Watches warnings. Overnight lows tonight and additional investment of list of between three and six and whole lot more and snowbelt. A fox 8 the official School Closing station with closings and delays onair, online. The only show that starts at 4 00 a. M. Until the investigation into a city worker getting paid after he was to see. N all kinds of questions about that as ed gallek has more on what he found. Exposing with the top secrets investigation, that the crossing guard died but got paid after. Across go and get paid keep their children safe now that iteam uncovered claims that the crossing guard died but the city kept sending out paychecksc may have gone on for months maybe a couple of years. Out of a paid employee who died that it makes me sick sick thats outright. S the audit how to uncover that a crossing guard had died but was still getting paid and asked how long itguge went on and did somebody prove the payments to a dead person and what happened to the money . Couldnt could the crossing guards get paid 20 a day plus they get medical i prescription overtime, and all of that adds up to. Went to the building that the kitty policing unit that oversees crossing guards for no luck but no luck getting answers comment. Uc there has to be some lack of oversight on somebodys part of. He has askedme hard questions about the system before. Take these jobs dont do it for benefits. Know that they czechs have encased in a mother is gone but we have to find out that the benefits were being used toi babysit as this taxpayer. They need to go to jail. Investigation handled by the police out of the st jude directors officeo internal investigation no telling how not getting passed off asimi paperwork mixup. A how could this have been allowed to continue . And where those benefits getting used and that could be criminal depending on what they find and that could lead to some internal charges that they find jobe or there was perhaps a kind of scam. Johnny manziel really have a concussion . . Accusations that he was drunk and that the team tried to cover it up and down more controversy rs controversy for johnny manziel. Nfl Network Michael Silver reported that china john selick into the facility december 30 drunk and he said the team lied about a concussion protocol, he than he did not play the final game and according to reports that side trip to las vegas. The Team Released a statement he did in fact report facility with concussion symptoms on december 30 and that he deadness medical appointment with medical personnelt sunday morning january 3 and was rumored to be in las vegas that weekend in disguise was tested by independent neurologists entering to the links concussion protocol and they say remained in the protocol until january 12 after being cleared by the independent neurologists back after the story broke, silver said that at the brown said they did not lie about his diagnosis then i will take them at their word you regret using that term themselves, simply do not look drunk that day and when a player can pick a player up where complaints are concussion symptoms u the team takes him at his word placement into the concussion particle. T the browns perspective is that there was an independent neurologists,. And not clear to be out of the protocol with the browns you are , it is determined by an independent neurologists. Has been a steady pace today and its New Hampshire polling site says voters way weighed in, john kasich possibly win before mostw were open, but but three goes to Donald Trumps two votes inuu the town of Dixville Notch he led most polls by double digits coming into today real battle is for second place, ted cruz is in the half hunt after his iowa victory,e Chris Christie in, bush touted her experience as governors, the race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is tighter than ever,rtw coming up next half hour, left to New Hampshire for an update of. New details on the side they have recovered a vehicle involving theav carjacking turn kidnapping, the three or victim is home safe as Jennifer Jordan has the latest. Major piece of evidence connected to the crime is now now in place possession of. This chevy suv found out tuesday afternoon in cleveland carjacking stolen at his carnegie this carnegie and 30 th monday night unaware that a trio girl was in the backseat ina happened about 15 seconds a guy got out of the car in about 15 seconds later jumped in the car about 8 00 p. M. The driver, Frederick Grair told police he left the keys in the ignitionli when he went inside to pay for the gasoline that is through cousin inside and out in that in a matter of seconds they were gone. Crime captured on video. Gas station owner followed in his car. Somebody said that the car went west on creating so i followed my car to try to follow f to see if they dropped her off. 10 minutes later are the real passerby at broadway and morten avenue, she was