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You can clearly see in these photos, one of those two robbers jumping behind the counter. You see the clerk putting up his hands saying no, back away. You can actually see the silver of the pistol as he whips that clerk in the back of the head. Now, those two men making away with an undisclosed amount of cash from the register. You can see their faces as they ran out of the store. Everett police want to make sure you take a close look at who these men are so you can please call it in. So they can get these men off the street. This robbery happened last night just after midnight. In the 500 block of broadway. Just about a block from city hall. Everett police got the 911 call of the clerk with blood coming out of his head after this violent robbery. Those two men making away, again, with an undisclosed amount of cash. Anyone who knows anything is asked to call Everett Police a. S. A. P. Kelli ohara, 7 news. Sarah now the monster parts of the east. Thousands are digging out from under the snow. Right now parts of the Nations Capital are under. Around baltimore are still shut down as they try and dig out. Boston mayor marty walsh knows the feeling and was happy to offer some help. I think boston will. Got the alltime record snoferl this storm. Whatever we can do to help other states. People were there for us when we needed it. Sarah all right. This is from maryland. Recorded from friday afternoon until saturday night. Pretty cool, though. We may be in the clear here. A different story at all the victoria warren live right now at Logan Airport with a look at some delays there. Vicky . Reporter there are still delays today. Even some cancellations. Better. There have been some passengers who ended up not intending to come to boston but stranded here at logan. We spoke with one man today. Since saturday. Today he didnt know what day it was. The storm is over. But it is hardly business as usual at airports. I slept here overnight, actually. Reporter danny tried to leave puerto rico for philly saturday. The only place close he could get was logan. It had been canceled twice, i think. Delayed a couple of times. Reporter he is not alone. The massive snowstorm grounded 12,000 flights nationally. Despite minimal snow at logan, the trickledown effect meant 250 cancellations here. I looked at the screen. And some of the new york flights were canceled. I had to connect to richmond, virginia and drive to norfolk instead of flying direct into norfolk. Reporter danny has family in springfield. His best bet now is is a shuttle there and maybe a train to philly where he goes to school. That is not even a sure thing. Im not going to be able to get there for a couple of apparently, it is really bad. Reporter luckily, classes are canceled. Danny is trying to stay positive. How are the accommodations . Firstclass, what can i say in i want to sleep on a bed. Reporter there are a few dozen cancellations today at logan. Mostly because of problems they continue to have in new york, philadelphia, and washington, d. C. So if you are traveling today, it is still a very good idea to call your airline ahead of time. Live in logan, victoria warren, 7 news. Nancy the impact of the storm still taking a toll. The Midatlantic States digging out today after a recordbreaking storm. Lets call this the big dig. Tens of thousands of people in the suburbs of maryland and washington, d. C. All the way up to new york digging out. You can see people dealing with almost kneehigh snow. Other areas are dealing with 30 inches on the road because plows cant pass. Still, emergency equipment has to get through. In some cases, they are snow in order to get to the emergency. This is a deadly storm. At least 30 people have died. Many in traffic accidents. Shoveling snow and had heart at least one person was hit by a plow. Now the governor of maryland says the state is in a recovery mode. Trying to get the streets back to normal and life back to normal. It wasnt just storm. This storm hit the new jersey shore with lots of water. Of their homes. Now as the water is receding over the next couple of days, many others will come back to their homes and assess the damage. This is the first storm that has ever dropped 19 inches of snow in washington, d. C. And new york city at the same time. The big question now are we in for a midweek melt or is there more snow on the way . Lambert now with more on the forecast. We will watch closely here as we get into friday. Thursday night into friday. Today. Light winds, sunshine and tomorrow more melting. Mild and breezy. On tuesday. 34 degrees right now in boston. In bedford. 