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the miami heat are once again nba champions. >> and victory, at long last. the heat take down the thunder in just five games. king james, finally achieving the dream he's forever chased. now, the big three are here, after the biggest night of their lives. only on "gma." >> good morning. >> good morning. >> wake up. and i think the big three are saying, how do you like us now? >> yes, they are. >> a convincing series win over the thunder. they had a great season, too. but, boy. miami taking it in five. the big win at miami. and let's see. sam, lara and i picked the heat. you and george, i think, had -- >> we just wanted to make it interesting. >> you did make it interesting. >> i realized this. decide how i feel about it and go the other way. good morning, america. happy friday. george is off. taking a little time off. glad to have josh by my side. we have a lot to get to on this friday morning. the jury in the jerry sandusky trial deliberating late into the night. and the bombshell allegations they do not know about. new, dramatic charges from sandusky's adopted son, matt. >> you're not going to believe it. we'll finally hear directly from rielle hunter. what she told our chris cuomo, about what john edwards told her about his marriage and other affairs. and the moment she said he went off the deep end. >> and chris will be here with that. plus, the sinkhole shocker. a stunning scene. one woman came home to how her house -- look at that. just got swallowed. that's a live picture right there. and the scene is being repeated in many places. >> indeed, it is. and the big party in the park. mary j. blige taking center stage in the park this morning. let's begin with the breaking news overnight on the economy. oil prices at their lowest point in nearly nine months. that could make some eye-popping moments at the gas pump this weekend, in a good kind of way. and major news on the nation's biggest banks. abc's david muir is tracking it for us this morning. why don't we start at the pump? >> reporter: gas prices hovering at lows we haven't seen in seven months. $78 a barrel. below $3 a gallon. south carolina and virginia, the states to follow this weekend and keep an eye on. all could have gas prices below $3 a gallon and soon. the good news says economists, the less families have to pay for gas, the more they can spend elsewhere. on the flipside, the reason oil prices have come down is because of the global economic slowdown. >> we do have the good news for the oil prices. but here, we hear about 17 banks -- we heard about this late yesterday. the ratings cut like that. how is that going to affect all of us? >> reporter: these are names we know on the streets of new york and across america. moody's downgrading the banks. more than a dozen, lowering the credit rating over worries of the volatile markets in europe. it will make it harder to lend. it will make it more difficult for mortgages and loans. hopefully one good point on all of this is that the markets seem to have factored in this downgrade. they knew it was coming. perhaps a less volatile today day. >> it's not going to be a repeat of what we saw before. >> reporter: nobody thinks so. >> thank you. have a good weekend. now, for the stunner in the jerry sandusky trial. matt sandusky, the adopted son of the former penn state football coach, accusing him of abuse. and the jury, entering its second day of deliberations, doesn't know about this allegation. and jim avila is in bellefonte, pennsylvania, this morning. good morning to you, jim. >> reporter: good morning, josh. the sandusky jury deliberated into the night. and is back at it again today, looking and trying to sort through the testimony of eight accusers. they did not hear from a surprising ninth would-be witness, from inside the sandusky family circle. the sandusky defense team did not want to talk about it. >> i can't talk about the case until after it's over. >> reporter: but abc news has confirmed that during the trial, in the 11th hour, jerry sandusky was hit with a final indignity. his own adopted son, 33-year-old matt sandusky, turned on his father. and approached prosecutors with what his attorney calls an extremely painful experience. claiming he is a victim of jerry sandusky's abuse. a potential witness, who began the trial in support of jerry, in the family section. only to offer on the last day of testimony, to take the stand for the prosecution. an offer prosecutors rejected. >> matt sandusky had said several times earlier that he wasn't molested by jerry sandusky. and then, to suddenly change his mind or some public with the fact that he now claims he was, would have really opened him up for serious cross-examination. >> reporter: matt met jerry sandusky at second mile when he was 10. a troubled teenager, he moved into the sandusky home at 16. always defending his father. even when his birth mother told the grand jury and abc news, he was groomed to be a victim. >> i would sit back. and i would watch when jerry would show up, how excited matt was. and then, as time went on, i would watch the same kid hide behind the bedroom door and say, tell him i'm not home. >> how scary is this as a mom? >> it's a nightmare. nobody even wants to think that somebody would do that to their child. >> reporter: now, as for the jury, they hear none of this. in fact, they're sequestered in their hotel rooms when they're not inside the courtroom. that means when they go to the hotel rooms. the phones are turned off. their televisions are turned off. all the cell phones and computers taken away. so, there is quite an incentive to reach a verdict today before the weekend. josh? >> thank you, jim. and for more, let's bring in "20/20" anchor, chris cuomo, for legal analysis. chris, a stunner here. something we just heard, something the jury knows nothing of. what impact could this have, if any? >> the biggest impact is for us, josh. the prosecutors have put it on. you have a dozen people involved over 15 years. there was a wealth of evidence. a wealth of victims who didn't know each other. different types of scenarios. different nature in quality of content of the behavior. they had a very thick case. >> indeed, they did. so, it certainly seems on its face, that this deck is stacked against sandusky. if you're a member, then, of the defense team, what are you hoping today? >> it's an interesting case. why? it's been a window into the failings of an institution. and that's why it took so long for this prosecution to happen. so, from the defense's side, they're going to attack why it took so long. and all of the different things that prosecutors and cops did with the different victims. they're going to try to confuse. and they're going to hope at the end of the day, the men and women on that jury, don't believe jerry sandusky is this type of man. but that is a big risk. >> we just heard from jim. there's a lot of incentive to get this done today. in your opinion, do we see a verdict? >> here's what i know for sure. working on cases as a journalist and an attorney. jurors take it seriously. we love the weekend. they love justice more. this is not a simple case. but once you start seeing a pattern, it will go quickly. >> all right. chris cuomo, you're back in just a bit. let's turn, now, for the day's top headlines and bianna golodryga. >> we begin with a breaking story we've been following overnight from mt. rainier in washington state. a ranger at the national park service was helping to rescue four climbers who had fallen on a glacier, when he lost his footing and fell 3,700 feet to his death. nick hall was an experienced climber. but the winds made the rescue treacherous. he was just 34 years old. and a different ending to this dramatic rescue in vermont. a couple out fishing got swept down a waterfall, after the wife lost her footing. amazingly, they survived the 20-foot drop with only minor cuts. turning overseas, now. dozens of women and children were taken hostage this morning, as suicide attackers stormed a hotel in kabul, afghanistan. at least 17 people were killed. the taliban claims it launched the attack because the hotel was serving alcohol. and a major arrest in the violent drug war south of the border. the man believed to be the son of mexico's most-wanted drug lord has been captured by marines near gaud la har ra. he coordinated shipments for the cartel, the most powerful in mexico. a man walked out of a madison avenue gallery with a $150,000 salvador dali painting in his bag. he fooled the guard into letting