leading up to his shooting death remain under investigation. nina jones rushed over to the muhammad home this morning soon after hearing the news on tv. the reality of her nephew's death was clearly overwhelming. >> he was just a sweet little boy. sweet little boy. he was very respectful. very, very respectful. >> reporter: paramedics were called to the townhouse on the 200 block of west 93 place at around 8:30 last night. it was initially suspected that jalal suffered some type of seizure but an exam revealed a bullet wound and he was pronounced dead soon after. neighbors say the incident is baffling since there was no sign of trouble last night and they heard no gunfire. >> probably like you guys don't know someone shot through the house but no one heard gunshots and this is a relatively quiet community. pretty close knit. so we are all just wondering what's going on ourselves. family friend says jalal's parents are devastated especially his mother. >> she was too upset to really get into what actually happened. i don't think she knows what happened. >> i'm in touch with them and will be in touch with them later on today. they just need their privacy right now. >> reporter: and that friend tells us jalal had epilepsy and did suffer from seizures but the gunshot wound has many people confused. again, the case remains a death investigation. we are live on the far south side, nancy loo, wgn news. several members of a violent chicago street gang have been rounded up in early morning sweeps by chicago police and fbi agents. authorities say these raids stem from an investigation sparked by the unsolved murder of an off duty chicago police officer. the detective robert soto and female companion catherine romburg were shot to death in august of 2008 as they sat in an suv on the west side. law enforcement sources say they have been secretly tapping the phones of the traveling vice lord gang leaders. gang members are being questioned about the killings and the high profile home invasion robberies of two nba players. chicago police are looking for someone who set a man on fire on the south side. this happened near 43 and cottage grove in the bronzeville neighborhood last night. police say the man was doused with a flammable liquid and set on fire. couple called police when he saw the man severely burned inside his home. paramedics took him to the university of chicago hospitals where he is listed in critical condition. one of the men who killed parents of former cltv shoas garrard mcclendon has been sentenced to 120 years in prison. 19-year-old gregory brooks pled guilty to robbing and killing milton and ruby mcclendon last year. brooks and another teenager admitted to scoping out the couple's home in hammond, indiana for robbery. broke in. abducted the couple and shot them in calumet city. we feel for the gregory brooks family. i have forgiven them as i said before. have i not changed my mind on that but the judge rendered the decision today and the sentence and now gregory brooks is in the hands of the indiana department of corrections. and in the hands of almighty god. >> 18-year-old rio thompson pled guilt scheme will be sentenced tomorrow. the suspected bank robber known as swoin flu bandit had plenty of experience with banks. he worked in one. according to prosecutors matthew mahoney was on leave from banc of america in seattle and once worked for chase bank here in chicago. they say mahoney's father is a hired killer serving 35 years for murder and mother is a chicago police officer. mahoney suspected in nine bank robberies. he was arrested last week outside a bank. he got that name swine flu bandit because he wore a surgical mask and claimed he had swine flu. cook county board member william beavers had some frank vises for new board president, toni preckwinkle. she should listen, shut up and get to work. beavers comments pet with todd stroger to talk about the transition. meeting broke down after preckwinkle refused to talk with stoajer about keeping some of his staff in her administration. beavers has been stroger's staunchest ally on the board. he says preckwinkle realize people will not help her if they know she is going fire them. rahm emanuel's voting record could create more problems with his residency as he campaigns for mayor of chicago. the "chicago tribune" reports that city's board of elections removed emanuel from their list of registered voters twice in the past 13 months. the board mailed notices to emanuel's north side home but they were ereturned to sender because eemanuel was living in washington. emanuel was allowed to absentee vote in the february primaries. he then reregistered under a new address last month. state law requires that mayoral candidates live in the city for a year prior to the election. emanuel says that's not an issue. in a sit down interview, emanuel says education will be a top priority if he is mayor. he says he wants chicago public schools to give parents a simple version of the report cards that principals get about their schools. he also wants to give parents power to force changes at schools that continue to fail. emanuel also told us what he wants in the next ceo of the school system. >> i don't want somebody that knows education policy but can't manage and don't want somebody who can manage but tone deaf to education policy. emanuel says tough decisions are ahead for the budget. spending cuts would be what he calls a shared sacrifice. gary chico says if he is elected mayor he will make drastic changes in the chicago public