Tragedy. Jummy breaking now, within the past 45 minutes, minnesotas governor asking the u. S. Department of justice to investigate that deadly shooting last night that claimed a black mans life. Just one of the rapid developments in a story that is sparking nationwide outrage and protest. Shotman Philando Castile to death by a Police Officer during a traffic stop after telling the officer he had a concealed weapon and a permit to this story contains graphic content and video. The aftermath was captured on video when his girlfriend began broadcasting on facebook live. She spoke out moments ago. We are the people. We cannot keep allowing these people who are supposed to serve and protect us take us away from our families. Ofmy she was one asking what happened last night outside a saint paul minnesota, we are following the breaking developments from our live desk, bring us up to speed. That video has been watched more than one million times during the last 15 hours, showing the final moments of a black mans life just after being shot by a minnesota Police Officer. The shooting took place after 9 00 last night, broadcast live by the victims girlfriend. We got pulled over for a busted tail light. The police, they killed my boyfriend. Philando castile lay wounded and dying after being pulled over by a minor traffic infraction. It was licensed to carry and trying to get a have his id. As she livestream the tragedy, her fouryearold daughter in the back seat. He let the officer know he had a the officer shot him in the arm. The officer appears agitated weird the officer appears agitated. He just shot his arm off. I told him to get his hand up. Please do not tell me he is gone, officer do not tell me you did not do this to him. You shot for bullets into him. He was getting his registration. Eyewitnesses captured in this video of officers tried to revive him before he is taken to the hospital where he later died. His grieving mother saying she told her son he should obey the police. Whatever they ask you to do, do it, do not say nothing, do what they want you to do, what is the difference in complying if you get killed anyway . The minnesota naacp saying sees a disturbing pattern of officers not being held accountable, the group says what happened last night signifies that black lives do not matter in minnesota, the officer involved is on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation. Live in the newsroom, suzanne kennedy. That thank you here shooting comes amidst growing shootingr the Police Tuesday that claimed a black mans life in baton rouge. Hands up, dont shoot. Jummy protesters rallied in the streets through the night. Over the death of alton sterling. The department of justice leading an investigation into the shooting that was caught on video. Investigators looking on those videos and others from cameras nearby. The officers involved are on leave. We will continue monitoring both of the stories for you for any new developments. We will bring them to you on air and online at wjla. Com and on social media at facebook a story, the heat wave, the area bracing for another day of soaring temperatures and all that humidity. Doug hill is here with a look at how things will be later today. Doug the feelslike temperature , our main number, air temperatures, 89 at reagan national, they will climb into the 90s but it is a combination of the heat and humidity that makes it feel uncomfortable. Toperatures now upper80s 90 in most lots, 90 in manassas, 88 in baltimore. 89 in washington when you factor in the humidity, different numbers, feels like 94 in washington, 96 from frederick to leesburg to manassas to fredericksburg, cooler near the chesapeake bay. Afternoon, temperatures as high as 95 degrees, heat index to the feelslike temperature approaching 100 degrees. Keeping an eye on some will be a slight chance of showers and storms, the better chances south of washington and just to the southwest. Looking ahead to maybe some cooler air in the forecast in a couple of minutes. Jummy thank you. We had to capitol hill, fbi director james comey speaking to congress after he recommended Hillary Clinton should not be prosecuted over her private email set up. Congress grill the director on his decision, even asking whether he would hire lynton himself. Clinton himself. There is a legitimate concern that there is a double standard. Oryour name is not clinton you are not part of the powerful will, that lady justice act differently. I have the greatest admiration for the fbi. Director he stands the results of the investigation and maintains that clinton did not break the law. The hillump is also on meeting with house and Senate Republicans at the capitol hill club, a couple of dozen people showed up to protest him. The trial is underway for the fourth Police Officer accused in the arrest and death of freddie gray last year in baltimore. Lieutenant brian rice was the officer who first saw gray, triggering the foot chase that ended with him in custody. He was the highest ranking officer on the scene. Justaryland bureau chief that out of the courtroom, he is live