It was all time greats has died Doris Day was 97 the mom of going after years as a recording artist with Columbia Records releasing hits like a seraph's a rock and eventually more than 30 albums day booked her 1st movie as a working actress in 1948 romance on the high seas she would go on to make 35 films but 959 Spello talk was her biggest hit professionally Cox's Jeff Hall this is Fox News. 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Forces in the Gulf tart allergy sufferers My name's Nigel as a wise and educated owl I know the difference between what's wise and unwise suffering needlessly with allergy symptoms unwise getting a free 10 day sample of Zeisel quite flies Zeisel is the allergy medicine that's just as effective in our 24 as it one which makes getting a free 10 day sample one of the wisest things you can do so don't be unwise be wise all and visit Zizou old dot com for your free sample today uses directed. For decades the Southern Poverty Law Center has been smearing conservative Christian groups that support traditional marriage American Family Association Family Research Council Alliance Defending Freedom all labeled hate groups because of their religious beliefs but now the s.p.l. C. Is facing scandals accusations of racism and sexual harassment and many groups are fighting back Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Kristen Wagner was a guest on Starnes country lines defending freedom has taken a stand on that in issued a public letter that calls on corporations to stop relying on the Southern Poverty Law Center it is a direct mail scam and they do not have the moral authority to be comparing peaceful organizations like a.t.f. And f r c To those who are perpetrating terrorism the Southern Poverty Law Center turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing I'm Todd Starnes Fox news commentary news Meantime in New Jersey the governor signing into law a bill a short time ago that allows more time for childhood sex abuse victims to local news. 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Wilmington traffic and weather. Seekers conversationalists rush Steve play and write to me back with you. Will be very rested weekend to read and ready to go here at 800. 82 if you want to be on the program the e-mail address. Us just amazing the Drive-By Media understands the concept of tax cuts and tax increases. But it took tariffs and a tariff forward with when the Chinese cons of the drive by's Dunder stand it now I'm being ironic a Little Sark at they know it it's just that you know since the Republicans own the montra of tax cut since that is a Republican on belief Democrats still believe in cutting taxes Republicans do and the Democrats know it so whenever the concept of tax cuts comes up the Democrats in the media have to destroy it as they did the latest round of Trump tax cuts 2 years ago they started all year and a half ago they've they did a story after story a lying after lying after lying about how the tax cuts didn't mean anything they were going to get you any additional money they were going to cost you money because they worry about it but since tariffs are not thought of as tax cuts or tax increases period at least in the vernacular then the drive bys are freed to tell the truth about them and it's just it's it's a teachable moment it's an instructive moment to see how the drive bys deal with things because the bottom line is anything and everything that can harm Republicans they will do it this whole Muller thing you realize there's no there's nothing and I'm blue in the face over this but this illustrates the point this was never an investigation this is been a Polish Nicole operation from before it began. This entire thing has been a feint it's been an effort to make people think that it was a deep investigation involving the greatest of intelligence agencies trying to trying to known data to prove that nano Drumcree loaded with Russia in fact it's never been anything but a purely political operate this and the reason and a lot of people start to come to this belief and I'm glad to see it you know people who for 2 years have been analyzing this as a legal matter as an investigator as an counterintelligence matter and it been analyzing it as such and they've been breaking it down and trying to explain it to people as such have finally after anough time has passed figure out that there was nothing about this other than the criminal justice system has now been weaponized by the American left it's been politicized and corrupted and that's why there are all these investigations going on to find out what really happened the inspector general and bars on investigation because the left the Washington establishment whatever you want to call him politicize the d.o.j. They polenta size the intelligence apparatus they intelligence or. Politicized the f.b.i. And they weaponized all these things as weapons to be used against a Republican president and his party what the same thing here when you have tax cuts that's something that is specifically tied to Republicans therefore it's got to be destroyed the whole concept of tax cuts has to be destroyed they don't work they are why your taxes don't really get cut you don't end up with any more money if the Republicans are doing what they always do they say they are lying to you but now here comes tariffs on China and the Chinese coms have responded with tariffs on us now all of a sudden the drive bys can't wait to tell you the truth about this 