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meaning very, very strong storms moving in our direction. i'll take this into a more localized view and give you a view around the state now. there are definitely showers moving in from west and southwest up to the northeast. those showers are bringing steadier rains out in cumberland. as you see here in this gray area right here, there are already flood warnings in effect for areas right around washington and frederick county. most of the flood warnings will be in effect this evening through tomorrow. as a result, let's take a look at watches and warnings. flood warnings because of the rain actually coming down. that extends all the way down into the potomac basin into d.c. and what you're seeing through most of the rest of the state, flood watches and flood concerns along the coast that will all be in effect through tomorrow. for a little more going on tomorrow rainwise and more on this storm, we send it out to meteorologist bernadette woods. a very large storm. and here's a graphic to kind of describe the situation for you. the center of the storm is still off to our south. as it moves northward, it is going to wrap together and intensify even more so as it moves toward the mid-atlantic. it's going to pull in more moisture from the atlantic and create even more moisture as that is happening. the rain will start to spread over the state tonight. it will pick up in intensity tonight. heavy thunderstorms are possible. and we could see a few inches of rain out of this system. we have a full forecast coming up. >> stay with wjz for first warning weather coverage. for the latest on watches and warnings and a look at live radar, log onto a deadly farm house fire. seven people are killed when a farm house catches fire in a rural town west of harrisburg, virginia. the children's mother was in the barn, milking cows at the time. investigators look through the charred remains where seven children died in the tuesday night fire. they range in age from 7 months to 11 years. >> that's hard for anybody to take. especially if you're a parent. and you can only imagine what the family is going through right now. >> reporter: a 3-year-old girl managed to escape. police saying she had smelled smoke and ran to get their mother who was in a barn, milking cows. the mother told a neighbor to call 911 while they ran to get the father. he had dozed off in a milk truck, about a mile away along the route. by the parents got home, it was fully engulfed in flames. >> reporter: i spoke with the father. he didn't want to go on camera. but he tells me the house did have smoke detectors. >> the house is one of a cluster of homes in pennsylvania. a rural community about 25 miles north of the state capital of harrisburg. but the children's grandfather says a propane heater in the kitchen may be to blame. jamie myers, pennsylvania. all seven children died from smoke inhalation. conviction challenge, found guilty of the near decapitation. the three young relatives, two mexican immigrants. want another trial. denise is in the newsroom with appeals and arguments for paul carpio and dontelo. >> reporter: they were found guilty in a second trial. now their attorneys are asking for a third. they are serving life sentences for the murder of three children. the appeal trial is based on the second appeal judge's handling of some notes. david mitchell has since retired from the bench. >> the appeals court did not say when it would make a decision. one more hurdle crossed but no decision yet on same sex marriage in maryland. political reporter pat warren is live in annapolis with more on what happens. pat? >> that's right. the house of delegates whipped through a series of amendments and left the bill intact. >> reporter: opponents of same- sex marriage made their feelings known outside the state house this morning. >> save marriage between one man and one woman. >> reporter: delegates debated over an amendment over what voters can do with those feelings. >> most voters in maryland are saying, i want to vote on this. >> reporter: from day one, opponents of same-sex marriage have been using a likelihood of a voter referendum as a safety net. >> let it be known. they may win in the senate. they may win in the house. but when the history of this fight is over, we cialt and -- shall and will win on referendum. [ applause ] >> today, delegates tried to lock that referendum in as a sure thing by including it in the bill, instead of taking their chances to get enough signatures to force it on the ballot, they wanted a guarantee. >> when it's this close, who are we? 188 lawmakers in annapolis, to say that we've got a right to not listen to what the people have to offer. >> reporter: but same-sex marriage supporters, some of whom don't even want a referendum, resisted by echoing what the opponents have said all along. >> it will be petitioned. they have the conviction and courage of their convictions. let us have the conviction and courage of our convictions and vote this bill, the bill before us, either up or down, and let people know where we stand. >> reporter: the amendment