waterway down there. >> reporter: they certainly did, katie. local officials here have been fed up with the federal government's pace of response to this crisis and they've said all along here that they'll do what they have to to protect their waters and today they took an ambitious first step. it's a desperate attempt to keep oil out of barataria bay, responsible for a third of louisiana's seafood revenue. local officials here are finally beginning to blockade the bay's entrance with barges after a month-long battle with the coast guard for permission. >> as far as we know, we're breaking new ground. give a cajun some tools and he'll figure out how to do something. >> reporter: there will be more than 60 of these barges anchored and tied end to end in this bay. when they're here, that will make a 7,000 foot barrier to block and then channel the oil. it it's a bold unproven tactic devise bid local political leaders including the grand isle mayor. >> by putting this barrier and getting these pumps, wubg suck it up and haul her await a minute. >> reporter: the mayor pledged to do this at a cost of $31 million a month with or without federal permission. how frustrating is that when you know the resource you have, you know how to protect it and you're not been given the ability to do it. >> it's very frustrating. too many chiefs. >> reporter: and too much oil is still pouring out of b.p.'s blownout well. between 1 ph *pbt 5 and 2.5 million gallons everyday. but the company is now capturing about a million gallons of oil a day and may soon double that amount. >> we're going to max out at that point of what we can produce with the current status on the well head. >> reporter: b.p. has a new tool for the cleanup effort, 32 oil separate magazines developed by kevin costner's research company are moving into the spill zone. and beyond the oil dangers, researchers now say methane gas escaping from the well in unprecedented quantities could create massive dead zones in the gulf, suffocating marine life. well, the methane is a problem, but keeping the oil out of the bays is still the top priority here. and after weeks of planning, those barges are actually moving into place pretty quickly. that barrier could be complete by next week. katie? >> couric: don, we have a question tonight from twitter for you. >> well, b.p. hasn't really spoken specifics about what they're doing with the relief wells that are any different except to say they're doing it as quickly and safely as possible. we now know the first of the relief well is just 200 feet from intersecting with the blownout well, but now the process really slows down because they have to make a precise intersection. it could still be the second week of august before this is complete and they know the whole world is watching. katie? >> couric: don teague in grand isle, louisiana tonight. b.p. has vowed to pay every legitimate claim, but the house judiciary committee says the company has paid less than 12% of the claims submitted so far. it released numbers today showing $600 million in claims have been filed, $71 million paid out. the man chosen to oversee the new $20 billion compensation fund promised today to pay all legitimate claims quickly-- in 30 to 60 days. that man is kenneth feinberg who's visiting the gulf coast and joins us now from baton rouge, louisiana. mr. feinberg, as we just said, only a fraction of the claims submitted thus far by gulf residents have been paid by b.p. why the logjam in your view? >> i think the logjam is that this is a rather unprecedented situation involving thousands of would be eligible claimants. the president has made it very clear to me he wants those claims paid quicker, in an accelerated fashion with less red tape and that's why i'm down in the gulf today to meet with governor barbour and now governor jindal to talk about how to speed up that process. >> couric: will b.p. have any jurisdiction over which claims are actually paid out or will that company just hand over the money? >> that company has no say on the claims that i declare to be legitimate and eligible. >> couric: i guess the key words are "legitimate" claims. after hurricane katrina, as you know, there were thousands of alleged cases of fraud or overbilling during the claims process. how will you be able to safeguard against that? >> fraud is an enemy of this program. we must make sure that every claim that's filed is legitimate, that it is eligible, it that it will be considered on its own merits, they won't all be paid. they will not all be paid. >> couric: will $20 billion be sufficient to cover the losses gulf residents will suffer? >> no one knows for sure yet, but the president made clear-- and as i understand it b.p. went along-- that if $20 billion is not enough, there will be additional funds provided by. >> couric: you've said this escrow fund will expedite the process. but does it also shield b.p. from lawsuits? >> not at all. first of all, anybody who doesn't want to come into the fund doesn't have to. there will be individuals, businesses and lawyers who will prefer to litigate rather than come into this fund. i would urge every claimant in the gulf regardless of whether it's a small business, large business, individual, i would urge everybody to come into this fund. it will not require that you pay 