cowboys stadium, after four inches fell. it started coming down around midnight. causing cars to slide all over the highway. others the just got stuck. lals love field, home -- dallas love field, home to southwest airline, is back open. it was closed for part of the day, as crews tried to clear the runway. >> i've been trying to fly back to tennessee for the last three days. >> reporter: airlines canceled more than 100 flights at dal fort -- dallas-ft. worth international airport. >> last year, for the all-star game, it was like this. so i'm thinking, here's the super bowl and it's like this again. >> reporter: mother nature has been battering north texas all week. causing schools to close and forcing roibles. the snow is putting a damper on sales. although some say it feels like home. >> reminds me of being in detroit, when we won super bowl 40. >> the sun is expected to shine. not that it matters. the game itself is being played indoors at cowboys stadium. >> reporter: kendis gibson, wjz eyewitness news. >> now, remnants of that storm will affect maryland tonight. meteorologist tim williams is in the first warning weather center, with more on what we can expect. hi, tim. >> hello, kai. we're seeing parts. that move into the region. it's a pretty expansive storm. right now, what you're seeing is the lower portion of that system, down around carolina and virginia. but let's open this up and give you an idea of what this really looks like in the larger scheme of things. the spin that you see is there around dallas, is still continuing to sweep right on around little rock into arkansas and into texas. the temperatures are in the 20s right now. as we all know, anything below freezing, with that type of moisture, is coming down in the way of snow. what we're going to see out of this, well, we're going to see a little bit of a mix itself. and we'll talk about what it will mean. first warning weather coverage for a look at live radar, your updated forecast, log onto to fly or not to fly. today, astronaut mark kelly, the husband of injured congresswoman gabby giffords, makes a decision on his future with nasa. jessica kartalija is live in the newsroom with more on kelly's plan. jessica? >> reporter: kelly has decided he will be on board the shuttle endeavour when it makes its launch in april. he spoke of his decision just a short time ago. >> about sds134, about the mission, my crew, the fact that i've been training for it for nearly a year and a half. and considering a bunch of other factors, including how what gabrielle would want me to do, and what her parents and her family and my family would like. you know, i ultimately made the decision that i would like to return and command sds134. >> it's been the hardest time of my life. >> reporter: kelly took a leave from work one month ago today, when his wife, congresswoman gabrielle giffords was shot in the head. giffords not only survived but is reportedly making good progress in rehab. back to you. >> kelly says he's looking forward to rejoining his crew and finishing his training. 22-year-old jared loughner is charged in the shooting that wounded giffords. breaking news from cairo. the first reporter shot in the uprising has died. his death comes as crowds swell on what anti-government protestors in egypt are calling a day of departure. joel brown reports for wjz, they want president hosni mubarak to leave today. >> temperatures in cairo's tahrir square took a calmer tone today. fighting replaced by more festivities. over 100,000, singing, dancing, chanting that president mubarak leave now. >> if you really love this country, please leave this country. >> reporter: blocks away, egypt's military in tanks, pushed back pro-military in the square. they chanted mubarak will not leave. but the army kept them away, preventing the violent clashes of the last two days, left as many as 10 dead, others wounded. >> the white house have been working with the officials to satisfy the protestors' main demand, that mubarak leave immediately. >> reporter: the administration is discussing a plan for mubarak to step down right away, followed by a temporary government backed by the military. but u.s. diplomatic concerns have the white house going out of its way to try to show it is not trying to impose its own solution. >> as we have said from the very beginning of this, these are solutions that can and only will be determined by the egyptian people. >> reporter: egypt's embattled leader says leaving now would only mean more chaos. he's vowing to stay on until the september elections. so egypt turned from day to night with no change. awaiting the future of the country. >> the reporter killed, worked for egypt's state paper. he was shot in a clash last week. deadly animal abuse. the fate of two teens charged with setting a dog on fire is in the hands of the jury. suzanne collins spent the day in the courtroom waiting. suzanne? >> reporter: well, mary, we're not waiting at this moment. the jury has just sent out a note. we don't know if it's a verdict or a question. but we're double teaming this for you. weijia jiang is in the court. as soon as she knows, i will know and tell you. they did send