After almost a decade. Nightly news begins now. This is nbcs nightly news on kate snow. Good evening, it happened on the first day of october that maybe the surprise that shakes up the president ial race. Donald trump refused to make his tax returns public, someone mailed the New York Times several pages of tax records, those documents revealed what the candidate reported a mass sif loss. Democrats jumped on the news and the Trump Campaign went on defense today, we begin with katie to katy tur. Three pages of a 1995 tax 915, 329, 293 lost. So is this a big deal . Not really a big deal. I think it is a big deal because no one has seen the tax returns. So, all of a sudden, theyre getting a snippet of the operation loss familiar with that, it is not a big deal. Do you pay for federal income tax now . Trump refusing to say yes or no then. Not denying the content or conclusion of the New York Times bomb shell now instead of tweeting, i know our complex tax laws better than anyone whos running for president and i am the only one that can fix them genius. There is no one who shows their genius of their way to maneuver around the test code. Dont hate the player, hate the game. Hillary clinton calling him out on the first debate. They showed he did not pay any federal income tax that makes me smart. Now, daring him to release his returns to show how smart he really is. Trump is making a street gaming the system one year ago. I fight as hell to pay as little as possible. Can i say that . I am not a politician. From hedge funders from other billionaires like himself like regular americans. Americans are gearing up to decide if trump will fight as hard to lower their taxes as he may have done on his own. The Trump Campaign did not tax instead of releasing a statement trashing tthe new yok times. Although the statement also says the fiduciarys responsibility to pay business no more than legally required. Kate, these are his personal tax returns and not his business tax returns. Katy tur for us tonight. Thanks so much. As you imagine, Hillary Clintons backers waited no time today jumping on that. Issues, we get more from tonight from kelly odonell a laugh with staffers on her campaign plane. Hillary clintons allies made a comment on trump. Billionaires like donald systems so they avoid of paying affordable income tax. Today the protest of shooting in california continues and black lives matter graffiti appeared in trumps hotel in washington dc. Clinton visited a church in charlotte followed the Police Shooting death there two weeks ago. My worries are not the same as black grandmothers who have different and the world that their grandchildren face. Trump had no public event today busath night in pennsylvania he acted out a stumble to mock her on her illness last month. She cannot march 15 feet to her car, give me a break. Of mocking. Clintons Campaign Says she was reflecting the frustrations she learned about on the campaign trail. Kelly odonell, nbc news, washington. For more now on tp political impact of this whole trump tax disclosures. We turn to our meet the perres moderator, chuck todd. On one hand, i think the trumps response that y, knows the tax code inside and out and this is his way of defending this and you need that type of thinking. The people that are already with him, thats among the reasons they are with him. This is a guy that they think has taken advantage of the system and therefore can blow the system up. We are thinking it hurts trump is that he still needs to add for his vote totals. That last slight of voters, these are the people that are not with him yet, what is he doing to get him to his corner. These stories of not paying for federal income taxes based on business losses are not a way to add votes to his vote totals. In that respect, it again provides longterm damage just on that part of it. Whether it dislodges voters from him, i dont think it will do that. Chuck todd, thank you very much. Now to the other major story, hurricane mathew, a powfu how destructive it can be as it barrels through the caribbean. Much of the region is on high alerts, including jamaica. Tonight after slamming the coast of columbia, one of the most powerful atlantic hurricane in nearly a decade heading towards to jamaica and haiti and cuba. Four hurricane triggering deadly floods and washing away homes and roads and bridges. Lashing out and lighting up aruba, the monster surf had officials pleading for locals to stay away from the beach. Not everyone is heating the warning. In jamaica, millions are braising. How worry are you about this one . A runon supply, lumber and groceries there is no point in worrying because it is going to come, it is going to come. You have to be you would be foolish if you did not prepared for it. Jamaica is not the only country thats feeling mathews wrath. Mathew is expected to have a catastrophic impact. These huts cannot withstand the powerful hurricane and many areas are struggling to recover. And that could trigger lifethreatening floods and mud slides. This is Kerri Sanders in cuba, they are preparing for a direct hit. More than 500,000 people are patching down and others are heading in land. The u. S. Navy has a base their guant . Namo bay. Back in jamaica up to 20 inches of rain could quickly fall. Winds like this, people are hunkering down for impact. Reporter with beaches closed and shelters opened, we are beginning to see the first rainfall connected to this hurricane hitting jamaica. It will intensify over the next several hours and over night. The Prime Minister here says there is nothing more than this for the brunt of this storm. Miguel, thank you. For more of the potential impact of the United