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You can see the lens right there. Might need a good wipe. Do we have a wiper . Yeah, i think so. Kris we will have chris climb up on the tower when he is done with weather. Chris strong wind gusts shaking that camera pretty soon. Some raindrops have moved through boston. Snowflakes into Worcester County. The cold air is pouring. In nothing to write home about. We will give you flavor of winter out there. Close to the city of worcester, a couple of snowflakes mixed in. Across eastern massachusetts. Occasionally, we will see a passing rain shower or snow shower through the day. Hammering snow across parts of vermont, right across the western edges of the berkshires. Back into northwestern connecticut so far this morning. Many towns picked up two to four inches of snow. Temperature down to 41 after being at 49 in boston. 34 in worcester. So yeah, it is cold enough to support a couple of snowflakes in worcester. It will gust 4050 throughout the day. We have a wind advisory in place. Not only today. But again, tomorrow. For the strong gusts of 4050 miles an hour. And that is a chilly wind tomorrow. Highs in the upper 30s. More on the 7day ahead. Kris more than a hundred people have been killed and Dozens Injured after a train derailed in northern india. Officials say 14 cars, full of passengers rolled off the tracks just after 3 00 this morning. Rescue workers a trying to reach the people trapped. The death toll is expected to rise. Still no word yet on what may have caused it. Nancy investigators are trying to figure out what happened during a tragic accident in duxbury. A 28yearold construction worker was killed when he lost control of a power saw. Kris this morning, we are hearing from one of his coworkers. Kelli ohara has details. Reporter saturday afternoon, sam romanelli tried desperately to save his coworkers life. Crews working on a new subdivision here off tremont men working in this trench had a tragic accident. As a 28yearold was working on a water pipe, the saw he was holding firefighters say, kicked back and cut his throat. I ripped off my jacket and my safety vest. And i stuffed it into his throat. Very serious. Very grave injuries to the neck area. Reporter firefighters say the man, sadly, didnt make it. He died from his injuries shortly afterwards at the hospital. Romanelli says he tried to do everything he could. We tried to do everything we could the bleeding. It is a tragedy. It is an unfortunate accident. Reporter osha is investigating. The fire chief says accidents like these are never easy. Especially around the holidays. In duxbury, kelli ohara, 7 news today in new england. Nancy two Boston Police officers are recovering after a fight with a suspect. Take a look here. This is video from the scene friday night. The officers were in the common when they saw a man smoking which is a violation. They then learned he was wanted on an outstanding they say he started struggling with them. The officers were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. The suspect is now facing charges of assault and battery. Kris the trump transition now the president elect continues his twitter feud with the cast of hamilton. On friday night, the actors made an appeal to Vice President elect mike pence, urging him to work on behalf of everyone. Trump has taken offense to that tweeting out the cast and producers of hamilton which i hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to mike pence for their behavior. And this all comes on the heels oferl his highprofile meeting with the former Massachusetts Governor mitt romney, the two didnt see eye to eye during the campaign trail. But mitt romney could play a role in trumps cabinet. The trump transition kicking into high gear over the weekend. The president elect meeting with more than a half dozen people on saturday as he tries to round out his administration. Among them, the former Massachusetts Governor mitt the campaign. Here is what i know. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. Kris romney has been mentioned as a potential pick for secretary of state. Went great. I appreciate the chance to speak with the president elect and look forward to the coming administration. Kris trump has announced his picks National Security advisor and c. I. A. Director but has been been coy about whether more announcements are imminent. Several more meetings are scheduled for sunday with the new Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Rudolph Giuliani expected to meet with donald trump. Trump has said he may have some announcements today. He did speak highly of retired marinegeneral james mattis who transition officials said was a strong contender for defense secretary. Stay with 7 news for continuing coverage of Donald Trumps transition. You can download the 7 news mobile or tablet apps. Nancy a 25yearold lynn man facing charges aftera disturbing hitandrun. Investigators got a tip that the suspect was driving this minivan. It hit a 72yearold woman on friday. The victim had minor injuries. The suspect will face a judge on monday. And police say the body of a kayaker was found on hull beach yesterday. Police responding to a call just after 9 00 saturday morning for an unresponsive man. The weymouth was found nearly 500 feet from shore. His kayak washed up nearby. The cause of death remains under investigation. Kris an anonymous and threatening letter sent to the mayor of holyoke. The openly gay mayor says someone left a hateful letter on his home. He has decided to keep the letter and share it. Things. Motivation, inspiration. In the event that i want to report it, it is important to keep. Kris he says he has saved every hateful card or message sent to him for that same reason. Nancy turning now to a sunday showdown for the patriots today. They take on the San Francisco 49ers for a week 11 matchup. Kris Rob Gronkowski has been ruled out already. Td 12 and company will be shorthanded on offense. Trey sdaer on the west coast to give us for game day. St reporter good morning. Back in boston. Coming to you from San Francisco. The patriots take on the 1849ers later on today. Dion lewis could make his 2016 debut. That is about the only good news when it comes to the regulars we