Its all hearsay. You hear about a lot of things and we follow up on everything and that is all we can say about that right now. You heard the School President is saying that he and School Officials are calling upon what he called hearsay. Chicago police are waiting to get the name of the victims of that there can be at a proper investigation into the pictures and into the potential for another serious crime that happened. If there had been students and distributed it than any of those students can face felony child pornography distribution charges. A sexual predator. That is what one woman is calling a chicago cop who, she says, repeatedly forced her into sexual acts while he was on duty. It went on for years, she claims, while he was her supervisor on the force. Today she is suing him in a federal court. Our julie unruh first started tracking this officer over 10 years ago when another woman made similar accusations about the same cop. Julies live in the newsroom with the latest on this new case. In 2003, a single woman coming home late one night from a bar said she was fondled by an on Duty Chicago Police officer. 10 years later, another woman who is a chicago officer, says she has been forced into sex acts by a stalking fellow officer who uses fear to get what he wants sex anytime anywhere even on the job. Today, sgt. Gerald breimon remains on the force, politically connected inside the department. His mother is a former Deputy Police superintendant. Tonight he is named as a defendant in a lawsuit once again. Kelly hespe, plaintiff i wish i had had him arrested. I was afraid to. I was terrified of him. 42yearold kelly hespe was terrified then and lives in fear now months after she left her job diagnosed with post tramatic stress disorder. She was an officer at the 14th District Police station, a veteran of 12 years. Dan herbert, hespes attorney kelly hespe was subjected to a nightmare she could not wake up from. It was there at her place of work that she was terrorized by a police sgt. , she says, who preyed on her day in and day out. His name is gerald breimon. They started out dating but she tried to and the relationship. He was always demanding naked pictures of me. He always wanted my head in his lap. He would accuse me of not wearing underwear. He said he wanted to make love in front of my children. I tried to get out of this relationship. But she never could, she claims. He would only get angry, becoming physically and verbally abusive. When she tried to report him inside the department. It would do no good. My word over his. So she filed this civil suit in federal court today seeking unspecified damages. Meanwhile, breimon remains on the job. This is not the first time sgt breimon has been dragged into court. Back in 2003, similar sounding claims came from a 25 yearold woman. Back then, janell reidl said she was pulled over in her car after leaving this northside bar. She carefully and painstkingly detailed what breimon allegedly did to her one september night. Janell reidl he went up one side of my leg, then down the other. Up my shirt. Lifted my skirt front and back as he took pictures. Seven months later, prosecutors bought reidls story and charged the Police Sargeant with criminal sexual abuse, unlawful restraint and official misconduct. Breimon was relieved of his Police Powers and got desk duty for about 5 years. But charges were later dropped when reidl, the alleged vicitm, refused to testify. She took a 60,000 settlement in a civil suit instead and in a sworn affadavit said it was all just a misunderstanding. She then left the state. But not before teling wgntv over and over again i just dont want this to happen again. Kelly hespe claims it did happen again for years starting in 2008. Now she wants the nigthmare to end. I want to go to work. Not be harassed. Our attempts to reach sgt. Breemon tonight were unsuccessful. As for the Chicago Police, they will only say they take all allegations seriously but cannot comment on any internal investigations. The States Attorneys Office has not been contacted by the Chicago Police department or the independent Police Review authority who is responsible for looking into these types of cases. A top aide to the illinois secretary of state is in trouble for faking her resume, using multiple names, and a home address that belongs to a ups storefront on chicagos north side. The accused employee is marlene liss. She lost her job, the result of this internal investigation. Crains Chicago Business reports she was secretary of state jesse whites number2 official in the department of securities making 75thousand dollars a year. Crains also reports she billed the state for work as a homehealth aide when she was supposed to be at her fulltime job in the secretarys office. Spokesman david druker said the illinois secretary of state knew the 36year old woman for about 15years. She worked for the secretarys office for the last three years. The matter is also being investigated by the u. S. Attorneys office in governor pat quinn has marked november 20th as the day illinois will sign on and legalize same sex marriage. Theyre celebrating that announcement tonight on the north side in the boys town neighborhood of chicago. Quinn will sign the bill into law at the university of illinois chicago forum. State lawmakers passed the legislation on tuesday. Once the governor signs the measure, county clerks can start issuing marriage licenses to gay couples on june first. The philippines