Everything from your littlest little ones on up to enjoy here during the season. We have lots and lots of decorated Christmas Trees here this year and our affiliated garden clubs are wonderful. Theyre madly creative. This year their theme was flights of fancy, so they all took that theme and ran with it and decorated the trees in all sorts of different ways. Interpreted it with blimps, with pollinators, with angels all over the place and thats one of the fun things for us as staff is just to walk through take a look at all these really cool themes that they have come up with. All of the Christmas Trees are spread out throughout the indoors here at the botanical garden. So any time, you know, any kind of weather thats going on youre going to be safe and nice and warm and dry inside, but we also have a spectacular light display outside this year for the first time. Staff cant get enough of it. We keep going out, were not getting a lot of work done. Were going outside and looking at all the lights and were waiting for our snow. Year. We have our big train that you can actually get on and ride and look at the lights we have outside. And then we have a smaller train that you can just look at. Its a g gauge train and that is on loan from a Railroad Society here locally. Its the best one that weve had, i think so far. Its interactive, there are some buttons that you can press and get some sounds going. This has really taken off. We started this several years ago, every year we get more and more of them and the creativity always blows me away. And we have three different categories we have professionals, we have adult and then we have family. And all three of them are something to be hold. We have over 150 of them on display. Every year we get more and more and i think next year what we need to include is some information for people to see how long it took them to make these. E creations. In evergreen adventures, this is a really nice place we think for families, just to maybe take a breath and just relax for a second, but theres all sorts of stuff to do in there. Its a room that we have back by mrs. Clauses sweet shoppe so you can get your candy and then go in and you can participate in some crafts. Weve got books that families can just sit down and read. You can build a snowman and you can decorate him you can learn about different conifers that people typically use as Christmas Trees. We have all sorts of different learning opportunities in there. And lots of nice seating for your adults to just just kind of relax for a second. We have live performances, musical performances throughout glow. The schedule is on our website. The other day we had Hathaway Browns orchestra here, they were phenomenal. Also in that area we have the tree top shop and then they can bring their purchases down their slide. And pay for those. Thats a way for them to shop for the adults in their lives and maybe give them a little surprise for the holidays. We also have an area there where you can build a Gingerbread House. So you can buy a small, medium or large and you can actually decorate it there while listening to some of the music. We have lots of refreshments and beverages, and things to eat while youre here. Its a great opportunity just to spend a couple of hours and just kinda soak in all of the holiday goodness. For members it is free. And with our integration with the Holden Arboretum even Holden Arboretum members can come in and experience glow for free. Yes indeed, glow is a Great Holiday tradition and for the holidays, special hours, open seven days a week always live music, weve got the train out there for the kids, tons of fun. Now how bout those folks out in medina county, when you walk through the doors, you will be completely overwhelmed by just how much there is. This is disneyland for christmas in medina, ohio. fastpaced Christmas Music here we are on top of santa claus mountain, where you can see the entire room of castle noel. We have whoville to our left, the grinch sleigh, you have santa claus globe from two and three. We made santa claus mountain where youre able to go and see santa and come down the slide. Bye ic of christmas. Right now were looking at cindy lou whos bedroom set. Its not recreated, its all straight from the movie. So Everybody Loves the movie elf and when i was able to find will ferrells elf costume, this has been one thats been amazing. To see everybody just, they come around the corner and they go, oh my god, its elf and then, this in to particular is my favorite piece of movie prop from elf. Its the gift of someone special. Il with patrick stewart. This is actual flying specialeffects prop used in santa claus the movie. 