school system. chico wants to lengthen school day frts current six hours to eight hours. he wants lengthen the school year from 100 to 76 days to 200 days and make kindergarten a full day. chico plans to pay for these reforms by cutting central school administration by one- third. he also has an aggressive plan to give every student in high school a laptop computer. the new interim head of the chicago public schools is taking the reins at a critical time. mayor daley tapped chicago philanthropist terry mazany yesterday. julian crews is at cps headquarters where the board is meeting on a number of concerns. >> reporter: good afternoon. the interim school chief will inherit a long list of challenges beginning with all of the problems that come with the projected $700 million budget deficit. >> we need more charter schools in our community. >> we chose a charter school because cps failed us. that's the reason why we are here. we are here this morning because our children deserve more. >> reporter: it's a sign of what awaits incoming school's president terry mazany. parents and community leaders unhappy with chicago public schools. more than 100 people are here to demand more charter schools and more options within the menu of neighborhood public schools. but how do you pay for it? that's a problem that out going chief ron huberman grappled with. many say that's the biggest problem facing chicago school system. teacher layoffs, battles with the union and a high profile gang-related incidents of violence, all of these are challenges facing the new administration. >> we have struggled for decades. poor performing schools. our children have been subjected to an increase in violence. getting shot or beaten. >> reporter: certainly, this has to be one of the most challenging moments in recent memory for chicago public schools. but many experts are hoping that the new chief with his extensive background in charitable fundraising can bring that power to bear to help to improve the finances of the school system. outside cps headquarters, julian crews, wgn news. next on the midday news, he had one done to him. what a high ranking tsa administrator saying about those new airport pat downs. also the same name, just different titles. congressional house members meet to choose their leaders after the november election. gunned down after attending a movie premier, the killing of a famous hollywood pr agent has police baffled. with the capital one venture card we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a maze, a sword, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to capitalone.com. i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet? for constipation relief... what it could be?! nothing works better than miralax. it's the one. the one recommended by more doctors. only miralax is clinically proven to relieve constipation with no harsh side effects. miralax is the only one. restore your body's natural rhythm with miralax. head of transportation security administration admits those new airport security measures are invasive but is standing by them. tsa administrator says he has receiverred pat down and says he understands privacy concerns of travelers. he says the government needs to provide the best security. he says new procedures are doing just that. >> those security officers there are there work with you. to ensure that everybody on that flight has been properly screened. everybody wants that assurance. >> he made those recommendations in yesterday's senate hearing. he is back before the hearing today. critics hope he addresses the concern about the radiation emitted by the new machines. many say it is at an unhealthy level. illinois' eighth congressional district will have a new representative on capitol hill. congress woman melissa bean has conceded to joe walsh. bean admitted defeat after all of the absentee and provisional ballots were counted yesterday. walsh won by just 290 votes. bean did win in cook county but it wasn't enough to overtake walsh support in lake and mchenry counties. walsh is in washington taking part in orientation week for freshmen members of congress. he is the first republican in stix years to represent the eighth congressional district. the democrats have lost control of the u.s. house but it looks like nancy pelosi will continue as a democratic leader there. she was the nation's first female house speaker. and barring any surprises in today's leadership vote, she is expected to take over as minority leader in january. on the other side of the aisle, house republicans are expected to vote to keep john boehner as their leader. that puts him in line to become house speaker in january. the house ethics committee will hold off on taking action against jesse jackson, jr. ethics panel investigating whether jackson or someone on his behalf offered to raise money for former governor rod blagojevich in exchange for a senate seat. the committee is now complying with the request from the justice department. the department asked the panel to delay action against jackson because that inquiry may interfere with its own investigation of the congressman. the fdic is explainingout bank owned by aleksei giannoulias' family collapsed. fdic shut down broadway bank in april. agency says it was invested too heavily in real estate loans that turned into losses when the economy took a dive and blames management for not being able to withstand those losses and that the bank did better than its peers before the recession. the failure of broadway bank was a campaign