Not for being the direct perpetrator of the murder of the but not stopping or reporting what was happening. Contreras, a legal advisor, has failed to take him to court. He says the countrys laws of impunity make it hard and cases like this particularly difficult. If you take into account that in chile there are two , one oftial candidates them the daughter of the victim, there is a whole political dynamic that explains why the judges refuse to enforce the law and indict him. This is not fair. It is arbitrary. But in chile, we are used to this. Santiago is littered with grim reminders of the past. This person is the director of another former torture center, where in the garden every rose represents a woman killed. The torturesurvived which involved beatings, electric shock, and more. There was a particular torture they used against women, like me, who refused to talk. It involved violent sexual abuse. I was pregnant at the time and i loved my baby. He said the country did not need another baby. The buildings of the time have been destroyed, but they have built a model of the cell where she was held blindfolded for weeks at a time with four others. 20s, was then in her also held in one of these cells and tortured for her leftwing beliefs. Which brings us to another mystery in the story. The reluctance of so many in chile, including michelle herself, to talk about what chet years. The pino is it an advantage in the campaign that your main rivals father was implicated in the death. I have been thinking about this for some time. I think every candidate has his own history. My history is very different from her history. And i hope our citizens will make the best decision in terms of who is the person who can interpret their chilean needs. Would evelyn say anymore . I asked her about the events of 40 years ago, in particular the case of the general and her father. I am not going to answer topics like this, she said, obviously angry. There is a monument for those who were killed but who have no graves. Grieving relatives are angry there are many members of the military around today who know where the bodies are. Have been missing 40 years. The drama of this story, this nightmare is that many of them are still alive and do have information that they are not willing to give away and to speak. Michelle is almost certain to win the election. Will she do something . I think she should. After all, she is part of this. She had family who died. Lets hope she does. The call for accountability comes not only from those who were alive at the time but, as i discover talking to a group of students, from the young as well. This years elections are strongly connected to the events of the past. He could be seen as the face of the military government, whereas the other could be seen as of the people. It reopens the wound and all of the problems that came from it. Pinochets office is now a museum. He was arrested but never brought to trial to face charges of torture and murder. Other senior military figures are in jail, but many more have not been tried for crimes which even their own spokesman admits. The internal conflicts of a country are incredibly tall. But we have to fight the extremist movement. In this kind of fight, you always make mistakes and commit atrocities and excesses. The odds are on michelle returning here as president. This time, there will be a lot more pressure on her to tackle the pinochet legacy. What do you think of when you hear the word feminism . Women marching for equal pay and talking about Domestic Violence . Academics debating which wave of the movement we are on . It might be time to think again. A new Movement Online is challenging the stereotype and fighting on new ground. Here is the digital feminist. It lets you know at a glance who is glancing. It might be from the back of the bus. That young man is her. Oh, how times have changed. Of course, the modern woman does not need anybody on their shoulder to report act because she has one of these in her teenyweeny hand. With that, she can tweet, e mail, sign campaigns for change, like it, tell the world how she feels. , a websitey sexism launched last year by laura bates, when it to create a place where individuals could report their own experiences of sexism. Just a look at recent entries, a man twice my age thought it appropriate to tell me i was well developed for a 16yearold. Said they doork not want to see uneducated women, i would to see a young doctor. Feel absolutely frozen, shamed, embarrassed. These are common reactions with that kind of harassment. We dont think it is the case that if they did not write to everyday sexism they would Say Something bad. I think they have an silent a long time. The stories have not stayed in the Digital World. Some were used by the police in the campaign on london transport, with increased detection rates. Fore are still early days the heady combo of individual power and its ability to shift entrenched victims. One of those is the mainstream medias session with breasts. This in thesaw daily mail. What a performance artist accidentally revealed one bosom to the crowd. There is a song about how that bosom became the story, not her art, going viral. That my recent appearance at Glastonbury Festival the beautiful thing about new media and youtube and twitter is that you are sharing all of these experiences in real time, relying on each other. I the time i got home that night, someone had uploaded the video to youtube. I looked at it, shared it, and by the next morning it had gone viral. Do you get a sense there is friction between the jeffrey between the different generations of feminism . This generation is programmed to want to share forward with them. It makes them feel more human. That, i think you might see the seeds of real change and real evolution. 