Right . Well ask our sunday panel where the customer stands, all right now on Fox News Sunday. And hello against from fox news in washington. With the conventions over and just 99 days left, the general Election Campaign is officially on. Hillary clinton and her running mate tim kaine are on a bus tour through the rustbelt. We caught up with them yesterday st. Reports that russia has hacked into campaign files. This is the first time be sat down with clinton, and thats where we started. Welcome to Fox News Sunday and congratulations. Thank you so much, and it really is gooding to here. Do you believe that russia is behind the hacking and release of the dnc emails, and do you think that Vladimir Putin wants defeated and trump elected president . Chris heres what i think we know. We know that russian intelligence services, which is part of the russian government which is under the firm control of Vladimir Putin, hacked into the dnc. We know that he arranged for a lot of those emails to be released, and we know that donald trump has shown a very troubling willingness to b putin, to support putin, whether its saying nato wouldnt come to the rescue of allies if they were invaded, talking about removing officials as after they were imposed by the United States and europe together. His praise forutin which i think is quite remarkable. Are you suggesting that pewing would rather sees him as president than you. But laying out the facts raises issues about russian influence in our election. We wouldnt tolerate that from any other country. And for trump to both encourage that and to praise despite what appears to be a deliberate effort to try to affect the election i think raises National Security issues. After the backlash i hope youre able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will be mightily rewarded by our press. Trump says he was being sarcastic. I think if you take the encouragement that russians hac take his quite excessive praise allegiance to a lot of russian wishlist Foreign Policy issues, the effort to distance himself from that back lash which came rightly from democrats, but republicans, and Intelligence Experts leads us once again to include he is not temperamentally fit to be president and commander in chief. You carved up truv pretty about in your acceptance speech. Donald trump says make America Great again. He could start by actually making things in america again. A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. Here is a guy you say is unfit to be president. Why is this election still too close. Too Many Americans feels like theyve been left behind by our economy, our government. I understand that frustration its just not working for them, and they are looking for answers. I think the kind of inflammatory answers that trump has provided, blame somebody, blame immigrants, blame muslims, blame women, blame somebody is attractive in the first instance to people who are looking for answers, but what im counting on and what i believe, he has offered nothing to help people. I believe we have p an agenda to increase jobs, increase incomes, make our economy grow and be more fair, which is going to appeal to a majority of americans. Good, because i want to talk not about trump, but about you and drill down into some of the positions that you have taken in this campaign. At a fundraiser last year you said this the Supreme Court is wrong on the second the court said theres a constitutional individual right to bear arms. Whats wrong with that . Well, i think what the court said about there being an individual right is in line with constitutional thinking, and i said in the convention, im not looking to repeal the Second Amendment. Im not looking to take peoples guns away, but i am looking for more support for the reasonable efforts that need to be undertaken to keep guns out of the wrong hands. And the second amen includes an individual right to bear arms. Yes, but that right like every other of our rights, our First Amendment rights, every right that we have is open to and even subject to reasonable regulations. I just want to pursue this a bit. Heller, Justice Scalia said that the right to bear arms is reasonably limited. He let the door open to regulation. Ninth Supreme Court justice. Umhmm. Are you saying you do not want to see the heller decision, the individual right to bear arms overturned . No, i dont, but heres what i do want. And i want to be very clear about this. I want the congress to step up and do its job. I want to get out of the horrible cycle were in, where we go and mourn dozens, hundreds, thousands of People Killed by gun viole send our hearts and our feelings, and then nothing happens. Were better than this. The gun lobby intimidates elected officials. The vast majority of americans, including gun owners, support the kind of commonsense reform that im proposing. On immigration, you say you would go even further than president obama in deferring the deportation of people in this country illegally, and you say you would support even tougher executive action. I want to ask you about separation of powers, because the constitution is clear, all legislative powers reside in congress. It doesnt say if congress doesnt act, the president can do whatever he or she wants. Well, lets sort that out, under the shadow of deportation, its good for the economy. I think this is on mustdo list. I hope after telection, that congress that voted in a bipartisan way in 2010 and 2013 will actually take action, will come back and say, okay, lets do this together. If they dont, what