Definitely a playoff atmosphere here at nat park this afternoon. Folks,re some of these the blue and the orange, but that is ok. Weve got to make sure to be much louder, because there is a lot at take here. This is a good oldfashioned pennant race at this point. The nationals after yesterdays big win and this this week over the braves, now only four games behind those guys, and if we can sweep this series, we will be one game behind. This is tim from upper marlboro. , jim,reading this morning the senators had to overcome a big deficit in 1924 to overtake that new york love and win the world series. I dont remember that one. John i dont either, but ive been reading about it. [laughter] could this be something similar . It is up to them. John what are our chances . Asked me wednesday night. John a10 year celebration of having baseball back in d. C. , and we might have a good old pennant race here. Enjoy yourself. It will be a good game. Lets walk over here. We have another young lady and i like what you are wearing today. You have the Division Champions tshirt on. How are you feeling about the chances . Im feeling good, because i is going. Momentum if they can just win, it will be great for the team and also the fans. John how did you get your tickets . Are you a Ticket Holder . I am, this is my second year. But i wanted to be here for sure for today. John hoeven and hoping to buy more tickets. Oh, definitely. Ofn we will show you more the crowd as they get through the gates here. It will be a fantastic afternoon for baseball. The natsat weather and and the mets. Mound. Erzer on the what can go wrong with our ace on the mound . Autria thank you so much. Whether you are headed out to the game or you have a picnic scheduled for outside today, one thing is for certain, you will need the sunglasses. Here is our meteorologist josh with a look at the forecast. Pressure has camped out over the atlantic. You can see the next chance still well off to the west. Nothing to worry about four today for the holiday. Or getting back to school tomorrow. All of that sunshine meet some very warm temperatures on our way. As we work our way through the afternoon, highs close to 90. 85 at dulles right now. 82 in gaithersburg. There, therbor ferris wheel going around. A beautiful afternoon, but once again, sunscreen and shades. We are up to about 90 today. Fortunately, the nationals are used to playing in the d. C. Heat and humidity. Storm chances as we enter the middle of the week. Whenl have the latest on the kids will likely need an umbrella at the bus stop, coming up. Tomorrow, students and Fairfax County will head back to class. Thatis just one reason drivers could be in for a terrible tuesday commute. Calmight now, it is the before the storm here in vienna, virginia. Very few buses and people, but tomorrow will be a different situation, especially for those here in Fairfax County. Of the dayed is coined terrible tuesday wee in northwest d. C. And are gearing up for it. Typically in the summer, traffic is more spread out with fewer delays. But tomorrow, that changes. Summer vacation ends and nearly everyone goes back to work and more than one Million Students hit the books across our area. In Fairfax County, you might see the worst of it. I think the traffic will be the worst. Sam more than 88,000 students will return to classes there, and for the first time ever, High Schoolers will start an hour later. The buses will be back on the road during the busy 7 00 and 8 00 hours. I think it is better for the kids that they will get a later start. Sam in d. C. , the average driver will spend 82 hours in traffic this year. Somecan you do to save time . The first thing is, carpool. For some, that allows the usage of the express lane. Can, telecommute at least one day a week and if your schedule is flexible, try to leave after 9 00 a. M. Some metro rail lines are running over me running only ever 26 minutes. And staying on the roads, drivers returning from long weekend getaways can expect the roads suite packed this afternoon. The roads to be packed this afternoon. Jamie we have not seen many issues at all, but delays will definitely be a factor. Red, blue, and silver and orange lines operating every 26 minutes today. Metro is open until midnight tonight, but keep in mind we will see volume. On the roads, not so much. It was a pretty easy morning. This afternoon, right around 3 00 is when we will see 95. 