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loudly to indicate he was there. >> reporter: the teenager testified sandusky began getting more physical with him during sleep overs and contact that led to oral sex. he told the courtroom i didn't know what to do. with all the thoughts running through my head i kind of blacked out and didn't want it to happen. did you tell your mom asked the prosecutor? no. did you tell anyone? no. did you tell him to stop? no. i was embarrassed and confused and didn't know what to do. eventually the accuser told the school counselor about the years of molestation but he testified the counselor didn't believe him saying sandusky had a heart of gold. sandusky's defense attorney tried to show the teen changed the story and the testimony is now more detailed than what he told the authorities. in pennsylvania, wjz eyewitness news. >> he told jurors after he left the locker room he called his dad who told him to leave immediately and come to the house. new details today about the massive fire. live in the news room from the latest with the city. >> reporter: they're trying to identify a cause of the fire. an inspector is scheduled to visit a building. the blaze broke out just before 2:00 yesterday afternoon. some kind of material in the building kept feeding the flames. a wall on part of the roof collapsed forcing firefighters to battle the flames from outside the building. so far there's no estimate on the amount of damage to the structure. >> for people who lived and worked near the fire at 5 and 6:00. the president makes two stops today raising money for the re-election. wjz is live with complete coverage. political reporter outside the downtown height where the president just finished speaking to supporters. pat. >> reporter: that's right. he's expected to raise more than a million dollars from his visit to maryland today. >> how's it going maryland? how's it going baltimore? >> reporter: they touched down around 12:15 and headed to the home of the comanagers of the realty partners where guests paid between 10,000 and $50,000 to have lunch with the president. about three dozen people gathered to wave and take pictures. >> you couldn't tell what picture he was in. he was not in the presidential limousine. people were waving but they had no idea what vehicle he was in. he was excited. police cars, vans, ambulances. >> reporter: he's speaking about the differences between his approach and that of congressional republican. >> no matter who you are, where you come from, what you look like, who you love, no matter what your faith, here in america, you should be able to make it if you pray. >> reporter: that was pat warren reported. the woman who wants to be first lady was holding a fund raiser event in maryland today. they're hosting a dinner tonight at the hotel. stay with wjz for complete coverage. we'll have the latest on the president's two campaign stops today at 5:00 and 6:00. it has been more than a year since maryland congressman's nephew was murdered and police are still searching for a killer. the 20 year old was shot and killed at old dominion university. he knows somebody knows something about the murder. he's begging for someone to come forward. the police have a few leads. detectives are reinterviewing neighbors and witnesses in hopes of a tip. today a jury finds a state lawmaker from prince george downty guilty of theft and misconduct. tiffany allston was convicted after four hours. she could be forced from office. she used state money to pay an employee in the law firm representing the worker as a legislative payee. she says she will not step down voluntarily. it is a gloomy day across maryland. we need the rain outside right now. it's cloudy with steady light rain falling. here's a look at the first warning live radar. >> we haven't seen any heavy, heavy rain so far. there's still rain out there. take a look at radar. the activity moving off west east now and most of it, the bulk of it from the city north east take a closer look around the city now. heavier showers around the area now. west and north west. also south of us a little batch of thunder showers towards prince frederick. that's moving off to the east, north east. to the west of it, you can see not a whole lot going on except a very widely scattered shower and later this evening thunder. it looks like the bulk of the rain will be over about 6:30 or 7:00. if you're heading out to the ball game tonight maybe some delays. >> good to hear, bob. thank you. let's check in on our roads now at wjz traffic control. >> hi mary, hi everyone. if you are traveling downtown because of the presidential visit, there's a lot of road closures there. take howard street instead of i- 95. conflict between howard and mike. as far as the beltway goes it's just a mess if you're out there now. another 15 minutes on the west side inner loop and at north bound 95 bumper to bumper from 32 over to the beltway. as far as accidents go paper mill road to ashland and oakland at river parkway, also west utah. let's get a live look. you can see things pretty slow there and we'll take another live look at your cameras. that's a look at the beltway. this traffic report is brought to you by bill's. they have it all for you. back over to you. >> kristie, thank you. wjz told you about the food drive and now we have numbers to back it up. it's part of the community visit. wjz collected just over 4000 pounds of food during the three day drive this past weekend. many of the people put money in the buckets. the