>> reporter: they're all dead? >> yes. >> reporter: and we've learned no one in the government knows just how many industry incidents there are. >> if you don't even know how many releases are occurring, if you don't even know what the overall consequences are, you can not answer the question with whether or not we are safe or not. >> reporter: so we collected reported incidents at wells and pipelines from three federal agencies and 23 of the 33 oil and gas producing states and here's what we found for just 2010. not counting the b.p. disaster, at least 6,500 spills, leaks, fires, or explosions nationwide. that's 18 a day. overall, at least 34 million gallons of crude oil and other potentially toxic chemicals spilled. that's trip it will size of the 1989 exxon "valdez" spill. and while exactly how much was cleaned up isn't known, the impact certainly is. poisoned drinking water. >> holy cow! >> reporter: dead wildlife, destroyed land, illness, injury, people being forced from their homes like here in marshall, michigan. >> the full creek was solid packed full of oil. >> reporter: last july, a nearly one million gallon pipeline spill turned john laforge's backyard and miles of rivers and streams here into an oily disaster. today canadian oil giant enbridge is still cleaning up the crude oil and the legal mess that followed. >> i don't want to leave here but i haven't got any choice. >> reporter: the issue of oil and gas industry spills is so touchy both the top industry trade group and the environmental protection agency wouldn't speak to us on camera. but we found one former oil industry executive who was willing to talk. former shell president john hofmeister. >> very few people in the scheme of things are impacted, but nobody should be impacted. >> reporter: but 34 million gallons is a significant number. >> it's big. it's big and this is a big country with 300 million consumers. that's not to excuse it. one gallon lost is one gallon too many. >> >> reporter: doesn't sound like they're doing a good job, john. >> i don't want to sound insensitive but you have an industry who that knows how much could happen and relative to what could happen from their perspective, very little does happen. >> reporter: as for truman burnett, his dreams are shattered. >> we were hoping to spend quite a bit of time here with our children and our grandchildren but that won't be the case now. >> reporter: innocent victims of an unquestionable threat only now becoming clear. armen keteyian, cbs news, granville summit, pennsylvania. >> couric: by the way, since that b.p. spill, the company has paid state and local governments more than $750 million for cleanup costs, but an associated press investigation turned up some pretty questionable spending. for example, ocean springs, mississippi, used some of the b.p. noun buy tasers for reserve officers. in one louisiana parishes officials bought an ipad and a new laptop and one florida county spent a half million dollars on rock concerts to promote the state's oil-free beaches. b.p. has recently begun asking for a detailed list on how the money is being spent. now to the nuclear disaster in japan. radiation is still leaking from that crippled plant and today the japanese raised the level of the crisis to the maximum on the international nuclear event scale. it had been at level five for the past month, but today, despite no new threats, it was elevated to a seven, the same level as chernobyl. a seven is defined as an accident that causes a major release of radioactive material with widespread health and environmental effects. lucy craft reports the change is fueling widespread distrust inside the exclusion zone. >> reporter: in fukushima where the plant is located, there was fear and anger today. at the insistence of residents, the state government began checking radiation levels at thousands of locations. and just yesterday, the national government acknowledged more towns must be evacuated outside the original 18-mile danger zone. all this raises new questions about the handling of the disaster. a spokesman for plant operator tepco, hiro hasegawa in an interview with cbs news tonight argued that the company is not hiding information, saying that under this much scrutiny at home and abroad concealing data would be impossible. the japanese government for its part said it has taken a month to pinpoint how much radioactivity has leaked into the atmosphere which is why a mid-level disaster suddenly became a worst case one. the level seven ranking is based mainly on a radiation spike after hydrogen explosions during the first week of the crisis. since then, officials say that while the fukushima plant continues to spew radioactive isotopes, emissions are down sharply. the japanese government has gone to great lengths to down play any other parallels with chernobyl. authorities note that while 27 workers have been treated for radiation exposure, none have received lethal doses. but high radiation exposure killed dozens at chernobyl. "the emission of radioactive subsanses is about 10% the amount of chernobyl" said nuclear safety chief miyishama. the company that runs the plant, tepco, says the chances of it reaching chernobyl levels was remote. and at no time prime minister kan also tried to reassure citizens terrified by the perspective of a chernobyl on their country. "the emission of radioactive substances are on the decline" he said. those words are cold comfort to fukushima evacuees wondering when and if they'll be able to return home. lucy craft, cbs news, tokyo. >> couric: meanwhile, back in this country they were like an eagle and a sparrow. the world's biggest passenger jet and a c.r.j.