uninjured and she said there were three men inside the car at the timere. The police are still hunting for the suspects, they did arrest the toddlers as a Frederick Grair who had outstanding warrants facing charges ofd driving with a suspended license and child endangering to leave a car Running Specialty job there is a reason for the long. To try a 17yearold as an adult the High School Student accused of killing kent state student Nicholas Massa during a robbery s. Chris massey was visiting the apartment and threeh broke and demanded money. Scheduled first week in march of. Truckstops for facing in a rebate scheme scheme, indicted on one account ande then counts of wire fraud is also not at at all accounts of witness tamperingng, jimmy haslam not among those indicted several pilot flying j. Please have pled guilty to. Breaking news, have learned of a second case of the zika virus northeast ohio, the first was a cleveland woman for the past hour ive learneded of the second, a stark county man is matt wright is outside of the department of health. They just confirmed the second case is aa 12yearold man from stark countyma who just returned from a trip from haiti, unrelated to another case of a womanla also traveled to haiti, last week with symptoms of that has fully recovered. Today we received confirmation of the virus in virus in its earlier womans. She returned from a trip last week marking the first case in ohio and 36 nationwide mainly spread by mosquitoes, in the caseos transmitted by a man who returned from an infected area they sent him a mosquito that spreads it is found and tropical climatesmm and not in ohio. Should i be worried worried about a local. They say that just that just one out of five people who contracted for both symptoms, usually not including fever rash , and red eye, blood test conference at which is in the western for about one week. Problem is for the pregnant a problem for others. He says that when contracted by pregnant women the virus could infect the baby spring grove. We are concerned because it is one of the most important p organs in the body that may be longterm problems back they wanted to take precautions like using insect repellent if you travel to the caribbean, central or south american. That she should not travel to those areas if you are pregnant or you tel plan to become pregnant anytime in the future. They say that there is a type of mosquito found here that could potentially transmit the virus soto theyre planning to increase mosquito spraying once the season startss in may best way to avoid it ism to take repellent. Is the end of an era for a longstanding tradition after 24 years, live nation is canceling 2016 or triggered rib cookoff, barry gabel says they decided to move onr, and focus on other this we scolded his time timeme time to the afford to help others, an Organization Called your enterprise alleging warm weather clothing accessoriesar at the tank was building on Center Street on the west bank of the flats, they will thenth go on the streets delivering care packages to those who need to. Spite all of the negative thingss in the city at times, it is important that you display love. And permeated throughout the citys. That volunteers will pack it up between 10 00 a. M. And 2 00 p. M. Before handing it out. There is a path that will help you to get ahead of the sick whether a brainchild of a maryland man. Notice that his face or friends were sick, could disease information that they can see in real time but what a senator we. Have successfully identified it ahead of the cdc is about a. If you sign up you can even get a threat assessment of illness, directly tol. The snow is starting to fall with some extremely cold weather is the coldest season this weekend. Visibility has been issued it has been that light snowfall. You cannot see the skyline. The temperatures have been stagnant for the past 24 hours. The kitchen up a little close to about to have feeble normal. Sunset at 5 53 p. M. There is is some snow falling. You can see, basically blanketing the county in portions ofnt ashtabula and all of cuyahoga county. This bill does not allow a half is significant decrease for most. Low pressure has outlived the last 24 hours. This is a trough in the northwest is pushing it to the south last few hours there have lakeeffect morning for geauga and ashtabula countyty and along the lecture including lake county starting tonight through thursday. Just like it it is in the teens. Tonight today tomorrow to start starts to turn into a lake effect event through thursday. Thursday afternoon, eight 12 inches. Tonight, theres wanting. Up to 3 inches of snow but because of the lake enhancementu will be noir lake driven tomorrow with high temperatures midtwenties. To 6 inches. T and then pretty much done at that point for most of the area untilat tomorrow night stub out your going to get hit on thursday falls back into the