money is still being counted. the donations mean a world of good to those in need. thanks from all of us. vessels will be filling the harbor tomorrow. it's the celebration of the buy buy -- bicentennial of the war of 1812. >> reporter: maryland may be used to seeing the ride of baltimore but wednesday don't get too close to look at the pride and 17 other ships as they move up to chesapeake. >> as it comes up to bay and into the harbor, it's off limits. >> coast guard 255009. >> reporter: the coast guard is in charge of keeping visiting ships safely apart. control boats will be enforcing safety zones which move with the vessels. private craft are also being urged to follow rules for the event. >> maintaining a proper lookout, operating at a safe speed and the direction of the vessels. >> reporter: this event is so large it's going to take help to pull off. maryland's natural resource of police and 17 other first responder agency will control the ship's travel. then there's this. the blue angels show this weekend made a three mile stretch of water will have to be clear. as for turn out, the coast guard estimates thousands of privately owned boats will be on baltimore. >> the coast guard calls the celebration a major marine event and began planning for it two years ago. stay with wjz for coverage. they will need special coverage all day on thursday as we celebrate the star spangled celebration. there's a run away wild fire in colorado and it claims its first victim. see the walls of fire and smoke. bears being caught on tape roaming through central maryland. what the department of natural resources says we should be doing. an inmate tries to escape from custody in kentucky and it's all caught on tape. we won't be seeing the sun today. what about tomorrow? bob will update our morning forecast. >> complete coverage continues with jackson and meteorologist woods and sports with mark. it's wjz, maryland's news station. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it's 77 degrees and raining in central maryland. your forecast coming up. a kentucky inmate tries to escape custody and the attempt is caught on camera. the inmate charges the door and attacks a deputy inside a courtroom. he doesn't get too far. the two stumble to the floor and now the suspect is facing attempted escape and assault charges. a huge wild fire in colorado continues to burn out of control. they are battling the flames from the ground and air. it's already burned through thousands of acres of forest. >> reporter: a massive blanket of smoke stretches across colorado. the flames continue to spread. more than 43,000 acres are burned and more than 100 homes and buildings are gone. hundreds of people were forced to evacuate. the smoke surrounded this family's house and it was too much for the lady who was seven months pregnant. the combat marine from iraq said he's never felt so helpless. >> i'm not worried about the house. we'll rebuild and be fine. >> reporter: at least one person was in the able to escape. a 62 year old woman died in her home. authorities tried to reach her but were blocked off by flames. it's the conditions that make the fire difficult to contain. the flames are jumping from tree top to tree top. in new mexico the firefighters are starting to contain two huge fires. trees are charred along dozens of homes and billings. in -- buildings. in colorado they're gathering on a nearby hill to see if the homes are going to survive. thousands of home owners hope their time is not up. in fort collins, colorado, wjz eyewitness news. >> they hope to have the fire at least 10% contained tonight. wall street bounces back after a monday melt down. the markets did their best to wipe out yesterday's losses. the dow is up 115 and the nasdaq up 33. >> reporter: verizon wireless is dropping nearly all of its phone plans in favor of a shared pricing plan. the nation's largest wireless carrier wants you to -- share usage on up to ten devices. rates start at $90 a month and include unlimited calls and texting. at&t is looking at a similar plan. apple is ditching google maps in favor of its own 3 d software. the technology company will provide mapping data for all devices. facebook growth appears to be slowing down. the wall street journal reports a number of unique visitors to the social networking site grew at the slowest pace. facebook stock is down 29% since going public last month. investors are concerned about facebook's ability to make money from the growing mobile. >> well, americans are set to spent more on dad this upcoming father's day. americans will spend about $12.7 billion on the holiday and that's about $117 per person. that's up about 10% over last year. should wanters will spend on items like apparel, gift cards and dad's favorite, electronics. they want electronics this year. coming up at 4:00. >> reporter: i'm alex and coming up, a thank you to a man who made this scene possible. that story as eyewitness news continues. >> reporter: one final pick. the perjury trial. it is a gray drizzly afternoon but there's sun here for the forecast. wjz is always on with the top stories. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now your complete forecast and first warning weather. >> rain drops on our windshield. >> my daughter loves the rain. she was standing in it this afternoon. we still have more around the region. right now some of the heaviest rain all day. moderate shower activity. maybe a rumble of thunder in a couple of spots. for the most part the bulk of the rain is moving off to the east. a view around the city. just south west of town there you see it towards columbia hill and after north west -- it is right now temporarily done but there's still a few batches of showers out to the west as you can see. we see the risk of mainly activity tonight. for the most part this is done in the next hour, hour and a half around baltimore and washington for the most part. not totally but for the most part. if you're headed out to the game tonight in baltimore, maybe early today, i think they're probably going to get the game in without too many issues. 73 now but look at the humidity. the dew point in the 40s and 50s. today 70 degrees. south east winds currently holding steady. the sun came out. they're up to 81 degrees. 73 in oakland. west of the city since the rain has ended temperatures have come up a little bit. temperatures low to mid-70s which is a very voiced low to mid-707s. this system out to the west is costing the area. we'll give it showers. briefly in a few spots, right behind it beautifully weather coming in. tomorrow afternoon the sun comes out. looks like all weekend. upper 70s to maybe 80 which is below average and dry. here's the rain on the east coast. we see another batch across louisiana. that's moving across the south east. this slowly pushing all the stuff out to the east. those lines of showers developing to the west. we're not quiet done with all the rain yet. looks like tomorrow drier more comfortable air coming in. eastern shore tomorrow morning still a little left over. better clear things out and dry things out. tonight still a chance of shower, maybe a thunder shower or two and cloudy overnight. 68 tomorrow. upper 70s. clouds and sun in the afternoon drying out tomorrow night back in the low to mid-60s. nice weather coming for the activities going on. >> all right. that is lucky. you don't want to caution to come in with this kind of weather. thank you, bob. a natural talent for seeking out natural places has brought a maryland man more attention than he feels comfortable with. alex reports that didn't stop the honor. >> reporter: he has spent 75 years and shared everything he's learned along the way. >> we just believe in it. those of us that have read the books. do it the way he says to do it and you'll find success. >> reporter: in the ceremony along the gun powder a trail was named after lefty. >> not because he's such a great sportsman and pioneer but because he's a great fisher. >> reporter: the gun powder is -- depending on the conditions the river dried up or flooded. they got water from the dam creating perfect habitat for the fish. >> it's made one of the finist tail water streams in the eastern united states. now there's a continuous flow. >> reporter: and an appreciation for those who fish it. he's not about to let it go to his head. >> no, i get embarrassed about that. >> reporter: likely, not the legacy of what lefty learned, it's still being passed on. >> and along with helping preserve the gun powder, lefty also helped save the -- deadly floods out of the florida panhandle. leaks of information. who told what to whom? can the twice house investigate itself? a cold case 30 years old. did he really attack and kill a this is wjz tv, wjz hd, and baltimore. >> from the cities to the counties to your neighborhood. now it's complete coverage. it's wjz, maryland's news station. >> it's 4:30 and 72 degrees and raining. thanks for staying with eyewitness news. denice is off today. here's what people are talking about. a coroner tells an australian family their baby was attacked ending a 30 year old mystery. terrell brown reports for wjz. many believed the mother killed the baby. >> reporter: outside a courtroom in the north australian city, wendy chamberlain held up her daughter's death certificate and it lists the cause of death of attack. >> reporter: the coroner's ruling ended a -- from the very beginning the chamberlain's maintained something entered their tent and carried their baby off in the wilderness. at the time, neither the public or the court believed a dingo was strong enough to carry out an attack. the profile guided the nation. wendy was found guilty of murdering her daughter and sentenced to life in prison with hard labor. three years later it was overturned. >> they will not be able to say dingo's are not dangerous. >> reporter: in 1992 she received more than $1 million for wrongful imprisonment and now days what would have been her 32nd birthday, they give the family a chance for closure knowing their story has finally received official aacceptance. wjz eyewitness news. >> the disappearance in 1980 was almost unheard of in australia. a grand jury will decide if a texas father should be in prison for beating a man to death that molested his daughter. >> it happened here near shiner. minutes after the girl went to look at some chickens, the daughter said he found her in the woods being molested by an acquainten. the father punched the man several times killing the man. >> thank you. the sheriff says the little girl is okay but has mental trauma. he also said her father is remorseful and didn't think the man would die. two people to look into the matter including u.s. attorney from maryland. we have the latest now. >> reporter: the attorney general on the hot seat before the committee defended his decision to use the u.s. attorney. >> have great faith in the abilities and integrity of these two gentleman. >> reporter: they insisted attorney general should have appointed an outside counsel. >> i think