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Last october in our report, 28 pages. Terry strada of new jersey supports the bill, which has broad support among both parties in congress. It would allow u. S. Victims of 9 11 to hold the saudi government responsible for any role it allegedly had in the terrorist attacks. Strada lost her husband tom, a bond broker, in the world trade center. The people that are responsible need to be held accountable or they continue to act with impunity. Thats the problem. So lets just get it out in the light. Lets shed the light on what and who finances terrorism and deal with it. Sharyl last year, a judge ruled 9 11 families couldnt sue saudi arabia in court because of a 1976 law that gives foreign nations sovereign immunity or protection from most u. S. Lawsuits. The proposed new law would change that for foreign nations found responsible for terrorist attacks on u. S. Soil. They can no longer hide behind the cloak of sovereign immunity. You know, instead you have to come to the courtroom and answer on the merits. You cant just hide behind sovereign immunity. Its not right. Sharyl but in the past week, Republican Leaders of both the house and senate said they were in no hurry to get behind the bill, and president obama signaled he would veto it. Mr. Obama this is a matter of how generally the United States approaches our interactions with other countries. If we open up the possibility that individuals and the United States can routinely start suing other governments, then we are also opening up the United States to being continually sued by individuals in other countries. Sharyl its a continuation of a bitter battle between 9 11 victims and the u. S. Government that dates back to the Bush Administration and its redaction of 28 pages from the final report of the congressional sharyl theres 28 pages that look like just redactions . Lynch yeah. And when i read it, i thought this information is something that the public should have. Sharyl congressman Stephen Lynch is among those pushing to have the 28 pages released. No ordinary american can view them. And members of congress, sworn to secrecy, are only permitted to read the 28 pages under strict conditions. You had to make an appointment with the intelligence committee. And also go to a secure location. They, they take your pen, paper, electronics. You sit in a room and they watch as you read it. Sharyl in october of 2013, lynch went to the secret room in the basement of the capitol and began reading. The censored material begins on page 395 under the heading, certain Sensitive National security matters. Sharyl as youre reading the pages what kind of realization was coming to your mind . Lynch it gave names of individuals and entities that i believe were complicit attacks on september eleventh. They were facilitators of those attacks and they are clearly identified. How people were financed, where they were housed, where the money was coming from, the conduits that were used and the connections between some of these individuals. Sharyl individuals, he says, who were never brought to justice. But who are they . And why would the u. S. Government want to keep the information secret . Former senator bob graham thinks he knows. He coauthored the congressional report, including the 28 pages. Senator graham here are some facts. The saudis know what they did. Second, the saudis know that we know what they did. Sharyl graham has become a relentless advocate for releasing the records. He goes so far as to say the 9 11 islamic extremist hijackers were only direct support from prominent saudis named in the 28 pages. The saudis deny that. 15 of the 19 hijackers were saudi. Their leader, al qaeda mastermind osama bin laden, was part of a powerful saudi family with close ties to the royal family. Senator graham the position of the United States government has been to protect saudi arabia at virtually every step of the judicial process. Sharyl and that may be the problem could the 28 pages unravel the alliance between the u. S. And a close arab ally in the mideast . Sharyl has someone put an official reason out there for why this is still classified . Lynch having read the 28 pages, i think its to, to allow those individuals to escape accountability. Sharyl former congressman Pete Hoekstra read the 28 pages a decade ago when he headed the house intelligence committee. Sharyl you read the pages many years ago. Can you imagine whats in there today that would be so sensitive to the saudis as well as the Obama Administration . Hoekstra well, it may be embarrassing to the saudis or other governments but thats no reason to now continue to withhold this information. Sharyl whats your view of the bill that congress is trying to pass that would allow the United States to hold other countries accountable . Hoekstra american citizens face a threat from terrorism that they didnt face 20 or 30 years ago. Clarifying that american citizens can then hold foreign governments accountable in our courts is very appropriate. Sharyl reports of a saudi connection to 9 11 were furthered by none other than 9 11 conspirator zacarias moussaoui. In 2014, the al qaeda member gave rare prison testimony for victims families suing saudi arabia for allegedly supporting terrorism. Moussaoui testified it was his job in the late 1990s to create a database of al qaeda donors. On that list, he claimed, were important saudi