They revealed. And the eyeopening new headline tonight involving babies. And where they should sleep in their first year. It surprised many. Good evening. And its great to start another week with you. And we begin tonight with that urgent manhunt right now, a suspect accused of killing two, and then leaving a trail of violence. Attacking many, including those two Police Officers. Overnight, Police Responding to reports of shots fired. The officers then shot and rushed to the hospital. And then, the suspect putting his escape live on facebook, with his own words of warning. Tonight, authorities are now telling the public he is armed and dangerous. And abcs jim avila from oklahoma. Reporter armed and dangerous, wounded and live on facebook. Let me tell you, it hurts. Reporter 38yearold michael vance, suspected of shooting two Police Officers outside of oklahoma city, wounding them shots to the leg and foot area. Both patients are conscious. Reporter before the night is over, allegedly shooting two others and allegedly murdering his aunt and uncle. Im about to steal another car like right now. This [ bleep ] is going to be intense. Reporter Jonathan Chouinard and his pregnant wife had their car taken from them at gunpoint. You know, hes got an assault rifle, got a tripod on it, you know, and he tells letting you all know, this is real. See, thats a gun. Thats the real deal. Reporter hollie ahern, watching the carjacking, was shot in the leg. My boyfriend said, get down, get down, so, i got down, but i had already been shot. Reporter vance is injured as well, shot in the initial confrontation with police who were responding to a disturbance call. Wow. That really hurt. See, im bleeding where police shot me. At his relatives house. Youre so lucky this went down this way. I was coming for you. He was accused of child Sexual Assault and that is supposedly set him off, but we dont know that for sure yet. And jim aim villa with us tonight from oklahoma. Jim, you were telling us that authorities have little idea where this suspect is tonight . Reporter thats right, david. He was last seen about 35 miles north of oklahoma city. He was driving a silver stolen but he stopped facebooking and hes not been seen since. He could be anywhere. David . Jim avila leading us off tonight. Jim, thank you. Now, to major developments in the race for the white house tonight. 15 days to go. Donald trump telling supporters today that he is winning, that the polls are phony. And two new polls out. The abc news tracking poll has Hillary Clinton up by 12. Late today, cnn out with its new poll, showing clinton with a abcs tom llamas in florida, and tonight, you will hear from one trump supporting, pleading that trump stay onmessage in these final days. Reporter today, donald trump telling his supporters, dont believe the polls. Folks, were winning. Were winning. Were winning. Reporter trump says the polls are rigged. They are phony polls put out by phony media, and ill tell you what, all of us are affected by this stuff, and what they do is, they try to is up press the vote. This way, people dont go out a radio show in charlotte, a rare admission. I guess im somewhat behind in the polls, but not by much. Reporter if trump is sending mixed messages, his Campaign Manager is not. We are behind, and she has tremendous advantages. She has a former president , happens to be her husband, campaigning for her, the current president and first lady, Vice President , all much more popular than she can hope to be. Reporter trump tried a reset with that speech at gettysburg, but even with the historical him of sexual misconduct. Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over. Reporter some supporters now pleading for trump to stay focused. This man appealing to trum please tell donald trump to stick to the issues and hell beat hillary. Im tired of the crap. If you can tell him. If anybody can tell him. Reporter trumps troubles getting the snl treatment. Im completely innocent. Ive said this before and ill say it again. Nobody has more respect for women than i do. [ laughter ] settle down, entire planet. Settle down. Snl having a field day with both candidates. And tom llamas is with us tonight. I know the Trump Campaign feels pretty good about ohio, but they are spending a lot of time in florida. They see that state as make or break . Reporter thats right, david. This is a make or break state for the Trump Campaign. Donald trump calls it his second home. He spent yesterday here. Today and tomorrow, all campaigning in the sunshine out of 67 counties, so he does have some confidence behind him. David . Tom llamas, thank you. And now, to Hillary Clinton tonight, spending these final 15 days in the battlegrounds, as well. Tonight, in new hampshire, with help from senator elizabeth warren, who went there. Warren, bringing up the moment donald trump called clinton a nasty woman during the final debate. And she brought it up in a state where a republican senator is trying to hold onto her seat. New hampshire today with the one woman who gets under Donald Trumps