We were out. Let the chips fall where they may. When the last american troops leave, maliki begins a pretty concerted crackdown on the sunni population. Narrator tonight, frontline investigates losing iraq. Frontlinis made possible by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. And by the corporation for public broadcasting. Major support for frontliis provided by the john d. And catherine t. Macarthur foundation, committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. More information is available at macfound. Org. Additional support is provided by the park foundation, dedicated to heightening Public Awareness of critical issues. The ford foundation, working with visionaries on the front lines of social change worldwide. At fordfoundation. Org. The wyncote foundation. And by the frontline journalism fund, with major support from jon and jo ann hagler, and Additional Support from bill and cile hicks. The iraqis had gathered around the statue and were throwing their shoes at it. What struck me was the iraqis couldnt pull it down themselves. It was obvious it wasnt going to happen. It would be a pretty anticlimactic moment if we didnt help. It was a dramatic moment. It was an American Flag that went on it first. Thats almost a metaphor for whats happened since. You know, then, ultimately, well, an iraqi flag was put on it, and enough photographs were taken of iraqis cheering. By the way, that statue was very heavy. The problem was much more involved than i think anyone thought of. It made me worry. Something told me, you know, this isnt going to be quite as easy as we thought. Narrator in those early days, there was great optimism. People were just in pure exhilaration. At that point in time, you think, this might just work. And i remember seeing a guy carrying a huge couch on his back, and he turns and says, yay, america you know . Thank you very much thank you very much there were flowers, there were shouts of joy. There were people clambering on the tanks and kissing the tank crews. But by the time this happened, and within a matter of an hour of the marine tanks coming up the canal expressway, of course, the looting had begun. All of a sudden, the iraqi people started looting, attacked the ministries, basically created a series of events which didnt stop with that. Less than two u. S. Brigades were in isolated positions in a city of more than five million people, having no idea of what might come next. Iraqis are looting on a grand scale. It is a clear sign that while the war might be ending, there is trouble ahead. Narrator in washington, the Bush Administration brushed aside the bad news. I picked up a newspaper today, and i couldnt believe it. I read eight headlines that talked about chaos violence unrest and it just was, henny penny, the sky is falling. Ive never seen anything like it its just unbelievable how people can take that away from what is happening in that country. Narrator but behind closed doors, some of rumsfelds generals were worried. In 03, from a military perspective, from the time we took the regime down, we never made a commitment to secure the population, and we never had enough resources to do it. Narrator general jack keane was acting army chief of staff. General keane is really highly admired across the army. Hes kind of a soldiers soldier. And he had argued in the tank before the invasion of iraq, dont invade iraq. Narrator looking back, keane says that the war plans drafted by secretary rumsfeld and commanding general tommy franks did not include adequate plans for securing the country. I think its driven, in part, by my own failures when i was there as a senior military leader contributing to general frankss plan that we never even considered an insurgency as a reasonable option. Narrator on the ground, even as tensions were rising, general franks had a surprise announcement. A very striking thing happened. General franks gave guidance that his commanders should be prepared to withdraw all American Forces, except for a little more than a division, which would remain, by september 2003. Narrator more than 110,000 troops were told to prepare to leave. A division about 30,000 would handle iraq. There was this power vacuum. Nobody quite knew what was the plan. The soldiers thought they were all going home. Narrator it was a message the president delivered personally when he flew 30 miles off the coast of california to reassure the world that the major combat phase of the war in iraq was over. My fellow americans, major combat operations in iraq have ended. In the battle of iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. Because of you, the tyrant has fallen and iraq is free. cheering bush never said mission accomplished, but that banner was hanging up right behind his head as he gave that speech. And it really was a premature victory speech that didnt recognize what was going on in iraq. Narrator the administrations strategy was to pull the troops out of iraq and hand over responsibility to an american civilian. In washington, Vice President cheney had just the man for the job a little known diplomat named l. Paul bremer the third. Well, i was contacted by two people paul wolfowitz, who was deputy secretary of defense, scooter libby, who was the Vice President s chief of staff, both of whom i had known for decades. Bremer is old friends with scooter libby, who is cheneys chief of staff. And libby put bremers name forward. And bremer was sort of the right kind of conservative. Narrator in bremer, cheney had given secretary rumsfeld a businessman, a diplomat, managing director of kissinger and associates. Heres a guy who had worked for Henry Kissinger but doesnt know a whole lot about the middle east, doesnt speak arabic, doesnt know the region. What he lacked was the practical experience, and it was that lack of experience that commended him, in large measure, to the Bush Administration. Today, its my honor to announce that jerry bremer has agreed to become the president ial envoy to iraq. Narrator president bush made it official bremer was now in charge of the occupation. After a twoweek crash course on middle eastern politics, he arrived in iraq to head what was known as the Coalition Provisional authority the cpa. We flew on a c130 into baghdad. The thing that was striking to us was the fact that a lot of the buildings were on fire. Narrator baghdad had been burning for one month. Thered be buildings on fire. The fires would just have to burn themselves out because there was no fire department. There was no government. There were no police. The army was gone. Narrator as they drove into the city, bremer made a decision and promptly announced it to his new staff. I did one thing that wasnt very smart, which was suggest to the staff meeting that i thought we should shoot the looters, that our military should have authority to shoot the looters, which they did not have at that time. His point was you only needed to shoot a few of them to make that point and the looting would stop. It wasnt very smart to do because somebody on the staff immediately told the press that i had suggested shooting the looters, and we had a problem. Narrator military commanders refused to go along with bremers idea. Well, of course, its against our code of honor. There just is not sufficient justification to shoot somebody because theyre carrying a computer out of the old ministry of education building. Narrator and so ended paul bremers first day in iraq. And i think one thing bremer found out that day was that he had no command over the military. Narrator bremers headquarters were in a heavily fortified area of baghdad called the green zone. The green zone became the emerald city, walled off from the rest of iraq. The rest of iraq, electricity is intermittent at best, sewage problems, dusty, dirty, potholes. Inside the green zone, its calm, its quiet. Narrator as bremer settled in, he knew he would have to deal with iraqs complicated sectarian politics. This is one of the most fractious places you could have picked, with morproblems in terms of. Its right on the shia sunni divide. It has the kurds. It has 20 years of dysfunctional government. Narrator Saddam Hussein and his sunnidominated baath party had brutally controlled the countrys majority shiites and the kurds. Now, bremer was determined to change that. The idea is youd remove saddams agents from government or people loyal