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Fake media is reading far too much into this outing he would love to have his chief of staff the secretary of state in energy testify about what he calls the phony impeachment hoax but he's fighting for future presidents he wrote that should never have this happened to them so the 16 people dead now in an earthquake disaster in Albania Fox's Simon No one has an update live Dave is this man describes it right there middle of the lights went off we couldn't see anything and everything fell apart and crumble to be 3 apartment buildings coming down when the quake hit just a full 4 am rescue teams with bulldozers have been searching through the rubble it's be measured at magnitude 6 point Florida's believed to be to strongest quake to hit Albania which is Europe's poorest country the city is de facto wildfires chased more than $6000.00 people from their homes near Santa Barbara California winds could fan those flames gusts could reach up to 70 miles an hour today it's like winter in the Rockies and that storm is forecast to hit many more areas. And we're well they're coming in on the holiday He's in Minnesota there are warning stretching from California to Kansas up to Michigan nearly 500 flights were canceled to and from Denver. America's listening to Fox News. This is a special alert to all the Americans who own a vehicle with less than 200000 miles with an auto warranty about to expire or with no warranty coverage at all due to a decline in the economy protect my car is announcing a low cost extended service plan that is now available to the public to save any driver out of pocket expenses on auto repairs call now to find out how you can pay nothing for all repairs Yes you heard that correctly pay nothing for auto repairs and open phone line has been established for all drivers to call for a frequent quote call 809875410 Now drivers who are covered by protect my car will not have to pay for a covered repair bill again this auto coverage is at an all time low much lower than what dealerships are charging Additionally drivers who activate this auto coverage today will also receive free roadside assistance free towing and free car rental at no additional cost call protect my car for your frequent quote today 809875410809875410 What do you have to lose again 809875410 Jake Owen here's what's trending with climbing numbers of crashes in distracted drivers this year in much of the state Delaware State Police said to host an open forum Monday were neighbors can speak with troopers about issues they have Meanwhile the state's traffic enforcement period for cops into high gear tomorrow through the holidays lasting until New Year's Day and after already getting 5 years in prison following a conviction last week one time University of Delaware baseball player clay Conaway will go back to trial charged with 4 other rapes j. Corwin That's what's trending. 1450 w.y.l. Am weather this afternoon sunny and a high 60 pounds increased to 941 funny when he gave a mild couple of showers high tomorrow at 59 I'm Steve Williams This report is sponsored by the Ad Council and there's no guide to adopting a teen but that's Ok because you don't have to know it all to be a perfect parent go to adopt us kids dot org to learn more about adoption and find out how you can be a perfect parent to one of the teens in foster care. 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Special 80602020 pick up the phone right now got issues with you for high school sports Positive Coaching alliance can help p.c.a. a National nonprofit offers more than a 1000 free online resources for youth and high school sports coaches parents students an administrator visit d.c. a Deadzone dot org Join the t.j. Martell Foundation in the fight against leukemia cancer and aids your support helps with Cilla take cutting edge research that will lead to more effective treatments and save more lives visit t.j. Martell dot org to learn about music's promise for a cure this report is sponsored by the t.j. Martell Foundation. 1450 w.y.l. M I this is Len back and you're on the Glenn Beck program right here on News Radio 1450 w. I l. M. . And. From that program that is still for Glenn on of the Glenn Beck program. 7 to 7 b.c. K. I assume good news because c.b.s. Is going to produce a drama based on Stacy Abrams romance novels way house AC Abrams the true you got her governor of Georgia Georgia yes she did the election was stolen from her and even though she lost by 50000 votes it was stolen from her I will say this to you bastards out there who think if Trump loses there it could be fixed and you're to complain about this afterwards bastards by the way Stacy Abrams is the rightful governor of Georgia the fact that the left right Elizabeth Warren just says it she said the other day was like oh it's actually Stacy Abrams seed it was taken from her like no that is not what happened it is not what happened she lost she lost the election it's over get over it and they can't they can't they won't so in 2004 she published a book and she's done several since but this one was under the name Selina Montgomery one of 8 novels she's written under that name the book was entitled never tell and it follows the tale of a criminal psychologist with a dark past who works with an investigative journalist who is searching for a serial killer in New Orleans so c.b.s. Is doing a full series on this a pretty amazing. We were able to get a few excerpts from a few of her books not just never tell but we do have that as well I'm interested in this because this is something the left gets to do that the right would never be able to do the right like right no one cares about about Stacy Abrams and her romance novels nobody cares about them no one there's no reason