The h h h. H means double Boston's local n.p.r. Hurricane scraping the coastlines of Georgia and the Carolinas gaining strength this morning good morning it's Thursday September 5th 2900 Joe Mathieu and you're listening to. Morning Edition. The something files an emergency petition with the state's highest court to overrule the judge on charges over the straight pride parade Sinnott refused to accept the D.A.'s decision to drop a prosecution against one defendant on disorderly conduct charges. This morning it's the 1st day of school. Fenway. 2 homers movies The forecast calls for Sunny. Today. These. It's 7 no one in the news is next. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Corba Coleman the National Hurricane Center says hurricane Dorian is about 85 miles southeast of Charleston South Carolina where heavy bands of rain are falling. To hurricane strength and overnight it's now a Category 3 storm with top sustained winds of 115 miles per hour Dorian is crawling north and the Hurricane Center says heavy squalls are starting to affect the southern part of North Carolina N.P.R.'s Jeff Brady says 9 inches of rain are forecast for Wilmington North Carolina today and officials are worried about flooding during high tide people who live on barrier islands and in many beach communities in North Carolina are under mandatory evacuation authorities say those who stayed are pretty much on their own during the storm well Minton's airport closed last night schools government offices and many businesses also are closed officials don't expect flooding to be as severe as Hurricane Florence last year a drought this summer has left the ground much drier ahead of the storm N.P.R.'s Jeff Brady in Wilmington North Carolina u.s. And Chinese negotiators will meet early in October for the next round of trade talks N.P.R.'s Emily Fang reports negotiators for both sides have spoken by phone the Chinese commerce ministries that vice premier and his American counterpart Steve mission and Robert Lazar will meet in Washington next month for the 13th round of tree talks an exact date has not been set the tentatively agreed to meet in September but both sides accuse the other of breaking earlier treat agreements the u.s. And China never purchased American agricultural products as promised before announcing new tariffs in an escalation in August China raised its tariffs on some u.s. Goods in retaliation new tears from both sides and about $75000000000.00 of American goods and 125000000000 dollars of Chinese goods just took effect September 1st and leafing n.p.r. News. Use Beijing United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson is conceding that the u.k. Parliament will be able to block him from crashing the country out of the European Union without a deal at the end of October but as N.P.R.'s Frank Langfitt reports from London Will Johnson really wants is a general election Johnson's government has abandoned a plan to bog down a bill blocking a no deal Bracks in the House of Lords the upper house of the British Parliament acknowledging it will become law now he's pressing hard for a general election next month in hopes of rebuilding a majority in parliament so he can finally execute Bracks at more than 3 years after the country's landmark referendum so far the opposition Labor Party has rejected Johnson's call for an election saying they don't trust the prime minister and want to be sure no deal Bracks it is off the table for now a general election though seems almost a certainty this fall the question is when Frank Langfitt n.p.r. News London you're listening to n.p.r. News from Washington good morning for the double g.b.h. Radio newsroom I'm Joe Mathieu with the local stories we're following welcome to Thursday's nice start sunny skies 60 degrees not bad for Wade now at the bus stop the 1st day of school in Boston among several other communities this morning including denim Canton and Norwood Suffolk County d.a. Rachel submitted an emergency petition to the state Supreme Judicial Court asking the ass j c to order the judge Richard Sinnott to accept her decision to drop prosecution against one of the counter protesters at the straight pride parade radios Tory Bedford has our top story during arraignment proceedings Senate refused to accept the D.A.'s decision to not prosecute a counter protest are charged with disorderly conduct in the petition Roland says Senate abused his power prosecutors use what Ron's calls their quote absolute power to terminate the prosecution Sinnott move forward anyway and set a bail of $750.00 described her butt. Mission as a quote call for order to be returned to our courts describing Senate's actions as quote unprecedented and outrageous Tory Bedford g.b.h. Boston's local n.p.r. Of the same day the judge Senate held one of the attorneys representing a counter protester in contempt of court for challenging his decision to block a da from not prosecuting certain charges radio's Isaiah Thompson was in the courtroom and has that part of our story seen it had warned attorney Susan church to stop reading statutes as she argued that the judge had no authority to overrule the prosecution's decision to drop some charges when she did not sin and had church handcuffed and taken into custody church was released 2 hours later without penalties outside the court room church said the judge had abused his authority again all I was trying to do was to read the law to the court and I was summarily arrested handcuffed brought down to the holding cell held there simply for advocating for my client the judge did dismiss most charges against counter protesters Thompson. Boston's local n.p.r. . The kids and fit in one final day. That was yesterday before over 50000 kids and teenagers in Boston head back to school this morning here we are on day one James Doyle lives and started school today. Playing a social studies. Leaving new friends like. What you want to make friends. She also has a 16 year old and rolled in Boston public schools and a 19 year old who graduated from the Says I have always thought that it get it just has really bad p.r. Like 1st reasons that I think are unwarranted I think it's a big system so it's hard to it's theirs or they'd. Things that are challenging about that school buses rolling this morning and as you just heard last hour we're in touch with Superintendent Brenda Caselli is on her 1st day of school here in Boston and later this morning we'll be hearing from our learning curve team as we home get back to class in sports Red Sox beat that's when the 62 had Fenway. Rushed by the keep the team. On Nason on a big night the movie 2 homers drove in 5 of 6 runs they beat the Twins 62 game 3 tonight's And then the Yankees come to town this weekend the forecast today calls for sunny skies it's a good morning to be at the bus stop low bit cooler today will have highs in the lower seventy's and we start with 60 degrees in Boston I'm Joe Mathieu for more original reporting visit News dot org Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include I drive maker of remote p.c. Providing access to computers with a display of remote computer on a local screen for use with remote assistance and work from anywhere learn more at remote p.c. Dot com. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Noel King and I'm Steve Inskeep Let's check on 2 spots along the Eastern Seaboard 2 of the places that have had to prepare for Hurricane Dorian the eye of this giant storm is out over the Atlantic Ocean moving about 8 miles per hour it's counterclockwise winds have been blowing ashore in places including Savannah Georgia which is where we find N.P.R.'s Bobby Alan Bobby Hi there Hi Steve how's the weather where you are you know it's really mild to be honest I mean I was just outside and it's not raining there are some kind of strong gusts but for the most part you wouldn't really know that a hurricane is due east of us here in Savannah it's honestly it's calm peaceful right now it's strange to say but that's the way it is it's a lovely city Savannah Georgia what is it been like the last 24 hours as people try to get out of the way yes. So the city is completely boarded up there are sandbags around homes and businesses you know some half a 1000000 people are under evacuation orders now so the city itself is kind of deserted it's a bit of a ghost town when you go out to some of the barrier islands on the Georgia coast you're getting stronger winds are getting rain but again even there the flooding is not as extensive as originally forecast and it seems that Dorian much like its impact on Florida is not as intense as some people were originally predicting now is looking at the map from the National Hurricane Center and I guess if you're standing as you are Bobbie in Savannah if you were to look almost due east of the eye of the storm would be right out there somewhere right and that's exactly right you know as a Category 5 storm when it was over the Bahamas and really decimated the islands there and it weakened and then it strengthened again so now it's about a Category 3 storm I think the winds are you know more than 100 miles per hour so it's a serious storm to be reckoned with still but for folks along the Georgia coast here everyone is kind of buckling down and just hoping this goes away by this evening as it's supposed to and then it will start bearing down on the Carolinas of course and of course the next state up is South Carolina How are things there so in South Carolina you know already there are thousands of people without power you know I'm seeing online that you know there's water flooding in the streets the winds are extremely strong you know there's even a chance Steve that this is going to strike the coast whether in South Carolina or North Carolina forecasts say that this might actually clip the coast and if that happens then they are in for some really really severe impacts that could be catastrophic and you mentioned half a 1000000 people under evacuation orders what are you hearing from some of those people yes so a lot of people are gone some people stayed including this guy talked to Eric Simmons and he lives on Tybee Island which is just off the Georgia coast that's a barrier island it's one of the most vulnerable spots because it's the eastern most point of the Georgia coast but I found him as he was about to grab a slice of pizza at a pizza shop and he told me Look I've got no plans of leaving. Just know when it is will be a direct hit but where I will go you know all that stuff in the back of the truck you know if we want to go then we can go up place and just up so. But right now just hungry although I got a mention I mean he's probably fine but if you're on a barrier island you can't really be sure of getting off that island of hurricane really were to strike right now that's right and the mayor of that island was really concerned because you know during some past hurricanes Matthew and Irma one of the problems was people who stuck around and you know were seeking shelter the winds were so bad they could even send helicopters in to save people so they were thinking of those past hurricanes and thinking about terrible situations of how rescuers couldn't get to people and trying to avoid that again but unlike Matthew and Irma this storm Dorian did not get as close to the Georgia coast so it was largely spared N.P.R.'s Bobby Allen in Savannah Georgia thanks so much thank you Steve all right as Bobby mentioned there Dorian is approaching the coast of the Carolinas and forecasters say could make landfall in North Carolina and if it does it will be the 1st category 3 storm to hit that state in more than 20 years so there are now mandatory evacuation orders in places like Dare County North Carolina Robert Woodard is the chairman of the Dare County Board of Commissioners he's on the line with me now good morning sir good morning most Again so where are you at this moment and what are you seeing an uncertain sickly it and 2 years on the mainland birds see management office we have a facility here we're getting ready to have another control group meeting control group at 8 o'clock this morning some of them a 1000000 about physically live on the Barrier Island in Kill Devil Hills and the barrier islands are quite the vulnerable as I understand it yes yes ma'am they are we 100 miles of the barrier island it's only about 4. So we we are very very concerned about this still. Our visitors are very diligent getting Yeah we had advance Toria back to a ship of 300 channels and we had. As our systems are very very it was if you had but we did it a lot of our citizens. Have evacuated and our businesses are closed. And so we're we're hunkering down and preparing for it but it is very very concerned about the storm surge on the sound as well as getting out possible direct that I am so so concerned about our citizens that Hatteras Island because that sticks out so far and we're going to have some major major flooding issues that had it's it's not even some severe wind damage that you were very concerned one only at all what are the specific conditions you've been told to prepare for in places like Hatteras what anything might happen well right now right now this morning the early report is on sounds. We've got they've increased that too from a 4 to a 6 foot surge and then what you have to do is consider the wind so you're going to have to add another 2 feet so that would take search. Anywhere from 7 to 10 Nancy. 