failed. all efforts to amend the bill failed. particularly because they were giving all indications that their bill, if changed in any way, that bill will die. reporting live in annapolis, i'm pat warren. back to you on television hill. >> governor o'malley has said he would sign the bill. the end of a sentimental journey. the space shuttle discovery ended its career today when it returned from orbit for the last time. discovery is the most-flown ever. with 58 orbits over earth. here it is, touching down at cape canaveral in florida. two more missions remained in that shuttle program. new details today about swimmers who became ill after taking part in a meet at the naval academy in annapolis. an academy spokesperson said it has been determined that the cause of the illness was not the naval academy swimming pool or locker room. symptoms of gastrointestinal virus. the health department continues its investigation. we're going to check in on our roads right now with courtney ward. she's at wjz traffic control. good afternoon, everyone. we have an accident out there that is causing a bit of a backup. traffic is stopped as you're approaching westminister pike. there was an accident on 795 southbound past franklin boulevard. all lanes are blocked. now, the northbound side, the left lane is blocked. we have delays going on, on the beltway. we'll start off on the west side inner loop, where you'll have a bit of a slow go. cars moving along. about 19 miles per hour. now, staying on the inner loop but on the north side, you'll need to tap your brakes here and there, from the jones falls expressway to dulaney valley road. and i have a sinkhole to tell you about. a sinkhole at field chat road. you can use joppa road as an alternate. we'll hop outside. you can see all traffic is backed up there. as we head over to 695 at greenspring, though. completely different story. this traffic report is brought to you by the cochran firm. visit for a free consultation. back to you guys. today is ash wednesday and the beginning of lent for christians around the world. the 40 days between today and easter are time of reflection, consecration and sacrifice. services were held at the basilica of the assumption. lent ends on the church's holiest day, easter, when christians believe christ rose from the dead. still ahead. if you drink a lot of caffeine, you may be at risk of overdose. we'll tell you the symptoms. playground injuries. we'll tell you how this boy got this from a bully. and outraged father 30 years after his son was murdered. don't miss your first warning forecast. 3q,,,, copd makes it hard to breathe so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life. but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now, i've got the leading part. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, vavair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart ndndition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, take the lead. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free a short time ago, actor mel gibson reached a plea deal. his representatives said he struck the deal to avoid trial. he pleaded no contest to battery of his girlfriend, oxiana grigorieva. if are drinking a lot of coffee, caffeine, you could end up in overdose. warning signs include everything from jitters to dizziness, nausea, and abdominal cramping. it can even cause heart arrhythmias and palpitations. doctors say your best bet is to drink plenty of water. a frightening case of school bullying in portland, oregon. the victim's second grade son was playing at recess. when two others wrapped a jump rope around his neck. the boy said he couldn't breathe for 15 seconds. he was taken to the hospital with abrasions on his neck. doctors say if the rope had been an inch lower, it could have been fatal. not a great day on wall street. the major markets suffered setbacks. the dow was down a point. let's go to new york where alexis christoforous has tonight's cbs money watch update. two years ago today, the stock market hit a 12-year low. since then, stocks have more than doubled. and some analysts are wondering how much longer this bull market will continue. some market watchers say soaring oil prices and the prospect for higher interest rates and inflation could trip up the market rally in the months ahead. mortgage applications jumped 16% last week. that's the biggest gain since june. more americans may look to buy homes now that the unemployment rate is easing. but experts point out the real estate market still faces challenges. a growing number of foreclosed home property prices is going down. tropicana is raising juice prices by 8%. it blames a smaller than average crop. groceries in general are expected to rise 3 to 4% this year. partly because soaring oil prices will make it more expensive to transport food and beverages to stores. and toyota is aiming for an auto industry first. it wants to reach an annual sale of 15 billion vehicles. toyota sold nearly 8 1/2 million last year. toyota's president gave a 10 million figure in his first major strategy announcement since the crisis hit a year and a half ago. that's