him take a picture of it. then, he grabbed it off the wall and ran. police haven't seen him since. and a violent crash was caught on camera at this railroad crossing in charlotte. a driver tried to beat the train. but the craossing came down jus before the train slammed into her suv. the driver survived. but it took 14 firefighters to pull her out of the wreckage. and josh didn't think it could happen. but they did it in five. the miami heat are world champions this morning. beating the oklahoma city thunder, 121-106. last night, king lebron james, he was crowned king after 26 points and 13 assists. full emotion was on display as lebron finally got to hoist the larry o'brien trophy. we'll have an exclusive interview with lebron and the entire big three. coming up. but first -- >> we can't not do this. >> a look at the "gma" scoreboard. robin, sam and lara, officially declared winners for backing the heat. congratulations. >> oh. it was really tough. especially in the fourth quarter. >> yeah, right. no wonder george isn't here. >> thank you, bianna. appreciate that. now, to the latest on the story that's sparked a national conversation about bullying. and a show of compassion across the country. that school bus monitor caught on camera being bullied by seventh grade boys, speaking out, saying she's not going to press any charges. abc's john schriffen joins us from rochester, new york, with much more, on the happy ending to this story. john, good morning. >> reporter: robin, good morning. the police are having to protect the middle schoolboys, now infamous for taunting their 68-year-old school bus monitor. overnight, the boys issued apologies. but it may be too little too late. >> you're so foot. >> reporter: this morning, the seventh grade boys recorded taunting their bus monitor, are ducking out, and speaking out. they issued written apologies to their target, 68-year-old karen klein. one writing, i'm so sorry for the way i treated you. when i saw the video, i was disgusted and couldn't believe i did that. the seventh grader who shot the video, said their taunting was just an attempt to attract attention online. >> why would this be a problem? >> reporter: but they say they had no idea it would go this far. the video has now been seen by tens of millions. their once-desired fame, now unwanted infamy. now, the teens' families say, they're living in fear. their names and addresses made public. >> it's amazing that people would stick up for a lady who was being harassed by younger children. but they're harassing my family with death threats. >> reporter: meanwhile, investigators are looking into the incident. but say the boys likely won't be arrested. why aren't the teenagers being charged with a crime? >> miss klein decided she didn't want to press charges at this time. >> imagine if it was one of your grandparents. >> reporter: while klein says she's overwhelmed by the public support. >> it makes me feel great. i'm not used to that much attention. >> reporter: and the fund-raising website, set up to send klein on vacation, is bringing in thousands of dollars an hour. going from $5,000, to more than $400,000 in a few days. klein even got the support of well. known anti-bullying champion, ellen degeneres, who tweeted, it breaks my heart. bullying doesn't end when you grow up. it looks like karen klein is becoming a little more comfortable with her new-found fame. as for the punishment for the boys, sources tell me the school board is considering suspending them for the entire school year next year. a decision is expected to come down some time next week after meeting with the superintendent. robin? >> john, so many people offering anything they can. the outrage across the country. and our parent company, disney, inviting karen down for a trip. and so many people reacting to what the boys did and what is being done now. >> bullying is a scourge. it must end. we're going to turn to the shocking sight one woman came home to after running just a few quick errands. her house, swallowed by a massive sinkhole. and it's still on shaky ground. bazi kanani is at the house in florida. good morning to you, bazi. >> reporter: good morning, josh. this sinkhole behind me could still be growing in size. and because of that threat, no one is allowed to get too close. even the next door neighbors are evacuated, until investigators are sure this sinkhole won't suck in anything else. the half of the house that is left this morning is now worthless. >> i said, oh, my gosh. you just look over there. and just the whole back end of the house just flipped into the hole. >> reporter: it took just an hour for the 79-year-old grandmother's home to crumble into the ground wednesday, sliding into a sinkhole, the size of a two-car garage. >> she laid her head on my shoulder and cried a little bit. >> reporter: this florida neighborhood is on-edge. thinking their home could be next. they may have reason to worry. last month, about 100 miles away, an even larger sinkhole, 100 feet wide, devoured this family's entire backyard. stopping at the doorstep. >> we came downstairs. when we came down, the ground was collapsing on itself. >> reporter: in the past two days alone, sinkholes gobbled up parts of roads in western michigan. and in duluth, minnesota, where a driver had to be rescued. scientists say holes like these happen when water beneath the ground weakens the bedrock. when the rock gives way, the land above caves in. what sometimes comes crashing down with it, as it did here in hudson, florida, are a lifetime of memories. >> she cried. it was her house. she just walked in and saw it. i feel bad for her. >> reporter: the house is now condemned. so, whatever the sinkhole doesn't take, bulldozers will get. neighbors tell me the homeowner was allowed to get into some of the rooms to salvage some items. the bitter irony of this is on the same day the house sank, inspectors were at the home checking on the potential risk for just such a thing. it was a precaution taken just a little too late. >> a stunning result of the extreme weather we've been seeing. and weather, stretching from minnesota to florida. >> we have the incredible survival story out of duluth, minnesota. torrential rains, floods, destroying so much of the city in what may have been the worst flood ever there. more than $100 million in damages. and one brave, little boy was literally sucked into the middle of it all. abc's alex perez has that story. >> reporter: as rushing waters were drowning parts of duluth, minnesota, this week, 8-year-old kenneth markowitz and his usin, emily, decided to play outside their home. >> me and emily were in a mud puddle. a big one. >> reporter: what they didn't realize was that mud puddle was part of a flooded creek. underneath it, a storm drain. >> i got sucked in the drainpipe. >> reporter: sucked into the swirling water, the boy vanished into the culvert. >> i started screaming. i prayed. and i just prayed. >> reporter: meanwhile, kenneth was being tossed and pushed through the culvert by the speeding floodwater. battered as he traveled almost a mile in the narrow darkness under duluth's rain-swollen streets. kenneth didn't panic. even remembering to pinch his nose. >> i can get, so my air stays in. >> reporter: the current shoved him into the daylight behind this home. >> kenneth comes out of the woods. and he had blood streaming down his head from all sides. >> reporter: marshall tended to the frightened boy, astonished by his bravery. >> i can't imagine how he survived. >> i can't imagine what he went through. the fear he must have felt. >> reporter: to kenneth, it was no big deal. >> i just did nothing. >> reporter: to everyone else, a miracle. for "good morning america," alex perez, abc news, chicago. >> oh. he did something, all right. >> takes your breath away. >> what a brave, brave little boy. let's go to sam, now, for the weather. already there in central park, getting ready for the concert. good morning, sam. happy friday. >> good morning, everybody. nice to see you. it's steamy in the park. and by the way, that whole situation in minnesota, a big part of the state coming in with nine, ten inches of rain in two days in that duluth area. real bad situation there. still recovering from the flooding there. are you ready to break the heat? the problem is, it's going to come with strong to severe storms today. in boston, 90-degree day today. they will be loud storms this afternoon. here's the low we have to watch in the middle of the gulf. this could become a tropical situation. but it means heavy rain for the entire gulf coast. stay up with your local abc stations. >> a few areas of light rain washington. especially west of the blue ridge near martin's third. it is a warmise, start. 