where some speculators can reap millions while millions of american families get the short end of the stick. that's not the way the market should work. >> reporter: the president said speculators manipulate the market by buying up large amounts of oil, then driving up prices in order to flip it for a profit. gas prices have been going up, and mr. obama said speculators are partly to blame. some analysts believe we may have seen their peak. for the second week in a roerks prices have dropped, down 2 cents. the $52 million legislatesive plan the president unveiled would boost federal oversight of energy mark etss and would implement a tenfold increase in the penalties for market manipulation from $1 million to $10 million. but even as he pointed the finger, the president didn't point out any specific examples of this type of illegal activity. >> i haven't seen anything specific to say that the energy markets are being manipulated. >> reporter: republicans dismissed the president's proposal as gas price theater. >> the president has all the tools available to him if he believes that the oil market is being manipulate. >> reporter: this announcement is the latest attempt by president obam to show americans he feels their pain at the pump. >> rising gas prices means a rough ride for a lot of families. >> reporter: yesterday, the president reiterated there's no magic bullet to bring down gas prices overnight. but he has 200 more nights until election day. and this is an issue that could be very critical to his re-election chances. rob and paula, back to you. >> the president does have limited control. we do have to get the speculators under control. that's a main factor in terms of fluctuating gas prices. >> it's all about the speculators. >> pure speculation. by the way, romney is going to be in louisville at a fund-raiser hosted by papa john's founder. and on a tangent, i did have papa john's for dinner with that garlic butter sauce. so good. >> you had the garlic. >> i did. i apologize. >> but i had the pizza before i knew that fund-raiser because i don't want anyone to think i'm being biased or subjective. >> don't step into that. >> i am purely objective. i do like pizza. >> good, good, good. a suburban detroit woman who won a million-dollar lottery jackpot has been charged with welfare fraud. prosecutors say that amanda clayton continued to get food stamps and public health insurance after she accepted a lump sum payment of more than $700,000. you saw her holding the check up there. the 25-year-old pleaded not guilty. her mom admits it was slightly bad judgment. she could face up to eight years in prison. police in the atlanta area are trying to track down a thief who made off with a treasure trove of cell phones. the entire heist was actually caught on surveillance video. look at the guy there. the man broke into a business near -- a t-mobile store and then cut a hole in the wall. he crawled on his belly to dodge those motion detectors and even took a few personal calls before getting away with about $30,000 worth of cell phones. >> wow. well, an experiment aimed at saving lives during major earthquakes could make a difference when the next big one hits. the drill involves a special building set up to fall down. here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: it's a brand new building constructed for one purpose. to make it fall apart. >> four, three, two, one. >> reporter: by simulating a massive earthquake. this is what californians fear most. the 1994 northridge quake which killed 60 people in southern california. or 1989, loma spis prieta which cause caused a portion of the bay bridge to collapse. earthquakes happen every day. >> but all of these are small. this is a typical, quiet week for california. >> reporter: this five-story tower at uc san diego is built to function like a small hospital. inside, hundreds of sensors and cameras to record the damage in realtime. >> in the event of a catastrophic earthquake, the concern for hospitals isn't just that a building might collapse. it also still has to function as a hospital. >> we want to make sure that after an earthquake, our hospitals still work because lots of other things won't. >> reporter: they put it through shaking equivalent to northridge, 6.7 in magnitude. seismologists say the big one is only a matter of time. >> are we ready for the big one? >> of course not. but when we get the big earthquake in california, people will be in shock in terms of the total amount of damage. >> reporter: hopefully a little more ready. david wright, abc news, los angeles. and there are new warnings this morning about a potential eruption at a volcano not too far from mexico city. a lava dome is growing in the crater. the volcano has been spewing incandescent rock and water vapor and ash. people are being warned to stay at least seven miles away from the danger zone. here's a look at your wednesday forecast. showers in the pacific northwest and northern california. some mountain snow from washington state to montana. showers in the dakotas -- why are we giggling? in the upper midwest. severe storms from orlando to the carolinas. scattered showers from d.c. to philly. >> i was giggling. you were laughing. 68 in new york. 72 in atlanta. 77 in new orleans. 70s from kc to chicago. 57 in seattle. 76 in sacramento. and phoenix, heating up to 93. >> there it is. the world's second tallest tower actually is set to open next month in tokyo. but the media has already gotten a sneak peek of the sweeping skyline views. >> called the tokyo sky tree, and it's 450 stories tall. oh, my knees are just shaking thinking about it. it's a radio and television tower that stands nearly 2100 feet. if you are working about earthquake safety, builders say that special steel tubes surround the central concrete column designed to offset each other to reduce -- oh, i can't even look at that. i can't look. >> you really don't like heights. >> i hate heights. >> work crews are finishing up hundreds of stores and restaurants for the tower's big open chicago will happen on the 22nd of may. here's a stat for you. a high-speed elevator takes 50 seconds to reach the lower observation deck on the 350th floor. 50 seconds. whu. that's enough to make you see your lunch again. >> i'm not feeling so hot. >> we'll be right back. ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by cancer treatment centers of america. follow the wings. ♪ [ female announcer ] gross -- i'll tell you what's really gross: used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. for a cleaner way to clean try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. it's super durable too. it's the cleaner way to clean. bring it with bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins. ♪ look at that beautiful view. anyways, a bit of a history lesson this morning. start thinking about old books. by old, we don't mean the dead sea scrolls, do we? >> no. because those are downright ancient. >> this book is price fep was just bought by the british library for more than 14 million bucks. the bbc's david slido reports. >> reporter: near the british library is a new book for the shelves. it is, though, very, very old. >> this book which was written at the end of the seventh century is the earliest intact european book. >> reporter: the bible dates from 698. it survived because it was stored in the saint's coffin off north um berland. look closely at those words. how clear they are. >> it this is a manu script. a handwritten book. and the words on the page are almost as clear as the day that the scribe wrote them. >> reporter: in the seventh century, this would have been very precious. >> yeah, and it was apparently made to be placed in st. cuttingbert's coffin on the occasion of his elevation to sainthood. >> reporter: so really wasn't written to be read then? it was written to be placed in a coffin? >> apparently, yeah. that's the beginning of st. john's gospel. >> reporter: the bible will now go on public display. a chance to see a literary survivor from britain's dark ages. david solito, bbc news. >> good see she was use something gloves with it. >> that's my thing. something that old, where is the latex, baby girl. >> you need gloves. >> this book is old. look at this. that was kind of weird to me. safety first. protect yourself. >> protect that book. pronge >> protect that book. coming up next, more excitement. they are mighty animals, and they are mighty hungry. >> big excitement. how polar bears struggle to feed themselves and their young. you're watching "world news now." ♪ ice, ice baby everyone loved that song back in the day. i don't care what everybody says. everybody loves robert van winkle. >> it wasn't robert van winkle. >> that's his real name. >> always reminds me of spring break. tooling around florida, junior -- i think junior year. >> we'll talk about it during the commercial. a unique imax film opens this friday called "to the arctic." it stars the polar bear. >> the movie demonstrates the fragile environment in which those bears fight to exist. jim avila checked it out. >> reporter: a rare look at the massive underbelly of the mighty polar bear. >> polar bears are great swimmers. even though they only use their gigantic front paws. >> reporter: paws nearly a foot wide, keeping 500 pounds of marine carnivore afloat in the desperate struggle for food. made even more difficult by the warming arctic sea. melting ice separating bears from their hunting grounds. this mother bear swam an extraordinary nine days to hunt for seals, days longer than normal. her cub did not make it. >> the polar bear became the heart of the film. >> reporter: filmmakers followed her for their new imax documentary. >> a lot of bears are swimming further to get food. the cubs are having a tougher time. >> there's a mom and a small cub. >> reporter: worldwide, the polar bear population is labeled depleted, dwindled to 25,000 and expected to shrink two-thirds by midcentury. so american zoos are hoping to build a polar bear safety net. the maryland zoo has three in its enclosure. >> that is magnet. he's in his mid-20s. this is about as close as i want to be to a polar bear, even though there is a big steel mesh fence here. >> reporter: the st. louis zoo is building a $20 million sanctuary, creating dna banks and breeding laboratories. a zoo insurance policy that could help wild bears repopulate through artificial insemination from captive males. >> we think that we can provide a wonderful home, particularly for orphaned cubs. >> reporter: an escape plan for one of our grandest mammals as their natural home vanishes beneath their massive paws. jim avila, abc news, baltimore. >> animals, we love them. >> look. there i am with my pet polar bear. >> were you feeding it? >> probably a coca-cola. "morning papers" is next. i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to " 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying .up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... with all you need to enroll. put their trust in aarp p medicare supplement insuranc. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. the prices are competitive. i can keep my own doctor. and i don't need a referral o see a specialist. call now to get a free information kit. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. and the advantages don't end there. choose from a range of medicare r supplement plans... that are all competitively priced. we have a plan for almost everyone, so you can find one that fits r your needs and budget. with all medicare supplement plans, there are virtually p no claim forms to fill out. plus you can keep that accepts medicare. p your own doctor and hospital and best of all, these plans are... when they told me these plans were endorsed by aarp... i had only one thing to say... sign me up. and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan. you'll get this free information kit... as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts # medicare, call this toll-free number now. what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. why use more when you can use less? new bounty. the clean picker upper. >> announcer: "world news now" delivers your "morning papers." >> welcome back, everybody. this is good news for all of you environmentally conscious folks out there. a year and a half ago, the government started a contest to come up with a new lightbulb to replace the incandescent lightbulb. they'll be banned in two years. everything is going green. this company, philips has come up with -- they are the only person to enter the contest. they won. they've come up with this new product. these things are pricey, depending on how it shakes out. $20 to 60 bucks which is a lot for a lightbulb. but at four hours a day, this could last you about 20 years. overall, they say it will save you about 8 bucks a year on energy bills if used for four hours a day. this lasts 30 times longer than the standard bulb and will come out this sunday available for purchase which also coincides with earth day. so do something for the environment. check out these new bulbs. i hate changing bulbs in the apartment. it's annoying to me. something that lasts 20 years? >> we just preferred candles at the household. >> cheap or romantic? >> no running water -- cheap. >> i bet you have a nice outhouse. >> if you ever heard someone's voice and said there's no way that voice came from that body. we have a little clip for you. it's gone viral. 