for the series to exist right that is absolutely no chance of. Nobody's ever heard of Stacy Abrams romance novels how much money did Netflix get Barack Obama to produce television show all summer $7.00 at $100000000.00 others of $50000000.00 but it whatever the laws it was a lot of tens of millions of dollars What what have they proved they did that Chinese thing you know the Chinese companies in America are trying to workers in America was a cult I don't know I didn't watch it so I don't remember the title but yeah they got a lot of money for that a lot of money for that now will see you're going to really be excited about the series when you hear. Her incredible writing skill. These are a few sentences I can read out of paragraphs this one from Sebastian Kane and Dr Caitlin Lyta in Secrets and Lies her book Secrets and Lies on saucy and this is a pair I can read part of one sentence. Oh wow yeah not the full sentence No I can't know but. With the urgency she accepted it. Fascinated by the power and for a moment she wavered wondering if she was prepared in the next 2nd she knew she never could be. So there's always a lot of powerful really bad versions of like the the trash it like airports yes there's a good yes Fabio on the cover the $5.00 rock yeah at an airport I guess like this is been 50 Shades of Grey has made this into a somewhat of an industry as is that was so important I think so yeah now from her book hidden sins there are 2 sentences I can read from a paragraph Oh yeah so this is all cited as this is all sentences. Watch me love you he commanded silently How did he present a command in silently. Watch me love you watch me love you because you're the same man did silently that's a good point I guess with his look as usually plays you could say hey come over here silently because you could like wave your arm or you get how would you say what is it again watch me love watching me love you know you're supposed to just get that from the look he's giving you what does that look I don't know that expression is a lot of expressions I'm not a human face I'm not going to attempt it here on Radio ecclesiology I don't want you to watch it with my view. And I'm not going to do it but watch me love you he commanded silently. Like she just came up with a bit of random collection of words just thought silently what they're like he has to do that ultimately he can only command that all Dibley. Let me get to the day I think of as the silently driving me crazy I. Know that I will always be a part of you now I don't know if he actually spoke that out loud doesn't say or that was silently as well you know all good writers explain that completely. They do they do they always say exactly how they commanded a thing if it's all to believe or silently and she didn't do that here it's a big mistake right 1st thing you learn in writing class make sure you say how people are commanded Are they get it all googly are they commanded silently I do who knows this is on the level of. Are you familiar with the podcast my my dad wrote a porno No no it's it is amazing it's the story is the this guy finds out that his dad has been writing these types of books he just decided because of like 50 Shades of Grey to start writing like an x. Rated novel this guy's dad so what they decided to do it for a podcast is for all of them and I think it's an h.b.o. Show now too it's a really big podcast but they decided to do is it's like 3 people and they just sit around and they he reads the entire book and think your dad it's really filthy I mean it is filthy but horribly written like Stacey Abrams level writing so it's really funny he's making fun of his making fun of his dad and it's just so awkward because you're reading like this is sex fantasies of your dad and then at the same time you know thank you he doesn't seem to really understand the female anatomy all that well so. Right things you're like does he think that's how this works. It's utterly unbelievable but it's about the level of writing from Stacy Abrams here there is one more sentence for all of sorrow and before we get to take a break if I should mention we are simply right now. Kind of you audibly Yes because I got to get to this line because it's powerful. Sighs and pleas and moans mingled stand in thrall to chorus. Right so I've got a feller what size size and and please and moan and moans and mingle they mingled in and in thrall to chorus so apparently there was a choir in there they were in the bedroom with a right that you were singing while the act was happening and what she doesn't put there it was all silent. All the size and moans and pleas were silently commanded Yes the chorus to say she should have included that as I don't know if I heard it I think I want to picturing this I can't think of am I hearing things or is it quiet it's hard to figure out I don't know I don't because she doesn't specifically mention whether this is allowed or silent in this particular passage. I just commanded you silently to go to a commercial break and I picked it up and see it can happen this is the Glenn Beck program if you've been thinking about home security there is no better time to get it and right now and this week simply safe is offering the best deal they've made this year you'll get 25 percent off of any new system plus a free h.d. 