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Brought so many of them home. Its time for dodger baseball. Announcer from abc news, this week with George Stephanopoulos begins now. Good morning. Its an image sparking hope and fear for many americans. Christian missionary and ebola patient dr. Kent brantley back in the u. S. Walking into Emory University hospital saturday. Then reuniting with his wife through a glass wall. Bazi kanani starts us off. With the latest on this extraordinary operation to bring bra brantly home. Reporter dr. Kent brantly arriving saturday, the first ebola patient on u. S. Soil, whisked through atlanta by balance. Then, thats him on the right in a full bio suit, walking, with assistance, into a special Isolation Unit at Emory University. A 5,000mile journey from liberia on a jet modified with a tent to prevent contact with bodily fluids, which is how the disease is spread. Officials say theyre confident his treatment and that of his colleague, nancy, who will arrive in a few days wont put the public at risk. We do not believe any health care worker, any other patient, any visitor to our facility is in any way at risk of acquiring this infection. Reporter meanwhile, the biggest outbreak of ebola in history already called out of control by aid groups in liberia, guinea, and sierra leo leone, is getting worse. More than 700 dead so far. Governments reacting with drastic new measures. Soldiers on the streets. Disinfectants sprayed in public places. And schools closed. What is the situation there on the ground in liberia . The situation is dire. Our Health Care Capabilities and capacities are truly overstretched and overtaxed. Reporter here, protesters wait for bodies to be removed. And standoff when six people here refuse to be taken to a Treatment Center for ebola. In the u. S. , 20 quarantine stations are ready. In case infected travelers arrive. And caution in washington, where participants arriving from the affected countries for the u. S. Africa summit will be screened. Authorities on alert should another case of ebola turn up unexpectedly. For this week bazi kanani. Abc news, washington. Joining us, from the cdc, dr. Tom frieden. And our own dr. Richard besser. Also a veteran of the cdc. Rich, let me begin with you. Youve been in that isolation chamber. Tell us more about it and what the prognosis is for dr. Brantly right now. He was supposedly very ill in africa. Seeing him walk out of that ambulance is a positive sign. Ive spoken to one of the doctors that is on the team taking care of him. Two Infectious Disease specialists, two highly trained nurses. Theyll wear that same protective gear that we have been seeing. Theyll be able to monitor him much closer. Give him fluids, blood transfusions, the kind of care not available in liberia. And lots of worry here. Are we taking an unnecessary risk . I want to show a tweet from donald trump. He says the u. S. Must immediately stop all flights from ebolainfected countries or the plague will start and spread inside our borders. Act fast. How do you respond to that . Ebola is scary. We understand people being afraid. The plain truth is, we can stop ebola. We know how to control it. Hospital Infection Control and stopping it at the source in africa. You know, were not going to hermetically seal the borders of the u. S. Were reliant on the world were travel, trade, economy, communities, families. The single most important thing we can do to protect americans is to stop this disease at the source in africa. Dr. Frieden, is it safe to send cdc workers into africa . Were surging our response. And were going to put 50 staff on the ground in these three countries to help stop the outbreak in the next 30 days. And we put safety first. Staff have experienced hostility from groups so upset. We immediately withdraw them. And we make sure that if were taking care of patients with ebola, we have the proper gear so we keep the risk to an absolute minimum. Theres a concern that the world is responding effectively right now. Yeah, i mean, theres a big concern. The World Health Organization put out a plan that 100 million are needed to control this. Ive talked to Public Health experts who say that is a gross underestimate of what that will take. Public health traditionally lowballs the figure. Theres two reasons. Theres a humanitarian reason for stopping this in west africa. But the conversation shows we have a selfinterest in doing that. And the conversation really has to look at what will it take to beef up the Health System to control this where it is . What about, dr. Frieden, a vaccine . The nih is planning human trials in september. Is there promise there . What is the block to getting it out quickly . We would love a vaccine. It would be very helpful, especially to protect health care workers. In the best case, its a long way away. Its uncertain. What is certain, we know how to stop ebola now. The tried and true Public Health mechanisms work. You find the patient. Isolate them. You find out who their contacts were. You trace the contacts. You track them every day for 21 days. If they get fever, you start that process again. You make sure theres good Infection Control. And you educate the community in africa about safe burial practices. When you do those simple things, ebola stops, as every previous Ebola Outbreak has been stopped. Right now, its out of control in west africa. It may well spread further in that region. What we can do and what were doing is surging our response to put out the embers. Ebola is like a forest fire. If you leave one ember