An unruly passenger was taped to his seat by passengers and crew. Tonight when you thought it couldnt get worse, the passenger now accused of slapping this little boy. And for the little girl from kentucky, up for an oscar. Behind the scenes with Bradley Cooper, what it was like to tell Robert De Niro off and how her mother is still worried about her. Got bless her, she text me every night, are you home . Are you okay . Good evening. Thanks for being here this sunday night. We start with two giant stormds on both coasts tonight. A blizzard in parts of the northeast. Look at in this evening, just a week after the last monster blizzard. Its slow going in portsmouth, New Hampshire tonight. This extends as far south as florida. Spring training, the pitcher for the Washington Nationals all bundled up. Out west, this new storm coming ashore will blow down the coast and then head to the midwest. Ginger zee with the all picture beginning with that blinding snow in the northeast. Reporter its snowing and blowing again in new england. Winds roaring on cape cod, nearly 60 Miles Per Hour gusts. The storm clipped long island, sending cars into ditches. In maine, they were buried last weekend and are fighting through again today. Im ready for spring. Sick of winter. Reporter in massachusetts, more salt, more flous and u7 to six inches of fresh snow. Just last weekend, we were trudging around in more than two feet of snow. And on cape cod, we met bob and Arlene Williams who last week were forced into a red cross shelter after that epic blizzard rond them of electricity and heat. Tonight bob and arlene tell me they got another half foot of snow, but the power and heat is still on. Its not as nasty. Reporter this is the same storm that brought snow to the carolinas and icy temps to florida. Farmers there just trying to keep their crops warm through one more night of sub freezing cold. Glad to hear bob and arleel did not lose power again. The other system out west tonight . The one out west will slam monday into tuesday. Got to show you this, david. Then its going to gain steam and the low pressure system really going to track into the midwest and bring big snow. Im talking foot and a half or more for possibility nebraska, iowa, missouri. Well track as they get closer. Tornados and hail possible on thursday in the area shaded in red. Ginger our thanks to you. Turning now to south africa. The olympian known as the blade runner, Oscar Pistorius facing murder charges in the death of his girlfriend. Tonight both families are speebing out just as another headline breaks, the controversy of the reality show airing with that girlfriend still in it. Reporter an explosive report in a major south African Newspaper tonight. The respected city press says multiple Police Sources confirmed to them, a bloody cricket bat found in Oscar Pistoriuss home after the valentines day shooting of his cover model girlfriend is a key piece of evidence. Possibly used in an argument leading up to her fatal shooting. Police officials refuse to comment on the new claims, appearing just as pistoriuss family has been coming to his defense. I can promise you, with the knowledge ive got, he will come out right. Reporter pistoriuss father today is quoted saying his son shot steenkamp accidentally, mistaking her for an intruder. What do you do if somebody is in the house . He said, do you think its one of your family . Of course, you dont. The victims father also speaking out offering surprising sympathy for a man he had never even met, saying, he must be going through things that we dont know about. There is no hatred in our hearts. And now controversy over the premier of a reality show Reeva Steenkamp had recently taped. A special tribute airing last night. But under fire for being insensitive, criticized in their use of her last words on the series. The way that you go out, not just your journey in life, but the way that you make your exit is so important if you even made an impact in a positive way or a negative way. Reporter some South Africans angrily called for the series to be canceled, but her family supports the decision to air it, allowing her memory to live on on national tv. David . Bazi kanani from south africa. And from russia this evening, the fallout from the massive meteor. Tonight we learned it was traveling 46,000 Miles Per Hour when it crashed. And this evening, people on the internet looking to make money off their supposed meed meteoric finds. Heres kirit radia. Reporter the meteor exploded in midair. The force of 30 hiroshima bombs, scattering glass across the region. And also scattering valuable fragments, worth big money for anyone who finds them. Tonight scientists have confirmed the first fragment found near this hole where a big chunk landed. Meteor debris is worth 100 to 100,000 depending on size. Already socalled meteor pieces are showing up on ebay, this one going for 490. This one for just under a thousand. Notice how they dont look anything alike. So thats it, huh . This man found a tiny rock he thinks was part of the meteor. He says he found it on the edge of that frozen lake. The hole became something of a tourist attraction, people streaming in to see it for themselves. Reporter some more conspiracyminded folks have suggested this was an american rocket attack, or even an alien space invasion. But others, quite genuinely, have found a more divine interpretation. The faithful gather at this church by the lake, some seeking to attribute spiritual meaning to the cosmic event. Father dimitri says there are still more people visiting the hole than the church. But he says god saved this village. Kirit radia, abc news, chebarkul, russia. Kirit, our thanks to you. On this sunday, a swelling crowd at the vatican for one of poem benedicts final appearances. Theres jockey tonight among cardinals and a warning, all cardinals will be told they cannot tweet when they arrive to choose the new pope. David wright reporting from the vatican. David . Reporter good evening, david. Its late, but the lights