basement. >> bad timing as a move into another heat wave. lots of people are having to live like the old days as home units are buckling under. >> i have replaced eight or nine of these in the last week or so. >> howard's house is fine, it is his car that is a hot box. >> mechanic shots have been swamped with cars with a broken air conditioners. >> we do not have time to work on other things. it is all air-conditioning. >> this record-breaking summer of heat is weighing on many of us, especially those who have to stay active outside. his packages are holding up under the sun better than he is. >> i have been pretty good. >> another day of 100 degree temperatures and people are running out of ways that work to stay cool. >> the umbrella. it is not help? it is still hot. >> some relief has arrived. i have a tip from air- conditioner mechanics. and make sure you change the filter in your unit. is the number one reason for breakdowns. horace holmes, abc 7 news. >> thank you for your reporting in the heat. this is slowing down metro trains. 35 mile per hour speed restrictions went into place for trains running above ground. when tracks heat up above 135 degrees there is a risk of a heat kink. that is what was blamed for the derailment when the speed restrictions were in place. any conditions the to or download our weather app. >> a mother and stepfather are in the hospital after police say the woman's son shot them. it happened early this morning on seagrape court. tonight the son is dead after turning the gun on himself. clucks it was a terrifying situation. this is the house where it started. you can see some damage to the front door. it all started with neighbors saw their beloved neighbors come staggering out of the home. they had been shot and fell on the street bleeding. it did not end until the swat team forced its way into the window. the family tragedy and, ended when a swat team blasted their way into the yellow home. they found shea proctor dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. they found his mother and stepfather bleeding on the street. >> it is spreading to see people you care about go through this. you see it on tv all the time. to have it in your neighborhood is heartbreaking. >> they say jeffrey was the best kind of neighbor. he cut other people oppose the arts to be nice. -- people's yards to be nice. " he talked to you and help cut your grass sometimes. >> neighbors say janice is a schoolteacher and equally nice. they say there were problems with her son. he lived with the mother on and off and some more aware with the frustrations. sources say he appeared in the better man 5:00 drunk or under the influence of something. there was an argument and suddenly he opened fire. he apparently killed himself. >> you never know what goes on behind closed doors. you never with think anything of it. >> a number of relatives have shot up at the house to clean up. they had a chance to talk with us off camera. they are saying they saw no warning signs are clear that anything could have happened. one bit of bright news is that mr. and misses wells are expected to be ok. there are able to talking communicate. they are expected to come home pretty soon. >> thank you very much. residents of an apartment building in woodbridge jump into action to save each other when the building caught on fire. some had to jump out of windows to save themselves. jennifer donelan with their story. >> 56 people including 13 children cannot return because this building is condemned it. in a dash to get away from the fire many people could have been hurt if not worse. >> i thought the whole building was burned down. >> he took the trash out a round-the-clock at the friendship place apartments when he saw flames through the roof. >> everybody get out. i saw the flames going higher and higher. >> and the third floor smoke and fire held families prisoner. " i ran into his truck and we started -- the latter was not big enough. >> they help to get his sixth people to safety. what's the word two grows and the guy on top smothered in smoking. >> this program's boyfriend help rescue them. >> the had to block the window. >> they had to come up right there and drop them down. but their neighbors also live on the third floor and scale down his balcony to another below and jumped. his remains and two other residents followed. >> or use could you could get hurt? >> everyone got out safely. with daylight another reality. they had no idea when they would be allowed to get their belongings. >> i want to allow us to get our stuff. >> the prince william county fire and rescue department investigating the cause of this fire. for now the red cross has placed them in hotels for the next three days. they do not know what they will do after that. >> thank you. from fires to flood, a flash flood is to blame for damage at james madison university. take a look at the pictures we get in. the football field under water because of flooding. it has since receded. other nearby areas were affected by heavy rain. these images have been