to him to make room for shiites and kurds, who it was assumed would Work Together in some sort of collegial way. Narrator and bremer had a plan to remake the Iraqi Government. Bremer hadnt been there very long, literally a day, and these papers were coming out of his briefcase. I was in the office, outside of the front office and began reading them, and so on. Narrator it was called cpa order number one. It would end sunni domination of the government and bring in rival ethnic and religious groups, the kurds and the shiites. Im walking down the hallway and ambassador robin raphel says, have you seen this . She has a piece of paper. I said, no, what is it . She says, debaathification order. I said, wow. So i read it real quick, there in the hall. I said, this is too deep. Narrator retired general jay garner was one of the few americans who knew his way around iraq. Hed worked there before. He was very, very, very angry. And jays very personable. His head was down. He was walking fastpaced all over. I could tell he was very upset about it. I walked down, and the cia guy, a great guy, was coming across the hall, and i said, hey, charlie, have you read the debaathification . And he said, yeah, thats why im here. I said, well, lets go in and talk to the ambassador. Narrator garner was worried that bremer seemed not to understand how things worked in iraq. So we went in and we talked to ambassador bremer for a few minutes. And i said, you know, this is too deep. I said, give charlie and i about 45 minutes to an hour. Let us digest this thing, and then let us recommend some changes to you and come back here, and well get on the phone with rumsfeld to see if we cant soften this a bit. And bremer kind of says, look, you dont understand. Im not asking you, im telling you. This is what im going to do. Im not asking for your advice. And they argue a bit more. And finally, bremer says, look, i have my orders. This is what im doing. And so i said, well, charlie, what do you think . And to the best of my memory, charlie said, well, if you do this, youre going to drive 30,000 to 50,000 baathists underground by nightfall. And the numbers closer 50 than it is 30. Narrator ambassador bremer says he does not recall the conversation with general garner and the cia officer. He may have come in and spoken to me at great length about it. I just dont remember it, honestly dont remember it. You dont remember these guys coming in and saying, this is 30,000 to 50,000 people, and my god, what are you doing . I just. You know, i was working 20 hours a day in that period, as well. This wasnt the only thing on my list of things to do the first five days i was there. I had a lot of other things to do. But this is a big one, right . There were a lot of big things that first five days. There were a lot of big things the first 48 hours. So i dont remember every meeting. I dont say it didnt happen. I knew there were concerns. I knew the agency made the assessment that there were about 20,000 people to be thrown out of work. And i judged in the end that that was a risk we were willing to take. And those who were on high before, in particular the baathists, who used their power to repress the iraqi people, will be removed from office. I think, frankly, there wasnt a Single Person in the cpa who understood what order number one meant. It created a climate where people could be expelled as University Teachers or grade school teachers, not simply people who had some kind of tie to the senior structure. Two reasons we wanted to keep the Baathist Party intact. One, the only folks who have experience running the government, so we needed to keep them. Number two, the sunnis need to have a voice. And if you dont give people a voice, they have relatively few options. And what the middle eastern history and middle eastern. What it tells you is their next option is violence. Narrator with the debaathification order, bremer made a decisive statement. In doing so, he gave the cpa staff, the military and the iraqis the first indication of who he was. Tough, could get things done. Anybody who was Henry Kissingers righthand man had to have a certain amount of steel in his personality. Narrator and then seven days later, another decisive and controversial announcement. Cpa order number two the decision to dissolve the iraqi military. I think the decision not to recall saddams army, from a political point of view, is the single most important correct decision that we made in the 14 months we were there. Narrator it was a decision that had been quietly authorized by the civilian leadership at the pentagon. But just nine days before the war began, the president had agreed to keep the iraqi army. The briefing recommended that the regular iraqi army be maintained as an institution because we believe that it would be dangerous to put 300,000 men on the street with guns, without jobs. Narrator the u. S. Commanders, desperate for boots on the ground, had been counting on a pacified iraqi army to do the grunt work. We actually had people negotiating with iraqis to bring them back, and there were a lot of iraqis saying, okay, we can bring back units. They were clearly anticipating, at least as late as 9 may, of having available iraqi forces for us to use in a reconstruction effort. Now you have a couple hundred thousand people who are armed because they took their weapons home with them, who know how to use the weapons, who have no future and have a reason to be angry at you. Who knows how many folks who got disgruntled and went to the other si . I will tell you this 72 hours after the decision was made, the first major attack from the airport road took place. And i got two of my military police killed. And its been downhill from there. Narrator and for commanding general tommy franks, it was just one more reason to retire. All the recommendations that we were making werent being taken by bremer or rumsfeld. So thats when franks said, im done. They said, well, you can be chief of staff of the army. He said, no, im done. What would i do . President asked him, nope. Narrator and then, the top military commanders in iraq all left. So across the board, its almost like people are wiping their hands, saying, great job, fellas. You know, you guys play the next game. Were out of here. Narrator but even as the generals left, the fighting was far from over. What would become known as the insurgency had begun. The military had been disbanded. The sheiks were telling me that the insurgents were paying them money, paying them up to 500 per operation. If they could videotape to show that they had killed someone, they got a bonus. Its got a military spin on it. Now you werent seeing looting, criminal things, as much as you were seeing grenades off of bridges, all types of things. In iraq, its been another violent day. Two car bombs. There are some who feel like the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is, bring them on. Weve got the force necessary to deal with the security situation. There has been another spasm of violence in iraq. We were in a state of denial. A car bomb killed at least five iraqis in the center of baghdad. We were looking on these as sort of a small group of isolated diehards that we could largely ignore. In iraq, difficult work remains. Coalition forces have captured now some 32 out of 55 of the most wanted. Theyre making progress against the deadenders who are harassing Coalition Forces. Narrator then, a defining moment. Any debate about whether there was an insurgency was settled. It began with a car bombing at the Jordanian Embassy. August 2003 is when the real war for the future of iraq began. August 7, the Jordanian Embassy gets blown up, and a few days later, the u. N. Gets blown up. I am in ambassador bremers front office. We get the news, and we go into his office and thats where things take off. Narrator the United Nations top envoy, sergio de mello, had been killed. It was a very emotional situation for everybody involved. We will leave no stone unturned to find the people who did this. With this new kind of attack, how can you secure this city and this country . Well do our best to find these people before they attack and to deal with them. And we will. Narrator to the experts, it was clear america was still at war. I knew for absolute certain when they had the series of bombings the police station, the Jordanian Embassy, the red cross and