A common said effect. Thats why theres bio tooen for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Hey, need fast heart burn relief . Try cool mint zantac. It works in as little as 30 minut minutes. No pill relieves heart burn good evening, we start here tonight with the breaking news out of london that could have serious economic and political reverberations for the rest of us. The cliff hanger vote on whether britain will stay in the european union. With the latest on what theyre calling brexit. In one of the most days in politics, this country has seen in decades, the people in britain have spoken with still a number of votes to be counted. Leave is leading the country. The country is heading toward a british exit dubbed brexit to leave the european union. Immigration at the forefront making the argument for britain to take control of the borders and economy. Taking back the identity and culture. This referendum is huge. This result to leave is mo monument monumental. The financial and economic implications are uncertain. The leave campaign hailing june 23rd at britains independence day. Dan . Thank you. And for the latest on the fallout in brexit, tune in to gma first thing in the morning. Now to the criminal case in the midwest that is raising a lot of questions tonight. The young all american mom, a local celebrity entrepreneur. Now accused in a murder for hire plot. Abc is on the story. One question, the only thing id want to know, why. Reporter for months Bradley Southerland that be wondering why the mother of his child allegedly tried to hire a hitman to kill him. Still in a little bit of shock over the thing. Reporter she certainly didnt look like the type, seen here in this video. All my employees are gifted and creative. Reporter Laura Buckingham at one time ran this bakery on this small town of indiana. She was wellliked because she gave back to the community after she came home from serving. Giving, always really nice. And she was respected for her service. Reporter those services included two tours in iraq as a marine. After my last deployment, i moved out to new albany, indiana, and i started selling breads on the side of the highway. Southerland when she came back and they had a son. She opened her own store and became a local celebrity. I started selling at local farmers market. Reporter even rolling doh with her threeyearold child. Police say she had a darker side. After breaking up with southerland and taking their son to tennessee, according to place, she attempted to have him murdered. I thought it was a joke. In all honesty, we all thought we were being punked for a short period of time. Reporter according to police documents, buckingham started to become restless with the custody agreement, requiring her to drive her son 4 1 2 hours to see her father once a week. She was also fearful southerland would get full custody they say a marine sniper seen in this military video tol asked him to make southerland go away and that since he was in the military, maybe he had some friends that could do this for him. Authorities set up an undercover sing where buckingham allegedly paid a 300 deposit for the murder. The total cost would be about 3,000. By having an undercover agent pose as a hitman, theyre trying to minimize her saying she didnt mean it. Reporter locals are in shock. We were in shock. Disbelief. Reporter they may have been surprised in indiana, but it certainly isnt the first time Law Enforcement has allegedly foiled an outrageous murder for hire plot. Something bad, gunshots, is that how you want me toot it . You want me to shoot him . Unless you can do it painlessly, youre not breaking his back. Reporter discusses the details of how her husband should be killed a couple years ago. I would prefer to use a knife or a gun. Its quick and easy. One of her other concerns, the mess it might make in her house. Do you have a gun in the house . It would be messy in the house. And why not just divorce her husband . Well, there was insurance money to be had if he were dead, and then there were his feelings to consider. Its not that we werent getting along, but i was just it was easier as terrible as it sounds, its easier than divorcing him. I didnt have to worry about judgment of my family or breaking his heart. Its kind of like a clean get away. Reporter but it couldnt be a clean get away, that supposed hitman shes speaking to, well, hes an undercover cop. She pled guilty to policeation to murder and is serving a sentence behind bars. The challenge beyond all reasonable doubt. Thats why the authorities went under cover. Reporter that means Law Enforcement often uses tactics to catch these folks nature like this woman in jail accused of killing someone. The key witness against her, her friend who she confessed to. That was dead . Yes. Reporter my colleague matt gutman first reported the story last year. Maria headed to police and jackie was soon arrested. Once behind bars, jackie allegedly begins plotting to have maria killed. Does anyone have anyone who