a note earlier that they were having trouble coming up with any consensus. >> reporter: travers johnson left the court last night, spitting at our camera. his brother tremain walks out, supported by family and friends. the jury deciding if the twins set the dog phoenix on fire, burning her so severely that they had to put her to sleep. >> i'm really hoping it does create an awareness among the people of baltimore city, that they get more diligent about turning people in. and i really hope to see stricter penalties in the future. >> reporter: prosecutors admit they have a circumstantial case, including a video of a crime camera, showing three figures on the street. a police spokesperson says they are the johnson brothers. but the defense says there isn't enough evidence, and it's very flawed police work. >> reporter: each brother faces four counts. the most severe is a felony count of animal cruelty, which could bring a maximum of three years. mary, back to you. we will let you know what, if anything, happens. searching for poachers. natural resources police need help to find renegade fishermen. hi, mike. >> hi, kai. the department of natural resources is offering a cash reward leading to the arrest and conviction of the illegal watermen. they are also ending the striped bass fishing season t. this month, natural resources police pulled in 10 tons of rock fish illegally caught off kent island. they are looking for illegal fishing gear. kai? >> mike, thank you. hear from angry dnr police coming up at 5:00 and 6:00. a sad story coming out of harford today, involving a bald eagle. an amtrak train struck and killed the bald eagle. the train engineer spotted the bird on the tracks and blew his horn but the eagle flew away too late. bald eagles are no longer an endangered species, but they are protected by law. the maryland transportation authority says it will raise tolls statewide. the increase will help pay for recent construction progress. and an express toll lane on i- 95 near baltimore. public hearings will be held observe any increase is approved. let's check on the roads with kristy breslin at wjz traffic control. >> plenty of delays out there, especially on the beltway. if you're traveling on the north side inner loop, about 25 minutes there. that's from harford road to charles street. as far as the other side, still heavy there from york road to harford. average speed in that direction, only about 35 miles an hour. stop and go from frederick road to liberty road. as far as 95 goes, no problems to report in the northbound directions. but southbound, there is a crash at the aberdeen exit that is really beginning to tie things up. as far as accidents in the region go. edmondson avenue. fred at north rolling road. and taking a look at overall travel times, inner loop from 95 to 795, 32 miles an hour average, and 19 minutes to get through. let's now take a live look. you can see traffic slowing pretty well there. and here's another look at the flow there, 70 at 29 this. traffic report is brought to you by the cochran firm. if you or someone you know have suffered a personal injury call, 1800-the firm. using music to stop the violence. ♪ [ music ] >> local talent promoting positive behavior. on a tour of city, middle and high schools, led by former video d.j. reggie reg. teens urge kids to stop the bullying. today, they performed at greenspring academy in west baltimore. it's called vitamin water, but it may not be as healthy as you may think. then unnecessary deaths. the shocking statistics about the number of cancer patients. sorting through thousands of valentine's day flowers. some parts of maryland could get wintry weather tonight. stick around for tim's updated weather forecast. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oh, it definitely sounds healthy. but vitamin water may not be as good for you as you think. a consumer group calls the drinks ad misleading. it suggests drinking vitamin water instead of getting a flu shot. you might also be surprised to learn that a bottle of vitamin water has about 125 calories. coca cola makes the drink and says all of the ingredients are on the label for you to see. a minnesota couple inside a sears store. they were in the store, closing time when the lights went out and the doors were locked. took about 45 minutes before they could get in touch with with someone to come unlock those doors. >> kind of scary. in today's healthwatch, a disturbing new report shows thousands of new cancer cases could be prevented each year if people made better choices. scott goldberg has details for wjz. >> reporter: wendy but den know -- budden knows she and her daughters are at risk for breast cancer. it killed her mother. >> i have three daughters. and concerned about their risks in the future, with my family history. >> reporter: a new study shows she can help protect herself against cancer. leading cancer researchers say as many as 430,000 cases of cancer could be prevented each year if people ate better, exercised regularly, and limited alcohol. >> things we can control and do something about, we can impact our incidents of cancer. >> reporter: researcher says we could see a 38% drop