Legislature, but supporters of this bill were happy at first when the House Judiciary Committee often kills bills, s lawknow was law noah on out. Then they started to read the fine print and decided its not really what they were looking for. Today they are back and fighting with their own personal stories. They hold photographs of their lost loved ones, a couple killed while riding a bicycle built for two, a little girl, a threeyearold boy killed when his allegedly drunk mother crashed. There is not a day that goes by that i dont think about noah and how much i wish i could bring him back. His 16yearold cousin sophie speaking with victims, survivors, and cops on behalf of what has been named know was law. Listenthe politicians drivers install the kind of interlock device noah pozner mother displays. Mother displays. We need to get it right and we need to get it done this year. The testimony of noahs father, rich, already helped move the bill through a House Judiciary Committee, but they added 10 amendments. They watered it down significantly, and because of back, it is now a bill that doesnt save lives like a truly should. Supporters will be back tomorrow because the full house be debating will the bill that came out of the House Judiciary Committee. Areof the things proponents talking about now is this letter liata expressing support for noahs law. The sense is something will come the legislature this year. It is yet to be determined what know law will look like. Noahs law will look like. Jonathan new information after a fire in southeast washington. We told you about the Police Officers who happened on the help. And started to a firefighter was also injured after giving up his mask to help a woman he was rescuing brief. Breathe. We turn michelle we turn to d. C. Where the search is on for a man who sexually assault a woman in the mount park neighborhood. Stephen has the latest on this investigation. Steven alison, about 25 minutes ago, this piece of paper that warns residents to be on guard. A woman walked into the building with a very dangerous man right behind her. T was about 10 00 p. M. A man followed her and at some point inside, he attacked. I always try to shut the door behind me, but its very scary to think this could happen a few doors down. The suspect beat the woman and then tried to sexually assault her. It is on clear where the attack unclear where the attack took place or how the man managed to make it into a secure unit, which unnerves those who live in this section of mount pleasant. Others say they are not surprised. Its part of what happens when you live in the city. You have to watch out for yourself. No word on whether someone heard the attack or what preventedhe lived here for four years. Tonight, she has a new concern. Its always in the back of your mind. Fine, itst has been been fine, and then you realize there are statistics and odds, and its very scary. Residents of the building tell us the staff at the front desk usually goes home around 9 00 p. M. The attack to laze around 10 00 to place around 10 00. We dont know if cameras captured any images. We know the only distinguishing characteristic about the suspect was that he had a scarf over his head. Police in maryland are looking to see if four Bank Robberies that happened in the same area this afternoon are all connected area the first three happen in wheaton within a 15 minute band. Span. Police say the first two committed by the same suspect, but they are not ready to connect all four. We have just learned that in this case of the four Bank Robberies, and arrest has just been made. We will work on more details and have that in another report. Lets switch gears and talk about the weather. One of our producers was calling this a perfect summer day. Clouds, low humidity, comfortable and warm. Of folks outside enjoying it, thats for sure. And we have Team Coverage tonight. Lets get started with Suzanne Kennedy in arlington. Suzanne summer is not even spring yet and yet it feels like summer. The temperature behind me is the degrees. You can see about a half dozen people getting in their evening lapse, a gorgeous night to do that on a recordsetting weather day. Its the kind of day you wish you were a kid, or a dock with a great honor to take you on a long walk. Or a dog with a great owner to take you on a long walk. Not complaining area x im not complaining. Recordsetting weather had people beginning to garden. We are planting lettuce, celery, carrots. I go around every morning and look to see what popping above the ground. Inside to outside on days like these, who doesnt want to play a little hoops on an unseasonably warm day . I am enjoying it. I feel great. I look for. Weather lunchtime in arlington meant time to lace up and play a little soccer. Like he cant miss a chance like this. Perfect. Suzanne definitely perfect was the feeling with so many people at the dmv today. We have all these people doing their labs and enjoying the weather. The swim team had to move their toland exercises from inside outside because its just that nice of an evening. Suzanne kennedy, abc 7 news, bethesda. Alison its weird to see people in a pool. Leon and in shorts at this time of year. Its crazy. Alison b come to an end. By. doug hill is standing how much longer is this going to last . Doug we are not officially into spring for 10 more days, but we definitely have an early summer feel around the area. Check out the temperatures. 