35 in norwood. Temperatures, nice bounce off you look at all these wind speeds. Below. Boston. And norwood. That can make all the difference this time of year. You get out in the sunshine. Very little wind. We can easily deal with temperatures in the 30s. In fact, a nice afternoon. Kids have ski lessons . Hitting the slopes this afternoon . Great weather for. That temperatures running generally in the middle to upper 30s this afternoon. Clear skies tonight. Going partly cloudy for a while overnight. We will have more clouds around tomorrow. But the tradeoff with the clouds and the breeze, will be the milder air. Temperatures running mid to upper 40s. More on that thursday night, friday potential coming up. Nancy Dorchester Police investigating a deadly drive after a plow truck hits and street. This happened around noon yesterday. Investigators spent hours on you arements and pictures trying to figure out what went wrong. Witnesses say they were horrified. It is really horrible. Not something you see every day. Around dorchester, no. But its crazy. Nancy no word if the driver is facing any charges there. Sarah a disappointing loss for the patriots. Their season officially over. The Denver Broncos came out with a win in last nights very close game. Nancy today coach belichick spoke about his team. Byron barnett was live. Coach belichick was his typical not so talkative self. Reporter yeah. He was here this morning. Giving his assessment, of course. This is not how the patriots saw their season ending. Bill belichick said he was proud of his team and how competitive they played. But in the end, he says they just werent good enough yesterday. Intercepted reporter the devastating defeat in denver. Abruptly ending the patriots quest for another super bowl. Head coach Bill Belichick that game. Team. And you know, we had some opportunities, but in the end, we just came up a little bit short. Reporter belichick still has high praise for his team members who played through injuries this year and fought to the end for the afc title. The way our team competed. Im proud of it. You know, the guys battling right to the very last play. Reporter one particularly rough moment. The missed extra point in the beginning of the game. I feel like i lost the game for the team. Reporter belichick called him a great kicker and said no for the loss. Belichick would not reveal what he said to denver quarterback Peyton Manning during an emotional embrace after the game. But it was clear the two shared Mutual Respect after so many epic battles. And despite all his years in the game, belichick says a sudden seasonening loss like this doesnt get any easier to take. No. No. I mean, it is same basic feeling 30 other teams have. And another team is going to have it next week. Reporter belichick says even though the emotion of yesterdays game is still with him, he is already in the process of preparing for next year. And a rare admission from the head coach. He was asked if he ever secondguesses himself during a game or a season. His answer . All the time. That is story live from gillette stadium, im byron barnett, 7 news. Sarah a frightening scene in concord, New Hampshire. Convenience store clerk. Accord to officials, the suspect walked into the store, took out a knife and demanded cash. The clerk fought back and thats when the suspect stabbed his hand. Nancy an Animal Shelter that burned to the ground in paxton is being rebuilt now. Officials at sweet pea say they are in the early stages of planning a new structure better protected against fires. The animals will also be given more room after the state says the previous shelter was too cluttered. More than 50 cats and dogs were killed in the fire back in november. Sarah happening today could it soon cost more to ride the t . The m. B. T. A. Is hoeing its first Public Meeting on proposed fare hikes tonight. The meet willing happen at 6 00 p. M. At the middle school in lynn. Officials say the proposal calls for fares to increase by either 6. 7 or 9. 7 . Depending on which plan is picked. Nancy Hillary Clinton geting the gap between herself and Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire. Kris anderson has more on her latest endorsement. Kris the second one of the weekend for Hillary Clinton coming from the des moines register, a prominent newspaper in iowa. Endorsed her first on saturday. Then, of course, the boston which says Hillary Clinton is more seasoned and forwardthinking and looking than she was in 2008. Globes Editorial Board said clinton would make a better president than her democratic sanders. Noting sanders is not a convincing champion of gun control. The paper is now popular in New Hampshire where the state will hold its first in the nation primary next month. Sanders is currently beating clinton in the polls there. On the republican side, several candidates will hit the campaign trail in New Hampshire. Chris christie, john kasich will attend town halls while frontrunner donald trump will hold a rally in farmington trump coming under a bit of fire after a protester who was wearing a you are thebin was iowa on sunday. That man was holding up a sign that read dont hate. Trump asked the crowd, he wasnt wearing one of those hats, was he . Some people thought trump was bin. It appears he was referencing another supporter in the crowd wearing a make America Great again hat. Meantime, the former new york reportedly considering an independent run for president. He is expected to make that decision the first week of march after the results are in from the super tuesday contest set for march 1. Donald trump says that he would welcome