teams with overnight lows in the single digits. And saturday could be the coldest day of the bar controversy surrounding johnny manziel, and did the browns cover for himb and said he Something Else that it found if the networks maisel reported that theai team was not truthful when they saidn he had a concussion when in fact he was drunk, that report prompted the the team to be sustained that said he did reporte to the facility on december 30 withr concussion symptoms and then he was placed in the protocol, they said that he remained in the he was cleared by an independent neurologist. Nts have to remember that if they are complaints of symptoms thatla they have to take him at his word. Silver later tweeted that he stands by his report that manziel shouldve drunk, but went on, to say that the browns sayh they did not lie about the the diagnosis that will take them at their word and regret using that term. W candidate was criticized for his postgame demeanor sunday after thehe panthers lost lost, but that he softened his stance . He said basically that it is who i am and i can change how others perceive me. He spoke with reporters today it was him defending himself. Companies that are condemning. C but what makes you right . I i am a sore loser, who likes to lose, you show me a good loser and i will show you a loser. The cavaliers are getting whatat aggravated to what the coach wants. Is a money as example, especially kyrie irvingo make it a point, in the second last game before the break he had a 32 points to lead and was not just that it was impressive he tied a careerhigh with 12 assists to spark the offense and jeri smith was also daily shots, he says that the strategy is paying off the. Is aof card, you try to find the office of package that we can flow into as we go gave to gain. And tomorrow, at the q. The and live picture, or getting att glimpse of what is to come come, snowfall malay special in the outrage after a 12 yearold was robbed sunday afternoon snack market into a corner store to buy candy asft peggy gallek has a lot more. The boys father in store owner are concerned that this is the latest in a string of islands in the neighborhood, six weeks agon, men with guns rob the place back violence, caught on the present deejays deli, as those concerted. The place reviewed the camera and these guys dont care that theye ought on camera. The robber happened around midnight decemberh december 233, side of clevelandre grabbed a key out of the running outdoor. I annoy customers to feel like they things thatat are going on they should feel safe, coming to a local store we have been here over 24 years. This is a crime is continuing incr on sunday afternoon he told t her was robbed front of the storere. Video shows him walking to the business about 215 with a group of teenagers call him over , the boy says that they showed a gun demanding money and he gave themn all that he had, the boy is upset. They took 2 from him at gunpoint. The store owners along with councilman zack reed while the violence to stop before it gets worsecoed and someone is heard. A pogo boy, has to feel the f effects of being robbed or 2 it just goes to show that we clearly have let this problem of think that we are behind bulletproof glass, without that, i dont no. The good news is that nobody was injured, if you know anything about either video called the cleveland police. Maintain a call to 911, part of the college graphic is jack shea has a storied. O fourtier dean simms calls report he has taken the lives of his sister,ak fitzgerald Cindy Gesaman and brother or father of randy szychowicz. Said there have been a history of disputes betweeno him and his siblings at the homen on by the apparent. What made you do that . Lifelong of headaches. Two hours before the murder was committed they were called said that he was throwingh beer bottles at her. The Police Reported that the siblingsh agreed to go to sleep the for the night and. I just cannot deal with it anymore. C now im out to two separate. Called up said that after he called s them his his that his best friend. I agrees to surrender to officers arrived at how. Can you walk outside to meet with the officers . Yesanan. About to put on shoes. Jack shea fox 8 news medina county. 