could help me remove the witness . Reporter it may sound kind of ridiculous, but its really hard to find a legitimate hitman, someone who is actually going to take a few thousand bucks to go kill someone. In a lot of these murder for hire cases, we see som they think might be willing to do it, and often thats the reason the first gets caught. Reporter authorities plan a sting and give us behind the scenes access to it all. This is a free call from an inmate at north broward detention center. They put her on the phone with a man she thinks is a hitman named kne neil who is actually an undercover cop. Half up front and half when its done. We talked about two and two. I thought it was four. The exact amount is 3900. Reporter to help authorities file charges, the hitman offers one final touch. When its done, i was going to show you pictures so you know its done. Okay. Youre not going to see it on the news, so ill take pictures and you see the see the pictures. Okay. Reporter once the deal is she agrees to help them stage her death. Want a black eye or bruises . Reporter with the help of a makeup artist, the police set up the elaborate shot. Do her hands. Shell have duct tape under her mouth. Reporter is that a specific color meant to be blood . Its called real blood. Reporter its kind of a crazy thing to have to do, right . Yeah. Reporter stage your own death . Once the photo shoot is over, the police send this guy posing as the hitmans lawyer with the photos to jkie in prison so she can sign out of an this, this in an effort to assure the police have a case beyond a. Reporter doubt. Verify that you saw the pictures. Can you help me out . Yeah. Reporter two weeks later, jackie is hit with new attempted murder charges. Solicitation to commit murder jackies fate hasnt been decided in court yet. As more laura bucking hamm, shes out of jail on 150,000 bail. For her ex, its still hard to comprehend. I dont feel angry. I feel kind of sad that she felt that she had to do that, to try to take my son from me. Reporter for nightline, were in new york. Up next, noah and his arc never fail to fascinate. A new rising tide of controversy over a religious theme park. Plus ben afflecks profanity laced rant. 1 f bombs on a new tv show. What set him off . This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. O block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Thats your hair lulu mom, can we have another dog . laughing trap and lock up to 4x more dirt, dust and hair than the store brand stop cleaning. Start swiffer ing y212ly yi0y z212mz zi0z y212my yi0y deep in the heart of kentucky, a man is building an arc. He doesnt think hes the new noah, but he thinks the bible story may be factual, and he wants to open a theme park to make the case. Is there science and should taxpayers be funding it . Heres david wright. Reporter its every kids favorite bible story, genesis, chapter 6 to nine, the story of noah and the flood and the ark he built to save all the animals two by two. An apocalypse renders kid friendly for sunday school. Im father noah reporter this story like so many stories in the bible has big elementl things that are still world today. After jesus and moses, noah probably has more hollywood block busters than anyone else in the bible, which is why we found ourselves in an unlikely place. Were in williamstown, kentucky. Population, not much by the looks of things, and where were headed is supposed to be there. We turned a corner and low and behold. There she blows. Off in the distance is a large, wooden ship still under construction. Oh, my gosh. Noahs ark, right here in the american south. 510 feet long. 95 feet wide. 51 feet high. The dimensions set out cube it by cube it. The noah of this ark its huge. The closer you get it gets bigger and bigger. Reporter his mission, to turn this bible story into a out of the old testament. The message, its making the bible come alive by building noahs ark, were saying this really happened. Reporter when finished, he says his ark will be seven stories high and a football field and a half long. The longest timber frame structure in the world. Among the trconstruction worker building the ark, allish construction workers. The artists are believers. They are tasked with creating two of ere kind. Life like creatures, even if you might not remember them from sunday school. This is not one that i recognize. Yeah. Reporter is this what are you making here . This is the hyena. This is the grandparent of modern apes. Reporter he calls it answers in genesis. His Creation Museum a few miles away attracts nearly half a mi teaching a young earth theory of creation. The god created the earth in six days and on the seventh day he rested just like it says in genesis. One problem with that approach, where exactly do dinosaurs fit in . Do you believe noah put one of those in . The bible said two of each other. Reporter it seemed like Everything Else might stay at home. If you ask me if his creation model is viable, i say no. Reporter that concept is a deal