77 in annapolis. The wind direction changed. Thats all it takes. Today. Some records 79 at Reagan National, 80 at. Ulles, 78 at bwi we have yet to hit our first 80 degree day of the year, but its only early march. A cold front will come through this evening with a few showers and cooler winds. We are talking about highs in the upper 60s rather than the upper 70s. Overnight, isolated showers, morning sprinkles becoming sunny and breezy, thats going to be just fine. 68 as we head into the 11th of march. Ill take that. Alison we can deal with that, for sure. We are hours away from the next republican debate. Miami foris set in donald trump, senators ted cruz and marco rubio, and governor. Be make or break for senator rubio in his home state. This gop debate is a fight for florida. The talk is about fighting the front runner, donald trump. Cell phone video captured the moment a trump supporter in fayetteville, north carolina, sucker punched a protester being by deputies. Physical incidents are a concern at trump events. Trump arm. Fully grabbed her mr. Trump i love this. I love it. Marching toward the gop nomination. Takelegates, its a winner all in florida and ohio. John kasich i am going to win ohio. Just watch. After a fiery univision debate, Hillary Clinton and the dayanders spent crisscrossing the state. Ms. Clinton there is no limit to what we can achieve. Mr. Sanders if we are going to change this nation, we have to do it together. Hoping for a is repeat of his upset in michigan. Sanders is hoping for a repeat of his upset and michigan. This in michigan. Alison scott is also in miami. We will check in with him at 6 00 and be back at 11 00 for analysis of the debate. Leon coming up at 5 00 unfortunately, i will leave town with my beloved expos still in washington. Cant have everything. Prime ministers will be coming away with some things from his white house visit. Alison you saw it first last night. Now, find out what could happen to you if you decide not to pay your traffic ticket in d. C. But first, some local students got a lesson its about taking a stand. For too long, wall street banks had their way. They crashed our economy. But democrat Donna Edwards wont take their money because she stands up for us. As a single mom, she knows the challenges our families face. Shell be our voice. Tightening regulations on the big banks and fighting to keep dark money out of politics. Alison new developments tonight in the fight to save trees alongside the canal. The Historical Society announced it will begin replanting trees along the campground and youth house, a day use area. Several trees they were deemed unsafe. How about this . A rail letter written by poet walt whitman has been found in the national archives. For an penned the letter dying soldier following the civil war. It was discovered just last month by an archives volunteer. Whitman was known to visit soldiers and right to their families for them. A century and a half later, a few ofthose letters those letters of ever surfaced before now. Of virginia is joining a growing list of voices calling for Governor Terry mcauliffe to veto a new explicit books bill. This measure would for schools to notify parents when a child is assigned to read sexually explicit content. Free speech groups argue that could ban important literature, including most of William Shakespeares work. One parent was unhappy that her morrisons beloved. Today, preschoolers explored the night sky and got a chinese. Speaking it was a High Definition video inside the igloo shaped dome that allowed students to see what it would be like to walk on the moon. The principal says the lesson will stick with these young minds. I saw them in. I like the sun. Actually see it in real life, it becomes more real and has longevity in their memories and makes connections for them. Alison the mobile planetarium their by pnc as part of grow up great program. It goes to 19 states and d. C. Leon students to think about stem studies, but how many poets has the world been blessed by who started off by just looking at the sky . Start at that age kids at that age. Its a wonderful way to go. Check this out. This is a nice way to look at the sky as well. This is a gorgeous picture of a sunrise in hillsboro. Us. One emailed this to if you see Something Wonderful like that, make sure you send it to us as well. Alison videos as well as pictures. This has just been a perfect day. Doug we are going to get cooler, but just a little bit. Chesapeake each in chesapeake bay, 70 six degrees, notice the winds are out of the southwest. This t dsis moment, if those win would shift eastsoutheast, the temperature would drop to about 57 degrees. That is the difference it makes. Quick look at the numbers. 76 at Reagan National. 78 in baltimore. 