1984, dudley moore as patch the elf. I think whats special about the movies is that whether this one is my favorite or that one is my favorite this one is somebodys favorite. This is our i had that toy land collection the reason we have this here is because its used to get in touch with your childhood. I had that toy land is somewhere where every that makes them remember. Everyone talked to us about the authentic kingbies window displays that used to be downtown. Since people really liked these window displays, i thought, hey, we need a lot more of em. So, we went to new york and we came up with these amazing displays. Now, they all move and are detailed from lord and taylor, and saks, and bloomingdale. Its really spectacular. And thats what this whole dreams been about. Is making memories for families. So i hope this year, you dont look back and say, oh, i should have taken time. So, just take a little time. Come out, make a memory here. And it will be something that will last a lifetime. Are you ready for this . Castle noel is americas largest indoor, yearround christmas entertainment attraction. Well have more, right after the break. Were talking about holiday traditions. And here at University Circle, glidden house is certainly, a tradition. As a matter of fact, it says its been placed on the National Register of historic places. Okay, talking about historic places, movies make history right . Well now natalies at a place on the westside, its the house you saw in a christmas story. happy Christmas Music d to be here. Were at a christmas story house. Theyre making someone right now stay inside of the sink because that is one of the most iconic scenes, right . From the movie . Yes, the house we want, you know, to be completely interactive. Climb under the sink, you know, sit on the boys bed, touch the leg, its completely interactive. Thats what we wanted people along with getting a nice informative little tour. How many of the scenes in the movie were really shot here . How much of the movie is really shot in the house . [steve] well it was really mainly done for its exterior look, interiors, i mean even . Nowadays done it on a sound stage. The house is really small. So basically once you start to get some camera crew in here, you get people in here, theres really not a lot of room. So it was predetermined that the interior would be done on a sound stage. But what weve done, is weve recreated the sound stage in the original house that they used in the exteriors shots. So you would really feel, i mean this is what it would look like. Definitely, definitely. Ant you to come in here, get the feeling that youre in ralphes house. You know, its all time period appropriate. So you get to come in, and have fun like you are on the movie set. I love this. Were gonna head into the kitchen, were going swaps spaces with people because i know everybodys taking tours here, so everybodys leaving for the tour. [steve] yeah of course, you know in the living room youve got the leg lamp, thats the most iconic part of the movie. Fra gi e the mothers here, you know, the old mans outside. So yeah, its a fun experience with everything we have here. So when you do come here, you will get that opportunity to know what was here, what wasnt here. And get the chance to walk around and have fun like these people are. [natalie] i love it, can we go upstairs real quick too . [steve] oh we definitely can. Alright, these arent really ralphs teeth marks i see on that soap bar, correct . No they arent ralphies teeth marks, but believe it or not they are somebodys teeth marks. Which is you know, just as bad. Did he really use the soap in the movie . No in the movie, it was just a plastic prop, but this is the actually soap you can see that people have actually had put it in their mouths. They probably are, yes. Outside, the exterior shots, those were shot here right . Yes, now, unlike the inside which you would only did a little bit, and you know, here and there, outside is mainly what the house was used for. So black bars scenes out front, coming up an down the porch, up and down the street, all that was done here at the house. [natalie] it is so incredibly cool and if you havent had enough of a thrill just walking through the house, you can actually take some great memorabilia home with you. So i wanna go check out your gift store real quick. [steve] that sounds good, thats great. Okay, out of all of these here, im guessing this is the one thats sized from in the movie. Yes, thats are fullsized 50 inch select leg lamp, thats the size you would see in the movie. Its pretty its tall. I love behind it too, youve got the bunny suits. Yes, bunny suits, you know, large one, mediums, and even down to the child ones. So, all different kinds of bunny suits, all different sizes of legs. Basically all your souvenir needs. Yes, thats of course [natalie] of course. Thats of course the theme of the gift shop, so you know, were themed out in the crates and basically anything you can think of, tshirts, mugs, anything that you want. Anything you can think of from the movie, they even have a special here on bb guns. Red ryder bb guns. Which of course, you cant think of that movie without thinking of bb guns. Exactly. And little cool things to go to take here, like i see here the fudge, the oh fudge. Yeah, little packages for onthego, people come in here, get a little hungry, get a little bit of oh fudge. You can have the whole house and the whole town basically, if you wanted. The department 56 