in breast cancer cases if people take simple steps, including moderate exercise for at least 2 1/2 hours a week. >> reporter: cancer is one of the most common causes in the u.s., second only to heart disease. it kills about a half million americans each year. >> reporter: and many could save their own lives if they stop smoking, avoid getting too much sun and protect against cancer-causing infections, such as hpv and hepatitis. >> 35% of cancer deaths globally, could be prevented through known interventions. and that translates into over 2 million deaths per year. >> reporter: wendy is doing everything she can to keep healthy. >> eating well, trying to maintain my weight. exercise. >> reporter: and she knows that setting an example can also teach her daughters to live healthier. in new york, scott goldberg, wjz eyewitness news. >> researchers also found that almost half of all stomach cases are preventable. a decent end to the week on wall street. all the major markets finished in positive territory. nasdaq up 15. let's go to new york right now, where alexis christoforous has tonight's cbs money watch update. the unemployment rate fell sharply last month. but new jobs remain scarce. the unemployment fell from 9.4%. but much of that drop is because bad weather prevented some people from work. snowstorms in much of the country also curbed payrolls. employees added 3600 jobs per month. the court-appointed trustee of bernie madoff's victims wants the owners of the new york mets to give up $300 million. the trustees said it is madoff's profits from the ponzi scheme. the suit claims jf morgan ignored the warning signs about the ponzi scheme. the bank says the suit is without merit. egypt's ongoing political crisis is costing the country $300 million a day. egypt's banks, stock exchanges and factories have been closed all weeks, and tens of thousands of tourists have left the country. verizon wireless said its first day of orders saw record sales. they stopped taking orders thursday night. the iphone will go on sale at verizon stores for the first time next week. that's your money watch. for more headlines, stay with in new york, i'm alexis christoforous. danger on the beach in florida. take a look at this. thousands of manofwars littered the sands before washing ashore. now, some people walking along the beach were stung. but no one was seriously hurt. lifeguards are also warning people to stay out of the water for now. >> that would do it for me. i would stay out of the war if i saw that. -- water if i saw that. coming up. crib dangers. the brands and the warnings every parent needs to know about. i'm ron matz at the legendary atkins deli, where sunday is the busiest super bowl of the year. we'll tell you what's on the menu, coming up here on wjz. the weekend is here. will we sail through with clear skies? >> wjz 13 is always on. for the top stories on, for instant updates and first warning weather all the timix click wjz awm. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, there is that sun again. it is helping a little more today. i'm telling you, without the wind, it is definitely a more pleasant afternoon. now, i know i'm not asking you for super bowl picks. but i have conclusive, absolute conclusive, meteorological proof, that mother nature is a green bay packers fan. >> wow. >> what are the colors of green bay's uniform? >> green and yellow. >> take first warning live doppler raidard. the colors most con comnant on our radar are green and yellow. mother nature has picked the packers to win the super bowl. we're looking at no real rain arounded here right now. but we do definitely have some moving in our direction. we also have a winter weather advisory in effect. that is in effect for tonight. from 1:00 in the morning until about 10:00. and that's because of the temperatures dropping in the overnight hours. and that's going to present the potential for some wintry mix. right now, at 41 degrees. we have 19, your dew point. relative humidity at 40%. winds are from the west, currently southwest at 5 miles per hour. and 30.20, your barometer reading. across the state, temperatures are pretty much above freezing everywhere. 34 in oakland. 36 in cumberland and hagerstown. and 38 in ocean city. across the immediate metro area, we have 40s. 41 in columbia, and at bwi marshall. and 36 down on kent island and in annapolis, nation's capitol coming in at 42. light winds around the nation. not going to pick up too much. we have rain moving in. temperatures in dallas. we have been talking about snow. 26 degrees. and that system is extending all the way up into the mid- atlantic. but you see the difference in the colors. snow back towards texas. a bit of a wintry mix. rain down toward the carolinas. that is all going to lift into our region. in the overnight hours, between say 1:00 and dawn. we could expect sleet and freezing rain. it's going to change all of that over into just rain for the majority of the day. by the time you wake up and get your saturday going, we'll just have an off-and-on rain event through your saturday. south winds on the bay, 10 to 15 knots. we're going down tonight to just around 30 degrees. look for