83 in washington. 72 in winchester. 75 in frederick. yesterday. as hot as likely later on. around lunchtime. on at some could be severe. looking >> and we are live in central park, getting ready for a great friday concert. settle in. josh? robin? >> sam, we'll see you in just moments. coming up here on "gma," we'll hear directly from rielle hunter. an abc news exclusive. what she said really happened when she met john edwards for the first time. and king james and the big three,hands-er penser, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill™ technology, the new ge french door refrigerator is engineered to push the limits of fresh. so to prove it, we're taking one from the factory in kentucky and delivering it full of fresh food to a place fresh can't be found. ♪ easy. 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[ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning. is 7:26. it is friday, june 22. investigators are trying to police involved shooting in fairmont heights. it happened at about 11:30 last when they say a man confronted them. some point, police say gunfire broke out. hit in his leg. hospital with non threatening injuries. no officers heard. sandusky facing new allegations. from one of his adopted sons. he denies the charges. news channel 8 has an in-depth report in a few minutes. fridaycheck on that commute, alisa. >> the friday morning commute -- are loving it. the traffic patterns have changed. afternoon is a whole different ball game. we bring you to a couple of different pictures. along the maryland side you are the beltway at university delays.d with no and in virginia, good shape on 66, across the 14th street bridge. weather, listen to caskey. friday morning forecast -- areas of rain off to west. around martinsburg up into magers town. -- hagerstown. not a big deal. today, widespread storms expected. strong and severe. currently. 93.ur way to humid tomorrow. tgif. thank you for watching. we will that was devastating. what it meant, though, to me, is that he was temporarily insane. i mean, he had really gone off the deep end a bit there. it was painful to witness. >> that is rielle hunter, speaking out in our abc exclusive interview with chris cuomo, about the moment she thought john edwards had gone off the deep end. we're going to hear if she had any regrets when she found out she was pregnant. as we say good morning, america, on this friday morning. george taking a little time off. great to have josh by my side. >> great to be here. a story we first brought you. the kindergarten teacher in texas. under fire after accusations she told her students to line up and slap another student. why she says there is another side to this story. >> everybody was outraged. she has her side. and a big victory for king james and the miami heat. they got it done. how do you like them now? we're going to hear from the big three exclusively in a few minutes. just hours after the biggest night, they said, of their lives. >> left no doubt. lebron james, proving he is the best in all the land. also, a huge crowd in central park. counting down to mary j. blige. there's d.j. kiss. deejay friday. look at that crowd, getting down. as our summer concert series rolls along mightily. let's get to the abc news exclusive interview with rielle hunter first. making headlines with her new book, "what really happened: john edwards, our daughter and me." it looks at the scandal that rocked the presidential campaign. chris cuomo is back with much more on this. >> this is a bizarre one, robin. i never covered somebody, who has had more negativity directed at them, rightly or wrongly, who wasn't a criminal, than rielle hunter. but remember, she is the key to understanding what could be the biggest political sex scandal of our generation. six years of intrigue, and bad choices. and rielle hunter was at the center of it all. rielle hunter, involved in one of the biggest political sex scandals ever, reveals what she says really happened when she met john edwards. and how their affair became a tangle of lies and political ruin. do you regret falling in love with a married man? >> i don't regret falling in love. and i don't regret loving him. nor do i regret our daughter. >> reporter: a chance encounter in a new york hotel in 2006 started it all. >> he rounded the street corner. and it came out of my mouth, you're so hot. >> reporter: that was the first step toward an invitation that would change both their fates. he invited you to his hotel room. why did you go? >> i went there because i believed i could help him. >> reporter: help him with what? >> what a joke. from the outside world, looking in. you sure help him. >> reporter: hunter, an aspiring spiritual adviser, realizes edwards isn't looking for advice. >> he essentially persuaded me to come sit with him on the bed. >> reporter: is the radar going off? >> something happened internally with me. i responded. i have never seen that before. i've not experienced it or felt what was happening before. ever. an intensity like a rock concert. >> reporter: strong enough that the man who would soon be a candidate for president of the united states was willing to risk it all to be with her. how did he express that to you in a way that you believed? >> we could not get enough of each other on the telephone. if we were not together, we would be talking on the phone about four hours, every night. we couldn't hang up. >> reporter: any doubts she had about sleeping with a married man were helped, hunter says, by his insistence that his storybook marriage with elizabeth was just that. a story. >> their marriage was ruined years before i got there. >> reporter: he tells you something about his personal life that makes it very clear that he's available. >> he has other relationships. >> reporter: he tells you there have been other women in his life? >> yes. i was not the first. >> reporter: then, while edwards is hot on the campaign trail, hunter discovers, she's pregnant with their now 4-year-old daughter, francis quinn. what was the birth of the baby like? >> difficult and incredible. you know, it's like the polar opposite of the pain and agony. oh, my god, how difficult it is. but the blessing that comes out of that, amazing. >> reporter: he sits down. he does an interview with our bob woodruff. and he lies. >> i know that it's not possible that this child could be mine because of the timing of events. >> that was devastating. what it meant, though, to me is that he was temporarily insane. i mean, he had really gone off the deep end a bit there. it was painful to witness. >> reporter: some point, they want you to sign a confidentiality agreement, that you will not tell anybody who the father is, except quinn. >> yes. and i refused. i don't want my daughter growing up under a lie. >> reporter: but perhaps the most controversial part of the book is what hunter chooses to say about edwards' late wife, elizabeth. how she was using her cancer and her children as weapons in a war against a father, trying to take care of his daughter. what do you think the reaction is when the woman who is sleeping with the husband starts talking about the wife who is now dead from cancer? >> it's -- there's a lot of people that will go, wow, i understand. i get it. and there will be a lot of people that will be outraged. the full truth has good and bad in it. and i feel for both my daughter and for all the kids involved, the full truth needs to be in the public domain. their father's not a demon and their mother is not a saint. and i'm not a homewrecker. we're real human beings. there was a real dynamic going on, good and bad. and we all made mistakes. >> i hear your judgments. i feel your judgments. and i know this is the type of situation that brings it out in all of us. but remember, there were so many decisions made here. there was a case. there was a federal prosecution. and rielle hunter can connect the dots and explain the motivations in a way no one else can. and one good bit out of all of this is francis quinn. everyone will get to meet her tonight. >> did you get a sense from her what her relationship is like today with john edwards? >> the question is so penetrating i must answer. i cannot go against robin roberts. we do discuss it, obviously. here's what i think is interesting. many believe that rielle hunter is just unfailingly apologetic for john edwards. that's