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making n making news this morning. heightened security near a u.s. base in afghanistan. it's there in the wake of a deadly suicide bombing. chest pains send conservative talker rush limbaugh to a hawaii hospital. he's said to be resting comfortably. and successful journey to the south pole. this one is all about girl power. it's new year's eve, thursday, december 31st, 2009. >> from abc news, this is "america this morning." >> gd morning and thanks for being with us. i'm vinita nair. >> i'm todd conner sitting in for jeremy hubbard. the taliban says it's behind a deadly suicide bomb attack in afghanistan which killed eight cia workers. >> somehow the bomber managed to enter the secure facility before setting off hit explosive vest. nick schifrin joins us from kabul with the details. good morning, nick. >> reporter: the bomber did get past security. there's a lot of additional security outside of camp chapman near the pakistani border. we're trying to figure out how the bomber got past three layers of security where he got into the gym, killing eight cia officials, injuring an additional six. it's not clear how he got in there. a u.s. official says he was wear an afghan army uniform and the taliban claims he was a member of the afghan army. he had infiltrated the army in order to conduct one of these types of attacks. regardless whether that claim is true this bomber has created a catastrophic day for the cia. this was one of the worst days in cia history, the single worst day in 1983 when thembassy in beirut was bombed and eight cia officials were killed then. cia in this part of the world is eyes and ears to the u.s. military performing intelligence duties not only in afghanistan but also across the border in pakistan. this incident yesterday will significantly impact how much intelligence the u.s. is able to get in this area, which is a very dangerous area. there have been at least three base attacks here in the last 18 months. this one of course comes as send 30,000 additional troops here. u.s. officials warn that those troops will probably be in greater danger until they begin -- can begin to create a little peace here. and just again yesterday we saw how the taliban goes after western troops. they set off a read side bomb just outside of kandahar. that bomb killed four canadian soldiers as well as a canadian reporter named michelle lang, a 34-year-old who is working for "the calgary herald." it was her first trip to afghanistan. yesterday is another example of how dangerous this country has become, both for western troops as well as for civilians as well. vinita, fod? >> nick schifrin reporting from kabul, afghanistan, thanks, nick. and there's a new warning about a possible terrorist attack on indonesia's bali island. the u.s. embassy has sent e-mails to americans there relaying a message from the island's governor. suicide bombings on the resort island earlier this decade killed more than 200 people. conservative talk show host rush limbaugh is in a honolulu hospital this morning after suffering chest pains. his website says the 58-year-old limbaugh is resting comfortably. limbaugh told paramedics he was takingedication for back pain. six years ago he admitted he was addicted to prescription medicines also taken for back pain. limbaugh's three-hour show is heard on 600 radio stations around the country. today is the deadline president obama set for preliminary results two investigations into the christmas terror plot. we're learning more this morning about the breakdown in intelligence in the weeks heading up to it. john hendren has more from washington. >> reporter: u.s. intelligence agencies are feeling the heat from missing red flags before the botched christmas bombing. >> the director of intelligence and the cia didn't do their job. >> that set off all sorts of alarm bells. >> reporter: sources tell abc news the intelligence community only informed department of homeland security and tsa of the incident yesterday. >> years after 9/11, things are still the same. >> reporter: and there were more red flags. in august the nsa intercepted information from al qaeda affiliates that a nigerian in yemen was preparing an attack. when the detroit bombing suspect's father showed up at the u.s. embassy in nigeria in november expressing concern his son was missing in yemen and was associating with radicals no one connected the dots. >> this was a failure and breakdown beginning to end. >> reporter: airport screeners missed key signs. >> he boarded the plane, he paid cash. that's a danger signal. he didn't have any luggage, that's another danger signal. >> reporter: u.s. transportation authorities plan to have a total of 490 scanners in the nation's 450 airports by the end of next year. president obama will receive a report on the