77 in williamsburg. Manassas, 79. Just a terrific afternoon. Here is the deal. If you follow the lines as the winds flow over the water, the warm air cools off as a goes by. In order to warm up Washington National airport, we have to have west or southwesterly wind, and it moved a little in that direction this afternoon. Thats why we were able to get into the upper 70s. We did have a breakout a little bit this afternoon which caused a sudden rise in temperatures. We have been hearing about the the moisture over there is moving in a steady stream. We will get a little bit of that. Down south, they will get more. What is the evening going to be like . Steve has a report on that. Doug, it is absolutely beautiful out of here. People are getting off work. The kids are out of school. People are enjoying themselves and taking advantage of this record warm day. All three airports either titer broke records. 79 degrees was the record high either tied or broke records. 79 degrees was the record high today at reagan. 80 is the new record at dulles and the new record at bwi. Pollen is exploding. Now in the high category thanks to the Cherry Blossoms that will be in full bloom in week and a halftwo weeks down in the tidal basin. Take a look at your our by our forecast as we go through the evening and overnight hours. Have outdoor plans, may be thinking about barbecuing, go for it, go for a walk, take advantage of the weather. Temperatures eventually fall into the 60s. A little bit of a cooldown on the way. More on that with doug hill. We are going to watch a cold front come through tonight, may be a sprinkle. We will cool down tomorrow. But we will be in fine shape for the next few days. Lets check out the next seven days for you. 68 tomorrow. Saturday may be 61 if it is chillier. N the half clocks ahead turn the clocks ahead saturday we are back into the 70s tuesday and wednesday. Alison beautiful. I like it. Leon this man is looking to turn his life around. Alison we will explain how. And we will look at a plan to gives parents the right to choose what their kids read in school. Leon leon back now is a developing story out of pennsylvania where police are trying to find the people who opened fire at a backyard barbecue. The situation. Ng jonathan . Jonathan police are saying they believe these people were ambushed at the barbecue. Five people were killed when two men started shooting from an alley last night. As people started running for cover, a man with a rifle opened fire. He started shooting people in the head as they were running toward him. We know they ran into the shooting, tried to escape. Foreman for women and one man were killed on the spot, including a woman who was eight months pregnant. 15 people were at the party. It was mass chaos. I mean screaming and yelling. There were children in the house and a move some of the children to anotherhouse house. Jonathan again, Police Believe this was a calculated attack and ambush. What they dont know at this hour is why. The two men who were shooting are still on the loose. They have put out an all points bulletin nationwide to find them. Alison what an awful story. Jonathan, thank you. A small Insurance Company in georgia is making big headlines today for its policy requiring all employees to come to work armed. That company has three offices at airports across the state. The owner said his agenda is not social, its safety. You can read more about his plan and let us know what you think about it on our facebook page. Leon coming up, mr. Trudeau comes to washington. What the canadian Prime Minister had to say about his friendship with president obama. Fines for parking, this reading, and other traffic but , and other traffic violations. What happens if drivers never pay up . We have a warning for ticketed drivers. Leon is there a culture of violence and youre watching abc 7 news at 5 00, on your side. About crime have part of the distribute on edge tonight. Sam ford shows us how a recent spike in violence wondering if were living in a culture of crime. A door full of bullet holes on 23rd street southeast. It happened last friday. Facebook pictures. Say noel razeed was shooting in. Man living here was shooting out. If he was the one that did it. Given the think, circumstances, he did the right thing . Yeah. Hell, yeah. You tavons younger brother about a subculture of violence in which the police are the last to be called. The homicide numbers be that out. It is what it is. And at the end of the day, especially on this side of the river. This is d. C. Moorert papers say tavon had an argument outside with his babys mother and her new in thend, noel, shootout which police say noel started. Car. Was hit, fled to the moore chased, shooting at noel. The girl fled away. Noel was pronounced dead, the girlfriend wounded. He came. Going tot he was backdoor somebody and he got the front door. Idea is that you could be killed, or kill at any moment . Thats what you live with . Youre used to it . We live with it every day. Aint nothing new. They live with their anndmother, who declined interview, but said she was terrified of the incident. Another brother was a homicide in 2012. Quint has a multiple others. Multiple. Thats where i got all the ink that i do. Peoplee are names of that you know that died . Yeah. Tavon moore is charged with and withgree murder attempted murder. Atit turns out, looking court records, both men in this case have pleaded guilty in the to gun charges. Lets update our breaking news. An arrest after series of Bank Robberies in montgomery and prince georges counties this morning. Tell us two hours after those robberies, a prince georges countys Police Officer looked like the vehicle that investigators were looking for. That suspect was arrested but we his name until after he is formally charged. Well get you more information newsroom. S into the leon . Well, virginia is now the first state in the country to Workforce Training Program that pays students to train for indemand jobs. The governor signed that bill today. Under this new law, the state will provide grants to cover the tuition for programs that train workers for jobs. And this law will help the state fill those spots. 7 on your side in Health Matters tonight. California is on the verge of being the second state to raise the smoking age limit from 18 up to 21. Signnor jerry brown must off on the bill to make it official. Hawaii raised that smoking age already last year. The measure looks to crack down on tobacco, it also e cigarettes. This comes about a week after San Francisco did the same. Than thek no further halls of congress to see how big the heroin epidemic has become. Senate, in a near unanimous bipartisan vote, comprehensive the addiction and rover act. Opioid abused prevention and education. It will bring 725 the nationwide battle against heroin. Senator tim cain of virginia cosponsored this bill. In 2014, more virginians died of than carerdoses accidents. Cain says it will help increase drug Treatment Options for those who want to kick the deadly addiction. The bill now moves to the house. Youll remember abc 7 took you along the socalled heroin highway, stretching from maryland into West Virginia and then virgin. To see jennifer donelans reports on the heroin epidemic. Leon . The canadian Prime Minister, justin trudeau, spent much of his day at the white house, arrived with much fanfare this morning. Believe it or not, this is the primevisit by a canadian minister in nearly two decades. Perhaps because its been so alone. E didnt come he also brought the minister of National Defense and minister of economic development. The president and i share a common goal. We want a clean growth economy that continues to provide good opportunities for all of our citizens. And im confident that by together, well get there, sooner than we think. Dinner isstate scheduled to begin at the white house in just a few hours. The first for canadian leaders 1998. Whenever there is a state dinner, people always want to the, whats going to be on menu . Michelle is here now. She has a look at what is being served tonight. Hey we dont have a seat at the table, so well fill folks in on least. Being served at thats the least we can do. The white house says tonights dinner will be a mix of american and canadian favorites. Halibut foralaskan the first course, followed by colorado lam chops drinkinged in Canadian Whiskey drizzled in Canadian Whiskey. And cake with syrup. The white house is promising an appetizer using duck, inspired the canadian staple. Now, if you dont know what it smotheredrench fries, in gravy and cheese kurds, usually with some sort of meat involved as well. If you could get a togo plate, alison, which items would you want . Poutine. E have you ever seen it before . Its not that appealing but maybe the white house will do it make it fancy. Im sure, because usually its the kind of thing they eat theyve been drinking. Ha ha if i were ever going to try the whiteld be from house chef. Coming up here at 5 00 an extra shot. And they go, oh, yeah of coffee mayp prove to be more than a mental pick me up. Later,then a little bit paying your way. A look at metros new plan to give you more flexibility. Claire din. Live in claire we broke records today. Lets talk about the upcoming weekend. Its going to cool down just a little bit but still, temperatures well above average year. Is time of looking at daytime highs on saturday, around 61. Tot forget, when you head bed saturday night and wake up early sunday morning, daylight begin. Time will well spring ahead by one hour. That means we lose an hour of a sleep butve we have a sunset that will be well past 7 00. Monday. R 60s on were talking showers, upper 60s tuesday and wednesdayment back into the 70s. More coming up next on abc 7 news at 5 00. A 7 on your side Health Matters report. A cup of joe, after a night of drinking, may actually save your liver. According to a new study, undue liverfee may damage caused by alcohol. Aubling two cups to four cups day could significantly reduce the risk of cirrhosis. That studies have shown coffee helps ward off liver were always hearing what shouldnt drink. Its nice to be able to tell them they can continue to drink to drink it. Y like sometimes they should maybe increase their intake. Starbucks aref going to love hearing this one more reason to drink coffee. Ablesearchers havent been to pinpoint which compound in coffee it is that protects the not theut its