not true. there is a line. and when a woman becomes a mother, a new person is born. they're future is based on that. and we'll talk about it. >> i still got it. i still got it. >> i can't say no. i'm looking at you. i can't. should have had josh ask me. >> and we will be watching tonight. you'll see all of chris' exclusive interview with rielle hunter tonight. and she'll join us live next week. >> we'll be waiting anxiously. >> i'm never washing this hand, by the way. all right, sam. i need a little love. let's go to you in the park. what do you got? >> you guys have got to hurry up and get here. one of my favorite parts of the morning. the audience sings "real love" to mary j. blige on stage. all the words, everything. it's going to be amazing. if you're in new york city, you need to be at central park. if not, just snuggle up to the tv set. we'll bring it all to you. let's get to the boards. one or two things we want to show you. we're going to talk about the break in the weather into the northeast. here's the cold front. it will cost you some storms to get the temperatures below 90 in the next couple of days. in the northwest, showers north of san francisco, all the way up the coastline. this rolls into the cascades and into idaho today. it's a new system in there. >> right now we are near 80 downtown. suburbs. of town.orthwest widespread storms expected later on. be severe. but not as >> okay, central park. give them a yell. all that weather was brought to you by aflac. oh, you do not want to miss this morning. >> do you mind if you do the -- i'll head out. >> you go. i got it. i'll watch the shop. coming up here, hear from the king himself. lebron james. he is a champion with the storied heat. an exclusive interview you don't want to miss. go nowhere. isn't major medical enough? 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[ thlurp! ] aflac! [ male announcer ] help your family stay afloat at plegh! so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. i fmaybmaybe you can';life. when you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month, you miss out on your life. you may have chronic migraine. go to to find a headache specialist. and don't live a maybe life. with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. ♪ [ male announcer ] its lightweight construction makes it nimble... ♪ its road gripping performance makes it a cadillac. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with advanced haldex all-wheel drive. [ engine revving ] it's bringing the future forward. [ telephone rings ] how's the camping trip? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing? having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup having coffee. you don't disappear at midnight. and now, you've met your match. new revlon® colorstay™ 16 hour eyeshadow. 64 colors that will take you from night to day without smudging, creasing or fading away. now, to the miami heat, champions at long last, after beating the oklahoma city thunder in five games. abc's rachel nichols talked to lebron and company, in the afterglow. >> the miami heat are once again nba champions. >> we nba champions. a dream come true for us. >> we've been dreaming about this moment so long, i wanted to feel the burn. our team put ourselves in position to win. we can put our song on. do our dance. do our thing. >> reporter: we're going to show the clip of you dancing. you know that, right? >> we're going on "dancing with the stars." >> right. >> reporter: they were dancing in miami thursday night. clapping. cheering. and getting emotional. >> did you cry? >> i didn't. i was surprised. i was that excited. i wasn't able to cry. >> reporter: it's been a long two years for the big three, who turned the sports world on its heel, when nba superstar, lebron james, decided to leave his home state of ohio. >> at this time, i'm taking my talents to south beach and joining the miami heat. >> reporter: with dwyane wade already there and chris bosh onboard, the hype, much of it self-inflicted, began. >> i played basketball for a long time. this was the hardest journey i've ever been a part of. >> reporter: the pressure boiled over last year, when the heat jumped ahead in the finals. only to lose three-straight. and watch dallas, instead, walk off with the trophy. >> i wanted to make sure that my guys didn't feel that hurt and feel the anger and feel the embarrassment that we felt last year. >> reporter: at the start of this season, james reset his approach. saying, he no longer wanted to be america's villain. he promised to play from his heart, win or lose. he put down roots in miami. moving his two sons there. and proposing to his high school sweetheart. you talked a lot this year about how you've grown a person. how does this affect how special this championship is? >> it means everything. obviously, to do it, you know, at my own point -- a point in my life right now, to do it with one of my best friends, on and off the court. i couldn't trade this for anything in the world. >> four years from now, are you all going to be friends? >> they can't get rid of me now. >> it's crazy. >> those look good on you guys. this championship thing looks good on you all, man. >> reporter: josh, when lebron first got to miami, he got a lot of national flak for proclaiming that big celebration, to win not one, not two, but eight championships. i asked these guys, are we just one into several. they said, winning this one, a lot harder than we thought. let's just enjoy this one for now. >> one down. seven to go, rachel. say hello to all the folks back at the home office for me. much more from rachel nichols and her exclusive interview on espn throughout the day. coming up, you'll never believe why this little baby's smiling. and prince william turns 30. happy birthday to you, prince. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. never beat around the bush. you'll just squash the berries. new triple berry newtons. ♪ made with real fruit, 100% whole grain, and fiber. it's one unique cookie. m[ female announcer ] new quaker yogurt granola bars. they're whole-grain good and yummy good. real fruit pieces, 12 grams of whole grains, and a creamy, yogurt-flavored coating. new quaker yogurt granola bars. treat yourself good. lose those lines, for up to a year! juvéderm® xc, is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc. add some flavor to your morning routine. build your better breakfast. give it an avocado kick. [ male announcer ] kick up your morning. try a fresh toasted bacon, egg & cheese with the rich, smooth superfood, avocado. subway. build your better breakfast. here's "the play of the day." >> look at my angels. how good is my job? that is tremendous. >> josh's angels. >> i love it. all right. you know the kids, when they taste things iffer the first time. it's the joy of parenting. unless, of course, you just want to have some fun at your child's expense. hey, little fella. hey, little girl. take a bite of lemon. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> oh, no. >> how could you do that? >> you're mean. >> oh. >> you got to be kidding. oh, boy. take a look at what happens when you send something sweet one little kid's way. take another little sip. i'll take another sip of that. come on. please. yes. who hasn't been there? all right. to central park we go. mary j. blige, we're coming. >>ifto central park we go. ave copd like i do, you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. and it's steroid-free. spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? ask your doctor if spiriva can help. what makes hershey's pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. so it stays on in conditions like sand... sun... 100-degree heat, and ocean water. for uva/uvb protection in seven conditions, banana boat. we've got you covered. for uva/uvb protection in seven conditions, banana boat. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. [ male announcer ] now you don't have to pick a side. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and choose two more large sides free. today tastes so good. proud father of two daughters. president obama knows that women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for dothg the same work as men isn't just unfair... it hurts families. so the first law he signed was the lilly ledbetter fair pay act to help ensure that women are paid the same as men for doing the exact same work. because president obama knows that fairness for women means a stronger middle class for america. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. why are these people so excited? mary j. blige in central park, only on "gma." >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. it is 7:56. i am natsasha barrett. first up, we want to tell you could be tough to get this week and using metro. not runine trains will between east and west falls church. from 10:00 p.m. tonight closing sunday. the will run single track along line and parted the blue line. special ceremony sinceto mark three years crash in metro history. beemorial plaque will the nineto honor people died. this is when to red line trains during -- near the fort totten station. 8 has an end of report at the top of the hour. out what is on the roads with lisa baden. answer would be -- not much. friday pattern. things are rolling so nicely along 95 southbound come 301. the road to the outer banks is .uiet the 14th street bridge traffic. nothing complicated on 270, or i-70. we are moving to the weather center. like summer time friday traffic. like it. rain northwest of town. of a quick fast moving grain. especially of toward hagerstown. near 83 and washington. gaithersburg. muggy today. 93 is the high. some could be later. you for joining us. we will be ♪ that's our girl. d.j. kiss. good morning, central park. we're delighted to have d.j. kiss here, moving and moving, until mary j. blige takes center stage. >> so good. >> it's deejay friday. concert, everything. we have our own mashup right now. happy friday. george taking some much-deserved time off. and josh here with us. >> enjoy it, george. you've earned it. we want to tell you. here we are rocking the arm bands. and here's why. i know you've all been asking about them. and we have the answer. >> first of all, thank you, all. thank you, all, very much. love you all right back. i like how sam puts his out. >> totally blends. >> and you right, josh. people have been asking it. i have a pick line. we have a picture of what it looks like. and you're able to draw blood more easily. that's where drugs are administered. you have to keep it clean. and you have to keep it protected. and i thought, why not have a little fun and bring it out a little bit. a lot of people here at "good morning america" are joining in support. we have to have the things that help us in the fight. >> we're here supporting you. we're here raising awareness, as well. and we're going to have a lot more on what you can do to become a bone marrow donor, next week. so, come on back. >> already, people are doing so much. and i heard so many people who are in the fight like i am. and they're so appreciative when they see us in the morning wearing this. they're proud. >> i love it. i don't know about being proud, the next story. a little sugar daddy. sugar momma. >> sugar. momma sugar. >> a lot of sugar going around. perhaps redefining relationships. >> okay. >> is that a way, maybe? >> yes. >> we'll explain coming up. >> oh, my. so much i could say. but won't, robin. hey, "deals and steals" today. >> yeah. >> really great "deals and steals." tory johnson in the house, only for our "gma" viewers. she is, and i always say, you've outdone yourself again. i want one of those bags. >> just showing a little sparkle. and we're looking ahead to monday. it's katy perry monday. only on "gma." look ahead. join us on monday. she talks about a new documentary and really opens up to "gma." a lot of people are wondering about her, talking about her. it's all on monday. >> we can't wait for that. we have a lot to look forward to. right now, as well. let's kick it off with bianna golodryga, filling in for josh with news. >> news from the park. we begin with news that hits right in your wallet. overnight, oil prices hit their lowest level of the year. with prices plunging almost 30% in recent weeks because of concerns over the global economic slowdown. gas is falling faster than expected. meantime, jury deliberations resume this morning in the jerry sandusky child abuse trial. after an 11th hour bombshell allegation from his own son. 33-year-old matt sandusky, one of sandusky's adopted children, said he, too, was abbused by the former coach. jurors will not hear him testimony. and a scene from duluth, minnesota. severe flooding this week. city officials estimate the damage could top $100 million. nearly 80 roads were still closed across the area on thursday. and more people are finally being allowed back into their homes in northern colorado. as cooler, drier weather helped crews get a better handle on the massive wildfire last checked. the wildfire was 60% contained. and george washington's personal copy of the u.s. constitution is expected to fetch $3 million when it goes up for option today. this includes washington's personal notes in pencil, in the columns next to the paragraphs on military power and treaties. now, here's diane sawyer, with a preview of tonight's "world news." diane? >> oh, good morning to you, on this friday, bianna. great to talk to everyone on "gma." tonight on "world news," you know, your body may heal after a heart attack. but doctors have discovered something that could put you at new risk. and it is invisible. tonight, we're going to tell everyone how to stay healthy when you and your heart need it the most. that will be tonight. i'll see you then. >> some news we can use. diane, thank you. finally, a daring stunt has one circus clown walking a fine line. in a move to rival daredevil nik wallenda's walk across niagara falls, bello nock took just 13 minutes to walk across a tightrope in front of that casino in biloxi, mississippi. an estimated 10,000 people were there to cheer him on. >> down home. >> this has raised the bar. >> the stories. no rushing water. >> very impressive. very impressive. >> it still is. oh. >> they know it's coming. >> "pop news," everybody. good morning everybody here. good morning, to you at home. you've heard alec baldwin's stuff about the photographer at "the new york daily news." the newspaper seems to be offering an olive branch to the actor. sort of. in the paper, there's a picture of a gift basket. but it's full of anger management self-help works. along with a sheet to hide under. and a free subscription to "the daily news." no word on how that was received. >> how could that go wrong? >> look to twitter for really insightful words. and speaking of anger management, charlie sheen, that's the name of his new show coming out on fox. charlie sheen for president? just a year after he made headlines with tiger blood and goddesses, it seems anything is possible for sheen. he's making a serious comeback. director robert rodriguez has confirmed he has hired charlie to play the commander in chief for his upcoming film. we think that his campaign -- his campaign slogan should be -- >> winning. >> ding, ding, ding, ding. >> we will have so much fun with him. we'll hear about his life and his new work on monday, right here on "gma." >> wow. >> monday. >> yeah. big day. what do you get for the prince who has it all? who seems to have it all. he does have it all. for william's 30th birthday, kate got the future king of england a new watch. and she made him breakfast in bed. the royal company will keep celebrating through the weekend. guests are supposed to bring a short speech to look back at will during his younger years. will is about to get roasted. that's what we call it here in the u.s. of a. get ready. i think i hear mary j. gets excited. two obsessions, the astro diet, pioneered by a veteran astrologer. saying that your birthday predicts your personality. and your personality, predicts the diet that will work for you. josh, josh is a cancer. your tough outer layer, according to the diet, hides a vulnerability and a loyal soul, which we know to be true. >> we do know that to be true. >> cancer rules the stomach. and food brings a sense of emotional security. so, when you're upset, josh, you find solace in food. you need to consider that when you're dieting. >> broccoli. >> in terms of workout, military-style workouts don't work for a cancer. they're much better with swimming or tai chi. i have robin. robin's a sagittarius. you love travel and the great outdoors. your big weakness is snacks. and you need to try an oriental diet, which includes fish, nuts, and veggies. >> it's out. they were saying wrap. i just wasn't listening. that's "pop news." check out our website for more. let's get to sam, now, with the latest. >> lara, i totally missed my whole leo thing. i didn't get -- i didn't hear the leo part. paws up for us lions born in august. hello. good morning, everybody. mary j. blige is here. let's