States, lets turn to our meteorologist, dyl dylan briar. We are seeing winds currently up to 145 miles per hour. It is not moving all that much right now. It is going to basically thread its way between haiti and cuba. Tomorrow, well see the effects eye of the storm is going to stay a little further to the east, tonight, we are looking at outer band making their way into jamaica and haiti. Thats the heavier rain ahead of the storm. Tomorrow, storm surging to 7 to 10 feet up to 40 inches of rain possible. Jamaica could see 20 inches of rain, eastern cuba could end up is a lot of question marks whats going to happen for the east coast of the United States, the american models is a lot faster than the european model. They take it right along the coast out to see them. We are going to see this continuing to move to the east, this is still about a week away. There is a lot of time to iron out this part of the forecast, well be watching it closely in the meantime it looks like the carolinas need to pay close attention. Dylan much. 6yearold jacob hall who was shot has died. Jacob family says he showed them how to laugh and smile. There are new developments tonight in the new jersey commuter crash that killed a by stander and injured more than 100 other people. Federal safety officials revealed of some of what the crash. Tammy leitner is in hoboken for more details. Reporter yes, he told us he was well rested, the train seemed to be working fine that night and he tested the brakes before leaving the station. He says that he was going about ten miles an hour when he headed into the station, according to the ntsb, he says he had no memory of the crash and he woke up on the floor of the train. Tonight, there is still a lot of Unanswered Questions of what caused thursdays crash that injured 100 people and killed one. The black box that was recovered, that was manufactured in 1995 and it was not operational. Theyre hope thag the black box which is in the front car will be newer and was working. They have not been able to debris. They started removing that debris yesterday, theyre going to be doing this around the clock. But, as you can imagine, it is a tedious process. Everything they bring out of there is a piece of evidence. Now, at this point tonight, it is still unclear if the brakes were applied as that train is headed into the station or an automated breaking system called positive train control chouould have kate. All right, tammy leitner, thank you very much. The disaster in north korea is only now being revealed. Historic floodings killed more than 600 people and left more than half a Million People in need of help in that country. Nbcs bill nealy went to that has been to since the korean war. North korean teenagers marched to rebuild and ordered in like tens or thousands more, fighting kim jongun to battle north koreas battle. A paradise. The floods destroyed every home t smothering lights and mud. It is worst than 100 years. People are still digging on. These are already some of the poorest people in the world. Now, they got absolutely nothing. Except a primitive shelter for a family of five and a promise. Our leader kim jongun we believed him. They certainly believed the power of the flood water that killed hundreds and left half a million indeed of urgent help. The work here is back breaking. Teenage girls joining work gangs to haul stones. Reporter Officials Say the 8,000 people working on this site have orders to finished five story apartment blocks in just four weeks. They are working around the music, one man is missing the dear leader, kim jongun has not once visited his countrys catastroph catastrophic. His land is devastated. Nbc news, north korea. 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They decided to bring the girls together who for years lived in the same orphanage but never knew they were sisters. They have to act quickly. Averys birthday is just months away. You are talking about a process that normally happens in going to fast track it in five months . And it was the most stressful thing. With help from officials and friends in the United States and china and more than 50,000 raised through a gofund me campaign, they did it. Adoption papers in record time there was just no way we were not going to do it. Jean set out to bring avery home. Back in kentucky, a homecoming and a new in our wildest dreams, did you think you had a sister . No. But, now a sister and a new life and a loving family. I mean half way on the other side of the world, you know . My kids and now theyre all here. It is amazing. Rahema ellis. Georgetown. Those smiles. Up next ing every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. 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The game winning home run in the 88 world series. Impr improble has happened. The lord has blessed me. He gave me this job and allowed me to do it in 67 years. What am i going to say . Darn it, i didnt get number 68. Shes gone at age 88, skully called his final game in San Francisco today, exactly 80 years to the day he recalls falling in love with baseball, just as baseball fell in love with him. Joe angeles. And thats our nbcs nightly news for sunday night, lester holt will be back here tomorrow. Kelly you know me. Not from thousands of false, negative ads but as your first female attorney general appointed by republican and democratic governors. As your senator, im fighting for equal pay and against workplace discrimination, to expand access to birth control, strengthen and preserve medicare, and i reached across the aisle to protect access to mammograms. Y ayotte you know and im still fighting for you. 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