144,000 views of a 14-year-old who wants to be the next voiceover movie king. >> in a world where the earth was no longer in our control, with our survival at stake, we have one chance, and that chance is to fight back. get ready for the most thrill ride motion picture event of the year, "apocalypse" in theaters friday. >> that cannot be that kid's voice. he's not all the way through puberty yet. you be the judge. all right. we'll let you judge on that one. story out gafof georgia mak something news. a kindergartner went on a scary tantrum. they started trying to break -- biting the door knob, tearing items off the wall, crying, trying to break a glass frame, jumping on top of the paper shredder and jumping on a shelf. the police come in and cuff this kindergartner, this 6-year-old kid. the parents upset saying this is no way to treat the child. the parents say he has mood swings. is 6 years old too young to be cuffed? >> i wanted to cuff my kids. really quick out of pennsylvania, a panty thief or a panty prowler. a thong thief. skivvy swandler. he has been caught after months and months of thievery. he was taking them from like apartment complexes and, yeah. >> i know people have a lot of this morning on "world news now" -- family tragedy. a suburban houston mother of a newborn is fatally shot, and her baby was kidnapped. >> it led to a major police drama over the past few hours with police just announcing they are questioning a person of interest. it's wednesday, april 18th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> a good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm paula faris on this wednesday morning. that break in the case came late last night as police recovered the 3-day-old infant and took someone in custody for questioning. there sore many questions as the father and young son are reunited after such an unspeakably violent crime. it's hard to fathom this could be random when you put all the facts and evidence together. >> it's very weird to me. just an argument. you know, between two parked cars. came back to the car and that's when the gunfire erupts. a lot of questions here. no one quite understands what would perk up that kind of violence against the mother of a newborn. drama off the coast of california where marine experts have been busy helping a 40-foot whale tangled in fishing line. theets third time in a month rescue crews have been called out on emergency just like this one. >> san onofre, right? >> that's right. >> my favorite place. >> and celebs who made the decision to take it all off and pose for photographers. they're going to reveal why they are showing off leaving very little to the imagination. trying to talk slow so we can see more video. >> heidi klum. i see heidi and her friends. all right. but first, get to the serious news of the morning. police are not saying whether the young mother was targeted, but witnesses heard as many as seven gunshots. >> the young mother cried out, my baby, my baby, as her newborn was taken into the shooter's car and then driven away. abc's larry jacobs has more on this tragedy. >> reporter: kayla marie golden and her baby left a local pediatric clinic and returned to her red pickup truck in the parking lot. she got into an argument with a woman sitting in a lexus parked next to her. the woman got out of the car and shot golden multiple times. >> pop, pop, pop. when you looked out, everybody was scattering. >> reporter: a man who was in the lexus got out and grabbed the 3-day-old son. >> the child was then put into the suspect vehicle and that's when the mother tried to get into the car and the car sped away knocking the lady to the ground. >> she's laying on the ground. she wasn't moving for nothing. but then i saw a blue lexus drive off in that direction. >> reporter: police and s.w.a.t. teams converged on an apartment complex where the lexus was found. a search of the apartment came up empty. the young mother died at the hospital. larry jacobs, abc news. >> how could something like this happen just outside a pediatrician's office. the shooter, rather, who murdered this young mother then drove away but took such good care of this little 3-year-old, 5-pound young baby boy. >> another man in that car who then kidnapped the baby. your heart has to go out to the father if the case. on one hand he has to be delighted the baby is okay but at the same time you are mourning the loss of the baby's mother. it's just incredibly sad story. this is unfolding this morning. we'll have the latest throughout the morning on all of our abc news programs. stay tuned. >> that person has been brought in for questioning. described as a thin black woman in her late 20s or early 30s. there was someone else riding in the car along with her. this is developing. we'll have the latest this morning on "world news now." a bizarre scene has unfolded in a norwegian courtroom. the right wing extreme whoift confessed to killing 77 people gave an hour-long speech. anders breivik said the attack was a preemptive strike and he'd do it all over again. he is hoping to avoid an insanity plea. we are also learning new details about the sex scandal involving the secret service and members of the u.s. military. abc news has learned the alleged prostitute and a secret service agent were fighting in a colombian hotel room over less than $200. two sources say only $150 in fact. at least 20 women were brought back to the hotel where those agents and military personnel were staying. the painstaking process of jury selection resumes today in the john edwards campaign finance trial. so far, the judge has eliminated nearly one-third of the potential jurors, many of whom had already made up their minds about edwards. jim avila has details. >> reporter: prospective jurors will see the judge and john edward will finally get his day in court. the one-time handsome presidential candidate who liked expensive haircuts and is now a defendant. accused of solitting nearly $1 million to hide his mistress and child from his cancer-stricken wife. he now knows who will testify against him. >> this was completely john edwards' idea and plan. >> reporter: the star witness granted immunity for his testimony against the former senator, his aide. in charge of the cover-up, andrew young who admits handling more than $900,000 from two wealthy supporters to pay for private jets, luxury hotels and rent mansions where he and his family hid mistress rielle hunter. a campaign videographer who called edwards hot he first time she met him. moments later, they were having sex at a manhattan