Michael Bloomberg into the race if he decides to run. Kris anderson, 7 news. Nancy coming up, two fugitives on the run from the law make an unexpected call to the cops. The details on the bizarre rescue. Sarah one winter mascot missing in action this year. Why a 30foot snowman is not making an appearance. Chris outside today, the sunshine getting to work. Take a look at the forecast ahead. Nancy snow days are not sarah a winter whiteout in d. C. Lid to a president ial play date. The dogs were spotted frolicking in the snow on the white house front lawn. The fourlegged members of the first family wagging their tails and barking at the snowflakes. They are the first dogs. They look like they are having such a fun time. Dont they . Nancy most dogs do. Buddy goes crazy. He is like a maniac. Burying his face in the snow. Chris when you get one to two feet of snow, you get plenty of snow to bury yourself. In it is awesome. Last year in boston, the dogs just jumping in the snow. Area. Right now we have warmed up off the morning lows. Temperatures running into the lower to middle 0s. Hey, for the first dogs down in d. C. , they dont get twofoot snowstorms all that often. They need to take advantage of that snow. 3 in bed right now. In plymouth. More clouds around tomorrow. Also around tomorrow, milder air. Cincinnati at 41. Nashville at 44. Winds tomorrow out of the southwest. For tomorrow afternoon. Perhaps a shower or two not out of the question later on in the afternoon. A better chance for maybe a shower or two at night. Tuesday is mainly dry. Well. At least during Daylight Hours on thursday. Forecast model showing through tonight into tomorrow. Not a whole lot changing here. Into tomorrow morning. What sunshine we have tomorrow bit as we increase the cloud cover. Coming through the front. I cant rule out a passing shower. Then on wednesday, it does look dry once again. This afternoon, maintaining temperatures into the mid to upper 30s. Light winds. In fact, hardly a wind at all. Dead calm in the city of boston right now. Throughout many of the suburbs. That is always great. When you can get these sunny winter days. Temperatures at least into the middle to upper 30s and have hardly a wind. We will hardly have wind tonight, too. Temperatures back into the 20s to near 30 degrees. It is a good base to jump off of here. We jump up into the mid40s. A couple of locations close to 50 down through southeastern massachusetts. We keep a few breaks of sun. I do see 50 degrees just to the south of boston. Mild and breezy day overall. Breeze will pick up. Stray afternoon shower not out of the question. Much of the time staying dry. What about whats going on across the country . We go to danielle. Danielle thanks, chris. If you are traveling today, we are some cold air moving in. Mild as we head into the next couple of days. We have enough cold air for a storm as we head into the second part of the week. For more on that, chris, back to you. Chris danielle, yes. We will take a look at that pattern. As we get down into the deep south here. Lets get to a few graphics on that. Plenty of moisture streaming into the deep south. We will talk about the rest of the country. It is quiet after the big snowstorm down through the midatlantic. A couple of quiet days here. Enough cold air across Northern New England and central new england to support snow. What we are watching on the setup, though, is this area across the midwest. Diving off to the south and east. If it can connect and catch up with this storm system fast enough, then you can get this area of low pressure to get close enough to the coastline to bring some snow and wind. Closer to the coastline. If that connection is made too late in the game, then the track number, two farther out to sea, that would occur. You would have minimum snow and little impact from that system. You know a lot of us probably that to slide off to the east a little bit. We will keep an eye on things thursday night into friday morning. A quickmoving system. It is not like onele of those storms that just occurred down through the midatlantic where it gets pinned in at the coastline. Stuck in washington, d. C. For 36 hours. This is fastmoving up the coastline. Behind it, temperatures back in the 40s. This is Something Else we have seen. Unlike last year, we will get some melting done over the next few days. Likely more meting over the weekend as well. Guys . Sarah up next, they were running from the law. Then they called 911 and asked for help. We will explain. Nancy a town tradition in jeopardy. How a snow shortage could put nancy two fugitives running from the law. The suspects hiding in a wooded area when it started to snow. Then things really took a strange turn. A police chase instead turning into a rescue mission. Sarah yeah. Stuck out in the freeing conditions. To call 911. In the high sierra in traffic stop for swerving. But then. Two male occupants of the vehicle jumped out of the car and took off running. Sarah the two fugitives with four active warrants took off running into the woods. Ninemillimeter gun. In addition to the firearm, there was at least three different