8 feet that's very very serious with with these 20 in 25 foot seas off our coast we could have some breaches between the ocean and the sail we've had that before. I mean is East is East we're very very concerned about that in Hatteras out and on our golden beaches. In that actually Kill Devil Hills Kitty Hawk it duck so the I'm sure was. You just got a lot a lot of worries on your mind right now let me ask you is do your county ready for the circus Yes ma'am we are. Here in our and that's all of our folks we have the. Strategically placed and they're prepared to do whatever is necessary when any emergency has issues arise with our services so we've this is certainly not our 1st rodeo we've been through this many many many times but we have we're fully prepared to do what it takes to to assist our citizens if they get in homes away Ok And let's let me ask you to people who did decide to stay put what's your message to them. My message to them is just to hopefully they hunker down and they've taken the necessary steps to protect their self and their residents. And be prepared for this Be prepared the border to use the chairman of the Dare County Board of Commissioners in North Carolina sir thank you thank you now why is it that when a hurricane evacuation order goes out some people remain behind particularly elderly people N.P.R.'s Rebecca Hersh has been asking in Charleston South Carolina . I. Mean 600 feet during my fatigue street by the time I pulled up to the Ensign borough house building on Wednesday downtown Charleston had been under mandatory evacuation for days and I don't know that. These are independent living apartments Judith Allen was standing outside in a light rain chatting with her friends she's lived in the building for about 14 years there are 7 and 9 residents and I'm going to say that about 20 percent are in capacity Judyth says almost everyone in the building is still here even though the fire department went door to door warning people baby on their own if they stayed Judith and her neighbor Clara stayed because they say they're healthy may have ridden out storms before but they say a lot of their neighbors are staying for the opposite reason a litany of ailments that makes it hard to leave especially for a slow moving wet storm like Dorian that could force you to be away from your home for days and days we have one lady that's right one guy that's a semester Chism blind he thought it very much yeah I would say he did legally blind Clara is a pastor and she has a car so even though she's in her seventy's she is the defacto caretaker for a lot of people here cancer heart I'm sure one woman to a dialysis appointment that morning someone else calls Ali we're talking to a guy. In sniffer right who's People storms like this one can be particularly dangerous for orderly people sue and Belle is an assistant professor of nursing at the University of Michigan she studies how seniors are affected by disasters we often think of disasters as immediate emergency but what really I see more of and people with chronic medical conditions that need breaking care that they are not able to get Bell help develop a poll that came out this week that looked at how prepared elderly Americans are for disasters it found some good news most people over 50 have enough food water and medication to last a week but. Elderly people are also more vulnerable to storms around 9 percent more are using medical devices that require electricity just maybe an oxygen concentrator and only about a quarter of those have a backup power source Judith has about a dozen neighbors who are in that situation relying on oxygen which is really really stressful and affects them catastrophic way they just you know it's and I can't. For now she's hoping the power doesn't go out and if it does she knows she'll get frantic calls for help or Dr Hirsch or n.p.r. News Charleston South Carolina. This is n.p.r. News and this is news welcome to Thursday and Morning Edition I'm Joe Mathieu in Boston where we start sunny little bit cooler out this morning it's 60 degrees on the spot and we'll get into the lower seventy's on this 1st day of school in Boston the time is 719. As another school year gets into full swing in the country that's becoming more and more polarized ph radio presents a back to school special from human we'll hear from faculty and students at the University of Virginia who found to navigate tragedy and discover the ways they're working to foster connections and build empathy I made a news anchor Henry Santoro listen for our special for humankind tomorrow afternoon or 2 right here on w g b h radio. Support for w g.b.h. Comes from you and 8 by 8 offering cloud based communication solutions across voice video meetings chat and contact center on the web at 8 x. 8 dot com 8 by 8 communications transformed it Thursday morning some of the top stories we're following today from n.p.r. News latest on Hurricane Dorian it's approaching the coast of South Carolina now as a Category 3 was upgraded of again while the eye is projected to stay over the water the outer bands of the storm system still threatening to bring forceful winds and heavy rain could lead to dangerous flooding there but mandatory evacuations and concerns here in southern New England the National Weather Service this morning issuing a tropical storm watch for the Cape and Islands Friday into early Saturday the highest wind gusts likely to be felt on then suck it back to school this morning in Boston and the 1st back to school day for Superintendent Brenda Caselli is here in the city she tells news that raising the graduation standards for high school students one of her major priorities will have more from her Coming up details in 10 minutes in the news at 730 here on. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Warner Brothers with the new motion picture of the goldfinch a 13 year old loses his mother to a bombing at an art museum but takes with him a painting that becomes his singular source of hope the goldfinch and theaters September 13th from campaign monitor and e-mail marketing platform with a drag and drop email builder and mobile ready templates used by more than 250000 customers a campaign Monitor dot com campaign monitor make your emails unforgettable and from Progressive Insurance with a name your price to offering a range of coverage and price options to choose from now that's progressive progressive dot com or 1800 progressive. This is Morning Edition I'm Joe Mathieu David Burns been pushing the edge of art for decades known best as the front man of the band talking heads burn has been at the guard of music painting literature and film and he's still reinventing himself with a new project developed from his album titled American utopia. You know. Tour turned theatrical show that's heading for Broadway and it starts in Boston this weekend I talked with him about it here w g.b.h. Radio 41234 Yeah nice love burns Harris stark white but he has the same young face and flair for fashion that helped make him famous wearing white from the waist down top of the blue Cuban Bera shirt he looks like David Byrne on vacation so thanks for coming to see me and I'm just delighted to meet you I can't believe it right now I don't know when the last time was. You were in Boston but you've probably been coming up here in advance of the show but you've actually got some history around here I went to school and lived for a little while in Providence Yes this would be the big city would come up for the sort of big city I can't imagine what you're feeling and experiencing personally as you get ready to open this show in Boston and thank God you're coming here I love to hear about kind of the the train of thought behind the the pre Broadway run here in Boston it's very old school. You got some wild weeks coming it's really exciting sort of terrifying. I've toured a lot but I've never done so many shows in a row like every night in a certain way it. Should balance out because even though it's there's more shows there isn't all the travel and travel can be comfort zones to. Europe they were in a suit with bare feet green unshackle everyone's. Yes the entire band it's untethered I wanted to see if we could do the whole thing and then the big challenge were the drums. For live musicians usually the drive is a drummer and a drum kit and they're on a little platform. And that's it that's it they don't move. But I thought what if like 2nd line in New Orleans or somebody's schools and you know or. Drum lines in various colleges or what if you. Took the various elements of the drum kit question in assigned to different players how many would it take so we're doing it with 6. Other They make one sound. When the song to. Hear them say. Everything's done is. Everything. Why the Bears be. Disappointed. Pretty early on that we would be wearing suits so I thought we could bare feet that offsets the kind of formality of the suit and takes it away from being like Oh they're all trying to be a little business people and it takes it into something else and it also has this feeling of that we're kind of in touch with the ground the earth whatever the something arresting about it when you're watching it kind of makes you connect with what you guys are doing this the feelings of vulnerability about things. Like. The super long. Burn also performs a series of monologues in between the songs about various topics that inspired him at one point standing on stage holding a human brain and yeah I'd read something about babies brains for some my i Phone Oh that's an interesting story. But about them what I did Fred was that babies. They evolve and learn not by making more neural connections but by severing Wow. The ones that get that are meaningful for them there are you know that identify things and whatever. Those get strengthened and the other ones fall side and so I thought that's really interesting that. We grow by elimination so we like quite of where we structure it's destructive but it's also a creative fight and I thought that's a really interesting little little story that that's how we come into it to be who we are is often by taking things away it's going to come like this is what you're not this is what you're not interested in but I thought also thought it's sounds very trippy I wonder what it sounds like. What people have said I've read about people take psychedelics but then they feel like all the connections are suddenly there again and they're seeing things in ways that they didn't see them before and I thought maybe that's what it's like for a baby really trippy and then gradually it kind of coalesces into something that we recognise as whatever it is we call reality so we're all born into an acid trip. And I don't think. There are you know there are but I don't well what if so what did you draw Nobody said that. But you're still one trip and yeah. That's that's pretty good when you think about it it is. Maybe the g.b.h. Is Morning Edition you can see American utopia at the Colonial Theatre starting Friday will run through September 28th this is the g.b.h. It's Morning Edition. This. Story was produced in edited by Cameron Marshall top stories are coming up the. Radio. On. Funding for our programs comes from you and discover central mass proud sponsor of the Western Wine Festival September 13th to 15th tickets are now available for the $21000.00 grand tasting and the signature wine dinner at Loch 50 learn more at Discover central and a dot org And along center at Brigham health where pulmonary and the rest expressionists work together to provide innovations in prevention diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of long and just conditions learn more at lung Brigham and Women's dot org. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Dave Mattingly hurricane Dorian is once again a major Category 3 storm as it moves north off the coast of South Carolina it's less than 80 miles from Charleston with top sustained winds of 115 miles per hour Scott Morgan with South Carolina Public Radio is in Myrtle Beach where they're bracing for a possible record 8 foot storm surge high steady winds and drenching rains are also bringing flash flooding and the threat of tornadoes the National Weather Service issued the 1st of a rolling series of tornado warnings for the Myrtle Beach region at 4 am Dorian is now blamed for 20 deaths in the Bahamas vice president Pence's meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson today as Johnson battles with Parliament over breakfast Here's N.P.R.'s Mara Liasson Boris Johnson is one of President Trump's favorite foreign leaders Trump is a full throated backer of Johnson and his efforts to leave the e.u. He's praised Johnson a few civilly and denigrated Johnson's predecessor Theresa May Yesterday after Johnson lost his majority and a series of votes in parliament Trump dismissed Johnson's troubles you know sort of when forced. The worry about he's going to be Ok on his trip to Europe this week Vice President Pence has been repeating president Trump's promise that if the