2 hours or so ago the child comes announced. That they're going to increase tariffs on about $60000000000.00 worth of u.s. Goods that new is the latest excuse to drive the stock market down through the floor never mind it's going to have a minimal effect on the economy given that $60000000000.00 is such a small number that China coms are also threatening to start cashing in some other treasuries and cashing out they will never do that well I don't want to say never but that's that's just the threat it is time to hang with with Trump on this he's absolutely doing the right thing it's why I spent 2 days last week informing everybody of what the Trump Trezeguet presidency is really all about and it is reordering his world order established after World War 2 that basically had us getting our pockets picked because we won because we were the lone superpower so we had to go out of our way to prove we didn't threaten anybody when we go out of our way to prove we would want to conquer it and to go out of our way to prove that we really are nice guys blah blah blah blah blah and it led to a series of unfair economic and trade arrangements and Trump has been talking about the unfairness of Chinese trade since the 1990 s. By the way so he's totally consistent on this but the China comes have decided to increase tariffs on about $60000000000.00 worth of u.s. Goods it's a small number when compared to the totality of the United States g.d.p. And the reason the number is so low is because the chai com check comes import so few u.s. Goods I mean they're putting tariffs on goods they import but they import so few and so little that it really is an insignificant number it is more of a statement a political statement it's the charge calm standing up oh yeah oh yeah you're going to try to change us arrangements so that it's not. Unfair to you fine well we'll hit you back it's a game of will right now that's going on we on the other hand in this little express the difference we import close to $400000000000.00 worth of China com products they import an infinitesimally small percentage of that anyway up until the time that trump raised the tariffs on the China coms last year China had and I don't numbers are hard to follow on radio but do your best china had a 10 percent tariff on all u.s. Goods while our tariff on Chinese goods was 4 percent now a lot of people think that these tariffs are brand new that there weren't any tariffs until Trump came no. One in my point last week it has been an unfair our arrangement for decades China had a 10 percent tariff on all u.s. Goods while our tariffs on Chinese goods was 4 percent it was like that for decades there was no outrage from the Drive-By Media There was no outrage from the Washington establishment because they're the ones that put the deal together Donald Trump is the one who noticed that Trump did not start this again even after Trump increased the tariff on Chinese goods to 10 percent our tariffs were still lower than what the Chinese coms had on our goods it's not like Trump has started a trade war as we've said for months now folks Trump is just finally addressing the trade war China has been waging on us for decades what else would you call it they import very little of what we produce and what they do import they slap massive tariffs on. Meanwhile we import gobs of stuff from them we don't have hardly any tariffs until now on any of that and it led to a $500000000000.00 annual trade deficit with the trunk oms this is what Trump means when he says our stupid leaders were giving them $500000000000.00 a year this is where the figure comes from and we set that up as part of the world order and it was it was the same way we've dealt with member nations in Europe in NATO and in other international economic and trade agreements we agreed to take it on the chin at look why I'm here you're shouting at me why would why would anybody do this you have to understand you have to understand that the. Not just the liberal mind you have to understand the establishment and elite mind and by that I mean the people who believe they run the country and many of not elected are just titans of this or that many of them in the State Department and it is it's all rooted in the idea that it just isn't stable if the world only has one superpower even if it's OSs because in these people's minds we are not necessarily the good guys and that's really the route you may have forgotten this Madeline Albright when she was the secretary of state for Slick Willie when the Berlin Wall came down she fretted over it. She was very distressed you know why because when the Soviet Union imploding it left the United States as the single superpower in the world and that made the world in their stupid view on stable because if you don't have the concept the United States is the good guys then you can see the world that way we're the only superpower and therefore the world is unstable and in their minds the world was unstable because we become an instant threat because of our singular superpower status but if nobody's out there presenting the United States as a solution to the world's problems if nobody's out there presenting United States as the good guys and they don't I remember during the Obama administration the China conference and trade negotiators over and the trade negotiators on the China coms would say things like you got no business telling us how to run our for a look at your civil rights abuses you absolutely have or you had this