Equities account and turned it into 34,000 by months end. Announcer whether you seek supplemental income or a secure retirement, whatever your dream may be, Online Trading Academy can help you live the life you want. All right, folks. Lets go ahead and get into trading here. You got your rules set in place. I first want you to go in and identify those supply and demand levels. You got, you know, sixtoone rewardtorisk ratio right now. He had fourtoone. She had threetoone. Hes up seventoone in his. So, what we want to do we want to find where the next turn in price is going to be, and thats where we want to enter our position, because thats where the risk is low and the reward is high. Movement of price in any and all markets is simply a function of this ongoing supply and demand equation. When we buy things in any other part of our life, do we want to pay wholesale prices or Retail Prices . Wholesale. Wholesale. Heres wholesale. When we sell things in any other part of our life, we want to sell at Retail Prices. Heres retail. But why is it, then, when people put their hardearned money at risk in the market, nobody wants to buy here . The news is bad and all the arrows are pointing down. Everybody wants to buy up here. Instead of being the novice buyer, we want to be the seller to that buyer. Announcer Financial Markets around the world offer the best opportunities to build wealth. Banks and large Financial Institutions continue to see huge gains in any market condition. At Online Trading Academy, we can teach you to invest the way these Financial Institutions do using our patented core strategy. Learn to identify market moves before they happen. Turn the common mistakes novice traders make to your advantage. Trade like a professional. One of the things that ive learned at Online Trading Academy is the emphasis on what i call ppc preserve precious capital. Thats why i was able to retire when i did because i protected my money from the downside. The Online Trading Academy education, to me, is its really been invaluable. When you know where youre getting in, you know where youre getting out, where youre on in that trade, and you know where you expect that trade to go, it adds so much more confidence in what youre doing. And from the perspective of, you know, regaining that confidence, reducing the stress, and the ability to make more money and beat the markets, its like i said, its been invaluable. Online Trading Academy has changed my life. Its given me freedom, flexibility, reduced my stress. I can work from home. I can work from anywhere. And i can look forward to continuing to manage and grow my portfolio as the years go on. Announcer at Online Trading Academy, we know you have unique financial goals, so we work with you to create your own trading plan. Do you need daily, weekly, or monthly income . Are you concerned about being able to retire . Are you retired and want to make sure you can stay retired and enjoy your life completely . Regardless of your personal goals or needs, we work with you to create an educational path and help you with a trading plan that will allow you to actually accomplish them. Online Trading Academy has transformed my life in no little way. It has allowed me to pursue a career that i have always, always been fascinated by, raise my children, be at home, learn on my own schedule. They have not only affected my life. Theyve affected my daughters life. The father that she gets to spend time with is because of what ive learned here. Online Trading Academy cares more about me and my education than they care about my wallet. Its the best financial decision i ever made. End of story. Announcer whats different about Online Trading Academy . Just about everything. First, they provide a truly unique, handson, personalized education based on your financial goals. Learn how to determine your risk tolerance and identify market moves before they happen. In the professionaltrader course, you actually practice your skills trading live under the guidance of their awardwinning instructors and you use Online Trading Academys money in the classroom, so there is no personal risk while you are learning. Thats how much they believe in their education. The strategy worked. The stock recovered. And it was a winner, so that was a good feeling. I didnt have a Solid Foundation until i got here. Its the greatest thing ive ever seen in my entire life. Announcer once youve taken a class, you can retake that class as many times as youd like at no additional cost to you. Im gonna retake. Ive already rescheduled for october, so i think repetition is a very good idea, and its gonna work for me, and im looking forward to it. Its great, because each time that ive taken a course, ive had it with a different instructor, so ive been able to take a note from each one of the instructors and then develop my own style. Announcer give yourself the competitive advantage with their core strategy, designed to work in any and all Market Conditions. Its so breakthrough its patented. And it is only taught at Online Trading Academy. It all starts with a free introductory Power Trading workshop. In just a few hours of your time, learn the two most common investing mistakes that you may be making right now and how to turn them to your advantage, how