a light mix after midnight. and rain by dawn. 30 degrees the overnight low. and gradual clearing by the evening. and by sunday, we have some sun in the forecast. >> well, there you go. >> there you go. >> and we have green and yellow. >> green and yellow. i'm sure a lot of folks here are rooting for green and yell oavment. >> i would say, plaque and gold can't-- black and cold can't really show up that much. there's a reason for that. >> if only the steelers were playing, they would not root for the steamers. don't pis the prime time lineup at 9:00. the best whacky super bowl commercials. and then the best followed by eyewitness news at 11:00. there is more ahead on wjz at 4:30. critical ruling. will a california judge find phillip garido competent to stand trial? find out what 2200-year-old artifacts are supposed to be coming to baltimore. i'm andrea fujii. that story is just ahead on wjz eyewitness news. an incredible crash. an suv plunges off an icy bridge into frozen river. hear from rescuers. ,,,,,,,,,,,, it is 4:29. 41 degrees and partly sunny. hello. thanks for staying with eyewitness news. i'm denise koch. >> and i'm vic carter. >> we have an update now on a developing story. the trial of two baltimore teenagers, accused of burning a dog. wjz is live outside the mitchell courthouse. suzanne collins has more on how the judge appears to be struggling to make a decision. >> we told you at 4:00, that the lawyers were called to the court that the jury had a note. this is the second time today that that note said they cannot come up with a verdict. no one can agree. and they have to have 12 jurors agree unanimously on a verdict. apparently they're struggling. the way the judge handled it was they would not declare a mistrial. come back in a half hour and deliberate again. if we get a verdict this afternoon, we will get it to you. >> suzanne, we'll have a live update for you on today's court proceedings at 5:00. off an oklahoma bridge. jeff glor reports for wjz. rescue workers risk their own lives to reach the victims. >> they're just now getting these personnel out of the vehicle that has been in the water for two hours. >> reporter: emergency crews in oklahoma braved icy waters and bone-chilling temperatures in the daring rescue, trying to reach passengers, stranded for two hours in a submerged vehicle. >> we sent our personnel down along the shore of the bank and tried to calm the victims at that time so we could get the additional resources that we need, after we did the size-up. >> reporter: there's multiple ems vehicles out here, ready to take these patients. arou 6:30 thursday, the suv, packed with 8 people, veered off a highway bridge. hitting a plowed snow bank that witnesses say acted like a ramp, launching them over a guardrail. >> and it was just almost like a ski ramp. looks like they kind of went off this in area here. >> reporter: the truck fell more than 80 feet to the river below. it remained only half submerged and upright. but with air temperatures 13 degrees below zero, rescuers said hypothermia set in quickly. >> i think their core temperature was around 32 degrees. >> they were extremely cold. hypothermia definitely set in. they were becoming very rigid. a lot of them couldn't even walk to the boat. they had to be basically carried or in some instances even dragged across the bed of the pickup truck. >> crews lowered a small boat down to the river, allowing them to bring six to awaiting helicopter its. two died on the scene. one died on the way to a local hospital. >> five people are still in the hospital with broken bones and i had hypothermia. six rescuers were also taken to the hospital, but they should be okay. we are experiencing mild weather outside. it's cloudy, but well above freezing with some sun. but there is a chance that some parts of maryland could get a mixed mess tonight. wjz is live. bob is here with the remnants of a storm moving in. >> we'll be just on the northern fringe of precip late tonight. overnight, probably 3:00, 4:00 in the morning. you can see down across virginia. when we open up, there is moisture. most of it, however, is moving off to the east and not really to the northeast. so we'll see precip overnight. and because temperatures are going to be consider very critical late tonight, we have an advisory for freezing rain. across extreme northern sections. from 1:00 to 10:00. temperatures will get above freezing. and it will just be a light rain event for most of us for on and off during the day on saturday. it will be cool and damp. and not a beautiful day. the ice, freezing rain, a little snow. late tonight, early in the morning. then it's all just light rain during the day. denise? >> all right. thank you, bob. stay with wjz. wjz is always on. for updates and a live look at radar, go to encouraging news about the economy. the unemployment rate falls again. but there is a catch. as alexis christoforous reports for wjz, not everyone is optimistic about the new numbers. >> mick mower has been looking for full-time work since he lost his job at the red cross last year. >> i have a doctorate. i have two masters and a bachelor's degree. >> reporter: the 57-year-old is