95 pick up. With 395 issues at all and 66. Light volume right now, but expected to get worse. Autria developing now, an investigation into a deadly invest deadly accident on a major Montgomery County thoroughfare. A woman was struck by a car on 355 south in gaithersburg. The southbound lanes were shut for at deer park drive several hours this morning. It is unclear what caused the crash, but we are told the striking vehicle did stay on the scene. In prince georges county, a person driving in a tv was killed in an Early Morning accident at district heights. This happened around midnight on pennsylvania avenue and silver hill road. An atv and pick up truck collided. The atv driver died. No word yet on the condition of the pick up truck driver. In prince georges county, one person was killed and two others taken to the hospital after a shooting and stabbing in temple hills. Jeannette reyes explains why police say where it happened may help them help lead them to the killer. Detectives are hoping the fingerprints they collected can help with witnesses piecing it altogether. It all happened around 11 30 p. M. Along the 4600 block of dallas place near the amf bowling our bowling alley. Two men were shot, and one was dead when Police Arrived on scene. Another was stabbed, minor injuries. Detectives have canvassed the area all morning looking for witnesses. No threat to the community. It appears to be isolated and not random stop for this particular case there is up to a 25,000 reward leading foreign leading to information for arrest. Jeanette this happen run at the entrance of this apartment building. Police believe there may have been witnesses and are asking anyone who saw or heard anything to come forward. Around the world this newcomer countries in western europe are offering humanitarian aid under the growing refugee crisis. Refugees are streaming into austria and germany by bus, train, all hoping for a shot at a new life. Expecting 800 thousand refugees this year and will allocate over 6. 5 billion for lodging, benefit payments, and language courses. Also announced, the vatican will host to families and urged other parishes across europe to do the same. , breaking his silence. The minnesota dentist who killed the beloved line in zimbabwe is speaking out. Where he has been and why he insists he is innocent. 2016, the surprising result of a new poll and what it means for Hillary Clintons campaign. Fun, and we will take a look at a local labor day tradition. And speaking of labor day, josh is back with what the workweek looks like. Minnesota dentist now known for killing caesar the line is headed back to work this week. Dr. Walter palmer is also speaking out publicly for the first time. He insists he did nothing wrong. Andbreaking his silence insisting he was not in hiding, dr. Walter palmer says he has been with his family and friends for the past two months to my keeping the low profile for their safety after someone then his florida Vacation Home and his family received death threats. Star interview with the tribune and associated press, palmer said it has been it ashley hard on his wife and daughter, adding i dont understand that level of humanity to come after people not involved at all. He talked about the frustration about those who close those who were close to them had been vilified. Palmer told media outlet, despite reports season was shot and killed, palmer said he used a bow and arrow and maintains he believed the lion hunt was legal. He was a very intense individual and have this locked in looks a little time. He was fidgety at times, but did not want to get into the core detail of how this line was killed. And african guide and a former who assisted in the zimbabwe hunt have been criminally charged. Palmer has been out of work his minnesota practice was shut down in july. But he released this statement explaining im a Health Professional and i need to get back to my staff and patients. They need me back. That thell maintaining line he killed, that he had no idea it was a protected animal. Las vegas police are investigating an ambush on two Police Officers waiting at a stoplight. One officer was struck in the hand. The shooter ran away and then was caught on the other officer after a short chase. Disclosed anot motive, but las vegas officers started writing in pairs on friday when another officer was shot in the leg. Clerk whoky county was jailed after refusing to issue samesex marriage licenses is appealing. She stopped issuing marriage licenses in june. The federal judge that she will stay in jail until she has obeyed his order to issue licenses to all couples, something she says has violated her fate. A new poll shows german a democrat Bernie Sanders surging ahead of Hillary Clinton in new hampshire. And also shows in closing the gap against clinton in iowa. This all comes as harvard law Professor Larry lessig becomes the sixth democrat to enter the race. By the way, to elevate the debate, to focus on the changes that would actually get us a government that would work again, that is not captured by the tiniest fraction of 1 who fund campaigns. Autria donald trump continues to lead in the gop race, but his competitors continue to