to use supply and demand to find trading opportunities, and how patented core strategy is designed to work in any market condition up, down, or sideways. What i learned in just that free class blew me away. They taught me about institutions driving the markets, where they buy, where they sell, and how you can partake. Online Trading Academy gave me what i needed to actually be successful. Announcer youll also receive five homestudy courses to get you started, a 247 value, also free just for attending. See how just a few hours can change your life. I started with an account at 10,000. I built it up into a 46,000 account. I did that from november through april with very limited risk. Because of what i learned from Online Trading Academy, i took my wife on two vacations earlier this year in europe, and i did several trades while on the trip, so i was able to pay for the trip on both occasions just from the trades while on the trip. What ive learned at Online Trading Academy has enabled me to make more money than i ever made running my own business. Announcer spend just a few hours with Online Trading Academy professionals and you will leave with a new understanding of how the banks and large Financial Institutions continue to see huge gains while the everyday investor does not. Learn their secrets at a Power Trading workshop. Make your dreams come true right now. Call or go online to find a convenient Online Trading Academy Financial Education center near you. Call now to register for a free halfday Power Trading workshop. Events are filling up now in your area. Dont miss out on this amazing opportunity. Seats are limited. Call or go online now for a free halfday Power Trading workshop. I had spent a lot of time working for other people, building their businesses, spending long hours in the office, and i was burnt out. Figured that theres got to be a better way. What Online Trading Academy allowed us to do was take our future into our hands and use the markets as a tool to provide income. We can make money using our setups in such a short amount of time. I mean, we dont have to work a full eight hours to make a full eight hours worth of salary. Usually, were able to make our maximum daily profit by 9 00 a. M. So that means that the rest of the day is ours. Weve been able to make about 400 to 500 a day, consistently. Weve been able to make a living out of that, and that was a lot more than we were making at our at our jobs. Online Trading Academy really stresses that you have to have a plan in place before you even go live in the market. Theres no road, and you have to build that road for yourself. And once you build that road, its up to you to stick to it. With trading, with the education we received from Online Trading Academy, we our destiny is in our hands. Welcome to the professionaltrader course. We believe so much in our education youre gonna be trading live today in our classroom, but youre gonna be trading with our money. When you actually get in to live trading, and your heart is just pounding, you know, going. Its quite an amazing feeling. What are you up to, patrick . 10to1 . Im at 90. Area. If you didnt buy at that demand level that low risk area traders that dont do that, theyre just sitting there with profit and losses that are up and down, up and down. If you understand that principle of where the demand and the supply is right there, it doesnt matter what time frame you trade it on. Whether youre doing this on a small timeframe or a bigger timeframe, like you were talking about, its the same thing. Youll see, over time, the trading becomes the easy part. Before, i was just a little bit out of control, but now, i can relax more, have more confidence. The instructors make it clear what to do, how to do it to put money in your pocket. Its not just an instructor whos teaching you a Foundation Based on the book but also showing you, heres some of the mistakes that theyve made so that i wont have to go and make that same type of costly i did a live trade and just hung with it and ended up trading around ninetoone. I cant wait to get in there and do some more. [ chuckles ] announcer at Online Trading Academy, our education is truly unique. Class sizes are small for personalized attention. Focus on your personal goals whether they include shortterm income or longterm wealth. You get handson experience trading live in the professionaltrader courses where you also trade with Online Trading Academys money so theres no risk to you while youre learning. Just the thought that im trading im risking their money speaks volumes to the confidence they have in what you will learn if you follow their instruction. When Online Trading Academy allowed me to trade their money using their strategy, it showed me that Online Trading Academy was convinced that their strategy worked. That gave me more confidence to follow through with the education. And not only that when i traded with Online Trading Academys money, it did work. Online Trading Academy teaches you how to make money i would recommend it to any baby boomer, any retiree whos so afraid theyre gonna lose their money, go get some training. Relax and enjoy it. Because you really can make money at it if you get the right training. So, i wanted to manage my own money. No one cares as