types of controlled narcotics in the vehicle. Methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana. Sarah the duo dashed down a canyon and crossed over the south fork of the american river. Now wet and cold, they ignored Law Enforcement warnings to surrender. With a winter storm in full force. By nightfall, the fugitives were freezing. And called 911 begging to be arrested. Everyone is and rescue teams from the county Sheriffs Office quickly joined the hunt. Weather conditions that, yes, there was a high likelihood that they were not surviving very long. Sarah the two men hulded together overnight to keep warm. Then on saturday morning, the swat team found them. They were transported across the river to a waiting ambulance for treatment. I have never seen two people happier to go to jail because they knew that they were going to be dry and warm. Sarah one of the suspects denied having any drugs or a gun. He says he was grateful to Law Enforcement for rescuing him. Even if it means going back to jail. Nancy coming up next, a flight diverted because of extreme tush lance. [mother] yeah but this neighborhood,i feel like its got a lot of what we were kinda talking about. The kitchen is light and bright,new. We should definitely go see it. [agent] hi. Welcome im maggie. Melanie. Maggie. So nice to meet you. [mother] this is brendan. [agent] hey brendan. Living room. [dad] hey. [mother] hey sweetie. [dad] sorry about that. What about this . This looks good. [brendan] no. [mother] isnt it so great . I think we found it. [agent] hey brendan,you might [announcer]redfin pays its agents based on your happiness. Thats real estate, redefined. Sarah while the east coast recovers from that monster snowstorm, wisconsin has a different kind of snow problem. Snow to build its annual 30foot mascot. Nancy now the tradition thats been going on for half a century might have to wait until next year. Reporter it is the winter mascot. 30 feet tall. You cant miss him. That people really miss. You know . It was like a welcome type of sign for the winter. Reporter this year, he is missing in action. Not enough snow. Too warm. Too much rain. Reporter the town has built a threelayer skyhigh snowman who goes by the name of snowmy cromer. Any time you can build a snowman where you are using a backhoe, its fun. Reporter it all started after the hat Company Created a size 96 special cap for the mascot. Even though snowmy is decadesold. He became world famous last year after going viral. He made it around the world in 7 days. Went viral on the social media feeds. Responses for him. It was fun. Are some things about constructing a 30foot snowman that builders will miss. The very end when you are putting on the size 96 stormy cromer. And standing back, realizing what you did. Reporter there is always next winter. Nancy a smaller snowman. I bet d. C. Would be more than willing to help out with all that snow. Much more to come on 7 news. The patriots wrapping up here at home. What coach belichick had to say after yesterdays heartbreaker. The weekend blizzard stranding travelers down the east coast. Including here in boston. Chris weather looking good as of today. Doing some melting this afternoon. Forecast ahead. Sarah a latenight nancy Police Searching for suspects after a Convenience Store clerk worker is attacked on the job. Police say two men stormed and then pistolwhipped the clerk. Sarah police need your help in tracking them down. Kelli ohara is live from everett. Kelli . Reporter well, police need your help in finding these two men. They say this robbery was a violent one. That clerk on the mend at home right now after being whipped in the back of the head. Everett police just releasing these photos a short time ago. Late this morning. You can clearly see one of those men jumping behind the counter. One of these two robbers. Going up to the clerk. You can see the clerk racing. Raising his hands, but the robber took out his gun. You could see the silver of the gun there whipping him on the back of the head. They stole some money and made off. You can look at these two mens faces. You can clearly see them as they are exiting the store. That is when this robbery happened here. In the 500 block of broadway. Just about a block from city hall. Those two men coming in the store and robbing the clerk. Hurting that clerk as well. And making away with an undisclosed amount of cash. Anyone with information is asked to call Everett Police. So they can get these men off the street. Sarah now to the forecast. East coast. After a recordbreaking blizzard. Dumping more than two feet of snow in states that arent inches. Coastal cities and towns here in massachusetts also seeing the brunt of the storm. That fresh blanket of snow could be gone as soon as it arrives. Snow you had, sarah. You have 15 inches of snow like down across south in it will take some time to dwindle 10. 4 inches in boston this season. 8. 