hotel. now more than six years later, the senator faces trial for conspiracy, accepting illegal campaign contributions and making false statements. and there on the witness list for both prosecution and defense is his former mistress. >> i didn't violate campaign laws. and i never for a second believed i was violating campaign laws. >> reporter: his attorneys called t the case crazy and expt to hammer away at andrew young's book and testimony. accusing him of pocketing much of the money. the defense says the checks may have come from donors, but they were personal gifts, not contributions. >> this is a lousy case. this case is being brought just because everybody hates john edwards, not because he broke the law. >> reporter: the former senator's wife elizabeth died during the scandal. the baby is now 4 years old. it's not known if her father will testify on his own behalf, but we do know that john edwards' eldest daughter cate is on the defense witness list. jim avila, abc news, washington. >> what a trial that will be. in other news this morning, class action lawsuit is expected to be filed today against producers of "the bachelor" and "bachelorette." a group of nashville residents, including two football players told the hollywood reporter they are suing abc and the series production companies for racial discrimination. they say the show's never featured a single person of color, even over ten seasons. no comment from the network or from the production team. tom petty and the heartbreakers kick off their 2012 world tour tonight in colorado. and they will have five newly recovered vintage guitars that have been stolen from the southern california rehearsal studio. police arrested daryl washington, a private security guard who worked at that studio. investigators were tipped off via social media that washington had actually sold one of the guitars to a pawn shop. i guess he was free-falling. >> oh. >> you like it? i'm here all week. try the veal. thank you kindly. a dell krat rescue operation to save a trapped gray whale resumes off southern california in san onofre. before calling it a night, rescuers did manage to loosen some of that fishing line entangling the whale. here's how kabc's bill thomas report on the rescue effort just off orange county, california. >> reporter: it's an older gray whale. a 40-footer. those are the folks in the red trawler just behind that whale. they've tacattached a number of buoys. it's his left pectoral fin that's hooked to fishing line. they are working diligently to free that whale. it's working feverishly to keep itself afloat, aloft and to keep trying to get away from what it doesn't understand are its rescue cruise just behind him. it looks as though fear has kicked in. he's doing all he can to get away from the rescue crews. the dorsal fin, every now and again he'll bang it real hard against the water and spray the crew. the whale is trying to do all it can to shake those crews, not realizing they are there for his benefit to free him of all that fishing line. it's just a matter of time in my mind before that whale grows utterly exhausted and maybe at one point after a period of exhaustion it will actually slow down, maybe float and give the crews a chance to get closer and closer to that left pectoral fin and hopefully cut that fishing line. >> man, willy just can't get free. free willy, man. >> they've already freed three whales. this will be the third, actually, to be rescued off of the southern tip of california near san onofre. >> in just the past month. it's been a high frequency on this. the rescue did last until dark but they'll be back at work on daybreak trying to free willy. >> indeed. some dangerous rip currents are threatening swimmers across south florida. just having fun with directors. two people at ft. lauderdale beach had to be rescued after they were dragged away from shore. the victims a 15-year-old girl and a 65-year-old man were both taken to the hospital. the weather service says strong rip currents are expected all week. swimmers, beware. 'tis the season. hit the water. got to be careful. >> you like to swim? >> i do. >> a good swimmer? i like a pool. i like chlorine. at the beach, i like to be in the sand with a nice drink and i'm good. whales, rip currents. that's not fun. >> pina colada. here's your wednesday weather. >> thunderstorms, hail, gusty winds from the carolinas to atlanta. cloudy in the northeast with scattered showers from d.c. to philadelphia. showers around chicago. green bay, minneapolis and the dakotas. snow in the northern rockies. you have me all weird now. >> welcome back. mostly 60s from wills to salt lake city. phoenix 93. albuquerque, 77. 65 in the twin cities. 75 in omaha and 80 in the big "d." 623 68 in the big apple. >> i did miss you the last few days. >> people think you are disappearing. she's getting promoted. she's doing "weekend gma." >> every now and then -- just short term. i'm not doing it this weekend, though. >> welcome back. >> you missed our crazy little -- >> welcome back. here's a story for you. >> okay. >> colorado man with nfl aspirations -- give me a b -- >> b! >> he answered an open trial with the denver broncos, not as a player but as a cheerleader. >> this guy was hoping to -- oh, swede lord -- was hoping to become the first man ever to shake the navy and orange pom-poms. he trained for two months with a private hip-hop instructor. sadly, it wasn't enough. he did shockingly miss the cut. >> shockingly? >> but he says there's always next year. >> oh, yeah. >> better luck. good luck with that, dude. we'll be right back after this. ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by "that's my jam" cd set. follow the wings. attention - americans living with limited mobility. what do you do when you can no longer get around like you used to? when you fear losing your independence? who do you call? call hoveround now, to see if you qualify for america's premier power chair. hi, i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. now you can do more, see more, enjoy life more. here's why hoveround makes it easier than any other power chair. hoveround is more maneuverable to get you through the tightest doors and hallways. more reliable. hoveround employees build your chair, deliver your chair, and will service your chair for as long as you own your chair. and most importantly, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no cost. call now for your free dvd and information kit. and now every hoveround comes with this tote bag and cup holder for handy access to your favorite items. you don't really have to give up living because you don't have your legs. call now for your free consultation. and right