village does a great job and we carry all the little accessories, so what you see in these little displays, you can create not only with the buildings, but all the accessories that we carry as well. So cool. It is so cool. You can definitely reminisce about your childhood then too. Of course yes. Are you ready for more holiday traditions . Well how bout the Cleveland Museum of Natural History . Ing up after the break. Just fifteen minutes and a little imagination are all you need to make holiday magic. Chex party mix. Its what the holidays are made of. Crazy on the inside. Welcome back to new day cleveland. Okay, now its time to head over to tower city, weve gonna catch up with natalie, because shes with mr. Kringle. I love that name. Mr. Kringle and his inventionasium. We are now at tower city, and what a great place to bring the little ones. If you havent heard of it before, im telling you, you are going to want to bring the kids here. Were right in front of the sweet factory, foot locker, but i really want to go inside. So lets go. frolic Christmas Music this is unlike anything ive ever seen before in my life. This is awesome and then cory, whos going to be helping us take this tour. Families just go nuts over this, im sure the kids must love this. You have everyone in here dressed in extravagant costumes. These are all citizens [fancypants] but we live here. Thats right, they are all citizens of the land of north. These are my clothes, not a costume. Im sorry. Does it look costumey . Its beautiful. No, no, ms. Fancy is always at the height of fashion. I love this, this is amazing. So you bring families in here, and they go into each these different spaces. Correct. And explain kind of what happens for me. Well, the inventionasium really is where mr. Kringle creates all of his inventions to then distribute for christmas. What he does is, he brings in inventors from the land of clev and he gives them lab coats themselves so they can become inventors for the day. They go on a tour through the inventionasium and they participate in some activities with mr. Kringles famed inventogogists. [natalie] so how do i get to live with you here then . Because now i feel like i want to come live here. Well you have to move to the land of the north. Oh, im moving with you to the land of the north i already met you, were in. Certainly. You do match, you look beautiful. So im gonna leave you, is that okay . Certainly, i suppose if you have to go we have to go because i want to see more of these places, nice to meet you ms. Fancy. Okay, so this is just more of what we can come and see. This is the i did it testing facility and this year in this particular department, we are focusing on observation and documentation, so when we create our creatures with these zolo pieces, we use to come up with those particular pieces. Look at this. Thats right. You want bubbles right . So kids can come in here, and what do they do . Well what we discovered, what mr. Kringle has discovered is that bubbles, they will stay unpopped if you have your hands gloved. So you can juggle with them. Look at that. Or pass them back and fourth. Oh, i hit it too hard. Bubbles are shy. They are a little shy, so you do need to be careful. Sometimes they will just pop on their own but look at how neat that is. Thats right. I did it we also discovered mr. Kringle discovered, that these bubbles, as soon as they pop, they create ideas. So when this bubble pops, a new idea is just gonna pop right in your head. You ready . Yes. Alright. What was it . Um. laughs . Something to do with purple. Purple right . How did you know . Purple pancakes. Yes oh my gosh, youre good. Yes, mr. Grace is quite a mind reader. So, how many different stations are there . There are five. Five stations. Thats right. And when people come in, do they have to make a reservation . How does this work . People will make reservations to come in, and that way they dont have to wait in the long line outside to see mr. Kringle. And of course at the end of our experience here at the inventionasium, you do the most important part is that you get to have your four minutes with mr. Kringle t with him all by yourself, with your family. [natalie] you get that whole experience, and then once you head out, theres a little gift store where you can buy some things as well. Thats right. And you can look at your photos that are taken professionally in mr. Kringles office. So you can choose photo packages as well. I love this what is that . This is our bubble volcano, yes. That is pretty amazing. Are you ready . Yes. I really kinda want to stay here, forever. Wed love for you to stay, or come back and visit whenever you like. This is so great, ds would absolutely go nuts over this place. And you know what . I came up with another great idea. Purple . Aside from purple. I really think that the next thing that we do, is do a little shopping. Lets do it. Great idea right . Dont forget me alright . I wont forget you on my shopping list. Natalies certainly having some fun with holiday traditions, and we are too, here back at University Circle, were