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Then instructed to cover up how they obtained the tips. Pakistan, u. S. State department has ordered most personnel to leave the consulate in lahore because of a threat to the mission. Gunman in the pakistani city of of aa fired on the vehicle politician driving past worshipers leaving a mosque, killing nine people and wounding 27. Attack came one day after suicide bombing attack in the same city killed three people at a policemans funeral. Three u. S. Drone strikes killed at least 12 people in yemen on thursday. The United States has not carried out at least a drone strikes in yemen since july 27, killing 34 people, according to the associated press. In news from europe, the Unemployment Rate in greece has reached a new high of 27. 6 . The job market is even worse for young people. Nearly 65 of those between 15 to 24 years of age are out of work. The latest unemployment data in greece was released as president obama was meeting with their Prime Minister in washington. Greece is going through incredible challenges. And so far, the Prime Minister has taken some very bold and difficult actions to initiate the Structural Reforms that can help reduce the debt burden that greece experiences, but even more importantly, can unleash incredible talent of great people so they are effectively competing in this new world economy. Praised president obama greece posse economic initiatives, residents of greece say years of tax rises, wages, and pension cuts continue to take their toll. Tax rises from the ages and pension cuts, continue to take their toll. I am 66 years old, unemployed and will not get a pension three at i am looking in the garbage for something to be. A Miami Beach Police officer has been placed on paid administrative leave after he fatally shot an 18 euro graffiti artist with a taster. The teenager, israel hernandez, was an awardwinning artist whose work have been exhibited locally. The Police Officer began chasing hernandez after he saw the artist spray tanning is tagged on a boardedup mcdonalds storefront. Hernandez, who was born in columbia, was reportedly shot after a 10 minute chase. According to witnesses, the Police Officers involved in the chase celebrated after they trapped and plays third hernandez by slapping each other with high fives as the teenager lay dying in the street. Hernandez High School Art teacher said art teacher, an israel was one of the most unique intelligent students i have ever encountered. The Justice Department has announced it will review the case of ramarley graham, the unarmed 18yearold teenager who was shot dead inside his own home by new york city Police Officer last year. On wednesday, grand jury failed to indict the narcotics officer who fatally shot graham. Officer richard haste was initially invited for manslaughter at indicted for manslaughter, but a judge electively throughout the indictment in may on procedural grounds. Ramarley grahams father spoke outside the district attorneys office. He gets to go back and do his job and maybe kill again. We have to ask ourselves the question, if my son had been white, would this have been happen . Would they have run in a white persons home . We dont want to talk about racism in america, but why not . We need things to change three. Like our attorney says, we need a special prosecutor to deal with these cases. We cannot trust the office at work so closely with the nypd to prosecute them. I dont think youll ever change as long as theyre prosecuting these police. We need real changes. Holderrney general eric has openly criticized the u. S. Drug saying too many people are now behind bars and it is time for federal sentencing reform. Holder made the comments in an interview on npr. There are too many people in jail for too long and for not necessarily good reasons. The war on drugs is 30 to 40 years old and there have been a lot of unintended kwanzaa quinces. Consequences. There is been a decimation of particularly those committees of color. A chief medical correspondent for cnn appeared on television this week and openly apologize for his past reporting questioning the medical uses of marijuana. I have apologized for some of the earlier reporting because i think we had been terribly and systematically misled in this country for some time and i did part of that misleading. I did not look far or deep enough or look at labs in other countries doing some incredible research or listen to the people who said not only does marijuana work for me, it is the only thing that works for me. I took the dea at their word when they said it was a scheduled i substance and has no other applications. Native americans and environmental us try to block a massive truck carrying refining equipment to the tar sands mining area in canada and at least 20 people have been arrested in idaho. On tuesday night, hundreds of protests formed a human blockade to stop the megaload. Story weowup to a reported thursday, federal judge hinted he may lack jurisdiction to grant attorney Lynne Stewarts request for compassionate release from federal prison so she can die from cancer at home surrounded by her family. Her present position estimates she is less than 18 months to live a key requirement for early release. As supporters looked on from a packed courtroom during arguments on thursday afternoon, the assistant u. S. Attorney told the judge the bureau denied the request earlier this year. L. S. District judge john koelt at times appeared sympathetic to stewarts request, but told her defense team at one point during the hour long hearing, the judge asked you donttor think she is a strong argument for compassionate release, do you . Husbandsewarts reaction after the arguments. The prosecution any much said, die or not, lets stick to the matter of the law in his interpretation of the letter of the law is that there was no way for a judge to intercede in the bureaucratic chain of the prisons. And that is a very difficult pill to swallow. You can go to democracynow. Org to read Lynne Stewarts handwritten plea to the judge and see our interview with her attorney, her husband, and her daughter, who happens to be a hospice and Palliative Care physician. Those are some of the headlines. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. This week marks the oneyear anniversary of the attack on a sikh temple in oak creek, wisconsin the of six people dead and five when did. People of all faiths join the community for vigils to remember those who died on august 5, 2012 when a neonazi gunman wade michael page opened fire on worshipers in the temple. The oak creek tragedy brought National Attention to the threat of hate and discrimination that has become routine for millions , muslim, hindu, and arabamericans in the last decade. According to reports, hate crimes against these communities are now at their highest since 2001, and a number of hate groups has more than doubled since 2000. Last friday, ahead of the anniversary, attorney general eric holder announced the Justice Department will begin collecting data on hate crimes committed against sikhs along with other religious groups. This is jasit singh. In the year after oak creek, we have made some progress with the government and in one year, to get the fbi to agree to start tracking hate crimes against sikhs, thats progress. The context of one year later, we know the government has challenges of moving quickly, especially in this environment, but for them to recognize the need and move on it should actually be of knowledged and we apply the effort. At the same time, it is not a victory in the sense were simply requesting we be recognized when we are facing these horrific challenges. It gives you a sense for how much work really there is to be done in a broader scope. A day after the anniversary of the shooting, five golden domes were added to the oak creek temple, something the late temple president who was killed in lasters massacre had wanted. To talk more about the implications of this tragedy one year later, we go to milwaukee where were joined by two guests whose Unlikely Alliance was born out of this tragedy. Pardeep kaleka is the son of the slain temple president Satwant Singh kaleka, a founder of serve2unite. Arno michaelis is also with us, former righ white supremacist. We welcome you both to democracy now Pardeep Kaleka, i would like to begin with you. It is a year later, my condolences on the death of your father and the others in your community. Talk about what happened that day. Good morning, amy. That day, august 5, sort of marked our community being victimized by a hate crime committed by a white supremacist. He did not think we represented what america was about. Basically, he came into the temple that they and shot six. Eople dead, one was my father others were injured. One is to critically in a vegetative state one is still in a critically vegetative state. This past week and was a healing process. Vigil andthe oneyear with the domes going up the one of the wishes my dad really wanted was he wanted it to look that way. Pardeep kaleka, can you talk about the guest youre sitting next to right now . Can you talk about how the two of you met after this killing last year . Sure. , right after august, there was a lot of media and we were working with other nonprofits in the area. As i was working with some nonprofits as far as the gun debate, that was frustrating at the time. I was walking out of the meeting and one of the people asked me, had he contacted Arno Michaelis yet . I have been meeting to contact him because i knew the work you is doing in the Community Work he was doing the community. We were both part of another which is made up of former violent extremists and survivors who linked together and share their stories of forgiveness and compassion for a broader message of forgiveness and compassion, and i contacted the organizer of abe and he told me how to get a hold o we went back and forth through email and text and eventually, we finally talked one evening. I remember i want to bring Arno Michaelis into this and ask about your background. You were a white supremacist, racist skinhead. Started there you and ended up working together against violence and hate with Pardeep Kaleka. I would be happy to, amy. Good morning. In skinheaded groups really just as an angry, bored, unchallenged teenager. I dont believe anyone really has an excuse to be violent, but i absolutely had no excuse. I came from a privileged background in midwestern wisconsin, born into the middle class. I really had everything going for me. I came from an alcoholic household with emotional Violence Free at my parents were pretty miserable and that made me want to distance myself from them and also got me lashing out at an early age. I was a bully on the school bus as early as kindergarten. I started getting in fights in the schoolyard in Elementary School which escalated to breaking and entering and vandalism and middle school read i started drinking myself by the time i was a teenager. I got into punk rock which i still love, but i appreciate the diy attitude and question the authority of punk, but back then was just about smashing things and hurting people and lashing out. That is kind of who i was when i came across the idea of getting involved with the skinheads read i initially donned a swastika really for shock value because it was the most effective way to piss people off that i come across by that time. I wasnt really a racist looking ar other races, i was just bored, angry kid looking for something to make me feel worthwhile and a cause to kind of joined up with. I found very quickly once i started radiating hate and violence out in the world around me, the world reflected it back. As i was expressing my hostility and hostility of that the return to me, it may be more hateful