royal family members and officials. Money that was coming from the saudi donors, how important was it to bin ladens ability to maintain the organization . Moussaoui it was crucial. Without the money of the saudis, you will have nothing. It was absolutely fundamental. Sharyl lawyers for saudi arabia deny any link to terrorism. They say theres no evidence the saudis supported or caused the attacks, calling moussaouis comments colorful but immaterial hearsay from a convicted terrorist diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. If Congress Passes the law to lift saudi arabias sovereign immunity, the kingdom has reportedly threatened to retaliate selling off hundreds of billions of dollars in American Assets that it owns. Sharyl what do you make of the saudi threat to try to hit us economically if we pass this law . Hoekstra its an idle threat. They dont have nearly the kind of leverage over the United States that they would have had 15 years ago because of their Oil Production and those kinds of things. The second thing, its an idle threat because they cant execute it. To get rid of some of the assets that they hold in the United States, theyd have to do it at theyre not going to do it. Strada this is ridiculous. This is america. Saudia arabia does not get to come in and tell us what laws we can and cant have. And neither does the state department. Sharyl president obama says the Saudi Embassy declined our interview with west and referred us request and referred us to a 2003 statement that says the idea they had knowledge of the attacks on 9 11 are is plainly false. Still ahead, a surprising call to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuild war torn countries in the mideast. One senator says it worked to sharyl the wars in syria, iraq, and unrest elsewhere in the mideast have created a humanitarian crisis, formed Fertile Ground for islamic extremist terrorism, and set off debates in the u. S. Over what to do. Leaders in europe are calling the flood of refugees into their countries the worst crisis theyve seen since world war two. After that war, the u. S. Led an economic recovery effort on europes behalf called the Marshall Plan, named for then secretary of state george marshall. It was widely considered the most successful Foreign Policy initiative of last century. You might be surprised to hear today, republican senator Lindsey Graham has come up with a bold, new idea for is r something very similar to apply to the mideast. Its a 150 billion Marshall Plan to address todays terrorist reality. Lindsey graham a brussels paris terrorist attack is coming if we dont get ahead of it. Libyas going to become a completely failed state if we dont do something now. In a year from now, if we dont stop this refugee problem, get a better handle on it, the king of jordan could be in real trouble. Republican senator Lindsey Graham is a military hawk, but hes suggesting a different solution than more boots on the ground. Graham id like to really push radical islam where theyre the weakest, empowering people. Giving young people something to live for, a good job and a good education. That will destroy radical islam more, far more effectively than a bomb. To graham, the bombed out photos of syria with entire cities leveled, and ancient art and treasures destroyed, are reminiscent of germany and japan, in ruins after world war two. Sharyl youre trying to develop sort of a new Marshall Plan. Graham yes. Sharyl what is the Marshall Plan, the old Marshall Plan, first, and whats your idea for the new one . Graham two radical countries were defeated in world war ii. Germany and japan had radicalized their populations. We occupied these countries and spent a lot of money developing institutions, reeducating the population and now we have germany and japan as two democracies who have been great allies since world war ii. It was a stroke of genius. A stroke of genius that graham wants to replicate in the middle east. Graham we spent 1. 5 trillion in iraq and afghanistan. What could you do with 10 of that money to build up fragile states and turn around failing states . Sharyl some people might say that trillion we spent in iraq and afghanistan is proof as to why we shouldnt dump more money into that region or into that fight. Graham well i think most of its been these have been major wars with hundred thousand if you dont believe we should have gone in after 9 11 in afghanistan, i disagree with you. Im glad that we took the taliban out. Im glad Saddam Hussein is dead. Im glad that gaddafi is dead. Having said that, were going to have to understand that when the dictator falls and the taliban are taken down, the hard work begins. Sharyl grahams Marshall Plan 2. 