you had that and the Obama negotiators agreed so we have no right to enforce a moral penalty or a moral behavior on the chai comes we have no right to enforce a fair deal dealing with China because we do have our own baggage and this is that was not exclusive to Obama that that is the attitude of the what are you to call administrative state the the Washington establishment and by the way it did give you further evidence of this I went back because I knew I had seen this New York Times October 17th 2016 this is one of the reasons why Katherine and I wrote they rushed review of time travel adventures with brave Americans there is incredible Americans the headline of this New York Times story is one of their big Sunday news features why we still care about America's founders. Why do we still care as though maybe some people Daunte and it's and listen to the way it starts there's a lot to dislike about the Founding Fathers there's a lot to dislike about the war they and others fought for American independence the stirring assertion that all men are created equal did not of course apply 250-0000 black. Nor was it valid for Native Americans women or indigents those who remained loyal to the British Crown and even fence straddlers skeptical of armed rebellion were often subjected to dreadful treatment including public shaming this is what the founders did torture exile execution in a defensive war winge for liberty and to secure basic rights the Americans invaded Canada in an effort to win by force of arms what could not be won by the goshi ation this is just 3 years ago 2 and a half years ago the New York Times has a story that basically confirms what I have been trying to get people to believe for the longest time the American Left does not like this country does not believe that any of these original sins part of our founding can ever be fixed can never be corrected because they are permanent which is what then gives them in their minds the right and the requirement to essentially attack this country and to transform it to remake it and so now we have this socialist movement of young millennial and it's all rooted in the fact that the American founding was so deeply flawed and dishonest it's headline would be more accurate if it said Why do we still care about America's founders because they get savaged in this story it's a long ass story I'd. Had to staple it together at so many pages so the idea that America is flawed the that America is is an unjust superpower that America is responsible for an unstable world as the lone superpower explains why we give away the store which is explains why we let the u.n. Tell us what to do pick our back pocket it's why so many American presidents whatever the un says about it climate change or getting out of South Africa Rwanda we're right in there agreeing with it because we have to accept the premise that we are not the good guys we have to accept the premise that we have our flaws we have no right to preach to anybody else about anything and that is absurd there isn't a human being alive it hasn't made mistakes you who have kids you've raised them are you disqualified as a as an instructor as a mentor because of the mistakes you've made in your earlier life you tell your kids the right way to behave you tell them not to steal you tell them not to do this not to do that you tell them how to behave you're raised them the way you think is right be the best they can be and your parents Yeah well I know you got drunk on a keg of beer when you were 17 you've got no right to preach to me that's essentially what's happening the idea that we at one time may have had some flaws Never mind that they've been fixed disqualifies us for any kind of economic or moral leadership well trunk doesn't believe any of that Trump thinks this is crazy why should the United States is the world's lone superpower basically punish ourselves particularly if the effort is oriented around showing people we don't mean them any harm and just and we just we want them to like us. And that's that's what Trump is trying to fix in addition to the very specific unfairness of the trade arrangements we have with the check on the little bit more on this and then the audio sound bites from the Drive-By Media showing how when it's tariffs and not taxes they understand it totally back in just a 2nd don't call America. I.b.m. It works. 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All right all right I want to get this Madeleine Albright quote and this story is back in 1998 the Clinton administration she said is striving to expand the number of countries that are democratic and have free market system so we very much don't want to be out there by ourselves as the organizer and me only superpower people don't believe that they that we want to be king of the hill but we do not well why the hell not if we're the good guys why don't we why don't we want to be the the king of the hill if we are here as the solution to the world's problems if we're the good guys if we are the beacon of light and freedom and all of this why do we not want to be king of the hill Trump wants to be king of the hill but he doesn't want to pound other people into the sand to get there he wants and he's been very clear about this he thinks that every president prime minister premier around the world of free societies ought to be doing what he's doing trying to make their countries the best they can be and if everybody's doing this in unison then everybody benefits. But