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Firefighters in cleveland were denied the right to wear 9 11 polo shirts. Commemorating the attacks. By fire chief. The guys felt it was unkorbl particularly within the fire system. We lost 343 brothers that day. We do not that there was an order. Approved. For the for them to wear polos. According to to lieutenant gray. With the division of fire. The request was denied. Because there is a strict uniform and clothing ordnance. In place. There are two types of uniforms you can wear. In the division. Class a. Which is your. Or class b. Which is your fatigue uniform. Lieutenant says the polos break its a tradition that we have done for the month of september the past 14 years. So. I think that was response is disingenuous. If you were going to a funeral. You would not go to a fallen brother in a polo shirt. You would go with your best attire. Which be your class a uniform. The chief is asking that all firefighters wear their class a uniform to any 9 11 commemoration event. This weekend. However the union doesnt think thats fair. For us to have a patch on there. To commemorate the 9 11 tragedy. Is near and dear to our hearts. The fire chief does have the power to approve or authorize a different uniform. If he so desires. However the chief staying very firm. And says they are to show up in in fact. They could be disciplined if they do not. I asked ant the they are well aware of what they could face. And see who shows up in what. Other news. Latest victim in the string of daytime robberies. Targeting the elderly. More of the really bold crimes. The victims are being targeted in the middle of the day. The 70s. Had his wallet taken. Right out of his back pocket. In his driveway. It happened yesterday around noon. The elderly man had just gotten back from the store. And was unloading his trunk. When he says a younger black man came up mind him. Took his wallet. And took off running to a car that was waiting for him. The suspect was reportedly a thin build. Wearing a blue jeans and a black shirt. No description of the driver. But police say the vehicle was a. This isnt the first time Something Like this happened recently. Police say similar incidents have been reported. In both Richmond Heights and linn h urs. Described as crime of opportunity. Suspects are looking for people who are vulnerable. And alone. And then striking. The latest victim didnt want to show his face. He says he no longer feels safe. He repeatedly shot the 53 yearold with an ar15. After running a red light. And hitting her car. There is no evidence the two knew each other. Records show he served two tours in iraq. And served treatment for ptsd. A troubling picture the image released by a northeast ohio police chief. Shows a couple passed out from drugs. With a little boy in the backseat. We talk about his decision to share the photograph. That picture shows the problem. Its just a snapshot of the major problem that we have. East Liverpool Police chief. Says every day his officers are responding to calls about people from illegal drugs. On wednesday. When officers found two adults. Slumped over in the front seat of a vehicle. And a child in the back. He decided to release the if i picture. This is what the officers see daily. It might not be in a car. But theyre seeing this at homes. And all these people. This kind of thing happens. I can write letters and make phone calls. Police say the four yearold has been released to relatives. The look in the childs eyes. Needed ton to be seen. This was something they had. If it was something hed never seen before and he was shocked. It would be different. You can tell that hes seen this before. Probably many times. Thank you. The director of cleveland beer than 40,000dollars in donations. Faces charges of grand theft and forgery. Police say he stole the money between january 2014. And january 2016. She served as the director of the beer week since 2009. She is due in court. Later this month. Very exciting event happening here. Fastest growing sport in the nation. In cleveland. Playing host to its biggest event. Two local fighters. Including will be in the octagon. With the whole world watching. Live downtown. Where the excitement is building. Thousands of people coming downtown. To have a good time. Limousines booked solid fpl bars bracing for another round of championship fun in believe land. Mixed marshal arts madness. Anticipated saturday. As the urbgs fc takes over the hard hardwood. Inside the q. Where hundreds gathered friday night to see the prefight weigh ins. Including northeast ohio jessica eye. Who got into a scuffle with her opponent. Before the main attraction. They say. Who knows what might be next. Brings our heart out. Finally. Feel like a winner. Were winners. We are. We feel like winners. Lot os of champions. Keep winning and keep it