much about my money as i do, and the better job i do managing my money, the earlier i can retire. Before i joined Online Trading Academy, i had a trade where i literally made over 1 million, and a month later, i lost, like, 95 of that. After taking Online Trading Academy, after being able to be more consistent in my trading and having the ability to take some of that money out, ive had the opportunities to take out about 10,000 a month from my accounts, and my goal is to make sure that my accounts dont drop below where they were. Ive had some positions where ive literally made tens of thousands of dollars in a single trade with very limited risk. The Online Trading Academy education has definitely improved my life. Its given me the freedom to know that i dont need a day job. Announcer at Online Trading Academy, we provide a truly unique, handson, personalized education you can only get at our Financial Education Centers Across the country and around the globe. Our awardwinning instructors walk you step by step through the complexities of the investment industry, helping you create your own trading plan. Learn our exclusive, patented core strategy designed to work in all Market Conditions up, down, or sideways. Why i love to trade i absolutely love this business. It really comes down to the freedom and the flexibility that the lifestyle can offer you. Weve all be taught, whether its a university that we went to, books that we read, the media, whatever the case may be, weve been taught to invest a certain way. What is investing . Buy and hope. Youre buying something and hoping that it makes you money in the long run. So you really have to unlearn what youve learned before. And thats tough for a lot of people. Okay, when it comes to trading, what should it be . Methodical, logical, rulebased, systematic. Those of you that are familiar with any type of sports teams out there, you look at the really great teams they do just a few things or even one thing extremely well. They just master the fundamentals, master the basics. Trading is a skill just like throwing a football, hitting a golf ball. Once you develop that skill, no one can take that away from you. Its been very similar having a great technical bobsled coach and great Technical Trading coach. If you want to increase your longevity in the trading game, then you need the proper coaching, and theres only one option, and thats the Online Trading Academy, where outs. I was really happy when i came to the Online Trading Academy. What they really preached was were gonna practice, and when youre ready, and we know for sure that youre ready, because youre not losing on trading small share sizes, then well let you move up and play the real game. Whether you want to work full time and do this part time, whether you want to do other things with your life and just do it part time, Online Trading Academy can teach you how to do that. Based on what i learned with Online Trading Academy, i am making, consistently, profitable trades and growing my portfolio month to month. Im really thankful that i found the Online Trading Academy, because now i can take control of my financial future and know for a fact whats going on with my money. Announcer an education at Online Trading Academy is as unique as you are. Well help you create a plan based on your financial goals. Learn our core strategy for building shortterm income and longterm wealth no matter what capital you have available or what your experience. Start right where you are today and go as far as you want to go. Well help you choose the Capital Markets to help you achieve your goals stocks, futures, options, currencies, and more. Thats one of the things that i appreciate here is you can use the leverage of options. That can really help you not only minimize but set your risk ahead of time. You know exactly how much you can lose on a particular trade and then give yourself, you know, a lot of potential in terms of what you can make on the upside, as well. A couple of years ago, i was working for a major bank, and i was laid off. At that point, i decided that i needed to do something different. And i met Online Trading Academy. When i came to Online Trading Academy, i signed up for an education in futures and options and stocks. I decided to focus on options, because that was what i was the most comfortable with and it kind of fit my background. After one year of getting confident and really getting my procedure down, now im able to make pretty much as much as i was making before i was laid off, and i know that, in the more. Online Trading Academy has allowed me to do something that i really enjoy. Its given me the freedom, the financial freedom, and the time to do other things. Announcer stock markets rise and stock markets fall. If you dont get the proper education, you risk losing your hardearned savings and retirement. Learn how the big Financial Institutions impact the market and how to use this to your advantage at Online Trading Academy. They provide a truly unique, handson, personalized education based on your personal goals. Learn how to determine your risk in the professionaltrader course, you actually practice your skills trading live under the guidance of their awardwinning instructors and you use Online Trading Academys