in the Madeline Albright world where everything's a 0 sum game we can't become king of the hill must somebody get squashed it's the way the Democrats look at the economy if somebody earns a lot somebody has to lose a lot in order for the earner to get his it's not the way it works in Trump looks at this and sees this is absolute stupidity we're the good guys. We say of the world we promote liberty and freedom why wouldn't we want to continue to grow why wouldn't we want to stand for those values not spread them around that's what he's essentially trying to do that's what his presidency is back in the 2nd. The news you want to know tears into Saturday increase tariffs on Chinese good news John Jr a subpoena you need to know James Comey structural Justice League or stay in the no short range missiles 14050 w. While I am sure shot $1000.00 tax nationwide sure $2200.00 confirmation. By contest coffee 20200. Fox News I'm Chris Voss of Wall Street the Dow was down 642 points with the Chinese government announcing its next move in the trade fight with the u.s. China's finance ministry announced that it's raising tariffs on $60000000000.00 of American goods to 20 to 25 percent from 10 percent and the 1st Chinese move to retaliate over president trumps an increase in tariffs on Chinese goods Fox's John Decker secretary of state might pump a I was in Brussels Belgium to talk about Iran the State Department saying this last minute visit to Belgium will see Mike meeting with European allies to discuss what a spokesperson calls recent threatening actions and statements by Iran the Europeans are trying to keep the Iran nuclear deal alive after the u.s. Pulled out last year Fox's Simandou and Amazon is offering employees 3 months pay plus $10.00 grand to quit and start their own business delivering Amazon packages This is Fox News. 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The 1st 5 rights in the Bill of Rights know your right I can walk into a barricade and I can go try to cuddle the little grizzly bear and if mama grizzly bear tears me apart. Not a single person within the sound of my voice is going to shed a tear for me why. Because the bear has a right to defend itself and it's the Glenn Beck program that's a natural right for news radio $1415.00. Broadcasting from the Soviets the plumbing heating and cooling studios. This is News Radio 1450 mile am still b.s. Call for the $50000.00 a seat pro check becoming edge and having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have is hi I'm doing what I was born to do Rush Limbaugh I want to just finish this tariff business an explanation by quoting a Steve Moore piece Steve Moore was has been head of the Club for Growth He's a Wall Street Journal editor and contributor editorial board member. Is got his creds get a credentials in economics Trump nominated him for the Fed board in and left the no no we don't want you until conservative into right wing go too while you're too smart you're too was it true you're too controversial. The Federal Reserve Board is a closest thing this country has tonight to and we're not we're not going to night you stupid stuff like that he's got an article in The Hill today he said start with the basic facts the average tariff that we imposed on the child comes when Trump entered the White House was about 4 percent China's tariffs on us were about 10 percent and even when including the 10 percent tariff that Trump 1st imposed on $200000000000.00 worth of tri com imports in 2018 our tariffs were still lower than China's So the playing field still isn't level and is especially tilted against us given that Beijing's non-tariff barriers in China can make it prohibitively expensive to do business there we have an open market competing against the world's 2nd largest economy whose doors are slammed shut and this has been accepted by American leadership for decades. There's also another element to this what do we have to do to make sure they do nuke is what do we have to do to make sure they don't drop any bones on it when we have to do to make sure they don't attack us and where did that get us on 911 for example this kind of defensive show that we don't mean them any harm we're so rich we can afford these imbalances we're so rich we can afford the un to pick our pocket yeah we're so rich we have a $22.00 trillion dollars national debt yeah we're still rich but this is been the attitude not just of Republicans but Democrats as well it it's the Washington and it's the State Department it's the striped pants it's the it's the white shoe law firm attitude it's the establishment attitude about the United States' role in the world and Trump of course has no experience in the Washington way of the world he's a citizen he looks at this he's in business he does business in China with his real estate the by Canada standard it's unfair why is American leadership continuing to will allow these kinds of penalties to be imposed on American companies and individuals. And so and he's been complaining about this for 20 or more years folks so it's nothing new and it's not an touch anti Chinese bias it's simply a pro American bias and it's an average ordinary American not understanding why all of these arrangements that penalize America have been agreed to and sustained now Steve Moore is mentions of non-tariff barriers that China is notorious for have for instance they keep out a lot of u.s. Products by simply declaring some products unsafe they just do it could be paper