10 or 16 years ago if i wanted to make a statement about something that was bothering me, i was stuck talking to my friends or calling up the old media. Now i can speak directly, and that will change the world. It already has. Modern feminism reflects modern society. It is a criticism of the ways of the movement, the voice of feminism was often white, well off, and academic. That is not the case now. The visual exploitation of women goes handinhand. More images cing easier to see, easier to share. It is one of the modern feminists biggest battles. This person is part of the rewind, reframe project, a one stop website that allows users to send comments directly to record labels and regulators. I asked how she felt when she watches the way young black women are portrayed in these videos. Frustrated. The fact that this image is a normal depiction of people like a is a problem, and that is thing that people who dont know people like me are unaware of. Is there a danger, though, that people feel too powerful with the digital experience and that you tweet something or send an email by a website and say, i really packed a punch . I think it is useful to still contribute to make a difference on a particular issue, and it was not too strenuous and you do not have to get wet in the rain. I think that is the good thing about this. Not everyone believes that the new Digital World will allow feminism to achieve its goals. Charlotte raven is the editor of the feminist times. She Just Launched it digitally, but wanted to be a stimulus of meeting up and discussing ideas. When i meet everyday sexism, i am usually on my own, often when i put my kids to bed i find myself drawn to it. , it is such acess depressing litany of horror, yet you feel impotent in relation to it. Every is nothing that you can do about it. The only way that change can be ,ffected is in three dimensions by meeting up with real people who are going to change online and also change the world. Andigital feminism has ability to throw their calls around the world in seconds. You feel you are creating a loud, new noise. The question is, how many people are listening . Colleague, emily, was joined earlier this week to discuss feminism with actress natasha, or list angela epstein. Lets start with the real basics. Mary beard, would you define yourself using the word feminist . Of course i would, without even thinking twice. Absolutely no question. That is what i am, that is what i stand for. I think feminism comes in various forms. You cannot lump everybody together. The bottom line is that i cannot understand a woman in this country who isnt. Natasha, anything different . I i guess what i would say is think feminism is an easy word for people to reject, and the sort of people i would probably like to tune in more to the issue and to be more conscious of how they are around women and how women are towards themselves. It is very, very easy for feminism to start to mean something that is sort of a can to a Political Class in opposition to men, therefore people feel defensive around the word. I want that not to happen. Mennt to Work Together with , and im interested in equality rather than the idea that some people might have exactly, superior first. Are you comfortable with the term feminist . Absolutely not. Oft of the reason is part the battles of feminism and suffrage were established so long and have since been fought successfully. More women go through university now than men, girls routinely outplay boys in the classroom. Women have made impacts in all aspect up her fresh and alive. What stops you from using the word feminist yourself . Say is i was about to what has evolved now is the kind of artificial engineering, the kind of construct. All of those great battles have been fought. What feminists are now often looking for, they are spoiling for a fight. They seize upon petty grievances which i think offend the original symbols of feminism. For example, talking about digital activism and all of the sisters who come crying in force. It should live media is very efficient at doing that, but look at the campaign to get women on banknotes. Does it really matter . Natasha, do you agree the battles have been won . Well, clearly not, because we are having this discussion. New comparedhat is to 30 years ago is that it is more insidious. We are not talking about female genital mutilation. We are not talking about eight yearolds marrying 40 years olds as they do in other parts of the world. In my life, in my circle of people that i mix with, it is something that has become terribly commonplace is how it is internalized. I would even go as far as to say the kind of misogyny it has become that i dont think was prevalent when i was growing up from my mothers generation. What is your response to angela, who just tells us the battle has been won and now the battles are minor . There have been enormous changes. There is a framework which was not true in my mothers generation before, equal pay, equal rights, so forth. In some ways, i think we have done extremely well and we should be patting ourselves on the back. But it is also absolutely clear that you dont even have to look theveryday sexism to see kind of stuff that is said about women day by day. I think it is very easy to say those things. But, they are terribly trivial, having you got a sense of humor. Hahe have had a tiein, the shtag which is tied to everyday sexism, and if we did bring up some of the comments that have been posted . With all the guys, start catcalling, is that trivial . Should be something that she just waives away . No, she shouldnt. I would be concerned about a 14 yearold taking on a carload of older guys. If she felt harassed, if any woman feels arrest coming if she feels she is the victim of sexism or objective vocation come there are ways to deal with that. A problem with sites like everyday sexism is you have on the one hand deeply unpleasant tweets, then people complaining because they were called foxy in the office work lace. You mentioned blossom. There is another that mentions flower. , coming into my work to flaunt the man in charge. This is a problem. How do you react to that . Do you cast it aside or do you risk being called humorous, ortega to a pride butyl ash ortega to a tribunal . I think it shows that women are not being represented