you're missing something here. >> i think you're missing the fact that this is a very big deal and you're creating suspicions where there should not be. >> reporter: the links to report involves secret information about iran's nuclear program. in contrast to holders of the battle with aggressional republicans over a program called fast and furious. >> you've got one program that's been an embarrassment to the administration and been like pulling teeth to get information about it. >> reporter: house republicans want to take a vote to hold the attorney general into congress. holder has offered to sit down and negotiate before that happens. some republicans call on his to resign but the attorney general says he believes he has to confidence of the president. randall pinkston, wjz eyewitness news. >> he says presenting the documents would be an attempt to avoid a crisis. the person responsible for the leeks should be sent the jail they say. police and fire officials say bottle bomb pranks are becoming more popular. >> reporter: this could be a real danger now. the warning comes after a resent bottle bomb at an elementary school. police say that two suspects threw a plastic bottle bomb at a six year old girl on the playground. fortunately she wasn't hurt but police and fire officials say incidents like this have happened a lot over the last couple of years. in fact, we have numbers from them. >> they explode and cause severe injury that causes burns. >> reporter: fire investigators have handled 28 cases in 2011 and six cases so far this year. >> anyone who receives a suspicious bottle or device call 911. this is a florida teenager's car sinking in jacksonville. a slow moving storm has created high surf and many road closures in access. so far, one person's death is being blame on the high water. plenty of rain here in maryland today. still dreary out there and drizzling right now. wjz has weather together and updated numbers for first warn weather. bob. >> a third to three quarters inch of rain. not really what was forecasted by the model and most of it is over now. look at the radar. a whole batch of it moving off to the east, north east. however, right now around the cities there's heavier echos. right -- that's where we're seeing heavy showers now. they will be through in the next 25-30 minutes. there's one or two thunder showers that's popped up over southern maryland. it's just widely scattered showers out there. the bulk of the rain in the baltimore area is probably going to be over in the next hour. maybe another shower or perhaps thunder and then some really nice weather headed our way. we'll have the forecast coming up. >> okay bob, thank you. let's check in on the roads now. hi kristie. >> hi everyone. if you're on the beltway you're probably not moving fast if at all. on the west side delays almost a solid hour on the outer loop traffic is crawling 30 miles an hour. north bound 95 stop and go there from 32 up to the beltway and then it slows down again on and off traffic there from russell street. as far as accidents go, bellair road to mountain road. because of president obama's visit, we do have a lot of road closures to talk about in baltimore. the city -- a lot of heavy traffic expected. a live look, you can see things are very busy there. there's a look at 70 and 29. this report is brought to you by terminex. back over to you. >> okay kristie, thank you. the maryland zoo is welcoming its newest edition. she was born on sunday to the zoo's african pigme. she weighs three pounds and started walking just an hour after she was born. straight ahead on wjz's news at 4:00. clashing with police, what sparked the violence? will the sun come out tomorrow? >> complete coverage and sports with mark. it's wjz maryland's news station. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, inside a nevada tunnel leaves one man dead. workers were never trapped or exposed to toxic gases which had been reported previously. a brawl breaks out over a highly anticipated soccer game. two groups of fans throwing punches, bottles and chairs ahead of the opening euro 2012 game. it only lasted a few minutes. 14 people were arrested. the violence in syria is escalating. they're torturing children and using them as a fight against rebel forces. monica reports wjz from london. >> reporter: explosions hit the town and activist say government forces are intensifying. cbs video shows the devastation in the area after many months of fighting. this woman set -- says a missal destroyed her house. look what's happening here she yells. are we not people? the serian troops are accused of putting children out to prevent rebels from firing back. the fire has done little to stop the violence. they're asking governments will influence over the president to tabis arms -- twist arms to stop the conflicts. >> what we need to do is get the parties to respect the plan and implement the plan. the problem is implementation of the plan. rebels are claiming some victories against the government. this commander displays a russian missal. >> they attack the observers and shot at their vehicles when they tried to reach near the president's hometown. none of the observers were hurt. new developments in the cannibal attack in miami. adam has details. >> reporter: ronald's face was practically chewed off memorial day weekend. just a short time ago doctors now report he's awake and talking. however they say he still needs multiple surgeries after losing 50% of his face including his nose and left eye. doctors say that