money in the classroom, so there is no personal risk while you are learning. Thats how much they believe in their education. Just the thought that im trading im risking their money speaks volumes to the confidence they have in what you will learn if you follow their instructions. I had all my concerns put to rest immediately. And they got me on course. They started teaching me exactly what i was looking for. They just gave me more confidence. It gave me more of a Solid Foundation. Announcer once youve taken a class, you can retake that class as many times as youd like at no additional cost to you. Ive already rescheduled to come back and learn more. In Online Trading Academy, i have the opportunity to retake my protrader courses whenever i want for the rest of my life. You cant beat what Online Trading Academy has to offer in terms of education. Announcer Online Trading Academy is so highly respected they have worked with and developed training for some of the Worlds Largest financial exchanges. And now that special knowledge is available to you at any of their Financial Education Centers Across the country and around the world. Over 150,000 investors have experienced the power of an Online Trading Academy education. Give yourself the competitive advantage with their core strategy, designed to work in any and all Market Conditions. Its so breakthrough its patented. And it is only taught at Online Trading Academy. It all starts with a free introductory Power Trading workshop. In just a few hours of your time, learn the two most common investing mistakes that you may be making right now and how to turn them to your advantage, how to use supply and demand to find trading opportunities, and how Online Trading Academys patented core strategy is designed to work in any market condition up, down, or sideways. Youll also receive five homestudy courses to get you started, a 247 value, also free just for attending. See how just a few hours can i cant thank Online Trading Academy enough. The entire amount of money that ive spent ive earned back multiple times in my trading profits. Online Trading Academy is one of the best investments ive ever made. And as the market does change, they have the tools to be able to show you how to effectively trade in that particular marketplace. Their goal is to see you succeed. Announcer spend just a few hours with Online Trading Academy professionals and you will leave with a new understanding of how the banks and large Financial Institutions continue to see huge gains while the everyday investor does not. Learn their secrets at a Power Trading workshop. Make your dreams come true right now. Call or go online to find a convenient Online Trading Academy Financial Education center near you. Call now to register for a free halfday Power Trading workshop. Events are filling up now in your area. Dont miss out on this amazing opportunity. Seats are limited. Halfday Power Trading workshop. All right, folks. Trading here. You got your rules set in place. I first want you to go in and identify those supply and demand youre up 70. Yeah. Not bad, huh . Seventoone. Yeah, i mean, dont be afraid to take profits soon. I mean, youre up more than 10to1. Nice job. Jerry, what do we got here . Ive got two winners. What i did is i did a disk. I set it in to buy it on the pull back. It came down, got my fill. Okay, then at 46 okay, good. Make sure that when you bought this. Right. Youre in here. Go for threetoone. Okay. If that turns 40, i would hit the sell button, yeah. Okay. So, this is good here. You came up right there. You got your supply zone from over there. See how it rallied . Base, base, base, and now its actually dropping down a little bit . Hit it right there. You get a nice profit. There you go. Perfect. The reason why i was pushing you to do it quick is see how, when it bounces up, you lose some profit, but you got it right on the low. You bought it there, right . Think about that. Somebody sold to you down there. How do you think theyre feeling . All right, folks. Go ahead and exit all positions. Exit all positions. Nice job. Yeah, good job, everyone. That was great. That was some good stuff. He did good. He had a seventoone. Threetoone. Jerry had a couple nice trades, too. Ninetoone. He said ninetoone. Yeah, hes a big show off. Risked 10 , made 90. Most of the traders in the morning trading session, as you know, made money. How did they make money . They bought low, and they all sold a little bit higher. But who did they buy from . They bought from a seller who makes the same two mistakes that every consistent losing market speculator makes. That seller was selling after a drop in price right into a price level that demand exceeded supply. Our students push the buy button, the seller pushed the sell button, transfer of accounts happens. The goal is to be on the right side of that equation. Announcer at Online Trading Academy, we teach you how to avoid the pitfalls of the everyday investor and learn to trade like the big, successful institutions do. Rule number one is preserve your capital. When you learn to control your Online Trading Academy one of the things i really was attracted to was their focus on capital preservation and risk management. Were concerned, especially as you get older. You dont have time