in baltimore with the arguments being made inside. Oh opening arguments just concluded and a reference to his right, as the highest ranking officer, they say he is responsible for making the decisions that led to the death of freddie gray. Beyond that, we have not heard anything trials, coming into this one, almost like groundhog day in court. We can show you some video. Prosecutors, state attorney maryland most be today, she decided to continue with these prosecutions even after the first three cases ended, one with a mistrial and two acquittals. Lieutenant rice coming into court as well. He was the officer who spotted freddie gray that day, made eye contact, saw freddie gray and his companion take off running. He went in pursuit and lost sight of freddie gray, chased the other suspect while calling in a foot pursuit. When freddiethere gray was taken into custody. When freddie gray was first loaded into a police van, rice was doing crowd control. He only laid hands on freddie gray at the second stop, the state attorney contending he failed to seatbelts freddie gray and when freddie gray suer his fatal injuries, it became his responsibility. The defense firing back, saying that it was a nine second decision that rice had, the officer decided to buckle gray or not buckle him and they repeated this mantra over and over, saying that freddie gray was battling and belligerent, kicking and combative. For that reason, rice has a reasonable officer, had the opportunity to decide not to buckle him. Ongoing, the medical examiner on the stand, we will bring you the latest this afternoon. Jummy thank you. We will look for those reports later on. A Falls Church Family out of their home after an Early Morning house fire. Firefighters were called to the threestory home on lake you terrorists just after 1 00 this morning. A gas line into the home, located the firefighting efforts but no one hurt. An electrical problem is being blamed for the fire. Shenandoah National Park is sections of the big run loop trail and the big run portal trail are closed because of what is been called unusual bear activity, that includes closing parks at the appalachian trail to campers. The roadways, eric is on traffic watch. Will start offe in the capital beltway, just the left side, the outer loop top heading to river road, the crust moved to the right shoulder. It will be slow as a result at river, you cannot see it because the crashes prior to that, delays not bad towards georgetown road. Bad. Nterlude is not a crash on the opposite, no camera. Beltway,nside the nothing too bad. That is often the traffic center. Jummy thank you. Coming up, two major developments involving Alexander Hamilton, including, changes to the popular musical based on his life. The mercury is rising across the dmv, i am sam sweeney on the water, in georgetown, how people are cooling off. Jummy when the Greenbrier Hotel will reopen after being ravaged by floods, that is next. A National Historic landmark is reopening after being closed for a couple of weeks. Officials of the greenbrier say the resort will reopen next tuesday. It was closed when the devastating floods washed away parts of West Virginia last month. Forcing to cancel the pga greenbrier classic. The resort is a major driver for that areas economy. A small town with a famous name is picking up after some damage. That is the scene in metropolis, illinois after severe storms last night, while there was no superman to save the day, everyone escaped unharmed. Thank god we are alive. My daughter is fine, my wife is fine, i am fine. We get a new house, get new inmy at least one tornado those storms. At home, a heat wave on everyones mind as we do with a Third Straight sweltering day, that has people doing whatever they can to keep goal, that includes sam sweeney live on the potomac, is that a pal of work or a canoe paddleboard or a canoe . Sam a paddleboard. Inyou have to work outside the heat, no better place than on the waterfront in georgetown. Almost so hot it is uncomfortable. Where you look, everyone is trying to escape the heat. Muggy and hot and staging. Sam weather on the water or under a tree at a metro station, tough to hide from the summers first heat wave, for learned a hard lesson on airconditioning. So hot, my airconditioning does not function well. The heat emergency plan went into effect wednesday with real feel temperatures expected to be over 100 later today, anyone who does not have air conditioning is urged to go to a community center, a shopping mall, or a senior center. The young, old, and those with respiratory issues most at risk from heat emergencies. It is not worth it, anything can happen. Yesterday it was so hot i felt like i wanted to thank. Feint. Faint. Newswhat would a local shot be without a thermometer. Approaching 90 degrees and only set to get hotter. Make sure you drink a lot of water. Live on the potomac, sam sweeney. Jummy paddleboards, repelling on buildings, what will be next . Doug the water is cooler, 70s. Summertimetime occurrence, it depends on how long this will occur, the cool off will be five days of high