are used to seeing on the active roster. We learned that shear didnt even make the flight. Chris hogan will miss the game with an injured back. The biggest void of all . Who actually finished the game one week ago against seattle. I mean, he is a Football Player. And he loves to play. You know, if it is something you feel like you can play through, we all have different injuries at different times. If it is something that you are capable of playing with, you are going to play with it. If it is something doctors say you cant play with, then you cant play with it. Make that big guy pay a price for coming over the middle. No price could be higher than not having Rob Gronkowski on sunday. The patriots are 147 wit dating back to 2010. You know, he is a special player. He is one of our, you know, impact players on offense. Any time you see a guy like that, you know, who takes a big hit like that or you know, wants to stay in the game, it can energize the team to want to play for him. Dangerous play. We have seen a lot of quarterbacks hurt in that exact situation. Reporter brady a little bangedup. But not even on the Injury Report this week. And ready for a homecoming of in the bay area against the 49ers. It will be nice to see my parents and my sisters. You know, hopefully, we can go out there and win. I would expect their best. Any time we play a team, you know, we are going to get their best shot. Im sure they are excited about playing this week. We are, too. You know, i dont think you take any game lightly. All these teams are so talented. Reporter hard to believe tom grade has never played a road game in his career against industries co. If he knocks off the 49ers today, it w victory against every team in the n. F. L. Except the seattle seahawks. Trey daerr, 7 news today in new england. Nancy there is Something Special about playing where you grew up. No matter how many years you have been in the business. Kris there will be at least a few people cheering for tom brady. With his family in the stands there. That will help. Nancy president obama talking about the Incoming Administration in his overseas trip. A major moment in peru. Morning. The contamination that is i heard you went to see hamilton. How was that . It was good. I got a free lecture. Oh. I heard they booed you. Absolutely. I love you, mike. You are the reason im never going to get impeached. Nancy alec baldwin reviving his donald trump role on saturday night live. This time, playing a somewhat nervous president elect. Eventually concluding their partnership was not going to work. In the skit, baldwin case, thers if eventually stated that mike pence, well, he was going to do everything. Donald trump, though, taking to twitter in response to all of this writing i watched parts of saturday night live last night, a totally onesided biased show. Nothing funny at all. Equal time for us . Kris all right. Lets turn our attention to the forecast now. Windy, too as well out there. Chris lambert, hopefully, this will get out of here soon enough. Chris that wind will huff and puff the next couple of days. We dont have a lot of rain and snow to talk about. Through the day today and for tomorrow, occasionally, a passing shower of rain or snow is possible. Have seen some wet snowflakes mixed in across the high terrain of Worcester County. Even into worcester, one or two wet snowflakes have mixed in. Thanks to the cold air in place. Overall, the showers, few and farwe precipitation throughout the day. At least from Central Massachusetts east to the coastline. Now, you get back out to the berkshires, out there across the litchfield hills of connecticut and up into vermont. That is where consistently, forecast it snows through the day. If you do have plans to travel out west into the berkshires or perhaps even into upstate new york, you get west of springfield, the mass. Pike, especially in berkshire county, there will be some snow to contend with. It has, at times, stuck even to the mass. Pike. It has added up to two to four inches in some of the lakeeffect snow machine kicking go gear with the warm open waters of the lakes providing enough moisture and instability when that cold air passes over it. 39 in new york city. Ironically, some cold air has been coming in from the west, southwest. Wrapping around the system. You are down to 40 in providence. You are still 48 degrees in nashua, New Hampshire. And 46 into beverly. These numbers across northeastern massachusetts and southeastern New Hampshire, which isnt that bad right now, will actually drop severalde sort of bounceback that tries to occur this afternoon. Where we have the cold air working in, you have the strong wind gusts. 33mileperhour gusts in boston. 40 in worcester. Because of the strong winds, we are a wind advisory in place. Not only today but through tomorrow for winds gusting 4050 miles an hour. We will take you through the afternoon. Occasionally, a passing rain or snow shower outs there. The best chance of snow showers will be across Worcester County. Especially in the hillier terrain. Southwestern New Hampshire and then the most consistent snows northwestern connecticut, the berkshires and up into vermont. It continues to pile up. Once the wind turns a little more out of the west, northwest, you may grab a little built of that moisture off the lakes. And push it into western new england. Again, these snow totals will be fairly impressive across vermont and through the berkshires. In the meantime, a steep drop yauch eastbound. There may be more snow showers overnight tonight. Could drop a coating to perhaps up to an inch. In the higher terrain of the worcester hills. Much, if anything, out there. Other than a passing flurry or snow shower. You can see that huge droppoff. That huge gradient to the high snow total. 