shared 100 times. >> federal and best the gators arrived in montgomery county to figure out what caused a deadly crash. -- federal a investigators arrived in montgomery county. we learn more about the pilot who died. >> the plain that frank schmidt was flying and is in a hangar behind me. it was this time last night he was preparing for what would ultimately be his final flight. the wreckage of the plane shows the scars of a fatal plane crash. the 1964 aircraft was dragged from the woods where it went down last night. jack peter saw his friend of minutes before he was killed. clocked>> i wave to buy and went on my way. i later got a call. >> schmidt was with rothenberg as the two dig takeoffs and landings. they are investigating the crash. >> we have one witness that we talk to their reported that the airplane pulled up. the right wing it dipped and then the airplane spun into the ground. >> he was a fixture in where at one point he was a facility manager. he had flown more than 18,000 hours. debbie was one of his students. >> he would put others before himself all the time. he cared more for others than he did for himself. he would give you every last dollar he had if he felt it would make you better. >> the pilot died doing what he loved. >> he lived a good life. he was 79 years old and was very happy. >> the 83-year-old pilot was released from the hospital today. he said he has cuts and bruises and is very tired. he is otherwise ok. friends at the airport are scheduling a memorial service for september. suzanne kennedy, abc 7 days. >> thank you. still to come, a milestone in the construction of the new metro line to dulles. >> a bus driver jumps into action to catch a little grow who fell out of the window. why he says he is no hero. clucks caught on the kids camp. the presidential do over that has everybody buzzing. >> began just discovery airline passengers m [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. [ female announcer ] every woman who believes decisions about our bodies and our health care shoulde our own is troubled mitt romney supports overturning roe versus wade. romney backed a law that outlaws all abortion -- even in cases of rape and in.cest. and that's not all. i'll cut off funding to planned parenthood. [ female announcer ] for women planned parenthood m means life-saving cancer screeeenings and family-planning services. but, for mitt romney... planned parenthood. we're going to getid of that. >> nobody was hurt here but many are speculating of this was an accident, if this was a disgruntled employee or a terrorist attack. what is the latest? >> the fbi is investigating this as a criminal case as they tried to investigate those questions. one passenger pulled out a 1 inch long needle that punctured the roof of his mouth. >> the second bite attack into the sand which i noticed something that helped me on the top of my mouth hardship. >> a disturbing discovery inside his turkey sandwich. a 1 inch sewing needle inside the bread. >> the pens were identical. this pointed toward something that was deliberate and meant to harm. >> six needles were found on the on board a delta flights all originating in amsterdam. the meals were prepared by the world's largest catering company that serves more than 300 million passengers each year. they are cooperating with the best aginners' but a recent whistleblower investigation showed how vulnerable the company was too. contamination. >> i could bring a gun in there if i wanted to. that is how easy it is. >> officials said they are conducting a full-scale operation and so far no other airlines that received food have reported any problems. >> you can not check every sandwich that those on board a plane. unfortunately, this demonstrates to people who want to do bad things that this is a gaping hole. >> a double spokesperson said the flight attendants stopped serving sandwiches as soon as the first needle was discovered and sent out a message to stop sending them out to other flights and rick perry >> thank you. a suspect in an alabama bar shooting is in police custody. 17 people were injured and at least two of them seriously. investigators say the gunman fired during window and shot people outside of they fled the building. a shootout at a crowded party and toronto left 22 people injured including -- 19 were shot and the others were trampled in the chaos. police called it the most serious crime of its kind that toronto had seen. >> back here at home a heat wave is affecting many parts of the united states. wreckers and wisconsin are repaving after extreme heat caused several roads to explode. 61% of the country is facing drought conditions. the department of agriculture estimates stroke% of the current u.s. corn crops have been lost. >> is it too late to give the medal of freedom to the guys -- >> today is the 100th anniversary of -- 100 years ago. >> will celebrate him today. >> looking at some of the next couple of weeks, we will stay hot. i do not see the concern for a lot more 100 degree weather in july. it may become a bigger problem for us, the drought getting even worse. maybe a more dry stretch. anyway you cut it it is a tough summer air around here, tough to deal with. i have the numbers memorized. let's do this quickly. we hit 100 officially at reagan national six times. 