30% or 40% of your award to your lawyer and you'll get the money a lot quicker. >> couric: the administration says this process will be transparent. how so? will all claimants and payments be made public? will there be a web site to account for how the $20 billion has been paid out? >> i'm sure there will be a web site and transparency as to how this money has been spent. i think we have to strike a balance between the public's right to know and the privacy rights of the individual claimants. i don't want individuals or small businesses to be chilled from filing a claim fearing that what they receive will be on the internet or will be made public the next day. that will defeat the purpose of the program. >> couric: b.p. has promised to pay for the cleanup, said there will be no cap on liability. in fact, you said they could go above and beyond the $20 billion. but what if b.p. goes bankrupt? >> that would be a horror. a horror. if b.p. goes bankrupt, the bankruptcy lawyers will reap the benefit, i can tell you that. but the idea that b.p. will no locker be available to pay legitimate claims would be, i think, a tragedy. this program will not simply be an open run on the b.p. treasury. >> couric: ken feinberg. i know it's very hot down there in baton rouge. thanks so much for taking time out to talk with us. >> thanks, katie. thanks very much. >> couric: now to minnesota and the devastation left by a record string of tornadoes. they hit last night leaving three people dead and injuring at least 48 others. the small town of wadena got the worst of it. heather brown of cbs station wcco is there. >> reporter: this tornado is one of 39 reported that tore across minnesota last night. the state's record is 27 twisters set in one day in 1992. >> all you could hear was crash, crash, crash, crash, and you honestly thought it was going to come through the basement. >> reporter: today the national guard patrolled wadena, the area hardest hit. no one was killed here, but 34 people were injured. 232 homes were damaged or destroyed and the path of destruction was a quarter mile long. >> driving down irving avenue towards the core of the city, it got worse and worse as i went. >> reporter: 20 phraoeuls to the south in the town of al moira, margie schulke and her husband norman in this home tw-t twister hit. the tornado picked up their house, spun it around and the two were thrown from the windows, landed all the way in the ditch across the yard. norman survived but his wife did not. >> been a lot of crying, a lot of tears. >> reporter: in the town of mentor, wes michaels is being hailed as a hero. he saved his daughter and another employee in his convenience store by ordering them into the walk-in refrigerator moments before the tornado struck. but michaels died on his 58th birthday. >> the whole store exploded. >> reporter: and so just to give you an idea of how hard it is to be able to do this cleanup, look at this debris. it's so heavy here i can hardly move it, and this kind of degree is... debris is scattered all across the town of wadena. the mayor says it could take weeks or f not months. katie? >> couric: heather brown of wcco, heather, thanks for your help covering the story. with the oil spill dominating so much of the news, president obama wanted to remind everyone today he hasn't forgotten about unemployment, which remains close to 10%. so he went to ohio to mark a milestone. 10,000 job-creating road projects paid for with federal stimulus money. the recession wiped out more than eight million jobs. since november the economy has created nearly 900,000. and the president acknowledged we're not where we need to be yet. still ahead, a cbs news exclusive. technically they're not marines, but they play an indispensable role for the thundering third in afghanistan. i'm breathing better with spiriva. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled maintenance treatment for both forms of copd... which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. i take it every day... it keeps my airways open to help me breathe better all day long. spiriva does not replace fast acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, have vision changes or eye pain... or have problems passing urine. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine or an enlarged prostate... as these may worsen with spiriva. also discuss the medicines you take... even eye drops. side effects include dry mouth, constipation and trouble passing urine. now, i'm managing my chronic 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for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to >> couric: for nearly a decade now, americans have been fighting and dieing in afghanistan. just today, three more were killed in combat in the south. of the more than 1,000 u.s. deaths in this war, nearly 40% were the result of roadside bombs or i.e.d.s. preventing those attacks is job one for the marines of the thundering 3rd. terry mccarthy has been following them many this exclusive series. >> reporter: it's the hidden danger the marines fear the most. improvised explosive device or i.e.d.s. as seen on a helmet camera barely 100 yards from their base, a marine patrol comes across an abandoned house, booby trapped with three i.e.d.s. the marines wire it far controlled detonation, set a tirer