612 inches in the berkshires, up into vermont. Certainly, a possibility. Gusty winds tomorrow. Looking great across new england for travel. A few showers work back in by thanksgiving. Nancy all right, chris. Thank you. Speaking of which, dozens giving back for thanksgiving. The Salvation Army have put kris here is Nicole Oliverio with more. Reporter bagging up all the trimmings. Stuffing the bags with stuffing and potatoes, carrots and pumpkin pie. Volunteers for the Salvation Army helping to make the holidays a little brighter. One bag at a time. I realize how grateful i am for everything that i have. This is the most turkey baskets we have ever given away in the city of boston this year. Nearly 2,100. Reporter those baskets will help field more than 10,000 people. Volunteers spent the morning prepping and sorting the food. Salvation army has a loyal group of helpers who come back year after year. I have been doing this volunteer work for 7 years. Since i was 7 years old. So its really important to me. Because i realize how much i this time of year, it is easy to get volunteers. Buff they need it every single day. They help half a million residents each year. On some days, poverty hurts more. That is why we are doing this effort to. Make sure on thanksgiving, families donts have to go without. Reporter Nicole Oliverio, 7 news today in new england. Nancy great cause that they do. Kris absolutely. They are so happy about donating their time, and helping these people. It is really neat to see. Nancy turkey day just around the corner at this t. Coming up, new technology that could transform how we track weather. How to advanced spacecraft could revolutionize forecast reports. Kris how one waitress continued an act of kindness kris president Obama Meeting with chinas president during an economic summit in peru. Mr. Obama said the two nations have played a pivotal role in addressing climate change. Nancy president obama trying to alleviate concerns about the Incoming Trump administration and trade deals. President obama has spent significant time during his administration focused on the pacific rim. So it is no surprise that his last foreign trip ends here in peru at an economic summit with a number of americas what his administration will mean to america and its partners around the world. The president taking a philosophical view, saying not to assume the worst. Wait until the administration is in place. It is actually putting its policies together. And then you can make your judgments. Nancy the president says there is a big difference in campaigning and governing. The big issue is trade. President trump says he is against Transpacific Partnership deal. E United States is trying to work out with many nations in that part of the world the president elect has said aggressive things about china. President obama, however, says he is committed to a Successful Transition of power. Also, at the summit, a possible meeting between president obama and vladimir putin. They have had a difficult relationship in the past. Issues that may come up, syria as well as allegations of hacking into americas election by senior russian officials that president obama and his administration have waged. Leaders of australia and canada before then leaving peru. Kris still ahead, in new york, a man killed , two officers injured after a fight breaks out. We will have the very latest. Nancy first, a bus ride ends in a brutal assault. A man attacked after getting kris huge surprise for an alabama waitress. Two must mers left her more than 00 as a tip. Nancy she decided to pay it forward with more kindness. Nicole oliverio has that story. Carly has waited tables for four years. And wednesday, was just a normal night. I had this couple come. In they ordered a burger to split between the two of them. Reporter she found a surprise after the couple their bill. I was shaking when i opened up my check. It was incredible. They left me a 330 tip. Along with a card from the Community Fellowship church. The card says please accept this random act of kindness. The card and money gave her inspiration. Having all of that just at one time, i felt kind of pressed to do something with it. Rather than just keep it for myself. Others before heading into work thursday. I paid for a few peoples meals. In the drivethrough. I gave them a certain amount of money and told them to use it until it runs out. She hopes this inspires more people to do something nice for strangers. She is grateful for the couple who inspired her. Thank you to people who left me that tip last night. It was. Thank you for the inspiration. To keep it going. Nicole oliverio, 7 news today in new england. Kris all right. England, an Ivy League Matchup on the gridiron. Har vardz battling it out with yale. How the game ended up ahead in kris a trench tragedy in duxbury. Firefighters are investigating after a deadly construction accide an advanced weather at site rockets up into outer space. Why experts say it will revolutionize forecasting. This is 7 news today in new england. Nancy oh, we heard all about that yesterday from our team of meteorologists. All over twitter. Everyone so excited about this weather satellite. Kris it is like Christmas Chris you know, the biggest thing to take away is the resolution of the satellite data that we get back. In not only will that vastly improve, but also it comes back at a much faster speed. So looking forward, we hope to improve the quality of the forecast ahead with that. All right. We take a look at the forecast for us today. Tracking occasional rain and snow showers. Fast couple of snow showers now through the worcester hills. Because the air is now cold enough after starting off this morning in the 40s. To mid30s. A little bit of snowflake activity being picked up on the radar. 4 in worcester right now. 41 in boston. Very active breeze out of the west, southwest, sustained. 