gives you the right to do executive action . Thats congresss position. No. There is a lot of legal lets look at deportation. Whoever is president gets to determine what the priorities are. My priorities are deport criminals, violent criminals as fast as we can. Deport anybody that we think even has a passable link to terrorism, but dont go rounding up hardworking mothers and fathers, taking them out of the factories or the hotels or the homes where theyre working, making these disappear and leaving their children alone. That doesnt make any sense to executive action thats going to effect not a few people or 100 people i understand prosecutorial discretion, but thats going to affect millions of people, arent you changing the law . Arent you writing the law . No, because heres what i think. The Supreme Court has sent back for trial the challenges to the president s authority, to take categories of people and remove the threat of deportation. As president , you would be could break the tie. Well, but first lets go and have the trial. That is true that i hoe that i will have that chance. Its not just that. Its citizens united, a lot of things that i think the Current Court got wrong, respectfully, for our democracy. So youd like to see all those things change with your Supreme Court justice . Whoever the next president is will get to appoint at least one, maybe more Supreme Court justices. There are a lot of decisions that i approve of that this court has foremost marriage equality, but there are decisions that i do think that when taken to the natural conclusion have hurt our democracy, undermined our economy. What about precedent . Precedent is absolutely in line. You know, i taught law. Im a recovering lawyer. I know that precedent is something that you look to, but i also know that courts can take a look at precedent and determine that maybe they werent right the first time. Change agent in this campaign, but i think its fair to say that youre building on the obama agenda, youre not rejecting it. 69 every americans think were on the wrong track. We just found out that gdp growth in last quarter was 1 , the slowest economic recovery since 1949. Youre offering tweaks, not a dramatic shift. Well, i think what im offering are proven results. I that we can build on where we are. We have dug ourselves out. Were standing, but not yet running. Im not happy with the status quo. Ive said that repeatedly. But youre offering more government programs, more entitlements, more taxes, more tax penalties and credits. Well, but lets unpack that. What im offering is the biggest Job Creation Program since world war ii. I hope to be able to but he didnt get to do enough, and he didnt get enough support from congress. It took years under president obama. We have roads, bridges, tunnels, ports, water systems, all failing, all being less than efficient in a time when we want to lift on the economy and take on the rest of the world. And we have need a new electric grid. But a lot of it is government. But its going to be Public Private sector. Im looking for ways to infrastructure bank, seed it with government money, but bring in private investors. I believe that america is ready for this, chris. We need to rebuild our infrastructure, which will create millions of jobs and lay the foundation for many more millions to come. Coming up, much more from our exclusive interview with secretary clinton. We asked her about benghazi and the emails and her biggest acceptance speech. Youll be surprised. Brought to you by those new glasses . They are. Do i look smarter . Yeah, a little. Youre making money now, are you investing . Well, ive been doing some research. Let me introduce you to our broker. How much does he charge . I dont know. Okay. Uh, do you get your fees back if youre not happy . dad laughs wow, youre laughing. Thats not the way the world works. Are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management, . . Before it became a medicine, it was an idea. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures and worked for 12 long years. There were thousands of patient volunteers and the hope of millions. Someone who couldnt be cured, could be. Me. A look outside the beltway at pennsylvanias State Capitol in harrisburg, where we have the first interview with Hillary Clinton since she became the Clinton Campaign faces now is trying to deal with the doubts that millions of voters have about her honesty. We asked her about the key flashpoints benghazi, and her private emails. One of the most dramatic moments in the Republican Convention was when pat smith, the mother of sean smith, one of the people who died in before the convention and blamed you. I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son. Personally. She and the father of tyrone woods both say that on the day that their sons bodies were returned to the United States that you came up to them and you said it was all because of a video, not terrorism. Now, i know some of the other families disagree with this, and the question is, why would they make that up . Chris, my heart goes out to both of them. Losing a child under any circumstances, especially in this case, two state department employees, extraordinary men both of them, two cia contractors gave their lives protecting our countries, our values. I understand the grief and the can motivate that. As other members of families who lost loved ones have said, thats not what they heard, i dont hold any ill feeling for someone who in that moment may not fully recall everything that was or wasnt said. One reason