issue in the giannoulias campaign. his loss in the race for senator. the soldier who just received medal of honor from the president is going to visit chicago next month. staff sergeant salvatore giunta is going on a national tour. he will be in chicago december 12 through the 15. juntu grew up in iowa and is a huge bears fan. he will be honored at soldier field and the blackhawks game. he will visit a veterans hospital and sears headquarters at hoffmann esttses given the highest military honor for saving several soldiers during an ambush three years ago. such an inspiration. more financial trouble for the now defuncted spire development in chicago. and popular with college kids but the fda thinks they are crazy dangerous. the new ban on the sale of four loko and other alcoholic beverages containing caffeine. ahead, skip the celery and raisins, we are making stuffing with modern ingredients. the city council votes on mayor daley's final budget today. wgn's robert jordan is live at city hall with the latest. >> reporter: hi, allison. you know it's the time of year that politicians hate the most. annual presentation of the budget. and this year chicago is asking for a record breaking $6.4 billion budget and an order to satisfy the needs of the citizens of the city. but in order to do that the mayor is actually dipping into several reserve funds that are irreplaceable. >> we were relying on one time revenue measures here. -- >> by law the chicago city council has to pass a budget that's balanced. no deficit spending. so to do so, mayor daley and the city council are expected to pass a $6.4 billion budget using funds from the leasing of the chicago skyway and money taken from leasing of the parking meters. but critics say draining these accounts is dangerous because they are one time sources of revenue and once they are gone, there is nothing left to fall back on. even so, aldermen are expected to pass the budget. >> fortunately, we have some reserves that we can use and tip money that are from taxes that were generated by the citizens of chicago. it makes sense to take those taxes and support that effort. >> i think it's a great budget in the sense that there are no proposed fees or tax increases and i think the one time in history in which we cannot afford to contemplate or use words like revenue enhancements or taxes for any kind of those concepts. >> i think what the mayor is doing is trying to get a good budget where we don't hurt people in the city of chicago and make it balanced. >> reporter: but some aldermen won't vote for the budget saying it doesn't make sense to use rainy day funds knowing that one day in the future like next year the city will again face a budget crisis. >> it would seem to me this mayor who is announced that he is heading out the door doesn't have to worry about the political implications. he could actually stand up and tell the truth about our budgetary situation and tough choices we have to make. he could put into place not a bunch of window dressing but serious reforms so that when we make these tough political decisions, we can do so without the accusation that we are not doing everything we can and cut out waste, inefficiency and corruption. >> reporter: what so far the budget not receiving too much opposition from the aldermen who know that to do otherwise to act fiscally responsible by enacting a budget that would require either raising taxes or cutting services would be unpopular and probably would not get them re-elected. outside city hall, robert jordan, wgn news. the developer in charge of the former chicago spire project has left their corporate offices just ahead of an eviction. shellburn development company had offices atop the sky scraper. firm once hoped to build the tallest structure in north america on lake shore drive. shellburn racked up tens of thousands of dollars of unpaid rend. shellburn say the rent claim is still in even though the company moved to another location. a bank has filed a foreclosure order on the spire site. i'm bloomberg's angie lau live at the cme group in chicago. overall, families are feeling less financial distress. according to credibility, a consumer credit counseling service in atlanta, u.s. consumer distress index fell last quarter in illinois the index measured 63. that's down almost two points of household feeling financial instability that needed immediate action. probably helping consumers are getting a reprieve from higher prices. cost of living in the u.s. rose less than forecast last month. a sign that even though raw materials from manufacturers are going higher, businesses are not passing it along to you. the consumer. that's as retailers offer deeper discounts to loosen the purse strings for the holdisaips offering free shipping and best buy is the latest retailer to join the holiday shipping wars. first wal-mart and then target and amazon.com and now the electronic retailers best buy offering free on-line shipping. the free shipping offer is valid on hundreds of thousands of items. >> all right, lastly. get your teenager to get their tweeting thumbs ready. it could win your high cooler $20,000 for college tuition. "usatoday" reports that kfc unveiling plans to reward $20,000 to one high cooler's college tuition for the best tweet it receives. is that what we are tweet being on wall street now. stocks are slightly higher from yesterday's close. trading-- fluctuating all day but right now in the green as u.s. consumer prices rose less than forecast and that's justifying to investors the federal reserve's decision to purchase treasury. live at the cme group in chicago, angie lau, bloomberg news. now back to you. no toilets or food for hours. so why did passengers refuse to get off a plane delayed on the runway? we will tell you why. how to be quick on your tows. a workout from professional trainers from travell gaines and the bears bennett. are you suffering from frequent heartburn ? try zegerid otc. it's the first 24-hour treatment with two active ingredients: prescription-strength medicine plus a protective ingredient so it's effectively absorbed. for 24-hour relief, try dual-ingredient zegerid otc. thank you for calling usa pmy name peggy. peggy, yes, i'd like to redeem my reward points for a gift card. tell points please? 