2025 miles an hour. Occasionally, today, gusting 4050. Not only today but again tomorrow. Because of that, there is a wind advisory for the entire commonwealth as we go through the rest of today and into the day tomorrow. So gusty winds. Occasionally, a passing rain or snow shower throughout the day. A couple scattered snow more on the forecast ahead. Kris a construction worker has died after a tragic accident in duxbury. This 28yearold man was working in a trench when the power saw kicked back. It happened right near newtown way off of tremont street in duxbury. Fire Officials Say the worker was taken to beth israel, plymouth but did not make it o. Somewhat is now investigating. Two Boston Police officers recovering after an altercation with a suspect. The officers were in the common on friday when they saw municipal ordinance violation. They learned he was wanted on an outstanding warrant in connecticut when they tried to arrest him, he became combative. The officers were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. That suspect is now facing multiple charges. Nancy an open conversation about race in boston. Mayor marty walsh holding a public discussion about racial tension in the city yesterday. And hundreds of people attended, sharing some of their concerns. So its not just about. Discuss race in the city of boston. It was laying down if foundation of the dialogue. You know, frbs clearly, there is some real raw feeling inside the room. People talking now about how they feel about boston. This is the beginning of the conversation. As you can see today. Some real strong feelings and raw emotion coming out right now. And its not an easy conversation. But it is a conversation that is timely, particularly, with the tension around the country and a lot of what we have been dealing with over the last couple of years. Nancy more than a thousand people attended the former. Forum which was also streamed online. As residents shared their concerns as well as hopes for the future. Racism is historically a blight on all of our souls. Those of us that are beneficiaries and those of us that are targets. The blight may be historical and legendary. The pain is now. The pain is right now. You know, we have to work harder on making the city a place where there is no bigotry, no racism. I think everyone left here with a good feeling. Nancy the Police Superintendent and chief emphasized the importance of conversations like these. In order to move forward together. I welcome them to come and talk to me. As well as my officers. So we can break any fear that they may have. And we can tell them that we are human as well. And we have fears. Kris dangerous drive ending with a wild crash in wareham. Police say a 17yearold teenager with a suspended license sideswiped another car. Officers say the teen took offer speeding with his headlights off. Police say he was thrown from the vehicle and found lying in the road with serious injuries. E. M. T. s rushed him to the after woman in dorchester was hit by a car. The accident happened on quincy street just before midnight on friday. That victim rushed to the hospital with lifethreatening injuries. Driver stayed on the scene and is cooperating with police. Nancy a new england veteran fighting for equality after being discharged from the u. S. Air force back in the 40s for being gay. He wants the undesirable discharge label removed from his record and to receive a military burial. Jonathan hall has a closer look. Air force veteran ed spires and army vet David Rosenberg have been together for 58 years. Despite the discrimination i faced, i left the military with an honorable discharge. This injustice at the military has treated ed and me so differently. Despite our equal honorable service. Reporter for decades, spires pictured on the left did not discuss his service as Chaplain Assistant at a texas he avoided telling anyone of the inquisition he faced before superior officers. He was told to pack his bags and go home because he was gay. Reporter following the repeal of the dont ask dont tell policy in 2010, spires and thousands of gay veterans became eligible the next year to apply for a correction to their military records. Two years ago, citing the destruction of his personnel file in a 1973 fire in st. Louis, the air force denied spires request his discharge changed from undesirable to honorable. The treatment of him in denying an upgrade of his discharge simply adds insult to injury. He has suffered too long. Reporter with the help of the yale law school, Veterans Legal Services clinic, spires filed a lawsuit in federal court against the secretary of the air force. The lawsuit asked for spires military record to reflect his faithful service to his country. The u. S. Military may send a message to other gay veterans that this service was appreciated and is recognized with equality under the law. Reporter jonathan hall, 7 news today in new england. Kris more news today a suspect is dead, two officers injured after a shootout in brooklyn saturday afternoon. Police say the two officers were responding to a report of a suspicious man in a hallway of a Housing Project building while officers were there speaking to this man, a fight broke out between the three individuals. The officers were in a scuffle with this man. At one point, an officer removes his metal baton. The subject gets ahold of this baton and begins assaulting the two officers. He strikes them both in the head. Causing a twoinch gash to the male. And the female officer was also struck several times. Kris police have not yet confirmed that suspects identity. Punching a victim after getting off bus in california. Now, this morning, we are learning police are saying they believe this whole thing may have been a hate crime. What started as an ordinary bus ride ended in a nightmare for one riledder. The brutal assault appears unprovoked it started with a man in his late 30s getting on a city bus. Surveillance vild owe shows the man in the back, his face blurred. His line of sight, another passenger. The victim is looking out the window past the suspect. Where he is at. And where to get off. Police believe the suspect was angry because he thought the man was looking at him. Yelling at him. And said something that kind of gave victim an indication that his Sexual Orientation had to do with what was upsetting the suspect. Nancy at the last stop, the punching and kicking went on for a mjt. No one stepping in to help. Several surgeries. He was so traumatized he didnt want police to go public for the last year and a half. Police now hope this video will help arrest the stranger on the bus. When you have this violence that seems to come out of no, where it is concern for the community. Nancy the victim is still suffering effects of the attack, including pain and headaches. Kris a missing baby found alive in kansas. A baby missing since thursday after her mother was shot to death. Theweekold baby is doing hundreds of miles away at a home in dallas, the police are investigating and it led them to that house in dallas where they executeed a search warrant earlyy saturday morning and found the baby. A firefighter is dead after trying to rescue several people after a ferry ramp clansed in savannah. Officials say the firefighter had a medical emergency during this rescue. 