clips of me thumbtack whatever just declared a product unsafe and say your market is close to us there are a lot of other tactics in Chekhov's use to protect their market and we don't. Our market is for the consumer our market is freedom and freedom of choice and let people choose whatever they want and what competition reigns supreme I'll give you an example a competition a reigning supreme for those of you who have suffered or are worried about or know somebody who has had a fit atrial fibrillation there was a company out there called Carney founded by some people it used to be of Google and it's a device that you buy for 99 bucks and it goes with an app on your i Phone and you put your index finger in your middle finger of both hands on the pads of this device that connects your phone via Bluetooth for 30 seconds and it is a one lead e.k.g. It will tell you whether or not you're in sinus rhythm or perhaps in a fit and they were selling these things like hotcakes and then Apple came along last September and they introduced the same thing in the Apple Watch you didn't need. A companion part just put your if you bought the new Apple watch the series for put your index finger on the digital crown for those of you in real to be the knob. On a traditional watch what used to wind you don't wind the Apple Watch but it still has a knob they call of the gentle kind put your finger tip on that for 30 seconds it reads your heart beat tells you whether you're in sinus rhythm or not it also records are regular beats and so forth enjoyable lurches So one of the car to get people going to do oh my gosh now Apple's come out with this thing you don't need a secondary device it all happens on one device the watch so Carty it today announced a brand new device that is a 6 lead 8 e.k.g. If you go to the hospital to get an e.k.g. And they hook you up it's 12 to 13 leads you to put that stuff all over your chest and your legs and stick them on there that's that's a full fledged e.k.g. The original Carty of the original Apple Watch or one lead and they're good don't misunderstand I mean doctors accept them you can send p.d.f. Files of your trace your e.k.g. From Bieber Carty or the Apple Watch a doctor will except they're both these devices have saved people's lives so Cardenas is Ok we need to up the game so they'd come out with a new device that has a 6 lead e.k.g. Which will give the user even more data more refined data and as they say provide more early indication you could be tending or trending toward irregular heartbeats or what have you it's the same looking device except you now put your thumbs on the 2 pads and touch it to your left knee or left ankle and it's a 6 late so this is a it just happened today that's why it's a top my mind this is a classic example of the competition all these devices are made in China. The Apple Watch is made in China the phones made in China they're designed in America the parts many of the parts are in America they have some bold in China I don't know but the cardio device but I'm guessing it is. And all of this happens so the American consumer has a plethora of choice the more choice the more competition the lower the price Cheika don't have an open market like this the Chinese people don't have anywhere near a discount because they're communist country they are a command and control economy run by the Chinese Communist Party and one of the ways they compete is to keep the United States out of their market and the goods that they do allow in there are tariffs placed on them that make them prohibitively expensive for the Chinese consumer and Trump is looking at this and saying it's unfair it makes no sense and why have we agreed to that so that's what this argument is all about and nobody has taken the child calms on this way and so the child coms are responding threatening to walk away they're threatening to pull out of the Treasury market they own a tremendous of their $22.00 trillion dollar national debt the child comes own a significant amount of it they have been buying Treasury bonds like you would not believe and they're not alone that's how we finance the debts of the child comes threatening the cash in their t. Bills that's supposed to scare us that's supposed to scare Trump. He's not going to be scared this way this is going to be a long time Kudlow Larry Kudlow was on t.v. Over the weekend when the Trump's economic advisers had to admit that in the short haul this may cause some price increases for the American consumer it will be negligible but they will have they're not going to lie about this but in the long term. This is the only decent and fair thing to do now let's go to the audio sound bites scramble you know some a number 6 we have a montage here Drive-By Media suddenly understanding how taxes hurt people when it's time to explain the Trump tariffs now all of a sudden the drive bys seem to know everything about taxes you could pay higher prices on thousands of products like electronics appliances and furniture to basic items like clothing bed sheets shampoo and cereal companies can either take on those costs and make less money or they raise prices on u.s. Consumers which is what often happens what is so important for American taxpayers to know is that this is a $200000000000.00 tax increase on them amounts to a sales tax on us consumers tariff our taxes and they tax the people who can least afford it prices on consumer goods like televisions and cars and even some food items beauty products