250,000. calculating... ooh! answer: five fifty! 550 bucks?! 5 dollar, 50 cents. minus redeeming charge. leaving 50 cents. say what? happy time! what kind of program is this? want better rewards? switch to discover. america's number 1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover. so i take one a day men's 50+ advantage. as a manager, my team counts on me to stay focused. it's the only complete multivitamin with ginkgo to support memory and concentration. plus it supports heart health. [ bat cracks ] that's a hit. one a day men's. well-known hollywood publicist was killed last night after leaving a movie premier. ronnie chasen was shot multiple times in the chest yesterday. he was on her way home from the premier of the movie burlesque when someone opened fire on her. police aren't sure whether she was targeted but did seize computers from her office. they have no suspects in custody. over the years she had worked with celebrities including michael douglas and janet jackson. ronnie chasen was 64 years old. a russian arms dealer who has been called a merchant of death is scheduled to appear in court this afternoon in new york city. victor boot arrived after he was extradited from thailand. boot is accused of supplying powerful weapons to insurgence and others across the third worlds since 1990s. russia fought to keep him from being extradited and russian leaders warned cooperation on antinarcotics efforts in afghanistan may be halted unless boot is freed. passengers weren't happy at all when their plane was diverted to another airport in europe. so when it was time to get off the plane, they wouldn't budge. the jet was supposed to take passengers from morocco to an airport near paris yesterday. the airport was closed for the night. the plane had to land in southern belgium instead. passengers were angry that they didn't tell them about the move so they sat in the cabin in the dark with no food or toilet for four hours. they finally left when airport officials offered them bus rides to france. >> i guess they got where they wanted to go disoars fda expected to announce a virtual ban of alcoholic energy drinks. popular four loko drink. fda says caffeine is unsafe when added to alcoholic drinks. chicago based fusion projects pulleds the -- pulled the drink off the market last night. in a statement, the company said it would drop the caffeine and two other ingredients from the four loko blend. it has been banned in four states because students got sick. good-bye to our mild weather. it's starting to feel more like november outside. tom skilling is up next with your full forecast. ( woman ) even with an overactive bladder, i don't always let the worry my pipes might leak compromise what i like to do. i take care with vesicare, because i have better places to visit than just the bathroom. ( announcer ) once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle, and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks, day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision, so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. ( woman ) you have better things to join than always a line for the bathroom. so, pipe up and ask your doctor today about taking care with vesicare. bulls kicked off their annual seven game circus road trip in houston last night. trailed most of the game after they were outscored 30-14 in the fourth quarter. derrick rose took matters into his own hands in the fourth quarter. he hit two threes during an 18- 0 run and scoring 17 of his final 33 points in the fourth quarter. the bulls built a 10 point lead with seven minutes left and hang on to win 95-92. they take on the san antonio spurs tonight. spurs have one of the best records in the western conference. the hawks open their long circus trip tonight in edmonton. they will play six games. oilers are one ever the worst teams. much like they were when they beat the hawks twice at home. >> definitely on our minds. they have beaten us twice this season in our building. in ways that we weren't happy with the way we played. gives us a chance to get back at them on their ace. -- ice. two bears could become record breakers in miami. right now devin hester i tided for the nfl record with 13 kick and punt returns with touchdowns. one more and he is alone at the top. ryan-- brian urlacher is four tackles away from passing singtary -- singletary as all time leader. the more joy i get out is just being home with my family. and those guys that don't get to come up and watch me play. thing i don't get is -- i just playing. it's going to be very exciting. i'm hoping to put on a show for them. well, you can see how they do tomorrow night right here on wgn. we have the game, a live pregame show at 6:30, kickoff at 7:00 on the ol' number nine. pregame show at 6:30, kickoff at 7:00 on the ol' number nine. and she's fed up with the daily hassle of her old hearing aid. so she got a lyric in her life and everything changed. which one? you'll never know because the lyric is in her ear. 100% invisible. you can't see it, and it's the 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weather bug sensors. >> i didn't know they were teachers. >> which should have gone over and said hello. >> i would have loved to have you over. we know you were busy. >> i will tell you, we have a grey day going on around here and cool weather on the move. it's been a delightful november. more sun than usual. 