5 in worcester. Thats it. You know, we are running well behind the averages in boston and out through worcester. But we know the drill here. I mean, it was the samecase last year. You can make up for it in temperatures running in the mid0s now. We have a lot of sunshine. We have very light winds also. In fact, calm winds from worcester. We have a little built of a wind. We are talking about wind speeds running about 38 miles an hour. So we do have mostly sunny we will keep that and look at tomorrow. Temperatures upper 40s. Side. It will be mild. Potential for a close call thursday height into friday. With the storm off the east coast. We will talk more on the forecast coming up. Passengers ready to take off after the first blizzard of 2016. 12,000 flights were grounded nationally. Despite minimal snow at logan, the trickledown effect meant 250 cancellations here in boston. I just looked at the screen flights were canceled. Virginia and drive to norfolk instead of flying direct into norfolk. Nancy quite a mess. There are still delays as well as cancellations at logan today. The patriots back home today denver. A shot at a consecutive super coach Bill Belichick talked about the matchup and focused on the future. Byron barnett has more on what he had to say. There is brady throwing it it is intercepted reporter the devastating defeat in denver. Head coach Bill Belichick summed up his assessment o. That game. Denver is a good football team. And you know, we had some opportunities but in the end, just came up a little bit short. Reporter belichick still has high praise for his team members who played through injuries this year and fought to the end for the afc title. You know, our team competed. Im proud of it. You know, the guys battling right to the very last play. Reporter one particularly painful moment, the missed extra point early in the game. I feel like i lost the game for the team, and you know, i should have been out there kicking that time, an extra point and helping us go into overtime. Reporter but belichick said no one individual is to blame for the loss. We all feel that way. I feel like its my fault. All the players feel like its their fault. Reporter belichick would not reveal what he said to Peyton Manning during an emotional embrace after the game. Mutual respect after so many epic battles. And despite all his years in the game, belichick says a sudden seasonending loss like this doesnt get any easier to take. No. No. I mean, it is same basic feeling 31 teams. 30 other teams have. And another team is going to have it next week. Reporter belichick says even though the emotion of the game is still with him, hes year. And a rare admission from the head coach. He was asked if he ever secondguesses himself during a game or a season. His answer . All the time. At jettel stadium, byron barnett, 7 news. Nancy police are on the hunt for a robber who held up a pizza shop in methuen. The thief snatching a safe before taking off. Jennifer eagan has the latest on the ongoing investigation. Report tt thief carried off a safe full of cash from this stole one of the safs. You know what i mean . They made off with a couple thousand dollars in cash from the night before. Reporter the owner came in saturday morning and found the front door smashed. He checked his surveillance cameras. All 22 of them. Reporter when he first came in, he had the hat and mask on. Then he took the hat and mask off. We got pictures of his face. Reporter the pizza shop was the only business that had cameras rolling at the time. We are hoping now that the public, somebody recognizes this guy. We have been getting some tips. We have nothing permanent. We get a good tip, we will follow it up. I hope you get caught. I hope this is the last place you hit. That is my goal. To do whatever i can do to get this guy caught and get him off the streets. Reporter the suspect didnt park a car in the lot. No plate to work off of for me theen police. They have a clear picture. In methuen, 7 news. Sarah governor baker signing a bill today to help tackle addiction. The bill will help women sent to jail for drug addiction problems. A plane makes an Emergency Landing in italy. Several people were sent to the hospital. Terror in the skies. This morning, 192 passengers heading from miami to milan are not waking up in their final destination. American Airlines Flight 206 was just hours into the flight when it hit severe turbulence. The plane actually dropped. Everything was flying. Reporter the seat belt light was turned on during the turbulence, passengers say flight attendants were standing in the cabin. After injuries were reported,. Im just happy to be alive. You know, it was scary. Emergency response vehicles reporter paramedics and ambulances were scene on the tarmac to evaluate passengers and crew. According to american airlines, three flight attendants and four passengers were transported to a local hospital for further evaluation. A bump in the trip as many tried to see the bright side. Im glad to be in newfoundland. Always wanted to come here. Not under these circumstances. Reporter the extent of the injuries have not been revealed. Another passenger said someone did have a concussion and another, a shoulder injury. Nancy hundreds of people honoring the victims of a School Shooting in canada. The shooting happened on friday. Two adults and