13th time we have been 19 -- 90 or higher. looking at a building in arlington, it is a pretty looking day out there unless you are stuck in it. right now 100 degrees said bwi- marshall. 100 degrees at the airport at interest effort. 99 degrees in frederick. the moisture level -- the way it feels is only a day or two hire and the thermometer. tomorrow not so much. it will feel even warmer them with the thermometer indicates tomorrow. it will be a slow drop into the 80's. we will stay at enter the 80's overnight. heat advisory goes into effect tomorrow night. it will fill 105 or 106 everywhere east of the blue ridge. widespread advisory's always to the west of the great lakes. the breast are heed warnings from the torah, northern ohio all the way up to northern michigan. right now detroit metro 100 degrees. 100 in indianapolis. what will happen for the next couple of days, i will show you the bit map. we will have a cold front tomorrow night and thursday that will pinch of the cold air. it will stay hot out here for a while. we will get the break east of the appellations for a while. i think we will be seasonably hot but maybe back to the 100 degree mark next week. maybe a thunderstorm at enter the afternoon. the better chances will be late tomorrow night as the front approaches. very hot and humid to say the least. a chance of severe weather in the area shaded in yellow. through the day thursday the french moves through. our chances of a storm will increase through the day on thursday. 86 degrees in the city late tonight. 93 at midday. the heat and humidity clobbers again in the upper 90's tomorrow. showers and storms likely. man 80's on friday. over the weekend it will be 86 early next week. >> ok. thank you. >> kelly clarkson fans, we are giving away two the ip tickets to see the star. >> go to and you can win tickets right there. we will announce the winner friday on abc's seven news at 5:00. >> coming up why jada pinkett smith testified with their family by her side. >> this is the most fun cemetery i have never been an. >> we will tell you how wikipedia is getting involved to make this education more educational. >> the elapid basketball team was not the main attraction. it was this. the first couple on the kiss cam. >> they declined to kiss on the first go around but when they were given a second shot that gave the crowd what they wanted. >> natasha barrett with why everybody is caught up with the presidential pd a. >> the white house received plenty of questions about the case during last night as the olympic men's basketball team and here is the play-by-play. the first time the obama appeared on the case came last night, misses obama seemed to be shaking her head no. the president smiled and put his arm around his wife. some boo'd. >> so much scrutiny, i feel them. not too much p d a. >> the president got something that most politicians do not get -- 82 over. the tea dead kiss on the lips and he followed up with a pat on the forehead. the crowd roared. >> i think it is cute. >> and then came the speculation. did the couple even realize they were featured on the case can? on board, a spokesman told reporters the obama as did not know until other girls said something. in the official said the president took the advantage to steal a kiss from his white. >> i think he arranged it. he wanted everybody to know he was not scared. >> i like to see the politicians showing the public display of affection. it was nice. >> maybe they were trying to avoid this. the awkward kiss by politicians. who can forget the kiss between al and tipper gore. >> second chances are rare but with the right motivation from the crowd they had to deliver read -- last night. the best part is the daughter's reaction. it was so funny. clacks everybody in my section was saying, come on, do not leave the brother hanging. >> some big safety changes to baby bottles and sippy cups. >> a proud moment for hundreds of people in northern virginia as they become u.s. citizens. >> a milestone was collects a major milestone rates today. >> the first part of the aerial died way it was installed given commuters hope this is one step closer to completion. >> it is a big day and it was cool to get up there close to see the work take place. we take for granted hundreds of thousand people drive to pass the concrete snake that goes through mcclean and today we got to see what it will do. it is a moment two years in the making. this concrete structure called an aerial guideway richest 3 miles through tyson. the final segment this 380 foot piece is put into place. a painstaking process that requires precision to the millimeter. >> it needs to be a full structure that will do the job we needed to do for the next 100 years. >> it finally lowered the custom based segment inch by inch, and guided him by harnesses