detroit bomb plot in the next 24 hours. john hendren, abc news, washington. president obama has vetoed his first piece of legislation. the white house says he rejected a stop-gap spending bill congress passed to keep the pentagon funded in case a blizzard kept members away from the capitol. it didn't and congress passed the defense budget on schedule. basically the bill wasn't needed but president obama vetoed it as a formality. now to a major recall that's been under the radar for a long while. it began several weeks ago when johnson and johnson recalled its tylenol arthritis caplets following complaints the medication smelled bad and sickened people. why did it take so long to spread the word? >> reporter: tylenol arthritis caplets with easy cap have been taken off shelves, all 6 million bottles produced in the past three years. johnson and johnson says a chemical seeped into empty bottles which led to nausea and vomiting for some users. in early november tylenol posted a small recall on its website. days ago, all 6 million bottles were recalled. it wasn't until a nationwide fda medical alert just this monday that most people even learned the bottles had been pulled. >> that's a problem. you need to get this information out to consumers as soon as possible and as soon as you know there's a problem. >> reporter: the fda sd it is "looking into the reason for the delay." while this recall doesn't involve life-threatening illness, advocates say it's serious and highlights a problem with our recall system. it's up to companies like the makers of tylenol to issue a recall. for years consumer advocates have said that's backwards, the government should have the authority to order a recal but that will take an act of congress. david kerley, abc news, washington. whether it's new year's eve or the middle of summer when you say fenway park, you probably think baseball. >> great place to see a baseball game but not right now because the home of the boston red sox has been taken over for a hockey game. the bruins are taking on the flyers in what the nhl calls its winter classic. >> some 40,000 fans will brave the cold to be in attendance. it is the third year in a row that nhl teams have faced off in an outdoor venue. and now for this morning's weather from around the nation. stormy in the northwest with high winds, rain and mountain snow from washington to wyoming. several inches of snow from michigan to maine. sleet, snow and rain in boston, new york, and d.c. rain in the southeast and a wintry mix in oklahoma, louisiana, and east texas. >> 49 for the high in dallas. 67 in new orleans. a sunny 80 in miami. 30s in the northeast. 7 in fargo. 10 in the twin cities. out west in seattle. 34 in boise. 23 in billings. when we come back the high stakes brinksmanship that could keep bowl games, the playo have you gotten your seasonal flu vaccination? great - but your work's not done yet. we still need to get the h1n1 flu vaccination. you, me -- we should all get one. the vaccine is safe and proven effective against this highly contagious new strain of flu virus. we can help prevent the spread of this virus if we all just roll up our sleeves. to learn more about the h1n1 flu vaccination visit or call your local health department it's up to you to fight the flu. welcome back. well, it is a quiet morning for overseas stock markets on the last day of the year. markets in japan were closed. but the nikkei finished the year up 19%. hong kong's hang seng gained 1.8% today and soared 52% for the year. in london, the ftse opened higher. it was another quiet day on wall street, with the dow inching up 3 points, closing at 10,548. the nasdaq added 3 points to close at 2291. millions of time warner cable subscribers could lose the fox network at midnight. the cable company and fox's owner are locked in a dispute over fees. that appears unlikely to be resolved anytime today. and that means subscribers could lose shows like "the simpsons" and big football games. the companies are fighting over how much time warner should pay fox for right to broadcast its shows. a snowstorm on the last weekend before christmas forced many people delay their shopping. and it shows in the latest retail numbers. sales rose nearly 9% christmas week. and the day after the holiday was the second-busiest of the season after black friday. online retailers had a strong season, as well. netting about $27 billion in sales, up 5% from last year. taxpayers have come to the aid of gmac financial services, once again. the company is getting $3.8 billion in additional federal aid. its third payment from the government. that brings gmac's total bailout to more than $16 billion. and boosts the government's ownership stake in the company to more than 50%. at&t says it's time to cut the cord on traditional land line telephones. in a filing with the s.e.c., it