gonna head over to the home of the dinosaurs. Thats right, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Is your one stop shop for all of the wonderful celebration of nature and science. Everything from dinosaurs, to meteors to stuffed animals, to life in the past, life in the present day. We have it all here. Its a really cool interactive place to be. So were really, really excited about and this is a traveling exhibit thats put together by the American Museum of Natural History and its open until january 4th. And it features the sauropods, the largest of all of the dinosaurs. How they lived, how they moved, what they ate. How they able to pump blood through that giant body of theirs. Even things about how what kind of eggs they hatched out of and it even includes a really cool dig pit. Where kids can come and they actually can dig its a fabulous exhibit, again, from the American Museum of Natural History. This winter catches us, sort of a between place in terms of our live animals. Perkins Wildlife Centers closed as we are building a brand new one in the southside of the campus. But we have created live Animal Encounters in our environmental courtyard, right off the lobby. So folks can come, and they can see our two red foxes, our two north American River otters, and our four coyotes, frolicking particularly in the snow. And we also have live animal shows that we do daily at 1 30, and on weekends at 1 00 and 3 00pm. Part of the live animal shows that we do will be feeding demonstrations and training and enrichment demonstrations. It gives you a great insight into how we maintain the animals here, how we build strong relationships with them, and how we make sure that they are available for the called the shafran planetarium. And its this wonderful 80 seat planetarium. Very intimate, they can showcase all the wonders of the night sky. But they can also broadcast these productions that are put together by places like the American Museum of Natural History. And we are currently premiering the dark universe, and its narrated by none other than Neil Degrasse tyson. Sort of everyones favorite astrophysicist, so were really excited about that. Because we have real objects and real stuff. Everyone wants to get their hands on it. And of course, theres a lot of places where, you know, maybe youre not allowed to touch. But we have a place called our smead discover center that in fact is devoted to a handson experience. Kinda geared toward the younger set, but its actually Family Friendly handson learning. Its a really wonderful opportunity and they leave several hours later, because its so much fun. We encourage folks to come down here, we are open daily, we have wonderful activities, a great place to bring the family, and if youre looking for gift ideas, you certainly can get gift coupons, give a Gift Membership or admission, because this is a great thing to share. The love of nature and science, and what a great place to share it, right here in cleveland, ohio. Is open seven days a week, closed on holidays and of course, its fun for people of all ages. Coming up next, were serving up something on ice, and its not drinks. Well see you after the break. T were talking about holiday traditions here and ive come up to the ice rink here at University Circle to talk to chris over here. Hey chris, you got some time . Get away from the girls for awhile. You got it. My wonderful students of monastery high school. Yes, its great to have em out here at the rink. The rinks been here, what, about four years now . Right, we have had real ice, right out here the only outdoor rink in cleveland, right here at wade oval the center of the University Circle campus. And yeah, for four years running, weve had a wonderful outdoor ice rink. [david] what i like about this too is, you dont have to count on Mother Nature here. [chris] thats right. [david] this babys gonna be frozen up and ready to go all the time. [chris] coil cool thanks to our friends at iceland, they do a great job with the rink at wade oval. [david] you know, ive had a chance to travel and see all the beautiful decorations and all the holiday traditions, were talking about on new day cleveland today. And there are a lot of activities that go along with that here, arent there . [chris] new day cleveland is a very appropriate framework for a new day at University Circle. [david] oh great [chris] weve had, wonderfully in the last century, weve had these wonderful institutions that i have dotted the landscape around this wade oval campus and really created one of the worlds cultural gems. Worlds cultural gems. Cleveland museum of art was the first among us, and theyre celebrating centennial anniversary. If youve not visited the art museum in a while, you go inside there, and its like you feel like a tourist the first time in new york city, looking up at the ceiling. Its, and they, you know, have this wonderful exhibit going on, painted gardens, thats a wonderful collection of manets to which the museum so you have a little indoors outdoors, outdoors indoors kind of thing. Thats right, and we you know, have