two teenagers were killed. A 17yearold boy was charged in the shooting. Archbishop there said recent budget cuts to the school could have played a role in the tragedy. Sarah jimmy fallon taking a serious stance on the water crisis in flint, michigan. He is donating 10,000 to help residents get clean water. Fallon tweeted the announcement saying how about ten friends match me . The city is in a state of emergency after the water supply was poisoned by lead. The u. S. Government has pledged 5 million in federal aid. City officials now coming under fire for allegedly not taking actions to prevent the crisis and not alerting residents to the threat. Nancy just ahead at noon, tshirt trouble at a school in arizona. When students posed for an inappropriate picture with an offensive message. Now administrators are promising to take action. Sarah taking excitement to the extreme a fan jumping out having lots of devices in your home can really slow your internet down. So keep things moving with 100 fiber optic fios, the Fastest Internet and wifi available, with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. Its no wonder were ranked highest in Customer Satisfaction by jd power. Now, for 79. 99 a month online, get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for your first year. Or with a 2 year agreement, go to getfios. Com or call mcdonalds is asking the public to send in submissions. 11,000. That is enough to buy a burger a day for a whole decade. By the way, this one, if it features potatoes with cheese. And a soy and onion sauce. I mean, this guy looks like he is having a blast eating it. New burger will go on sale next week. I would give it a shot. One of my favorite parts about going to a new country. They have seating. It is like a nice restaurant. Chris different items on the menu there. Im looking at. That it is almost like a bacon cheeseburg we are potatoes on it. Not all that different. Light winds today. Mild and breezy on tuesday. And then storm close to us thursday night. Into friday morning. On. That looks like it could be offshore. We had winds deadcalm. You have the deeper snowpack on the ground. Already back 35 in norwood. 34 in boston. A couple more degrees. With little wind outside, it is a comfortable winter day. Crosscountry skiing or hiing the slopes at nashoba or wachusett later on this afternoon. Bedford, threemileperhour wind, dead calm in the city of boston. Mostly sunny skies. We will hold on to mainly clear skies for the rest of the afternoon. A 30 chance of a passing shower tomorrow. Otherwise, we are dry into thursday itself. Thursday night into friday, we will watch for the potential of any close call. Mid to uper 30s this afternoon. The wind light this afternoon out of the southeast. Three to six miles an hour. 2232 is the range. Wind out of the southwest. At 38 miles an hour. That direction, that southwesterly direction, that will start warming us up by tomorrow. Mid40s to lower 50s. We will trade here, though. We will get the mild air in here. We will certainly melt some snow tomorrow. And a breeze picking up out of the southwest. Occasionally, gusting over 20 miles an hour. What about the rest of the down from . St danielle . Danielle traveling today weatherlewise, you should be fine. We have some snow up towards minneapolis. Some scattered snow showers around colorado. The rest of the country looking pretty good. Which is good news. This gives the east coast airports some time to recover from the weekend storm. Our temperatures in the 30s today. Keep in mind, we had our warmest december on record. So so far this january, temperatures are pretty close to average. About two degrees warmer than where they should be. Our average temperature, 31 so far. The past week was cold. That is the first cold cell we have seen so this winter. Now things are taking a mild turn. We didnt hit 40 again until march 4. We will hit close to 50 as we head into tomorrow. Not totally the same. Snow in january. So far, we have had over ten inches. We are pretty on track for a normal winter so far. As we head into the next couple of days. We could see some more snow adding to our numbers. Chris, back to you. Chris close call. We cant guarantee it. We will watch the potential on thursday night into friday. Essentially, the setup the next few days is to bring in the mild air on tuesday. Wednesday is not a bad day. Temperatures in the lower 40s. Again, aside from last year, when we locked in the cold air and you couldnt melt any snow, you are starring to melt the snow off the rooftops already. Yesterday afternoon, this afternoon, and again, the next couple of afternoons. Here is the setup as of wednesday afternoon into the evening hours. Storm out as far as off to the west here. That is why we are talking the porj of some snow and wind if, indeed, it is farther off to the west. Right now, most guidance is just too far to the east. Five days out. Subject to change. We will keep an eye on it for you. Regardless of what happens thursday night into friday morning. Temperatures above freezing. As we get into the weekend. So again, there is that theme. The cold air is not locked