skin even more than she does. Elizabeth warren going right to this moment in the last debate. Such a nasty woman. Get this, donald. Nasty women are tough. And on november 8th, we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our li reporter the massachusetts senator relishing in her role as chief attack dog. He thinks that because he has a mouth full of tic tacs that he can force himself on any woman within groping distance. Well, ive got news for you, donald trump. Women have had it with guys like you. Reporter clinton herself to trumps attacks. I debated him for four and a half hours. I dont even think about responding to him anymore. Reporter with 15 days to go, shes feeling exceedingly confident. I wish the election were today. Reporter in new hampshire, clinton standing alongside Senate Candidate maggie hassan, going after her rival, republican senator kelly ayotte, who once called trump a role model for children. Ayotte took it back, but clinton says, hassan is different. We can disagreeable, and thats why we need leaders like maggie. And unlike her opponent, she has never been afraid to stand up to donald trump. And cecilia vega is with us live tonight. The two new National Polls have clinton ahead. But its tighter in the key battlegrounds. North carolina appears to be a very tight race tonight. Reporter thats right, david. Aides say they are encouraged by early voting and turnout there so far, but they are hoping to get a bigger boost this week from the first lady. Secret weapon. She will be campaigning with Hillary Clinton by her side for the very first time, that happens on thursday. David . Cecilia vega with us. Thank you. And to a major headline tonight, sure to fuel debate on both sides in these final days of the campaign. Premiums going up for americans who depend on obamacare. A new government report revealing premiums will go up an average of 25 next year, though most of the 10 million users will qualify for more government subsidies. Also 1 only one insurer to choose from, because several major carriers withdrew from the program. The signup season starts november 1st, just days before the president ial election. We are learning more tonight about that deadly bus crash in Southern California. 13 people killed, dozens hurt when a tour bus crashed into a tractor trailer on the highway. The driver is among the dead. Federal investigators confirming there were no seat belts on the bus, and no signs that the driver ever applied the brakes. Authorities looking at several problems. Overseas tonight, and to the american air strikes pounding isis. The iraq kips nearing the key city of mosul. We have new reporting about the horror playing out right now in that city. What isis is doing to families who are trapped there. Abcs chief Global Affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz is in iraq. Reporter today, with heavy machine guns, rpgs and automatic rifles, Iraqi Security forces villages south of mosul. The u. S. Led coalition aiding striking from above and on the ground. And this is the man in charge of the u. S. Ground forces in iraq, Major General gary volesky. Just after dawn, we join him on an extensive look inside the u. S. Efforts. How much of a problem has the oil that isis has lit on fire and the sulfur been . Visibility, but it hasnt stopped any combat operations. Reporter our first stop, a moonscape, the first reporters at this isolated american outpus post. We are east of mosul. American soldiers moved in here just about three days ago to help the iraqi partners as they advance on mosul. Reporter they are monitoring every strike in real time. We cannot show you the screens of the battle playing out. Theyve cleared it completely of isis . They moved their forward headquarters forward. Reporter driving along in mine resistant vehicles, howitzers standing ready to strike targets as far as 20 miles away. Describe how they fight. Theyre trying to defend forward, then theyre collapsing back to mosul, and so the question is, how hard will they fight in mosul . Reporter general volesky and i walked the streets of mosul back in 2009, as the city was beginning to thrive, but then isis took over. Now, the destruction isis is leaving in its wake is apparent. The only thing left was mosque. Reporter but that is nothing compared to the human toll. And Martha Raddatz is with us from iraq now, and youve been in touch with a man who escaped mosul, but whose family is still trapped inside where isis is still in control. And youre hearing about the horror that family is now witnessing . Reporter absolutely terrifying, david. This mans family said they are rounding up males in the village and executing them, 40 in the last couple of days. And now they are rounding up families, putting them in the center of the village and using them as potential human shields. David . Martha raddatz and the team in iraq. Stay safe. And we thank you. In the meantime, we turn next tonight to growing outrage this evening after thousands of National Guard soldiers who served this country were asked to pay back