they're going to go up but he wants to tell people there's no pain he's wrong there will be there will be pain why don't we get this why don't we get this kind of explanation of Democrats talk about raising the minimum wage. Because that's a tax that is a tax on employers and the truth about the minimum wage is that it shuts down restaurants for example and it shuts them down in liberal cities like Seattle and San Francisco why don't we get explanations like this when come our Harris or Castle Cortez come along and want to talk about raising your taxes why do we not get a series of stories on all the pain the Democrats are going to cause you know why do we only get that when the Republicans cut taxes when the Republicans cut taxes all of a sudden we're treated to stories about how it's going to cost you an arm and a leg it's not really an tax cut the Republicans are lying to you or that tax cut is going to cost the government so much money did Medicare will be reduced don't you think your You'll be all you know it's going to be horrible but now now they can use this against Trump now they can blame Trump for raising taxes not the Democrats and look how they cannot wait to explain it to people as usual they don't know what they're talking about here. Their arrogance and their and their condescension prohibits them learning of it here's Christine Romans c.n.n. Today explaining all the ways do you are going to feel the pain of Trump's tariffs when you've got all these items they're now going to have tariffs and there are more items that could become it we're told that they're preparing a list of other things and they could get some big tariffs here i Phones Nike's to all kind of tennis shoes toys sporting goods and clothes these are things consumers would feel right away you would notice if you go to Target and suddenly your bill is 25 percent higher your bill is not going to be 25 percent higher at Target but nevertheless these people are now doing the work of the Chinese Communists the Drive-By Media making the case for the Chinese Communists and trying to tell you that it's Donald Trump responsible for all of the pain that you are suffering or are going to suffer but here's the real insult this is Jules Schlesinger's c.b.s. This morning. She was asked by a co-host as a consumer what are we going to p. What are we going to be paying more for the furniture is a big one building supplies is a big one champ dog collars I mean the alcohol or the dog collars nor and I are very upset about this baseball nets backpacks luggage leather handbags the fabric that goes into Please there are thousands of items on this list if you like some of the food that comes and beats carrots kale and just like any normal number of products that could be impact on Ok oh oh no oh no beets and kale all my or all all this is a horrible horrible dog collars and shampoo all know she and her they think they can hurt Republicans they'll explain tariffs or tax increases when the Democrats propose real tax increases on real productivity in income you don't get anything like this. And I'm just going to talk the Democrats economic policy does far more damage to whatever Donald Trump's tariffs in the short term on the China. The real universe. Steeple of besar insights were Stiefel Chief Investment Officer Michael keep Michael you've got a special topic today correct yes Pat our listeners may hear about what is called risk tolerance when building an investment plan and that's important but sometimes go further using the science of behavioral finance to refine our guidance to clients our proprietary financial idea Steve for financial advisors to help clients understand how they may react to various strategies helping them refine their investment plan accordingly one related financial id topic you want to cover today yes Pat I'd like to cover what we call risk attitude risk attitude measures how comfortable a client feels about the possibility of future losses a low risk attitude suggests preference for a lower risk lower return portfolio a higher risk attitude indicates a preference for higher performance even if it means an increased chance of higher losses how to listeners learn more the more we know about a client's beliefs and emotions around investing the better equipped we are to help build portfolios our listeners can speak with their Steve financial advisor to learn more about financial id Thank you Michael your path to investment advice starts with your stool financial advisor find yours at Stiefel dot com That's s.-t. 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And history class people and events and places in history that are maybe overlooked or under-appreciated We'll look at some things that happen in history the world we live in today I mean I've got enough attention to try to bring them into a little bit more light and a little more awareness things that are sometimes weird sometimes wonderful sometimes scary and sometimes sad but all of them are important stories. Your hands are fooling me help me with the grocery her years are old for the like when 4050 w i a lad. Welcome back folks let's get started on the fall in St Petersburg Florida Tom great to have you with us sir hi a rice What a pleasure to talk to you 1st time caller long time listener and let your child everybody's exactly correct and trout has done the right thing bringing a band experienced businessman for 30 years do international trade with China I can tell you those losses already