your money watch. for more headlines, just head to in new york, i'm alexis christoforous. french police have recovered millions of dollars worth of stolen jewels in the unlikeliest of places. armed robbers got away with $25 million worth of jewelry during a heist in 2008. the gems were found in plastic containers, inside a sewer drain outside a home in paris. french police have not revealed if they have made any arrests after the discovery. might wonder who discovered it. coming up at 4:00, the scariest moment of her life. serena williams. why some are boycotting a larger book publisher. a bigger rain storm is headed to maryland. don't miss the wjz first warning forecast. for instant updates and first warning weather all the time, click ,,,,,, don't miss the cbs evening news with katie couric. katie joins us live with a preview. well, grounding the libyan air force. how the no-fly zone would impact gadhafi and be enforced by western powers. plus, we'll take a look at the private investors who run up the price of oil and score easy bucks at the gas pump. and the story of a brave sister who would not allow her family to be torn apart. we'll have those stories and much more tonight, only on the cbs evening news here on wjz 13 baltimore. kai, back to you. >> be sure to watch the cbs evening news with katie couric here on wjz at 7:00, following eyewitness news at 6:00. >> they're going to be talking about some of the bad weather that's moving across the nation. tim williams is keeping his eye on it. tim? >> definitely moving across the nation. and it is extending all the way up and down the eastern sea board. we're talking canada through the gulf. what we're watching here are light showers up to the north and snow showers back toward wisconsin. we are looking at very bright colors down toward the south, which has equated to severe weather, for parts of alabama and over toward louisiana. these have triggered tornadoes on the ground, that we've seen over the course of the afternoon and early morning. and that is not the severity that is moving in our direction. but in the scheme of things, we have a lot of rain moving into our region. and that rain is going to mean we have very, very strong storms moving through over the next day or so. let's take you on a bit of a tour around our region and give you an idea of what's moving on through. let's first off, move to temperatures around the state. 46, bwi. the dew point is at 38. we are looking at 73% relative humidity. and the winds are coming in from the east at just around 16 miles per hour. we're looking at a barometer that is pretty high right now but pretty steady. and that will be falling here over the next few hours. around the state, 35 in oakland now. we're looking at temperatures just around -- we'll call it 47 in elkton. temperatures are reflecting a bit of a steadying out right around 46 degrees. and that is going to again, pretty much stay level because this rain is going to be bringing with it some warmer air. we'll be watching over the next few days, the winds are going to pick up this evening and into tomorrow. 16-mile-per-hour winds. then we'll be dealing with temperatures to level out in the 50s, which is right around average this time of year. 50 degrees is, in fact, our normal high temperature. we're seeing those temperatures down to atlanta and new orleans. and that is what is moving into our direction as we get into the afternoon. the system is going to take a little while to get here. back on the northern western edges. we have colder air in place. don't expect to see any real wintry mix. we'll see temperatures moderating in the 50s. but as this system takes a while to move on through here. we're seeing very, very strong bands. even some rain and wintry mix in the higher elevations to the west. they've seen snow storms out toward green bay and back toward the peninsula of michigan. we're not going to be seeing much of that. but as a result of the rain, 1 to 3 inches potentially before this is all said and done. we have flood warnings in effect for frederick and washington counties. down toward the potomac river basin. the low that is driving this is moving to our north there is another one that is lifting in from the south. those two are going to combine and kind of rotate over and bring us the chance of rain right on into tomorrow night. and it could be lingering into monday before it's all said and done. so again, we'll keep you posted as the rain amounts start to really add up. small craft advisories are in effect through tomorrow. your sunset is at 6:07. and next high tide is at 9:36. should mention that floods are a big concern this time around. 