u.k. Manages to leave the e.u. The u.s. Will negotiate a unilateral of free trade deal with the u.k. Mara Liasson n.p.r. News this is n.p.r. News and this is the news good morning I'm Joe Mathieu with the local stories we're following make way for school buses this morning tens of thousands of children and teenagers. Are just now getting back to class in Boston's. They go. First back to school day for a new superintendent Brenda. Says making raising graduation requirements for high school students a priority this year from our learning curve team to get on the bus with. Boston's high schools have different graduation requirements and they're generally less challenging than what the state recommends Boston's new superintendent Brenda Caselli has says she wants to find a way for the city's high schools to adopt the state graduation standards I think it's really important that we have high standards for our students and generalized requirements for our students in terms of what is expected for earning a diploma Caselli a says she wants to unveil or plans this school year with the aim to have new standards in place for 9th graders starting school next fall. Tonus to be g.b.h. Boston's local n.p.r. Studies show that allowing undocumented immigrants eligibility for driver's licenses can reduce hit and run accidents earn money for the state decrease the cost of auto insurance and as the issue gains traction across the country it is now being considered on Beacon Hill from our state house bureau Radio's Mike has more on that opponents of a bill to allow otherwise eligible but undocumented immigrants to take driving test and get a license say that would reward those in the country without authorization but Somerville Mayor Joe Carollo Tony supports the idea and told the legislators Transportation Committee it's a way to help out the undocumented population and to improve safety on the roads driving is often the only way many workers can get to their jobs so let's ensure that they can do it safely by letting them take the driver's license test on the road 13 states including New York Connecticut and Vermont already allow licenses regardless of immigration status my. Local n.p.r. Good night at Fenway Park in sports red. Be the twins at Fenway 62 the final swing against the night before you know who comes to town for the weekend Yankees will be yours starting tomorrow the forecast calls for sunny skies the day a little bit cooler will only have highs in the lower seventy's on this 1st day of school in Boston $61.00 degrees right now in the city this is doubly g.b.h. Radio support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Charles Schwab Schwab believes a modern approach to wealth management starts with asking questions Charles Schwab's own your tomorrow learn more at Schwab dot com and from Western hotels and resorts offering a range of wellness options for guests including very well menu on demand fitness gear lending program and a signature Heavenly Bed learn more at Weston dot com a member of Marriott Bon boy. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Noel King and I'm Steve Inskeep if you are the captain of an Iranian oil tanker the United States has an offer for you the u.s. State Department has been sending text messages or e-mails to Iranian tanker captains at sea or around the world and in at least one case the u.s. Offered money if the ship would come to a port where the United States could impound the ship. The Washington bureau chief for The Financial Times Dimitri 7 stop yellow has been covering this story is the 1st to report it good morning good morning Steve who made this offer exactly and what did it say what So the offer came from the State Department but what's really amazing is it came directly from Brian Cook who is the head of the Iran Action Group which is the main State Department a unit which is tackling the Iran issue and he directly over the last few months has been texting emailing ship captains around the world personally in this case he e-mailed the captain of the Aryan Darya which is now rainy and chip off the coast of Syria that the u.s. Suspects is transporting oil to Syria in breach of e.u. And u.s. Sanctions now this ship has been in the center of controversy into the center of the news for quite some time it has it it was seized at one point by British commandos off Gibraltar it was held in Gibraltar for several weeks of course then finally set did it have to be released after the Iranians guaranteed that it wouldn't breach e.u. Sanctions the American south tried to get to proles or to hand it over and Gibraltar said no so this is the latest attempt by the Americans to try and get control of the ship and so they directly offered the captain Mr Kumar several $1000000.00 to bring the ship to a country that had apparently agreed to impounded and handed over to the u.s. Now if you've got this e-mail you say you obtained the e-mail the 1st question I guess would be is this really from Brian hook really from a senior State Department official but you have a quote from Brian hook in your story it is definitely from Brian hook and I have confirmed that with Brian Cook himself. You know he said that this is the an attempt by the Americans to ramp up the maximum pressure campaign on Iran and the next stage is to increase the or segment of the many sanctions that the u.s. But on the run already and this is a kind of a new novel approach to try and get ship captains under crew both to be scared about working for Iran in the future and 2nd to offer them a carrot just to say that if you come and help us you'll be rewarded for. Life and some of the language used in the e-mail is quite colorful and there are a number of other ships that appear to have received similar offers so I I was told that he has contacted personally roughly 12 captains over the last few months now the foreign minister of Iran is describing this as as blackmail does sound like bribery whether it's legal or not I don't know but what how does the u.s. View this view this particular tactic Well the u.s. Has had a program for more than 30 years to Rewards for Justice that they've used to pay money to people who provide information that helps disrupt terror networks and that they used to with the son of Osama bin Laden for example or try to use it so they announced a program yesterday where they will pay up to $15000000.00 to people for information that would help destruct Iranian it illicit networks and this is the offer to Kumar the cops and the DEA agent are a ship is actually the 1st time they've used this program in the case of Iran on the backs massage or something so this