burning, it can flare up again. Thats why its so important that we control it. Finally, rich besser, Joshua Lederberg wrote, the single biggest threat to mans continued dominance on the planet is the virus. Are we doing enough to address this broad threat of viruses . I dont think we are. We have been far too much in a reactive mode when it comes to new emerging infections. There has to be a much bigger approach. A much bigger effort to try to look at where will the next virus emerge . How do we prepare for that . Wherever it may occur. Thank you both very much. Now to immigration. And the crisis on our southern border. Congress has gone home without agreeing on plan. There are new questions this morning about what president obama can do on his own to deal with the overlapping issues. Abcs jim avila has the latest. Reporter its official. Congress has left the building. Leaving the president promising to go solo on the humanitarian crisis at the border and broader immigration reform. Im going to have to act alone. Because we dont have enough resources. We have already been very clear. We have run out of money. Reporter congress on vacation after a last minute flurry of finger pointing. The crisis on the border is one of the president s own making. Reporter in the end, nothing went from the hill to the president for signing. The house stands adjourned. Reporter and 1500 miles to the southwest, along the rio grande, there is no vacation. The rafts keep crossing as we saw from a Border Patrol boat this week. Theres a group coming across. Reporter the Obama Administration has surged 200 more agents to this area, adding more boats. Its working, say the people the ground and the water. Unaccompanied minor crossings are down by half in july. What do you see . The numbers have gone down. Reporter is it because the message is going across . I dont know about the message getting across. All i can say is the more patrols out here, the more the local agencies are helping out. Reporter the refugees keep coming. The moms and children. Often children by themselves. This 17yearold girl came, she says, because of the gangs at home. The violence over there doesnt a i low us to go to school. Thats why were coming over here. Reporter this type of effort on the border is expensive. So are the new facilities built to humanely hold the moms and kids. While they await a hearing. The Border Patrol and i. C. E. Say theyll run out of money. By the Time Congress comes back 26 days from now. In enough time for 5700 children to cross the river alone. For abc, jim avila, mcallen, texas. Now to the blunt language on president obama on torture. And new pressure on the cia. Just days before a report is released talking about the agencys policies after 9 11. The president speaking out, defending his cia director who is under fire from senators livid over cia snooping on senate staff. Chief White House Correspondent jon karl has the story. Reporter a long awaited report by the Senate Intelligence committee may cast the harshest light yet on the cias post 9 11 interrogation program. Heres how the president summed it up on friday. We tortured some folks. We did some things contrary to our values. Reporter the president came into office criticizing those policies. We must leave these methods where they belong in the past. Reporter now hes urging people to remember what the cia was up against after the september 11th attacks. Its spornt for its important for us not to feel too sanctimonious in retrospect about the tough job those folks had. Reporter the report is not the only bad news. John brennan had to make an extraordinary apology this week, admitting the cia spied on computers used by congressional staffers working on the interrogation report. The accusation of cia spying was first made in march by senate bell jens Intelligence Committee chairwoman dianne feinstein. I have grave concerns that the cia search may well have violated the separation of powers principle. Reporter back then, brennan strongly denied the charge. Nothing could be further from the truth. We wouldnt do that. Thats beyond the scope of reason. Reporter while some democrats are now calling on brennan to resign, president obama is standing by him. I have full confidence in john brennan. Reporter for this week, jonathan karl, abc news, washington. Thanks to jon for that. Joining us now, dan pfeiffer, senior white house adviser. Thanks for coming in. The president said he has full confidence in john brennan. We also saw john brennan say a few months ago that he didnt know about the snooping. Nothing could be further from the truth. Either he didnt know what was going on in his own agency or he wasnt telling the truth. Doesnt that trouble the president . We have to look at how he responded. When there were allegations of improper conduct, he was the one who referred the allegations to the inspector general. He said hes setting up an accountability review board. John brennan is a man of great integrity and ability. Someone the president knows very well. The president has confidence in him. The Senate Report likely to come out this week. Maybe a little later. Will the president order more action in the wake of the report . I think what this report does, which the president called to be declassified as much as possible as quickly as possible. What hes said is we want to acknowledge it. We want to make sure it never happens again. Which is why, in his first week in office, he signed the executive order banning these activities. Immigration. The president is planning to take action now that its failed