57 tomorrow, rain. and a thunderstorm. again, flooding for any areas that are prone. wet basement. if you still have leaves out there, all of that is going to go into play. 4 inches of rain before this system is out of here. >> that is amazing. thank you. we know spring is around the corner. for millions of people that means allergies. but pollen isn't the only thing that makes symptoms act up. kendis gibson reports in today's healthwatch report. >> lucas has allergies all year. and they make him miserable. >> i'll allergic to pretty much anything in nature. trees. the pollen. >> reporter: but what some allergy sufferers eat, like fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts, can make them feel even worse. >> the food contains certain proteins that are similar in nature to the pollens. and the body confuses the two. and it reacts as if you're having an allergy attack in your mouth or throat. >> reporter: it's alled oral allergy syndrome. not an -- aledgey to the food itself but what is a cross symptom. about one-third of allergy sufferers get it. in the spring, tree pollen can trigger reaction to fruits like apples and oranges. in the fall, bananas and can cucumbers can be a problem for people allergic to ragweed. >> bananas are a big culprit. almonds, oddly enough. various nuts. hazel nuts as well. >> reporter: they are predicting the worst in more than a decade this spring. but there is a way to avoid problems if you eat. >> if you peel the food or cook the food, a lot of times, we can knock out the protein or the symptoms would go away or be less pronounced. >> to have to think about what i'm about to eat is kind of challenging. >> reporter: lucas sticks to what he knows is safe so he isn't sorry after a meal. kendis gibson, wjz eyewitness news. >> fascinating. allergists say it's also important to get the right diagnosis. because some people compare this reaction to food with food allergies, which can be much more serious and need immediate attention. courtney ward mentioned earlier about traffic. let's go to traffic. >> seven people involved in a collision. several people rescued. one vehicle cartwheeled and overturned. it went off the side of the roadway. several people were rescued from that vehicle. we know at least one of them were flown to shock trauma. no word on their continue. another person from that vehicle was transported to shock trauma by ground. and yet a third person was rescued by this vehicle. initially, southbound 795 was completely closed at 140. state police have just reopened the roadway. one lane is getting by. but there are major delays in both directions, both coming from westminster and northbound coming from the beltway. the northbound backup extends all the way back to the owings mills station. if you're in the reisterstown area, north or south, expect major delays, as this accident investigation continues. looks like it will be another half hour or so. >> thank you, captain mike perry, reporting live. there's more ahead at 4:30. it's inconvenient, having to turn off those electronics on an airplane. you won't believe what can happen, though, if you don't. [ gunfire ] heavy bombardment in libya. is a no-fly zone coming soon? is a no-fly zone coming soon? jared loughner is ,,,,,, [ male announcer ] achievement: embraces mondays. ♪ achievement: loves working capital. ♪ achievement: puts receivables to work. ♪ achievement: expects a lot of itself. cfo: cash flow options, helping business achievers better manage their cash flow. pnc. for the achiever in us all. it is 4:30. 46 degrees and cloudy. hello. thanks for staying with eyewitness news. i'm denise koch. >> and i'm vic carter. here's what people are talking about. another step toward justice. today, jared loughner answered to additional charges in arizona's deadly supermarket rampage that left a congresswoman critically injured. sandra hughes reports for wjz from tucson. >> reporter: the suspect in the tucson shooting rampage will number federal court this afternoon to face federal shooting charges. >> a federal grand jury returned a 49-count, superseding indictment. >> reporter: jared loughner pleaded not guilty of earlier charges of trying to assassinate congresswoman gabrielle giffords but now must answer to these new indictments. it includes federal murder charges for the death of judge john role and congressional aide gabe zimmerman. >> this indictment is comprehensive and solid. it covers all of the murdered and injured victims who attended the congresswoman's event. >> reporter: in all, six people were killed and 13 wounded at the congresswoman's january meet-and-greet event outside. a grocery store. she continues her recovery at a houston hospital. >> reporter: at the hearing, the judge will also consider requests that loughner have a psychological exam and they have his handwriting examined. >> loughner's attorneys argue, compelling him to provide a handwriting sample violates his right to remain silent. they're also asking to prohibit them from release his psychological records. if guilty, he could get the death penalty. >> reporter: the judge overseeing the case has just approved some records search of loughner's home. a large system is moving through. wjz is live with first warning weather. meteorologist tim williams and bernadette woods are tracking the storm for us. first, here's tim. good afternoon, everyone. we're definitely taking a look at a large system that extends from canada to the gulf states. right now, what you're seeing, of course, our state view of first warning live doppler radar. steady rain. and that gray spot right smack in