that people question your account, and this gets to the important question of trust, is because that day at terrorism. You talked about the video. Weve seen the heavy assault on our post in benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. Weve seen rage and violence directed at american embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. Now, thats not fair. If you go back and Read Everything that i said that day, it being terrorism. I had already said it was terrorism. There was no doubt there was terrorism. I think theres been a confusion in the minds of some and exploiting that confusion for the advantage of others but i have a quote here that said but look at everything i said. This goes back on all the breach our embassies. But not in benghazi. No, but we were looking at the whole world. The whole world was aflame. The emails yes. I want to ask about one aspect, what you told the american people. I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified materials. I am confident that i never sent nor received any at the time. I had not sent classified material nor received anything marked classified. After a long investigation, fbi director james comey said none of those things that you told the American Public were true. Chris, thats not what i heard director comey say, and i thank you for giving me the opportunity in my view clarify. Director comey said my answers were truthful, and what ive have told the american people, that there were decisions discussed and made to classify retroactively certain of the emails. I was communicating with over 300 people in my emailing. They certainly did not believe and no reason to believe that what they were sending was classified. In retrospect, different agencies come in and say, not what was happening in real time. But in a congressionally hearing on july 7th, director comey directly contradicted what i had told the public. Secretary clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails either sent or received. Was that true . That was not true. Secretary clinton said i did not send any classified material that was classified material. Was that true . There was classified material not only he directly contradicted what you said, he also said in that hearing that you were extremely careless and negligent. Well, chris, i looked at the whole transcript of everything that was said, and what i believe is, number one, i made a mistake not using two different email addresses. I have said that and i repeat it again today. It is certainly not anything i would ever do again. I take classification seri to rely on the judgments of the professionals with whom i worked. And so in retrospect, maybe some people are saying, well, among those 300 people they made the wrong call. Ted there was no reason in my view to doubt the professionalism and the determination by the people who work every single day on behave foundation and allegations of pay to play, the argument, the allegation that Foreign Companies and Foreign Countries either donated big money to the foundation, paid your husband for big money for speeches in order on influence your wore as secretary of state. In the first 12 years president clinton made 13 speeches that he got 500,000 or more. 11 of those is were while paid for by foreign interests. Are we to believe thats just a coincidence . Theres no truth to any of these allegations. It is true that they did make these speeches. They are by paid by foreign interests, and getting much bigger speaking fees. He gave speeches as soon as he left the white house all the way up until the last year, and he spoke all over the world, as well as throughout america to get to the nut of your question. Im really proupd of the clinton foundation. I am proud of the work it does. Thanks to the clinton foundation, 9 million more people in our world have access to hiv aids drugs because they negotiated contracts that made them affordable. There is absolutely no connection between anything that i did as secretary of state and the clinton foundation. So people can say that, but im proud of our our personal family philanthropic work. Id like to see Donald Trumps tax returns to find out how much philanthropy hes ever done. In your acceptanceance you address peoples continuing doubts about you. I get it that some people just dont know what to make of me. Forgive me, secretary clinton, but the americans know what they think of you. You. Heres what i know, chris. I have work to do to make sure people know what i have done and what i will do. Thats part of what this convention was about. I feel very comfortable that the more people learn about what i have actually done not the caricature, but the real deal, as my husband said in his remarks, they will understand why i was elected twice to the United States senate, the second time with a 67 vote, why my former opponent president elect obama trusted me to be secretary of state. Every time i run for an office, omy goodness, all these caricatures come out of the nowhere and people begin to undermine, as i left as secretary of state, 67 of americans approved of what i did. People to have doubts to use the words in the polls i think its fair for americans to have questions. I hope you Ask Donald Trump why he is so untrusted by the american people. I have. I have a long record of Public Service thats actually produced results for people. So when i talk about what i want to do in public life, what i want to do as president , people can go back and say you know what . She was going to get health care for americas