getting by with three part-time teaching jobs. but each day without health insurance brings more worry. >> you know, am i going to be facing this until i retire? >> the latest job numbers show the pain for america's unemployed and underemployed isn't over yet. while the unemployment rate dropped to 9% in january, the lowest level in nearly two years, companies added just 36,000 jobs. that's far fewer than expected and shows that new jobs are scarce. >> some economists don't want to put too much stock in last month's numbers because of all of this snow. big winter storms put a damper on construction and transportation hiring. >> everyone now recognizes there was some significant severe weather impact on the business component. >> reporter: the bad weather also prevented people from going out to look for work. and when unemployed people stop looking for work, the government no longer counts them as jobless. mower is discouraged but not giving up. >> every monday, i probably sent out somewhere between 15 and 35 applications. >> reporter: nearly 14 million americans remain unemployed. and even the fed chief admits, companies must ramp up hiring in order for the economy to fully recover. alexis christoforous, wjz eyewitness news. >> wall street liked what it heard about the economy today. all of the major markets finished the day with small gains. dow was up 30. s&p was up 4. nasdaq up 15. another day of protests in egypt. now, they are calling today a day of departure. kai is in the newsroom with protestors's' latest demands. kai? >> president hosni mubarak to resign immediately. gunfire erupted as thousands of people packed cairo's central square today, calling for the change. mubarak has been under fire for almost two weeks now. and he agreed to leave in september. but the protestors aren't willing to wait that long. american officials are talking about several options to transition the government into a democracy as soon as possible. denise? >> thank you very much, kai. experts predict the chaos in egypt will impact our gas prices. look for tome to -- them to climb. the violence in egypt could put a future exhibit at the walters art museum. in jeopardy. curators hope an invaluable artifact can still make its way to baltimore. egyptian turmoil has spilled from the streets into museums. last week, cairo's egyptian museum was looted, damaging two mummies. meanwhile, in baltimore, the walters art museum is hoping the country's prized possession stays safe. >> it's scary for the people 50. and also for the monument -- first. and also for the monuments so we're monitoring the situation. >> reporter: the museum already has one of the top 20 collections in the country. and by 2014, they hope to have it centered around three books of scrolls. new york is in another. and the third is in cairo. >> the current manager promised the museum their scroll. but a different regime could change that. so the museum will wait with the arrest of the world to see what happens while in the meantime, visitors enjoy the current art acts -- artifacts. >> it really does connect us, not only to that great civilization, but to what's going on right now in cairo. >> reporter: andrea fujii, wjz eyewitness news. >> and the current egyptian exhibit runs wednesday through sunday. and it is free. a horrible crime. a harford county man is behind bars, accused of raping a 5- year-old girl. 27-year-old angelo osborn is facing rape and other child sex abuse charges. police say the little girl knows osborne. osborne is being held without bail. new safety concerns about two kinds of cribs. >> reporter: the products in question are safety craft, full sized, and portable drop-side cribs. according to the consumer product safety commission, hardware in cribs manufactured by generation 2 worldwide can fail and place children at risk in strangulation and suffocation. they are urging parents to stop using the cribs immediately and definitely do not even attempt to fix them. it is unclear which major retailer sold the at cribs. >> the words foundation under the mattress are not part of the safety alert. if you're waiting for someone to get home from work this friday, let's check with kristy breslin. let's start out with the good news. no problems to report on 95 in either direction. but the beltway still having difficulty there, especially on the north side outer loop, it's a good 25 minutes. that's from harford road to charles street. heavy traffic on the inner loop as well. the delay there from harrisburg expressway to harford road. it does break free after that. 20 minutes on the west side inner loop. that's from 95 to liberty road. and as far as accidents go, bel air road at slater avenue. also, frederick road at north rolling road. and several city accidents. west redwood at pen. dolefield at coldspring. and south caton at wilkens avenue. taking a look at travel times. 95 to 83. 