in the house, to protect more of the undocumented immigrants living in the United States. In november, he said his hands were tied. Take a look. If, in fact, i could solve all these problems without passing laws in congress, then i would do so. But, were also a nation of laws. Thats part of our tradition. So, you know, according to people who have been briefed by the white house, this could affect up to 5 million undocumented immigrants. Doesnt a reversal like that fuel the arguments of those saying the president is overstepping his authority . Well, first, i think, the reports youre seeing are uninformed speculation. Completely uninformed . Yes. The president has asked for recommendations by the end of the summer. Theyve not done that yet. Lets wait and see what those are before we make judgment. What the president referred to, whatever he does in this space will be a will not be a substitute for comprehensive immigration reform. The congress will still have to act. But because of congresss failure to fix the immigration system and the path, we need to deal with a specific crisis on the border. The president has no choice but to act. If the president ends up providing, even if he hasnt made a decision yet, providing no deportation for up to 4 million or 5 Million Immigrants, how do you address the comments of john yoo. If the president can refuse to enforce an entire class of law, such as the immigration law, against millions, because he dislikes the policy. Why cant the next president unilaterally lower tax rates by refusing to prosecute anyone who only pays a 20 income tax when congress requires 33 . What is the limiting principle here . The limiting principle is the law. In 2012, he took a step to protect a class of individuals, the dreamers, young immigrants who came here through no fault of their own. That was done within the confines of the law. The republicans last week took a vote to deport all those people to countries that most of them dont even remember. And that i think speaks to the challenge the president has. We need to address the situation on the border. And in the immigration system. Hell do what he can within the confines of the law. It will be in september . At the end of the summer. On the whole specter of impeachment. So much talk. As you know, a lot of republicans are saying that you, personally, are the person fueling all of this. You want to keep the debate going to rally the base. Nate silver did a piece where he said democrats are way more obsessed with impeachment than republicans. Msnbc has talked about it five times more than fox news. Youre raising money on this as well. I wonder how you respond to the findings and the charge that its democrats fueling the talk. Well, i think what i said was it old be foolish to discount the idea that this republican congress, at some point, would not consider it. They say its not going happen. And five days before the government shut down, the speaker said there is no way we would shut the government down other health care. And they did. John boehner has the gavel. Ted cruz has the power. You dont really think impeachment is possible . When they take the step to sue the president of the United States, everyone though hes issuing executive orders as the lowest rate in years, i think it would be foolish to discount the possibility. The talk will keep on going. Dan pfeiffer, thank you very much. Up next, on the road in South Carolina with the senates only black republican. What is tim scotts message to his party . And the roundtable talks to us about little getting done and everyone lashing out. We never thought wed be farming wind out here. Its not just building jobs here, its helping our community. Siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. It puts a huge smile on my face. Cause im like, this is what we do. the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy, im so proud, like, its just amazing. In todays closer look, can one senator help the Republican Party broaden its base . Tim scott of South Carolina is the first africanamerican republican from the south since reconstruction. The first black republican in over three decades. He has a message for his party. Jeff zeleny went on the road with scott in charleston. Reporter tim scott is happy to be back home in South Carolina. Up high. Reporter giving high fives. Down low. Reporter posing for selfies. In every audience. Hamming it up. This is my cousin. Look at this. Reporter for five years, hes been on a rocket ride. Rising from the Charleston County council to the house of representatives. We caught up with him on the start of the fiveweek summer break. Leaving a whole list of things unresolved. Its a hard question to wrestle with. How to be compassionate to people that you know are coming to your borders looking for a better way of life, and, at the same time, adhering to the laws of the country. Reporter congress has two months to deal with this and nothing. Walked away with absolutely nothing. Is it not a crisis anymore . Its not a crisis that occurred in the last two months. The lack of collaboration. And to show up in the 23rd hour saying, we need you to approve a 4 billion package is not the way to do it. Reporter he was appointed to the senate a year and half ago, arriving just in time for one of the least productive periods in memory. Whether youre a republican or democrat, you look at the senate and you say to yourself you shake your head. Reporter scott is brimming with optimism. And steeped in history. Hes not only the lone republican africanamerican in congress. But the only