really had the benefit of, the led all comers as the First Institution out in the circle, and they growing up around em are these other institutions. The glow shell at the cleveland botanical garden. The Gingerbread Houses, the trees at the garden. Its a great family festive environment this time of year. Natural history museums going in through a major renovation actually, 150 Million Dollar addition, but the show goes on at the museum of Natural History and some great exhibitory going on this Holiday Season. You know if you think you know University Circle because you were here as a kid, and you came with a school class or something, if that five years ago, 10 years ago, if that was 20 years ago, its a whole new world here. And its amazing how, the youth has made it with the old, its intergenerational. It really is. You know, another institutional reference is the History Center, formally known as the west reserve historical center. [david] thats what they called it when i was a kid [chris] yeah, the Cleveland History Center, and a great intergenerational opportunity there is the carousel. Its the formal euclid beach carousel that used to be at euclid beach amusement park. Grandparents remember it, but grandkids are riding it for the first time. And its a great, great collection right near the crawford auto and aviation collection there. So weve got a dozen of these institutions but, you know, we also encourage people to do Holiday Shopping here. Theres great gift shops, really unique places. [david] great gift shops, i love the gift shops. And you know, there are a lot of great places to eat here. Like if you havent been here in a while, i just love some of the little, out of the way little eateries, its just a terrific place. [chris] weve got the happy dog at the euclid tavern. [david] i love that [chris] it came over from the westside. [david] great music over there huh . [chris] great musical venue there. Weve got zach purrell, with two of his great restaurants here, dynomite and of course lubwoodtro. Weve got some great Museum Restaurants as well. Because this is a very global place with the influence of our hospitals and our universities and our students that come from all over the world. So we sort of aim to please. Were right around the corner from little italy. We have a new heath line, or new red line listen to this guy, listen to him go, huh . Weve got a lot going on. And the other thing i encourage people to do, when youre visiting University Circle, take a look at the Cultural Gardens at rockefeller park. A lot of people coming from the north from i90. Fantastic. One of the most beautiful parks in the world. Slow down and enjoy the ride. Exactly. And when you get a chance, w cemetery. We tell people, you know, you can find yourself in the circle, find just about anything in the world here on a days visit and come back all year long. [david] you should be a tour guide. Hey, we are. Were asking three million visitors to come out and see us this year. Thats great and they should. Thank you. Thank you chris. [chris] happy holidays. [david] and talking about another great place, its in akron, historic, its beautiful its stan hywet hall. warm Christmas Music well christmas at stan hywets always been important, especially the seiberling family. Actually, they moved in around christmas time in 1915, enjoying the home right away as part of christmas, and its always been a huge part of the family tradition. Were trying to showcase some of those traditions here this year as part of our event. This is our 100th anniversary, and so christmas has been a special time here at stan hywet, were trying to continue that. Santa claus is here every night, he lights our Christmas Tree around 5 30. We have fresh hot chocolate, we have our dazzle light show, happening in the garden. We have 22 rooms inside the house, come enjoy. Of course, the manor house here is pretty amazing, its 64,000 square feet. Its the 6th largest estate in the country. But then outside, we got so much going on that you could really pace yourself and its all selfguided, its at your leisure. So youre not being forced in any direction. We have Community Groups from all over and musicians from all over the area that throughout deck the halls. So we have, 27 nights that we every night will have someone perform in this music room, so you can really experience the room itself as its meant to be used, and you really can hear tremendous music and performances. And its great for the folks who are volunteering, to be able to be in this space and to use it the way guests would have used it back when the seiberlings were here. Something special that were hoping can be here this year cause of our 100th anniversary after all. And its a replica of the manor house. Its all made of editable things, gingerbread, weve got candies and Everything Else that make a Gingerbread House. And it really is spot on and detailed. The Gingerbread House was made by john learner, whos a local dentist from cago falls, so it would be put on show for the season. And were just so thankful for that. This is a