the u. N. That was clearly a campaign to drive out all of the elements that could help the United States govern a country. explosions narrator the pentagons plan to send more than 100,000 troops home by the end of the summer was now out of the question. Narrator in september 2003, the secretary of defense boarded a c17 globemaster to go see iraq for himself. Impatient, he kept asking all of the brass that traveled with him the same question. When are you going to get this thing wrapped up . Is the phrase i heard rumsfeld use. When are you going to get this thing wrapped up . Narrator rumsfeld spent a couple of days looking around and realized his commanding general, ricardo sanchez, didnt know what was happening. They had absolutely no intelligence. Sanchez said, no intelligence. He said, thats not a term of art. We had no intelligence on the enemy. We didnt know who we were fighting. We didnt know what resources they had. We had no strategy for fighting this enemy. And the demand from washington was for intelligence. Narrator sanchez, desperate, pushed his commanders hard. Thousands of iraqis were swept up in raids that fall. It was their reality that, you know, we had these dragnet arrests. Youd go into a village and just arrest everybody. siren blaring narrator sanchez needed a place to hold and interrogate the prisoners. There was one not far from baghdad Saddam Husseins mostfeared prison, abu ghraib. Abu ghraib became the de facto boot camp for the insurgency. The biggest single tactical mistake was to stuff abu ghraib with tens of thousands of iraqis, who may have been neutral about the americans when they went in but werent when they came out. Narrator rumsfeld also took a hard look at what paul bremer had been doing. He told bremer the Defense Department had decided it wanted iraq given back to the iraqis as soon as possible. The policy side of the pentagon was saying, the best way to cut all of this short is simply to hand over power to some iraqis. Find us some iraqis. Give them authority. Well end the occupation. Well get out of here. Narrator bremer had no idea who to hand the government to. He had formed a governing council of various iraqi leaders, but had no confidence in them. And i told secretary wolfowitz, who was pushing this idea of early sovereignty, just handing sovereignty over, i didnt think the governing council was up to this. They couldnt organize a twocar parade. They were simply not able to make decisions in a timely fashion, or any decisions. Narrator bremer was overruled. He was given until june 2004 to form a Coalition Government and wind down the American Occupation. And basically, the new policy is three words were outta here. Ladies and gentlemen, we got him. Saddam hussein was captured saturday, december 13 at about 8 30 pm local in a cellar in the town of adwar, which is about 15 kilometers south of tikrit. Two hands appeared. The individual clearly wanted to surrender. That individual was removed from the hole. He said that, im Saddam Hussein. I am the president of iraq, and im willing to negotiate. And then the response from the u. S. Soldiers was, president bush sends his regards. Narrator some hoped saddams capture would calm the insurgency. But four months later, one incident threatened to undo everything. Up in the sunni heartland, in fallujah, four American Contractors were murdered. Dragged around and hung off the bridge. Two of the bodies are hung off the bridge. This creates a we must do something response. Narrator the president wanted revenge. For the first time, he reached directly into the process and ordered the marines to retaliate. Marines understand an order. Well, they shaved off their mustaches, fixed bayonets and went in and did what marines do best. Fallujah becomes kind of an iraqi alamo. Only in this case, the defenders survive. Americans were moving into the city. They were killing people. Al jazeera was showing images of mosques on fire and civilians being injured and killed. The impression is portrayed that the americans are going in and wantonly killing civilians along with the insurgents. And it was unsustainable for the iraqi leadership, which at the time wasnt elected, to continue. Narrator the spectacle of heavy iraqi casualties threatened to cause bremers governing council to fall apart. The june handoff of sovereignty hung in the balance. Once it flies apart, theres no one to transfer sovereignty to. And we cant put Humpty Dumpty back together again in two months. Narrator bremer appealed to the president to stop the marines. The president pulled back. The marines were now ordered to simply surround fallujah and contain the insurgents. This is a double loss. The americans look indecisive. They look incompetent. They also look inhumane in the eyes of a wide number of people in the middle east. Narrator but with the pullback, bremers Fragile Coalition held. And on june 28, 2004, he pushed through an interim constitution, formed a new government, and handed iraq back to the iraqis. Sincerely, l. Paul bremer, exadministrator of the Coalition Provisional authority. Narrator it was time to go home. The intelligence was suggesting that the terrorists and the insurgents were planning a major series of attacks on june 30 to embarrass us, make it look as if we were being chased out of iraq, not that we were leaving on our own. Narrator they were worried about surfacetoair missiles. So we had to devise a way to get out that didnt involve a c130. And we had to keep, of course, all of it secret. Narrator for the cameras, bremer appeared to leave on this airplane. And we pulled up the stairs and we just sat in the c130. We sat there for about 15 minutes while the press and everybody went away, and then we went off, out over the cargo that was in the c130, in the back, and flew on a helicopter to another part of the airport. And instead of going out on a c130, went out on a government plane, a Smaller Government plane to jordan, safely. It says a lot about the security in the country by the time we did turn over sovereignty that that is the way that we had to leave. It was sort of an ignominious departure. It was yet another metaphor. Narrator bremer left behind the new governing council, 140,000 american troops, and a war that really had just begun. Theres been yet another spasm of violence in iraq. Chaos returned with a vengeance. 14 young men abducted, tortured. It is possible that iraq could move toward civil war. The insurgents have stepped up their attacks since an interim Iraqi Government was installed late last month. Innocent victims of car bombings, and insurgents and terrorists. Narrator the summer of 2004 was the height of the political season. The president was running for reelection. The insurgency was still raging. The last thing the white house wanted was any more bad news from iraq. Top military officer in iraq is being replaced. The pentagon is expected to replace. Narrator it was time to try a new general. Rumsfeld reached into the pentagon bureaucracy for a fourstar general and found george casey. Hes a secondgeneration army general. His father was a general who died in vietnam. He goes out to iraq, yet hes never led troops in combat. Heres a guy in charge of the biggest american war since vietnam, and nobody knows who he is. Narrator casey was ordered to minimize american casualties, to train and shift responsibility to the iraqi army asap. The objective is to get iraq under control at a basic level, train up Iraqi Security forces, turn over responsibility to the government and leave. Narrator the plan was to prepare iraq for elections. The political strategy was to stand up a representative democracy, a Representative Government as quickly as possible. Narrator that summer, general casey put rumsfelds plan into action. They called it the light footprint. The American Force would retreat to large bases and only engage the insurgents when absolutely necessary. You had war tourism units based on big Forward Operating bases, fobs, going out and doing patrols from humvees, and then coming back to their base. If thats the way youre operating, youre not in the war, youre simply a war tourist. When you look back on that and analyze it, its a shortwar strategy. Nowhere in there is a plan to defeat the insurgency. So we had no military strategy to defeat the insurgency. Narrator the first challenge to caseys light footprint strategy came from baghdads shiite slums. Narrator as anger over the American Occupation grew, the cleric Muqtada Al Sadr gained thousands of new followers. Narrator with the support of iran, sadrs Shiite Militia the mahdi army had taken up arms in the holy city of najaf. The challenge to the new Coalition Authority was such that it really couldnt be ignored. Narrator he had set up his headquarters inside the shrine of imam ali mosque, daring the americans to attack. They did. I actually was with the mahdi army when this battle was going on. And the americans were kind of just dropping bombs literally right next to the shrine and just kind of wiping out the mahdi army. explosions narrator sadr was surrounded, but the white house didnt want to risk destroying the mosque. They ordered casey to cut a deal. I dont think it was ever called a ceasefire or a peace agreement, but essentially it was. Sadr agreed to have his militia not oppose the americans. We bought back a lot of weapons from his militia. And that part of baghdad became very peaceful. Narrator the payoff to sadr was substantial. Casey spent 1. 