0 envisions a germanyled global effort to pour upwards of 150 billion worth of humanitarian and economic aid into middle Eastern Countries that are teetering on the edge. Graham what i would want to do is create a new pot of money, low interest loans, preferential treaty agreements with this fragile states only if theyll change. Were not going to write checks to people who are just throwing folks in jail they dont like. Were not going to write checks to countries where people who run the government rip off their own populations. Sharyl where does the pot of money come from, because other republicans might say, and probably are saying, were broke. Graham pay now or pay later. You know, we are in debt, but were not too broke to defend ourselves. And heres what i, ive learned. The military part of it only takes you so far. And you just cant throw money to afghanistan and iraq to people who are corrupt. So im trying to create a smaller pot of money, giving it to people only if theyll change their behavior to make sure that we can sustain the gains weve fought so hard to achieve. Sharyl use it as leverage. In other words graham leverage. Sharyl weve given money in the past but havent gotten anything for it. Graham given money to warlords to try to buy security. Weve given money to the karzai government that was corrupt at the core. Malaki, corrupt to the core. How many times are you going to do this . Sharyl working with bono, the lead singer of u2 and founder of the antipoverty group the one campaign, graham wants to identify worthy causes and worthy countries, including he says egypt. Graham empowering a poor young girl with an education will do more to hurt isil and the taliban than any bomb. And thats where the bono part comes in. Heres what i would tell the american people. People in the region are not buying what isil and the taliban are selling. We just need to help them fight back effectively. And thats what this money is about. Sharyl graham and bono met with egyptian president Abdel El Sisi in cairo. Senator graham hes taken the fight to isil. Hes been a good ally to israel. I think hes somebody we can work with. I think hes got the right attitude about radical islam. Sharyl but graham admits selling the plan at home will be a challenge. Senator graham we are in debt. our Foreign Policys in freefall. Were going to be spending money to defend the nation through our military and through our foreign assistance. Im trying to come up with a strategy that would spend it wisely and create partners that we can rely upon. Can i sell it in the current environment . I dont know. But i do know this. That when the next attack comes, and if something doesnt change, its going to come. We need to be ready to engage fully and effectively. Sharyl the plight of hundreds of thousands of refugees, and their impact as they flee continues to be one of the biggest stories of our time. The story and coverage of it has have produced many dramatic and compelling images. These are some from greece and from other points of migration across europe. The New York Times and a mass media firm called Thomson Reuters shared the Pulitzer Prize this year awarded in the past week for breaking news photography coverage of the refugee crisis. And ahead on full measure, tuesday is another critical primary day for president ial candidates. Well take a look at whats at stake. And, see how the generation that gets no respect is making a big impact in this president ial sharyl on tuesday, five states hold primaries that may very well put the leading candidates within reach of the delegates they needed to clinch their nomination. Scott thuman joins us for a breakdown. Scott first off lets talk clinton has a delegate 450 ofd is is within the delegates needed to clinch the nomination. It can be a bit of a reset button for her. Prior to winning new york this past week, she had lost 7 states in a row to Bernie Sanders. Heres the map. Connecticut, delaware, rhode island, maryland, and the biggest prize, pennsylvania, which boasts 189 delegates and 21 super delegates. Polling is almost nonexistent in the tinier states, but clinton has commanding leads in maryland and pennsylvania. Sharyl what about republicans . Scott same states, but a much more complex system in divying out the delegates. Delaware, for example, is winner take all. Connecticut, they are partially handed out aced on each district in the state. However, if you win 50 plus one, you can get all of the delegates. So, even though trump leads in most polls, there could be a real spreading of the wealth. Sharyl in trumps eyes though, even a win could be controversial . Scott donald trump has said for some time that the system is rigged. In pennsylvania, where trump has a handy lead, he could win the popular vote, but only walk away with a guaranteed 17 delegates. The other 54 are party elders who are on tuesdays ballots, but are uncommited, meaning, they can vote at the National Convention however they like. So, there is a lot at stake and a lot of uncertainty. Sharyl donald trump, whether he clinches the gop nomination or not, is certain to continue to drive the drama of this president ial campaign all the way to cleveland. Scott thats right, hes being propelled by a protest vote. Americans who are backing the outsiders like Bernie Sanders, for example. We found that one rising protest vote is coming from millennials. Theyre enthusiastic. Im a senior and i get to vote in my very first primary. Scott engaged. ms. Clinton hello, george mason granted. I used to be a republican. Now im very much democratic. I definitely think everyone should vote, because in the end, like, we live here and its going to affect us in some way. So, it is an important thing to do. I think it takes all of us college kids to make a difference in the voting. Scott in the 2016 president ial race, its not momentum candidates need on their side, its millennials. There are 49 million americans millennials, accounting for 21 of eligible voters. Young people have a ton of power right now in terms of determining the future of our country. Scott sarah audelo is the political and