38-mile-an-hour average. and 16 minutes minutes to get through. like i said, no problems there on 95 in either direction. but we are starting to see a delay there, some of the eastbound its at 29. monster jam's world famous trucks are back to crush the competition. and they're coming back to the marina. one baltimore del delicatessen is getting ready for their big super bowl sunday. this will be enjoyed at super bowl parties all over town. ron matz has more from lombard street, where corn is king. atlas is legendary for their corned beef. and they'll sell one ton of it on super bowl sunday. >> this is your busiest day of the year. right? >> this is our busiest day of the year. we'll probably open up at 8:00. and from like 8:00 to 4 then 30 to 5 -- 4:30, to 5:00. it will be open. >> atkins great food all over town. there's no time to kibitz. >> a very, very busy day. a lot of meats going out the door. >> reporter: besides the great corned beef. there's jerky, hot dogs, roast beef and more. how about a black bottom for dessert. and for super bowl sunday only, it's the special. the lombard trophy. >> we put on there corned beef, turkey breast, salami, swiss cheese, and we garnish it with pickles, olives, sweet gerkins and coleslaw. >> at kins has been doing it right for years. recognized as one of america's great delis, this lombard street deli is ready for kickoff. >> super bowl is the time to eat. enjoy yourself. you've been dieting all week. think about atman's and have some good food. >> ron matz, wjz eyewitness news. >> atman's is the oldest operating family-owned jewish- style delicatessen in the united states. i didn't know that. >> i did know that. but i haven't been there in a while. at his side. when their son died in afghanistan today. that soldier's loyal friend is now a member testify royal family. women shoppers get more than they bargained for at an iowa grocery store. and it is friday. bob is updating the forecast coming up. [ male announcer ] verizon believes that no small business should be invisible, so we decided to help a real small business make it easier for customers to find them. my name is elizabeth heinz, we're at isabella's boutique in rockville center, new york. do me a favor, and search for your business. alright. ♪ what did you find? nothing. i mean, if you don't have a website, you're basically invisible. [ male announcer ] 40% of small businesses don't have a website. but with verizon websites powered by intuit, it's so easy you can do it yourself, and so powerful it can make any small business more visible. add photos... and then, we'll hit "publish." i have a website?! you have a website. oh my gosh, i can't believe it was that easy. [ male announcer ] verizon can put your small business on over 100 search sites so customers can find you, with a personalized business e-mail address that connects with your site. visit me at [ male announcer ] small business owners, don't be invisible. call today and get a 6 month free trial of verizon websites powered by intuit, when you sign up for verizon's reliable high-speed internet & phone for business, just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities verizon. the hardest working network in business. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. a greyhound bus hijacked by a gun. police say the driver forced his way. the passing driver realized what was going on and called 911. officers surround the bus after it stopped at a gas station. police shocked the hijacker with a stun gun and no one was hurt. the new lifetime movie about the amanda knox murder trial isn't set to release for a week. but it's creating controversy. now the victim's parents are upset because the movie's trailer shows a violent reenactment of the murder. knox is appealing her conviction. now, jacey du-- jaycee dugard is one step closer to justice. >> reporter: a california judge has ruled that the man accused of kidnapping dugard is competent to stand trial. phillip garrido is charged with kidnapping gugard when she was -- dugard when she was 11 years old and keeping her captive in his backyard for nearly two decades. the whole time, she was being hidden from her parents home, just 120 miles away. preliminary hearing is scheduled for later this month to decide if lawyers for both sides are ready to move forward with the case. a hidden camera discovered inside a woman's bathroom. someone found a woman at a food store in des moines, iowa. police say the camera was attached above a light fixture. he is charged with invasion of privacy. a woman kidnapped at a gas station. police in north carolina say the victim was filling up with gas when a pregnant woman and her boyfriend asked for a ride. they forced her to drive to an isolated area and then shoved her into the trunk of her own car. as sheriff's deputies saw the car speed through the stop sign, that's when he pulled them over and heard them when he heard screams coming from the trunk. parents have adopted his beloved bomb-sniffing dog. sarah luchero has the story from texas. >> it is an honor to present to us, eli. >> reporter: the russ family was ready to welcome the newest member of their family, eli. >> it's just wonderful knowing that colton loved him. so. >> reporter: private first class colton rusk was a dog handler, killed by taliban fighters december 6th, with elye at -- eli from his side. today, the rusks adopted eli, now retired from duty. >> we know how close colton was to eli. when