-700 commuter plane. elaine quijano on what happened when their paths crossed last night. >> reporter: the collision happened just after 9:00 p.m. at new york's kennedy international airport. air france flight 7, a superjumbo jet headed to paris was taxiing to its runway when its left wing clipped the tail of a much smaller comair commuter jet, spinning it around almost 90 degrees. >> suddenly there was this big bang from one side of the plane and everyone sort of jumped a bit. >> reporter: the air france plane was an airbus a-380 0, the world's largest commercial jet. its 262 foot wingspan is nearly the length of a football field and 50 feet wider than the wingspan of a 747. and the airbus dwarfing the regional jet it hit. >> this is the worst one i've ever seen. it's not unusual to have a couple aircraft touch wing tips but to see such a forceful collision and an aircraft spinning around, that's remarkable. >> reporter: aviation experts who've reviewed the reporting say the commuter jet was still on the taxiway because it appears the area by the gates was too crowded. >> the pilots themselves, they need to be looking out very, very carefully when they're operating an aircraft that's as large as the a-380 0, but that's not to say that the regional jet was in the right position, either. >> reporter: investigators with the national transportation safety board are checking flight recorders from both aircraft as well as what instructions air traffic control gave to the pilots. elaine quijano, cbs news, at new york's j.f.k. airport. >> couric: the entire country is on something of a collision course with more than $14 trillion in debt. tomorrow chief white house correspondent chip reid reports the president will explain what he plans to do about it. >> reporter: in recent months, president obama has repeatedly promised to tackle the nation's long-term debt, including the massive entitlement programs. >> including programs like medicare and medicaid which are the single biggest contributor to long-term deficits. >> reporter: but he's refused to offer his own plan. that will finally change wednesday when he unveils his so-called vision on cutting the debt. critics say it's about time. >> but at least the president is joining in the conversation. hopefully that conversation is an adult one. >> reporter: but political analysts say the president had good reason to wait. he wanted the republicans to go first and they did last week when influential congressman paul ryan released his controversial plan. >> in a sense, the president needed paul ryan's house budget plan to use as a foil for his own argument about what government should do, what government priorities are. he will say that the ryan plan does not match up with american values. >> reporter: over time, the ryan plan would convert medicare from an insurance program for seniors into a less generous subsidy and would put a cap on medicaid which serves the poor, saving about $750 billion over ten years. to the white house, it's an irresistible opportunity: to portray republicans as callous and extreme. >> it places all the burden on the middle-class, on seniors, on the disabled, on people in nursing homes. >> reporter: while giving few details, the white house says the president's plan will trim medicare and medicaid with a scalpel not a machete and while the ryan plan cuts tax rates for the top bracket from 35% to 25%, the president is expected to repeat his call for the well thoi pay more. but republicans predict the president will follow what they call a familiar pattern: cutting too little and taxing too much. house speaker john boehner today threw down the gauntlet, declaring that tax increases are unacceptable and are a nonstarter. some liberals are also up in arms, even before the speech is delivered. one organization is urging its members to refuse to contribute to the president's campaign if he cuts medicare or medicaid. katie? >> couric: chip reid at the white house tonight. chip, thank you. overseas egypt's ousted president hosni mubarak was rushed to the hospital today, apparently suffering from heart problems. mubarak, who is 82, reportedly took ill in the resort town of sharm el-sheik while a prosecutor questioned him about the killing of protestors and the embezzlement of public funds. his two sons, alaa and gamal were also questioned today. and still ahead here on the "cbs evening news," bitter rivals team up to send an important message to baseball fans. but up next, as a college... does a college degree pay off? maybe after the graduate pays off a mountain of student loans. to my grandkids, i'm nana. i'm friend, secret-keeper and playmate. do you think i'd let osteoporosis slow me down? so i asked my doctor about reclast because i heard it's the only once-a-year iv osteoporosis treatment. he told me all about it and i said that's the one for nana. he said reclast can help restrengthen my bones to help make them resistant to fracture for twelve months. and reclast is approved to help protect from fracture in many places: hip, spine, even other bones. 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[ male announcer ] nothing's proven to relieve pain better than extra strength bayer aspirin. it rushes relief to the site of pain. feel better? yeah. thanks for the tip. it rushes relief to the site of pain. sometimes life can be, well, a little uncomfortable, but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go... it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. there's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. wonder where the durango's been for the last two years? well, it toured around europe, getting handling and steering lessons on those sporty european roads. it went back to school, got an advanced degree in technology. it's been working out -- more muscle and less fat. it's only been two years, but it's done more in two years than most cars do in a lifetime. >> couric: this is the 30th anniversary of the first space shuttle flight. only two more missions remain. today nasa ended months of suspend by announcing where the four remaining shuttles will spend their retirement. "discovery" is headed to a branch of the smithsonian in virginia. "enterprise," a test model, goes to the intrepid museum in new york, "endeavour," which flies later this month, will go to the california science center in los angeles and "atlantis" heads back to the kennedy space center in florida after it makes the final shuttle flight this summer. and this is also the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight. soviet cause not yuri gagarin orbited the earth just once. recently it was revealed engineers worried gagarin wouldn't sur strive hard landing