says the time has come to phase out older telephone networks. at&t says that would free up resources to make high-speed internet access available to everyone. and when we come back, the early preparations for new year's. and some last minute thrills on the blue turf in boise. taking risks, sometimes really and now, a look at the road conditions you can expect this morning. snow and freezing rain on highways from the great lakes to the northeast. rain and flooding on i-95 from virginia to north florida. a wintry mix around east texas and oklahoma. and it will be slippery in the northwest. if you're flying today, expect delays in seattle and dallas, chicago to detroit. and from boston to atlanta. recapping one of our top stories now. talk show host rush limbaugh is waking up in a honolulu hospital this morning. his website says the 58-year-old limbaugh is resting comfortably, after suffering chest pains. limbaugh's show is heard on about 600 radio station across the country. it's that time. we're heading into another busy holiday travel weekend. an estimated 8 million people will board planes over the next few days. and this morning, we're told that the tsa might begin stricter security measures. eric horng reports from chicago's o'hare airport. >> reporter: for many passengers today, just getting through security was half the journey. >> much tighter than previous years. we were screened three different times. >> before you even were allowed in the airport, they patted you down. >> reporter: after days of increased security, there's word of more changes on the way. but how much is enough? >> the big problem is not liquids. it's not powders. it's sustainability. and being as alert in march and july and next christmas and the christmas after that as they are now. >> reporter: the new rules are causing confusion at airports around the globe. in detroit this week, major delays after worried flyers tried to check in too early, five hours before their flights. >> we're staying calm and kind of going with the flow and staying positive. >> reporter: airlines largely support the new measures. but feeling the impact of this week's delays, one airline trade group said, the air transport system cannot support 100% patdown searches over the long-term. the group is calling for wider use of body scanners, which are currently being used in just 19 u.s. airports. and in some parts of europe and the middle east. the machines have raised privacy concerns. but a former 9/11 commission member said need outweighs any risk. >> i think the body scanners should be at every checkpoint in every domestic and foreign airport that has a plane bound for the united states. they've got to have security measures that are consistent with reality. >> reporter: all of this playing out, of course, during one of the busiest travel weeks of the year. fortunately, the weather is not making matters worse. we did have some light snow at o'hare, but nothing like the storms we saw a few days ago, eric horng, abc news, chicago. a group of women has reached the south pole. they skied for 38 days to reach the u.s.-operated base at the pole. >> they covered more than 500 miles. each woman dragging a 176-pound sled, carrying provisions and equipment. at times, winds were in excess of 80 miles per hour. and temperatures plunged to minus-42 degrees. the trip back should be easier. they'll fly. the texas tech red raiders play a bowl game against michigan state saturday. and they will do it without head coach mike leach. leach was fired yesterday, in a legal proceedings stemming from his recent suspension. >> the suspension was put in place after leach allegedly confined a player to an equipment shed, after the player was diagnosed with a concussion. as for last night's highlights, here's j.w. stewart at espn news. >> thanks. and good morning. wednesday, lebron james turned 25. one of his teammates gave him the best birthday present of all. the hawks and the cavs, finishing up their home and home series. cleveland won in atlanta on tuesday night. wednesday night, they were in cleveland, where there was the prebirthday celebration. late in the game, lebron. two of his season-high 48. and the cavs are down one. 22 seconds to play with the shot clock winding down. anderson varejao. his first career three-pointer. and the cavs win it 106-101 on lebron's birthday. college basketball. uconn and cincinnati. big east opener for both schools. kimba walker. his only three of the game. we're tied at 69-69. freshman lancetephenson, fouled at the buzzer. they put 0.7 seconds back on the clock. he hit both free throws. cincinnati beats uconn for the first time. the humanitarian bowl in boise, idaho, with bowling green against the idaho vandals. fourth quarter, 40 seconds to go. tyler sheehan, to freddie barnes. he had 17 catches in the game. 219 