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The guy's dad on the podcast you were talking about yeah does he know he's being made fun of by his son he does now I think I think he I don't know if he did at the very beginning. And if you see upset about it you think it because they really wreck the writing because the writing is really what's funny about it because he's just a guy who's like seemingly just throwing in a bunch of sexual things he's heard of in random order and it's not like oh it's not well written at all so the book is really really funny just to hear and that's what they're making fun of most of the time. But the guy I think the dad it started off as like a self published book that you wrote under a pen name that read the pen name is really funny too I can think of it like it's like I want to it's like Rocky Flintstone or something like that this is a pen name you're mourning as a sex book under the name Rocky Flats something like that anyway so he I think he released it and it was 0 copies like release self published it on Amazon or something and because of this podcast now it's sold a ton it's turned into an h.b.o. Show and they made a ton of money off of it really Yeah I don't know the name of the cash I just it's if you don't mind super graphic talk in this manner it is an incredible listen but they have the name of the. Reminding all these details the name of the book I think is called the Linda blinked. The Linda is the sex object but Linda is the name of the sex object in this movie and she's a sales person who works in the pots and pans industry. And it's not like it was not written to be intentionally funny which is why it's really funny it is an amazing event for us in Panama City in his hands in history so she had every single scene is like this you know sultry sales person who's selling pots and pans meet with someone and then does things to get the sale to go through is the basic concept of the book like she seems to do a lot of sexual favors to sell more hands. Based on a true story yesterday or said it's a documentary. Now that doesn't seem to compare to this though I mean this guy's got nothing on Stacy Abrams as he's written 8 romance no wait 8 How many is this guy written I think maybe now by right now probably a They're making a lot of money off Ok And this is from the c.b.s. Movie that's coming up it's actually not a movie it's a series c.b.s. Is doing a full series on the book never tell by Stacy Abrams although that's not the name she goes by she has a pen name. Rocky Flintstone. Something like that I like that yeah. Here's another passage that I that I actually can read some of those are for 4 sentences. This isn't right you don't know what you want what you need I can't take advantage of that I won't she cut off his denial you know I've never been with anyone before because I've never wanted to anyone before which is why this is a mistake you need time more time his appeal was desperate to stay and I may never let you go I mean yours the words we were erotic threat the love she was sweet promise a rhotic to running as well she was the Romas what a wonderful voice for the me to move into that gray someone writing a book about erotic threat and fully available now did they say you had to read it that fast or was it just awkward or really it was just awkward. Rather like it was a disclaimer at the end of a commercial. Yeah I was out in our time getting through it now or maybe Al Gore would have a better time just listen if. You don't know what you want what you. Can't take it Planet of the womb she cut off you the denial no I've never been with anyone before because I've never wanted anyone including 4 guys at any sexier with had sex without Oh and what did she cut off did I his denial yeah make sure that this weird word for something and I got her to start no idea more than 60 seconds. 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They were now I think it's really the theory of this is when a lot of the Hillary health stuff was going on people were talking about what if she drops out what do they do right and we were saying they got to go there to go white knight right there to find some guy it's the same thing I think happens here like let's say Joe Biden wins the nomination goes through the process and then some big scandal breaks Yes or drop out or he doesn't feel like he can physically do the the you know the campaign anymore the president whatever happens God forbid a health problem whatever it is and he decides to drop out of the race you can't just pick the person who finished 2nd you can just pick Bernie or you can pick you know you know it's a weird thing usually what they'll do is go outside of the entire system I think it to a point you got to go Richard Gephardt I think Dick Gephardt is not Dick Gephardt as your bad if I feel like Dick Gephardt should always be the knowledge that I don't know what do I think so. I would say like the person who now fits that role probably better than anyone else is Michelle Obama definitely right like sure said I was he started that would unite the Democrats they'd all be excited about it Be sure to relate she could raise money like nobody else and the thing with Michelle Obama is the longer the microscope is on her the more likely she is to make a mistake and she it but if she steps in and you know September. And has a month to go through this she might be able to put her on them and that's that's a scary possibility for a lot of I mean Bill O'Reilly's been on the show and said if she ran she would definitely be trouble. I kind of feel that way to she's got 73 percent approval rating Yes that was 73 percent nobody has that now that would change soon as she became a candidate I hope so but I do think that she's not tested at the level of a presidential candidate on changable she could be terrible she actually really didn't do well for Parag in 2008 they had to take her off the campaign trail but 8 years as 1st lady and yet kind of Cmdr file stuff you probably can handle it better than she did that she was pretty bad on the campaign trail Additionally Yeah they pulled her pretty much pulled her off and said Yeah you know you should do is stop talking to believe yes yes I mean we've got