brand new foreseen hywet, our first animated store front window that weve actually built from scratch. And our Facilities Team did that. And its very special to us because its our hundredth anniversary and this depicts downtown akron around a hundred years ago. And its of an area that most of us has never seen, thats now cascade plaza. And so, this was a very famous corner of old akron, and the big building to the left is the original quaker oats factory, and so most folks this is an amazing sort of pictorial of history of akron, 100 years ago. Christmas Music well people enjoy stan hywet their guests to enjoy it, a hundred years ago. So were trying to keep that legacy going. Deck the hall is a beautiful time to visit stan hywet hall. So you guys having a good time . [group] yes. You guys like the holidays . [group] yes. Okay, we got some holiday traditions, okay, when you talk about holiday traditions, what could be more refreshing than great Lakes Christmas ale . energetic Christmas Music like the fox in the hen house or the kid a candy store, s this . Especially because were coming up on the Christmas Season. Luke purcell, brew master right . Yup, yup, how ya doin . Im doing great, i hear your making Something Special for the holidays. We make something people might of heard of, yeah. I think its called the Great Lakes Brewing Company christmas ale. Right, thats it. Okay, so i smell something here, what makes it different . Well, we have cinnamon, whole cinnamon sticks, fresh gingerroot that we put in there, we also put 600 pounds of honey in every batch. [david] 600 pounds of honey. Whole neighborhood smile, like apple pie. [david] its funny, you taste it, and you dont really taste all those ingredients, but they sort of come together into Something Special dont they . [luke] oh yeah, definitely a balance of all those flavors, its not one that dominates, we hope anyways. Thats our goal. Yeah . So this is the grains sitting on top of some strainer plates and were collecting all the extract from the malted barley. At this point, in at sending the liquid over to the next vessel, which is the boil kettle where well add the cinnamon and ginger and the honey as well. The place smells special. It gets to the stores, you sell it out, i mean, what makes you not sell it longer . How do you make well part of that, part of that is thats part of the appeal of it its only available for the season, a short time and the other thing is, it takes up a lot of our space for other beers which are popular right now and are not making much of those because of making so much christmas ale for the last couple of months. energetic Christmas Music does it have a shelf life . Oh definitely, we have a shelf life thats on the bottle. The Expiration Date is on the bottle, there are people that like to save it beyond that, and thats their preference but we have it on there through lots of lab research. [david] why does it only last so long . [chris] well theyre perishable in that way and we dont do any kind of preservatives or anything like that. So, its even a shorter shelf life because of those reasons. It just doesnt nothings gonna be in the beer that any kind of beer thats going to make people sick. It just doesnt taste as good after a certain amount of time. You know, i travel a lot, so people always ask me about the Great Lakes Brewing Company and people know about your beer, the brewmaster doing the job. One last question, the ale is here, the christmas ale is here, but when you go to a bar, and you sit down, its on tap, or its in bottles, what does the brewmaster order . I would order it on tap. Its a good place where i know the draft beers gonna be good and the lines are all going to be clean and the beers gonna be delicious. Ive settled that argument for a lot of people, thank you very much. Alright, it was great talking to you. Hey, merry christmas. Merry christmas. energetic Christmas Music now youre ready for a trip back in time. Thats right, were headed to the Cleveland History Center. light Christmas Music the Cleveland History Center is the complex in University Circle that holds cleveland stories. Some may not recognize that, they may recognize the western reserve historical society. That is the name of the Larger Organization that operates multiple sites across North Eastern ohio. Is the Cleveland Historical center and we have cars, airplanes, costumes, two historic mansions. And right now we have some wonderful Holiday Celebration displays. This is the second year weve introduced this exhibit, its a look at how clevelanders celebrate their holidays, regardless of which holiday they celebrate. We are made up of a variety of cultures we do celebrate christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa variety of other holidays, and we give a taste of those throughout the month. And then, leaving into the new year. The focal point of this is a look back at the higbees displays that many people fondly remember from their childhood going downtown. So, one could stroll through a wonderland, looking at the higbee mechanicals. And a scene that looks