'll check out ben roethlisberger and the steelers. and their alternative bradged of monday -- brand of monday night football. that's ahead. plus the real monday night football. we will show you bret brett favre in action. still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news. >> after months of testing, the h1n1 vaccine arrive maryland immediate. i'm derek valcourt. complete flu watch coverage coming up on wjz eyewitness news. coming up right now at 6:00. flu fears. the first doses of the vaccine arrive in the state. complete flu watch coverage coming right up. baby mystery unfolds. police say a 14-month-old toddler is found in a vacant car in the middle of the night. i'm weijia jiang in northeast baltimore. the bizarre details straight ahead on wjz eyewitness news. unthinkable crime. a father accused of killing his three young children. now he goes on trial. brisk october evening. stick around for the complete october forecast. check in for these stories and all the day's breaking news. >> eyewitness news at 6:00 starts now. sickness spreading. a number of maryland flus shut down because of the virus. >> today, shipments of the vaccine coming in. but who get its first? >> i'm denise koch. >> vic carter is off tonight. i'm adam may. and here is what people are talking about. >> a school closing because of several sick children. and the first doses of the vaccine are now being distributed here in maryland. wjz is live with flu watch, complete coverage. healthwatch reporter kellye lynn has concerns about the vaccine. and derek valcourt has more on the schools that were closed and the first doses of the vaccine. he's live at maryland general with the latest. >> reporter: late this afternoon, some of the first shipments of that vaccine began arriving in maryland. wjz one of the first stations to bring you the first vaccinations happening in baltimore in the last hour. >> reporter: at maryland general, the arrival of their first shipment of the h1n1 vaccine, has investigators demonstrating how quickly and easily th

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