13 people were taken to the hospital. Several other people were hurt. Nancy a recall of hummus and spreads pause of possible listeria contamination. Pay attention here. Consumers are urged to discard any product with a best before date of january on the lid. Kris still ahead, big night for the celtics on the road. Taking on the pistons. We will have highlights when we come back. Chris cold wind at. That some towns picking up a little bit of snow. The forecast ahead. Nancy donald trump picking a new cabinet. His feud with the cast of restaurants in boulder. 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Then that stretches offer to the north and west. Likely seeing a few wet snowflakes mixing in here across leominster up into fitchburg. Gardner, westminster, all those towns up there. Especially the higher terrain of Worcester County 35 in worcester right now. 41 in boston. Going to be a cold wind throughout the day. Gusting already to 33 miles an hour in boston. 36 in worcester. 41mileperhour gusts down in hyannis. Consistently seeing some gufss today. 3040. Occasionally, pushing 4550 in a few spots. Because of that, there is a wind advisory that is in effect. Not only today but again tomorrow. We will have some strong wind gusts tomorrow out of the west, northwest. In fact, this is a look, a snap shot, 2 00 tomorrow afternoon. You can see many towns between 3545 miles per hour. For those wind gusts. The winds not that strong. Stale cool breeze out there. There is the wind advisory. A lot of times we may say hey, it is down to southeastern massachusetts or along the coastline. Not the case here. This goes all the way back through the commonwealth. Fair game for anyone to see some strong wind gusts. As we go through the next couple of days. Radar and satellite composite in the forecast model mode here. Taking you through the day. Occasionally, there is as paing shower of rain or snow with the best chance for a few snow showers worcester hills. That will include this evening. In fact, there may be some minor accumulations of some snow shower activity. If it is a little more consistent in the hillier terrain of Worcester County. Essentially, west of the city of worcester. You get back into places like sterling and spencer and then witchington. Westminster. You may see a coating to an inch of snow. The real story of the snow has been across western new england berkshires, northwestern connecticut. Into vermont. It continues to pile up. High temperatures, uper 30s on average. That is it. Mid30s in the worcester hills. Close to 40 in boston. We have a strong gusty wind tomorrow coming in. With quite a bit of cool air as well. Taking you through the snow, through tomorrow morning again. You get west of worcester, the higher terrain. There may be a co. Ing to an inch in some towns there the real big totals coming from pittsfield, points north. Up the spine of the berkshires. And up into southern vermont. That is where some locations easily over a half a foot of snow. Good travel day across new england. You get into new york, pennsylvania, same case. 40s to near 50 degrees. Then this storm that will bring a little bit of rain and snow across the midwest on wednesday will deliver a little built of rain across southern new england on thursday. Spot shower possible still friday. A few more showers around on saturday. Coastal storm close by. We will keep an eye on it. Guys . Nancy all right, chris. Thank you very much. Still ahead on today in new details about this hitandrun that happened on chelsea that was caught on camera. Who police say was behind the nancy the nations most advanced weather at slight blasting offer last night from cape canaveral. It made a lot of people inhouse, our weather geeks, science nerds very excited. Chris it is a satellite that is parts of a major project by nasa. Costs a billion dolla here is Chris Lambert with a closer look. This one has you excited chris the nerdy side of us. You ask for the allimportant forecast question. Guys, in the First Six Months of the operation, the satellite will send back more data than all previous u. S. Satellites combined over the last 41 years. As you mentioned, that data will come back faster with higher resolution, improving forecasts. This is the next generation of meteorologists forecast weather. This information coming from this satellite behind me will literally, be like going from analog to ultra hd resolution with one simple flip of the switch. Reporter this is what weather imagery used to look like. Grainy black and white images that were hard to read. This is what it will look like now with the super High Resolution imagery. Todays satellite will also ve simultaneously in 16 different wavelengths. 11 more than our current satellite. There is a severe storm somewhere in the United States. Over a thousand by thousand kilometer area that can take a picture every 30 seconds. And so that means that, you know, as you string those together, you can have almost yorks now know, forecast not a quite realtime movie of a storm developing. Solar ultraviolet imager that will monitor what is called space weather. Or rather, eruptions from the sun that can impact earth. Trillions of dollars of our economy is weatherrelated. Can be impacted by weather. The satellite helps to provide warnings. Chris this is the first in the series of four hightech satellites set to orbit space. The new satellite will undergo 11 months of testing before it is put to use. Have to be patient. Nancy christmas came early for Chris Lambert yesterday. Kris once they get their hands on the data, cant waits to see what the weather team will do with that. Coming up next on today in new england, we will meet the oldest man to ever play Division One College football. Nancy rival teams batling in boston. Who came out on top in the at Blue Cross Blue Shield of massachusetts, we offer a variety of medicare plans to fit your budget and your lifestyle. With plans starting as low as 0, youll have zero things stopping you from really doing what you love. So call now to learn more about our plans that offer everything from annual wellness visits to routine hearing and vision exams, and prescription drugs. We have new dental Coverage Options too. And we even offer plans with no medical deductible and no referrals. S come with the peace of mind that you get when you have a health plan with over 50 years of medicare experience. The next chapter of your life should be all about you. Thats why were here. To learn more, contact us for our free medicare guide with no obligations. You can call us at 18888008813 or visit us at bluecrossma. Com medicareguide. Nancy big al returning to cs lineup. He makes the difference. 