bonuses they were promised to reenlist and go to war a decade ago. Abcs mary bruce tonight getting answers. Reporter after serving for two decades, Army Sergeant 15,000 bonus. I had a contract and i served the entire contract and i risked my life to serve that contract. Reporter now, ten years after getting the money, the pentagon wants it back. During the height of the wars in iraq and afghanistan, the National Guard used bonuses to entice soldiers across the country to reenlist. Extra cash intended for those with skills in high demand. But criminal fraud by a National Guard official dispensing to receive payments they didnt qualify for. Guardsmen like Christopher Van meter, who survived a roadside bomb in iraq, received a purple heart, and then notices to pay back 46,000. It was a slap in the face. Reporter in california, roughly 10,000 soldiers told to pay up. 22 million already recouped. The Deputy Commander of the california guard says it is wand and make this go away, we would. But you heard from that Army Sergeant that said, i had a contract, i served the contract. Why do i have to pay it back . Whats being done tonight to address this, mary . Reporter david, this ultimately falls on the pentagon, and tonight, they are looking closely at this matter, but lawmakers say this is disgraceful and unact endable. Some even calling for new legislation. David . A lot of people are going to be angry about this one. Mary, thank you. And to the powerful storms rocking the west, as much of the air of the season. Lets get right to ginger zee, and what do you have . Reporter all right, david, get straight to that satellite image. You have to see the impressive culprit there over the pacific ocean. That counter clockwise rotation and the front thats caused 30 to 70mileperhour wind gusts in some mountain passes. And another one coming at you wednesday morning. The only benefit is areas that need that rain so badly. Up to even a half inch for bakersfield, Southern California getting in on some of that, up bay area. In the east, weve got the frost advisories and freeze watches stretching from virginia all the way to massachusetts. And there they are. The wind whchills by wednesday morning. Brr. Ginger, thank you. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this monday. The deadly plane crash, no survivors. The final images of that jet falling from the skri, exploding into a ball of fire. And look at this tonight, the citizen ride along with police, in a car when a suspect opens fire on them. Youll see the chase, and then what happens next here. And the new headline today about babies, and where they should sleep in their first year. The recommendation tonight, and the recommendation tonight, and it is surprising many. . We asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. . . Now give up half of em. Do i have to . Of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Looking for balance in your digestive system . Try align probiotic. 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Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And these feet would like to keep the beat going. Ask your doctor about lyrica. Next tonight, to what turned into a terrifying ride along for a citizen who was simply in the patrol car with the officer when a suspect opens fire. Heres abcs gio benitez. You okay . My face. Reporter its the sense moment caught on camera in madera, california. The young woman you hear is a civilian passenger inside a police car on a ridealong to learn more about police work. At 4 34 a. M. , the officer shes with tries pulling over this mazda, but instead hes not stopping . Youre kidding me, right . Reporter now watch that passenger window. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Shots fired reporter two bullets hit the windshield and pass right between the officer and his civilian passenger. That was purely by the grace of god that these two survived. Reporter the passenger suffering only minor cuts from flying glass. The shooters got away, leaving their gun, but tonight, a promise from police. We will have people in custody before the week is out. Reporter gio benitez, abc news, new york. Gio, thank you. When we come back here tonight, the missing college student, the reward now jumping crash, the jet coming down moments after takeoff. New recommendations tonight for parents about babies, and where they should sleep in their first year. And, play the song . This question, do you know the song . And who sang it . And well tell you why its suddenly back in the news tonight. Slam dunk champion . I was the mommy really . Yes, really dont sound so surprised. Lets see it oh youre ready. Alright, here we go. Lets hear the crowd. Ahhhh i go to the right. I go to the left. Fake em out. Mama go up, up, up you cant avoid gravity. But unitedhealthcare can help you avoid financial surprises by helping you compare costs and doctor quality ratings. Unitedhealthcare uhhuh im not hiding. I am. My business was built with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on and