going. Exciting time downtown. If you are coming. Arrive early. Be prepared. Try public transportation. Or be ready to walk a little gentlest of giants. Except in the octagon. Even though we have a little bit of some of the heat. Some of the humidity. Taken out of the atmosphere. Today. Look to the west. Powerful thunder storms. Are now pushing through kansas. And parts of missouri. But the one i want to focus on indiana. Right now. Because notice, that sparked a couple of tornado warnings. Going through indiana. And the last four hours. The tornado watch box trimmed now. To only illinois. We have two tornado warnings. That are currently in effect. For two counties. In indiana. None of that Severe Weather will reach us tonight. But that front will be moving through here tomorrow. Well watch for a slight potential. For severe thunder storms. Seventyfive in cleveland right now. Look at this. A more gentle up and down pattern. A lot more cloud cover. And a slight reduction of humidity. Making it a much more gentle day. Not as hot. Sixtyeight tonight. A few showers. Best chance of showers and thunder storms tomorrow. Again well watch for the potential for some of the thunder storms to approach the severe limits. Eightytwo. Then the clean sweep for sunday. Sunday looks nice. We look forward to that. . Music . Extraordinary starts here. New ky intense. Question are not going we are not going to let anyone who a treaty ally and partner of ours be threatened. We are not going to let north korea pursue a nuclear weapon. Just today. It was announced that n nuclear test. Its fourth. Since clinton became secretary of state. Its just one more massive failure. From a failed secretary of state. Trump running mate haze released ten years worth of tax returns. Mike pence paid a state and federal tax rate between ten and 16 percent. Over the last decade. Thrars. While he served in congress. But that dropped to 113,000. As indiana governor. Trump has not yet releaseed his tax returns. Fighting a pipeline project in north dakota. A federal judge denied the tribes request for a temporary restraining order. The three. 7 billiondollar project had led to heated and sometimes violent protest. The feds asked the company to while they reconsider the decision to proceed. America forever. Almost 15 years since the attacks. The brother of wup of the heros is telling his story. It is a crime that didnt make a lot of sense. The story of a penny pincher. How he almost got away with thousands of them. It is a taeu that impacted every Single Person in america. And forever changed our country. Sunday marks 15 9 11. Today a tkwraoup group of local High School Students heard a very touching story from the brother of one of the heros on flight 93. Now with more. 9 11. Most every adult remembers where they were. And what they were doing that day. In 2001. I was here. At green high school. Teaching ninth grade american history. There was a media center. Just a few doors down. I took my class there. And we watched what was happen happening. They were reporting an airplane hit the first tower. Its difficult each year. Gordon will never forget. I was at my childrens camp. Up in closing down for the season. And one of my staff asked if i heard whats going on. Keeping the memory alive. By talking about the loss of his brother. Fortyone yearold passenger on flight 93. When the crashed in pennsylvania. It could have been any one of us on that plane. Called to duty at a moments notice. Woultd would you. Would i. Speaking friday. Most of whom have no first hapb memory of the day. All of whom only know of post knowing that his life had purpose. And that while we lost him. As a country as a community. We gained something. That morning. And the knowledge that we do have that if were called upon. And we can hope that we would have a similar level of commitment. And courage. Thank you for helping keep the memory alive. Ugh, this pimples gonna last forever. Oh come on. Clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. And acne wont last forever. Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen see what im sayin acne wont last. But for now, lets be clear. Clearasil works fast. This back to school, get clearer skin for free. Limited time offer im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Theres a race going on right now. The worlds clean energy super powers either going to be germany, china, or us. And im going to make sure its us. From 500 million solar panels installed by the end of my first term, to precision manufacturing. We tracked down harris fpls what about the gun. Was this road rage. He said at one point a big rv did get close. And his fiancee brake checked. But harris says no gun play. Hes sighing he had the gun under his seat. But never took it out. And waved it on the highway. The caller is saying she saw the gun. Police say they