black republican senator in more than a century. I noticed a headline in South Carolinas biggest newspaper earlier this year. It says the gop hopes tim scott will attract more black voters. Do you think you have done that . I hope i have provided an opportunity to have a serious conversation with voters everywhere. White voters, black voters, old voters, young voters. Reporter why do republicans struggle to diversify they ranks . We need to win the war of ideas. Reporter black republicans are a rare find here in South Carolina. Black democrats are skeptical of his politics. Its always good to have diversity. But ders diversity can be skin color and it can be philosophy. I would hope that the Republican Party would be a little more diversified in this approach to the governance. Reporter scott says republicans should spend more time focusing on poor and middle class americans. Have republicans, as a party, though, focused enough on these issues . I think theres always room for improvement. Without any question. One of the things i said consistently is we have to play in the education space. My life has changed because of public education. Reporter scott grew up on this deadend street in north charleston. He thinks of this neighborhood when he gets hate mail or hears condemnations like when a North Carolina naacp leader called him the gops ventriloquist dumbny. Do they know you grew up here . At the end of the day, very few of them have taken the time to make a phone call, have a conversation, a debate about my agenda. The truth of the matter is, they have no clue who i am, what i stand for. 15 unelected bureaucrats. Reporter conservatives are beaming about their new senator, in part because of his opposition to the president s policies. Hes a core conservative. He articulates what he believes. He resonates well with South Carolina republicans. And back here we have reporter along the way, scott started an unusual program. The undercover senator. One of his stops, a burrito restaurant, sweeping floors and chopping chicken to anonymously listen to voters concerns. Did anyone have an idea you were a United States senator . No. Within an hour, an hour and a half or so, typically, someone says, arent you that guy . No, im not darius rucker. Im just tim scott. Reporter these days, hes putting on his salesmans hat for the gop, trying to sell a hopeful message and soften a debate he says is too often inflammatory and shrill. Do you ever feel like you would like to turn the volume down on some of those senators on both sides of the floor . Yes, just to be blunt, yes. Reporter whose microphone . I cant be that blunt. Reporter scotts election in november seems almost assured. Its his next chapter that is still to be written. There you go. Reporter for this week, jeff zeleny, abc news, charlest charleston, South Carolina. Coming up in two minutes, the roundtable tackles the weeks hot topics. From the crisis on the border to the battle of president ial power. Is either side gaining an edge . Is the country paying the price . First, the big winners of the week. Ry paying the price . First, the big winners of the week. Theres no reason we cant manufacture in the United States. Here at timbuk2, we make more than 70,000 custom bags a year, right here in san francisco. We knew we needed to grow internationally, we also knew that it was much more complicated to deal with. I cant imagine having executed what weve executed without having citi side by side with us. Their global expertise was critical to our International Expansion into asia, into europe and into canada. So today, a customer can walk into our store in singapore, will design a custom bag and that customer will have that American Made bag within a few days in singapore. Citi has helped us expand our manufacturing facility; the company has doubled in size since 2007. If it can be done here in san francisco, it can be done anywhere in america. So whos georges big winner . Back with that in just 30 seconds. And now, georges pick. Uganda is georges big winner of the week. Are you willing to let any president choose what laws to execute and what laws to change . It is a shame and a disgrace that we are here debating the suing of the president. This country is founded upon the rule of law. It is a waste of time. Our constitution does not say the president gets to write his own laws. Stop this hating all the time. Come on. The house clears the way to sue the president. One of the topics for our roundtable. Joined by the editor of the weekly standard, bill kristol. Democratic congressman Joaquin Castro from texas, greta van susteren, and editor of the new yorker david remnick. Im not sure there is anything in the world. Theyll file a lawsuit. The courts will adjudicate it. I dont think it will be a big deal. Even after, Joaquin Castro, we just talked to dan pfeiffer, the president seems to be looking to go forward on the executive orders to expand the number of undocumented imgranlts w immigrants who will not be deported. You and others are pushing the president to expand this as far as possible. Absolutely. I mean, the fact is, george, somebody has to be working in washington. The president is ready to act on immigration reform. The congress has now had several years, but especially the last two to do something. Republicans have failed to move on it. He will do everything within his power and within the law. To fix immigration. But thats the question. Is it really within his power to expand this by 4 million or 5 Million Immigrants . Absolutely. The way he introduced it was deferred action