now, get this limited edition hoveround america travel mug free with your hoveround delivery. call or log onto right now! welcome back to "60 minutes." you hear that ticking sound. that means it is countdown to october 16th. that's when millions of americans who requested an extension must file a complete tax return. >> did you do it? >> i'm done. did it in february. i was good this year. goonget >> good boy. >> it's the season for tax scams. one particular scam is hitting especially close to home. >> reporter: it's the day most of us dread. tax day. but for hundreds of thousands of americans, it is just the beginning of a nightmare. discovering that someone has already filed returns in their name and taken their money. >> their full name, full date of birth and their full social security number. that's all the information you really need to commit identity theft. >> reporter: it's an exploding problem. the irs paid out $1.4 billion in fake tax refunds last year. six times more than in 2010. >> welcome to the internal revenue service. >> reporter: it turns out i may be a victim myself. >> i just got a notice this morning from the irs that my tax return has been rejected. >> reporter: it also happened to the eagan family after their daughter died of a brain tumor. someone claimed her as a dependent. >> it's bad enough losing your child but then to have somebody steal their identity. the last remaining vestige of your child. yeah, it's horrible. >> reporter: and to mike bucaolo. his 2011 tax refund is still on hold while the irs sorts out the mess. in my case, i suspect it was my husband's social security number that was compromised. he passed away from cancer last year. >> unfortunately dead people don't have any privacy rights. that information, once you're dead is publicly available information. that $1.4 billion may just be the tip of the iceberg. the irs insists this is a top priority. >> irs takes identity theft very seriously and we're working to stop it. >> reporter: the agency has now installed computer filters to flag suspicious returns. still -- >> are you getting a lot of calls like this today? >> yes, we are. it's been really bad this year. >> reporter: there's no easy fix. i and other potential victims of this fraud first have to file a form, an affidavit with the irs to prove who we are. then it's likely to take months to resolve. lisa stark, abc news, washington. >> taking advantage of the dead. that's so twisted. and high-profile people who file for an extension include mitt romney and new jersey governor chris christie. so just fun facts. we'll be back in a moment. stay with us. welcome back, everybody. there's some delicate surgery being done outside washington, d.c., over the next day or so using some big-time machinery. >> the space shuttle "discovery" must be separated from that jumbo jet that flew it from florida to virginia yesterday. wftv's kevin oliver reports. >> reporter: it was a sight to behold. the space shuttle "discovery," the country's longest flying spacecraft, flown around the nation's capital. tens of thousands of people stopped with they were doing to peer up and capture photos of the spacecraft circling on the back of a 747. >> "discovery" was in great shape when she landed, and so are the other birds. so this is the way you want to end a program. >> reporter: astronaut michael barrett was on "discovery's" final space flight. he was back at the kennedy space center to see it off. he said seeing it leave its home here was harder than he thought. >> when they came back and did the flyover the runway again and then started north, started away and disappeared, i was a little bit emotional. that was kind of a sign that this was it. >> reporter: the same jet which brought "discovery" to the space center nearly three decades ago, took it away. it's going to a place where it will be preserved and cherished. >> i remember as a young boy seeing the spirit of st. louis and the wright flyer there. the beginning of aviation. charles lindbergh. now "discovery" will be in that special place also. >> reporter: a few hours tafr disappeared from view it landed at dulles. grounded for good. and will soon become the most high-tech relic ever put in a museum. >> what a cool ending for such a storied shuttle. some great shots of the shuttle near some, obviously, d.c. landmarks. >> somewhat disconcerting to see it. >> this is a cool visual. look at that. >> it looks a little superimposed. >> look at that. the lincoln memorial. very cool. >> they're going to take the next 48 hours to use cranes to carefully lift the shuttle off of the airplane. >> imagine it's quite delicate, too. and the official handover ceremony set for tomorrow. should be very cool. coming up next, showing off while taking it off. >> jaw-dropping celebs posing nude. follow the wings. i love how clean my mouth is now. but whdoesn't it last? [ male announcer ] even after a cleaning... plaque quickly starts to grow back. introducing crest pro-health clinical rinse. it actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque even at 2 months after a dental visit. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. [ experimenter 2 ] what do you smell? light floral, lilac. wispy white curtains. [ experimenter 1 ] okay take your blindfolds off. ♪ hello? [ male announcer ] febreze fabric refresher. breathe happy, guaranteed. ♪ you got to cut the garlic out. >> sorry. finally this half hour, nothing like a little nakedness. we have your attention now. >> naked. >> n-a-k-e-d. naked. appearing in the pages of "allure" magazine. as sharyn alfonsi reports, it's all about overcoming body image issues. >> reporter: they are beautiful, honest and not afraid to bear it all. female celebrities posing nude in the new issue of "allure," part of the magazine's annual look better naked spread. aimed at helping show everyday women how to feel comfortable in their own skin. >> i just did a nude shoot. i just was buck naked for "allure." >> 43-year-old actress debra messing had a secret weapon on the set. >> i decided i needed a little liquid help. so i had a sip of belvedere. >> reporter: while she may be more comfortable in front of the camera, "allure's" cover model heidi klum talks candidly about how even at 38 years old and after having four children, she still refuses to go under the knife saying, i'm proud to be able to say in this day and age, i haven't done anything. everyone has a view of what's not pretty, and surgery just doesn't look pretty to me. >> what we want to do is celebrate the female body and have celebrities kind of strip down and have that moment of truth. >> reporter: actresses tarajip. henson and marina back rin and "dancing with the stars" maria menounos are also featured in the spread. >> i'm the type of person that wants to try pretty much everything and face my fears. and nudity is a huge fear of mine. >> reporter: catching up with menounos backstage, we couldn't help but wonder if dancing partner derek hough caught a glimpse of the spread. >> we were in rehearsal when all of a sudden it popped up, my press clippings. and i totally forgot i'd done this. and derek was like, what is that? i'm like, that's me, nude. >> sharyn alfonsi. >> i had a small crush on maria before that piece. now i think i may be in love. >> do we need to watch that again? can we play it again? there we go. that's -- >> they said the name, but i forget. >> there's maria. >> of course, heidi. i feel like heidi is half naked on a magazine cover every other day. sheenget says she doesn't want to go under the knife. >> she's pretty flawless there. this morning on "world news now" -- horrifying crime. the mother of a 3-day-old boy is gunned down and killed after the newborn's doctor's appointment. >> just moments later, the baby was kidnapped as suburban houston police call out s.w.a.t. teams to help rescue the 3-day-old child. it's wednesday, april 18th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good wednesday morning, everyone. i'm paula faris. >> welcome back, dear. >> just temporary. >> temporary. >> just on assignment, kind of. >> now you're back in your happy place. >> i just do what they tell me to. this is my happy place. >> there we go. i like it. good morning again, everybody. i'm rob nelson. that ordeal outside houston actually lasted for six hours as police tried to recover that baby boy so he can be reunited with his father. a short while ago, detectives actually started questioning a person of interest in this heartbreaking case. >> also this morning, we've learned much more about the air canada pilot who woke up from a nap and nearly put his flight into a tailspin. he thought the bright planet of venus was another plane. investigators blame it on lack of sleep. you guys had this story yesterday. >> we talked about it in "morning papers" yesterday. very bizarre story here. but it made big news throughout the day. we'll talk about it again in more detail. also in this half hour, say bye-bye to gavin degraw. what led up to elimination last night on "dancing with the stars." get the whole scoop on that and other hollywood news. all in "the skinny." a lot of folks around here watch it more than i do and they say gavin was pretty bad. this is not a shocker. maybe stick to his day job. >> he's a fabulous musician but it doesn't always translate on to the dance floor. >> the voters had their say. two people are being questioned after the newborn was found alive at a home not far from the shooting scene. >> authorities say they still don't have a motive for the shooting because they were focused on finding the little boy first. they are still trying to see whether any surveillance cameras actually captured the shooting scene. kayla marie golden and her baby left the pediatric clinic and returned to her red pickup truck in the parking lot. the 28-year-old mother got into an argument with a woman sitting in a lexus parked next to her. the woman got out of the car and then shot golden multiple times. this witness did not want to be identified. >> pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. >> when you looked out? >> everybody was scattered. >> the child was put into the suspect vehicle and that's when the mother tried to get into the car, and the car sped away knocking the lady to the ground. >> reporter: a man who was also in the lexus got out and then grabbed golden's 3-day-old son. >> there were several people of interest that are being spoken with currently. >> reporter: police and s.w.a.t. teams converged on an apartment complex where that lexus was found parked. the young mother died at the hospital. >> the last few hours, the entire focus of the sheriff's department and law enforcement has been to see if the 3-day-old child could be recovered. and just within a few minutes ago, we were able to successfully re-obtain the child. the child is being reunited with its father. like any parent, i'm sure he's ecstatic. the kid is 3 days old, and on the same day he recovers a child, he loses a wife. >> the emotional pendulum of that day for that father. incredible. and the latest information from our abc affiliate in that area is they have detained one person so far, as you heard. no charges have been filed yet. according to some sources, a second person of interest is also now in custody. so we expect this story to develop throughout the day. >> but at least kudos to the s.w.a.t. team for expeditiously getting that child back at least into the hands of its father. but the brutal murder and then, they shoot the woman nearly seven times. you heard seven times. and then carefully place the little boy into a car? >> it's odd. it's odd. there's more to come on that. another crime mystery has been unfolding in san diego. a body has been found in the search for the missing wife of a marine. brittany killgore was last seen friday night. a woman has been arrested in connection with the disappearance and is now expected to be charged with murder. in a twist, though, that woman attempted suicide and in a note apparently detailed what had happened to killgore. police in northern california say they have new leads in the case of a missing 15-year-old girl who vanished a month ago. investigators will not say what those leads are, but they do believe sierra lamar was kidnapped shortly after leaving home to catch a school bus. they have been searching reservoirs near her santa clara county home but so far nothing has been turned up. sadly, the remains of a minnesota couple who died in that cruise ship accident off italy, they've been officially identified. barbara and gerald heil were the only americans killed when the "costa concordia" capsized in january. the heil family thanked the recovery crews. they said they will now be able to move forward and bring their parents home to rest. >> they were even prepared that the remains might never be found. but i think now that they know that the remains -- that it was their parents, that they did pass away on the ship, that this will help bring some closure to it for them. >> jerry was one of the instructors for teaching the kids religion. and then barb worked with homeless and the dorothy day center. >> sounds like they leave behind quite a legacy. the heils saved a lifetime to go on that cruise. they leave behind four children and 15 grandchildren. a government investigation is blaming pilot fatigue for a stunning mistake that led to a terrifying midair nosedive by an air canada flight. passengers say it was 46 seconds of utter fear and panic. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross has more. >> we just had the most amazing turbulence. >> yes. >> reporter: 14 passengers and two flight attendants were injured in the incident. >> i went flying. i hit my head. >> reporter: one passenger recorded this video just after the plane made a sudden steep dive toward the atlantic. >> this is part of the damage. >> reporter: we learned the real story of what happened on that air canada flight to europe. it wasn't turbulence at all. according to an official report, a pilot mistook the planet venus for an aircraft heading its way and took evasive action. on that night in january of last year, venus would have looked something like this from the cockpit. >> a bright light which can be a planet like venus can be very startling, and you can mistake it for an airplane. >> reporter: the pilot put the plane into a steep dive just after coming out of an hour and 15-minute nap and suffered what is known as sleep inertia. essentially still waking up as he made his crucial decisions. canadian aviation rules allow such in-cockpit naps, although u.s. rules do not. >> a tired person performs roughly equivalent to being a drunk person. >> reporter: the air canada incident again underscores the important connection between pilot sleep, or lack of it, and air safety. after years of complaints about pilot fatigue, the federal aviation administration last year did issue new, improved sleep requirements for american air carriers. it still has not addressed the problems of pilots who commute long distances to their bases, often spending the night as we found in an abc news investigation in crew lounges or in so-called crash pads near the airport where quality sleep can be elusive. >> you're not going to get full consolidated sleep doing that. >> reporter: for many pilots, it remains true that the hardest part of the job can be staying awake. brian ross, abc news, chicago. >> and you wonder now, some of those folks are going to sue. that's why the airline said, look. when it took the nosedive, the seat belt light was on but some folks did not have their seat belts on, ignoring the sign. those were some of the folks injured. in case it goes to court, you can see the airline already saying, you weren't following regulations. >> our sue-happy society. >> it does happen. >> they said on that night venus would have looked exceedingly bright. almost like the headlight on a plane. what do you expect him to do? >> we always wake up. you're groggy when you first wake up. hey, what's your name? it's crazy. >> i'm paula. >> i'm rob. a kentucky man is being called a "cereal bandit" after making himself at home in a family's kitchen. a familiarly that he didn't even know. the thief was caught red-handed. after breaking into that home, he had a bowl full of kellogg's cocoa krispies and his head was in the fridge looking for some milk. >> i put him on the couch and we called the cops and they hauled him away. >> the cereal bandit didn't take anything else from the home. he's now facing several charges, including public intoxication, resisting arrest and criminal mischief. >> i'm shocked he was drunk. >> cocoa krispies crime. >> i am stunned there was alcohol or any kind of -- >> that stuff is good. have you ever had cocoa krispies? snap, crackle pop. >> watch your kitchen tonight. paula faris may be busting in. here's your weather. stormy in the southeast with hail and dangerous winds from raleigh to orlando. showers from the dakotas to chicago. ten inches of snow in the northern rockies. lighter snow in the cascades. also some showers from seattle to northern cali. >> 76 in sacramento. 62 in boise. 56 in fargo. 71 in chicago. and 60 in detroit. miami, 83. baltimore, 61. 57 in boston. >> i like the way you said fargo. >> fargo. >> there you go. >> is that better? >> i still like it. time now for our -- boom -o it's called hiring heroes. a job fair at ft. riley in kansas aimed at wounded soldiers and their spouses making the transition back to the civilian workforce. this year more than 600 soldiers and 66 employers took part. >> with record numbers now leaving the military, that, as you can imagine, is just not enough. as an incentive, though, the government is now offering"w ld news now" right after this. follow the wings. all right. welcome back, everybody. some news now about investor warren buffett. he says he feels great and that his energy level is still 100%. >> that's pretty good considering that buffett has been battling early stage prostate cancer for a week now. all this news broke yesterday. abc's sharyn alfonsi has the details. >> reporter: the news came moments after the market closed. warren buffett telling shareholders in an open letter that he'd been diagnosed with stage one prostate cancer. buffett is the second richest man in america. the ceo of berkshire hathaway, known as much for his fortune as his folksy ways and simple nebraska lifestyle. the 81-year-old wrote that his condition is not remotely life-threatening or even debilitating in a meaningful way. stage one prostate cancer means the cancer is only in the prostate and has not spread. according to the american cancer society, it has nearly a 100% five-year survival rate. >> in general, localized early stage prostate cancer is highly curable with a relatively low side effect profile with the available treatment options if done appropriately. >> reporter: the so-called oracle of omaha is one of the most influential men in business and now a talking point on the campaign trail. after he pointed out that his tax rate, the share of income paid to the federal government, is lower than his secretary's, the so-called buffett rule emerged. a rallying cry that millionaires should pay at least 30% of their incomes in federal taxes. >> on this vote -- >> reporter: those debates will go on, as will warren buffett himself. he says he and his doctors have decided on a two-month treatment plan to begin mid-july. adding that he feels great, as if i were in my normal, excellent health. buffett said he'd let shareholders know if his health situation changes but says he believes that day is a long time off. sharyn alfonsi, abc news, new york. >> certainly warren buffett, it's a name everyone knows. he was diagnosed a week ago today. he's had several tests, including a c.a.t. scan, mri and bone scan as well. they caught it early. as we all know, catching it early makes a huge difference. the stats there, pretty impressive that he'll survive this. >> the five-year rate -- or what are