and violent that ultimately led to a sevenyear involvement in hate groups. I got out in 1994. The two milestone event in me leaving were becoming a single parent and a couple of months after that, a second friend of mine was murdered in a street fight. By that time, i have lost count of how many friends have been incarcerated. It struck me i didnt change my ways, death or prison was very likely to take me from my daughter. Beyond those milestones, though, i truly believe it was acts of kindness that i have been given to me by strangers and people that i was openly hostile to. You were times when black people, jewish people, gay and lesbian people, treated me as a human being even though our refuse to a knowledge their humanity. And while those acts of kindness did not change in the spot, they did plant seeds that stuck with me and built on a growing sense of what i was doing was wrong. That you feel you were so heavily involved in the white power movement, also your music, that you may have influenced the shooter to kill. Yeah, when august 5 happened, first and foremost i was heartbroken for Pardeep Kaleka and his family and the families of the other victims. I thought what it would be like to have someone murder my father or my grandfather or my mother, and that human level was really what was most important to me. The next thought was, i did a lot to contribute to the environment that created wade page. In many ways he was exactly who i used to be. He was a white power skinhead, a lead singer in a band the skinheads. I have done that years before he became active. I was kind of instrumental in creating the environment that created him. Pardeep kaleka, you were a Police Officer before becoming a teacher . Yeah, i was a Police Officer for 4 years in the innercity. I went onto to become a teacher in the same innercity. That is what i do now parttime. Something else we do part time is serve2unite where we go out to schools and try to get students to engage in their environment and identify social issues that they have to deal with and try to find constructive ways of dealing with them. For theeen a good run last six months, and were planning to keep doing it and moving forward. Arno, have you reached out to White Supremacists . I am not a white separatist intervenor. Outreacharted doing and january 2010, i started speaking about my past and writing. It was important to me to address racism, but in the grand scheme of things, while they can be very dangerous and canructive as pardeep ifortunately th attest to, dont think white separatist groups should be the main concern. I am more concerned with the curative effects of 500 years of White Supremacy and the effect cities. N our inner ive been focusing my efforts on trying to help people who are struggling in socioeconomically theessed areas to realize power they have to change their lives and their environments. I think those are the people who are suffering the effects of racism on a broader scale, so that is where i focus my work. Now over the course of doing that and sharing my story and of just being out there publicly, i have had a small but steady stream of people looking to me for guidance to lead the white power movements ive had slightly more people doing that than i have gotten hate mail from my old buddies. Pardeep kaleka, as the two of you go to school and as you live in your community, what is the message youre sending out now . How do you think we can reduce hate and violence in society, as you honor now this First Anniversary of what took place, you honor the memory of your father and the others killed and wounded . Good question. When we go out to schools and talk to students, we want to engage them in a few different things. We want to engage them in the idea of compassion, and the idea of kindness, and the idea of being immovable. What that basically means is we want students to be self confident, confident enough theyre not easily persuaded by somebody else or some elses beliefs. We also want them to be social agents of change. Ownership ofke their surroundings and their environment and then sort of mold not only their school culture, but broader cultural naked outside. I want to thank you both for being with us. Youre both wearing a tshirt and they have a hand on it read what does the hand represent . Means hand is essentially we are interrupting the cycle of violence. We are very inspired by Ameena Matthews and her interrupters organization in chicago. Beyond the interrupting the cycle of violence, the motivation for doing that is the essence of taking ownership of the violence in our society, that blood is on all of our hands. It is all of our problem, and we all need to be part of the solution. The hand signifies our ability to affect that situation and our willingness to take ownership of it. I want to thank you both for being with us, Arno Michaelis, author of my life after hate and Pardeep Kaleka, founder of serve2unite, working with arno in that group. Thefather was in group of those that were killed at the seat temple one year ago. When we come back, we will be joined by pete seeger and oren lyons. We will find out why Indigenous People paddle down the hudson to the u. N. Today. [music break] this is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. Today marks the International Day of the worlds indigenous. Eoples first proclaimed by the United Nations 20 years ago, the day focuses on Indigenous Peoples alliances, honoring treaties and respecting cultures. Events in new york kickoff this morning when more than 200 native and nonnative are set to rise in new york after a two week journey peddling in canoes down the hudson river. They will be met by dutch consul ,eneral rob de vos representatives of native nations, and many supporters before heading to the United Nations for series of events. They began their journey in over 140d paddled miles on a voyage to commemorate the First