John McCain to beat here I think we can handle it if you just don't say things. Which in which they did He was on and Gore that was on with. Seth Myers and they're talking green new deal listen the Green New Deal lays out a lot of the things he's been talking about yeah a long time. Are you impressed by it and are you also a little jealous you didn't come up with a name I mean it is a real I think so I think it's a great brand on the ground and you know my friend Tom Friedman actually you get a summer but I think it's a I think it's genius it was you know as a couple of things it manages to communicate the reality that the solutions to the climate crisis don't have to be big on the scale of the New Deal it also conveys that there are lots of jobs involved we can get our country being more prosperous on a sustainable basis while we solve the climate crisis what you know about Al Gore there as he turns one syllable words into 3. What do you say it's got to be. Yes but it is his his voice is getting closer to Europe. As I know is that true yeah that's really interesting because. The Thomas Friedman thing he does there proves it. It's like those s. We're going to get that name out definitely we hear this one more time listen to the Thomas really it takes a while listen the Green New Deal lays out a lot of things you've been talking about you know a long time. Are you impressed by it and are you also a little jealous you didn't come up with a name for a new deals or realizing it's like no one else writes random a great name and you know my friend Tom Friedman actually you do it in the summer and throughout I think it's a I think it's genius because you know you stop I was or if you it's not that yeah you know where we are he draws things out. Very well here it's a weird thing a weird thing the other thing I noticed there is he kind of takes a shot of a Oh see there yeah he calls the play and genius which I don't know if you know this it's not but he does not let her have credit for the name he came by for a home for her he said it 1st. Comes out of the rip several years ago and look it's not let's not act like this amazing genius thing number one it wasn't good enough branding to get past and I wasn't don't know if. It's largely a joke among many many people and that's partially because of the way it rolled out but it's also a disaster financially well it's only $93.00 trillion dollars according to many estimates which is almost it's only about. Double almost the all the money in the world. Well I want to have times that's longer money in the world more than average Yeah more than $29000.00 a year a lot is also a lot of money yeah I mean it is but. 93 trillion just a tad more just a tad. As you're listening to the land becoming an informed consumer about c.b.d. Products the latest and wellness trends Well that's just smart and if that's you you would be. Weiss to learn about c b d products at c b distillery dot co c b d gets confused with medical marijuana but there is a big difference c.b.d. 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To use I'm Chris Foster President Trump on Twitter says he would love to have more members of his administration testify for the impeachment inquiry but he's fighting for future presidents and the office the Justice Department's appealing a judge's ruling that former White House counsel Donegan must comply with a congressional subpoena the d.o.j. Is challenging a ruling which determine that absolute immunity is not a legitimate basis by which to prohibit senior White House officials from testifying before Congress the d.o.j. Is asking for a stay on McGann's testimony pending its appeal boxes John Decker at the White House at least 18 people are killed in an earthquake that's taken down buildings in Albania a magnitude 6.4 not common for a quake that big to be there there's only been 7 in the past 100 years so far within 100 kilometers of that earthquake Sean Geiger with the u.s. Geological Survey it is a search and rescue operation going on to find anyone trapped Americans listening to. Drake or one here's what's trending a Chinese restaurant ogled town is temporarily closing after the health department found multiple violations marking the 64th restaurant closing due to negative reports in the state this year the Szell say they found mold on cabbage rotting droppings and cokes not properly washing hands and main garden a New Jersey based arts and crafts chain more is closing its store in Dover and Wilmington The company announcing the close all 145 locations nationwide j. Corwin That's what's trending. Your 1450 w.y.l. Am forecast this afternoon sunny and a high 60 clowns increase tonight low 41 windy day tomorrow couple of showers high tomorrow and 59 I'm Steve Williams This report is sponsored by unbound dot org Right now there are young people across the world facing a tough choice continue their dream of education or drop out to help their families . 