that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . To the index of other news tonight. The deadly plan crash overseas a french surveillance plane in malta exploding. All five people onboard were killed. The plane was part of an operation to track human smuggling and drug trafficking. There are new recommendations tonight about babies, sleep and preventing sides, or sudden infant depth syndrome. The American Academy of pediatrics say babies should sleep in the same room as their parents for the first year of their life to reduce the risk of sides up to 50 . They say babies and parents should not sleep in the same of its life, the risk of sids also goes down. The risk also drops 50 if the baby is vaccinated. We do have much more on our website for you. The search for a missing student in texas tonight. Last seen leaving for a date with her boyfriend. Her family pleading with him to come forward and talk to police. The reward for information has now grown to 100,000. And we do have a passing to note tonight. . Take goo bobby vee has died. Known for his hit songs take care of my baby there, run to him and rubber ball, as well. Bobby vee was 73. When we come back here on a monday night, we take you right onto the field this evening, with the cubs players. How superstitious are they now . Their answers tonight, one by . Like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. 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How do we measure greatness in america . Its measured by what we do for our children. To opportunities. Not debt. And an economy where every Young American can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. Ive spent my life fighting for kids and families. I want our success to be measured by theirs. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. [vo] wells fargo is making changes to make things right. First, all customers who have been impacted will be fully refunded. A confirmation for any new checking, savings, or credit card account you open. Third, weve eliminated Product Sales goals for our retail bankers. To ensure your interests are put first. Were taking action. The world series showdown between the cubs and the indians, but after the curse, then steve bartman, how superstitious are the cubs players themselves . Heres paula faris. Reporter for these two teams to be celebrating in october, youd think a higher power got involved. What do you think the baseball gods are saying about this matchup, the two most starved franchises in sports history right now . Baseball gods are probably really happy right now. Reporter last time you were in the world series was 1945. Who was the president , truman or eisenhower . Ah, truman. Reporter yes. Were credit cards arent . No. Reporter Color Television . No. Reporter you are three for three. After all those years of curses do you believe in curses . Do you believe in the goat . I dont no. I dont believe in that stuff. Like scary movies, though. Reporter still, some guys dont leave anything to chance. Certain people, you want to wear the same underwear, you dont want to have to change your underwear out. I mean, you wash it. Reporter lets hope so. Paula faris, abc news, cleveland. You learn it all on world joyce his son accused of killing three people in a hit and run in milwaukee. Its tonights big story. Were also learning more about the victims why three women were here from chicago. Kent confusion over writein ballots why some will count and others wont. Joyce and three packers legends one photo. How you can own this incredible collectors item. Kathy three families devastated and run crash in downtown milwaukee early sunday morning. Joyce it happened after 2 30 in the morning at 2nd and clybourn. Police say the driver ran a red light and slammed into an uber car, killing the three women passengers. Kathy the suspect in the crash who originally took off running has now turned himself in. Joyce 12 newss terry sater is live at the scene of the crash, and terry, you spoke with the suspects father. Terry Police Sources tell me 23yearold jasen randhawa surrendered this afternoon for what happened here early detectives were still interviewing him this afternoon. Hes very, very sorry for everything. Terry Sukhwinder Randhawa told me first his son, jasen, seen in this Ozaukee County booking photo from last year was sorry for what happened. But later said he hadnt spoken to his son and was sorry for everyone. A Police Source tells us the triple fatal hit and run suspect surrendered to officers here at Milwaukee Police headquarters early this afternoon. Jasen randhawa is not yet criminally charged. Police say a hit and run driver ran a red light and slammed into an uber car killing three women from chicago. Police sources say after hitting the uber car randhawa abandoned his wrecked lexis and ran away from the scene along with a passenger. This booking photo from a 2015 arrest by mequon police. Court and Police Records show randhawa was found guilty of operating while revoked owi related after he drove the wrong

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