heat and humidity and another what underway now. Maps,mbers, the weather this morning in charlestown to, maryland, 89 degrees, this is the environmental creek set up, absolutely beautiful, the water still as can be with virtually no wind, the winds picked up during the day, a few clouds popped and the heat doing its thing. The heat and humidity makes it feel uncomfortable, wins calm at the moment. Feels like 96 degrees in manassas and leesburg and fredericksburg and 94 in washington, 92 in annapolis. At the higherr elevations out west and they will get a break in the western zones compared to the metro, 95 on the thermometer today, could have spots where the heat index 100 degrees or higher. Deals like temperatures a chance for isolated thunderstorms, the best chances probably southwest and south of the metro later this afternoon. We will report anything that pops up on doppler, at the moment, showers across West Virginia and southwestern sections of virginia and the southeastern kentucky, we will see how they go, some will make it across the mountains and some will not come the chance this afternoon of some popups east of the blue ridge and we will track those. The majority of people will see no rain but deal with the heat and humidity. Next, futurecast computer mod continues the idea that most showers will be south and southeast of the metro tonight. Tomorrow, hot, humid, middle90s. Another chance in the afternoon of scattered showers and storms, a better chance tomorrow than today. A 40 chance of afternoon thunderstorms, 94 tomorrow, it will feel several degrees warmer. Rain probability will diminish whats we get through saturday. Still hot, 93, humidity level will drop off saturday night, especially sunday as temperatures turn a bit cooler, mid to upper80s for early next week. Best i can do, hang in there for a couple more days then fresher. Then fresher. Jummy coming up, the big changes coming up to hamilton the musical what we know woman i have a masurprise for you. Are you . Man you have a surprise for me . Narrator at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. And when theyre away, they miss out on a lot. But they wont miss out on financial support. Because we cover any difference between their military pay and their families. Why do we do it . Because our vets sacrifice enough. Dominion. Depend on us for more than energy. Stand by me. Jummy a big twist to come in story of a founding father. The Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society says it will completely refute a major story about hamilton that scholars have he was the fact, first u. S. Secretary of the treasury but died in a duel with ehrenbergin 1804 1804. On burr in saturday will be delay last show with the founder of the show, tickets are going from sinking hundred dollars to 20,000 on stub hub. Officials in california defending their decision after accurately destroying a geological landmark. A chunk of sidewalk had been pulled apart by years of movement along the hayward fault, geologist studied it but city thought it was a normal practice fixed it, angering many geologists. Hazards where we have a lot of pedestrian traffic and this intersection was identified at one for retrofitting. We were unaware of it at the time. Jummy the city manager said there were other fault cracks in the city but nothing beats the curb appeal of what is newly repaired. Doug is back on when we will get jummy most of us have seen this iconic image of marines raising the American Flag on iwo jima during world war ii, you have not seen the 2016 version, bodybuilders regrading it in honor of independence day, instead of a traditional flag, the leader of the group painted the plaque on his body an h he says that despite the cup locations, his team this was his proudest moment. Hisomplications, this was proudest moment. We should try that with you. Doug have your finger on 911. N interesting Facebook Post heat and humidity, 95, feel warmer, 76 tonight, it will feel warmer, 94 tomorrow, it will feel warmer, there could be an isolated shower or storm today, better chances tomorrow night and evening, saturday looks great, hot, humidity falling during the day, no rain in the forecast, sunday with bright sunshine and lower humidity, 86. Jummy the Mega Millions just got raised to 540 million. The drawing is tomorrow night, get your tickets and share with doug a to win the Million Dollars on this show, youve got to have a mixture of guts, brains, and nerves of steel. Does one of our players today have the right stuff . We are about to find out when we play who wants to be a millionaire. [dramatic music] hey, everybody. How you doing . Thank you. Welcome to the show. You guys ready to play who wants to be a millionaire . [cheers and applause] thats good, because our returning contestant is a teacher whose only claim to fame is winning her Elementary School spelling bee. Shes hoping to leave a bigger legacy here today. From brooklyn, new york, please welcome back lauren stripling. [cheers and applause] good to see you again, my dear

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