children. She did. Now their families dont have to worry about losing their house to take care of their sick kid. Im proud of my record as Public Service and the results ive gotten to help people have better lives. Its been 96 years since women got the right to vote. A couple questions. Emotionally has it fully sunk in yet the barrier you broke . One more bar why are to americans full participation in the process . Night for you . It was way over the top emotional. My biggest concern going out there to make that speech thursday night was whether or not i could control my emotions. You say whether you could control your emotions. What was your concern . That i would start crying. I mean, that was my big concern. Also watching my daughter and having her waiting on stage when i came out, i was i was pretty concerned about whether i woul speech. You talked a lot in the convention about your mom and about her hard childhood and about her resilience and the lessons she taught you. I wonder in these last few days, have you been thinking of her . And what do you imagine shes been thinking of you . I think about her every day, particularly during the convention, i thought a lot about her when chelsea got up to speak, because she and my walked out onto the stage to deliver that address. Actually that was the part of the speech that concerned me the most. Every time i talk about my mom, i get very overcome. Where she wouldnt like what you saw at the Republican Convention, and the offensive rhetoric in our politics. She wouldnt have like any of that. She was really . Yes, she was. Why didnt you take that from her . Well, i once said and she would get upset, ill be honest, she would get upset when people would say terrible things about me. That was when i was a senator running for president and for the first two year as secretary of state. I would say, well, mom, if it upsets you so much, why do you keep watching . She said i like some of the people and i have to know what the other ones are saying so i it. So i think she had a very strategic reason for watching. She had to me one time, you know, hillary, i dont understand. You were such a wonderful child to raise, you never gave me a minutes trouble or worry, then you become an adult and you get into politics and i just worry all the time. So she would worry, but she would be encouraging and she would say what she said to me when i was 4 years old in the face of a bully, because honestly i think that describes my i feel i have to get out there, go back out there, stand up to him, not just on my own behalf, because i can take care of myself, but on behalf of all these other people he has so mistreated in this campaign. Secretary clinton, thank you. Thanks for talks with us. Thanks, chris. Safe travels. Thanks a lot. Take care. Up next well bring in our sunday group to discuss clinton and trump and what to look for plus what would you like to ask the panel about where the president ial race stands now that both conventions are over . . Sip in summertime with a frozen coolatta from Dunkin Donuts. Stay cool this summer with a new sour apple, watermelon, or Blue Raspberry coolatta. America runs on dunkin. Ak and an ice cold beer. If there was, we would have made this commercial about that. Longhorns grilled tastes of summer. Our new smoky pepper crusted filet with shrimp. Our new grilled hawaiian salmon. And our famous outlaw ribeye. Tonight. Only at longhorn steakhouse. You cant fake steak. For lunch, try our steakhouse burger or any steakhouse lunch combo starting at 7. N track with Dunkin Donuts fruit smoothies, made with lowfat yogurt and real fruit blended into feelgood flavors like new wildberry. American runs on dunkin. Hes taken the Republican Party a long way. From morning in america to midnight in america. I thought she would give me a big fat beautiful congratulations the you know, if she did that . Donald trump at the Democratic Convention and trump apparently disappointed she wasnt nicer to him. Its time now for our sunday group, syndicated columnist george will. Fox news political analyst juan williams. Julie pace who covers the white house and the campaign for the associated press, and gop strategist karl rove. Well, karl, your thoughts about clinton and her strategy, reaching out, both at the convention and in our interview . Attempt to conduct the kind of campaign she needs to conduct in order to generate the Obama Coalition, and reaching out to independents and republicans. We saw this in her speech and also saw it in the interview. Obviously a big concern is the economy. Said we have all these problems, no pay raise, left behind. Here are my answers another still lug Business Clean energy jobs, obama care, we need free college not for everybody, but for anybody who makes infrastructure bank, which she repeated this morning, exactly the kind of insider deal, using taxpayer money to set up something that private people can make money off of. How do we pay for all of this . Longer the party of but willy sutton. Well raze taxes on the 1 and why . Quote thats where the money is. The 1 is already paying 38 of the tax burden, the highest Corporate Tax rates in the country. These are the things that republicans hate, independents are highly dubious about. Finally the Supreme Court. Whenever she starts talking about the Supreme Court, its the thing that causes republicans who are deeply talking about appointing a liberal justice to the Supreme Court which will affect everything from the Second Amendment to the environment to immigration, you name it, she wants