caffeine, so drinking soda wont work for you. Still recommend rehydrating with water. We all know that processed food is bad for us. A new survey that shows it still makes up a good americane of most diets. The survey determined most americans get half of their fromy intake ultraprocessed foods, foods that include artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners. These foods account for almost of calories from added sugars. These can contribute to obesity, and heart disease. The military is checking into fromer chemicals Firefighting Foam may have contaminated groundwater at of sites nationwide. They are in the process of evaluating more than 660 looking to see if theyre at risk. Personnel ativing a virginia landing field, bottled water, after chemicals in the drinking water. Coming up, paying the piper. Tot can happen if you decide try and stiff the district when it comes to parking and traffic tickets. Sports, youg up in see this team behind me . Thats georgia tech thats who virginia is taking on. But it doesnt matter, because fans here only have you seeing two colors. Orange and blue. Coming up later in sports. But first, a quick programming note. You can watch d. C. United take on the new england revolution station,on our sister newschannel 8. Coverage begins at 2 30. Match kicks off at 3 00. The bridge carrying wash columbia pike was known as the in virginia until the renovation last year. But our region still has plenty bridges inly 60,000 desperate need of repair. According to the builders 8 of virginias bridges are structurally deficient. 4 of marylands bridges and of d. C. s bridges also fall into that category. Privileges ares are bridges are considered functionally obsolete. Helptro has a new plan to you pay your way. The idea is to give you flexibility while still boosting bottom line. Brianne carter is covering metro tonight to explain. Reporter in less than a week, youll have a new option in pass youthe kind of choose to load on to your smart trip card. Had morero officials details on this new structure that metro requires will able to sign up for upfront for what will cost you about 18 commuting round trips, and then youll get of your trips you take on metro bus and rail for free during that month. Options. E will be two one for Long Distance trips, another for short trip commuters. Metro Officials Say if you commute about four, five times a new fareetro, the option will save you money. While the fare structure could to predictier revenue, its also part of a renewed focus on the customer. Way to tell our customers, we want you on the system. We would like to make it very you to choose to take a you willetro, because save money on your monthly travel costs and you will enjoy the freedom of access to the bytem at all times of day paying one low monthly price. Beorter ficialgs say youll able to sign up for this starting march 16. Youll be able to use it starting april 1. The Pilot Program will run a couple of months. Officials will analyze how the program is going and bring it before the board, who will decide whether or not to expand it. In northwest washington, brianne carter, abc 7 news. All right. Evening commute is well under way. On whatset a check happening. Reporter this afternoon, were certainly seeing slowdowns for the thursday afternoon rush. Or, as i like to call it, friday day closer to that end of the week. An southbound, report of accident, between seminary and duke, headed towards alexandria. Looks like its an accident now blocking your left center lane. Here, its going to slow you down if youre trying to make youre way towards alexandria. 395 corridor at the 14th street bridge, a car blocks lights see those brake there as you try to make your way, on the 14th street bridge. Forg to be a slow ride folks across the bridge span, in towards the district this afternoon. Delays for youme on the beltway inner loop and outer loop in prince georges county. Watch for brakes on good luck road. Okay. Thank you very much. Tonightnew information about the socalled hot felon. His real name, jeremy meeks, he is ready to be a model citizen, he says. Seriously. Hes out of prison. Preparing for his modeling career. Remember,ot, youll when viral after his arrest on a weapons violation. The Los Angeles Times is meeks already has a manager and has many job offers. Surprise, because he got so much attention there you go. Ints the world were living these days. There you go. Dont you think hes got to do something with the tattoos . Makeup. Ha ha could be. All right. Well, you don weather. Hing with this this is just a Beautiful Day absolutely. With more records set today. Finally set one at Reagan National airport. Reagan national, beat the old record of 78 by one degree. But it counts. Record high in washington dulles and record heat at b. W. I. Wait untilwe had to to happen. R this currently, 76 at Reagan National. Coming upgusty wind the river, 20 Miles Per Hour at last report. Area rangeund the through the mid70s. Leesburg,polis, winchester. 76 in fredericksburg. 