Ellipse side of the white house. That bombing is why all the streets closed around the white house to begin with. Sam ford is live near the executive mansion to explain why for us. Sam . Sam the secret service says it is after a review of the new security measures following a number of jumpers and attempted jumpers at the white house. As you can see, the secret Service Agent is there. People are no longer able to go up against is that fence. They are all over here. Trying to see from the area they can see taking pictures because of the new restrictions. Secret Service Posted signs restricting access. No more walking along the fence behind the white house. Officers directed the visitors past two roadways to another sidewalk on the ellipse. So far we havent seen anything. We sides a fence, that is part of the white house. That is it. Secret Service Police temporarily restricted the Pedestrian Access to pennsylvania avenue in front of the white house to lafayette park. We tried, we were on the other side, too, and pennsylvania avenue is closed. I was here yesterday on this side. He told me i was on the wrong side to see it. I came back today. Still disappointed. This is after the numerous incident involving the fence jumpers including one who jumped the fence and on the ground for 17 minutes before authorities realized it. We are from texas so were glad to be here. Sam others said they did. That is americas house. Taxpayers own the house. We should take a look at it. Sam there was a ceremony with the Prime Minister and that might have ha when i came here 35 years ago, not only was pennsylvania avenue a busy thoroughfare and this was open. But the east executive drive there abuts the white house, you could drive up there and get out of a cab. Things do change. Reporting live from outside the white house, im sam ford. Abc7 news. Larry sam, they do. Thanks for that. From the womens march on washington the day after the inauguration to this weekend plan for march on science. District has seen a share of protests since President Trump took office. The fair share could get expensive for the city. The current fiscal year, Congress Setting aside 15 million to reimburse the district for what it calls the First Amendment activities. A third is of that was spent by january 1. The city working to get reimbursed for more than 30 million it spent on the inauguration. So far, congress ponying up 20 million for that. Nancy you saw him arrested right here live on abc7. Now we have new developments of case against a man who went on a spring. Richard reeve with details on this. Richard Eulalio Tordil is expected to plea guilty to two of the three murders in the killing spree. Court proceedings regarding the shooting death of his estranged wife gladys last may will take place in Prince Georges County at a later date. Tordil a former officer with the federal protective service is to plead guilty to two counts of first of degree murder and two counts of attempted first degree murder. His capture after a deadly twoday shooting rampage happened live on abc7. Tordil surrounded by 100 Police Officers. The murder count in connection with the death of 65yearold claudio molina, while he tried to carjack her sufficient. Another man was shot coming to her aid. Now police say the day before when tordil killed his estrangedded wife in the beltsville School Parking lot. That is a separate case. The plea is not a done deal until the judge agrees to it. Without the possibility of parol. The plea hearing is tuesday. From the live desk, richard reeve, abc7 news. Nancy thank you. Police arrested a substitute teacher and basketball coach at Bradbury Heights Elementary School in capitol heights. Christopher speights charged with multiple counts of distributing and possessing child pornography. Prince George County Public School Christopher Speights and investigators say he also worked at the south county sports academy. Larry d. C. Police trying to track down a man accused of groping two women. They say he grabbed the women from behind and took off. Similar incident on 34th street on saturday but this time he carried a knife. The police was last seen wearing a black jacket with green sleeves. Nancy the search ended for a missing student and her teacher accused of kidnapping her from tennessee. 15yearold Elizabeth Thomas commune in northern california. The man accused of abducting her, her teacher. 50yearold tad cummins is now behind bars. Thomas is on her way back home to her family in tennessee. We are happy. We are beyond ecstatic that she is finally home. Its amazing. She will be home later this afternoon. T. B. I. Is bringing her home. Its amazing. It appears that she is healthy. She is not injured. This is amazing. Nancy the big break came when police found cummins car in california. They had been missing since march 13. Larry covering metro tonight and plans to give the troubled Transit System a boost. Transportation reporter Brianne Carter shows us the head of wmata says the agency cant do it all alone. The more we dont apply something along the lines, the less we will get. Metro c. E. O. Paul wiedefeld outlining the pl problems plaguing the system. I calls for funding to the tune of 500 million a year from the local jurisdiction. That is something that is decided between montgomery and Prince Georges County. A big ask. We need to make sure that its used wisely. It addresses the labor cost. Wiedefeld says following the