yards and 3 tds. and broke the fbs single-season receptions with 135. enderle to max komar for the touchdown. vandals down one. they're not going for the tie. they're going for the win. on the two-point conversion, enderle, to freddie davis. bowl game, idaho, wins the humanitarian bowl. 43-42. that'll do it from here. now, back to you in new york. happy new year. >> happy new year to you, too. austlia, of course, had the new yearlong before our celebrations get under way on this side of the globe. >> 1.5 million revelers are expected to watch the fireworks extravaganza over sydney's harbor bridge. people started showing up early with tents, blankets and picnic baskets, hoping to stake out a good spot for the best view. back here in wisconsin, they're celebrating in a somewhat unique way, with seafood. more giant crab legs than anyone can eat. >> reporter: a milwaukee grocery store showing off 500 pounds of russian crab legs. calling it the largest crab leg display. people tend to eat a lot of seafood as they ring in the new year. we know what they will be drinking. up next, the stories we'll be following today, including the condition of rush limbaugh. and security is beefing up in new york's times square, ahead of tonight's big celebration. i had chronic muscle pain all over. and i was so tender o the touch-- but i didn't know why. my doctor diagnosed it a fibromyalgia. and then he 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(announcer) zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed. now, a look ahead to the stories we'll be watching on this new year's eve. security has been stepped up around the u.s. base in eastern afghanistan after eight cia workers were killed by a suicide bomber. the taliban said it was behind the deadly attack. talk show host rush limbaugh is said to be resting comfortably after spending the night in a honolulu hospital. the 58-year-old conservative icon suffered chest pains while on vacation in hawaii. president obama is expected to get the short-term results of two investigations in missed signals in the christmas bomb plot today. after days of increased airport security, there's word that even more changes are on the way that could cause even more delays as 8 million passengers get ready to board planes over the holiday weekend. the fda is looking into why it took so long to inform the public about a major tylenol recall. tylenol arthritis cap lets were voluntarily recalled last month. but most people didn't hear about it this week until an fda alert was issued. and hundreds of revelers are expected in new york's times security is extremely tight. tylenol pm is recommended by more doctors than any other sleep medicine. it eases pain... and helps you sleep, in a non-habit forming way. °s1iyxxrxpw0÷ases pain... 1÷0÷q0÷ endless rich food. how were the holidays?/ now i'm feeling irregular, arenwell, i watch what i eat and i eat activia evry morning. i don't see how a yogurtlike activia can help with irregularity. she's living proof. take the activia challenge now. it works or it's free. finally from us this morning, the last meal for one of the most famous restaurants in the world. tavern on the green sits on the edge of central park. >> and after catering to wealthy new yorkers and tourists for decades, the eatery that once brought in $30 million a year is now bankrupt. and it's closing its doors. more from anthony johnson of our new york station, wabc. >> reporter: say so long to the glitz, glamour, the ambience, the display of garish dining sitting on the west side of central park. after new year's eve, the lights inside tavern on the green fade to blank. the city's decision not to renew the license took its toll. but memories are endless. >> the look in the eye of the person you bring in for the first time. they're almost overwhelmed with the lights, the decorations. >> reporter: this family came here 20 years ago. now, brought their grandson, so he could someday say, he had been to this new york city landmark. >> i think it's extremely sad. it's something that we bring all our friends up to. and it's just extremely enjoyable. >> reporter: many of the famed relics and artifacts, chandeliers, candelabres, tiffany stained glass, will be auctioned to the public on january 13th, 14th and 15th. walter la roy purchased tavern on the green in 1960. the new year's eve sendoff is the final seating. now, it's time to say good-bye to the 400 workers who will start the new year unemployed. >> it will be sad. but it has to be a celebration of what has been here. >> reporter: all of the chairs have been packed up. they're ready to go. but this place holds so many special memories. like the birthday party for john lennon and his son. at tavern on the green, anthony johnson, channel 7, eyewitness news.

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