is being battered by what could go down in history as the biggest storm ever. Take a look at this video. Super typhoon haiyan is as strong as a category 5 hurricane and has forced thousands to evacuate. And passing over land is doing nothing to slow it down. Tom skilling has more on this super storm. This is an amazing storm, a storm in the western pacific becomes a super storm went winds pass 150 m. P. H. This storm at 2 40 p. M. Our time had winds of 195 m. P. H. And cost of 235. A satellite estimate that is the lowest barometric pressure of any Tropical Cyclone on earth. This is from a korean satellite at the point of land fall. They have lost touch with people in the areas affected. It went ashore on but one of the philippine islands. It went ashore with a 17. Storm surge. The mean elevation is 10 ft. There and the damage will be catastrophic. This is an enhanced view. Looks like this was the strongest land falling Tropical Cyclone that has occurred on earth. Pretty amazing. Here is a bit of this storm. The next destination is a vietnam and will breached their during the day saturday. And la os will be affected also. They have had 28 named storms there this season. This is the fifth named storm to hit the philippines. They have had a rough year. More typhoons in the western pacific since any month on record. Quite a storm. Thank you. Not quite a smash and grab. More like grab and gone in a flash. Several Sporting Goods stores on high alert after groups of theives got away with racks of merchandise. Plus, trying to move beyond a tragedy. A new store opens at the sight of a horrific unsolved crime from a decade ago. Going public. Twitter makes a big splash onto the financial markets. Hurry in to sears for ourleep . Veterans day mattress spectacular get 50 to 60 percent off, plus an extra 10 percent off, with even more ways to save, better sleep starts here. Sears. Pop in the drum of any machine. To wash any size load. It dissolves in any temperature, even cold. Tide pods. Pop in. Stand out. Take a look at this surveillance footage. Sports Authority is offering a fivethousand dollar reward to catch these thieves, robbing stores in the chicago area. Police say the thieves walk in and pretend to browse. Then they grab a rack of clothes and run out the door. Stores in burbank, frankfort, and chicagos lakeview neighborhood have been hit within the last week. A new store in tinley park means more than just another place to shop. Its the symbol of a new beginning. A t. J. Maxx is now open on the very site of one of the states most notorious murder scenes. There we go. cheers the ribbon was cut and the crowd rushed inside. The strip mall had practicually been shuttered after a mass shooting there that killed five people back in 2008. Today shoppers were excited about leaving the past behind, but said it was important not to forget. I just think it is kind of exciting because this part of the mall was so bad after the incident. Now it is bringing to life. I was have thhesitant to,. Come. The crime is still not solved. There is no memorial on site, because the families of the victims reportedly did not want one. T. J. Maxx did, however, make a donation to a fund that is set up in honor of the victims. A new lawsuit tonight, making more claims that deputies in Lasalle County stripped people down, and stuffed them into jail cells without bathrooms. You might remember video surfacing a few months back allegedly showing this happening to one woman. Our tom negovan is here with the new developments. Whats new is what has happened since that story broke, micah. The floodgates have opened, and the lawyer who filed that first suit says his phone hasnt stopped ringing. Heres the video from dana holmes dui arrest last may. She says she was picked up, thrown into a cell and forcibly stripped by four deputies, three of them male, then left naked, fearing she might be raped. Tonight there are scores of new complaints alleging similar treatment and a new classaction lawsuit on behalf of four more people, naming Lasalle County, sheriff Thomas Templeton and unknown sheriffs officers, who despite being recorded by surveillance cameras, allegedy subjected detainees to abuse and humiliation. The arrogance involved here is an astounding. Reprising to give people bathroom privileges and making them urinate and defecate in a hole in the floor is a form of torture. Its like abu graib and its not permitted in the United States or any civil society. This is not a common practice. This is unique. In my 40 years of being a lawyer, i have never seen anything like it. State law says strip searches are only allowed when its believed an inmate is hiding a weapon or controlled substance and have to be done by an officer of the same sex. The suit filed today says inmate abuse has become Standard Practice at that lockup. Lasalle county officials have said their deputies have done nothing wrong. In the newsroom, tn,wgn news. Coming up. President obama issuing an apology over a promise he made regarding obamacare and hints of a possible change to the law. Plus, should the government be able to tell you what you can eat . The feds crack down harder on trans fats. And a remarkable story. A teenager who vanished from her wisconsin home is found 9 years later by a missionary in mexico. [ male announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance in sync . Try align. Its the number one ge recommended probiotic that helps maintain digestive balance. Stay in the groove with align. Need help keeping your digestive balance in sync . Try align. Its a probiotic that fortifies your digestive system with healthy bacteria 24 7. Because your insides set the tone. Stay in the groove with align. Ill keep a hundred and seventy three thousand people from losing their sacred home. Could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Mmmhmmm. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller . Your word is. Cow. Cow. Cow. C. O. W. E. I. E. I. O. [buzzer] dangnabbit. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you. Well, you know. President obama is offering apologies and making promises tonight. He spoke candidly with nbc news about the problems with the countrys new health care plan. Its probably the most quoted thing said in your presidency. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. What happened . A i am sorry that people are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances that they got from me. We have to work hard to make sure that they know that we hear them. I am deeply concerned about it and i have assigned my team to see but we can do to close some of the holes and gaps in the law. The president also said that he was frustrated with the healthcare website. Mister obama says his tech team is ironing out all the glitches. The food and Drug Administration is cracking down on transfats taking steps to get rid of them completely. On average. People consume about a gram of transfats a day, whether they know it or not. Food companies have 60 days to comment. If the fdas decision becomes final. Manufacturers will likely be given time to phase out trans fats. An artificial additive thats been linked to heart disease. A woman, now 25years old, who went missing from Central Wisconsin when she was 16 is discovered alive and living in mexico. Connie mccallister disappeared over nine years ago with her abusive boyfriend who was 22 yearsold at the time. A Church Missionary recently met mccalliseter and learned of her plight and contacted the National Center for missing and exploited children. Mcallisters aunt near then spoke with her niece via skype. She just wants to come home, that she did not know how to comb. Mccallisters aunt says hecome. Her aunt says her niece could be back in the North Central town of athens by thanksgiving. Thats near wausua. She also wants to return home with the three young daughters she now has, after getting away from her abusive boyfriend. And meeting a man she married in mexico. Ever wished you could own a piece of twitter . Well, now you can. The company went public today, and the stock really took off. The social media site started trading this morning under the ticker twtr. Shares went for a whopping 45dollars and 10cents each, and surged to over 50 dollars. Thats nearly double the initial Public Offering price of 26dollars a share. It finished the day just under 45 dollars per share, up 73 percent. Coming up in the medical watch. A new perk to learning a second language. How being bilingual can help stave off some forms of dementia. Also, the citys official Christmas Tree begins its journey to the daley center plaza. The sights and sounds, coming up. I m Dean Richards in hollywood. Outside it is quiet but inside there is laughter. We take you behind the scenes for the arsenio hall show. In tonights medical watch. How language, music and chocolate can boost your health in various ways. We begin with learning a new language. A study in the journal neurology reveals bilingual people experience dementia at a much later stage than those who speak only one language. Three different types of dementia are put off by stimulating the brain with two different languages. How long a benefit can a second language offer, nearly five years according to the researchers. The brain benefits of Music Lessons last a lifetime, even if you dont continue to play. Adults who took music instruction as kids have faster brain responses to sound than those who never played an instrument. The journal neuroscience documents the lasting positive effect musical training has on brain processing. Doctors say even just a millisecond of enhanced processing speed makes a huge difference for people as they age. And finally a sweet reward for eating chocolate. Doctors have long touted the antioxidant benefits of dark chocolate. Now researchers say those who make chocolate a daily part of their diet are actually thinner, have less body fat and abdominal fat regarldess of how much they exercised. The study was in young people ages 1217 who are more active overall. But still, chocolate, packed with sugar and fat, is associated with less fat, more energy, and in adults, lower risk of heart disease. Citysee . Chocolate helps with everything. Everything. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. [ dad ] tide and downy together. The recent increase in cafeteria prices is not cool. When you vote for flo, well have discounts. Icecream discounts. Multicookie discounts. Pizza loyalty discounts [ kids chanting flo ] i also have some great ideas on car insurance. [ silence ] finding you discounts since back in the day. Call or click today. I like her. [ ding ] i sense youve overpacked, your stomach. Try pepto togo. Its peptobismol that fits in your pocket. Relief can be yours, but your peanuts. Are mine. But your peanuts. Are mine. Hurry in to sears for ourleep . Veterans day mattress spectacular get 50 to 60 percent off, plus an extra 10 percent off, with even more ways to save, better sleep starts here. Sears. Tom skilling is here with a chill in the air. There is definitely a chill in the air and the bill chill comes next week. It warm some briefly saturday. Beautiful pictures coming to us. This is from Prairie Grove illinois with beautiful fall colors. Check out these pictures from off i55 near springfield from tommy hudson. Here are downed leaves after the wind and rain yesterday. And a Tropical Storm haiyan, super typhoon haiyan that went ashore in the philippines. This is a visible satellite shot and the infrared. Storm hit shore at to 40 chicago time. And look at the waves from the storm. We took a measurement of the storm and laid it over chicago to get an idea of the size of the storm. The winds would reach from peoria to the illinois. Hurricane force winds from kankakee to kenosha. This storm may have been the strongest land falling hurricane on the books in world history. That according to hurricane expert dr Geoff Masters pyrrhic quick satellite you. The across the philippines into vietnam and laos. 174 storm surge. There in the philippines and it goes westward to vietnam and laos and ultimately china. The Hurricane Season was quiet on our side of the world but they have had 28 named storms and this is the fifth want to hit the philippines this season. They typically see between six and eight during the season. This is very active. For us the coldest temperature readings in days. We had some clouds late in the day and ice pellets with sprinkles in parts of the area. Down 13 degrees from yesterday with 44 at ohare. Here is a plot of the high temperatures. You can see warming taking place in the planes but also be cooling in the north. Daytime highs didnt get out of Single Digits today. Cold air and tons of it coming down next week. It will hit hard and made set up some lake effect precipitation but it will moderate after that. 31 percent of the possible sunshine is all we have seen this season. 42 percent is typical which is one of more cloudiness months. The real chill comes next week once again like a fact showers into the area. For us there are the low clouds over the region today and were getting radar returns from these indications there may be spelled flakes coming down across parts of southern wisconsin. These are light and should wind down as the night goes on. We are expecting mid20s as skies clear away from the late tonight. Winds will increase and that allows cooling. A brief windy warmup is coming saturday. High humidity means we will get some frost building up as the winds died down in your area. A 30 is the current temperature at schaumberg. These are the coolest recereadings we have sen this season. Lots of sun until the clouds came in later today. Lows tonight in the twenties away from the lake and 30s in the city itself. Like temperatures still in the 50s around here and that is amazing. They have to cool that down those lake waters before theres a risk of significant snowfall here. This thing coming in early next week, tuesday or tuesday night, it is interesting looking but probably not be a massive storm of any kind. Tonight clearing and colder. There is a land breeze that coast from the land out onto the warm lake waters at night. 30 degrees forecast at ohare. Tomorrow we start with a beautiful morning but increasing cloudiness in the afternoon. Winds will pick up late march 02. High of 49 degrees and south winds between 11 and 23. Saturday, if there are clouds early, it gives way to generous on with a win the warmer day. But hang on because we have a 30 mi. Per hour wind gusts. Mark and i will be available to keep you grounded. That is his hair. That is the fault of steve cochran. Wgn radio guy. I know steve. Still ahead. Our own Dean Richards turning the tables on arsenio hall. A behind the scenes look at his new show. [ male anntum. There will be more powerful storms. Thats why theres new du[ male anntum. Only duracell quantum has a hidensity core. And that means more fuel, more power, more performance than the next leading brand. New duracell quantum. Trusted everywhere. Vidal sassoon volume collection gives you ampedup shape, zero weight. Foaming air mousse boosts and lifts for up to 24 hours. Vidal sassoon volume. Salon genius. Affordable for all. Hes one of those celebrities who only needs one name, like cher or bono. Hes arsenio. His night time talk show by most accounts is a hit. And as arsenio tells our Dean Richards, its even sweeter the second time around. The last time i talk to you we were in a fishbowl located somewhere near Water Tower Place on Michigan Avenue and we were talking about what this bills like. And now i know. It feels real good. In should feel good. When he returned to late night talk shows he earned the highest ratings. Now the pressure of putting together great shows five days a week is something that he knows he cannot take for granted. I feel good but i have to work hard to get back to where i have to get back to. There is no way to practice a talk show on earth than do it. Its at the studios in hollywood word edward g. Robinson made movies back in the day. It starts early in the morning and doesnt end until taping begins at 5 00 p. M. And here to meet with the Writers First pyrrhic we sit and read the paper to each other. Find the jokes. After that you talk about the guest and you work on that kind of stuff. You stand up there and do a lot in check. Budgets are different now and there