is open it appears to be on the surface at least within u.s. Law there's a lot to cover it if anybody were to accept the offer of this money would we ever know about it Well I think we probably would because the State Department has been actually very kind of for it in terms of publishing a lot up to sizing a lot of things they're doing because they want ship captains around the world to know that this is available to entice them to take up these offers so if they don't publicize it there's no kind of marketing campaign it's such Dimitry 7 stopping all of the Financial Times thanks for your reporting thank you. A Veterans Affairs Hospital in Clarksburg West Virginia is facing criticism and a lot of confusion 2 deaths there have been ruled homicides and federal investigators are in the process of examining a 3rd body to conduct an autopsy from West Virginia Public Broadcasting Dave misstates has the story Army Sergeant Felix McDermott was a Vietnam veteran from Ellensburg West Virginia is when Lee says he happily used the v.a. Facilities about 40 minutes away in Clarksburg But while being treated for aspiration pneumonia and April of last year McDermott died in the v.a. Hospital at the age of 82 his daughter Noni Proctor says he wasn't in perfect health but you'd expected him to be released back to the nursing home. Even though he's a lot of that which was in the past so he thought he. Says . Late August last year. That he did. Leave them waiting for answers that were sent to determine McDermott's cause of death federal officials exude his body for an autopsy then just last week a 2nd death at the West Virginia facility was also ruled a homicide Air Force veteran George shall Sr was determined to have died of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar as a result of 4 insulin injections it was same cause of death as McDermott just one day later officials of the v.a. Medical Center in Clarksburg did not agree to an interview but did say a person of interest is not a current employee the facilities as it has cooperated with investigators in the office of inspector general just a few miles down the road local veterans were gathered Tuesday night at the v.f.w. Post $573.00 in downtown charge for. A 60 year old David Parker who served in Vietnam was among the dozen or so vets sitting around the horseshoe shaped bar talking over loud music from the Jew by. It's. Right there talks a. Good Oscar. He. Says he's there mostly for outpatient treatment and overall he says the care there is pretty good still he's a warm by what he's heard. A. Shot of and. Who he has given. Us attorney William Powell says he and other investigators have been working diligently to wrap up the case the investigation I think as I've said here recently if you're an addict or risers I would say it's the beginning of the end as opposed to the beginning of the beginning says he can't say exactly when an indictment might come but for family members of confirmed victims like Felix McDermott's daughter Melanie Proctor she's calling out a warning to anyone who goes there for treatment I would be asking me a lot of questions before I left the law one there I want to know how did you fix us which I start and they say they safety measures in place but I don't know if they are even. And I'm involved and attorney for McDermott's family says relatives of at least 5 others who died at the Clarksburg v.a. Have contacted him about the suspicious nature of a veteran's death but the office of inspector general declined to provide a number of deaths at the facility that are being investigated as potential homicides for n.p.r. News I'm Dave misted in Clarksburg West Virginia. This is n.p.r. News. Addiction expert such as John how Prince new book opium follows the story of the flower that helped to build and now threaten. The He's today. Starting 11 and 70 g.b.h. . Support for w. G.b.h. Comes from you and I have see films presenting Official Secrets based on the true story of Catherine Gunn a British spy who exposed her government's lies to take the country to war starring Keira Knightley refines and Matt Smith starts Friday September 6th and Comcast internet essential program which is connected more than 6000000 low income people to high speed internet at home helping prepare students for homework class and graduation Good morning from the radio newsroom a job after you with our top stories Hurricane Dorian is regaining strength this morning as it travels along the coast of Georgia and South Carolina as a Category 3 storm tens of thousands of people are already without power and Dorian could dump as many as 20 inches of rain along South Carolina's coastal cities there's a mandatory evacuation order in effect as potentially deadly flooding approaches Dorian is expected to start affecting North Carolina this afternoon and we will likely be feeling the effects here in southern New England Friday night into Saturday the fallout from Saturday's straight pride parade continues Suffolk County d.a. Rachel Rollins has filed an emergency motion with the state's highest court asking to overturn a ruling by Judge Richard senators overseeing the case Senate block trollops decision to not prosecute charges against some of the $34.00 protesters arrested he also held one of the defense lawyers in contempt drawing fierce criticism from legal circles. The new president of Hampshire College says the school still needs to raise millions of dollars of the wants to have any hope of remaining an independent institution the story from our higher ed desk until g.b.h. Radio's Kirk Hinrich has last year Hampshire disclosed it was on the brink of closure after budget cuts and merger talks with other institutions the college decided to stay independent and launch a major fund raising campaign to save itself in his 1st campus address to President Reagan by the future is by no means secure it's also important to recognize that the work that was done last spring. College they gave us the opportunity to save it. And that's the work that we have to do now says Hampshire still needs to raise 9000000 this year or risk losing its accreditation Kirchherr opposer reporting sunny start $61.00 degrees now in Boston this is doubly g.b.h. Radio. Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations and from flex flex era focuses on giving companies clarity into their black hole so executives can turn insight into decisive action learn more at Flex. N.p.r. . And from kept for helping people find the right software for their business from applicant tracking to workflow software visitors can access more than 1000000 software reviews and compare products more it kept. It's Morning Edition if you've not been to Revere Beach recently you might not recognize it a massive wave of new development has given the once gritty spot a facelift and brought a new group of residents to the city of course this development is also happening at a moment when the threat from climate change is rising raising questions about how sustainable it all is. Radio's Adam Reilly has more to say Revere Beach isn't what it used to be. Don't be entirely accurate there are still gorgeous views of the water and regulars who look like they've spent their lives right here soaking up as much sun as they possibly can but these days as they shoot the breeze the old timers have to talk a bit louder than they used to. Right now the sound of construction is ubiquitous here as a wave of new buildings spring up that look more like Miami than the North Shore among them Ocean 650 developed by the Boston firm Upton and partners one of whom is often very simple we want to live to feel like you're at the beach because you're at the beach so we did things like so I did certain colors the interior of the saw and same thing sort of a beach palette around the striving for a possible to see it for the live tall Beach for us ocean $650.00 also allows pets there's a dog grooming room right on site and those amenities are bringing a new kind of resident to a city known for its present to mine the 5 percent occupied. Group of overall ales from say 24 to 36. Big Bay and they also have a strong ability to pay rent but if you've watched the news over the past few winters it's hard not to wonder what happens when Revere Beach gets a bit last bucolic flooding actually closed a section of 145 along the seawall farmers are starting to see this water now splashing over the side of the seawall and bringing the future could be even messier a 2018 analysis from the Union of Concerned Scientists projects that in 2045 more than $1100.00 revere homes were $375000000.00 collectively could be at risk from chronic flooding that's more than any other community in Massachusetts asked about the threat from climate change Upton says ocean 650 is built for Brazilians most of the 1st 4 years open ports if there's a dry. And spoil it back to the site so $500.00 or 100 year storm or they had likely it would go right through the building through the party area and into the drainage ditch no damage to the earth no damage to the apartments but the absence of the mechanical at the moment all of which is raised off the ground as you would expect reveres mayor Bryan Rigo strikes a similarly reassuring No I'm confident that the renaissance that we're seeing in Riviera will continue for decades into the future for one thing Rico says we're here already has developers build for a so-called 25 year storm other communities used 10 years storms as a benchmark and he adds the city is taking other steps to improve Coast resiliency like dredging the brackish half mile long canal just behind the beach so it can handle any flood at the end of the day we want to make sure that the residents are protected so does all this optimism pass the smell test Erica Spangler sig Fried who co-wrote that study for the Union of Concerned Scientists tells me that while she can't weigh in on specific developments the biggest chronic flooding threat interviewer actually isn't on the coast in Revere it's not so much the waterfront not so much the ocean front stretch but really the areas that are developed around the backside of the marshy areas spanker Siegfried also says that on the whole revered seems to be doing a good job girding for the future but she adds a big caviar if development is done fought fully with the right elevation the right defenses against storm surge and those developments can be resilient to sea level rise and storm surge in the near term longer term with you know the projections of sea level rise over the course of the century that's a completely different question in other words it could take decades to see if the new development on Revere Beach is really built to last Adam wryly to be g.b.h. Boston's local n.p.r. Story was edited by Heron Schachter This is doubly g.b.h. Radio. In Merrimack Valley 39 the entire house exploded with multiple people shot explosions. Inspired by a lot but don't you just wonder what you have going on you know we've got like multiple gas fire as well we need we need less than a year later a new podcast from w g b h News wanted to put out a call to read their gas service fire in the valley or do you want to put out a court record happened evacuate their house Ok the next available tomorrow. Our programs are made possible thanks to you and our options a nonprofit energy buying consortium whose mission is to be a trusted adviser and resource for non-profits and public entities in New England learn more at Power Options dot org And Middlesex savings back providing financial services to Massachusetts businesses and manufacturing technology health care and more Middlesex savings bank right there with businesses that help communities succeed right there with you Middlesex Bank dot com Welcome to Thursday g.b.h. It's Morning Edition I'm Joe Mathieu in Boston where it's the 1st day of school sunny skies $62.00 degrees right now well after hours today in the low seventy's the time is $751.00. Will explore the political economy of the light bulb Marketplace Morning Report is supported by t. Rowe Price offering a strategic investing approach that examines opportunities 1st hand since 1037 t. Rowe Price invest with confidence I'm David Brancaccio will start on the health of small businesses specifically those owned by veterans it's fresh data from the Small Business Administration Here's Marketplace's Kimberly Adams one out of every 10 businesses in the u.s. Is owned by veterans according to Larry Stubblefield with the Office of veterans business development at the Small Business Administration and he says he's noticed subtle changes in how the better ins are entering the workplace we have seen a little bit of a decline if you will in the longer service members carrying out certain businesses he says unemployment is low and more companies are working harder to recruit veterans says employees one of those businesses is veteran compost in Maryland owner Justin Garrity is a veteran himself and tries to hire former service members whenever he can but I think the thing that would help us is finding a pipeline of talent it's certainly a challenge in this labor market find folks so Garrity ends up picking up lots of extra shifts himself rather than expanding his staff and his business further in