breaker for bill nigh. Off my millions and millions of years. To teach young people were dinosaurs on the ark . No. They could not be on any boat anybody built 5,000 years ago. Reporter bottom line, nooi dismisses the exhibits as biblical isnt alone in believing the noah story could be based in fact. Almost every major religion has a flood story. And in this era of rising oceans and global warming, respected scientists search for evidence of an ancient flood. Among them, an underwater archaeologist. Its not a crazy thing to think the flood stories of the various cultures, including ours, are based upon true events. Reporter its why from the bottom of the sea to the top of a mountain, they search for r k wreck of the ark. It was written down 30 centuries ago and were still talking about it today. Reporter this author follows the footsteps of relic hunters in his serious walking the bible. It gets at our deepest fears and hopes and reporter but for hamm its not a cautionary tale. He sees it as fact, and so does everyone who works for him. Its ha part of the hiring policy. They have to sign a statement of faith agreeing that the great flood of genesis was a historic event worldwide in its extent and effect. They also have to be straight, antiabortion, and christian. They have to be christian. Reporter why . The people who believe in the book of genesis also include jews and muslims. Why couldnt they . Well, we are a christian organization. Reporter because of the controversial hiring policy, the state trying to block him from receiving public funding, but hamm took his case to the state Supreme Court and won, and now his 100 million project takes advantage of millions of dollars in tax breaks and tourism benefits. C we live in the world. Reporter hamm doesnt seem to be bothered by the critics. He has a mission like noah did, he says. And we have these people who are actually stopping. Theres lots of people that stop, and we get a lot of attacks by some of the aggressive people, and sometimes i feel a bit like noah. Reporter hamm knows this ship can sail. He predicts it will attract 1 million to 2 million visitors in the first year alone. It has a field of dreams quality. If you build it, they will come. Yes. We do believe that if we build it, they will come. Reporter david wright for nightline aboard noahs ark in kentucky. Our thanks to david and the Ark Encounter opens next month. Next on nightline. Tell us how you feel, ben. Mr. Afflecks passionate, profane rant. vo never be good. Can purina believes it can. Inspecting every ingredient for quality . Thats big. Being confident that your pets food is 100 safe . Thats big, too. Spending more healthy years with your best friend . Thats amazing. Big is exciting. Daring. For everyone. Pets dont just make life better they make it bigger. Purina. Live big. If yo. Well do i haveen it all, a surprise for you. Its red lobsters new lobster and shrimp summerfest with the lobster and shrimp. You love in so many new dishes, youre gonna wanna try. 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On screen superhero and rapid patriots fan, ben affleck making headlines after giving a five minute cursefilled rant about deflate gate during the premier of an hbo talk show, any given wednesday. Its the ultimate [ bleep ] outrage of sports ever. Its so [ bleep ] stupid. Reporter he goes onto criticize the nfl and question the integrity of the commissioner. This is a conspiracy of people working inside the nfl who all come from organizations that tom brady whipped their [ bleep ] over the last ten or 15 years. Its a [ bleep ] ridiculous smear campaign, and goodell doesnt have the integrity, i would want to say, frankly. Reporter social media quick to respond. Jenny johnson saying i hope to have someone love me as passionately as ben affleck saying id be shocked with ben affleck was drunk while dropping f bombs and talking football. Guys never do that. That man stands by his spirited appearance. Firing back, for those of you keeping score at home, i gave exactly 18 fs about my pats. Upon reflection, 12 would be sufficient. We boston fans have always been known for our subtlety. Thank you for watching nightline. As always, were online 24 7 at hey. Hi, honey. You want some eggs . Dont listen to her. Its not eggs. Its that fakeegg crap. It tastes exactly the same. Yes. Exactly like crap. Well, your father and i went to the Senior Health fair yesterday. Senior health fair . What are the rides there . The. Complainagoround . Tunnel of gas . We had our cholesterol checked, and the both of us are very close to the danger zone. Mine was lower than hers. One point lower. Im still gonna live longer than you. What, 30 seconds . 30 seconds in paradise. All right, listen, romeo and juliet. Im gonna. Im gonna borrow a garbage bag. What do you mean borrow . Youre gonna give it back . All right im stealing a garbage bag. What the hell is that . Its milk for your coffee. Thats not my milk. Yeah, thats regular milk

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