other transit authorities hed like to look at the outsourcing new jobs. If we can provide the same service and cheaper cost we should do it. Some said it is ba region. He says wiedefeld once again pitted the rider against the workers in arlington, Brianne Carter, abc7 news. Nancy lets talk about the weather. We take a live look outside and we had decent weather today. But rain may be on the way. It seems like its the roller coaster ride of spring. For the latest on this, check in with mark omara. All right. Looking at a few showers and the thunderstorms out there. Well to the west of d. C. , i81 corridor. A lot of the activity is fizzling out moving closer to the d. C. Area. Luray and culpeper, you are looking at shower activity at this time. Winds are out of the south. The temperatures are now in the lower 80s. The showers once may move through if they make it here will fall in the talking about a cold front and the heaviest rain for upcoming weekend. Much needed rain. Ill give you the timing in a few minutes. Larry okay. Larry hogan postponed Public Events as he cares for his father. Larry hogan senior suffered a massive stroke. Our thoughts with the family. Q a group of marijuana activists thought they were doing everything wet until they found out they did everything wrong. Im q mccray. I will show you what happened on capitol hill in a live report. Nancy later why lee malvvos attorney heading on behalf of his behalf. Larry how long we spend in traffic trying to get to and from work each day. [music] nancy music to our ears. A look at what it took to help this little girl play again. Larry updating breaking news on the deadly shooting in paris. French officials announcing that the man believed to have announced Paris Police Officers was previously flagged as an extremist. We are keeping a close eye on the story and will bring you more information as soon as it comes in the newsroo nancy todays instapoll is asking if you think the federal government should legalize marijuana . Q mccray is live on capitol hill where activists tried to drive the point home today, q. Q yeah, they tried to drive it home until the marijuana was confiscated. The giveaway was supposed to two hours ago. They think they were doing everything legally. Set up on a d. C. Sidewalk. But arrested by federal police. Not one, but seven people were arrested at the corner of first and constitution northeast today. All are members of the d. C. Marijuana justice. Advocates for the legalization of marijuana nationwide. If you had the right i. D. You got two joints free. People should buy cannabis here but they cant. Q according to the capitol hill police, it is illegal to possess it here, too. We noticed people smoking marijuana in public. Its legal. Q its the volunteers giving even the groups cofounder. I think they are violating my rights right now. Im on district land. I have the right to give away marijuana. Q according to the capitol hill police, they are allowed to enforce federal laws anywhere in the United States including right here on a d. C. Sidewalk. They tell me that all the members who were arrested today will be charged with possession of marijuana. As for the d. C. M. J. Members they still plan to have their event on the capitol on monday. They are calling it a smoke out where they will light joints and smoke them in front of the capitol. Reporting from capitol hill, im q mccray. Nancy as q mentioned the rule that stops the Drug Enforcement agency and the department of justice from interfering with the state marijuana laws expires next week. 29 states have the medical marijuana laws and it is legal to use it for the Recreational Purposes in seven states as well as the district. Larry a quick birthday wish right now for the former paul stephens. He turned 9 years young today 97 years old young today. Nancy decent weather for a birthday. Steve not bad. We made it to the 80s. The average high is 69 degrees so well take it. One more day of the warm weather. Then we have the weekend. Changes in the forecast. Looking brighter later in the day on sunday. The clouds are increasing. Showers and the thunderstorms are out there. The temperatures are 64 in elkins, west virginia. We show you the 24hour temperature change compared to yesterday at this time. We are 20 to 25 degrees warmer. So a we will see the warm air that will stick around for day tomorrow. Followed by a cold front. This is what is going on. Stormwatch7 satellite and radar. The strongest of the storms are off toward the north of us. North of the Mason Dixon Line across pennsylvania. For us, the only bad weather or Severe Weather we have in our area is just on off toward the south and the west where a newly issued Severe Thunderstorm Warning until 5 30. This is for rappahannock county. And the shenandoah county. This is not moving fast. To the east at 10 miles per hour. I will likely fizzle out moving to the east. Luray looking to the west, you can see on the horizon. Likely to dump heavier rain and the gustier winds. Heading to the immediate metro area, no problem at all. At least now. But its dry for thursday evening rush hour commute. Flip over to the live doppler radar. Not a lot going ifler j is are bothering, blame the oak, sweet gum and the sycamore. The rain this afternoon and the evening and the heavier rain for the upcoming weekend. It should start to feel a lot better. Outdoor plans for this evening, temperatures fall to the 70s. Eventually the 60s. Add clouds in the overnight. We may see showers. Where we see the showers, likely to see patchy fog. But not looking for a travel delay on early tomorrow morning. The temperatures are around 60 to 65 degrees. Start your friday. 