2 million buying back some weapons and 330 million more in what were called reconstruction funds. They hoped they had bought some peace and quiet. explosions four car bombs went off almost simultaneously this morning. The attacks came during the busy baghdad commute. Narrator now it was the sunni insurgents who posed a threat to the upcoming elections. At least 35 people have been killed in a huge car bomb attack in baghdad. Narrator the key insurgent stronghold was familiar territory for the American Military fallujah. Fallujah becomes a kind of sanctuary for insurgents, for radicals, for al qaeda elements in iraq. Bomb factory after bomb factory after bomb factory. I mean, they were just making the car bombs and shipping them to baghdad. The problem that casey faces and his advisers are telling him is, youre not going to be able to hold elections here as long as fallujah is out there. Narrator once again, caseys light footprint was set aside. He drew up plans for a fullscale attack. Tonight, Iraqi Security and Coalition Forces kicked off offensive operations in fallujah. explosions we went into fallujah at about 10 00 pm, and the fighting started immediately. Its pitch black outside, and we all started piling out of the troop carriers. We went in on foot, and you could see the rpgs sailing out of the city towards us. And i thought, my god, man, what have we gotten into here . Narrator the battle raged for ten days. Fallujah 2, first of all, is an extraordinary, difficult and violent battle. gunfire and explosions i think the most intense combat u. S. Forces had seen, certainly, since the vietnam war. Much of the city was simply flattened by the attack. Fallujah is, at that point, a victory for the United States. The city was basically destroyed after that. Narrator there was jubilation among many of the commanders. They believed the insurgency had been irreparably harmed. With the liberation of fallujah, they no longer have any safe havens anywhere in iraq. And it was driven home to them that they cannot defeat the Coalition Forces. I think theres a resurgence of optimism and that the worst is behind us. In the battle for fallujah, the terrorists hid weapons in the cemetery. They hid ammunition in private homes. They hid bombs in mosques. But they could not hide from the United States marines cheering narrator but caseys military success may have backfired politically. Sunni refugees carried tales describing what they saw as a brutal american assault. Ultimately, if you draw out all the events that followed fallujah, that certainly decreased the sunni arab support. And in that sense, it did help the insurgency and it did turn people to be more violently opposed to the american presence than they had been before. Narrator on ection day, rumsfelds plan for democracy was about to be tested. I got up that morning at 7 00. I went out in the streets, and there was no vehicular traffic allowed anywhere in the country. It was a day of incredible tension. So the streets were empty. And i remember thinking, oh, my god, no ones going to come out to vote. People started to trickle out. By 10 30 in the morning, there were thousands and thousands and thousands of people out to vote. The stories that started coming in about millions of iraqis lining up to vote were quite encouraging. It was a really extraordinary thing, people wearing their best clothes, husbands and wives with their children, people lining up. And the pictures of the people with their purple fingers started to be broadcast around. Narrator there were celebrations. But angry about fallujah, the sunnis had boycotted the election. If you look at the january election, it was a big turnout, but the sunnis didnt vote. Narrator as the votes were being counted, caseys inner circle knew there was a problem. We never imagined that a boycott by the sunni arabs could be that complete. It appears that overall sunni arab turnout was probably about ten percent. Everybody understood very quickly wed elected a government that divided the country. And everyone who had to work in the green zone or the area knew that beneath this political structure, there was a virtual vacuum. And so in that vacuum, the insurgency began to step back up in an effort to undermine that political process and undermine the legitimacy of the new government. When we did not secure the population, the enemy realized that the population was fair game. We were not securing them. The iraqis couldnt do it yet. So what did they do . They began to kill people. Were following reports today of two suicide bombings. Narrator the Bush Administration told a different story. I think the level of activity that we see today, from a military standpoint, i think will clearly decline. I think theyre in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency. The victory of freedom in iraq will strengthen a new ally. The rhetoric that the president was evidencing in his remarks he would use terms like win, were going to defeat the insurgents, victory that all would lend itlf to a military strategy whose purpose was to defeat the insurgency. We never had that as a mission in iraq. Explosives detonating just after 7 00 am this morning. Narrator now casey would face iraqs greatest crisis yet. Al qaeda had gained a foothold in the unrest. One of the countrys most holy shiite religious shrines. A huge explosion nearly completely destroyed one of shiite islams holiest sites. I think the february 22 bombing of the samarra mosque will be remembered as this wars tet. A kind of a diabolical attempt by al qaeda to stimulate a civil war and to create a conflict between the shiites and the sunnis, to making iraq essentially ungovernable and chaotic and an entity that the americans can no longer control. You would have to say the attack on the samarra mosque was an act of evil genius, and very nearly brought, i would say, the whole American Enterprise in iraq to the point of complete catastrophe. That bombing in samarra broke the floodgates. Narrator over the next ten days, the shiites responded. Sunni mosques were attacked, imams were killed, their bodies dragged through the streets. rapid gunfire and explosions the shiite cleric Muqtada Al Sadr unleashed his mahdi army. All bets are off. The shia begin to fight back with the sunni, and what was a onesided insurgency becomes a twosided civil war. loud explosion they got the overreaction that they wanted on the part of the shia militias. Drive the level of violence up higher than it had ever been and bring it to a state where it would be fractured, start to fall apart, disintegrate, the United States has to leave under those kind of conditions and they begin to achieve their political objectives in their mind. Narrator the Bush Administrations response was to take to the airwaves. They want a future of freedom and peace. Violence is not raging rampantly across iraq. My view would be theyve reached a stage of desperation from their standpoint. The country is not awash in sectarian violence. Americans have never retreated in the face of thugs and assassins, and we will not begin now. Narrator in baghdad, with violence growing, the bush team began urgently looking for an iraqi leader to unite the country and stop the fighting. The thought was that iraq needed a new Prime Minister, someone who