like youre and then they can venture on throughout the History Center where we have holiday decour looking at all the different traditions in cleveland. Added on during the Holiday Season in the weekends, we do have webers custard, here selling the higbees frosted malt. As well as the euclid beach its reminiscent of the euclid beach frozen whip. So, beyond the entrance with the higbee wonderland, we do have a historic mansion, the haymckinney mansion, is decorated for the holiday represent other traditions. So along with our, traditions, were inviting the community to come in and celebrate a new tradition, riding the euclid beach grand carousel. The carousel is one year since it opened and families are continuing to return and come back. It is a restored carousel from Euclid Beach Park and it is memories for people who may remember riding when they were a child and creating new memories with their children ide again. So another highlight at the Cleveland History Center, is the crawford auto aviation museum, where we showcase the Auto Industry in north east ohio as well as the evolution of the auto mobile in america. A highlight that weve introduced this Holiday Season is a model t that you can actually sit in. To often you come look at the cars and you cant touch, you cant get up close, you cant look inside, its a great way for the kids to spend off some energy, so thats a great introduction that weve added this Holiday Season. It will continue past the holiday into 2016, so if you cant make it down right away, it is here, please come visit us. The Cleveland History Center really is the keeper of all of north east ohio stories. Cleveland has such a rich history and by naming this site, it better explains to the community that we are your place we are the place of pride, nse of place that come in from out of town. If you live in town and want to get closer to your background, to your city, were the place to help you do that. The thing to remember is, theres always something great going on at the Cleveland History Center. If its not music, its handson activity, all kinds of great stuff, but they are closed on monday. When we come back, more new day cleveland, holiday traditions. My job is not only the curator w it is represented and how it is displayed, explain that to me again please. Alright, heres the deal. Im gonna pretend im with the irs. Im gonna say you owe back taxes and threaten you with jail time. Thatll scare you into giving me a whole bunch of your money. I also need your Social Security number, too, because then i can really take you to the cleaners. Unfortunately, its never this obvious. Thats why were here. Dedicated to protecting ohio families its a show of holiday traditions, and natalie has one for us that maybe a discover for you, a beautiful place, its called the museum of divine statutes. Its that time of year, the Holiday Season so theres always all that hustle and bustle, and a lot going on in your life. Well, sometimes you need to just find your inner peace and center. And the museum of divine statutes here in lakewood, lous place, is definitely the place to do that. [lou] especially for the Holiday Season. Alie] i would love to just walk around here with you lou because there is so much what would you explain to people what this is, really . Well this is many things, it started with a particular mission which was specifically rescuing a lot of the artwork from the closed parishes in cleveland, and has begun to evolve into something pretty amazing. So speaking of amazing and evolving, i can bring you over and well take a look at a particular piece and you can see how the museum is way bigger than just statues. And also from our diocese here in cleveland. That piece is unbelievable. It is unbelievable. It is on loan to us from the Cleveland Catholic diocese. In this particular piece is called the monstreds and it is it was and it was manufactured in prague by a very famous company. And it is a reproduction of the famous one thats in prague. And the only difference is, is the one in prague is diamonds, this one is rhinestones. But you can see how absolutely beautiful it is. And its used during adoration into the center of the piece there. So, where have you gotten all of these from, over time . Well one of the main focuses of the museum again, was to rescue these artifacts and statues from the closed parishes in cleveland. So we actually raised enough money to buy everything back. [natalie] so these are not donations. [lou] thats correct. The majority of the museum was all pieces that were purchased, that came from donations from some of our, very generous people. At when you have rescued them are extremely meaningful to i know youve had to had to actual restore a lot of them yourself. Correct. My job is not only the curator, which is the person that decides which artwork is put on the floor, and how it is represented and displayed, but im also the restoration artist. If youd like to take a look over here, we have the very first piece in the collection that i restored and rescued in the closed churches in cleveland. So