and above and below the track bed. the rest of the track can be installed. >> we have about 35 to go. this will allow us to make final connections. >> matthew hill as watching the construction and its five mature stations. >> i come down for the final floor and looked out and see the progress. it is coming closer and closer to completion. >> hill drive to his job in tysons corner. >> i cannot wait to have mature access. it will be read across the building, too. >> moments like these make the matter ride seem a bit closer. >> all of this delicate warwick and triple digit temperatures. metro says now that the track work can begin and be completed, trains will be running here by december 2013. >> very exciting. it is time for a look at the de's top stories. people are feeling the heat wave strike. temperatures climb to 100 degrees. july is turning to be the hottest on record. metro speed restrictions are in effect throughout this evening's rush-hour due to the heat. >> and metro man is accused of shooting his mother and stepfather and turning the gun on himself. the shooter was found dead inside the home. his parents were rushed to the hospital and are expected to recover. >> federal officials have identified the victim has 79- year-old frank schmidt who was an experienced pilot. there are looking into what caused the crash. >> police in d.c. were called when the bank of america branch -- demonstrators protesting home foreclosures. customers were locked inside for 60 concerns. >> hundreds of residents became u.s. citizens today with a ceremony. ben eisler shows us how it has changed their lives forever. >> carlos ramirez works as a trash collector. to that opportunity he risked his life walking for three days through the arizona desert. >> were you afraid you might die? >> i continue. >> he did it to the escape guatemalans economy. >> money for the family. >> hundreds of others today have wanted to be americans. today that moment finally came. [applause] all in all 700 virginian residents became citizens today from 98 countries. what cso so happy. i am so delighted. >> he works in the bakery section so his 5-year-old sons can have a future. >> i am so happy. >> congressman chairman connolly says they will improve the country as well. >> five minutes after things already started to feel different. >> their american dream finally began. they knew their lives would never be the same. >> to have the opportunity to pursue any job and have the freedom that we did not get the chance to do back home. >> our whole life will be different. >> i got a chance to hop on a special crews today for a special cause. today was the alumni deduction scholarship cruise. children of deceased or disabled u.s. military. loss of veterans in the crowd. this is one of many ways they give back to the community and changes the lives of those in the metro area. good people there and good times. >> hopefully they have good air conditioning. time for a check on the traffic situation. jeremy -- jerry is here with situations. >> washington boulevard past duke street. again a truck was station heading in quantico. beltway to 123 and fairfax on and off toward manassas. 270 around 37 the past the camera toward middlebrook road and additional delays from 121 to work highet's town. slow traffic on the inner loop of the beltway has to work past the american legion bridge toward georgia ave. outer loop delays from the 270 spur. watch out for a water main break. westbound near wisconsin ave. back to you. >> coming up on abc 7 news at 5:00 a 7-year-old falls from a third story window and it is all caught on tape. the stranger to step in to save her life. >> 40,000 people are enslaved on our soil. >> what prompted jada pinket smith to get involved in the fight against human trafficing. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. [ female announc ] every woman who believes decisions about our bodi and our health care should b be our own is troubled mitt romney supports overturning roe versus wade. ro romney backed a law that outws all abortion -- even in cases of rape anand incest. and that's not all. i'll cff funding to planned parenthood. [ female announcer ] for women planned parenthood means life-saving cancer screenings and family-planning services. but, for mitt romney... planned parenthood. we're going to get rid of that. clacks there was some star power in d.c. today because jada pinkett smith came. >> it was her young daughter who opened her eyes to the modern- day slavery. >> children and every country including our own are being forced into slavery. >> she is using her star power to spot light modern-day slavery. today an estimated 27 million people are enslave around the world including the united states. >> 40,000 people are enslaved on our soil. >> with will smith and willow behind her, she said it was willow her inspired her. organizations say the trade has escalated into a $32 billion a year enterprise. >> each of us may have driven, addressed, eaten or text did with some product that involves an part modern-day slavery. " the u.s. and acted the victims' protection act in 2000. it is now stalled in the senate. >> slavery whether in the united states or abroad must be recognized rejected, and eliminated. >> she asked congress for more funding. >> fighting slavery does not cost a lot of money. the cost of allowing it to exist are much higher. >> this is her second trip to washington, d.c. last month she met with hillary clinton to discuss human trafficking. >> coming up next, some good news for parents tonight. a big safety change for baby bottles and sippy cups. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. [ male announcer ] when a president doesn't tell the truth, how can we trust him to lead? the obama outsourcing attacks: "misleading, unfair and untrue." there was "no evidence" that mitt romney shipped jobs overseas. candidate obama lied about hillary clinton. so, shame on you, barack obama. [ male announcer ] but america expects more from a president. obama's dishonest campaign: another reason america has lost confidence in barack obama. >> do you visit cemeteries very much question market local cemetery wants to change that. congressional cemetery has teamed up with wikipedia to try to make the little known cemetery the largest outdoor encyclopedia of u.s. history. >> off the beaten trail historic congressional cemetery holds 65,000 remains and just as many colorful pails. a congressman, military leaders a brothel owner, and many others. >> she had this son who kept drinking and gambling away the money. " the tales did not pay the bills. >> money is always an issue. getting people interested in preserving a place like this is an issue. >> it is called a quick response or code project. >> people walking around can use cell phones to read a full encyclopedia article about the person who is buried there. >> it is a first for a u.s. cemetery. they're helping a little technology will boost interest in the 200 year old burial ground. >> it calls up the article. there is the article. >> other notables such as j. edgar hoover or leonard malkovich. >> when it was founded it was used as a part. it was intended to use as a part. this is just a modern twist on a very old tradition of using this place and learning about it when you come visit. >> the paper markers will not last the winter. wikipedia will replace and add more if people are as enthused as he is. >> i have to say this is the most fun cemetery i have ever been and. >> you do not hear fun and cemetery together often. a breakthrough in the war on hiv and aids. i have approved a drug to prevent hiv. the drug has been shown to cut their risk by 62% in high risk groups. truvada is already used to treat hiv. after years of debate they have banned bpa from baby bottles and sippy cups. maryland banned it from children products years ago after studies found a can interfere with a reproductive and nervous system. the fda contends it is not harmful to adults. >> for the first time in 21 years john hopkins is no longer listed as the best hospital in the country. mass general and boston bomb to the john hopkins to number two. also in the top five, the mayo clinic in minn., cleveland clinic and ucla medical center in los angeles. to see the rest go to . >> we have some exciting news for a d.c. native. she is a step closer to getting a chance to co-host a tv show. marquette smith is sent to the final four. one contestant will be eliminated each day based on the votes that you cast online. the online and help her out. she will cohost next tuesday appeared by the way that happens to be marquette's birthday. give her a good birthday gift. we are rooting for her. >> absolutely. >> it is 89 of new shows tonight and it all kicks off with contestants facing tough obstacles on wipeout. >> she is from wisconsin. behold the power of cheese. we get it. you are a cheese head. but second i believe that it's not butter. >> that is on at 8:00 followed by "trust us with. your with" stick around for abc 7 is at 11:00. >> we will take you back outside and see how people who have no choice but to work in the heat are dealing with triple digit temperatures. things are heating up on the campaign trail again. a war of words between president obama and mitt romney. we will have of for you right here. let's get back to what is happening here with doug hill. >> we hit 100 degrees today with the sixth time we have done that. we are definitely building up a number of 100 degree days. let's go and check out the weather story here. temperatures across the area running in the upper 90's. 90 degrees that reagan national. across the. tonight we will stay very monday. will drop to the 90's. the range aaronite, 73-81. heat advisory that goes into effect third 9:00 tomorrow night that will feel like 105 as the air temperature pushes close to 100 degrees. the records for tomorrow, 100 degrees in washington dulles. they should be saved. we could get close to the record numbers. tomorrow partly cloudy hot and humid, 95-100. late afternoon and isolated thunderstorms or two. as far as the chance of these