would be less sectarian, more pragmatic and certainly more decisive. Narrator American Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad was frustrated with the available candidates. I had asked my staff, can it be that in this country of 30 million that we cannot find someone who is a unifier who can lead this country in this hour of need. Narrator finally, a cia officer at the embassy had a suggestion a relatively unknown shiite member of parliament, nouri kamal almaliki. The first time i ever heard of Nouri Almaliki was a phone call from zal khalilzad. And i said, what do you know about him . And he said, well, we dont know much about it. What does the Intelligence Community know about him . Well, they dont know much about him either. Narrator when saddam was in power, maliki lived in exile in iran and syria, trying to topple the iraqi dictator. But he had no real experience in government. Nouri kamal almaliki was a kind of default choice. And maliki is a man who, not to be unkind, i think if you were sitting on a local school board, youd worry about appointing him to be principal of your local high school. Narrator but ambassador khalilzad was desperate. He arranged a facetoface meeting with maliki. During the course of the discussion, khalilzad put the proposition to him, have you ever thought about running for Prime Minister . Narrator maliki seemed surprised. He physically changed when i said that and he said, would you not object to me or do you not object to me . I said, its not my place to object. Narrator by may of 2006, the americans had their man. Nouri almaliki was elected the new Prime Minister of iraq. Nouri almaliki was so unknown to so many people in the Bush White House that they werent even using his right first name. He finally actually had to correct them and tell them that they werent using the right name. And i think it tells you about how little they understood about him when he first came to power. They were so happy to have somebody. Narrator maliki was so inexperienced, the president himself scheduled frequent video conferences in order to school the new Prime Minister in the art of politics. But the president wanted to help him be a leader, what do you do, what dont you do. The idea being to kind of mentor him, to sort of bring him along. This is bush teaching maliki politics. Democrats took control of the house for the first time in 12 years. Narrator that fall, president bush was learning a political lesson of his own. Democrats will have the upper hand in the new congress. Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States. Narrator Congressional Republicans suffered an historic defeat in the november midterm elections. Say, why all the glum faces . Look, this was a close election. If you look at race by race, it was close. The cumulative effect, however, was not too close. It was a thumping. You have the midterm elections. And the u. S. Public is saying to president bush, this is not working for us. We are losing confidence. Narrator it was time to clean house. Secretary rumsfeld and i agreed that the timing is right for new leadership at the pentagon. It becomes, i think, a very attractive option to say, look, this is rumsfelds war, not bushs war. Time for a change. Narrator and now the president was determined to find a new strategy for iraq. Finally, only when things were just as bad as they could be, when his presidency was on the line, when the country was completely in rebellion against him, in effect, does he finally say, okay, i have to step in here and decide what i think is the right strategy. Narrator he went looking for fresh ideas and honest assessments. He was offered one by retired general jack keane. I got called by the white house to come see the president and to give him my views, with others, in terms of the way ahead in iraq. Narrator keane advocated a plan he called the surge. I told him that we were in a crisis, that time was running out, and i said the only thing that can work is to bring the level of violence down. The way to do that is to secure the population and we dont have enough forces to do it. We have to surge forces to do it. Narrator it would be a complete reversal of general caseys light footprint. Most of his advisors, as i understand it said, dont do it. It wont work, and it will cost us a tremendous amount in blood and treasure. He saw it as our last best hope and went with it. Narrator on january 10, 2007, bush announced the surge. Good evening. I have committed more than 20,000 additional american troops to iraq. That decision at a minimum guaranteed that his presidency would not end with a defeat in historys eyes, that by committing to the surge he was certain to at least win a stalemate. Narrator in private, with his National Security advisor stephen hadley, the president revealed just how unsure he was. At one point, he looked up to me and he said, hadley, do you think this surge strategy is going to work . And i said, mr. President , i think it will, but i do think, mr. President , its our last chance to get this right. And he says, good. He said, if you ever decide that you think the surge strategy cannot work, you need to come tell me. Narrator to implement the surge, the president replaced general casey with an unlikely choice David Petraeus. Perhaps it was a sign of how desperate the times were that, you know, i got the nod. I dont know. David petraeus is an interesting figure. An intellectual, has a ph. D. From princeton, enjoys talking to politicians and journalists and in the army, thats kind of three strikes. You know, princeton intellectual, likes washington, likes journalists, youre out, fella. Narrator petraeus was a counterinsurgency expert. He knew what would have to happen. I said, get ready, because it is going to get harder before it gets easier. We are going to take away from al qaeda, sunni insurgents on one hand and then shia militia extremists on the others, the areas in which they operate. We are going to fight them. Narrator and petraeus was blunt with the president. And the president says, you know, this is really important. You know, were doubling down here. And petraeus corrects him and says, were not doubling down. This is all in. He recognizes, this is it. If this goes bad, thats the end of the war. And its not going to be good for america. Thousands of extra troops, both iraqi and american, will try to slow down the killing amongst sunni arabs. The surge begins, but the president stands increasingly alone. Narrator that spring, general petraeus and almost 30,000 new troops initiated the surge. The white house is calling its iraq plan the new way forward. Narrator petraeus ordered tens of thousands of troops off the large bases and out among the iraqis. The priority had to be on securing the iraqi population and that this could only be done by living with the people. So instead of consolidating on big bases, which is the direction wed been going in. We went back in to the neighborhoods in baghdad and other areas that were also threatened by this everspiraling sectarian strife. Narrator the job was to separate sunnis and shiites. That meant fierce engagements with sunni insurgents and with Shiite Militia groups. When you take the fight to the adversary, by definition casualties are going to go up. And casualties went up. loud explosions shouting narrator door to door, street by street, the american troops fought to seize control. But what they often overlook is just how violent the surge was. Because the americans are dropping lots of bombs and using artillery, and all, just about every heavy weapons system you could imagine to try to reclaim lost ground. Narrator petraeus troops often found themselves in bloody firefights with heavily armed insurgents. Spring 2007 was very difficult in iraq. It was a scary time. And it was very, very tough. And it continued to go up and american casualties continued to go up to the may, june time frame. loud explosion shouting narrator ambassador ryan crocker worked closely with petraeus during those rough first months. The early months of the surge were pretty horrible. We were losing hundreds of troopers, and neither dave nor i could say it was going to succeed in the spring of 07. June was our worst month. We lost more than 120 americans in combat. Its a daily litany of violence. At least 122 americans were killed. I remember talking to petraeus, and he was