executive powers. There are some things, Supreme Court decisions she said she wants to overturn, like citizens united, and obviously she would like to see the court go in favor of obama on deportation, deferring that, but she said she doesnt want to overturn gun control and well, ive gone to her website. While you were interviewing her, she is frankly incompress hencible on moth things when is it comes to gun control. She makes severity points. She wants to ban militarystyle weapons. What are thole . Hunting rifle with more than one cartridge in the rifle . How will she do that confiscate everybody who has a ar15 that they use for lawful purposes . Ability of trial lawyers to that is benefiting a particular interest in the Democratic Party and funder of her campaigns. Then she talked about terror lists and nofly lists. We have a comprehensive bill before congress that has drawn bipartisan support supported by senator cornyn. Throw her support behind that. This is frankly more about symbolism than real action. Surely its clear from the clip we ran at the beginning about turning morning in america for m sat down for the first time with us that she is trying to reach out to independents, to republicans who may be disaffected or uncomfortable with donald trump. How much is the clinton camp counting on that . I think they look at this election and theres no doubt with the Obama Coalition than she wou but you hear this phrase from the Clinton Campaign they feel like there are independents and republicans out there that are unnerved about donald trump being commander in chief, but they wont one day like Hillary Clinton, but they want to give them a permission structure to line up with her. They feel like a steady hand on Foreign Policy, a steady hand on commander in chief, someone who understands military threats, threats from abroad, that could be what leads some of these people to line up behind her. We asked you for questions for the on facebook from joe writes feel about democrats pursuing temperature traditional as someone who is so disaffected by donald trump you are no longer a republican, how do you answer joe . There are a number out there. People are queasy, and theyre looking for permission, as they sayto do this. I dont know how many there are. Were 7 undecided that year. Clearly there are many more than 7 more than twice enough. Weve the largest number of undecided since 1982. There are some democrats, and they wanted Elizabeth Warren to be her running mate. There are nor democrats and lets united democrats, and we win that way. The problem for republicans is the day after the the government released the statistic you cited in your interview with mrs. Clinton 1. 2 growth in the second quarter. If mr. Slowe recovery since 1949. If there trump were into making arguments, but he doesnt do that. Instead he persona keeps getting in the way. The persona is what is making people squeezy. Mitt romney had an extremely united Republican Party in 2012, here, 537 florida votes turned the presidency in the year 2000, so marginal differences can make huge differences. Furthermore i think mrs. Clinton has to run against the argument that some conservatives make, which is the point of voting is to express an opinion and not voting is an expression of opinion. So big picture at the end we had the repuli Democratic Convention in philadelphia, where do you see this race now . Well, lets look at the mechanics of it. If you were with rebuilding america now, which is the trump superpac, where are they focusing . Putting their money in ads . The answer is pennsylvania, ohio and florida. They think if they can get those states into the trump column, you interviewed mrs. Clinton in pennsylvania, shes going to ohio, trump and pence in ohio and florida. We can see that is the focus right now, about you once you look on the ground you come to some strange conclusions. Trumps campaign has run no ads. Mrs. Clinton has run 30,000 address. This is a big difference in termsof then when you think about the states i mentioned in florida the hispanic vote is nowhere near going for donald trump. John kasich in ohio, the governor, is strongly antitrump. No republican has won pennsylvania since 1988, and despite the trump effort to move the base of the Republican Party from the south into the industrial midwest on the theory that the trade argument made by Bernie Sanders could get some so far is Hillary Clinton reaching out i think strongly to white women in those areas saying shes about families and kids. That was the theme of that convention. Karl, is it that bleak for trump . And as the architect of 200 and 2004, what would you about he advising trump now in terms of where to go and what to say . I think juan has depicted some of the differences in style, but there is a reason Trump Campaign is florida, ohio and pennsylvania, if they win those three states, plus what romney won, they would go into the white house. Pennsylvania is up for grabs. Democrat friends of mine involved in the clinton effort readily acknowledge the state is changing. Theres been a shift away from the democrats towards the republicans. Similarly in florida since 2012, theres been a 300,000 vote the democrats, in a state that barack obama won by 94,000 votes last time around. These states are in contention, but one of the reasons why is because both Major Political parties are being disrupted. The republicans have a problem with college educated, particularly women, but also men. The democrats have a problem with bluecollar high school educated men and women. As