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We're here to help a 44. Radio one amplify your marketing holiday season no matter what you're into there's a podcast for everything and let's face it you're the hottest thing going right now still on January 17th we're celebrating the best castors with our 2nd annual i Heart Radio podcast a word from comedy to chronic sports pop culture you name it will be honoring the best of the best in order to do that we need you to vote to get I heart pod cast Awards dot com and vote on who you think should take home pod cast of the year we all have a favorite No let's give them the recognition they deserve my heart typecast Awards dot com Vote now. Broadcasting from the Sobieski Studios this is News Radio $415.00 tell me why Atlanta will be asking to get your $59.00 for his project. On the Glenn Beck program triple 8727 b e c k. Our very own Chad brother doing a really cool special all this week. Last night as it tonight and then tomorrow night 3 part or 3 part series on the weirdness of Jeffrey Dean now that's not the name of a. Well joins us now hey Chad. Yet a lot of weirdness there yeah in fact he kind of had a cult or something to himself didn't he want to impregnate a bunch of women and send them all over the world with his. Something that. You know people hear that stuff and they think that it's pure fiction because it reads like something out of does right now you know we were we were you know as is Can assort these you know or at the editorial board is was doing research we were looking into this thing that we discovered that one of the things that Epstein found was that they were collecting the Nobel Prize recipient. And they were putting it together in a lab because they felt that the world was getting dumber and that is their word quote dumber and I have to agree with them in that. What they were doing is they want to start this whole new this whole generation of smart people and they were going to and so Epstein heard this now 1st of all what you have to understand for a guy who accomplished so much based on his history Epstein was not a smart people. Are guy even college dropout that was a horrible math and science teacher at the high school level and so when you learn more 'd these things about that's exactly what he wanted to do he wanted to generate a whole world. Of Epstein's out there and that's what he's going to do he's going to bring We're going to talk about that tonight on the special Tonight's episode is called The Devil has blue eyes and that was their whole thing is they were going to bring in 20 girls at a time impregnate them they had to sign away all rights to the child and it was going to be raised by of course Epstein and his Julian Maxwell who was sort of the Queen to his whole shift there that made all the connections for him and kind of ran the rate he wanted to raise what do you children by himself with his own real obviously you know you know one would think he would have some help out there but I mean that that when you start seeing how big it is it really is cult like and that's one of the things that people don't realize and that's that's the dangerous place that we kind of step into. Because we start talking about the King Ranch in New Mexico a lot of people think of the King Ranch in Texas 2 totally different things of course Bruce King was at one time the governor of New Mexico and they passed down political positions like family heirlooms in New Mexico they owned most of not only New Mexico ranch lands but they also are the major producer of corn in the u.s. So they're big big family and in most interviews when they talk about the King Ranch and I'll tell you why that significant segment they actually bleep out that. Name they bleep out the king name but Epstein's New Mexico compound of course we know about the Virgin Islands the little James Island that he flew you know the Lolita express too but they don't know is that he had 810000 acre compound with 827000 square foot home or right in the middle of the King Ranch you could not get to it unless you went over it or through the King Ranch So he in essence isolated himself with one of the most political families most powerful families in New Mexico those land building up a moat around your ranch with which you were completely inaccessible and now we're starting to see these pictures that are emerging from you know the king or I should say what he called the Zorro ranch there in the middle of New Mexico so that's where he was going to do that is pretty creepy place when you think about just down the road there is a there is a therapy place for Catholic priests that were caught in pedophilia there is a home for orphans that was co-founded by a French Charles there's a number of different things it's a course where they not far from where they tested the atomic bombs and again set up a lot of the Nazi war criminals that they brought in to do genetic testing and create these things so New Mexico was a place for cryogenics eugenics and transhumanism which is exactly what he's trying to accomplish in bringing these kids in so there's so many things that people don't know about the life Jeffrey Epstein that are weird they think well here's a guy he's dead we're glad he's dead but his legacy lives on in a big way because he was not doing these things by himself and the people he was doing with are still very much alive and so that's kind of the angle we tell the story from and honestly Pat and Stu whenever we tell the story the average American with a look at the maimed or they say Epstein didn't kill him self and that's all we have a chuckle at that but most people can't even tell you where Epstein got his money from him again with so. So there's a story that's under the surface that a lot of people don't know we know about the 9 who was convicted as a as a as a child predator as a sex offender in the late 200-200-6200 extension 2008 we know about that guy who really never served any time never even reported to a parole officer. But it's how he invented himself after that by associating with the Elan Musk the Bill Gates the Stephen Hawkings of the world these are the people that and I'm not accusing them of any form of kind of silly of course but it was how he tried to rebuild his influence and ultimately to go for him was immortality it's really it's a weird story 1st of all I don't even know how one would go about obtaining the seed from a Nobel Prize winners I don't know was there a prize or a website that you go to for that Chad I don't even know how to know you know my 1st thought my 1st thought is I want to question Barack