did find a gun in the car. Near three magazines of ammunition. Police filed a charge of improper handling of a firearm. In a motor vehicle. Thank you. Harris pleaded not guilty. And plans to fight the charges. He says he doesnt have a concealed weapon permit. But scheduled to take a class for it. More about a stand off in par many par many this morning par ma. On broad view near chestnut. Two men involved. Their car crashed into ap one of the men got out and went into a nearby home. A woman was inside. She got out okay. But it was hours before the man peacefully surrendered. Its not something that happens over here. On a frequent basis. That i would say its unusual for area. The other man involved in the crash was hurt. And taken to the hospital. Local school wrs on lock down. For several hours. During the ordeal. Charges are still pending. Now for allegedly driving under the influence. Sergeant george rup l on has bn on the force for 12 years. Pulled over on labor day and pleaded not guilty. No charges will be filed against the artist who placed a statue of a naked donald trump. Cleveland Heights Police also released the statue back to the artist. As long as he agrees to pay the impound fee. Similar statues appeared in three other cities. Back in mid august. Wofrbgers at the Social Security office in cleveland say they became sick. Due to the improper spraying of pesticide. To treat bedbugs in their true and headache. Ohio department of agriculture report released last month. States. It seems cleveland based central exterm tphaeulting company used an unintended pesticide product and improperly applied it. It found the tech amay have cross contamination with a product banned for indoor use. It has forwarded the case to the u. S. Epa. For a review. And central exterminating says it has changed its treatment. Protocol. Some people like the heat. One of the people. But after about 30 days. I think i have had enough. You have had your fill. Along with many other people. You have change in the fore at its been a long hot summer. But. Changes on the way. But lets enjoy these days for what they are. Including tonights sunset. I show you, a special hello. To tracy and madison. I ran into tonight. Dear friends. I havent seen in a while. So. Here we go. The sunset time lapse. Tonight. Just for you. Look at that. Lets talk about summer. And the package. We have done it a number of ways on weather jazz. My pod cast. Lets take the specifics of rainfall. 2inches under normal. Most of which came in june and july. August was near normal. But that really had an impact on the trees. The trees had a lot of stress. And still kind of lingering. Into the late summer early fall. So some of the trees are beginning to change color. This ne. This leaf that fell down. Beautiful color. A little early. Mainly because the tree ts are kind of shutting down a little early. For this season. They have had enough of this dry weather. Seventyfive cleveland. Akron canton. The bigger story the dew point. Dropped back into the moderate category. And so its a little more comfortable tonight. Its not exactly what i would call dry. Is in the southeast corner. Of the viewing area. You see a first round here. Heres the second round. There are some places that might not see a whole lot of rain. In that transition. But everybody is going to get the clean sweep. By sunday. By sunday youll wake up and go wow. Whats this. 70 for the high. Fortys in the burbs. Briefly recovering to 75 then 80 monday. All the sunshine and low dew points. The next front on wednesday will trim it back. Into the 60s. For highs. Wednesday and thursday. So a real crisp to the atmosphere. By the time we get to midweek. A lot of people waiting for that. It will occur sunday morning. Light jacket time. When asked the last time he smoked marijuana. Left my home girls house. He handed the officer a bag of cigars that contain marijuana. And a small amount of the drug. Was found in backpack in the trunk of the car. The report indicates that she took a field sobriety test. That led the officer to conclude that he was impaired. He initially agreed to a blood draw at a nearby hospital. And later changed his mind. Telling the officer people would recognize him. And would cause a scene. Friday the cavs issued a statement that reads. I think athletes sometimes get put on a pedestal. And get examples made out of them. Probably a lot of people do it. So. Its not really much to react to. You have to be careful. Still to be determined how the nba will react. To the arrest. And whether he will be suspended. Down. But believe the goal of any action taken by the cavs or the nba should be to help him. Gunshots were heard. Police found the woman. In the trunk of her own car. Laying next to a gun. And two spent shells. Fortyseven yearold purse car keys were locked in the car. There were phone