are on tonight in the popes apartment. Perhaps hes packing up. Earlier today he didnt even acknowledge his imminent departure. But the crowd sure did. At least 50,000 roman catholics came to say goodbye. But Pope Benedict kept it strictly business as usual. Even though he will appear in that window just one more time, before he makes way for someone else. The crowd was here for benedict today and it matters probably more to him than to him. Reporter even before this pope has fully said his goodbyes, behind the scenes the focus has already turned to choosing his successor. A process that has always followed strict rules and is full of intrigue. This weekend the vatican floated a trial balloon, perhaps the cardinals wont wait the usual 15 days to start the election. But from some quarters, strong objections. That only the pope can change church law. And for benedict to do so now might look like hes meddling. His retirement has already shaken the process up. And make sure your retirement is golden. Saturday night live parodied that idea. One more change this time around twitter. Several cardinals do it. But they wont be allowed to once inside the conclave. Wouldnt want a tweet to scoop the white smoke. David . David, our thanks to you. Back here at home and to the economy. You likely dont need us to point out the steep hike in gas prices. The average price of a gallon of gas, 3. 68, two months straight now price hikes at the pump. Want to bring in gma host bianna golodryga. Look at the graphics. Gas prices have been up 13 cents the past month, 42 cents. These price hikes, if they continue, will cost the average family nearly 400 in addition to what they already pay for the year. Do we know why theyre going up . Theyre going up because oil prices are going up. But this is not a typical time where you see a lot of demand. They are transitioning to different blends. But theres not one dleer answer as to why. You mentioned the blend. That usually happens spring to summer, will we see more hikes . That remains a concern. We usually see it before memorial day weekend, not president s day weekend. Now usa today reporting that Illegal Immigrants can become permanent residents. Requiring businesses to check workers stat us and providing more money for border security. I want to bring in reena ninan. We were talking last night and you said both parties seem to be nearing the plan. The question tonight, why would the white house leak this, risking momentum . Reporter the white house said it was unintentional. They reached out to both parties, sending that message. But some republicans on the hill believe the damage has been done. Marco rubio, a key voice in the debate issuing that statement. The legislation is halfbaked and seriously flawed. It would fweal make our rim gration problems worse. The president s bill would be dead on arrival in congress. A Senior Administration official telling me tonight theres no evidence it will affect it. Rena, thank you. Overseas to pakistan where the death toll is growing tonight after a bombing in a crowded market. Angry shiites protesting around that country after the attack killed 81 people. Attacks on shiites are on the rise in the sunni country. Strong words from iran. A top lawmaker is saying western sanctions wont stop their Nuclear Program. Vowing its Nuclear Program will never be closed. This comes as a new round of Nuclear Negotiations is set to take place this week. Back at home tonight and to our consumer watchdog report and a growing problem. Americans and their Credit Scores taking a dive. And sometimes its not your fault. Tonight paula faris with one woman trying to fight back. Reporter theyre the Credit Reports that can make or break a loan. This week we learned those reports have errors that could keep us from getting a car loan, a mortgage, even a job. A new study uncovered one in five americans have mistakes on their Credit Report and over four million of us have mistakes that can lower or credit score. Its very important that this information be accurate, so that consumers are not harmed by inaccurate information. Reporter thats exactly what happened to renee from ohio, who unsuccessfully battled the Credit Bureaus for three years over a mortgage discrepancy. She says her Credit Rating was destroyed. I had good credit. I worked hard for it. Then i had to watch the whole thing fall apart. Reporter we reached out to the big three Credit Bureaus and they told us to talk to this man. Credit bureaus want to get it right in the first place. These consumers are their customers. Reporter so can you fix your score . Its possible, but time consuming. Check your report at least once a year. Go to annual Credit Report. Com. You can print your report for free. Go through line by line and write down any errors. Finally, gather proof and contact each of the three Credit Bureaus. By law, they have 30 days to respond. If they dont go to the spc our yore states attorney general. Renee has had to rebuild her credit, but its been a painful lesson. What i figured out, youre at the mercy of of the Credit Bureaus. What a nightmare for renee. You said she caught it, but caught it too late . She did. If you get nowhere, contact them directly. Theyre policing these agents more now than ever. In the meantime, you made calls for renee, will they look at her report again . They said they would and theyd get back to us. Paul a thanks. Much more ahead, air rage on the rise. Youll remember this passenger here, ducttaped by the crew and passengers. Tonight the newest case, this baby allegedly hit in theace by a passenger. Tonight we ask, what is going on . Later tonight, behind the scenes at the dance as we ask, will her Silver Linings playbook lead to gold . Hey, its me, progressive insurance. You know, from our 4,000 television commercials. Yep, there i am with flo. Hoohoo watch it [chuckles] anyhoo, 3 Million People switched to me last year, saving an average of 475. [sigh] it feels good to help people save. With great discounts like safe driver, multicar, and multipolicy. So call me today. Youll be glad you did. Cannonbox [splash ] helps provide many with, day and night relief of heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. There is risk of bone fracture, and low magnesium levels. Side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. 