Obama. Maybe he's got a visitor it's funny as I was he really tried to rebuild his credibility after the arrest by by the sort of like Association he would try to find the he don't need tons of money to universities and centers that were on the cutting edge of science and tried to kind of play him self off as the scientist when he I mean he wasn't and he tried to do this thing where he just basically tried to associate himself back into the good graces of you know find upstanding society it's sort of work for a long time. It worked well and that's interesting we go back to where we started from here's a college dropout is now associating himself in there actually identifying almost as a collie in a Harvard science schools you know he donates 40000000. To what he was conned into and not only that they've never given the 9 back mit actually received a large donation they started giving some money back. But you're talking about a guy who's who's basically his madam if you will is his child procurer his female procurer. Elaine Maxwell who is still at large we don't really know where she is. You know she was at Hillary Clinton's I'm sorry not Hillary shoes a Chelsea Clinton's wedding she been on 3 or 4 vacations with Chelsea Clinton this is a person who was highly associating and it wasn't just about well it was about being able to have secrets the wealth his wealth was really not in money as much as it was in been able to buy people secrets and those are the secrets we still don't know we're starting to see things get uncovered with Prince Andrew I find it somewhat humorous that now the queen is stepping in and won't let him have his 60th birthday party because of this and this is a guy who just last week on the b.b.c. Was talking about how much he doesn't like the pot. But now they're now guess what get that you don't like the party because you're not get on it so there's some there's some where there's smoke there's fire and there's things that are there and that's what we've tried to do in these 3 episodes to say look yes he may be dead he may be on an island with a face lift we don't know what the legacy of it and the danger of it still lives on so how did how did he make most of his money words. 1000000000 come from. Well you know so 1st of all what he did was he got into Bear Stearns he was a he was a high school tutor he was having inappropriate relationships at the high school he's at the Denver area school which is a very elite school in New York he was having inappropriate relationships students use terrible teacher to try to make extra money on the side he gained the attention of someone named Lynn temple her father was actually defeat at the time Bear Stearns he liked his moxie so to speak he liked this hustle and so he was doing really really well at Bear Stearns the 1st year and only year he was there and then he decided to resign even though he was just killing it financially for that he resigned saying he was going on to bigger and better opportunities and that's the 1st side you see of his m.o. And that is he was taking Bear Stearns money and using it to buy influence so he was giving people lawns in essence embezzling but he wasn't keeping the money from self he was buying in powerful people and he started j.f. In company the associated himself with numerous people I went Flexner less wex consarn who also of course things like the limited Bath and Body Works and Victoria's Secret and he in wax or would even if this is just one example Wexner would turn all of his assets over to Epstein as a financial counselor and at Sting would even replace people on their advice re board that were family members say no you don't need that person and then these multimillionaires would come to Epstein and he would say you have too much money it's too dangerous people are going to steal it from you so let me manage it for you so in essence he was stealing them. This is the thing that you know you wind up with like $460000000.00 after being involved with a Hof and Berg Ponzi scheme which is the world's biggest Ponzi scheme that with ever known often Berg of course goes to jail for 18 years. Epstein doesn't see a day in jail now and of course it was the New York City Municipal Court who was there Guess who appointed those that court of course it was Bill Clinton at present time. So it's so weird any moment you make such a great point on how he used it wasn't about his money it was about the way that he he sort of like was willing to cross lines like crazy in every part of his life but do it with a respectable face so people could associate with this really rich guy who seemed really accomplished and smart and no one would suspect that behind the scenes he was he was willing to cross all these lines I mean you look at the stuff he did in Miami with the girls it's not just like he was hooking up with young girls the guy built a gigantic system to allow himself with recruitment with how to import them how to hide it what to ask for they had a whole system and even go to when he's in prison and he's supposed to be in in a cell and doesn't want to be in a cell so he pays his way to have lawyers be there basically every minute he's awake so he's in meetings with lawyers and he doesn't actually have to stay in the cell this is before his death I mean he was away he was able to bend and break rules to create systems to allow otherwise respectable people to do. Things that are not respected. Yeah and you take you take someone like Bill Gates who is on record of saying you know hey he's a very interesting guy with very interesting ideas. You know what Stephen Hawking is hanging around these guys they were interested in his brain they were interested in his influence and his money in that regard of the things that he could get done with