conversations. From this office. From the police department. Just prior to her death. Were relatively certain that the time. That she was when she became deceased. Police say they had detained a person of interest. But let him go. For a lack of evidence. They believe the womans death may have been an elaborate suicide. Texas mat Mattress Store is closing in the wake of a commercial that sparked out rage. For promoting a sale. The online add in san antonio featured a woman screaming as two towers of mattresses toppled behind her. And in a statement posted on social media. Today. The owner said the store will remain closed. Staying silent. Through the 9 11 an rers anniversary. To avoid any further distraction. The online add was produced without his knowledge. By employees including his accountability action next week. Kansas city man protects his family with a first thing he could find. A tv. John says a burglar walked into his home. Threw an unlocked door. And pointed a gun at him. Demanding money. His wife and four young sons were in the house. John says that without thinking. He jumped up grabbed his 30pound, 50inch flat screen. And hurled it across the living room. At the burglar. The defense tactic worked. The burglar and his lookout ran and hopped in to a get away car. I didnt even feel the weight. It was like paper. Just flew across the room. Everything was on the line. My family. Police have yet to make an arrest. Skpwhr man accuse of steal about 300,000 pen th eus. Robert with burglary. Hes accuse of taking a steal steel drum filled with thousand dollars worth 3,000dollars worth of pennys. From his employer. This fall at dunkin donuts, get lost in pumpkin with a 1. 99 medium macchiato or latte from 12 00 to 6 00 p. M. Sip in the season today. Golden outside or fluffy inside. Deep pockets or delicious ridges. Tasty egg or savory bacon. Experience dunkins new belgian waffle breakfast sandwich. Its not this or that. Its all of it. If you have ever eaten food off the floor. Listen up. It might be time to reconsider the 52nd rule. You have heard of this. Five, second rule. Bacteria contaminates food instantly. When falls on the floor. The findings were published in this month. In the American Society for they say the 52nd, danny fell behind early. Again. First inning. Twins first baseman. Takes him the other way. Over the wall. Home run. N tribe trails two to zero. In the third. When split the gap. Left center. Two run came home. That point the indians were even. They werent done. Ground out. Ripped a single to things were looking good. And they continue to look good. Right now five to four indians. In the eighth. Browns ready to open the season sunday. In against rookie and the eagles. The front office knocked down the idea that the browns are not trying to win this year. Brown says Robert Griffin the third is being looked at as a long term solution. At quarter back. Not just a bridge to a draft pick. Somewhere down the road. As for the idea that the team might be tanking the season for brown is having none of that. Well said. Thats an educated man. Some excitement tonight. At the weigh ins for efc. 203. At the q. After jessica evil eye stepped off the scale. She walked over to her opponent. When she raised tper forearm, she gave her a under card. The main event of course. Will be his first heavy weight title defense. Hes taking on al clevelands own sounds ready to one more time. There it is tonight. It will be 68 degrees. Pat a few showers. And believe it or not. I do not have a degree in meteorology. I can read whats on the screen. Considerable clouds. With showers and thunder storms. We have a high of 82. Theres a chance of Severe Weather. On sunday. So beware of that. Slight risk. But aj in the morning. Tomorrow night. After that sunday. Look at that. Clean sweep. Low dew point. That should take us into next week. Can we get honorary degrees or something. Seal of approval. Dont get ahead of yourself. New ky intense. A stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. Oh, check it out. Wow, kenny rogers roasters finally opened. Look at the size of that neon chicken on the roof. Rogers cant sell chicken around here. We got chicken places on every block. He is the gambler. I gotta meet newman at the pet store. Helpin him pick out a turtle. Try and stay calm. Captioning made possible by Columbia Tristar Domestic Television hey, jerry . Seth. Wow. What has it been, like 5 years . At least. You wanna grab lunch . Uh, im actually headed back to the office. Seth, its me. Whats more important than catching up with an old College Buddy . Well, i am supposed to be in this meeting. Blow it off. Remember poly sci . How many of those did we go to . All right, i guess i can go. All right. All right. Whatever happened to moochie . Hes dead. Is that right . Yeah

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