70%. the average amount of sun, possible sunshine. 40% is typical in november. one of our cloudier months so that's been a bonews. and-- bonus. and we had temperature 3-z .6 degrees above norm sol far. it's rather cloudy today and chunks of cool air on the move. but a real blast due later next week and into the following week which will take us through the final days of november and up to december. but you kind of expect that this time of year. we will be interesting is whether or not that cool blast next week spins up a storm in parts of the mid west. it might create travel challenges, particularly heading north from here. toward thanksgiving next week. it's 46 in mount prospect. palatine at 45. lowell and minooka near 40 degrees at this hour. 46 o'hare. 44 midway. we have a gusty wind from the west and it's chilly out there. 45 at niu. in de kalb. and mchenry at 43 degrees and there you have the temperatures plotted in map form with wheat field at 38. rensselaer at 40. kankakee at 43 and beecher at 40 at this hour. that's the deal from congress and here is -- from kankakee and the view from space. very cool air pouring into the daicateos and a -- dakotas and a storm system passing to the south of us yesterday and doing it again today. for us we sit under the strata sciewmilous -- stratta cumulus clouds. the cloudiness is extensive. any peeks at the sun will be just that. peeks today. we said good-bye to this big rain producing system. this thing hammered areas of indiana and ohio with big rains yesterday and then heavier rains in virginia. and now it's followed by another system. we have a whole parade of storms rotating around the southern flank of this cool air that reaches from the arctic right into the north central states and we are on the edge of it right now. so there is storm number one. here is storm number two passing south of us. storm number three comes at us and turns winds to the southwest and warms us up this weekend. but then there will be another system that will come over the top of this ridge and ride into -- ride into the country and in the middle of next week and could impact thanksgiving and tug cold air down. and the cold air is there in the continent. 46 our temperature here and 26 at williston, north dakota. 26 below in central yukon. the sun sets today in alaska and along -- and it won't come up for another two months. so this allows cold air to really take off. six minutes of daylight today in alaska and then it's gone until late january when the sun will next rise. so that's why the arctic region, that's going on through northern canada as well, why the arctic regions grow colder and colder at this time of the year. look how much of the country and continent is cooler than 24 hours ago as that cool air is on the move. we will get a chunk of it in here tomorrow. winds are northwest at 12. windchill is 41. humidity at 73%. and here is the radar view showing little showers across the lake from us and sprinkles here in parts of northern illinois toward the wisconsin line. these won't amount to much. most substantial precipitation is this system and snowing on its back side in parts of kansas, missouri and oklahoma. this will ride to the south of chicago. but it's northerly winds, winds blown northerly into that system on the back side and those are the winds that lock in here tomorrow and cool things off. this rpm model stays cloudy and sprinkley into morning and then turn the lake-effect on into parts of north central indiana and in michigan but not in chicago. this low, watch how it tracks to the south of us and here is a ridge of high pressure. the winds blowing like this. it will be cool and that's why as that wind comes down the lake there will be lake-effect tomorrow. the winds turn strong and southerly the day after tomorrow. we could have wind gusts here on friday of 35-mile-per-hour from the southwest and that will pump warmer air in on friday. we turn a little cooler saturday and even warmer air comes in sunday and monday we could see some low 60s perhaps on monday before things begin to really cool off after that. extensive cloudiness this afternoon. sprinkles, seasonally cool. high temperature 49. northwest winds at 5 to 16 miles per hour. then tonight, early clouds and sprinkles becoming partly cloudy late tonight. temperatures down to 32 and northwest winds at 5 to 16 miles per hour. generous sun but cooler tomorrow. a day in chilly air. high of 42. north, northwest winds blow and lake effect sprinkles or ice pellets and snowflakes in parts of the michigan snow belt heading toward berrian county and st. joe county perhaps even eastern laporte county in indiana. not in the immediate chicago area and friday partly sunny. windy and warmer with 35-mile- per-hour gusts pushing temperatures up to 51. now the weekend turns cooler, 40s on saturday but we go back to the 50s sunday and maybe low six monday and