have nice things factored into their business plans. Tariffs wait wait wait wait wait I have what things factored into their business plans existing trade agreements Well they have they have tariffs figured in. And never once well the fact your negotiations this company's have a long term agreements with other companies so that the prices long chance for 1234 or even 4 or 5 years so you're saying that because the factors in all of these companies trading with China have been included such as potential tariffs in the stuff that you're saying that these tax increases the drive bys are talking at the new increased prices we're not going to see for years because they're operating on contracts made way in advance and still in the right exactly correct yes that's exactly right well it makes it makes What Well let me just ask you this play devil's advocate. These contracts have been made and they're in force these companies are talking about importing Chinese products with now new tariffs on them what's to say the Chinese are going to continue to honor those contracts and not tell these companies hey if you want to keep doing business there I'm up and renegotiate again with with these tariffs included what's to stop the China comps and doing that they don't miss that there's not you know there's other countries that can make stuff Microsoft buy stuff from China. But they can buy it out for to some Yeah. The China Chinese products are attractive for a lot of reasons. Well deals with Chinese manufacturing that their labor costs are much less than they would be in the United States for manufacturing things but that does make sense if. Existing agreements between companies here that import Cheick com made goods are in force and in force for another 2 or 3 years and whatever's happening here will not show up until after and probably never because this is going to get solved at one point now you're going to see in the media and I've already seen it which is why I am passing this on you're already seeing some of these scare tactics stories in the Drive-By Media why you know what I did cherish maybe part of it why we may have a new round of permanent trade war status where the Chinese I saw that this is a same people that told us the economy of Barack Obama was the new normal one verse that ACA Nama growth United States greatest days are behind us get used to it gang we didn't really deserve all that robust economic activity in the past it was all phony This is the new normal this is the new real one percent economic growth where the people to manage just same people who we may be you know Berber to trade war with the dark I'm there I'll tell you there is so much they call it if he has see stupidity it it really is thorough ignorance. On the part of even including economics journalists who really have no idea what they're taught they reduce it down to this the single common denominator how can we hurt how can we report this and hurt Republicans and that is the specter of fear which is the effort which to fight them but talent to succeed brush on the. Network. 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Going to brief time out here at the top of the hour will come back and we'll move on to the Consul cartoons now says they are world ending in 12 years with just a joke just dry humor. You people made too much of it no big deal. You were always on call horizon team says Remember last summer's hot muggy weather and how hot muggy it made your whole home last year you said why didn't they replace my AC before the weather hit with this year horizon is here to help call today to take up to 1700 dollars off a brand new air conditioning system installed the next day to get the perfect system for your home and horizons industry leading warranties dial power to 50 from yourself and say the keyword horizon that's prone to 50 to connect instantly when you say the key word horizon. First preference more good Saturday mornings at 9 and 1415 dead i.l.m. To protect his family from disaster Steve use this camera phone. By taking pictures of his important documents Steve can always have them stored online more simple disaster prep tips that ready don't go amiss interview when the accounts. While it will make reveal 1415 still while living in the 9472 t.s.t. Job or willing to online Delilah dot com and on your phone with the i Heart Radio on and on hundreds of devices like Alexa x. Boxes sold and i Heart Radio station. China Strikes Back when Lisa Brady Fox News and there's a big reaction on Wall Street right now the Dow is down $692.00 points after Beijing announced retaliatory tariffs spaces now works Edward Lawrence at the White House what China has done is they said on June 1st they're going to up the tariffs on $60000000000.00 worth of goods that we export into China within that $60000000000.00 though the it's a 5 percent tariff on a temper sent tariff they will go up to 25 percent tariff in some cases matching what the u.s. Has done now this is in reaction of the president out of 25 percent tariff on 200000000000 dollars where the Chinese goes on the Chinese using some very strong language still today listen to a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry present Arabs will not solve the problem we never give in to pressure from the outside we're determined incapable of safeguarding the legitimate and lawful rights and interests a translator urging the u.s. Again to meet them halfway but.

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