are no stand in spirit i come and do it. Backstage is pretty dressing rooms are and where everybody gets together, the man himself behind this heavily secured door but down the hall is work guest get ready. They are not here yet but they will be soon. Performing on the program tonight, this is where the crews will hang out and where they will hang out and down this hall is where arsenio hall makes a mandatory stop in the green room. This is the very orange dog pound. Meanwhile audience members get ready to be in the audience dock pound. With last minute housekeeping, it is showtime. Arsenio hall. Even as the show was being recorded staff is tweaking minor errors and tweetilng highlights of the show. There have been changes, changes that reflect and what are senator calls strengths never taken advantage of. I know i am not up to full speed yet and i am getting my chops back as a latenight host and the ratings have been good which means people are going to watch me and allow me to get there. I dont know if it shows on the air but i am back where they were i want to be and this time they will have to drag me out. Tonight on his show, hell sit down with quincy jones, jerry springer, and rapper tyler the creator. You can see the arsenio hall show right after we are done at ten. Thats right. Up next. A South Holland familys gift to the city of chicago for christmas. And later in sports. The doctors said it would be at least four weeks, but less than three weeks after his injury in washington, jay cutler is ready to start sundays game against the lions. The lions. I dont have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore. [ male announcer ] with stamps. Com you can print real u. S. Postage for all your letters and packages. I have exactly the amount of postage i need, the instant i need it. Can you print only stamps . No. First class. Priority mail. Certified. International. And the mail man picks it up. I dont leave the shop anymore. [ male announcer ] get a 4 week trial plus 100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. Go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. The city of chicago put up its first municipal Christmas Tree one century ago. It was a tribute to captain santa who lost his life on Lake Michigan delivering trees to chicago families. Now, a family from South Holland beat out stiff competition to win the honor of donating chicagos 100th municipal Christmas Tree. We watched as the moore family said goodbye to their 57 foot blue spruce. Who knew the year that i decided that i would do it that it was the 100th year. We call today be big cut. My oldest says that we have to name but the tree so that we can remember her. We will call her lucy. I want to remember her by name and i just came up with it. I wish. I wish. We begged and pleaded with terry more to submit the tree. When we bought the home the trip was an obstruction. Just the other day my husband saw a nice size raccoon and it ran straight into the tray. The raccoon had to be about 4 ft. Long. It was on my car. I ran back and into the house and said the tree hasted go. The animals have to have someplace to live but just will not live next to costs. The mayor called me and i said, is this really rahm emanuel . He said yes it is and i am calling to thank you and your daughters for donating the tree. I was a little choked up over there but i am so excited. On a scale of one to 10, it is about 52. My parents would take me down to see the lighting of the tree and just the Christmas Tree and i am so honored that my tree has been chosen to sit in daley plaza. Tom has the seven day forecast. That is a beautiful tree. And it is a cool night out there. We are headed towards thanksgiving and the holiday spiriys. We are running about 6 degrees below yesterday. At ohare the twopoint is 30 and the humidity is 85 . The barometer ha. Warm air comes up over the be treating cool air and a big with the storm passes to the north of us tomorrow night and saturday. Bringing mild pacific air into the area saturday for a day. The jet stream comes in from canada but it goes west to east for the weekend and so we pushed the cool air out for a while and you can see the effect on temperatures. 30s and 40s tomorrow but tomorrow night we stayed above freezing and get into the 50s saturday. That will not last. Some very cool air coming in, even sunday for the bears game it will have cool to the low 40s with sunny skies. Some liked the fact snow or sleet showers could come and mixed with rain at the lakefront tuesday when temperatures may not get out of the 30s. It will get cool and warm up after that. Not much snow after that . The lake is still in the low 50s and is hard to get snow from that. Coming up. The bears coaches explain what jay cutlers return might mean to the way the bears run their offense sunday. And Rick Renteria prepares for life as manager of the cubs. Dan roan is next with sports. Ok. Honey bunches of oats. Ching mmmm mmmm mmmm wow its the oats. Honey. Yeah. Honey bunches of oats. This is a great cereal. [ male announcer ] experience new febreze sleep serenity and let the soothing scent of moonlit lavender lull you to sleep. New febreze sleep serenity in moonlit lavender, warm milk honey, and quiet jasmine. An official product of the National Sleep foundation. Breathe happy. Sleep happy. Yeah. I heard about progressives name your price tool . I guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. Huh . Im looking at it right