the middle of your screen. flood warnings already in effect because of the rain is coming down. expect that already swollen tributaries and flooded streams are going to take nothing at all before they're already under the impact of the rain that is coming down. as we take a look at the rain already in play, around berkeley springs around the panhandle of west virginia, around flintstone, hitting on toward cumberland. we're starting to see the steadier rain. around the immediate metro area, not so much, until you get over toward northeast maryland, up near elkton and cecil county. that is rain that is going to already impact the areas around the susquehanna and the conowingo dam. again, that's going to be an area we're going to have to watch. as a result, we have watches and warnings in effect. concerns that will go into effect at 6:00 p.m. the light green there. the entire rest of the state, flood watches that will be in effect tomorrow afternoon and into the evening. for a few looks at how this is all coming into play and for what we can expect over the next few days, we send it to bernadette woods. it is a large storm, extends from canada into the gulf. and it's a slow mover. and it's intensifying. what we're expecting out of this, the rain to really pick up as we head through the overnight hours. and tomorrow, rounds of heavy rain. even thunderstorms possible out of this. the center won't pass by until early tomorrow morning. still a chance for showers early friday. another thing, too, the winds will start to pick up. there's a lot going on. more likely, there will be warnings coming out. we'll have more on this coming up shortly. back inside. stay with wjz for first warning weather. for forecast updates, live doppler radar, and closings or delays, log onto the fight for control of libya has intensified. rebel fighters are squaring off against libyan loyalists who are determined to keep moammar gadhafi in power. randall pinkston reports for wjz from the united nations. black plumes of smoke rose over the town. rebel fighters claimed moammar gadhafi's forces bombed the oil pipeline. fierce fighting continues in the eastern part of the country. rebel fighters say they have advanced into the strategic town of ben jawad. using rocket launchers to battle back government warplanes. hundreds of women took to the streets in benghazi, pleading for no-fly zone and demanding that gadhafi step down. [ indiscernible ] >> we have to leave this country. >> reporter: the libyan leader refuses to end his 41-year rule. in an interview, he blamed western nations for the deadly uprising, saying the west is trying to steal his country's oil. >> reporter: european nations are expected to impose tougher sanctions on libya within the coming days. but the u.s. believes military interventions, such as a no-fly zone, needs international support, including the backing of the united nations. >> reporter: supporters are rallying around gadhafi, saying they are ready to die for their leader. >> they want to destroy our country. but they cannot do that. because we will stand facing them. >> reporter: gadhafi's forces may be having some success. they claim they have regained control of the western city of zawiyah, which is close to the capital, tripoli. randall pinkston, wjz eyewitness news. >> now, gadhafi has been in power since 1969, when he led a military coupe that brought down the monarchy. putting a big squeeze on drivers at the gas pump. >> reporter: vic, triple a says the national average now sits at $3.56 for a gallon of regular. here in maryland, we're paying $3.51 a gallon, up 16 cents from a week ago. people on the west coast are paying the most. you'll find the cheapest prices in parts of the midwest. vic? >> many analysts are still rejecting that -- projecting that oil may rise above $4 a gallon in the next few weeks. a maryland man tries to kill his entire family. two months later, we are learning the possible reason why. john ming lee wounded his sister and mother before killing himself. a newly released report said that lee was bipolar and was not taking his prescribed medications before the shootings. an outraged father has publicly threatened to kill the man who killed his son 35 years ago. >> with death, there can come new life. >> reporter: more than three decades after 5-year-old jason foreman was brutally murdered, michael woodmansee, the man convicted of killing him and dismembering him, could be released from prison, 12 years early, for good behavior. >> i do intend, if this man is released anywhere in my vicinity, or if i can find him after the fact, i do intend to kill this man. >> reporter: it was 1975 when young jason went missing just 30 feet from his suburban providence home. >> bring him back to me. because we miss him very much. and we have to have him. >> reporter: for the next seven years, jason's parents agonized over what happened to their beloved son. police searches came up empty. finally, in 1982, a neighborhood teenager, michael woodmansee confessed to stabbing jason in the chest. the lead detective is still haunted by what happened. >> we found a box, a shoe box, that