61 in columbia. 61 in college park. Light jacket early on. Sunglasses. Umbrella. You will need it tomorrow. Looking for the showers and the thunderstorms later in the afternoon. Some thunderstorms may be strong to severe. With the gusty winds and the heavy downpours. This is for tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow evening. Highs in the lower 80s. A different story for saturday. Highin heavier rain overspread d. M. V. Inch to two inches. Speed up the timing. Late saturday to early sunday morning. Take you out to look at the better news and the brighter weather. Heavier rain on sunday. Look at monday. Just in time for it to go back from the work and school. Back to 80s at the end of next week. Nancy are you fighting a cold . Why the answer to this could have four legs. Larry really . Nancy yeah. Larry cant wait to hear plus, why a major Chemical Company pushing the Trump Administration to scrap the work of the federal scientists. The 1000 and 40 o 4000 metro series coming off the track. But this one is being repurposed. Im ill tell you what its used for tonight. Larry this is what is coming up tonight nancy here is kidd oshea with a look at what is coming up on good morning washington. Kidd hey, thanks, nancy. Tomorrow on good morning washington, before you toss it in the trash, check out the newest rules on recycling. Plus, we say a final farewell to our own Jummy Olabanji as she heads to the big apple but not before the ultimate new york city survival kit. Keep it here for traffic and weather every ten minu nancy welcome back. Tomorrow, mayor Muriel Bowser will hand out the seats seeds at the garden to attract the butterflies and the bees. Seeds will be handed out at 17 metro stations leading into earth day on saturday. Larry okay. Well, metro taking the 1000 and the 4000 series rail car off the track by the end of the year. But some of the cars are being recycled to spruce up a station. Ryan hughes takes a robert mojo started welding at age 13. But now he is taking on the biggest project yet. A piece potentially going to be scrapped. Reclaiming it. Ryan sparks are flying as he transforms a 4000 series metro car. The 80,000pound rail car is being recycled and sliced to seven sections like a loaf of bread. Its being cutted and turned to vendor kis ak kiosk at the metro station. Five Square Development got the goahead for the Pilot Project to fill the plaza with the popup vendors. This is a really old and a tired metro station. If wmata will trust us, push the envelope. The 1000 and the 4000 cars are the least reliable and retired. This is a piece of art. We will have a recycled car over time will become a museum. We will try to incorporate in the development. Ryan mojo plans to be finished finished in about two weeks. Its expected to open may 17. In brookville, ryan hughes, abc7 news. Nancy very creative. Larry yeah. Very fast. May 17 is weeks away. But it will be neat. What a neat touch to have the vendors inside the rail cars. You can stand up and walk around in them. Space. Nancy for all the people complaining how old the metro cars are, take a look at what you have over there. Larry i cant wait to visit. Nancy that will be fun. Still ahead at abc7 news at 5 00, plenty of people turn to met erow metro to avoid sitting in traffic on the roads. Finds out how long they are stranded. [musi larry plus, how a 3d printer helped this little girl make music again. Nancy we do continue to follow breaking news oversees oversees overseas from paris where a Police Officer and the man that shot him are dead along the champs e for years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. But for many businesses, its out of reach. Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. We do business where you do business. Jonathan im Jonathan Elias at the live desk. Following breaking news out of paris, france. We understand and we are getting more information about what happened. Witnesses say a man got out of a car with a gun and approached a police car that was near a subway station along the champs elysees. And opened fire. One officer is dead. Two other officers were hit. Other police in the area opened fire. And killed gunman. They now say that they are looking for perhaps accomplices. This is given the fact they got out of a car. Theysy other people were involved. They are quick to say the suspect in the attack is somebody flagged asen as an extremist. French president Francois Hollande is Holding Emergency Meeting to talk about what is happening in the cabinet. They are saying it was a terrorist attack. President trump coming out and saying it does appear to be a terrorist attack and his support is with the ally in france. France is under heightened state of emergency after attacks that have left dozened killed. This is yet another attack. When we get more information well pass it on to you. Convicted sniper malvo will be back in court coming and his argues lawyers will argue six life sentences is unconstitutional. They made life sentence for juveniles unconstitutional and he was only 17 when they were convicted. Nancy the prince George County Police Wanted you to watch this video of the three men that went inside apartment complex and killed