18 points. 11 rebounds. Five assists. Three blocks. The gamesaver at the buzzer. Celtics take it 9492. Kris football news. Harvard looking to beat yale for the tenth straight time. , plans. Late touchdown. Fourth quarter. Hangs on to beat the crimson. 2114. Harvard finish it is year 73. Third in the ivy league standings. Nancy well, a recordbreaking moment at a South Carolina state Football Game on saturday. Kris a neat story here. Joe thomas, sr. Became the Oldest College Football Player ever. First quarter on saturday thomas took the handoff. Gained three yards for his first carry of his career. Division one Football Game. Thomas says it was a dream come true. I have been working on this dream for 36 years. Thank god it happened today. You know, i felt that 20 years ago. Ahead, a deadly accident in duxbury. A construction worker killed on the job. What we are learning about the investigation when we come nancy a construction worker killed in duxbury when his power saw kicks back. Two Boston Police officers taken to the hospital when a suspect suddenly turns violent during an arrest. Kris the patriots look to get back to their winning ways. Out west, taking on the 49ers. This is 7 news today in new england. Nancy thank you for joining us for 7 news today in plenty of news to get to this half hour. A windy, rainy start to our sunday. Unfortunately, it is not going to get any better. A live look outside. We will go to Chris Lambert with more on the bad news. Chris hold on to your hat type of day. Not only this afternoon, kris, but tomorrow afternoon. It is cold enough that any rain showers have transitioned over to flurries and wet snow showers out through the worcester hills. Even close to the city of worcester itself. Not a lot of precipitation to go through the rest of the day. We have a lot of wind occasionally passing rain or snow shower. A powerful wind that is pushing in. In terms of wind gusts, about 30 miles an hour right now in boston. 32 in worcester. At times, over 40 today. A wind advisory in effect for today and tomorrow for the gusty winds. Bottom line yeah, you need the heavier coat back into the forecast. A couple of scattered snow showers mixed in this evening and overnight tonight. Cold and wrindy tomorrow. That 39 is not a misprint here. That is 39 degrees. Mid30s in the worcester hill. Close to 40 in the city of boston. Cool week ahead, generally speaking. A little bit of rain working back in by thanksgiving. More on the 7day coming up. Kris breaking news. A train derails in northern india. 14 cars full of passengers rolled off the tracks just after 3 00 this morning. Rescue workers are still trying to reach people who are trapped. The death toll is expected to rise. There is no word yet on what may have caused that derailment. Nancy a tragic accident in duxbury. A construction worker killed on the job after a horrible accident. Firefighters say the worker was in a trench when a power saw he was using kicked back. Kris now investigators are looking into what exactly went wrong here. Kelli ohara has details. Reporter saturday afternoon, sam romanelli tried desperately to save his coworkers life. Tremont street, one of the men working in this trench had a tragic accident. As the 28yearold was working on a water pipe, the saw he was holding, firefighters say, kicked back and cut his throat. I ripped off my jacket and my safety vest. I stuffed it into his throat. Very serious. Very grave injuries to the neck area. Reporter firefighters say the man, sadly, didnt make it. He died from his injuries shortly afterwards at the hospital. Romanelli says he tried to do everything he could. We tried to do the bleeding. It is a tragedy. An unfortunate accident. Reporter somewhat is investigating the. Fire chief says accidents like these are never easy. Especially around the holidays. In duxbury, kellingly ohara, 7 news today in new england. Kris the trump transition another busy day ahead for the president elect. Donald trump tweeting earlier this morning, numerous patriots will be coming to bed minister today as i continue America Great again. This coming a day after the monumental meeting with former Massachusetts Governor mitt romney. Just one of several trump meetings that is were held saturday at his golf course. Romney famously clashed with trump during the campaign, but now there is talk of possibly becoming a part of trumps cabinet. Reporter the trump transition kicking into high gear over the weekend. The president elect meeting with more than half a dozen people on saturday administration. Among them, the former Massachusetts Governor mitt romney who led a blistering effort to defeat trump during the campaign. Here is what i know. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. Reporter they buried the hatch netanyahu an hour and a halflong meeting. Romney has been mentioned as a potential pick for secretary of state. Trump advisors characterized the meeting as an exchange of administration. Reporter trump announced his picks for attorney general, National Security advisor, and c. I. A. Director. But has been coy about whether more announcements are imminent. Several more meetings scheduled on sunday with new Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former new york city mayor Rudolph Giuliani expected to meet with trump. Nbc news, new york. Kris the president elect continuing a twitter feud with the cast of hamilton. On friday night, they made appeal on stage to Vice President elect mike pence, urging him to work on behalf of everyone. Trump tweeted not long ago the cast and producers of hamilton which i hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to mike pence for their terrible behavior. Nancy also this morning, two Boston Police officers recovering after an altercation with a suspect. This is video from the scene friday night. The officers initially confronted a man in the Boston Common because he was smoking and then realized he had an him, he turned violent. The officers were treated at a nearby hospital and released. Also, a 25yearold lynn man charged in a disturbing hitandrun caught on camera. He allegedly hit a 72yearold woman on the crosswalk at fourth and broadway on friday the victim had minor injuries. And the suspect will now face a judge on monday. On several charges. Including driving without a license and leaving the scene of an accident. Kris patriots ready for the sunday showdown. A matchup with the San Francisco 49ers. Pats 72. The niners struggling a bit. They are 18 this year. Nancy most of the talk has been around injuries. More now on the matchup from San Francisco. I mean, he is a Football Player. He loves to play. You know, if its something you feel like you can play through, if it is something that you are capable of playing with, you are going to play wit. If it is something that doctors say you cant play better than. That make that big guy pay a price for coming over the middle. No price could be higher than not having Rob Gronkowski sunday. The patriots are 147 without him. Dating back to 2010. You know, he is a special player. He is one of our, you know, impact players on offense. And any time you see a guy like that who takes a big hit like that, or you know, wants to stay in the game, he can energize the team to want to play for him. Reporter tom brady not th a lot of quarterbacks hurt in that exact situation. Reporter brady a little bangedup. But not even on the Injury Report this week. Ready for a homecoming of sorts. Making his first career start in the bay area against the 49ers. It will be nice to see my parents and my sisters. Hopefully, we can go out there and win. I would expect their best. Any time we play a team, you know, we are going to get their best shot. Im sure they are excited about playing this week. We are, too. You know, i dont think you take any game lightly. Reporter hard to believe tom brady has never played a road game in his career against San Francisco. If he knocks off the 49ers later on today, it will give him a road victory against every team in the n. F. L. Except the seattle seahawks. Reporting in San Francisco, trey daerr, 7 news today in new england. Kris the mayor of holyoke senning his own message. The openly gay marriage says someone left a hateful and homophobic note at his home. It reads alex, you are one of the mostel know due to your gay lifestyle. You are going down. He has decided to keep the letter and share it. I like keeping those things. Why . Motivation, inspiration. You know, in the event that i want to report it, it is important to keep. He posted an image of the note on facebook on friday to bring public awareness. He says he has saved every hateful card or message sent to him for that same reason. Public and open discussion about race in the city. A thousand people were there on saturday. More watched online. People talked about their concerns for the city. Hundreds packing the Majestic Theater on saturday to discuss race in the city of boston. Today was laying down really the kind of foundation of the dialogue. You know, clearly, there is some real raw feeling inside the room. People are talking now about how they feel about boston. Nancy mayor marty walsh hosting the event. Conversations about race. As you can see inside today, there are some strong feelings and raw emotion coming out right now. It is not an easy conversation. But it is a conversation that is timely, particularly with the tension around the country and a lot of what we have been dealing with. Nancy more than a thousand people attended the forum, also streamed online. As residents shared their concerns as well as hopes for the future. Racism is historically a spirits and souls. Those of us that are ben fish casey, and those of us that are targets. The blight may be historic and legendary. The pain is now. The pain is right now. I think it brought everyone together to realize we have to work harder on making the city a place where there is no bigotry, no racism. And i think everyone left here with a good feeling. Nancy the Police Superintendent and chief emphasized the importance of conversations like these in order to move forward together. I welcome them to come and talk to me. As well as my officers. So we can break any fear that they may have. And we can tell them that we are human as well. And we have fears. Draes town of natick hosting an antiracist rally. Organized in response to two letters reportedly sent to the home of the resident there, andy provost. Provost says both letters contained profanity and racial slurs. That there would be others. By the third, i would be killed. And my family and i. The level of disgustingness, this person is, in my opinion, mentally ill. Not truly a criminal. Someone that is a coward. Kris provost says the outpouring of supports and love has been promising. He wont be forced to leave his home out of fear, he says. Nancy a satellite has been launched into space. I know one it chris in terms of our forecast, faster wind speeds the next couple of days, occasionally a rain or snow an just about 10 15 on this sunday morning. It is dry now in the city of boston. There have been some snow showers moving through western massachusetts. Chris a couple in Worcester County. In boston. A passing flurry or snow shower would be tonight. Not expecting any accumulation. But hey, it is a sign of things to come here. In terms of heading into winter right . Near 40 in town right now. Actually, the warmest across southeastern New Hampshire and southern New Hampshire. Litchfield and up through pembroke, New Hampshire. Temperatures running into the mid to up earn 40s. The cold air is actually pushing in from the southwest. Lexington at 40 degrees. Auburn at 36. You are down to 5 in brookfield. Barre coming in at 35 degrees. Wet snowflakes mixed into Worcester County this morning. Low 40s down through