had bones in it. they were all cleaned and shiny. they had been shellacked. >> reporter: prosecutors cut a plea deal from -- to spare the family from having to hear the details. the father now regrets that. >> it was a shame he only got 40 years. he should have got a life sentence. >> reporter: woodmanski could go free in august. >> i'm beside myself. i can't think. i can't sleep. all i think about is trying to find a way to get to this man to kill him. that's my every thought. >> that was michelle miller reporting for wjz. the only way to block woodmansee's early release is if he is involuntarily committed to a mental hospital. a maryland man has just been convicted of peeking alt confidential passport files. he pleaded guilty today to unauthorized computer access. he is just the latest state department employee to admit he snooped in personal information of high-profile americans, including president barack obama, hillary clinton and john john mccain. a new warning for airline passengers who tune out routine safety instructions before takeoff. mare sein the newsroom with the scary results of this study. >> reporter: the average passenger ignores flight attendants as they ask people to turn off their electronic devices. but a new study gives us reason to pay attention. researchers cite 75 instances between 2003 and 2009 where personal electronic devices may have interfered with the plane's in-flight system. the devices were implications of auto pilots, letters and gps. other problems, tons of new devices. it's hard to sort what is safe to be used and when. denise? >> reporter: thank you, mary. the faa allows electronics above 10,000 feet. experts feel if -- pilots have a problem high enough, they'll have time to fix it. we have congestion and delays going on out there. let's get right to t. we'll start on the west side inner loop. there's a bit of congestion, from southwest side. onto the north side of the outer loop, there is still some slowing from york road to the harrisburg expressway. 75 northbound, you're going to be seeing delays from franklin boulevard. to westminster pike. and it's due to an earlier accident on the southbound side. speaking of that accident, 75 on reisterstown. twinges are improving now. looks like both lanes are open. and the left lane has reopened as well. however, when we scoot over to the nottingham area, we're still seeing trouble at the sinkhole at steel chat road. you can use joppa road for an alternative. you can see, there are still some delays. cars are still slowing down a little bit because of that earlier accident out there. then we're going to switch over to 695 at baltimore national pike. vol tume starting to pick up there. this traffic report is brought to you by the maryland home and garden show. it's a craft show march 11th through 13th. discount tickets at maryland home and it is time for maryland's crab survey. wjz was at solomon's island today. the department of natural resources worked on the annual estimate of crabs. the study is done through guide state fisheries on how well they are doing. and whether catch limits and guidelines will need to be changed. tennis great serena williams is speaking out about her health. the 13-time grand slam champion says she still has blood clots in her lungs, but she hopes to return to tennis this summer. she is recovering from a pulmonary embolism, which she is now calling the scariest moment of her life. she was hospitalized. the ncaa tournament starts next week. we want to invite you to try your hand at the ncaa bracket challenge. you can challenge our team. go to, and scroll down on the left-hand side of the page. quick links section. and the first place you can see what teams made the tournament is right here on wjz. watch the special ncaa selection show, this sunday, 6:00 p.m., only on wjz. and don't miss tonight's primetime lineup, here on wjz at 10:00. it's criminal minds. suspect behavior. that's immediately followed by eyewitness news at 11:00. straight ahead on wjz's eyewitness news at 4:00. i just broke into a house. and the owner came home. >> you broke into a house? >> yeah. >> bizarre call for help. how a burglary suspect tries to turn tables on his victim. and some wicked rain is coming. heavy enough to spark flood watches. stick around for the first warning forecast. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, massive fire burning in north dakota. and the flames may start leaking. before crews find where it started. west virginia has unveiled a new specially-designed truck to help find miners in case of disaster. it includes gps for mine mapping, a high-tech lab. they requested the truck after an explosion that killed twine miners in april. they also have technology to identify potential problems before disaster happens. hearings on capitol hill, addressing islamic extremism in the u.s. are stirring up a lot of emotions. new york congressman peter king has scheduled hearings to investigate what what he calls the radicalization of american muslims. he argues that they are not cooperating enough. critics are outraging the probe, comparing to the hearings to the witch