pounce on his foreignpolicy blunder he made on the radio last week. With speculation swirling about a possible run for the white house, Vice President joe biden spoke in pittsburgh today. He was there to kick off the Allegheny County labor day parade. Vice President Biden used to be when the when productivity went up in america, everybody got to share. They got a piece of the action. But it went up about 73 , but wages only went up about 9 all across america. Something is wrong, folks. Autria associate say biden auld make a decision about possible run by october 1. Is showingnt obama solidarity with workers. He signed an executive order requiring paid sick and for employees of paid sick leave for employees of federal contractors. A minimum of one hour of paid leave for every 30 hours they work, and that is up to seven days per year. The white house says 300,000 of those people will be getting the benefit for the first time. Labor day got off to a festive start in greenbelt this morning. This is just one of several parades held throughout the area today to mark the unofficial end of summer. Toade goers line the streets see the marching band, festive floats, and other performers. It is all part of the labor the greenbelt labor day festival , which has been going on for 61 years now. Pictures ofee your all your labor day festivities, whether you are at a parade or just a backyard barbecue. Atp a pic and send it to us wjla. Com. Cannot be out on labor day, we want to see how you are doing it. Josh make me envious. At least youve got good news to deliver. So easy allob weekend. If you are sad this is the itsicials end of summer, not all week long. We will put this timeouts into motion from alexandria. Beautiful, blue skies this morning. Overall, though, it is looking very nice. Up to 88 degrees, but with a dew point of 68. It does feel about three degrees warmer. Take a look at dew points around the area. The farther south you go and closer to the water, much higher. 68 for quantico. Not us that for the shenandoah valley. Not as bad for the shenandoah valley. A little bit more comfortable farther north. Annapolis at 71. It is feeling close to tropical in those areas close to the bay. The heat index when you fact that in is 90 four andrews, 83 at dulles. If you do have parades going on or anything else later on today, stay hydrated and use plenty of sunscreen. A cold front will move through on thursday. Our big weather feature, high pressure. That is bringing us all the great weather for today and it will be the same story tomorrow as well. No issues at the bus stop getting back to school on tuesday. As as we head into even early as wednesday, that front is just close enough that we are looking for a few showers or thunderstorms to pop up late wednesday. Thursday, a better chance across the area. Sunny skies, 87, 89 by 3 00. High, perfect for a dip in the pool today. Tonight, 6072, mainly clear skies. Still feeling mild, relatively clear by tomorrow morning, and 93 by tuesday. It is going to be hot and muggy tomorrow. If you thunderstorms on wednesday late in the day. 92 degrees. Expecthursday and we more showers and thunderstorms to show up. A few hang on early friday morning. As we head into saturday, a slim chance of rain as well. Autria still going to continue summer even though it is officially ends. Unofficially ends. And you will want to be at the pool, but all the pools are closing after today. Not ready. Coming up, the bigname debate coming to Reagan National airport. And surviving a shark attack. One of the latest victims talks autria a kayaker is sharing his story after a very Close Encounter with a shark in california. Dylan marx is recovering from a nasty sharp bite shark bite that happened saturday after he was fishing off the coast. The shark that felt its teeth into his foot, he says, is the real victim. I1 my body around swung my body around for the fish and it got scared and thrashed around. Autria this comes after a shark attack in another city. A californiabased Cell Phone Company has started a petition to change the name of our reagan airport back to Washington National airport. It hasated collected 300,000 signatures so far. It comes after president obama changed the name of Mount Mckinley back to its name of denali. A autria get out there and enjoy it. Josh hot and humid. [dramatic music] yeah. Yah haha yeah, oh. Hey, hey, hey. Im terry crews, and im about to make some people real rich real quick right here on millionaire. [cheers and applause] todays first contestant wants to win 1 million. For her dog. [laughter] that is one lucky canine. From park slope, new york, please welcome laura spadanuta. [cheers and applause] how are you . Oh, come on over here. Hi. Okay, okay, you want to win

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