his his charm and even when he was in prison before he died there would be people who other prisoners who would have a $100.00 here and there that would just show up in their commissary account it was coming from it state you know even when he was in jail. He was buying influence buying the Sabers the specials 3 nights and you can watch all of it on demand last one airs tomorrow in the 2nd part is tonight if you go to police t.v. Dot com Use the promo code c.p.s. C.p.s. And you'll get a discount there and you got to check this out because this is going really deep into this you want to know way more than everybody else on the story if you watch these 3 parts Chad thanks for joining us. Thanks yes thanks for shit so excited 6 thank Central is a 6 right now yeah I believe so yeah definitely that's going to be fascinating 7 to 7 be easy case Padstow for Glenn I'm. Here listening to that. If you've been thinking about home security there is no better time to get it and right now and this week simply safe is offering the best deal they've made this year you'll get 25 percent off of any new system plus a free h.d. 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For a chat special they have now 45 percent in polls now believe Geoffrey Epstein was murdered and did not kill himself and that's pretty common I noticed even crowded a special last night as well on Epstein and he tried to simulate the They've built a replica of the cell and actually he tried to hang himself he talked about them yesterday do not try this at home and he he's Could you have to watch the special because it's very funny and also you do actually learn a little bit about how difficult this would be I mean he had to do all sorts of crazy things to even come close to the amount of pressure you would need for the bones breaking it was very suspicious and I still don't understand how it's true though I mean you look at like the a.p. Is reporting you know this this conspiracy theory is blowing up 45 percent of people now believe it and it just seems like so many weird things happening that it's not even a conspiracy theory yeah but they say that not only is there. A he was by himself in the cell he had no roommate. Because they moved his roommate right his cellmate right there so there's no one in the cell the just hours before he killed himself and they talk a lot about the cameras being out and there's to see in the cell which I think is true however there were cell there were cameras in the hallway where his cell was and they say video surveillance confirms that nobody entered the area where Epstein was when he was locked in a cell. And the cell would have had to been opened by a remote location by a guard and another door by a guard both of those had cameras on it and that didn't seem to happen what if the killer came in through the ceiling like Tom Cruise and vision impossible I didn't even address the Lord himself on the dresser guy broke his neck in which sucked right back up into the ceiling didn't even mention it I'm going to use in this article. Don't even mention I think it probably was Tom Cruise himself so conveniently on. Your list we'll take a look. We're talking about the true cost of self defense on newsmakers today on Larry Morgan with me is Tim Schmidt founder of the United States concealed carry Association so tim to start tell our audience about your mission and why you started the u.s. C.c.a. Simply put we're on a mission to educate train and protect responsibly armed Americans I started the u.s. The CIA So people like you and me can confidently protect the people that we love without risking criminal charges and financial ruin just for doing the right thing you know unfortunately thanks to our legal system that's a huge risk so I'm here today to give your listeners some free training to make sure that they're prepared to survive the aftermath of a self-defense shooting when you talk about the aftermath of a self-defense incident what kind of things should people be aware of you know the fact is if you're involved in a self-defense incident caught forbid you have to use your firearm you're looking at a rest jail investigations lawyer for you still the lawsuits and the loss of your freedom where can people start what can the law abiding citizens really do at the end of the day it's about having a plan hope and denial are simply not an effective strategy and today I'm going to give every single one of your listeners the plan that they need with their own critical defense Survival Guide and the cool thing is completely free it includes a self defense checklist and a brand new True Stories of Survival audiobook Now that's 3 life saving tools so that they're going to know exactly how they can defend themselves what to do when the police arrived and how to survive the legal and financial aftermath Well Tim I really appreciate it I know our audience does too thanks for talking with us on newsmakers thanks for helping with the mission Larry take care and stay safe so folks if your. 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Lawyers argue that a stay pending appeal should be granted because there is significant chance that a federal appeals court will find again is absolutely a mule and from compel congressional testimony that argument was rejected at the district court level Lisa meantime the president writing that he would love to have his chief of staff secretary of state and energy secretary testify about what he calls the phony impeachment hoax in his briefing moments ago Pompei 0 also defending halls to investigate possible Ukraine meddling in the 2016 election anytime there's information that indicates that any country has messed with American elections we not only have a right.

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