hunts. >> thank you, kai. the only muslim member of congress, representative keith ellison, will testify tomorrow. he has criticized king for only inviting one witness from the law enforcement community. a strange story out of oregon. a burglar calls 911 when a homeowner comes home during the robbery. >> 911. >> i just broke into a house. and the owners came home. >> you broke into a house? >> yeah. >> police say the homeowner arrived to find 24-year-old timothy chafick locked in her bathroom. chafick said he called 911 because he was afraid the owner had a gun. he also claims he had been kidnapped. chafick was arrested for trespassing. ceo vivian miller resigns after an uproar over a hidden camera video. they post a hidden camera video calling the tea party racist. that executive also resigned. she said she did not want to leave but that she was under a lot of pressure. librarians across the country are boycotting a popular publisher after deciding to set times on how many libraries can lend out e- books. now, publisher colharp -- publisher harper collins are forcing them to pay. librarians say they simply won't purchase the ebooks until something changes. mike star has died. the 44-year-old musician was found dead tuesday afternoon in his home in salt lake city. he appeared in 2009. he was arrested in february for felony possession of a controlled substance. the cause of his death is under investigation. but police say they do not expect foul play. a man in mexico sets the new world record for waterskiing barefoot. he reached a speed of 150 miles per hour. the fastest speed by a bare foot ski or record. iglesias set a record. 22 years ago. for 135 miles per hour. >> i don't know. that's got to hurt. unless you have something on the bottom of your feet, i would think. >> big cal uses, -- callouses, i would think. bob turk has the latest on flood warnings up next. ,,,,,,,, gray, cloudy. take a look at temps. we're at 46 degrees. east winds at 16. making you feel chilly. humidity is up to 73%. dew points up as well, 38 degrees. out to the west, 32, cumberland. some of the valleys, and some of the mountain tops west of us, have seen some sleet, freezing rain, even wet snowflakes. it's primarily west of the mountains that cold air has been trapped here. east of the ridges, temperatures basically in the mid-40s, as you can see. and we've stayed above freezing all weekend long. 47, 47, 47. not going to change a whole lot. tomorrow, should get it back into the 50s. we've got pretty good east winds bringing the moisture. and cool, damp air from the atlantic ocean. we've had very little rain here east of the mountains. most of us west of us and south of us. but that's going to change. this morning, we had precip to our north. kind of a warm front trying to get through the region. but just light precip. no rain reported out to the west. that's where the rain continues. and down to the south, a lot more coming. in fact, we'll take a look at this. this thing is really huge. tons of moisture coming out of the gulf of mexico. moving across the area. a tornado watch now. snow across wisconsin. portions of minnesota. that's moving off to the north of our region. but we did have just enough cold air in some of the mountains to the west of us. a little snow and sleet and freezing rain. for you, you see the rain beginning to move up to our region. later this evening, it will get steady. tomorrow, that's when we expect to see the heavy rain in the region. we have flood watches for everybody, as you can see. and coastal flood advisories for the wind coming off the ocean. pushing to the west side. and they do have flood warnings for some of the creeks. all because of deep low pressure and another storm is going to form along that front. that's going to kind of enhance the rain tomorrow. that's when we can expect the heavier rain. southeast winds, gusty. bay temp around 43. rain developing later on. and drizzle. 40. chilly, damp night. and it will get heavier. tomorrow, rain could be heavy. maybe even a thunderstorm. and yes, there could be flooding in some of the flood- prone areas. but in the mid- to upper 50s tomorrow. >> warm and wet. >> still to come. battening down the hatches., tonight, maryland prepares for heavy flooding. moving toward a final vote. same-sex marriage moves to a huddle. when could the bill land on the governor's desk? he was defending his sister. a mother's anguish after her son, an olympic hopeful in boxing, is murdered. why the family believes his accused killer should never have been on the streets. check in for more on these stories and all the day's breaking news. >> eyewitness news at 5:00 starts now. i'm kai jackson. >> and i'm mary bubala. here's what people are talking about. >> prepare torflooding waters. the question is how much. sky is overcast and there is rain in some areas. wjz is live with first warning weather coverage the. meteorologist bernadette woods and tim williams are tracking live doppler radar. >> we're going to start off with doppler radar and show you how big this storm system is. it is a massive one.

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