a 36yearold man. Hes identified moore. They are looking for other suspects. The two men in black clothing. Larry pilot suffered turbulence traveling in kansas city but it happened off the plane, not on int. Check out the surveillance video. He tries to snatch a photo of the bag. He had a complaint. So he swung at the pilot by the shoulders and he shoved him. He is facing charges and will be in court next month. Nancy we dont have to tell you how bad the traffic is. Richard reeve is in the Satellite Center to break it down. The Northern Virginia drivers may get the worse of it with the commuters. The average daily commute is under ten miles. Sounds good, right . It tons out it t more than 30 minutes to go that distance. The average drier has to allow 51 minutes for a half hour trip. The study says one in five Northern Virginia roadways are considered congested. Contrast with the commute in harrisonburg where the average commute is 11 miles and the average drive time is ten minutes. That he are going to have a new park. The City Council Voting last week to let the firm that came up with the preliminary design move on to schematic phase. Nancy now a developing story as a major Chemical Company pushes for the government to scrap a federal study about widely used pesticides. Lawyers say those who found they were harmful to endangered species is flawed. They want them to aside. The experts are trying to hold scientists to the unrealistic expectations. You cant take endangered fish from the wild and expose it to pesticide until it dies to get the data you need. Its wrong morally and illegal. Nancy the chemical in question here, and e. P. A. Administrator scott pruitt announced he will reverse the effort to ban the use on food. The c. E. O. Of dow chemical is an adviser to the president and donated to the inauguration festivities. Larry this is the 91st of President Trumps first 100 days in office and came with a possible breakthrough on healthcare plan. We have a look at that and the deadline to keep the government running that is eight days away. Office. The first 100 days in office. We may see a mad dash to the finish line. President trump well have a big win soon. Well have healthcare. I believe it will happen. Sources tell cnn a new healthcare deal could be in the works. They have reached a breakthrough in the negotiations. There was no loss. Its constant negotiation. The plan is Getting Better and better all the time. The free tom caucuses caused the first g. O. P. Plan to implode in march. The new plan still faces some of the same obstacles at the first. Core group of the republicans still wont vote for anything short of a full repeal of obamacare. Still the white house is optimistic. Getting the votes is imminent . I think we will see. I will tell you, we are encouraged. At the discussions taking congress. Died to the negotiations is a potential show down over government spending. Congress is on recess, Party Leaders are busy negotiating and there is no shortage of the Sticking Point from funding the border wall to the defense spending on the delicate healthcare talks. They could extend the negotiations a week or two. Kristen holmes, abc7 news. Nancy a day after announcing he would not run for election next year Jason Chaffetz says he may not finish his current term. Hit departure could impact d. C. Its good for us and the people of utah. We like them to focus on the federal issues in the district they do have responsibility for. Nancy he frequently targeted d. C. Over the abortion, assisted suicide and the gun laws. Mayor bowser over a law legalizing small amount of marijuana. Larry we have breaking news now out of the district. Part of the ceiling in the parking garage at the reagan building just collapsed. There is damage but its mostly cosmetic and doesnt pose a threat to the rest of the building. The reagan building along 14th street. We will keep you posted on abc7 news. Coming up at 5 00, fighting a cold . The remedy you would not have considered in a million years but sounds like it came out of a fairytale. This is ground zero. This is the front line. This is where we are making our stand. Nancy later, the attorney general responding after one of the first undocumented immigrants protected as a dreamer is supported. Larry new at dragged nearly a mile as the driver screams for help. What the truck driver said after other driver forced him to hit th steve we are approaching the upcoming weekend and better news for sunshine on sunday. We have a lot of rain on the way. We have upwards of an inch, maybe inches of rain. Rain will start late saturday night and continue through the overnight hours to early sunday. Lingering showers sunday afternoon with a little bit of clearing. So fingers crossed. We will see a little bit of a sunset come sunday evening. A quick look at what is going on with the rest of the weekend forecast. Highs on saturday. Lower 60s. We are in the upper 50s on sunday. Stay with us. Back this is the silverado special edition. Man this is one gorgeous truck. Oh, did i say theres only one special edition . Because, actually theres five. Woman ooohh uh man 2 hooooly mackerel. Man 3 wow. Man 4 nice. Strength and style. Which ones your favourite . Come home with me make a strong decision. Find your tag and get 16 below msrp on select silverado 1500 pickups in stock. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Nancy birthday wishes for the star trek actor. He does oh, my. Larry yes lift off. Jack fisher on the way to the International Space station. Larry some six hours later the soyuz capsule docking with the station providing muchneeded relief. Next week Peggy Whitson will cumulative time in space. 335 days. Nancy interesting. An update found inside a payion know piano full of gold coins. It was found when it was sent in for a tuning. So far no one has claimed them so they may go to the school. Interesting. You think after the News Coverage they might look into this and see. So, if you are in britain or you visited britain and you donated a piano with coins, there you go. Larry exactly closer to home we have feeling rich in victories. A night to remember for the area sports fans but the triple play, sign of things to come . Nancy Scott Abraham finds out if the fans buying in or just enjoying the moment. Larry but first, printing a miracle becomes music to the ears and gives a little girl larry the scientists plan to use the data to better protect the whale feeding areas. How cool is that . Nancy yeah. Larry it seems like every day we hear about a new miracle of science. Nancy absolutely today in fairfax we are able to see and hear one ourselves. Northern Virginia Bureau chief Jeff Goldberg is at George Mason University to explain for us. Jeff 10yearold Isabella Cabrera has waited for this moment for a very long time. And the moment is living up to the expectations. Very happy and blessed that i have Amazing Group of people that have helped me make this attachment to play the violin with. Jeff a fifth grader at the indian creek Elementary School in Fairfax County born without a left hand and only a partial bone from her left elbow to her wrist. Playing the violin is a dream of hers and thanks to this device, she knows it will be a reality. I think it will help me by having more control with the strings and the notes. Jeff the process of making the attachment started last fall and finished in this 3d printer. The forearm is shaped as a cone and it goes over her forearm like this. Jeff he is where you know of five george mason bioengineering students that began creating our device. Its the viarm. Violin and arm. Jeff after hundreds of hours of design and product, it came out perfectly for the students and for isabella. I cant describe what we feel to improve someones life and make Immediate Impact in someones life. Its a good feeling. Amazing the best part is painting it pink. My moms phrase is, i ca it yet. So if you are playing the violin and its hard for you, you cant say i cant. You need more practice with it. You cant do it yet. Very inspiring. To me and other people. Jeff no question whatsoever. In the past she used a crude prosthetic to play the violin but she says this is a huge improvement and she is thankful for the George Mason University bioengineering students for help to create the device. Live at George Mason University, Jeff Goldberg, abc7 news. Larry wow nancy its so special. I cant do it yet. That is a great story. Great little girl. Jeff we are honored to have met her. Larry great job. Nancy ahead, new at 6 00, the change to d. C. s dri were told their i. D. Looked fake. A thief shooting sparks up a creek in a matter of minutes. New pictures of the men behind an armored truck robbery ahead. Larry 7 on your side when health matters. Possible step forward in the fight against dementia. Scientists at the university of pennsylvania found a pacemaker like approach to use electrical stimulation in the brain may reduce effect of the memory loss in patients. According to a New York Times report, researchers believe zapping memory areas of the poor performing areas of the brain could help them remain new information. Nancy and sugar could be a risk to the brain according to a study. Research says one or more sugary treats per day could shrink the brain and look at the memory problems. They looked to diet drinks and said it could triple of stroke. Larry the next store may found like its disney remedy to cure the flu but give at it chance. Findings suggest kissing a frog may ward off a strain of the flu. Now we know what she was doing. She had a cold coming on. Slide on a frog contains pep tide that targets the flu virus. If it doesnt work out. Hopefully the frog will transform to your prince charging. Nancy at that rate, id rather be sick. Take a couple days, sit at home and watch greys anatomy. Kissing a frog, i dont think so. Steve you never know. Right . Lets talk weather. Culpeper on the stronger storm but not a severe storm. The best news at all around the beltway for the rush hour commute, no rain to speak of. The storms will stay west of us as they drift east slowly at 10 miles per hour. Look at the temperatures. This is mast the 5 00 hour and we still in the lower 80s at the Reagan National airport. Leesburg is 82. Off to the west of us, luray is 68. That is where they had the showers earlier this afternoon. Eating outdoors for this evening, keep a watchful eye on the sky. A few showers may make it inside the beltway but that is not going to happen until later on. Temperatures fall from 80s to the 70s. Tomorrow warm and make it humid out there. A bit a better chance for showers and the thunderstorms during the afternoon. Weekend outlook, looks like this. Highs on saturday only in the lower there is a chance for the shower activity returning for tuesday. Temperatures in the 60s. Then back to 70s wednesday and thursday. By the