ashen. It was a very rough month in baghdad. And you really could see guys with their fingers crossed that month in baghdad with, this has got to start working pretty soon. Petraeus was very worried in that period. Narrator as the death toll grew, the political pressure intensified. Some of the president s men blamed Nouri Almaliki. Theres a real frustration with maliki inside the bush government. Hes just not somebody who is easy to do business with. And theyre not happy with him. And so, in fact, when opposition to maliki develops inside the Iraqi Government, theres a real school of thought inside washington saying, okay, fine. Let him go. Narrator one of the first to raise concerns about maliki was National Security advisor stephen hadley. There was a sectarian agenda that was being carried out on the ground. Narrator the previous fall, hadley had authored a memo warning that malikis government was becoming increasingly sectarian. Reports of nondelivery of services to sunni areas, removal of iraqs most effective commanders on a sectarian basis, and efforts to ensure shia majorities in all ministries all suggest a campaign to consolidate shia power in baghdad. I tried to frame the issue for the president , knowing that this was a judgment that the president was going to have to make himself. Narrator and now, on a secure video conference, both general petraeus and ambassador crocker gave up on the president s man. There was a moment when Dave Petraeus and i, because we were in the smoke and the dust every single damn day had had it with maliki. We said, boss, we got to have a change here. Narrator but bush had taken a liking to maliki. He insisted he would not turn his back on the Prime Minister. Bush really believes in his gut instinct toward other leaders. He really believes that International Affairs is driven at least partly by how heads of state get along, and whether they can trust each other. And he thinks hes gotten a read on maliki at this point. The president effectively said, you know, guys, i know youre under a lot of pressure, but just go sit under a tree until that notion passes from your minds. We are going to make it work with maliki. There is no other alternative. For the third month, americans have lost more than 100 soldiers. Deadliest month this year for u. S. Troops in iraq. Narrator as the news from the battlefield got worse, petraeus upped the ante. That number has just gone up and up and up. Narrator he decided to try to drive a wedge between the foreign al qaeda fighters and the sunni tribes that had been supporting them. Theyd gotten tired of al qaeda. Al qaeda had been abusive. It had been blowing sunni arabs up and sunni mosques up, in addition to shia arabs and mosques. And so they were keen to get these individuals out of their areas. Narrator petraeus made a bold move. The biggest change petraeus makes, and the biggest gamble he takes, is he puts the sunni insurgency on the american payroll. Narrator in one clandestine meeting after another, millions were handed over to former sunni insurgents. Im giving him 10,905,000. Narrator petraeus called his sunni Paramilitary Group the sons of iraq. Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, seventhousand. Ten, 20, 30, 40thousand. Narrator in exchange for fighting al qaeda, petraeus also promised the sunnis a role in the Iraqi Government. But inside petraeus war council, it was not a popular move. Our own commanders had concerns about this. I had commanders come to me and say, hey sir, we cant sit down across the table with these guys. Theyve got our blood on their hands. And id say, yes, indeed they do. But thats how these kinds of fights typically end. You have the reconcilables. We want to get as many as possible of them again to be part of the solution instead of a continuing part of the problem, and then that will identify the irreconcilables. Narrator petraeus says he initiated the payoffs on his own authority. I remember i asked petraeus once, how did you get president bush to approve that . And he said, oh, i didnt need his approval, so i didnt ask for it. Narrator in the end, 103,000 sunnis joined petraeus army. They cost 400 million. On the streets of iraq, they started to rebuild. We saw a dramatic reduction in violence, and ultimately, over the course of the surge, the level of violence was down by some 90 or so. By the end of 2008, clearly the al qaeda and sunni insurgency had been relatively stabilized. And in the al qaedas mind, they were defeated. They actually said that in many of their transmissions that we were able to pick up. And the shia militia, largely those trained by the iranians, in basra and also in sadr city had been defeated. Violence in iraq is on a downward trend. The story of hope, a Better Future in iraq. The numbers are starting to change. The violence is beginning to come down. Theres the green shoots of optimism in the white house. Its a stunning turn, like a light switch being flipped. Maybe this is the time things are beginning to get better, they hope. There has been a sharp decline in roadside bombings in iraq. Narrator in december of 2008, during the last month of his presidency. President bush made an unannounced trip to iraq sunday. Narrator . George w. Bush made one final visit. Bushs surprise last visit to iraq as commander in chief. Its meant to be, in a sense, a valedictory. In effect, the surge has at least seems to have changed things, turned things around. The reasons for that trip are, of course, closure. I mean, how could the president who has started the war in iraq, how could he leave Office Without going back to iraq . Narrator there was a meeting with his friend Nouri Almaliki. Together, they signed an agreement that would keep american troops in iraq through at least 2011. The policy was that we want to build a Long Term Partnership with iraq, and that in their realm of security, some level of security presence was envisaged. Narrator in effect, president bush had made sure his successor, barack obama, would keep american troops in place for at least three more years. What hes done is sort of set the pace of the war for his successor. His successor will come in and have this agreement already signed with the iraqis, dictating how the next three years will go. And bush has basically guaranteed that his successor will keep troops there, at least on some level, well into the next term. Narrator but then, as bush celebrated the agreement. angry shouting narrator the shoes had come from an iraqi reporter angry about the deaths of at least 100,000 iraqi civilians in the years since bushs decision to invade. President bush is left sort of humiliated, i think, in front of the world. Maliki is stricken. I mean, you can see it on his face; humiliated, angered. Bush, i think, found this a rather depressing end to what had been a pretty depressing experience in iraq, he gets back on the plane, his staff notices that hes kind of low, hes just kind of. The wind has been taken out of his sails. So i think it was kind of a deflating moment for him. President barack obama has inherited two wars. Obama has obviously been dealing with a full plate of Foreign Policy issues. He was inheriting what was left by the Bush Administration. Narrator on january 20, 2009, the war in iraq was now barack obamas. Iraq and afghanistan, the two wars he inherited. To the extent that the president came to office with a new approach, it was he really didnt like this war. The first step toward his Campaign Promise to end the iraq war. Narrator the iraq war was nearing its sixth year. The country was weary. Obama had campaigned on the iraq issue as a candidate. And he had a plan the idea was that American Forces would leave iraq on a kind of regular schedule, and then wed hand over to the iraqis. Narrator during the campaign, obama had been warned not to leave iraq too quickly. General petraeus and ambassador crocker were firm. Dave petraeus and i refused to talk about timelines. We talked about what needed to be done and the need to maintain strategic patience and commitment until those things were done. To set an arbitrary timeline is just telling the enemy how long he has to wait, and that can be very dangerous, and that is the argument we made. The president of the United States. Narrator at the end of his first month in office, before thousands of marines at camp lejeune, north carolina, president