get to the boards. here's what you need to know on your friday as you get ready for your weekend. we'll start with this low, that could be some tropical trouble in the gulf. so, everybody from new orleans around through panama city, tampa, be involved in this. ft. myers, florida, miami, you have to watch the low. how much rain does it bring? heat wave breaks. are you ready to break this heat in new york city? and even into boston. but it's going to cost you some stronger storms this a the time. of very light rain north of leesburg. around hagerstown moving off to the northeast. later on today come as early as have more, we could showers. could become more into the evening. severe storms later .n 85 in washington. the biggest >> and we are back, live in central park. the crowd is huge. the fun is here. lara spencer, way over there. >> hey, sam. by the way, leos, rich foods are you downfall. here's a look at what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." love and money. why a man called a sugar daddy is willing to pay for his relationship. we'll explain. and hot discounts for summer fun. all of it, at least 50% off. "gma" secret "deals and steals." and the sizzling looks everyone will be wearing this summer. we have something for every figure. d.j. kiss in the house, as a preamble to mary j. blige. coming up on "gma." [ jennifer garner ] why can't strong sunscreen feel great? actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer provides unbeatable uva uvb protection and while other sunscreens can feel greasy ultra sheer® is clean and dry. it's the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. [ female announcer ] new quaker yogurt granola bars. [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian they're whole-grain good and yummy good. real fruit pieces, 12 grams of whole grains, and a creamy, yogurt-flavored coating. new quaker yogurt granola bars. treat yourself good. then we introduced liquid detergent with stainlifters. followed by the number-one super-concentrated liquid detergent. and now, the most concentrated all ever! introducing new all mighty pacs™. packed with all's active stainlifters... each mighty pac delivers more cleaning power per ounce to help tackle your family's tough dirt and stains the first time, every time. new all mighty pacs™. powerful clean. mighty results. [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill™ technology, the new ge french door refrigerator is engineered to push the limits of fresh. so to prove it, we're taking one from the factory in kentucky and delivering it full of fresh food to a place fresh can't be found. ♪ easy. [ male announcer ] watch the adventure at is non-stop to seattle? just carry preparation h totables. discreet, little tubes packed with big relief. from the brand doctors recommend most by name. preparation h totables. the anywhere preparation h. add some flavor to your morning routine. build your better breakfast. give it an avocado kick. [ male announcer ] kick up your morning. try a fresh toasted bacon, egg & cheese with the rich, smooth superfood, avocado. subway. build your better breakfast. [ cheers and applause ] welcome back to the party in the park here. mary j. blige will be along in just moments. however, we want to take, now, a very provocative look at modern relationships. rich, older men, offering younger women everything from designer clothing to college tuition. all in exchange for mere companionship. is this a realistic look at dating? or something else? alex perez has one couple's story. >> reporter: on the surface, they look like a typical may/december relationship. >> going to do a little shopping today. >> reporter: meet 63-year-old tommy, and 21-year-old monte. they've been together for two years. >> thank you for this. >> you're welcome. >> reporter: but their relationship can better be described as an arrangement. they're established sugar daddy and sugar baby. monte is one of his seven sugar babies. he made her on and men looking for women who need help. >> he said, i can help you get through school easy. you just travel with me. have fun. be around me and keep me company. i said, sure. you're going to pay for my school? >> reporter: tommy, a retired i.t. executive who has been divorced three times, says the arrangement comes with the intimacy of a marriage, is cheaper, and a small price to pay for what he gets. >> when you walk into a room and you have a beautiful woman with you, it's a compliment to you, as a male. like pulling up in a really nice car or something. hate to compare it that way. but it is. >> reporter: so, monte's like a really nice car. >> yeah. >> reporter: how is it different than prostitution? >> if we're talking about exchange of money for sex, i don't see it this way. it's not wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. >> reporter: a court has decreed that if a woman is being paid for something besides sex, the act does not constitute prostitution. an argument the website owner also makes. >> they're using the website in violation of our terms of agreement. if there were no sex involved with monte or your other sugar babies, would you bring them around for companionship? >> no. that's a big attraction, you know. >> reporter: monte agrees that being a sugar baby does come at an emotional cost. >> it gets to me that he's my only way of income. >> reporter: but until that changes, this sugar baby plans to be next to her sugar daddy. for "good morning america," alex perez, abc news, chicago. >> all righty, then. feel free to weigh in, if you like. in the meantime, we're going to switch gears. the traditional one-piece swimsuit is back and making a splash at the beach. this summer, you can say good-bye to the itsy-bitsy, teeny bikinis. it's this summer's hottest style. this summer, american beaches are seeing a lot less of the teeny wienie bikinis worn by "charlie's angels." and the biggest one-piece trend, popping up poolside, a style we might find in our mother's and even grandmother's closet. 2012 is all about vintage style, made famous by hollywood's mermaid, esther williams. and "beach blanket bingo's" annette burt cello. this week, they've been embraced by dolce & gabbana, and michael ko kors. >> women are asking for more glamour and fashion in their bathing suits. this is feminine, soft, fashion-driven and discreet. >> reporter: the best news, one-pieces are comomplementary all of those curves. so, we don't have to sacrifice style to be chic. joining us now, our good friend from "glamour" magazine, tracy -- you got married. >> i did. >> thank you so much. >> larry came over. we love the necklace. >> thanks. >> i know we're talking swimsuits right now. >> we are talking swimsuits. the renaissance of the one-piece app a little mystery. but still flatter your figure. they can be sexy. some said, a one-piece, just as sexy as a bikini. oh, that's the retro look, isn't it? >> yes. this is our retro-inspired look. jen looking fabulous in this one piece. it's from esther williams. it's at this is the bettie page, pinup girl feeling. great for girls who want to flaunt their kofcurves. finish off with the great vintage accessories. >> so flattering. i love the shoes. the bag. the glasses. all of it. it works. thank you. we have a little peekaboo. >> our cutout suit. also known as the monokini. this is good for a girl who is more comfortable in a bikini. showing a little bit of skin. this is $45. and it's really an accessory to balance out the sexy factor. >> she's working it to perfection. thank you. now, more of a modern take on the one-piece, don't we? >> yes. this is what we call an illusion suit. we need a little more confidence at the beach. anything that really flatters your figure. you can have tricks in your arsenal. you want something with rouching or a flat panel. >> it gives that illusion. >> you have the curvy lines. and the one down the center. one under her bust, underneath. a little more confidence at the beach. >> eni love the hat, too. and the wedge is so popular right now. >> i love a wedge. you don't want a full-on high-heel at the beach. >> this is a modern look i wanted to see before. >> yes. this is like the little black dress of bathing suits. the one-shoulder something we've seen a lot of in dresses and on the runway. it's bleu by rod beattie. dress it up. dress it down. it's versatile, forgiving, fabulous. >> and let's get the models back here. we love the stage. this is what we'll see on the beach. >> we can wear it. >> very forgiving. very flattering. they don't have anything to worry about. all