he remembers the attack and he's coping remarkably well. he's also getting help from metro help professionals. >> autopsy results are still pending. controversial group asking to adopt a highway in georgia. the north georgia submitted an application. members of kkk groups deny filing the application to enhance their image for recruitment. the georgia department of transportation says they will not approve this application. after 26 days of testimony, jurors are deciding whether rodger clemmons lied to congress about using steroids. >> reporter: rodger clemmons faith is now in the hands of the jury. five hours of closing arguments and rebuttals left 12 jurors to answer one main question. the seven time award winning pitcher lied to congress about using performance enhancing drugs. the government asked jurors to believe the eyewitness testimony of clemmons former strength trainer. he testified during the trial that he personally injected clemmons with steroids and human growth hormones. he said you are the umpires here, find him guilty. >> he gave a powerful closing, i thought. >> reporter: the defense's main focus has been tearing down his credibility. his lawyers say he has lied in the past and is lying now. he put his syringe in a beer can. >> it's easy to raise questions about that. >> reporter: if convicted, clemmons could face up to 30 years in prison and a $1.5 million fine though under u.s. sentencing guidelines he would probably face no more than 15 to 21 months in prison. in washington, danielle, wjz eyewitness news. >> a home gets broken into and the intruders don't take anything but a nap. they found the two strangers in the bed. they broke into the home because they were cold. officers found prescription pain killers on the man. both are facing a felony charge for residential entry. tommy chong from the marijuana loving chinc and chong is battling prostate cancer. he was diagnosed last month but been suffering with symptoms for eight years. he quit smoking marijuana about a year ago. resent bear sitings around maryland prompted the department of natural resources to issue a few warnings. they're keeping trash locked in a container. the plants and the grasses are getting a much needed drink bob says the sun's coming back out though. stick around for the update on your forecast. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. take a lookout side now. it's still raining. bob says it's going to be ending some time soon. >> it's been a very, very effective good rain. it rained for a while and stopped. right now it's some of the heavier showers just to the east and north east of the baltimore region. you can see all the activity moving across the area. heavier showers right around the city now. you can see across baltimore county. just west of us it quit quickly and west of the area you can see actually the sun has come out there and there are a few, very few widely scattered thunder showers popping up. we might see a thunder shower, actually one or two across southern maryland. they're headed for shady side. the rest of the region just some steady light rain from time to time. i think if you're heading out to the ball game tonight, it looks like we'll get the game in. shouldn't be too bad really later on. 72 degrees right now. humid. 93 humidity. temperatures are 81 up in cumberland. 72, 72, 75. a little bit brighter skies to the west of us. oakland at 75. d.c., the rain has ended there and 75 degrees. if you're heading down to watch the pirates and orioles tonight, i think they'll get the game in. a brief delay is possible. as far as the rain is concerned, most of the heavy rain continues to move through. there's still a front to the west. there will be a dividing line through the dry air. there will be another shower later tonight. we'll see activity develop to the west. still a risk of shower, thunder shower and quick clearing tomorrow afternoon. very pleasant conditions from wednesday afternoon, thursday, friday and into the weekend. it looks really, really beautiful. north winds up to as high as 25 knots during the day. going to be a small craft advisory out tomorrow. cloudy skies and 68 tomorrow. back up to the upper 70s to maybe 80. much drier and pleasant tomorrow night. thursday, friday and saturday and all weekend looks really, really good. >> great, that's perfect. thanks a lot, bob. >> reporter: a payday for the president. i'm pat coming up. president obama spends the day in maryland and takes home $2 million ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, coming up next at 5:00, political spot, maryland takes stage. the campaigns are in town. what a key witness saw inside a penn state locker room. >> investigating the flames, i'm mike. what caused a fire that destroyed this histor rick building? >> check in for more of these stories. >> this is wjztv, wjzhd and baltimore. >> from the cities to the counties to your neighborhood. now is complete coverage. it's wjz, maryland's news station. >> reporter: million dollar visit president obama campaigns in baltimore. >> how's it going baltimore? >> maryland's high priced president for both candidates. >> hi everybody. >> here's what people are talking about. >> heavy security as both president obama and mitt romney's wife hold fund raisers in maryland tonight. the president's campaign in downtown baltimore, a political spotlight on our state. we're live outside the downtown height. pat. >> reporter: that's right. president obama supporters are

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