and run for their lives. >> they're either about 20 pounds apiece or 40 pounds and we have found some that have been daisy chained. >> reporter: gunnery sergeant brian smith is particularly wary of daisy chains, where multiple i.e.d.s are wired to go off at the same time. smith, who's from alabama, has been an explosives expert for four years. he knows how to find buried wires. and pressure plates that debt night i.e.d.s. >> this is just a simple pressure switch. it's just modified. >> reporter: with four kids back home, smith is only too conscious of the danger of i.e.d.s. now part of his job is to teach the other marines how to find them. >> you can place them anywhere around here and, you know, we just do the best we can to train the marines on where to look. >> reporter: there were 8, 159 i.e.d.s detonated or found in afghanistan last year, more than 20 a day. the marines have begun avoiding the heavily mined roads by driving through the desert, not without it own risks. on foot patrols, they stay off paths and foot bridges. instead, walking through the fields and wading canals. and this is one of the first marine battalions to bring explosive-sniffing dogs to afghanistan. they have 13 specially trained dogs. >> staff sergeant, we got a hit on the right. she's not leaving it. >> reporter: that's corporal garrett ziegler who grew up playing with dogs, dalmations and german shepherds, now he trust this is labrador, dixie, with his life. >> we click pretty well together. we make a good team. >> reporter: the dogs with can work 300 to 400 yards ahead of their handlers so if they find an i.e.d. they can alert the marines before the danger zone. but even the dogs are at risk. on may 6, the bomb-sniffing dog just north of here was killed by an i.e.d., saving the lives of three marines walking behind him. >> i'm sad. i'd be devastated if that was my dog. these dogs, you know, are there to protect marines' lives and that's what that dog did. the dog is a hero. >> reporter: there are some threats the dog cans not protect against. just five weeks after this patrol, ziegler was shot in the neck by a taliban gunman. he survived but had to be evacuated to germany. that's a loss the marine cans barely afford. with i.e.d.s so destructive and the taliban planting new ones everyday, the marines need every tool they have to stay safe. terry mccarthy, cbs news, southern afghanistan. >> couric: in south africa today, america's soccer team kept its dream alive of advancing in the world cup. it looked grim during the team's second game when slovenia scored two goals by half time, but the americans came back with two goals of their own and for a moment it looked as if they'd skerd a third. but it was called back on a questionable foul. the game ended in a 2-2 tie. the u.s. plays algeria next on wednesday. and coming up next here, it is d-day for female viagra. captioning sponsored by cbs with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rachel, who chose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ slap! ] -[ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] -ow, ow! [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums oatmeal cookies! bar bell! hey, hey, hey... what's the problem? we're shipping a package to andy but we can't send everything. it'd be too heavy. bar bell! cookies! never fear civilians! a postal carrier!! you guys need a priority mail flat rate box. only from the postal service. wha.. it's all over the tv. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. thanks, mr. postal carrier! hey, fellas! shouldn't that dog be on a leash? disney pixar's toy story 3 only in theaters. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. sometimes life can be, well, a little uncomfortable, but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go... it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. >> couric: viagra came on the market for men in 1998 and sin then some women have been wondering when they would get a pill of their own. it won't be today. an f.d.a. advisory panel voted against endorsing a drug called female viagra. michelle miller has more on today's decision. >> reporter: women say they already knew drugs aren't the answer, although they agree there is a problem, it's not with them. is there something to fix? >> no, not at all. no. >> reporter: what's the problem? >> the men. >> reporter: the f.d.a. advisory panel voted 10-1 that flibanserin was not significantly better than a placebo and unanimously that the benefits did not outweigh side effects like dizziness, nausea and fatigue. >> i'm not convinced of a clinically meaningful benefit of flibanserin. >> reporter: but experts question whether any pill designed to treat a woman's lack of sexual desire is a medical necessity or simply a marketing scheme. >> women don't need treatments with real side effects for imaginary diseases invented by marketers. >> reporter: even before the vote today, the maker of flibanserin has started a web promotion and caught heat for it. >> it's a thinly veiled profit-driven marketing campaign filled with bias, misleading, unsubstantiated information and celebrity endorsement. ♪ viva viagra... >> reporter: with almost $2 billion a year in sales, male sexual dysfunction drugs are big business so drug companies are eager to please women, too. viagra