after that really gets chilly. >> it's about time. >> it's about time. you know 14 of the last 125 years have -- that's all that have not had snow and we are one of them this year. we are on borrowed time. >> it's great to be on it. >> it is. thank you. check out our trivia question today. here is the question. who said, quote, the only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. it is never of any use to oneself. who said that? mark twain? albert einstein or oscar wild? the answer is still ahead on the wgn midday news. until i look at the gumline. the problem is, you could have plaque along your gumline that can lead to gingivitis. in fact, one in two adults actually has gingivitis and might not even know it. that's why i recommend new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. and it's been clinically proven to help reverse it... in just four weeks. it also protects these other areas dentists check most. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. for healthier gums. red light cameras have not generated revenue town leaders hoped. officials have noted longer the cameras are at an intersection, the less money they generate. well, this is because drivers are using more caution at those particular intersections. the four cameras in libertyville were expected to generate $460,000. instead, they only brought in 32,000. cameras not used for illegal right turns on red lights also are generating less revenue. harry caray's restaurant in wrigleyville is looking for a new home. restaurant says it will close early next week. harry caray's ceo says relationship with the building's owner was a bad marriage but would not give details of their dispute. harry caray's tavern opened on north sheffield in may of twowt 8. costco opened newest chicago area warehouse store in melrose park today. 1,452,000 scwir foot facility is located on the site of the former kiddyland amusement park. village officials say the warehouse store is expected to generate about twice as much tax revenue as kiddyland as well as bring 175 new jobs to melrose park. costco will open warehouses later this week in suburban bolingbrook and metwa. pieces of chicago history are up for auction today. the public will be able to bid on banners that once hung from the city's street posts. some up for auction include chicago marathon, shrek the musical and obama's yes we can campaign. sports fans can find championship banners. thousands of dying in the hospital every month from errors. a staggering statistic medicare's new chief says must end. new government report says one in 7 hospitalized medicare patients suffers harm during their stay. nearly 2% of those patients or 15,000 people a month die from errors or complications like infections picked up in the hospital. on medicare have your primary care physician coordinate all tests and treatments so nothing is overlooked. a study from yale university has found that most video games are harmless for most kids and even though some parents may days degree, the research suggests that playing video games does not lead to unhealthy behavior in young boys. only 5% of the 4,000 teens studied went on to form addictive gaming habits. however, that group was more likely to smoke cigarettes and use drugs. you don't need to be a professional athlete to be quick on your feet. travell gaines trained hundreds of current football players and shows us there are some affordable products to help you build your reaction time. i'm travell gaines. right here we have earl bennett from the chicago bears and christina from the chicago bandits. they will work on lateral quickness, reaction and change of direction. christina will stake out earl bennett with the reaction belt. good job. gets him every time. and finish off the drill, another good one to use, the 360 belt. right here we will have earl strap in. he will do cone touches with resistance. sprint up, up, and touch the cone, come back, and gets resistance every time he runs up. a great to help out your athletic ability. relax. i'm travell gaines. for more information go to wgntv.com. thank you. all that equipment seen here can be found at sports authority stores and on-line at sklz.com. great. i know where to get it. you can wear the belt thing and i will run to the newsroom. >> i will hold it. that's a match made in heaven. >> lunch break is next. >> stuffing gets a makeover with goat cheese and mushrooms. i want one of these. nobody in my family ever had a heart attack. if anything, i thought i'd get hit by a bus, but not a heart. my doctor put me on an aspirin regimen to help protect my life. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. check with your doctor because it can happen to anybody. it's time for lunch break. i stearted lunch. the chef of lecordon bleu college joins me. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me again. >> it's been about a year. >> just about a year. a lot of things have changed since the last time i was here. >> tell us what's going on. >> we now have a chef series that people from the public can come in to the school and be part of our next one is in december. they can go to chef.edu to check out the time. appetizers for the new year's. >> this is all that's food rage, food network? >> part of that? >> it is part of it. and other than that, i got married. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> wonderful. >> remember we talked about it the last time i was here. >> that's wonderful. i hope she is watching and chef will make a great, easy recipe for stuffing. >> my first thanksgiving with a new wife, i'm not going to have a lot of time to do a lot of cooking. developed something that's simple. couple of simple ingredients. day old crusty bread, french bread. you can get italian bread, whatever you really like. just bread. then some mushrooms. >> what kind did you choose? >> what i have here is pourtiony, crowmany. and baby and chantrols. you can go to whoalg foods and find these things there or even jiewl has a lot of these. i saute'ed these and a little bit of olive oil. pop them down right into that mixture of the bread. then i take raw garlic. this is one of those recipes where you get dirty doing it. it's okay. >> it's delicious. food is supposed to be played with. a little bit of parsley. roughly chopped and fresh thyme. >> that's it for as far as -- or going in here. spices, get a little bit of fresh pepper. i have a heavy hand with pepper. i like the seasoning but do this to taste. then a little bit of salt. i'm using kosher salt. i like the way kosher salt works with cooking. that's what i prefer to use but you can work as sea salt. that's nice with this recipe. it's easy to do and kind of change this around if you don't like mushrooms, don't put the mushrooms in. >> what would you use instead? >> you could use onions, more garlic. go with a little spring onion. you can change it up a little bit. we love mushrooms, that's why we use it all the time. now some fresh goat cheese. >> i love goat cheese. >> flake it in. and this is the messy part. because goat cheese likes to stick to your hands. so i flake this goat cheese in. and after i wipe my hands down, here is a little secret ingredient. this is just chicken stock. you make your own, great. you can control the flavor. >> looks like two cups. >> this is a little bit more than we need. because i want to get this a little moist. i take that. pour it in there. take my hands again. get nice and dirty. >> look how simple that is. >> it's very simple. i think with the tradition of thanksgiving, it should be a time to spend with our family. >> and just be grateful. >> be grateful. that's why it's my favorite holiday. >> mine, too. >> put it into an oven dish. you could eat this raw if you wanted to. >> we might do that. >> if you have it like, this you do this the day before. stick it in the fridge. makes it easier. >> bake it for about 20, 25 minutes until it's nice and hot and get a little bit of crustiness on it. here we have one of the baked portions. you see it's got the nice crustiness to it and be the bad thing. that bread is nice and crusty. >> it looks delicious. >> reach over there i have a fork and you can dive right in. >> all right. thank you and you did brussel sprouts and turkey. thank you so much. to find out more about the college and its programs, log on to chef.edu. for more information on the chef's recipe today for easy stuffing, check out our website, wgntv.com/midday. thank you. for constipation relief... nothing works better than miralax. it's the one. the one recommended by more doctors. only miralax is clinically proven to relieve constipation with no harsh side effects. miralax is the only one. restore your body's natural rhythm with miralax. guys have to try the turkey. >> smells good. >> so good. >> smells good. >> before we get our weather forecast, we will give you the answer to our trivia question today. who said, quote, the only thing to do with good advice is to pass it along. it's never of any use to oneself. mark twain? albert einstein or oscar wild? the answer, oscar wild. >> if i was either mark twain -- it sounds like either of them might say. could have been mark twain. >> just as correct about the forecast. >> i will tell you, we have ourselves some storm passing south of us. but a lot of clouds in here nonetheless. little returns on the radar. but you can see how the bulk of the precipitation to the south. cool weather and a shot of it coming our way tomorrow and tomorrow night see the area of low dew points. and chilly air on the way and wind around the edge of this system. is that lot of precipitation. we continue our dry waves and do you know the month run being 3.6 degrees above normal, every month since march is above normal in this area. nothing new about that. it looks like we are about ready to see the other shoe drop as we see the snow expected to cross the country. here notice next ten days and there is our cold air coming in tomorrow. by friday, 35-mile-per-hour southwest wind will push the coldest air out. little cool air comes back in with 40s on saturday and then sunday and monday turn warmer -- warmer and we could talk low 60s and transition into thanksgiving look at the cold air that is to pour in. that's thanksgiving right there. there is a really cold pat rch setting up. see that dome of cold air sits there and supposed to do that. the week that follows. that will take us into early december. and there is your jet stream pattern when it blows from west to east like that, as it will, we will tend to warm up. so we are looking for 49 for a high today. down to 42 tomorrow. partly sunny day tomorrow. friday partly sunny and 51. windy. >> awesome. >> saturday we have at wrigley field northwestern and university of illinois playing. 45, maybe a sprinkle or a shower. same thing on sunday. 54 and showery and 58 and showery monday but mild. that turns colder after that. by the way, for the bears tomorrow night mid-70s north winds down in miami. be great night for football. >> very nice. >> remember that super