on the students and others by not prosecuting them. He can do the same thing for other folks as well. Look, i dont know. I mean, hes probably going to do this. The real problem is we have an absence of leadership. Harry reid should be back in washington. The president should call him back. And the house should be back in washington. They should resolve this. They all go running to the cameras and say this is a humanitarian crisis. Yet what do they do . They all get out of town. Thats a big problem. I do my job when theres a humanitarian crisis. Where are they . There was a bit of an irony at the end of the week. Many of the house leaders said, well, the president should act on his own even though they were slamming him for doing the same thing. The fact of the matter is, the Obama Administration has been light on executive orders. It doesnt rank very high in the history of the United States in executive orders. This administration. The business about a lawsuit and talking impeachment is pathetic. Yes, its been taken advantage of in a political way by the democratic party. They are pushing it now. But it was initiated by the Republican Party. It is a very, very sad spectacle. And history will look back on this congress with a very, very critical eye. But david david the House Republicans passed legislation friday night that is in my view very good legislation. It deals with the border crisis. It increases the national guard. Makes it easier to deport people. The senate would say we did it a year ago. No, no. Im sorry. The senate bill does not deal with the actual border crisis. No, you know what . The house passed legislation. The problem, bill the president the president issued an executive order two years ago. Its backfired. Its been dezast disastrous. Theres no with those undocumented would they be coming here without the executive order . There is a huge problem here. And the people in charge of solving it are the president , the house, and the senate. They ought to all get back to washington and do their job. And the house passed legislation. Terrific. Terrific. The senate should be back in session. They should vote on it. Send it to conference. The president should be showing leadership. This is like a classroom where the teacher leaves the room and all of a sudden, theres upheaval in the classroom. The president is not showing leadership. Hes saying ill go on my own. Thats not how a democracy is supposed to work. Congressman . I agree. Both the senate and the house should be working to get this done. But the fact is, theyre not. And the president. He should be leading them. Hes been trying to work with congress for the last two years. To pass comprehensive immigration reform. If the house would have taken up the senate bill, which would have passed. There are enough votes. If you put that on the floor, it will pass. That bill will pass. We would have been able to avoid some of the problems were seeing now with this border situation. You would have more Border Patrol, more judges to speed up the process. A lot of the crisis wouldnt be happening. You would have more of a magnet for people to come north. Amnesty is magnet. These folks dont qualify for that. Under the executive order they dont qualify. They think theyll be amnestied. Amnesty is a magnet, i think. The cartel and coyotes are trying to encourage them to make 6,000 to get them here. But, look. Were not going to set policy based on cartels and coyotes. Were going to go to Central America and dispel those myths. Thats what the president has been working on. David, greta says the president should show leadership here. You look at the range of legislation in the last four years. No hope anything is going to get done. Hes stifled. Its frustrating to see his projection of frustration. You want him to suck it up and keep going at it and leading and leading. But i think history is going to show that this presidency is stifled at every angle. If i could get in one word. The immigration issue, first of all, i think a lot of people at this table are here because of americas openness to immigration. Fair to say. Probably all five of us. Yeah, it was legal. Legal immigration and illegal. I understand that. There were not these rules back then, bill. Fine, if you want to make a case for open boarders as we had then, im open to that. There are laws that should be enforced. We talk about the immigration issue, we have to talk about it historically and in context. A lot of time, in the debate, the context is willfully lost or not known. This is a discussion that the president should be having with Speaker Boehner and Senate Majority leader harry reid. Its not happening. Theyre all on vacation. I mean, this is their job. I agree. I dont get it. This happens to be their job. I dont think another phone call or three weeks will make a difference. I dont see any effort. You know, all i see is a lot of fingerpointing. People going microphones and talking. I dont see them sitting down. We have a political situation where the majority of the Republican Base is for the impeachment of the president. Again, do i think the democrats have plald thyed this up to the political advantage . Yes. This is just a stifled gridlock political situation and one more phone call, as george said, one more dinner invitation that will be the talk of all washington, is not going to so you give up on democracy . Nobody is giving up on anything. Leadership is tough. Being president is tough. But you have at least got to keep trying. You cant just say ill go alone. Quickly. House republicans have passed