and drugs like it fix the physical problem of blood flow. but flibanserin is an antidepressants that treats vague symptoms by targeting the brain. >> i think it's a scam. >> reporter: but one woman who said she benefited from the drug and wanted to remain anonymous told cbs news medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton that struggles with desire are very real. did. >> did you ever think there was something wrong with you? >> oh, yeah. all the time. >> reporter: drug companies have tried more than two dozen times to come up with a treatment to reawaken a woman's sex life. but the idea of popping a pill for many women just isn't that sexy. >> feel the vibe. do something natural. >> reporter: michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> couric: and coming up next, a tween star tries to pop her bubble gum image. g chronic bron, emphysema, or both, great news. advair helps significantly improve lung function. while nothing can reverse copd, advair is different from most other medications because it contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help you breathe better. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. i'm glad you came, grandma. oh, me too. if copd is still making it hard to breathe, ask your doctor if including advair will help improve your lung function for better breathing. (announcer) get your first full prescription free and save on refills. they're fishermen, they're shrimpers, they're laborers, they're deckhands, they're people who work in restaurants... these are the people of the gulf coast who need our help. i'm darryl willis. i oversee bp's claims process on the gulf coast. bp has got to make things right and that's why we're here. part of that responsibility is letting you know what we're doing to make it right. we're replacing the lost income for fishermen, small businessmen and others who aren't able to work until the spill is cleaned up. our claims line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. people can call or go online and we'll help them figure out what information they need to file a claim. we've got about 900 people handling claims and 25 walk-in offices in 4 states. so far we've paid eighteen thousand claims, at no cost to taxpayers. more than fifty one million dollars. i was born and raised in louisiana. i volunteered for this assignment because this is my home. i'll be here in the gulf as long as it takes to make this right. >> couric: finally tonight, if you have tweens in the house, then miley cyrus is a household name. she's the star of t.v.'s "hannah montana" and a huge singing seine station. now anthony mason tells us cyrus, on the verge of adulthood, is attempting a high-risk makeover. >> reporter: she was a perky 12-year-old at her audition. >> i'm miley cyrus, i'm auditioning for the role of zoe in "hannah montana." >> reporter: she got the part, of course, and miley cyrus became a tween queen to millions of fans like 13-year-old natalie. >> she just is a normal teen like everyone else. >> reporter: between the t.v. show, movies, and record sales, the "hannah montana" franchise earn it is now 17-year-old cyrus $25 million a year and makes hundreds of millions for disney. >> it is the biggest teen brand that's ever been invented by disney. >> reporter: but something has happened to "hannah montana." >> oh, my god! what is she doing? ♪ i want to be a part of something i don't know ♪ >> reporter: on her new album out next week, cyrus is auditioning again, to graduate from teen idol to pop diva. >> and she's doing everything to be the opposite of what her brand was. she's becoming highly sexual. >> reporter: but with these photos in "vanity fair" two years ago, cyrus was already looking to break out. >> i think of you as a kid, but you're more than a kid. but you are a kid, right? >> yes. >> reporter: with david letterman last night, cyrus said she's just growing up. >> i don't think i've missed out on anything but i think it is... it's hard. ♪ hit me, baby, one more time >> reporter: disney stars have declared their independence before. mousketeer britney spears did in the hot pants. another mousketeer, christina aguilera, just got "dirrty." and becoming a pop star in the age of twitter-length attention spans means generating buzz. if cyrus wants to play with the big girls, she veal to compete with the likes of lay da gaga. ♪ don't call my name... >> reporter: and katy perry who know how to make people talk it could be a risky move for miley cyrus because next to them, her video "can't be tamed" looks, well, tame. anthony mason, cbs news, new york. >> couric: and that's the "cbs evening news." i'm katie couric. i'll see you monday for from the gulf coast. until then, have a great weekend and to all you dads-- especially mine-- happy father's day. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs the van der sloot crime scene photos. this is "entertainment tonight." >> the confessed killer and the images straight from the bloody scene. what the shots reveal as van der sloot is confronted inside his prison. >> was the confession unwillingly. >> plus what his ex-girlfriend had in common with the victim and gnat lee holloway. >> have you thought to yourself, i'm lucky? >> leo with his goifr, kim and

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