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Reporter when Jessica Bennett and her 19monthold boarded aid flight from minneapolis to atlanta just days ago, she never expected to tell this story. Came at him like that. It came down that way at jonahs eye right here. Reporter jessica and fbi investigators say another passenger, 60yearold joe hundley assaulted her little boy. When jonah started to cry, hundley told her to shut that nword baby up. And i said, what did you just say . And he was so drunk that he fell onto my face and his mouth moved over to my ear. Reporter then she says, hundley slapped the child. When i look at jonahs face, his eye was swollen here and it was bleeding. Reporter Authorities Say cases of air rage are up about 30 . Earlier this year, a passenger was so drunk and unruly, he was bound with duct tape by fellow passengers. And those memorable outbursts from flight attendants seemingly fed up. But air rage incidents involving children, almost unheard of. Tonight, jonahs dad has a message for hundley. I hope hes embarrassed. I hope he feels ashamed. Hundleys Attorney Says he shouldnt rush to judgement, he plans to plead not guilty. Still disturbing. When we come back, what jeff gordon said today when Danica Patrick beat him. History made even before the daytona 500. Its a new day. If your a man with low testosterone, you should know that axiron is here. The only underarm treatment for low t. Thats right, the one you apply to the underarm. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. Axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. Women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. Report these signs and symptoms to your doctor if they occur. Tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. Do not use if you have prostate or breast cancer. 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Racing to the top of the list, Danica Patrick, making nascar history this evening after pulling off the biggest win of her fouryear nascar career, winning the daytona 500 pole. She beat out 37 other drivers including fourtime champion gest gordon. Qualifying is as good as you to could hope for, but i also understand that its a whole nother day. And we could go out there on the track and just for some reason not have as much speed as wed hope for. Jeff gordon also reacting tonight. He said, quote, its great to be i can say i was the fastest guy today. 25 years and 25 million at the box office, actor bruce willis is back on top. Back with his newest die hard more than two decades after the first one in 1988. Some critics said it was time for the franchise to retire, willis getting the last laugh. And a rare glimpse of her baby girl with husband jayz. Here she is blue ivy. For the first time we get to see the singer doting over her daughter and just for a few seconds there. A lot of folks wondering today who she looks like more, her mom or her dad. You can sweet us here or simply find me on facebook, let me know what you think. When we come back in the broadcast tonight, our countdown to the oscars here, behind the scenes this evening with the girl from kentucky, dancing with Bradley Cooper and while shes likely get another text message from her mother tonight. How can you get back pain relief that lasts up to 16 hours . With thermacare heatwraps. Thermacare works differently. Its the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. For up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare. I took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products dont treat cough. They dont . [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] oh, what a relief it is [ angry gibberish ] five days later, i had a massive heart attack. Bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. Now, im on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story. Finally here, will silver turn to gold one week from tonight . Jennifer lawrence up for an oscar for Silver Linings playbook and tonight her own playbook began in kentucky. Just 22 with two best actress nominations already on her resume. She has hollywood buzzing with delight. Both at her glitz to glam rage and at her refreshingly unspoiled selfimage. I just have a very weird job and if i just remind myself of that, that its nothing more than that, threaten i dont sta thinking its more dramatic. On the dance floor with Bradley Cooper, toe to toe with this guy. Ever since he was with you you think im why todays happened . Thats right. Im the reason why today happened . Reporter you stare into Robert De Niros eyes and tell him off. Nerve racking. Oh, my god, im going to be screaming at Robert De Niro and im going to be messing up my lines. Fortunately the adrenaline kicked in and i remembered. Reporter she grew up in kentucky, youngest of three. My dad started working at home when i was six. So i would dress up as a clown or ballerina and go to my dad every day when hes trying to work, wait, wait, make him watch me put on a new show. Or id dress up as someone and knock on the door and say, hi, my name and judy, my car broke down, can i use your phone . The films success reshaped not just her life, but those of her loved ones. Her mother for one. God bless her. She taxes me every night. Reporter when she does venture out yeah, i saw meryl streep at a party one time and someone was about to introduce me to bill maher. He was reaching his hand out and i literally put my hand in his face and go, not now, bill and i just stared at her all night and followed her around and drank and stared at her. Like a creep. Sorry. A lot of people will be staring at jennifer one week from tonight. From all of us here, goodnight

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