so he was ejected at 20,000 feet and par schulteed to safety. in moscow today, soldiers placed flowers at a monument to gagarin who was killed in a plane crash in 1968. in south carolina, a mortar blast along charleston harbor echoed the first shots of the civil war 150 years ago today. the confederate assault on fort sumpter lasted about 34 hours before the union garrison surrendered. not a single life was lost during the bombardment but by war's end, four years later, more than 600,000 would be dead. when president franklin roosevelt decided to run for a fourth term at the height of world war ii, his doctors said his health was good-- but they knew better. >> what is the job before us in 1944? first, to win the war. >> couric: in a fascinating memo just made public, a boston doctor who examined roosevelt in 1944 said he didn't believe roosevelt had the physical capacity to complete another term. dr. frank lahey said he informed roosevelt's primary doctor of his concerns but voters were kept in the dark. >> and will to the best of my ability... >> couric: just 12 weeks after f.d.r. began his fourth term he died of a cerebral hemorrhage 66 years ago today. osteoporosis treatment-- no big deal. so i have to wait up to an hour just to eat or drink. i've got time to kill. yeah right! i'm a working woman. and i'm busy. why should osteoporosis therapy disrupt my morning routine? with new atelvia there's no wait. unlike other osteoporosis medicines... atelvia has a delayed- release formulation... so you can take it right after breakfast and help protect your bones. do not take atelvia if you have esophagus problems, low blood calcium, severe kidney disease, or cannot sit or stand for 30 minutes. follow all dosing instructions. stop taking atelvia and tell your doctor if you experience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain or severe or continuing heartburn, which may be signs of serious upper digestive problems. tell your doctor if you develop dental or jaw problems, as serious jawbone problems have been reported rarely. also tell your doctor if you develop severe bone, joint, or muscle pain... or any hip, groin, or thigh pain... as unusual thigh bone fractures have been reported rarely. with atelvia, the mornings are all mine.. talk to your doctor about new atelvia. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze. but with zyrtec® liquid gels, i get fast, 24-hour allergy relief. so i feel better by the time we tee off. zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. eggland's best eggs. -the best in nutrition... -just got better. even better nutrition -- high in vitamins d, e and b12. a good source of vitamin b2. plus omega threes. and 25% less saturated fat than ordinary eggs. but there's one important ingredient that hasn't changed. -better taste. -better taste. -better taste. -mmmm... [ female announcer ] eggland's best. better taste and now even better nutrition make the better egg. toi switched to a complete0, multivitamin with more. only one a day women's 50+ advantage has gingko for memory and concentration plus support for bone and breast health. a great addition to my routine. [ female announcer ] one a day women's. >> couric: finally tonight, in the age of 24/7 sports talk on blogs, t.v., and radio, rivalries have really gotten out of control. a vicious attack last week was just the latest example. but as bill whitaker reports, two baseball teams came together to remind the fans it's just a game. >> reporter: the long, intense rivalry between the los angeles dodgers and the san francisco giants drew a sellout crowd to the giants stadium last night to see l.a. win 6-1. but unlike the last time these teams met, the clash was confined to the field. >> it's been pretty calm. usually i get booed by now or other... you know, words i can't say on t.v. >> reporter: following the season opener los angeles, giants fan and father of two bryan stow was so savagely beaten in the parking lot by two unidentified dodger fans that he remains in a coma two weeks later. last night in san francisco, players and fans put differences aside and joined to honor stow. >> in your excitement or in your frustration don't take it out on another fan if you don't agree with who they cheer for. >> so this is america's national past time and let's keep it this way. thank you. >> reporter: stow's family joined players on the field. >> it's overwhelming. we'd just like to say thank you to everybody that's done so much. >> reporter: earlier at a fund-raiser at dodger stadium, l.a. fans dropped off $60,000 for stow's children and medical expenses. the face of the dodgers, former manager tommy lasorda, wrote a check for $5,000. >> i've run out of tears for this young man. what those thugs did to him was a disgrace to them and their families. this young man someday i hope and pray can walk into a ballpark again and enjoy the game. thank you. >> reporter: to make sure everyone can enjoy the game safely, the l.a.p.d. plans to flood the stadium with police officers when the dodgers return home thursday. >> you'll see police officers when you drive in the stadium, in the parking lots, inside the stadium, and then when you leave >> reporter: the l.a.p.d. has 16 officers working full time trying to find stow's assailants. the reward for information leading to their arrest, almost $150,000. bill whitaker, cbs news, dodgers stadium, los angeles. >> couric: and that is the "cbs evening news" for tonight. i'm katie couric. thank you for watching. i'll see you tomorrow. good night. now, "entertainment tonight," the most-watched entertainment news magazine in the world. >> "dancing's" karina, naked in the "playboy" scandal. only we have her racy new shots. >> the controversial photos. tied with a ribbon, baring all. >> when i saw your magazine layout. what's the reaction been? >> "entertainment tonight" is advancing the story as the heat rises with her abc bosses. will she be fired? >> she feels proud of herself. it gives a woman power. >> am i happy for somebody who does "playboy"? not so much. >> hello, ladies. good to see you, michelle. >> great to see you. >> nancy o'dell,

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