10 milliondollar bond. Workers stay ahead of the oncoming storm the challenge is the is the rainfall that came before the snowfall, usually they try to pretreat the road but cannot because thet rainfall was washing it away, t but now theyre gently ready to roll the. Y but that was prepared with andy snow plows, theyre going to be working 12 hour shifts around the clock of. Remind everybody of your Winter Driving skills and give the trucks room to work. Could see that they were all over the placece. Theyre going to send out some weather headlines. Lake erie is going to be cranking starting tomorrow. It is enhanced by lake erie but it starts to kick in tomorrow afternoon. Snowfall mix novell will be between eight 12 inches it will be very cold. On thursday into the weekend the highs will be in the midteens of 220s. On valentines day starting out about 0 degrees with a high of about 20 degrees snowfall that is falling extending o across canada and into it will slow you down with reduced visibility and this is a large area of low pressure, to the southeast of atlanta is getting some wintry precipitation. He look at the snowflakes due to the trough. Eventually it will transfer into lake effect event tomorrow into thursday midday before tapering off. What a sick effect for ashland county, ashtabula and Geauga County through thursday. Really county and there is a lake effect in effect until but a thursday will be extremely cold general i snowfall tonight widespread scatter snowfall tomorrow. And then tomorrow night into thursday ledge road tonight about 20 degrees. Oneinch for everybody up to three in the snowbelt and tomorrow between three and six in the snowbelt and you saw those grand totals by midday thursday with thursday the highs in the teensit on saturday, potentially the coldest day of the year. Sa fox 8 the official School Closing station with closings and delays onair, online. And remember fox 8 news is the onlyyal clue the morning show that starts at 4 00 a. M. Less than two hours to cast your expectingngs san are stopping until the last ballots are cast. Op it is do or die for republicans, Chris Christie and john kasich andnd jeb bush are looking for a strong secondplace showing, on the attack against donald trump and marco rubio. On he cannot hijack our party, we will not win if we are a reactionary party. In rubio hopes hopes to put some distance between himself and the governors, to further solidify his position as the what some call a shaky performance in the last debatete, Hillary Clinton says she will campaign until the end despite polls that show Bernie Sanders with a doubledigit lead. We are going to keep working until the last vote is cast and counted. Il New Hampshire voters are notorious for making up their minds at the last minute live in the bigotry for sanders and trump are not foregone conclusions they make people that say that theyey want to bust the establishmentth, 20,000 more than in 2,008. Well does Ohio Governor john kasich have to do to stay in the raceic vercee lmthutheil t otwiwithto dawsdsend place so it appears that he is doing well ahead of the primary and we will get those results wants twi they come out. Thank you joel waldman. Stay with us for more primaryryay you can find more results at fox 8. Com. In plain sight, continues of the Notorious Police speed traps how the troll is the regardingng. And his providing a watchful eye as people push the posted speed limith attention focused on belden village. Is a lifelong resident of canal fulton, Abigail Woodward says the north side of 77 around the pro football hall of fame bridgeses known as a popular popular speed traps. I think, about that for seven so i am really careful with. It is all about safety that safety that we can slow people down to the posted speed limits for lives saved. Admitting that that they seek out the northbound side of 77 near the bridge. But he does deny that there is any attempt to hide from spears. The canton post and close to 31,000 stops in stark county and Summit County last year with two thirds of driver cited in close to one third with a warning. We would rather educate them and hopefully correct the behavior, if not, that a citation perhaps is the only way to correct that behavior somea idiot, we issued the citation for. If you are northbound on the 77 towards the the pro football hall of fame bridge, whoever he says that they arell using lasers that can target your car aboutu half a mile away and if you are aggressively docking in and darting in and out of traffic, they see every move made. Ou no mindedly tell you you where you are . . , no, you can tell us you could probably advertise this every day and there will be violations everyday. R state rep or not, Abigail Woodward says it is maybe not such a bad thing to be on the it makes it safer safer, it makes me watch what i am doing so i figure thate nobody else is watching what they do so i feel safe for. Oda the lieutenant says his people responded to 3,000 crashes across stark county and Summit County last year, most of them related to speeding, and tomorrow, another installment of sticky speed traps. Er for every 10 miles you should have a car length between you and the car producer with hurricane hugo 60 mph you should have h six car lengths between you. She may not have not have gotten the perfect 10 but she the greatest gymnastic move is gone viral. Senior at ucla, one point ohs she even landed in the split allowed people complained she should have gotten a perfect 102 sherlock like a tanzanian

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