a lot of legislation. People may not agree with it. Senator reid has refused to bring it up. Quite a lot of it has had some democratic support. Before we go to break. The power house puzzler. Michael strahan entering the pro football hall of fame. In canton, ohio. Great moment for him. Heres the question. Name the president whose library and museum are also in canton. Were back in two minutes with the answer. Ck in two minutes with the answer. Okay, which president ial library is in canton, ohio . Lets see the roundtable answer. Bill kristol. Rutherford hayes. Taft. Taft. Taft. All wrong. All wrong . William mckinley. Oh, of course. Of course. There you see it right there. I knew the answer. Back with a live report from the middle east. More roundtable. And our sunday spotlight. , they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. And im here to tell hi,homeowners winkler that are sixtytwo and older about a great way to live a better retirement. Its called a reverse mortgage. Call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. It answers questions like. How a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money. And more. 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The pace of the air and artillery attacks has not slacked off. The bloodshed continues in gaza. Israeli forces bombarded downtown gaza city again this morning. Pounding a highrise office building. Yet another u. N. School housing refugees hit by shells. At least ten reportedly killed there. How this continues to happen. Continues to happen, i have no idea. Its i dont have words for it. I dont know how i dont understand it. Reporter but israels ground war seems to be winding down. Some troops returning to israel. Others taking positions along the border. Officials saying that the main military task, destroying that hamasbuilt Tunnel Network into israel, is almost completed. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu says israel will not stop until the threat it sees in Hamasrun Gaza is i lem nated. They reported this morning that the military soldier thought to be captured was in fact killed in an attack. Israel rejecting any truce talks. While ordinary palestinians like this man, who introduced us to his family, they want the most simple, basic thing. I want peace. I want peace. I want to live in dignity. Reporter there are truce talks under way in cairo. Israel is not participating. The cabinet making clear theyll act unilaterally deciding if, and when, to stop operations here. George . Back with the roundtable. David remnick, let me begin with row. Prime minister netanyahu says hell do this on his own terms. This might be the beginning of the end of the end game. Hard to see where this leads. The only end game, lets not get into the back and forth about tunnels and the brutality of the horrendous deaths of civilians in gaza. It is horrible. And hamas is a contemptible organization. You can i think we can say two things in one. But this cycle, these cycles are not going to end until occupation ends. As difficult as that is inevitably going to be. And its not going to bring immediate peace by any stretch of the imagination. The only way this story changes and ends is with the end of occupation. That can only begin to happen with netanyahu taking his best interlo interlockuter seriously. A flawed interlockuter. After six months with secretary of state kerry . Israel is where it is. In order for it to have a future, in order for the Palestinian People to have a future, this ongoing business of occupation has to find a resolution. It cannot be you are not a strategic thinker when youre thinking from friday to friday. From saturday to saturday. You cannot. I totally disagree. The occupation of gaza ended in 2005. Ariel sharon pulled them out of gaza. Hamas needs to be destroyed. The leader ship. The tunnels need to be destroyed. Thats what Prime Minister netanyahu has to do. The west bank has been pretty peaceful. They can work out the differences there. The fence has helped a lot. Hamas is not a partner for peace. A partner for negotiation. They do not have many friends in the arab world either. Its hard to see what happens with gaza once the tunnels are destroyed. And israel is still deployed right on the border. Thats why people are critical of secretary kerry going to paris and talking to hamas. Because what was thought that the arab league thought that was supporting hamas to the exclusion of the arab league. Look, this is an ugly situation. Im surprised that anyone is surprised that netanyahu is doing this. Hes been telling the world for a long time he was going to do this. All of a sudden, everyone is shocked. This was inevitable. It was a question of when. Support for israel is one of the few things that congress does agree on in a bipartisan way. We just funded another 225 million for the iron dome system before we left. But, you know, we have to keep pressing both sides to come to the bargaining table. Come to an agreement for a ceasefire and a longer term arrangement that respects both sides. Hard to see how much leverage the United States has right now. I want to move on to russia. The president announced new sanctions. David, you just got back from a reporting trip for the new yorker. I want to show the cover story. Watching the eclipse. In reading your report, it helped understand why putin has not backed down in the face of this united front from the u. S. And europe. Mmhmm. Well, Vladimir Putin is not the Vladimir Putin of 2006, 2007. His popularity rating then was in the 80s because his economy was booming. He