to make that money up if you go through a market downturn, which i did in the past. Based on the Online Trading Academy methodology, the risk is minimized as best as possible and the reward is maximized. And ive been profitable probably for two and a half years now consistently profitable. Announcer at Online Trading Academy, we provide the best learning environment small class sizes, in the professionaltrader course, you experience handson, live trading under the guidance of our awardwinning instructors, and you trade with our money in the classroom, so theres no risk while youre learning. Over 150,000 investors have already experienced the power of our education. We want to be sure that you truly know how to trade our patented strategy so that you can apply it properly to your trading plan to meet your financial goals. One thing i really like about Online Trading Academy theyre really student focused. They want you to be successful. They dont want you to lose. Online Trading Academy isnt just trying to sell you an education. Theyre trying to sell you financial freedom, and its the truth. Early in the summer, i said to my wife, you know, i need to get more training. And i said, i want to be a part of a Trading Community that i can trust and believe in. Three days later, she signed us up for Online Trading Academy. Online Trading Academy teaches you how to make money and how to avoid losing it. Recently, i got into the trade around 72. 84. I bought 4,000 shares when it came back to the demand zone. And then it has moved all the way up over 80, so ive made around 40,000 on that trade in a very short period of time. Ive actually created a Retirement Income that was better than the income that i was receiving in my business. And so i didnt think that was gonna be possible. Now i know that i can make as working before just trading a few hours a day. Im in it to make money, and i now know how to do that. And confidently, because of Online Trading Academy. So, last week, i went out and bought myself a new car. I didnt just buy a replacement car. I bought the car i always wanted. Announcer nows the time for you to take control of your financial future. Learn the patented strategy that has helped thousands of people make smarter investing decisions. Get started right away by attending a free introductory Power Trading workshop at one of Online Trading Academys Financial Education Centers Across the country and around the globe. Learn the two most common investing mistakes that you may be making right now and how to turn them to your advantage, how to use supply and demand to find trading opportunities, and how Online Trading Academys patented core strategy is designed to work in any market condition up, down, or sideways. What i learned in just that free class blew me away. They taught me about institutions driving the markets, where they buy, where they sell, and how you can partake. Online Trading Academy gave me what i needed to actually be successful. Announcer youll also receive five homestudy courses to get you started, a 247 value, also free just for attending. Spend just a few hours with Online Trading Academy professionals and you will leave with a new understanding of how the banks and large Financial Institutions continue to see huge gains while the everyday investor does not. Learn their secrets at a Power Trading workshop. Before we found Online Trading Academy, we were relying on an expert. It was like there was this veil of secrecy in the markets. Like, we didnt understand why people would know when you would want to buy or sell something. And our experience from relying on an expert was dismal. [ chuckles ] if youre interested in getting a better return in your portfolio and youre interested in trying to make that happen yourself because nobody cares about your money more than you do, then Online Trading Academy can give you the tools and the resources necessary to make that happen. Announcer give yourself the competitive advantage with our core strategy, designed to work in any and all Market Conditions. Its so breakthrough its patented. And its only taught at Online Trading Academy. Call or go online to find a convenient Online Trading Academy Financial Education center near you. Call now to register for a free halfday Power Trading workshop. Events are filling up now in your area. Dont miss out on this amazing opportunity. Seats are limited. Call or go online now for a free halfday Power Trading workshop. St nine months, my accounts grown about 35 based on the strategies that i learned from Online Trading Academy, which has beat the pants off the market. Over the course of one year that ive been trading, ive been able to earn over 60 rate of return. I would recommend for anyone whos not prepared for retirement to really look into this, make your own decision. Im making money at it. If i can do it, anyone can. Online Trading Academy is one of the best investments ive ever made. Online Trading Academy cares more about me and my education than they care about my wallet. Its the best financial decision i ever made. End of story. Announcer the preceding was a paid advertisement for Online Trading Academy, transforming lives worldwide through exceptional financial

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