now. Oh, yeah . Yeah. Whats the. Guest room situation . The name your price tool, making the world a little more progressive. Here we are with dan roan. We didnt know where we would be actually. Surprisingly good news from halas hall today, not only was jay cutler able to practice, he took every rep and hell be the starter against detroit sunday at soldier field, a miraculous recovery, and rich king has the story. It was a full practice for j. Cutler and when it was over it was clear he had beaten the odds. The doctors projections that he would miss three games were wrong and he is back after missing only one full game. He has gone through an excess of protocol to make sure that he was by doctors evaluation cleared to play the game on sunday. This morning they cleared him to play. If he is cleared to play then we will do everything. We will call the offense and that is important in the evaluation of whether he is cleared to go or not. Once they say he is cleared to go up we will call the offense as we normally would. In defense of the bears, some injuries are too difficult to figure and players know their own body. He figured he would be back sooner. How did he do it . The lot of work with the chiropractor and it. Did a great job. The mark at synergy sports to. Through a lot of things to add it and wanted to get back as fast as possible. Did some drills, stepped up in the pocket, a major i was comfortable moving around. Has a competitor i enjoy playing but as a member of the team i enjoy the role of the team. I am the backup and jay is the starter. I did what i could to help us win a ball game. Playing effective. When he comes back he is a starter. While we credit his hard work and technology with his comeback but the doctors clearly made the call on this one. The bears were underdogs in yesterday at now they are favored to beat the opposition sunday. We havent laid eyes on him yet, but Rick Renteria is officially the new manager of the cubs; couldnt make it to his own News Conference because hes rehabbing from hip surgery. Leaving his job as bench coach in san diego to become the 23rd cubs manager in the last 37 years, some of them were in for only a game or two, but you get the idea. This is not a job for somebody with thin skin and renteria, who says hes nothing if not a positive guy, is coming to chicago with eyes wide open. My personality will not change end i think that the idea in my mind that players need to know that the game of baseball is quite simple actually and that is making the fewest number of mistakes possible and focus and concentration. Coming in as a visiting player and coach, this is a great place to be. The fans are always into the ball game and they understand what is going on and they cheer you when you are doing great and they let you know when youre not doing so great. No blackhawks tonight but the wolves were out on the road in charlotte. Fell behind early, tied the game in the second period. Still 11 in the third, David Shields stole a pass, found nathan longpray on the doorstep to win the game. Longprays first of the year, the wolves beat the checkers, 21. And the blackhawks have issued an apology not signed by Brandon Bollig for what happened to the jets adam pardy last night bollig checked him through the window over there, and while one fan stole pardys helmet, another one apparently gave him a beer shower. They kicked those two out of the game, today the hawks apologized, one organization to the other. As they should. Come on. The pouring of the beer. Grow hops a little. And those seats on the glass, normally they are the less rowdy normally they are the less rowdy buncfor over a decades for millions have raised their hand for the proven relief of the purple pill. And that relief could be in your hand. 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Hes on geico. Com setting up an appointment with an adjuster. Ted is now on hold with his insurance company. Maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5 30 time for tuesday. Ted, is still waiting. Yes maxwell is out and about. With teds now exgirlfriend. Wheeeee whoo later ted online claims appointments. Just a click away on geico. Com. it was the fall of 2009, and i was a professor now, and people were noticing. Textile of the eunuch. Marshall you know, ive always wondered why those tweed jackets have elbow patches. Because the people who wear them are constantly going, ah, geez. Why cant i get laid . You are wrong. The ladies dig the professor look. You know, there is something to that. I remember thinking my tenth grade math teacher was very sexy. What . Tax evasion. quietly among other things. So guys, marshall and i wanted to invite you to our place for a little couples night. Uh, sure. Why not . For years, marshall and lily had been the only married couple in a group full of single people. It got lonely. doorbell rings so they were always searching for another couple to doubledate. There was only one problem. Welcome. Gouda . They sucked at it. laughing this is great were having fun. Youre having fun, right . So, should we just go ahead and lock the four of us in for new years . Um, its april. Right. Sorry. Were getting ahead of ourselves. Lets talk thanksgiving. Our parents really want to meet you well, we should probably be going. Wait. But, wait, if you leave now, colonel mustard just gets away with it. Its getting pretty late. Were going to go. Theres still pie

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