the stats? five-year survival stage is nearly 100%. >> right. as we heard in the piece. >> if you catch it in stage one. so that's good news. >> we wish him well. he's a major philanthropist. he does a lot for good causes around the world. so we wish him well. got a story coming up for you. mayor kardashian, your girl. is kim k. considering a career in politics. you'd vote for her, wouldn't you? >> oh, my lord. also the drama during last night's elimination round on "dancing with the stars." all that coming up next in your "skinny." >> announcer: abc's "world news now" ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ okay. gavin degraw, what's your favorite song? ♪ i don't want to be anything other than what i'm trying to be baby ♪ i'm so talented. >> your singing is almost as bad as his dancing. >> exactly. exactly. which is why he's out of there. >> he is out of there. "dancing with the stars." i think there was only one week where he wasn't in the bottom two. so tonight he got booted. they had the judges introduced something -- oh, there was this samba from monday night which they called a "shamba." so the judges introduced something new that they would have a dance-off between the bottom two contestants, and they spared jaleel white who i think is a pretty good dancer. they did not spare gavin. as they should not have. so he is gone. but you know who is still in? your favorite and mine, maria -- >> -- menounos. i have a crush on her. she's looking good out there. >> and william levy. >> that's your person, too. the ladies of "the view" have all kinds of discussions. makes our stuff look so tame. apparently there's this new book out called "fifty shades of grey" which is an erotic kind of tale. >> it is mommy porn. >> it is mommy porn. >> written by a woman going through a mid-life crisis. involving s & m and all kinds of sexual things. the ladies of "the view" picked up on the topic and even barbara walters got a little worked up. listen to the show. >> do you like men to kind of use a little -- >> you're a powerful woman. what do you like, barbara? >> i'm asking you. i'm doing all the talking. >> we are on a pregnancy prevention program right now because we have three kids and we're avoiding a fourth. >> do you like it when he's rough? >> wow! >> do you like it when he's rough? barbara walters getting all up in the corner. barbara, ms. walters if you're nasty. all right. i like it. >> a little warm now. okay. so what would it take for you to vote for kim kardashian for mayor? >> you'll find out when the tape comes out. >> apparently on her reality show, she says she's going to run for glendale mayor in 2017. she says i decided i'm going to run for mayor of glendale. it's going to be like five years. i'm looking into all the requirements because it's like armenian town. is that a good impression? >> she has to buy a house, but actually they told her that, number one, you don't run for maynor glendale. >> this is all like a plot for the show or to make headlines. a career in politics may be good for her. she'll take lots of positions. all right. also all you "30 rock" fans out there, apparently alec baldwin is tweeting and saying next year's seventh season could be it. i think i'm leaving nbc just in time. that the show will wrap up for good following the seventh season in 2013. could be on its way out. [ male announcer ] we did an experiment for febreze fabric refresher. [ experimenter 2 ] what do you smell? light floral, lilac. wispy white curtains. [ experimenter 1 ] okay take your blindfolds off. ♪ hello? [ male announcer ] febreze fabric refresher. breathe happy, guaranteed. [ male announcer ] febreze fabric refresher. [ gasps ] think again. try charmin ultra strong for a clean with fewer pieces left behind. its diamondweave texture is soft and more durable so it holds up better for a more dependable clean. fewer pieces left behind. charmin ultra strong. wake up. >> hey, insomniacs, you're watching "world news now." >> sleep is overrated. ♪ all right. the song "smart girls" from weezer playing right there. appropriate enough to help us introduce you to a certain smart girl from the tampa, florida, area. >> she's a 26-year-old entrepreneur who parlayed a fashion idea into a multimillion-dollar company. delisa walden of our tampa station reports. >> reporter: lindsay philips isn't like most 26-year-olds you might find working as a clerk in a shop like this. she's the owner of a multimillion-dollar company. and it all started with a high school art project. >> i created a pair of ceramic shoes. and i adorned the tops of the straps with a bunch of fun, funky buttons. they got sent off to an art competition. did not do well. got sent back to my parents' house. and my parents have always been so supportive. >> reporter: it became a hit among female admirers. >> put a new snap on. >> reporter: they're called switchflops. interchangeable straps created by the aspiring entrepreneur lindsey phillips herself. >> even though they didn't get to the art competition, taking the idea and saying i can still make this a successful project and kind of taking it to the next level. >> reporter: and that next level took four years to patent. now at 26 and 5,000 shoes later, now a multimillion-dollar company. the collection can be found in 3,000 boutiques nationwide and online. lindsey says she couldn't have done it without the support of her family and loyal customers. >> i think i walked away with three pair and about five pairs of snaps. >> reporter: tanning salon owner tara brown says she admires philips' passion and creativity. and as a woman in the industry, they understand how important it is to support one another. >> find your passion and move forward with it and just believe in yourself and believe in your ideas. then you just don't take no for an answer. you keep on pursuing what you are trying to do. >> reporter: delisa walden, abc news. >> good for her. 26. multimillion-dollar business. hey. >> why didn't i think of that? i'm not smart enough apparently. >> you are a fashionista. you like those shoes? >> i'm not a fashionista, but i would wear them, definitely. >> i like the idea. what are they called, switchflops? >> yeah. >> i am going to order you a pair. which ones do you want? >> my girlfriend made one of me. i had those mandals, like those moccasin looking things. i will not be seen with you in public with those mandals. >> because you were wearing socks with them. >> it was really bad. it was not a good phase for me. it was a dark phase. more from abc coming up next. stay with us. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. or two decades.

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