obama told americans what he intended to do about that Campaign Promise. I have come to speak to you about how the war in iraq will end. The situation in iraq has improved. Violence has been reduced substantially from the horrific sectarian killing of 2006 and 2007. Narrator he rejected petraeus and crockers advice not to publicly announce a timetable. I intend to remove all u. S. Troops from iraq by the end of 2011. applause we will complete this transition to iraqi responsibility, and we will bring our troops home with the honor that they have earned. Semper fi hoorah narrator he had said all he was going to say about his policy on iraq. The president decided he wanted this behind us. He didnt want to think about it. He didnt want to talk about it. He didnt want to develop any resources to it. He wanted to normalize iraq when its a country thats not normal. He simply wanted to put iraq behind us. Narrator the president would focus his attention elsewhere. He pretty much turns his attention away from iraq. He gives it to joe biden, his Vice President , to manage. And he focuses instead on afghanistan, on the economy, on healthcare. These are the things he wants to be remembered for, particularly the domestic accomplishments. And iraq is not what he wants to be spending his presidency on. Narrator in the aftermath, the effects of announcement were immediate. Nsc director Douglas Ollivant saw it firsthand. Shortly after the u. S. Policy for iraq is announced, the iraq nsc shop as we knew it is shut down. The directors go from six to two. And theyre buried fairly deep in the bureaucracy with no direct access to the president. Narrator in iraq, at the american embassy, there was a new handsoff policy. What happened, almost immediately that indicated Major Political change was about to take place is the new ambassador to iraq, christopher hill, told general odierno that iraq is going to be treated as a sovereign state. In other words, we were no longer attempting to shape and guide their political maturation. Huge mistake. Narrator maliki, who had grown used to frequent conversations with george w. Bush, now rarely spoke to barack obama. I remember when i went to see him he was quite nostalgic and said, how is president bush . I wish i could talk to him, and so forth. I said, do you want to talk with him . He was very enthusiastic. Can i really talk to him . So i had picked up my cell phone and called the president s office, president bushs office in dallas and within a few minutes they were talking with each other. And i could tell that he missed the ability to reach out to the president. Narrator without regular guidance from the americans, maliki was on his own. Middle east politics is a full contact sport. Its a survival game. And as maliki figures out that the white house is just really not that vested in iraq, hell take matters into his own hands. Narrator within months, the old iraq hands were getting word that maliki was beginning to consolidate power and increasing sectarian tension. In 2009, there are complaints coming out of iraq that maliki, who was initially criticized as too weak, is now being criticized as too strong and too authoritarian and increasingly sectarian. Narrator the iraqi army, trained and equipped by the americans, was one of malikis first targets. He begins to deprofessionalize the military, removing sunni commanders, replacing them with shia commanders. Hes concerned about the reliability of the armed forces. Maliki gets rid of a lot of welltrained commanders in the iraqi army, and replaces them with political loyalists. Its as if hes more worried about a coup than he is in having an effective military. Because what good is an effective military if its against you. Narrator and in the sunni heartland, petraeus sons of iraq were quickly becoming enemies of the state. He began to take exception to the sons of iraq, which all came from the sunni tribes. He stopped paying them. Not only that, he began to purge some of them and actually attacked and killed some of them. Narrator the American Ambassador James Jeffrey knew maliki was a problem. There was a lot of concern about maliki. I could see that among the iraqi political figures and also in washington, all the way to the top i want to underline all the way to the top there was a lot of concern about maliki. Narrator nevertheless, the American Government continued to back maliki. The timetable for withdrawal from iraq is nearing month by month. The u. S. Military in iraq has been scheduled to leave iraq. Theres still about 46,000 combat troops inside iraq. U. S. Troops must leave that country by the end of the year. Narrator by the spring of 2011, a deadline was looming in iraq. The president had promised all American Forces would be out of iraq by december. But at the pentagon, they wanted toeep a residual force on the ground. Instead of the 50,000 who are there now, theyd like to keep 20,000 to 24,000 troops in iraq. That arrives at the white house to expressions of great shock. Narrator in a series of tough meetings in the situation room, the president pushed back. They force the pentagon to go back, to redo the numbers, they come back with the 10,000 troop option. Eventually they whittle that down to 5,000 troops. Narrator even that small number would require a new agreement with iraq. Over video conference, obama and maliki negotiated in earnest for the first time. When he opened the talks, president obama made a demand that the Bush Administration had not made for keeping american troops in iraq. Narrator obama insisted maliki convince the Iraqi Parliament to bestow legal immunity to the american troops. It wasnt sufficient merely to have an agreement that conferred legal immunities on these troops. This agreement had to be formally approved by the Iraqi Parliament. Narrator but delivering the dysfunctional parliaments approval would be difficult given iranian influence and sunni opposition. When maliki in effect said, this is a big roadblock, and washington said, well, we cant do it unless you send this to parliament. I think that both sides actually were more or less happy to let it fall aside and say, fine. Nobody really wanted it, neither the americans nor maliki. The americans were pretty sick of iraq at the time. And frankly, i think the iraqis were pretty sick of the americans. Narrator the negotiations had failed. Still, the president declared victory in iraq. All the way everything that american troops have done in iraq, all the fighting, all the dying, all of it has led to this moment of success. The Obama Administration saw departure from iraq as a Foreign Policy victory in of itself, divorced from what the consequences for iraq would be. So it was a gain for the american budget, it was a reversal of the bush policy, it was an unburdening of the u. S. Military, all of these things which had nothing to do with actually what was happening in iraq. Narrator and to celebrate the moment, the president invited a special guest to the white house. They had a joint press conference, where he talked about this new democratic iraq that was going to be built. Today, im proud to welcome Prime Minister maliki, the elected leader of a sovereign, selfreliant and democratic iraq. The americans at this point, have, in effect, embraced maliki. He had been very controversial for a lot of years. But to them, he was going to be the person who was going to lead this new government into the future without american troops. Mr. Prime minister, as we end this war and as iraq faces its future, you have a strong and enduring partner in the United States of america. Thank you very much everybody. Narrator there was no public criticism of malikis sectarian mauvers. Maliki was becoming a problem. On the other hand, the president had taken the position iraq was a mistake, weve ended our war in iraq, the country is on its own. Narrator now, for better or worse, president obama, like his predecessor, was entrusting iraqs future to Nouri Almaliki. The last 6,000 u. S. Forces in iraq are packing up. Marks the end of the war in iraq. The last u. S. Troops are now leaving iraq. Narrator after nearly nine years, over 4,000 americans killed, more than 30,000 wounded. And an estimated cost of 2 trillion dollars. The last us troops left iraq. We disengaged not only militarily at the end of 2011, we disengaged politically. The war was over, we were out. Let the