storms being severe, and yellow it is a slight risk. better chances will be north of the washington area. the cold front will move through accompanied by thunderstorms. a little cooler on friday but still thunderstorms' possible. you see a nice weekend. a little warmer next week. keep checking changing weather at among the things you will find there, an anniversary. it was 110 years ago the first comfort of the air-conditioning anniversary. >> thank you 1 million times over. >> let's check in with tim brant live at the ball park for all the action tonight. >> the fans are arriving early here appear they're expecting a huge crowd for the nationals and the mets. the national's lead in the east, but it is starting to shrink a little bit. the mets are in third place. washington is looking to -- is a tough stretch because they play the mets and the braves. temperatures have 103 degrees on the field this afternoon. batting practice was canceled because the team got and so live from miami purity have to figure the heat played into the decision. stephen strasburg will go friday but the heat was topic number one. >> what do you have to do to stay in the game mentally and physically when pitching? >> you have to prepare a few days before. i would not say today is anything like atlanta a few weeks ago. still hot and you have to stay hydrated. i am a heavy sweater so i have to go above and beyond to keep my head in the game and stayed focused. weather is staying in the tunnel where it is cooler, get it however you can hear a >>, as everybody talking about the pennant race? here in washington is uncharted waters and it seems like it is in the papers every day. do you talk about that at all in the clubhouse? clucks know. when asked about it, we have to respond. i think we have done a good job. we have veterans who have been there before. a lot of young guys that are going out there and try to get better. they are trying to play hard every single day. when you show up to play every day and give it your best, but things will happen. >> he does not like the heat. let's stick with baseball and take you to the catch of the night. in toronto the blue jays may have found the next bonus baby. how about the fans? are you kidding me with the catch? a little help here please. he's the big fellow? that is the catch of the day. he did not spell it drop. he cut the food and drink. everything out in toronto. here it is the mets and the nationals coming up later this evening. back to you. >> you know that hurts to look at that. >> easy now. >> very funny. coming up next, a bus driver becomes a hero when he steps in to catch a girl who fell from her apartment window. >> when the seven-year old fell from her apartment window, a complete stranger rushed to catch her and time. was the dramatic rescue is caught on video. watch as the seven-year old dances on top of an air- conditioning unit and the slips and falls three stories. that is one steve s. st. bernard, a 52-year-old bus driver made his move. >> please let me catch her, that is all i could say. >> he dried to try to catch her. >> st. bernard live up to his name diving and catching her in his arms. >> sources say the girl has autism and slipped through the accordion folds holding the air- conditioner to the window. he thought of her is on 7-year- old daughter. >> today as friends and family are calling him a hero, this father says he was in the right place at the right time. >> i just saw a kid. that is it. >> a hero is a sandwich. that is a great line. they were taken to the hospital. he suffered a torn tendon in his arm but she is doing fine. >> that is absolutely miraculous. being in the right place at the right time. >> her family must be so grateful. clucks you know it. clucks that is it for us at 5:00. what's coming up next at 6:00. >> tomorrow a heat advisory in effect. >> the heat is having an impact on metro tonight. people working outside on your lawn as well as just jogging, i can go on and on and well. >> the politics of gambling. in other casino possibly in maryland. >> live and in hd, this iis abc 7 news at 6:00 on your side, >> the big story is 6:00 tonight, the d.c. area letting it out will more time.

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Miami ,Florida ,United States ,Tysons Corner ,Virginia ,Cleveland Clinic ,Atlanta ,Georgia ,Turkey ,Boston ,Massachusetts ,Wisconsin ,Guatemala ,Toronto ,Ontario ,Canada ,Michigan ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Howard House ,Amsterdam ,Noord Holland ,Netherlands ,Arizona ,Quantico ,Prince William County ,James Madison University ,Detroit ,Maryland ,Montgomery County ,France ,Americans ,America ,Virginian ,French ,Guatemalans ,American ,Jeremy Jerry ,J Edgar Hoover ,Suzanne Kennedy ,Tim Brant ,Stephen Strasburg ,Shea Proctor ,Los Angeles ,John Hopkins ,Kelly Clarkson ,Carlos Ramirez ,Rick Perry ,Frank Schmidt ,Jada Pinkett Smith ,Barack Obama ,Natasha Barrett ,Horace Holmes ,Jack Peter ,Marquette Smith ,Hillary Clinton ,Ben Eisler ,

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