this particular statue is called the mother of grace. So every weekend, i would go and purchase these statues and bring them back to the shop and actually begin to restore them. And when i say restoration, shes had a complete paint job from head to toe. And whats interesting is, my other job of being a Makeup Artist and manufacturing cosmetics, ties into this so well because thats how i got my training to paint. In order to keep Something Like this running, youre gonna need a little bit of help. And right now, its a really, really though time because we purchased all of this and basically used all the funds that weve had. And one of the neat things is, this museum has become a Cultural Center now. Weve done the mission of rescuing the work and now were building on that and making this a place that is an extension of peoples churches, its an extension of the Catholic School classrooms for the students. So its been great to receive the School Children here and then also the senior groups we do these great guided tours, so people book the appointment and bring the group here and i take them through the whole museum and tell em all the stories, we show the all the photographs and everything. Its a really nice time. Wow. Its great that you are here to be able to help people go through this process and really explain to them too, what their seeing. And youre open how many days a week . Were opened on sundays only from noon to four. Okay. But then we do the special tours tuesdays, wednesdays, and thursdays that are by appointment by the 10 oclock time slot. And they get to see how the museum was built and how it is that i do the restoration work too. I think this time of year it might be, it might be nice for people to come in and see Something Like this. [lou] we have a beautiful nativity this year thats set up too. [natalie] you have it set up beautifully. I must say. [lou] thank you. [natalie] thanks so much. [lou] thanks for being here. [natalie] come here to the museum of divine statues here in lakewood. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. A beautiful place, and if you want to take a group for a tour, tours by appointment only. Okay, now its time to go to christmas world, and where might that be . Ashtabula. traditional Christmas Music [toni] christmas world started 25 years ago. It was my dads dream to always have a display similar to what he used to see growing up in downtown cleveland. And then in 1986 he opened his first animated walkthrough display and all of this that youve seen here today has grown in the last 25 years. We literally used to sleep here overnight, while my mom and dad were building it and they would order pizzas for us and it was a lot of fun to sleep in santas little house and watch all the Christmas Lights start to arrive. traditional Christmas Music christmas world has 5500 square feet , from the lights, from the decorations the trees, even the carpets and the rugs are christmas, and you can take all that home with you to make your house the same way. Prelit has definitely become a more popular style, it saves people a lot of time, not having to worry about putting your own lights on your tree. And theyre also hinged, so its very easy you can take it out of the box and start to set it up and fluff your tree, because no two are the exact same. They have unique faces and everyone has a different style of clothing and can fit into different families styles and lives. They just have anything you could possibly want and its all beautiful. [toni] are midwest shimmers is something new and very popular this year and over the last few years. They plug in, or theyre batteryoperated, which makes it very convenient. So you can decorate and bedazzle your desk. I think if you cant find something here, you cant find it anywhere. [toni] when you walk into our ornament room, we have thousands and thousands of ornaments in just about any style or hobby that you may have. This wall right here is all of our old world christmas, which takes you back to the old style ornaments. The very fragile glass. But they have all the different styles such as pirates and sports teams and flowers and birds. You name it, and we have it here. Everyone loves our snowing Christmas Tree. There are two pipes that run through this tree to keep the constant flow of snow going. And its a lot of fun for the kids to come and see the snow inside the store. Its always a good way to start your Christmas Season with us at christmas world. traditional Christmas Music well i hope you enjoyed our collection of holiday traditions, i know i did. Im david moss, and for nelly herbick and the entire staff here at new day cleveland, dr. Oz today on the dr. Oz show. You have heard it before, drink to lose. We dont know if its true or false, the mystery ends today. We bust 99 body magics, you need to stop believing in right now. Grinching chlorophyll to lose weight. Belly fat in particular. Dr. Oz we destroy diet myths. Coming up next well save lives today you guys want to get healthy [cheers and applause]

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