in. And holding. You cant rule out the potential of snow. In a pattern like. This guys . Sarah the celtics dominated the 76ers. The game was orangeally scheduled for saturday. Weather forced it to be boston starters were too much for philly. Thomas and crowder each scored 20. Cs won 11292. Tonight in d. C. Nancy after the afc championship game, football fans got a chance to see Peyton Mannings fouryearold son marshal. He is a little shy back there. You see him. Maybe not in the best mood to greet reporters. Peyton answered questions. Marshal spent his time hiding behind dad. He was decked out, though, in a bummer 18 jersey. Also held on to a new afc champions hat. And marshals twin sister moseley, however, was not at the podium with her brother. Coming up, troubling tshirts at school. Administrators outraged afterthey see this picture. Hearing from the other side prosecutor from making a murder opening up and sharing for the girl scout meeting. Okay. For the soccer team. For the girl scout meeting. How many meetings are you having . p at stop shop, prices are down. Savings are up. Pwhich makes the checkout lane, victory lane. Congress doesnt regulate wall street. Wall street regulates congress. Its a rigged economy that sends most new wealth to the top 1 . And its held in place by a corrupt political system where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. My campaign is funded by over two and a half million small contributions. People who know you cant level the Playing Field by taking more money from wall street. Im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. Join the fight sarah a clothing controversy at an arizona school. Students are now facing some serious tshirt trouble. Nancy administrators are dealing with the backlash, promising a response also. Adam williams has more. Reporter the nword spelled out on the shirts of these six girls after a larger class picture for the yearbook is one of those words. Yes. I know two of the girls. Very well. I know the parents. Of one of the girls. Very, very well. What do you think . Im not sure what to think right now. Im really upset about it. Reporter none of the girls parents wanted to address what happened. The superintendent is talking. P. Just out raged. Disgust. Disappointment. Feeling all of those things. Obvious need for sensitivity training. There will be discipline. This will not be tolerated. Reporter she didnt say what the punishment would be. Two of the girls were on the soccer team and didnt appear to be suited up for their most recent game. Fellow students say the girls are facing a fiveday suspension and this has forced a tough campus conversation. I dont think they were thinking at all. That is not their place to do that. That is not a black persons place to say that either. You know what im saying . It is back and forth all day. It is a controversial word. Announcer where do you line up with john kasich on the issues . Forced obamacare expansion in ohio. Voted for massive defense cuts and defended the process that closed Pease Air Force base, which cost thousands of local jobs. Even had the worst rating on spending of any governor in the country republican or democrat. John kasich wrong on New Hampshire issues. Right to rise usa is responsible sarah a Netflix Documentary making a murder has blown up across social media. Nancy a former Prosecutor Says he is now writing a book. He says he was able to finally tell the story. Story. Test prosecutor who helped put the convicted murderer Stephen Avery behind bars and resigned as District Attorney back in 2010 after he was caught in a scandal. Watching. This right . Nancy i have been. Sarah chris rock is onboard for the who is cars. He is through toing out his original monologue and replacing it with a new one. An uproar. They will boycott the awards show. Live from new york, its larry david. Snl announcing the comedian will host on february 6. David has been on the show twice now. Including an appearance so mem raj. Right . As democratic candidate Bernie Sanders. He will be joined by musical guests the 1975. I have to say, the first time i saw the skit on Bernie Sanders, it was really hard to watch an interview with Bernie Sanders and not think of larry david. Chris we talked about this earlier. Larry david and tina fey have the best spoton personalities on that show. When you you are listening to it. I mean, wordwise. You can tell it is not the actual candidate or politician. It is funny. Temperatures in the 30s, guys. Light fit, 15 delicious flavors, each 80 calories. Try to beat that [mother] yeah but this neighborhood,i feel like its got a lot of what we were kinda talking about. The kitchen is light and bright,new. We should definitely go see it. [agent] hi. Welcome im maggie. Melanie. Maggie. So nice to meet you. [mother] this is brendan. [agent] hey brendan. Living room. [dad] hey. [mother] hey sweetie. [dad] sorry about that. What about this . This looks good. [brendan] no. [mother] isnt it so great . I think we found it. [agent] hey brendan,you might like this room. Agents based on your happiness

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