field director for rock the vote, a Nonpartisan Organization working to increase the number of youth voters taking part in the election process. The millennial generation is the largest generation that our country has ever seen. Were bigger than the baby boomers,nd are the largest share of the electorate. Scott now, this growing voting block is flexing its political power at the ballot box. Voting in record numbers this primary season, according to circle an organization that , conducts research on the civic and Political Engagement of young people. Youth voter turnout can be crucial to a candidates success. In 2008, young voters helped then candidate barack obama capture the white house with 66 of the vote from those under 30. So far, overall turnout in this years primaries rival records set in 2008 according to the pew research center. Just take a look at the numbers from some of the nominating contests through midmarch. According to circle, more than 1. 5 million young people voted for Bernie Sanders, while Hillary Clinton and donald trump each carried just over 600,000. At the root of Bernie Sanders message is something i can agree with, we have a government that is not working for the people. Scott charlie kirk started an Organization Called turning point usa in 2012 when he was still in high school. Its aimed at getting young election process and now works on College Campuses across the country. So, the number one thing we hear is apathy. And the second is anger and frustration and distrust of washington and the political class. Scott one of the top issues for young voters this election cycle is the economy. A recent usa todayrock the vote poll of millennials suggests these young voters are seeking out candidates that reflect their priorities. Our generation struggled after the recession and was hit hardest and frankly were still struggling to get back together. So, for young people they want jobs that are going to be able to support themselves and their families and its important for candidates to be able to see that. Job prospects for young people are not what they should be and not what they were in past years and thats an immediate economic impact. Scott with voters in over a number of states and the district of still to take part in the president ial nominating process and just under 200 days to go before the november 8th election, the challenge now for candidates is keeping millennials engaged and enthusiastic. And this is where its really the opportunity for each of the candidates to reach out to the generation, which again is not in this very narrow box, they are not in a very narrow party identified box. They really want to be reached out to and have someone talk about the issues they care. Care about. Scott and reaching out they are with four of the five candidates so far edge ruling events on campusesnd even cool in the days leading up to the elections. You. L thank when we return, a little show and tell. Public documents the government was required by law to turn over in 30 days. Wait until you hear how long it took them. Sharyl under the freedom of information act, called foia, the federal government is required to hand over documents requested by the public or press within about 30 days. Yet federal agencies routinely violate the law. This brings me to some mail i just received. This stack is from the Drug Enforcement administration from a foia request i made in 2013. This one is from the state department and includes some public documents i asked for after the benghazi terrorist attacks in 2012. Whats in these long withheld documents . The state department documents seem to be messages of condolences from dozens of countries after benghazi. The dea documents appear to be a collection of emails circulating my news reports gunwalking scandal. This email from 2011, notes that one of my fast and furious reports adds another twist and headache for doj and atf. Its unclear why these responses should have taken longer than 30 days, let alone more than three years. But if the goal was to keep them out of the spotlight until the controversies were out of the news mission accomplished. Next week on full measure when it comes to pills, the u. S. Is one of the most over prescribed countries in the world and there are millions of cases of adverse drug reactions every year. We examine one antipsychotic pill that scared one mother into action. S taking aew breast drug called risk at all. Well hear his story and tell you about the drug study that warned of the drugs potential effects. That story next week on full starting right now on this week with george stephanopoulos. Is this the real donald . I sort of dont like toning it down. The new signs that trump is trying to make a president ial pivot. But can the brash frontrunner tone it down enough to finally get the gop behind him . Were asking the Republican Party chair about the trump transformation. Plus, one of the ultra secretive billionaire Koch Brothers breaks his silence about the 2016 race if a revealing abc news exclusive. Is it possible another clinton could be better than another republican this time around . Its possible. Its possible. And bernies long shot campaign. I am in this race to the end. Hes pushing harder than ever. Despite a nearly impossible path to the nomination. With tough contests ahead, will he damage Hillary Clinton before

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