southeastern massachusetts, including the cape and the islands. Colder in new york city this morning. Than it has been in boston at 39 degrees. Because this area of low pressure all wound up is actualldr and then into new england. From the southwest. And we were mentioning some snow in western massachusetts. Several inches of it. Extending across the berkshires. Down into the limpfield hills. Up into vermont. That is where it is going to continue to snow. Through the day today. Overnight tonight and even into tomorrow morning. The story for a lot of us, though, here in Central Massachusetts and eastern massachusetts will be the cold wind that we have the next couple of days. We will be active. Already gusting near 30 miles an hour. At times, going gust 40 to especially tomorrow. There is a winds advisory in effect for all of massachusetts. Down into rhode island. Back into connecticut. With the strong wind gusts continuing to prevail. Not only today but again tomorrow. Now, once we get into tomorrow, high temperatures only in the upper 30s on average. With a mix of sun and clouds in the afternoon. You can see over the next couple of days, this constant blue shading through vermont and into the berkshires. That is where the snow does continue to pile up. How much does it pile up . Well, it is going to be quite the gradient. But itea through the berkshires. Pittsfield on north. Six inches. Perhaps even up to a foot. Some of the higher terrain of vermont. A steep cultoff here. Then you work your way into the Connecticut River valley. Minimal accumulation. We may see a coating to an inch in the worcester hills tonight with. Some snow showers,. East of worcester, passing rain or a snow shower today. And perhaps a passing snow shower tonight. But again, not much in the tailed. 4446 in the boston metro area flarn. A flurry or snow shower overnight tonight. Cold and windy. Air temperatures, a couple degrees either side of 30. The windchill factors down into the upper teens and lower 20s. The best we can do tomorrow, winds gusting 4050 miles an hour mostly cloudy and windy day. Travel weather, tuesday and wednesday, good across the northeast. By wednesday, we track some rain and snow across the midwest. That will bring us a little shower activity on thursday. Perhaps a few morewe pattern. Temperatures in the 40s this week. Kris a marine surprises his family with a visit home for thanksgiving. Kris they were told they were competing at a pep rally. They couldnt believe their eyes. Well, this wasnt supposed to happen. I was not supposed to be here. I got told last second. They were like, yeah you can go home now. Kris a greats surprise. Their first visit in three years. His mother say she is still cant believe he is finally home. Nancy great story. Just in time for thanksgiving, too. Coming up, Mark Zuckerberg doing an aboutface. . Why do banks treat you and your money like this . They nickel and dime you with fees and minimum balances. Theyve reimagined banking, and built a Checking Account thats free of all that nonsense. No fees. No minimums. No gotchas. At capital one, your money stays your money. Nancy caught on camera scary scene in georgia. A firefighter killed trying to rescue several people aftera ferry ramp collapsed in sa vanna. Officials say the firefighter had a medical emergency during this rescue. 13 people in all were taken to the hospital. Several other people were hurt. But their injuries considered serious. And facebook is taking steps to prevent big news stories from being shared on the social media site. The seep owe Mark Zuckerberg announced the new measures in a post friday night. The move comes after criticism that fake news may have affected the outcome of the president ial election. Zuckerberg says facebook is working to better detect fake news and to raise red flags about qej stories. The gozar satellite will improve views from several storms and severe storms in outer space and help overall weather forecasting. In the First Six Months of operation, the gozar will send back more data than all previous weather satellites combined over the past 41 years. Sovereign dipping company recalling some of its hummus and spreads because of possible listeria contamination. Consumers are urged to discards any product with the bestbefore date through january 23, 2017 on the lids. Listeria can cause serious, sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail, or elderly people or others with weakened immune systems. Brace yourself for some changes in our weather. Chris lambert will have a final look at that forecast w. Im in bristol, tennessee. On this side of the road is virginia. And on this side its tennessee. No matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on Car Insurance by switching to geico. Look, im in virginia. Im in tennessee. Virginia. Tennessee. And now im in virginessee. See how much you could save on Car Insurance. Or am i in tennaginia . Nancy another day for donald trump as the rush to fill his cabinet continues. Kris chuck todd has a look at whats coming up this morning on meet the press. Chuck, good morning. Good morning coming up on meet the press, president elect Trumps Administration begins to take shape. And as he turns his Campaign Rhetoric into governing reality, ill talk to his incoming chief of staff, Congress Work with trump or fight him . Both the new Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer and senator Bernie Sanders join me. And then ill show you my trip to michigan. To talk with middleclass voters who went for obama and then pulled the lever for trump its all coming up on meet the press. Chris best chance for snow showers in the especially this emping. Gusty winds. Strong winds. 4050mileperhour gusts peaking tomorrow. Upper 30s. That is it on monday. Travel weather across new england, looking good on tuesday and wednesday. By thanksgiving, few showers in the afternoon. A possibility. Could get some more rain on saturday. Depenning on how close an ocean storm comes. Right now, a few showers in the afternoon. A bit of a breeze. Temps in the 40s all week. Nancy ready for turkey day . Kris oh, yes. Going shopping today. All right. Thats going to do it for us on this sunday morning. 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