for what they are doing and country bidding in society. The objective vacation. Are veryee mostly objectified images on the front covers of magazines and billboards, so forth. That is largely how women are physically represented. Doingerest was in sort of a thought reversal of if that were men who were being represented in that way, how would they feel, and how would we as women respond to that. But some are empowered by that. Yes, we look at the typical page three girl, yes that is sexual objectification, but it is not a womens issue. I dont like kids looking at that, but by the same token, you find a woman who feels empowered, professionally successful, goes to the beach and takes her top off. What is the difference between that . She objective eyes herself she objective eyes herself. We are talking about everyday sexism. I think the answer is you can ridicule them, complain about them, you can actually giggle at the silly blokes, but i think individually there are all sorts of responses. I think with this website shows is the aggregate of this stuff, it is not somebody individually calling you blossom but the people who look on this website are not the blokes who are being talked about. That is not the point, though, and i think the issue is one of the questions we are isll asking of ourselves wide are relatively few women in public life, why there are relatively few women in the top of industry, why is womens success above the Glass Ceiling so limited . One of the answers might be is that actually when we go out, the kind of stuff we get the liver to us is this kind of crap. We live you with a tribute to the singer lou reed, who died this week. From all of us, goodbye. Shiny cadillac cars the people on subways and trains looking gray in the rain as they stand disarrayed other people look well in the dark and as you close the door forever the night could last forever leave the sunshine out and say hello to never all the people are dancing and they are having so much fun i wish it could happen to me because if you close the door i would never have to see the day again i would never have to see the day again one more time id never have to see the day again make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank. Bank, ourn relationship managers work hard to understand the industry that you operate in. Working to nurture new ventures and provide capital for key strategic decisions. We offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. What can we do for you . Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. Coming up, lucky severson reports on brain scanning that could help predict whether someone might commit terrible violence. Should it be used . And a report card on pope francis more than seven months into his papacy. What effect is he having on the American Catholic church . A highly Controversial Book about jesus thats been on the bestseller list for more than 14 weeks. Funding for religion and ethics weekly is provided by the endowment. Additional funding also provided by mutual of america. Designing customized individual and Group Retirement products. Thats why were your retirement company. Welcome. Im bob abernathy. Its good to have you with us. Religious leaders are among those criticizing new cuts to the u. S. Food Stamp Program that took effect november 1st. For months faithbased groups have warned this would hurt struggling americans and strain the resources of charities that help the poor. The new cuts, which total 5 billion over the next year, affect nearly 48 million americans who receive benefits under the supplemental nutrition assistance program, or s. N. A. P. Experts estimate those on food stamps will receive between 5 and 8 less. Next Week Congress will debate making even larger cuts over the next decade. This week marked the oneyear anniversary of hurricane sandy, the deadly storm that devastated parts of the midatlantic coast, leaving thousands homeless and causing many billions of dollars in damage. A year later faithbased relief efforts are still under way in new york and new jersey, where much of the damage occurred. Denominational groups such as Southern Baptist Disaster Relief have pledged to continue efforts to rebuild homes and neighborhoods that sandy destroyed. There were mixed reactions after last weeks announcement that air force cadets will no longer be required to say so help me god when taking their honor oath. The air force academy in Colorado Springs decided to make the language optional after a complaint that it violated the cadets freedom of religion. The decision and the reactions to it highlight the ongoing debate over the role of religion in the u. S. Military. We have a lucky severson report now on medical research that raises the question, suppose you could scan a childs brain and tell whether he or she could become dangerously violent in the future. Would it be right to have that knowledge . Or what if it were a convicted criminal . Should brain scans help decide whether a convict should be paroled . There is always the one big question after mass killings in places like the aurora theater, sandy hook elementary, virginia tech. Could this violence have been predicted or even prevented . I believe firmly there are things we can do to not just treat violence but also prevent it. Reporter adrian raine is a professor at the university of pennsylvania and a pioneer in the field of neurocriminology. He has written a Controversial Book called the anatomy of violence the biological roots of crime. Its beyond reasonable doubt now that there is this brain basis to crime. This research at one point was suppressed and ignored by social scientists for lots of ethical reasons, basically. But now were out in the open with this information and we cant go on ignoring it anymore. I have enormous respect for adrian raine, and i think hes an excellent scientist. I cannot think of anything more dangerous than his policy recommendations. Reporter paul wolpe directs the center for ethics at Emory University and

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