75 in manassas. End,arm air coming to an as High Pressure will get bumped out of the way to the east, as a cold front slides in tonight. Of rain along the front. Flooding rains in the deep however, most of the rain is going to bypass our area. A shower, sprinkle, but thats about it. That will happen in the overnight. Temperatures in the 60s as increase tonight. 7 a. M. Tomorrow, winds northwestly. That will usher in the upper 60s, 14 degrees above average. Becoming sunny through the day tomorrow. Cooler 61. Ower and sunday, a chance of showers late. Showers and storms monday. Then right back into the 70s. Winter. Is is the end of well wait and see. Could be. We hope so. But it is going to be raining tonight. Raining threes thats right. Robert live at the Verizon Center for the a. C. C. Tournament. Reporter yeah. Threes, justining not for me. Virginia is coming into town, taking on georgia tech. Team thats warming up behind me. The dang is that virginia already has a spot solidified in the tournament. However, georgia tech is still solidify a spot. They can easily upset virginia at any moment. I dont think virginia fans would let that happen. For basketball addicts. Yeah lets go lets go reporter the Verizon Center, spot for your hoops fix. D. C. come on go s reporter even yours truly couldnt hold back. The phone booth, filled with citizens. Go ets malcolm brogdon, oh, yeah thats the name . What you need to know reporter u. V. A. Fans, young and old. Little virginia so excited, shes at a loss for words. I say, go its more like, who is this man in my face right thats what it is. They going to win this thing . We gotta good team this year. Brogdon, hes the real deal. Is he the answer . He could be the answer. Need some big men in the paint. We need gil to step up, mike toby. Happens, maybe they take this home. But they just have to do less of this. Reporter if you feel like winning a confronts tourney, do. T do what i also other news, georgetown loses to top seeded villanova in big east tournament. Back to you in the studio. Like you owedoks her money. Ha ha youre having too much fun, robert. Following up now on a story you saw first here on 7, d. C. Fined drivers 226 million for and otherpeeding traffic violations in 2015. But about 84 million has not paid. Even if drivers dont hand it over, mike carter tells us there the government can and will get that money. Byi gotta pay it little little. Reporter with one out of four d. C. Tickets not paid in 2015, drivers of thousands of are simply ignoring fines or challenging those tickets with adjudicators. I average about 600 in parking tickets a month. Delivery driver says he regularly appeals or delays payments. Its more money than i get have to makeso i sure that i still get a profit. Reporter but other drivers have little sympathy. Just think its unjust. If you owe something, you should pay something. Virginia d. C. And drivers each owe nearly 18 million. But maryland drivers have the tickets, worth 36 million. Dont break the law and you dont get a ticket. Reporter in that moment of rage, it might be up that parking ticket or speeding ticket sent to you by mail. Matter the fine amount, that ticket will come back to haunt you. Want toorst thing you do is to not pay the ticket. Reporter over the past three the d. C. Office of tax and revenue offset more than 41,000 income tax refunds, fans. Hing the unpaid meanwhile, for out of state use debtthey collectors. And collected 21 million another 21 million in 2015. Outstanding fines can have a impact on credit scores. Someone with a 680 score could points. Ghly 50 for someone with a 780 score, good credit, the appearance of could these collections lower their score by as much as points. 25 and at 5 00. But right now, at 6 00 bill that doesnt should. Es like it truly a renewed fight to crack down on drunk drivers. A policeamily of officers killed by a suspected drunk driver is demanding more. Ers do plus, fighting back against domestic violence. A local county plagued by violence against women is taking steps to reverse that trend. A firefighter puts his life on the line. Saving a woman from a burning apartment. How theyre both doing and the residents. Ow facing abc 7 news at 6 00 starts now. Now, abc 7 news at 6 00, on your side. Newirst at 6 00, a information on a daring effort to save a life. Hisrefighter took off oxygen mask and gave it to the woman he was pulling from a burning thats right. Learning more about that firefighter and the womans condition. Challenges as a new emerges. Were following this developing story, now live in southeast washington. Jeff, tell us about it. Reporter new challenge indeed, leon. Residents of this building here on minnesota avenue are telling abc 7s richard reed that they building isld the condemned and they have to be out by saturday. You can see some of the charred of this fire and then a little bit lower, the crime scene tape, still stands. Meanwhile, the firefighter, and the woman he saved, both remain hour. Hospital at this both doing okay. Thanks to a true act of heroism. Miles away from home on the other side of town, at medstar center,on hospital 65yearold Phyllis Terrell is recovering, Getting Better little by little. She talks really low, so shes trying to

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