right, ladies. thank you very much. congratulations. >> thank you, robin. continuing on the theme, time for some summer fun "deals and steals." tory johnson in the house with some really, really cool items. >> superhot stuff you can only get by going to on yahoo! while supplies last. we have the links and the codes. we are starting with one that my daughter said, you have to put on "good morning america." they are bracelets who were started by two girls that are now in college. called stony clover lane. they're not plastic. with adorable fans. superfans, kim kardashian, miley cyrus, selena gomez, even justin bieber. check out the deal. regular, 5 for $100. they're not inexpensive. slashed in half, choice of colors, 50 bucks. >> $10 each. you break those up, and they make great birthday gifts. >> or keep them yourself. going to nail polish, zoya. they created seven sets for our viewers. you get your choices. three are regularly $24. but we're slashes that in half. 12 bucks. it's an incredible brand, zoya. hugely popular. >> according to my 7-year-old, this is the color. >> that's the color. >> mint green. >> wolf maddox makes really good sunglasses. you can choose with prescription or without for the deal. regularly, the whole collection ranges from $65 to $95. but we're slashing these in half, saving you on this deal, free shipping. and if you want a prescription, you get that, too. >> absolutely. and pickles. >> pickles are so summer. >> with hamburgers and your barbecue. >> exactly. miss jenny's pickles is an adorable company. you're going to get two jars. a whole variety to choose from. whether you like sweet or spicy, you'll get your choice. regularly $22 for both of them. we're slashing this one by 55%. 10 bucks. they won all kinds of gourmet good awards. love that. and perhaps, one of the crowd favorites here. or perhaps the lara spencer favorite. a takeoff of chanel. this little blue one's my favorite. regularly $30 to $90. we're slashing that in half. you'll get the deal only on on yahoo! >> they're so fun. put a weekend in there. >> lara spencer. these are a favorite. i love them. >> check our website. honestly, while supplies last. get there soon. tory, thank you. as you know, she's here. mary j. "good morning america." >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good morning. i am natsasha barrett. 8: virginia plans to tuesday on whether to reinstate teresa sullivan. yesterday, former gov. tim kaine teresa sullivan is facing newusky sexual abuse allegations. from one of his adopted sons. the allegations combustors decide whether he abused 10 boys over a 15 year. news channel 8 has an in-depth report coming up. here is lisa baden with a check on traffic. check nothing major to report. collet friday light for a reason. toding south, all the way turnpike, we are in good as 95 is concerned across the wilson bridge, you will slow a bit. work zone long-term near eisenhower and telegraph road. to the bay bridge. well towardsving new hampshire ave. adam caskey. spf.u will need the into sunday. center at the beaches. saturday will be sunnier. we have some areas of light moving into montgomery hagerstown area. tow widespread storms possibly severe later. washington. afternoon. tomorrow.f you.ank thank you for watching. . thank you for watching. . [ female announcer ] the son of a single mom.m. proud father of ertwo daughte. president obama knows that women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men isn't just unfair... it hurts families. so the first law he signed was the lly ledbetter fair pay act to help ensure that women are paid the same as men for doing the exact same work. because president obama knows that fairness for women means a stronger middle class for america. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. ♪ up on the in this dancery ♪ ♪ you have to dance for me dance for me ♪ ♪ come and do it do it ♪ ♪ just dance for me [ cheers and applause ] this is the "gma" summer concert series. good morning, america. from central park. and this -- oh, no. it's all good. no. mary j. blige, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] oh. your music, your words, they inspire us all whether we're going through a challenge or not. you speak to us. >> thank you. >> we're going to hear a lot more from her in just a moment. and in this heat, how are you dealing with it? >> and by the way, we want to thank all of you for beating the heat. "good morning america." >> we're going to hear from "rock of ages." we're going to hear some classic hits. should we kk it off, lara? >> i think we should. mary j., from "rock of ages" singing, "any way you want it." ♪ anyway you want it that's the way you need it ♪ ♪ anyway you want it ♪ i love to laugh she loves to sing ♪ ♪ she loves everything she loves to move ♪ ♪ she loves to groove she loves a lot of things ♪ ♪ one night one night ♪ ♪ oh, every night so, hold tight ♪ ♪ hold tight oh, baby, hold tight ♪ ♪ she said anyway you want it that's the way you need it ♪ ♪ anyway you want it ♪ anyway you want it that's the way you need it ♪ ♪ anyway you want it ♪ i was alone i never knew ♪ ♪ what could love could do then we touched ♪ ♪ and we sang about some other things ♪ ♪ all night all night ♪ ♪ oh, every night so, hold tight ♪ ♪ hold tight hold tight ♪ ♪ hold on hold on ♪ ♪ hold on anyway you want it ♪ ♪ that's the way you need it anyway you want it ♪ ♪ anyway anyway you want it ♪ ♪ that's the way you need it anyway you want it ♪ ♪ anyway you want it that's the way you need it ♪ ♪ anyway you want it [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> thank you. mary j. blige. more to come. first, we want to get a check on the weather, as if we don't know what it is, sam champion. >> i'm telling you. anyway mary j. blige delivers it, that's the way i want it. that's exactly the way i want it. good morning, everybody. how are you? let's deal with the heat and humidity out there today. we're going to show you some of your twitter pictures and incredible pictures out of duluth. an incredibly horrible situation for those folks. flooding in two days. some areas picked up almost ten inches of rain. look at the washedout highway. 1 of 80 roads washed out in that area. it's going to be an incredible damage estimate. gorgeous sky shots from tulsa, oklahoma. and the rest of the nation's weather. here's what we're dealing with you as you head out your doors. we have strong to severe storms that will break the heat in new york, washington, d.c., baltimore. even boston is up to 90 toda >> it is already 85 degrees. heating.ll limit our 93 is the high. still hot out there, not bad. storms >> all that weather was brought to you by gm certified service. oh, robin? >> somebody get mary j. some water. you do that. we'll go to a commercial break. and we'll come back with much more of mary j. blige. [ cheers and applause ] we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here. ♪ i wish that i could have this moment for life ♪ ♪ ♪ 'cause in this moment i just feel so alive ♪ ♪ alive ♪ alive ♪ [ cans opening ] ♪ ♪ i wish that i could have this moment for life ♪ ♪ for life [ cans opening, pepsi pouring ] [ man ] ahhh! [ cheers and applause ] yes, indeedy. this is the "gma" summer concert series. and really heating up. this woman can do it all. can do it all. >> thanks, robin. >> mary j. blige, she only sold 50 million albums. nine grammys. [ cheers and applause ] and now, have you seen her "rock of ages"? [ cheers and applause ] oh, you are -- i know this is something that is just beautiful to watch you on stage. and you said that tom cruise helped the entire cast, as well. >> yeah. he was helping me out. he helped jewulian out. he also helped me. we have a scene in the extended version, the dvd. every time i see him, i think of him. i need that. i'm a new actress. and this is a job. i want to be the best. >> you always are stretching yourself. and you're stepping outside of your comfort zone. and you inspire us to do the same. and talk about inspirational. did you see her on the cover of "essence" magazine again? for the 12th time, you have graced that magazine cover. and the essence music festival is in new orleans next month. >> the essence music festival is every year. you know? and it's an amazing concert that "essence" puts on. all of your favorite artists. anyone you can think of shows up there. if you're a fan, you're a -- you can entertain. you can support and run into your favorite people. to cry and hug. >> and new orleans. >> the food -- i think i pick up 200 pounds. but i love food. so, new orleans is perfect for me. >> people love that festival. okay. we asked you to ask a question. this is the pepsi fan favorite question. are you ready for it, mary j.? >> i hope so. >> the pepsi fan favorite question is, what's the best advice you ever got? >> the best advice i ever got was from my friend, chaka khan. and she told me, years ago, when i first met her, she said, you're an amazing vocalist. but when you get out of your own way, your life will change. and i was, like -- oh. and that -- i carry that and i use that. we all use that. my whole family uses it. they use it against me. you're in my way. >> you know the beauty of it? you have shared your journey with us. and your latest music is just that. it's an extension of the conversation you're having with us and with us, right? >> yes. exactly that. robin, i just want to say, i love you. and you are a fighter. you're amazing. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, mary. you are -- i've got to tell you, this -- you have had some challenges. my momma says, we all got something. it's what we do on the other end. and your music has helped me get through some really tough times. so, she's going to play some of her classic music. some of her classic hits, later. and now, more music from "rock of ages." "shadows of the night," by heart. you have my heart. >> thank you. ♪ oh, girl it's a cold world ♪ ♪ when you keep it all to yourself ♪ ♪ you can't hide on the inside ♪ ♪ all the pain you ever felt you better grab from your heart ♪ ♪ and don't look back 'cause we got nobody else ♪ ♪ we're running with the shadows of the night ♪ ♪ so, baby take my hand ♪ ♪ it will be all right surrender all your dreams ♪ ♪ to me tonight they'll come true in the end ♪ >> put your hands together. come on now. ♪ in your heart, girl i'm going to turn ♪ ♪ and leave you here ♪ you never had a clue but it's time you got the news ♪ ♪ shadows of the night take my hand ♪ ♪ it'll be all right surrender all your dreams ♪ ♪ to me tonight they'll come true in the end ♪ >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. ♪ i wish that i could have this moment for life ♪ ♪ for life ♪ for life ♪ [ cans opening ] ♪ ♪ i wish that i could have this moment for life ♪ ♪ for life ♪ for life ♪ [ pepsi pouring ] [ man ] ahhh! to deposit checks at the nearest citibank branch. ♪ like this one. ♪ or th one. ♪ or, maybe this one. ♪ but when it's this easy to use citibank mobile check deposit at home...why would he? ♪ woooo! [ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way. [ cheers and applause ] all right. we heard from "rock of ages." but we all know we want the classics, don't we? [ cheers and applause ] we all know we want, from mary j. blige, some "real love." [ cheers and applause ] >> all right. y'all have to help me with this one. ♪ yeah, hey yeah, hey ♪ ♪ we got love that's true and through ♪ ♪ and though we made it through the storm ♪ ♪ i really want you to realize ♪ ♪ i really want to put you on ♪ ♪ i've been searching for someone ♪ ♪ to satisfy my every need won't you be my inspiration ♪ ♪ the real love that i need ♪ real love i'm searching for a real love ♪ ♪ someone to set my heart free ♪ ♪ real love i'm searching for a real love ♪ ♪ ooh, when i met you i just knew ♪ ♪ that you would take my heart and run ♪ ♪ after you told me how you felt for me ♪ ♪ you said i'm not the one so, i slowly came to see ♪ ♪ all of the things that you were made of ♪ ♪ and now i hope my dreams and inspirations ♪ ♪ lead me to one so real ♪ real love i'm searching for a real love ♪ ♪ someone to set my heart free ♪ ♪ real love i'm searching for a real love ♪ ♪ i'm searching for a real love ♪ ♪ and i don't know where to go and i find it ♪ ♪ high and low still, i never know ♪ ♪ someone to set my heart free ♪ ♪ it seems i'll never know how it feels to ♪ ♪ have a real love 'cause it seems ♪ ♪ there's no one [ female announcer ] the son of a single mom. proud father of two daughtere. president obama knows that women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men isn't just unfair... it hurts families. so the first law he signed was the lilly ledbetter fair pay act to help ensure that women are paid the same as men for doing the exact same work. because president obama knows that fairness for women means a stronger middle class for america. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. [ cheers and applause ] go, mary. go, mary. hey, we want to thank everybody for joining us. "gma" concert in the park. that's d.j. kiss, everybody. and by the way, arm bands up. >> yes. love you all. love the weekend. she's going to sing us off with "just fine, fine, fine, fine." woo. have a great weekend, everybody. thank you. >> every time i hear something hot, it makes me want to move. it makes you want to have some fun. but we're going to melt this joint right here. hey, hey. ♪ you know i love music ♪ hear something hot it makes me wanna move ♪ ♪ it makes me wanna have fun but it's something about ♪ ♪ this joint right here this joint right here ♪ ♪ it makes me wanna let it go ♪ ♪ can't let this thing called love get away from you ♪ ♪ feel free right now going do what you ♪ ♪ want to do can't let nobody ♪ ♪ take it away from you, from me, from we ♪ ♪ no time for moping around are you kidding ♪ ♪ and no time for negative vibes ♪ it's been i put in my harst♪ ♪ gonna live my life feels so good to get it right ♪ ♪ so, i like what i see when i'm looking at me ♪ ♪ when i'm walking past the mirror ♪ ♪ no stress through the night ♪ no stress through the night ♪ got my head on straight i got my mind right ♪ ♪ i ain't gonna let you kill it you see i wouldn't change my life ♪ ♪ my life's just fine fine, fine, fine ♪ ♪ fine, fine, fine, fine finene, ine ♪ just fine, fine, fine fine, fine, fine ♪ ♪ you see, i wouldn't change my life, my life's just fine ♪ ♪ feels so good when you're doing all the things that ♪ ♪ you want to do get the best out of life ♪ ♪ treat yourself to something new ♪ ♪ keep your head up high in yourself, believe in you ♪ ♪ believe in me having a really good time ♪ ♪ i'm not complaining and i'm a still wear ♪ ♪ a smile if it raining i got to enjoy ♪ ♪ myself regardless i appreciate life ♪ ♪ i'm so glad i got mine so, i like what i see ♪ ♪ when i'm looking at me when i'm walking ♪ ♪ past the mirror ain't worried about you ♪ ♪ and what you gonna do i'm a lady so, i must stay classy ♪ ♪ got to keep it hot keep it together ♪ ♪ if i want to get better you see i wouldn't change my life ♪ ♪ my life's just fine fine, fine, fine ♪ ♪ fine, fine, fine, fine fine, fine, fine, fine ♪ ♪ just fine, fine, fine fine, fine, fine ♪ ♪ you see, i won't change my life my life's just fine ♪ ♪ i ain't gon' let nothing get in my way ♪ ♪ i ain't gone let nobody bring me down, no, no, no ♪ ♪ no matter what nobody has to say ♪ ♪ no way, no way, no way i ain't gon' let nothing ♪ ♪ get in my way no matter what ♪ ♪ nobody has to say feels so good when ♪ ♪ you're doing all the things that you want to do ♪ ♪ get the best out of life treat yourself to ♪ ♪ something new it's a really good ♪ ♪ thing to say that i won't change ♪ ♪ my life, my life's just fine fine, fine, fine, fine ♪ ♪ fine, fine, fine, fine fine, fine, fine, fine ♪ ♪ just fine, fine, fine fine, fine, fine ♪ >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning. is it:56. i am natsasha barrett. trying toicials are what sickened dozens of high school students after program at summer george mason university. were taken tonts the hospital yesterday after at the overnight dormitory. say they have the stomach flu. taken samples from the in hope of finding a cause appeared this morning, vincent gray will sign anti-bullying bill. the bully prevention act seeks bullying and d.c. the bill establishes an anti bullying task force made up of agencies and advocates. let us turn to lisa baden. feeling a little bit more this fridayout morning, in case you want to get .way early for a vacation bay bridge.the at traffic at the wilson little heavy out of maryland. youhe 14th street bridge can see everything is moving nicely. no major issues to report in on the beltway in prince george's county. is 295. good along 95 and near fort meade. now, adam caskey and the weather center. these summertime traffic patterns. weather patterns, not always my favorite. high yesterday. cooler in the 90s today. upper 80s and less humid tomorrow. sprinkle in montgomery county. dulles airport. 79 and frederick. to 93.way storms later appeared cooler during the weekend. >> thank you for watching. . "live with

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