colton found out he was going to be a dog handler, he was so excited. >> reporter: not only did they locate i.e.d.s together, they were inseparable. >> the dog worked well and did his job. but he said, whenever in camp, he was a pain in the butt because he all wanted to get in the sleeping bag with him. >> as i pass his leash, eli is now forever part of the rusk family to honor, love, and cherish eli, and most of all, have fun with him. >> we just feel that we were colton's family, and so now we are eli's family. >> private first class rusk was honored with a purple heart, a combat action ribbon, and numerous medals for his bravery. customs agents are expecting millions of flowers, arriving just in time for valentine's day, to make sure no pesky bugs or diseases make it into the country. miami receives 95% of the shipments that come into the u.s. most of them from columbia and ecuador. ashton kutcher is finally giving up his bachelor pad. he bought the house in 2004 during his stint on "that 70s show." he is now famous for his marriage to demi moor and his massive following on twitter. >> as property goes there, that sounds like a bargain. >> i think it is. and you get two tool -- pools. or a hot tub and a pool. some parts of maryland could get wintry weather tonight. >> stick around for bob's forecast coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,, here's a live look outside. courtesy of sky eye chopper 13. take a look at this. there is rain now down across extreme southern virginia. maybe by -- i mean, it's possible, we might see a little activity, around midnight. but i think the bulk of what we're expecting to come, probably after 3:00, 4:00 in the morning. most of this is moving off to the east going off to the east. a little longer. but temperatures by the time that precip gets here are going to be that critical range, once again. now, we're at 41. pretty nice. west/southwest winds at 5. dew points low. 41/22 today. the average is 42. and 20. the record, 72 and 5. around the region, 39, 38. 41, 42. mid- to upper 30s. you can see, just north of the area, with temperatures in the mid- to upper 30s right now. by the time midnight arrives, with any precip, it's going to be a real close call. that's why we think, from let's say, columbia, northern baltimore, northern harford, northern cecil. those areas north and west are going to see light, freezing rain. or light freezing drizzle, late, late tonight. and early in the morning. maybe a little snow as well. a little sleet mixed in. south of the city, nothing expected except just chilly rain. very light winds and they have been out of the south and southwest. keeping us rather mild today. this big rain chill. there's the snow in texas and oklahoma. the cold air is just drilled southward. right now, only about 25 in dallas with light snow beginning to end there. they had snow in central louisiana. they had flakes near houston. almost on the gulf of mexico. amazing stuff. further east and north. it's all in the form of light rain and rain. as i said, the bulk of this moves off the coast. and looks like tomorrow, by late afternoon, things begin to wind down. as the storm passes, it may just get chilly enough in the upper levels. might see a few snow flurries tomorrow evening before it totally clears out. one thing is for sure, it's going to be dry and clear sunday. there goes the low with warmer air. let's call it cool for the weekend. but not super cold. in fact, it will be a bit of a warmup before we get cold next week. northeast winds, 5 to 10 knots. tonight, later on, some light mix developing. and then just rain by dawn. 30 to the upper 30s to 40. anything the morning changes to rain very early. and clearing late in the day. or by early tomorrow meeiv -- tomorrow evening. upper 30s once again. >> getting used to it. >> it's not going to be that big of a deal. but late tonight, could be freezing rain. >> okay. thank you, bob. still to come tonight on eyewitness news. a pit bull puppy is set on fire. severely burned and has to be put to sleep. i'll tell you why a jury deciding if two mothers coco,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, coming up next. a final. two will two teenagers be responsible for the dog's death? coming up, drastic measures to combat draftic coaching in the bay? that story as eyewitness news continues. two families, torn apart by a road rage murder in anne arundel county. but do police have the right person behind bars for the crime? >> nobody wants to admit that they made a mistake. >> i'm mike hellgren, with the exclusive. new evidence in the case. check in for more on these stories, all the day's breaking news. >> eyewitness news at 5:00 starts right now. quest for justice. phoenix the dog set on fire. >> tonight, a jury decides whether twin brothers are to blame. >> i'm kai jackson. >> i'm mary bubala. here's what people are talking about. >> 12 jurors seem to be having a hard time deciding the fate of two teenagers. they are accused of setting a pit bull on fire. it is an animal abuse case that is has gripped baltimore. suzanne collins has the latest developments. r

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