Washington I'm Kimberly Adams for Marketplace checking markets footsie in London down at 6 tenth's percent but down s. And p. Futures are up a 10 percent each as you've noticed the country's been shifting to energy efficient lighting over the last dozen years for member how hot a standard bulb gets enough to power and easy bake oven that heat is waste which runs up electricity bills and contributes to climate change there's news that the trumpet ministration has opted out of the next step and will lead Billions of the most wasteful remaining bulbs stay on the market let's turn to Andrew to Lasky with the nonprofit American Council for an interview. The Efficient Economy Good morning good morning I see that industry originally supported phasing out the most wasteful bulbs when the rules were 1st proposed during the George w. Bush administration what's changed do you think when the law was passed in 2007 it had strong support from manufacturers What's changed is that when President Trump was elected the light bulb manufacturers decided that they wanted to pursue a rollback and pursue preserving the old incandescent light bulbs that burn out every year for all I thought manufacturers when the challenges that they faced is that as consumers have transitioned and switched to l e d y all these new energy efficient light bulbs are not only save energy they also last a lot longer to some extent hasn't the shift to the energy efficient bulbs already happened I mean l.e.d. Bulbs have gotten really popular I was reading that more than 80 percent of light sockets have some sort of energy efficient bulb in there are ready even without the rules that are being rolled back for next year right that estimate sounds high to me that said 1st you're absolutely consumers are are shifting to the l.c.d. a Product for all consumers we estimate that by shifting to l.e.d.s. The difficult household going to save more than $100.00 per year on utility bills I don't want to diminish that but regulating lightbulbs I thought came up during C.N.N.'s presidential climate forum last night Senator Elizabeth Warren essentially said things like light bulbs are he thought less important to climate change then for example what fossil fuel producers are doing in seas light bulbs is almost a side issue is there a danger we're focused on the wrong things here light bulbs it is not going to be the one thing that's going to tip the balance but it's one of the things that contributes towards reducing the effects of what a serious global problem Andrew Dyleski is executive director of the American Council. For an Energy Efficient Economy appliance standards Awareness Project Mr De Lasky thank you thank you for having me. Marketplace Morning Report a supported by the Tel counterfeit Microelectronics can cause critical systems to fail when we need them most they tell is developing advanced solutions for government and for Marshall clients more at the Tel dot org slash marketplace a new law in Texas has just taken effect it creates tougher penalties for people who steal from mailboxes and porches It's not about how valuable the theft is it's about how many boxes were stolen from k. U.t. In Austin Marketplace's Andy ular has more last year Paul Tice had some running shoes sent to his house in Dallas and I got a notice that one of the packages had been delivered so when I got home I looked for and it wasn't there he called Fedex and they sent him a photo proving that at least for a while the package was on his porch so he ended up getting a refund from the shoe company the company that shipped me the shoes it was great but they refunded it it worked out for me but it didn't really work out for them and this new Texas law is trying to make sure it doesn't work out for the thieves either if you steal packages you might be looking at a felony charge even if the thing in those boxes was just a bunch of toilet paper that is if you steal from enough houses hit 10 houses you could be charged with a low level felony 50 you're looking at a 1st degree felony state representative Jean-Louis Houston supports the new law it's a violation of that sort of like safe place that we care about more so than the actual item that's in the package some argue this new law doesn't do anything to solve the root problem a package that aft and simply elevating the penalties will only send more people into the states already crowded prison system Stuart Greene is a law professor at Rutgers he gives Texas lawmakers credit for addressing a growing problem but it's probably not going. Have In fact if you were inclined to steal mail from somebodies porch before facing 6 months in prison are you really going to change your behavior just because now there might be potentially longer prison sentence doesn't want any more of the running shoes ripped off he just hopes the new law persuades thieves to change their behavior if you do it 10 times I'm sorry man i don't care what the value was you shouldn't be going on people's property and stealing your things he says the theft won't change his shopping habits he just hopes all his packages will still be there when he gets home in Austin Texas I mean to us for Marketplace some numbers now on the future of the American workforce the u.s. Bureau of Labor Statistics is now predicting there will be one half of one percent more jobs overall by 2028 the fastest growing occupation solar panel installer median pay $43000.00 some booming jobs are especially sweet will need $35000.00 more information security analysts typical pay just under $100000.53 more nurse practitioners median salary 107000 but the 2 job categories where will need by far the most people home health aide and personal care aides typical salary $24000.00 a year which is just under the poverty line for a family of 4 in New York I'm David Brancaccio with the Marketplace Morning Report . From a.p.m. American Public Media. I'm Kara Miller humans are both really unique and not all that different from every other animal that's next time on innovation had to night at night. Radio. Support for our programs comes from you and Trinity repertory company with their premiere of the play at the Prince of Providence about the highs and lows of former Providence Mayor Buddy c.n.c. On stage September 12th through October 20th more at Trinity Rep dot com slash and direct Tire and Auto Service the 75 team members at direct tire want to thank their clients for 45 years of business tires brakes and complete auto repair direct tire will fix it so it brakes direct tire dot com trusted. News that makes you think this is.

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