chips fall where they may. Well, i dont think we thought through exactly how many chips were going to fall and what the consequences of that would be. Narrator and as american troops left, the diplomatic effort was also being scaled back. More than 10,000 state Department Employees would begin to leave. Senior level regular phone calls, senior level regular visits basically ceased. There was exactly one visit to iraq since the end of 2011 until mid2014 by a cabinet level official. And given that we were hard wired into their political system, they wouldnt be able to function effectively with each other among communities without us. I think that disengagement brought them all back to zero sum thinking. Narrator with the americans gone and the attention of the world waning, it did not take long for maliki to act. Then when the last american troops leave, he begins a pretty concerted crackdown on the sunni population. Narrator just one day after the last american soldier left, an arrest warrant was issued for malikis rival, the countrys sunni Vice President tariq alhashimi. They accused him of running death squads and assassinating political enemies, charges he denied. This is clearly a moment where iraqi politics begins to fall apart. But hashimi is really the one who triggers everything that happens afterwards. Narrator by now, David Petraeus had left the army to become director of the cia for the Obama Administration. He was the only senior american official in baghdad that day. Ironically, the ambassador was not there. The u. S. Four star was gone. So here i was on the ground as the director of the cia, ended up shuttling back and forth between the different parties, with m1 tanks all over the green zone pointed at different houses. Narrator but petraeus could not broker a deal. Vice president hashimi was sentenced to death but smuggled to safety in turkey, where he is under police protection. This was a very serious development. And tragically, what it did, of course, is it started the process of undoing the process wed worked so hard to do during the surge and even in the years after the surge. Narrator in the months that followed, maliki would go after others. The offices of the sunni finance minister were raided. Sunni leaders were detained. Mass protests broke out in sunni provinces. It was a catalyst for a renewed sense among the sunni arab population that they, once again, didnt have a seat at the table in their country, and that their leaders were targeted by the government. And that had a very, very harmful effect. Narrator the tenuous peace between the sunnis and shiites was broken. Political protestors in a sunni town were brutally attacked. shouting and gunfire loud explosions i think that the goal he had was very clear. I am going to use every element of power to both advance my own interests and that of creating a stable shiite control of this state. gunfire malikis game plan for the future of iraq is to consolidate shia power and basically putting sunnis in a subservient position. What he sees with the american departure is an opportunity to implement this, theres not going to be any americans in his way. Since the final withdrawal of american troops, islamists have been gaining ground in the western anbar province. Militants have been using the sectarian strife to gain a foothold. Narrator by 2014, the sunnis struck back. loud explosions in the north, a sunni group, the Islamic State in iraq and syria, joined by former baathists and other sunni insurgents, stunned maliki by capturing key cities fallujah, ramadi, mosul. Isis began moving through places where so Many Americans had given their lives to liberate. Seeing what amounts to al qaedatype folks resurgent was a big blow and a big surprise, i think, to a lot of people in washington, including the white house. Narrator in short order, isis shocked the world by releasing brutal execution videos. gunshots as isis and their sunni allies marched to the edge of baghdad, the iraqi forces, led by malikis handpicked generals, were no match. loud explosions gunfire the top leadership up there fled some 30,000 troops. People say that the total Security Forces may have been twice as high. Basically, fled from the arrival of perhaps 1,000 or 2,000 of lightly armed al qaeda forces. What was a surprise to the white house was the rapid collapse of the iraqi forces. And why was that a surprise . Because we didnt have any advisors with the iraqi troops. Whats going on in iraq is not 800 syrian militants running into iraq. Its the sunni tribes, probably 20 of the country, have lost patience with the government in baghdad led by Prime Minister maliki, and encouraged by the syrian war, and in part armed by the syrian war, have risen up. Narrator and this time, petraeus sunni paramilitary the sons of iraq did not fight for malikis government. Not only do you not have the Sunni Awakening groups or sons of iraq that are helping the Iraqi Security forces, you actually have a population that became disenfranchised once again, that developed a feeling that they didnt have a seat at the table in baghdad. Narrator now the sectarian killings are back in full force. Muqtada alsadrs Shiite Mahdi Army is back on the streets and ready for battle. Looking ahead, some see an even bloodier civil war, the breakup of iraq, or worse. I keep on thinking in terms of a shakespearean tragedy. And i think were probably only in act 4 right now. Act 5, the bloody conclusion of hamlet or macbeth, still has not happened. Narrator at the white house, it is now president obama whose legacy is being threatened by iraq. For president obama, it cant be satisfying to say you diminished a terrorist threat, you took out bin laden, you dealt with the situation in afghanistan, but now a new terrorist threat, involving thousands of fighters, has emerged in western and northern iraq. The Guerrilla Army had roared east to take over big chunks of western iraq. In northern iraq, a number of districts have been taken over by fighters. Militants have swallowed up territory and theyre pushing toward baghdad. This is analogous to afghanistan, august 2001. This time, it is al qaeda version 6. 0. They make bin Ladens Al Qaeda look like boy scouts. They are far stronger, they are far more numerous. They have thousands who hold foreign passports and require no visas to get into the United States or other western countries. They are well funded, they are battle hardened, and they are well armed and they now control far more territory exclusively than bin laden ever did. Isis has looted the banks in mosul. Theyve taken all the american arms they can grab their hands on, including the secondlargest ammunition supply point in iraq. Having grabbed all this loot and assets in iraq theyve plunged back into syria taking deir alzor oil rich province. Theyre expanding their footprint. And i can tell you as we sit here today in washington. Theyre sitting in mosul figuring out how theyre going to get at us next. Go tpbs. Org frontline for extended interviews with general David Petraeus. Perhaps it was a sign of how desperate the times were. Ambassador ryan crocker, general jack keane and others. A closer look at the key turning points of the war in iraq and its aftermath. Explore frontlines collection of reporting on iraq since 2003. 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The ford foundation, working with visionaries on the front lines of social change worldwide. At fordfoundation. Org. The wyncote foundation. And by the frontline journalism fund, with major support from jon and jo ann hagler, and Additional Support from bill and cile hicks. For more on this and other frontline programs, visit our website at pbs. Org frontline. Frontlinelosing iraq is available on dvd. To order, visit shoppbs. Org. Or call 1800playpbs. Frontline is also available for download on itunes. What if television. Ali i shook up the world could remember the heroes we honored . The music we danced to . The dreams we chased . Kennedy the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die. No one tells our nations story like pbs. Give to your pbs station, and help bring americas story to life. Angeles, im Travis Smiley tonight. A conversation with combat veteran ron capps, his memoir seriously not all right five wars in ten years. He was a Intelligence Officer for the u. S. 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