Agreement between the early european dutch settlers and the iroquois confederacy, known as the two row wampum treaty. This is chief jack edwards. Sharedeated the with these newcomers, into the forest. It also told them to be respectful of all and only take from other earth what you need to survive. So this agreement came about. Represents arew the people and their canoe traveling down the river of life , alongside the newcomers and their vessel, their ship. That was chief jack edwards. Can yours your part of the Campaign Site Environmental Conservation is at the heart of the campaign and many knitted organizers are working closely with her neighbors to protest fracking. That is the controversial method used to extract methane gas from shale. For more were joined by three participants in the two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign. Onondaga Nation Council of chiefs, oren lyons. Us, projects with court nader for the campaign and a member of members of the onondaga nation. And we are joined by pete seeger, the legendary 94year old folksinger, banjo player, storyteller and activist. For over 60 years, hes been an american icon, author and co author of so many songs. He has also been a longtime supporter of native american rights. We welcome you all to democracy now oren lyons, lets begin with you. What is the significance of this day . Why paddling up the hudson river to the United Nations today . Today were celebrating 400 years of association with our friends from across the great waters. Four years ago 400 years ago we met with the dutch on issues of trade, peace, friendship. We agreed at that time that we would establish a relationship of peace and friendship for as long as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, as long as the rivers run downhill, and as long as the grass is green. Grass is green today and the rivers are running, and so is the sun rising. So here we are with a 400year metdshake being met i by the kingdom of the netherlands attorney general de vos and his wife, representing the counterparts of that original meeting. It is the grandfather of all treaties made after that, i would say, this is the original agreement. We just watched chief jake edwards holding the treaty, which is not words, but beads for you explain. And them and phelps strings that we have used over these many centuries, at that time the political currency of the time, that is how things were agreed upon, that was our past 300nd over that to 400 years, used by everyone print weather is spanish, image used by everyone, whether it is spanish, french. The depiction of the two vessel sidebyside going down the river of life, peace and friendship, tied together with the covenant chain of peace has three links. So we are here celebrating the 400th anniversary of that. The past 400 years, of course, subject to all the Historic Events of that time and yet here we are and yet the issue remains, peace and friendship. I think from our perspective, we are concerned about the future , andy concerns about earth the conduct of people. Instruct, how do you seven billion people to the relationship of the earth . That andey understand relate they way they should be, the future is pretty dim for the human species. Pete seeger, as oren lyons is speaking, youre nodding your head yes read why are you involved with the two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign . I was fortunate to meet a man who was a teacher of the mohawk reservation on the st. Lawrence 1950. Way back things. T me i was trying to run a little festival and he came to the adirondacks with some of his students from his reservation. I remember asking him if you would teach in one of his songs. He said, pete, our songs are sacred to us and you should not even try and sing them except here is a seneca canoe song that i would be glad if you learned that. Guess, i haves, i been singing the seneca canoe song. Can you sing it now . You said we should not look oss the ocean paddledtraordinary man out of lake ontario and went to. Ittle village he said you can call me the peacemaker. The local war chief says, get out of here, thats one stock. Thats womans talk. I am the war chief. This young man went to another village and met a man named hiawatha who was grieving for his wife and daughter who had died. They had uninteresting way of anping the peace they had interesting way of keeping the peace. The cynic is to the lake cayuga, where cornell is, and where chief oren lyons is, the mohawks, some as. Ar east they started fighting with each other. Proposed wasis man that the women who were heads of the clans, they know whose baby is whose, they appoint men who will meet once a year and they will meet in the long house under a great tree of peace. The white roots of peace will go east and west and north and south. And the top of the tree would look for danger from afar. But they would discuss, instead the things people disagreed on. Had an interesting rule. Nothing would be voted on and less was left on at least one night. I think that should be done more often. You dont vote on something until you sleep on it at least one night. Time, few predicted in eclipse. He said tomorrow afternoon the , as proofarken itself he was speaking the truth. And it did. He must have watched exactly where the moon and sun were rising and said, theyre going to touch each other. Finally, this extraordinary system of government took place. They stuck around and nobody knows exactly how long, but it was half a year or two years, but the man stayed to make sure the system was working and then he got into his canoe and paddled North Interlake ontario and nobody ever saw him again. But isnt that interesting . I told the story more or less correctly, didnt i . More or less. [applause] campaignager, this that you have helped organize, why are you involved as a non native and the significance of it, what youre focusing on . Rocks it is about justice, marking this 400th anniversary of thereaty that oren lyons talked about and calling on the people of the United States, the people of new york state, the nonnative people of the world, to look at how we behaved, how we have not honor this treaty and have not abide by it. We have knocked the haudenosaunee people out of the boat and sought to steer their boat and tried to control their way of life, a complete violation of the treaty. It is a call to us to look backwards but to do so forward as well to see how we Work Together to reestablish peace and social justice. And in doing so, to preserve the environment. As oren lyons mentions of a clock eloquently, we are deepening crisis and if we dont shift our ways, the future for all of us looks very bleak. Between pete seeger and oren lyons, youve got 177 years. You have seen a lot of history with the American Government and native americans. Hen lyons, this is how reportedly reply to the treaty proposal can you talk more about the treaty and what you think happened to it, whether it was honored over 400 years in the significance of the belt . At this particular time, nation,aunee, onondaga the seneca nation and the cayuga nation are probably the last independent governments still in charge of land and not under the processes of the bureau of and washington, d. C. , or the department of Indian Affairs in canada. We still raise our leaders, as we did before, by consensus and by agreement and by, first of all, having the women choose the leaders. The women have a great deal of responsibility in this process. They not only choose the leaders, but the leaders have to be agreed upon by consensus by the family. Until she finds that consensus, then they will agrees to raise that leader. In the council of chiefs will also have that right of consensus. If they dont agree, she has to go back to grant. If they dont agree, she has to go back again. This leader is going to be vetted many, many times. Clearly, she has to make a good choice. She also has the power of recall. She can remove that title for malfeasance of office, for for violations against women or children. The structure of the league is very old and it is a continuum and probably is the original democracy that so inspired ben franklin and the cardinal congress to follow our lead. We are in discussion with them for many, many years. Pete seeger . Franklinafter benjamin souped a letter describing his , thed of government Constitutional Conventions of the United States was about to break up. The jeffersonians didnt want to talk to the hamiltonians, the north and the south and so on. Franklin holds up this piece of paper saying these are people we call savages because their ways are different from ours, but they have kept the peace for hundreds of years. And if they can, why cant 13 english colonies . The Constitutional Convention to keep on talking and find compromises that they could make a constitution. It is the foundation of the United States. Can you talk about the significance of the headdress you have in front of you . We talked about the eagle on top of the tree of peace, that is this the other. The eagle represents the spiritual leadership of the animal world from the birds and the leader of the birds and all animals have leaders. The deer is the leader of all the animals that are fourlegged. The feathers of these powerful entity who carries the highest of any bird, carries our words the closest to the creator. It is our principal assange or of peace. It is our principal messenger of peace. It is a representation of the bird nations. We carry it close to us. Our staffs are always with these great bird feathers. They remind us of our responsibility. Andy mager, can you talk about the horseback ride today . The dakota unity writers who have come from manitoba, canada traveling over 4000 miles, theyre not continuously on horseback for that journey, but have joined with the two Row Wampum Renewal Campaign campaign. We realize there was much in common so they have joined us in troy, new york before we started pedaling down the hudson, and cap school that skill and deacon and expected to join us sometime today, although there were problems with the permit. Therell be a march today. Our paddlers are on the water today in to peer 96 in manhattan. They will have a welcoming from the dutch consul general, from councilman and others and then cross manhattan to the United Nations were will be welcomed by the humaun. The unity riders will join us. The nypd would not give us a permit, last i heard, to walk beside our march. There is still a little of an ear about that, but theres very ,uch a shared sense of unity call for respective native rights, the core both campaigns and we are just delighted. How does this fit in, hydraulic fracturing . Water is the first law of life read looking to the generations ahead of us, and protecting their future and being responsible to that, fracking, of course, impacts water amazingly. Absolutely contaminated beyond redemption. Futures an attack on the lives of our children and everybody elses children as well. And life in general. The laws of nature are such that from youruffer transgressions, simple as that. Eople should understand this there is no mercy in nature. None whatsoever. Only the law, only the rules. If you follow those laws and rules, you have regeneration again and again. If you want to challenge those laws, you suffer the consequences. That is where we are now. E are Fracking Fracking is probably the most damaging challenge that america has today in terms of its future. Pete seeger, would you like to weigh in . Looks absolutely true. People say, i need a job read i will work for the fracking. To get a little gas to run cars or factories, we will destroy the future for our children and our grandchildren. Were fine. Horrifying. Oren lyons and andy mager, thank you for being with us. We are going