upcoming weekend, the following weekend, back to the middle 80s. Nancy thank you. A winner of a weekend next week. Speaking of winners. Larry i was flipping the channels last night and happy everywhere i went. Erin where did you spend the most time . Larry with the wizards. Erin im curious. Incredible time for washington sports. Last night, fans were treated to a d. C. Sports trifecta. The capitals, the wizards and the nationals each won their games. According to the ratings, most fans had the eyes on the caps who beat maple leafs 54 to even the game at two games it will shift back to washington tomorrow for game five at the verizon center. The wizards joined in on the fun beating the hawks 109101 to take a 20 series lead. John wall and company look to make it three straight on saturday in atlanta. There was a curly w for the national. Who crushed the braves. Bryce harper and zimmerman hit grand slam. Scott abraham hit the street to talk to the fans about this time for the washington sports. All three teams had big wins. We decided to hit the streets. We found there were smiles all around. Everybody in d. C. Is excited about the sports teams this year. They are awesome. Do we a winning formula . Bigtime. Good for thought. Optimism and the belief running high. Everybody says d. C. Is cursed when out comes to sports teams winning, winning a championship. Is this the year somebody breaks through . Caps, wizards . Yes. Yes its our time. It is going to happen. We need good times in washington. Lets do it. Scott is there a correlation with our teams winning and people being in a good mooned mooned good mood . Definitely. Everybody is in a happy mood. The d. C. Sports fans have been waiting long enough. We need a championship in the city. With sunny days still to come. Reporting in arlington, scott Scott Abraham, sports. Erin keep the good times rolling. Nancy this is great. I love it. I come to town. Im not taking responsibility for it. Not bad. Erin its all you. Im giving you the credit. Nancy thanks, erin. Coming up, they are called dreamers and a lot were protected unde administration. Larry when we come back, reaction from the current attorney general after one of the first people in the program was deported. Nancy another breaking development in the shooting in paris. This just coming in. Isis has claimed responsibility for the attack on three Police Officers. We have the latest on this coming up at on three Police Officers. Did you know slow internet coming up at can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Reporter it could be a landmark case. He was protected under the the deferred rival policy is now deported to mexico. He wants the government to tell him once and for all what happened. Why was he deported . The socalled dreamers, the first to be deported under trump filing a federal lawsuit demanding answers. President trump i have a big reporter trump at one point saying dreamers should not be worried. Jeff sessions sharing his point of view from el paso, texas. Dont come unlawfully. Wait your turn. I want to be clear. We have your back, law officers, and you have our thanks. Reporter by complete coincidence the judge preceding over the controversial case there is a hostility toward me from the judge. Reporter is the same judge that presided over the Trump University and who then candidate trump claimed couldnt be partial because of his mexican heritage. Now hundreds of thousands of dreamers waiting to see if the outcome of this case determines what is to come under the Trump Administration. Immigration Officials Say as a dreamer montez is allowed to be in the country until next year but recently left without permission to make mim eligible for michelle breaking at 6 00, shots fired on the champs elysees. Isis claiming responsibility. New information on a man who killed a Police Officer and injured two others. Jonathan begging for help. A truck dragging a car a mile. While the driver says the trucker wouldnt stop. Michelle arrested after what was termed a joint session on capitol hill. The news starts now. Announcer from abc7, this is a breaking news alert. [sirens] jonathan the wail of sirens people ordered to run after a shootout takes place on the streets of paris. The famed champs elysees. The french president convinced that this is a terrorist attack. What we know right now is one Police Officer was shot dead as the gunman has also been killed. Two other officers wounded in the shootout. Abc7 chief monitoring this from the capitol hill bureau. You had been in paris in an aftermath of a similar scene, a bigger attack. What can you tell us about this . Scott you are right. I was even there two weeks ago to work on more stories how the current status of the terror investigations relates to what is happening in france politically. This is what we know. You have an officer dead. Perhaps one other who is seriously wounded who may in the grave condition as well. Possibly a third officer may have been shot. The asilliant in the case described as assailant in this case described as flagged by the french authorities as a possible terror suspect and someone of concern. He was killed in the shootout. In the past 20 minutes, the isis has claimed responsibility for this attack. That is unusually quick for the organization to come out with that claim. But that is what is reported now through the French Police and the french media

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