was delivering on pensions. Deficits were come lg down. There was a kind of warped authoritarian legitimacy to what he was up to. Now, with growth rates at zero. With the economy in real disarray, nationalism and neoimperialism has been whipped up by a state media, has been responsible for his much higher prop lat popularity rating. To me, its a strategy without a future. It will be a disaster for the world and for ukraine. Im hopeful the sanctions will work. I hope there are no cheaters. Russia is not the soviet union. Its part of the global economy. This is a possible choke point. This is not the soviet union closed up. I think sanctions have a chance if theyre strict and there are no cheaters. But i do think that putin has the fundamental decision to make in the next few years of, whether russia will go back to being the isolated way it was before or being part of the communities and the nations of the world. Be productive. Respect borders. Interact. Everybody keeps thinking he is making the choice. I was surprised after the malaysian flight comes down, you would think that would be the moment to take the way out. Instead, more forces built up on the border. I think davids piece explains putins mind set quite well. He will not tolerate a democratic ukraine. He thinks all of ukraine should be part of russia, or the eastern part. He cannot tolerate a reasonably democratic ukraine. On his border. It causes a threat to him. People in russia would say, if ukraine can have a decent government, why cant we . I dont think putin will back down. This is about money. The military Industrial Complex of the old soviet union. Half of it is in eastern ukraine. Its not just coal. Its not just resources. The deals made between a corrupt ukrainian leadership for years and a corrupt russian leadership are in jeopardy. Made in jeopardy by a new ukrainian government. By a more transparent system that brings in europe. By the way, the United States and the European Union are not blameless in this crisis. They are not blameless. And Ukrainian Army has killed a lot of civilians in eastern ukraine. Even after the fight which is terrible. But the singular actor here is Vladimir Putin. Its all in his hands. I want to move on to cia john brennan. We heard dan pfeiffer say the president maintains confidence in director brennan, despite the fact that we learned this week that the cia did indeed snoop in on senate computers. Its not just snooping. Everyone is saying snooping. This is called violating the law. This is a crime. There should be a grand jury investigation on this. Eric holder should be doing something. Eric holder looked into it and said he doesnt have the grounds for it. Hes got, what the medias calling an apology. Hes got an admission, a confession by the director of the cia. You cant get better evidence. Somebody violated the law. Everyones calling it snooping. An apology. Go to the cia website. Its against the law to spy. This is not a close question. Everyone says snooping, apology, you know, whatever. I dont get it. Obviously, our intelligence agencies are important to our national security. But, you know, the nsa went through its own bout of congress having ignoring the fourth amendment. Hogwash. Hogwash. The nsa is not accused of doing anything illegal. No, nobody does anything bill. Youre right. Look at the fourth amendment. No, youre nonsense. With the church committee. The pike committee, a thorough review by congress of these capabilities. A healthy thing. Likely to get that kind of focus this week, or following. It wasnt a healthy things. Its caused problems in the middle east. I agree that president obama, the cia shouldnt spy on congress. President bushs cia was focused on interrogating the terrorists. But when you spy on the senators . Im saying they shouldnt do that. Does he have to go . Are we going to say the word torture here . This press conference had to do with revelations about torture. Were about to get a much fuller accounting. This is a shameful episode. I know bill will jump in and disagree with me vociferously. Hes wrong. This was a stain on this nation. And, i want to see more from this report. I want to hear a lot less about our own intelligence agencies spying on congressional committees. David, thats i dont think we have to do it to the exclusion. I think both are important. I dont disagree. Not one to the exclusion. I dont gudisagree with you. But when our cia is violating the law. Well hear about a lot of both next week. Well be back with the man called africas bono. And later its time for dodger baseball. Vin scully on some of tvs greatest moments. F baseballs greatest moments. Everywhere that you want to go i will surely take you everything that you want to be africa get something much attention right now. Theres the man they call africas bono. Nigerian superstar dbanj. He joins us now with dr. Sipho moyo. The executive director in africa for the one campaign. Thank you for joining us. One of the goals of the video was to get african countries to invest 10 of National Budgets on agriculture. Why is that the key . Well, good morning, george. Good morning. For me, coming from africa, it is so key for us to know what we have. And if you look through, when i was approached, i wanted to start the campaign. Ten years ago, the African Leaders called me and said, 10 for agriculture. Of the annual budget. Why . Agriculture has been seen to be the fastest way of eradicating poverty and creating job creation across africa. By the time we finish this, we have 1 million or 2 million African Youth saying we want