to go to break. When we come back, i want to speak a few more minutes to pete seeger and then were going to combine together for postshow conversation, which we will post online at democracynow. Org. Stay with us on this Indigenous Peoples day. [music break] this is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. We continue the conversation with the legendary pete seeger here in new york. 1990 1919, pete seeger is now 94 years old, an american icon. In the 1940s, he performed along with Woody Guthrie. In the 1950s comic he opposed senator mccarthys witchhunt and was almost jailed. He helped popularize the civil rights anthem we shall overcome her coat and the 1960s, he and started generation of protest singers. On july 9, hisay wife, the artist and filmmaker toshi seeger, died at the age of 91. She was a key leader in artistic programmer for the great hudson river revival. She died less than two short of what would have been their 70th wedding anniversary. Pete, might condolences on the death of toshi. She was the brains of the family. I get an idea, but she would figure out how to make it work. Can you talk a little bit more about her . We met square dancing in new york and i came to sing for the Square Dance Group and stayed to dance. Then i remembered she volunteered to help me out of the ties the big mess of songs awful but ties the big mess of songs that i had. One thing led to another. You have any words of wisdom for couples . You almost hit 70 years together. She was such an extraordinary , ison, all i can say is think we needed each other. And although we were quite different in some ways, we supported each other. Her father was japanese. And because of the oriental exclusion act passed on by Union Members on the west coast that didnt want to have to have cheap Chinese Labor taking jobs couldnt them, toshi leave the country. I would sing and canada, and should stay in a hotel, motel, until i got out. If she had gone up there, she wouldnt have been able to get back in. Until to do very conservative congressman until two very conservative congressman put la. Quite often, good things can be done in spite of ourselves. I made lots of fool mistakes. The dumb things i have done in wince when i think of them. I have done lots and lots of ,oolish things in my long life but you keep trying to learn. Wordsf wisdom for surviving beloved spouse. Your device . Keep a sense of humor. Isa matter of fact, if there a human race here, a world here from a humor may be one of the things that may save us. Pete, there are so many historic anniversaries this year. We just passed the 50th anniversary of your historic Carnegie Hall concert of the we shall overcome album was released. Were sung your songs 50 years ago if i had a hammer by peter paul and mary. This last week was the anniversary of the bombing of hiroshima. Well,t, today august 6 was the anniversary of hiroshima, and august 9 the bombing of nagasaki. You didnt plant the march on washington, but your songs were played in the song helped opularize we shall overcome and he sang a president obamas first inauguration. He sang the forbidden verses of this land is your land. It didnt get on the recording, but Woody Guthrie had great highline that wall tried to stop me, break postalid try and stop me but on the other side it didnt say nothing. This guy was one of the geniuses and human mistakes in his life with black Woody Guthrie. But he didnt stop trying to create. In spite of the mistakes that you make him a you keep on trying. What are your goals now a 94 . Well, i thought i would lefty the lead of the old who when he was going to hit 100, he said to his wife, honey, i cant do what i used to do, im just going to stop eating about a month before my 100th birth day and on that day, there will be a party for it if im still alive, i will be at the party. If im not alive, why, you have a Party Without me and maybe remember me. He did live next to 10 days. I have an acronym. Gap means going away party. Ink i still committed with a k it is not committing suicide, it is a going away party. Do you want to take us out with a song, we shall overcome . Yes, that is something the human race needs to be reminded of. Dont give up. And this old, old spiritual originally was i will overcome. I just me with my though shall worked better. We shall overcome we shall overcome some dayovercome heartp in my i know that i do believe [captioning made possible by democracy now ] good evening from los angeles. Tonight a conversation with writer director joss whedon. Last year he made box office history. His movie the avengers earned one and a half billion dollars at the box office. His latest is a modernday retelling of much to about nothing. Of much ado about nothing there is a saying that dr. King had that said there is always the right time to do the right thing. I try to live my life every day by doing the right thing. We know that we are only halfway to completely eliminating hunger and we have work to do. Walmart committed 2 billion to fighting hunr in the u. S. As we Work Together, we can stamp hunger out. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. For more information on todays show, visit tavis smiley at pbs. Org. Vis hi, im tavis smiley. Imagine you have just direct did marvelbased on characters and you have just agreed to make the sequel. Here is joss whedon. You made it in your own th backyard in 12 days, and this is what you come up with. Are you sure benedict loves entirely . O did they bid you tell her of it . They did not, but i persuaded them if they love benedict. Why did you so . Does not the gentleman deserves as full of bad a be . Womanure never framed a of as proud of stuff as beatrice. Then kingsley came through, and when he does it is through a to go conversation without shakespeare making a cameo, so i will ask you. What is it about shakespeare

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