to support agriculture. How do you get it done when so many african nations are suffering . I think we have struck a chord with agriculture. We polled Nine Countries. Citizens in Nine Countries about what their real priorities were. One thing we heard is its important for the leaders to invest in agriculture. So i think this whole campaign really struck a chord. Because this is coming from the citizens. The pressure is coming from african citizens. Its made this a very different kind of campaign. And one which they will keep commitments on. I think that is really what it is. You have citizens saying to the leaders, you need to keep this commitment. And thats what is going to make it stick. And dbanj, what would you hope to hear from president obama at the summit this week . For me, first of all, the theme of the summit is why were here. Its investing in the next generation. Im glad im privileged to be from the next generation. Using my music. Using our music, which, ten years ago, we had no record label, no industry. Because we believed in ourselves and what we had, we continued and now the Music Industry is the biggest export from africa after oil and gas. I will just say that president obama should please help us. Make sure that the African Leaders, what theyre permitted in the summit, make sure they implement it. Because we have what it takes to unravel the wealth in africa. On that theme. George, if i may come in there. It is exciting because this is about investing in the next generation. Looking for it and hoping that the key discussions will be around agriculture. That is the biggest potential for moving the most number of people out of poverty. At the same time. As well as talking about energy. That is Holding Back Development in africa. The lack of energy really holds back and, you know, hampers education, health, and particularly the agriculture. It will help if they can focus around those two conversations and investing in those issues in order to unlock the potential for economic advancement. Good luck with that. Thank you both for joining us. Coming back, a baseball legend in take a look at these shots. The only remaining images from baseballs first televised game. Cincinnati reds versus the brooklyn dodgers. 75 years ago this month. The first game was seen on just 400 sets in new york city. One man is glad that tv and baseball are made for each other. He made a career out of it. Vin scully, planning to broadcast his incredible 66th season. David wright spoke to him. For our sunday spotlight. Its time for dodger baseball. Reporter its not often when one of the biggest stars at the ballpark is perched high above the field. Vin scully is the best thing thats ever happened to baseball. Reporter when news that the teams announcer is returning next season vin scully is coming back for another year of dodger baseball. [ cheers and applause ] reporter stirs up the crowd like a home run in the bottom of the ninth. In l. A. , vin scully is one of the greats. A very pleasant sunday to you wherever you may be. Reporter as much a baseball tradition as the sefbt inning stretch. A very pleasant good day to you. Thank you, and you, too. Reporter 65 years with the dodgers. Must be hard not to be a homer these days. Its not difficult at all. I appreciate any good play that any player makes. Reporter hes been calling them like he sees them since 1960, back when the dodgers were still in brooklyn. Covering legends like sandy koufax and jackie robinson. And don larsons world series perfect game. And hank aarons recordbreaking home run. A fastball. Its a high drive. Into deep left center field. Buckner goes back to the fence. It is gone i try to call the play as accurately and as quickly as possible. And then, shut up. And let the crowd roar. Because theres nothing better. So when i went back on air, i said something to the effect, what a great moment for henry. What a marvelous moment for atlanta, and the state of georgia. What a marvelous moment for the country and the world. A black man is getting a standing ovation in the deep south. Reporter scully has called 25 world series over the years. His hometown dodgers winning six of them. High fly ball. Into right field. She is gone reporter today, scully still calls every dodgers home game with no announcing partner. No color commentator needed. Its often said that baseball lends itself to radio, almost better than television. In some ways. I know that it was more fun doing sandy koufaxs perfect game on radio than it was to do Clayton Kershaws nohitter on television. Heres the pitch. Swung on and missed. A perfect game. Because on radio, describing sandy running his hands through his wet, black hair. Drying the hand off on the side of his pants. All of that went out the window on television. Reporter at 86, hes something of a throwback. Hes evolved with the game. This summer, during that Clayton Kershaw nohitter, he gave a shoutout to twitter. You can call your friends, text your friends, kershaw or something. Reporter in l. A. , vin scully is part of the sound track of summer. Summer just got extended one more season. All i can say is thank god, and please, god, for another year. But lets get back to work now. Reporter for this week. David wright, abc news. At dodger stadium. Amen to that. We end with good news. The pentagon reported no deaths of Service Members in afghanistan this week. Thats all for us this week. Check out world news with david muir tonight. Ill see you tomorrow on gma. Out world news with david muir tonight

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