a result thats why we have the highest numbers of undecided since 1982 a have nomineeses drawing less than an historic average. Its a close race all the way to the end. But karl, i think you would acknowledge let me finish. I would agree with juan that the style of campaign and the fact that we have this very unconvention at campaign is based around personal, based around the persona, run in an entirely different way, spends more time worrying about twitter thatten had he does about get out the vote, more time about it plays out. Julie . I was going to 2004 and your 20 on 4 was instrumental in formalizing and organizing get out the vote efforts. I think if this is a close race, in the end you do have to give an edge, because they have mechanisms in place to go out and find voters. Youre stealing time from the next segment, and i want to talk about some other stuff. You know this goes going this is not the we have 99 days. Well look at the key factors, including a new controversy involving donald trump and the parents of the slain im just a guy who wants to buy that truck. And im just a guy who wants to sell him that truck. So i used truecar. It told me what other people in the area paid for the truck i want. And because were a truecar certified dealership, i already know the truck he wants. So were on the same page before he even gets here. Its fair. And its fast. This is truecar. Donald trump painted a picture, a negative, dark, divisive picture of a country in decline. She makes it sound like its not. People are pouring across the border, we have no idea who they are. Trump and clinton with two very different views of the state of our nation. Were back with the panel. Karl, this is the way it works. Obviously the party that does not hold the white house are going to say things are going to hell in a handbasket. The party that does hold the white house will say, well, things arent great, but theyre okay and were going to who is on firmer political grund at this point . Trump with the statement of pessimism or clinton with relative optimism and will make things better . Trump has the better argument to make. 40 of people think were in a recession, were nothing, but thats what they think. They feel we are. They feel we are. The problem is none of them have an advantage, which is what than mere plat attitudes. I would sigh that, though. Its remarkable we have two president atcandidates, neither of whom has confidence in modern sound systems and feel obligated to scream at every single opportunity, whether in front of their respective conventions or at their campaign rallies. I feel with both of them, i should say, this is a microphone. Trump is involved in a br controversy in the last couple days. At the Democratic Convention, the father of a young muslim american, who came to this country, enlisted in the army, and was killed tragically by an ied a car bomb in iraq in 2004. He called out trump for his ban on muslims saying if it had been up to trump, his son would never have can you um to america in trump responded on the absence show this week. Lets look at both of them. Have you even read the United States constitution . I will i will gladly lend you my copy. He doesnt know that. I saw him. He was, you know, very emotional and probably looked like a nice guy to me. His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing probably maybe she wasnt allowed to have anything to say. Juan, this story is blowing up. Well, it blows up, chris, because its speaking to something i think was emphasized by the Clinton Campaign at their convention, which is a sense of who we are, our values as american people. Mr. Khan powerfully said if you go to arlington cemetery, you can see there people who are of all races, all religions, all trump has sacrificed nothing. Mr. Trump, as you know, did not serve in the military, got several deferments from vietnam, but then mr. Trump responds, by saying in that clip, that ms. Khan had and may be restrained by her faith have came back and said she has trouble speaking any time the picture of her son is shown, and is overcome by grief. I think anyone on either side of the aisle, knowing what mr. Trump has said about john mccain being a loser because he was a prisoner of war, that you would speak about a gold star changer. Let me pick up on that, george. Trump has made these comments before, as specifically as juan said, back last summer, aier when he said that john mccain wasnt a war hero, didnt hurt him particularly in the primaries. Does it hurt him now were in the general election . The straw that broke the camels back, was not the straw. It was the cumulative weight. The question is, will there be a just when you think american politics has hit rock bottom, mr. Trump rises or stoops to the challenge of saying there is no rock bottom to american politics, and certainly attacking gold star parents is one of these things. His adherence, has said from the first, from june in 2015 when he entered the race, he tells it like it is. Its never been clearer to me pronounce it is. Today the antiseedant is flaws intimidated, and now the minute uet. They call the office of Mitch Mcconnell or paul ryan and say what do you think about this . They say we disagree, too, but he still ought to be president of the United States. I can hardly way to hear what mike pence has to say about this tomorrow what he thinks of these remarks. The good news is this. The point of campaigns is to give voters information on which to base their decision, and theyre getting a lot of relevant information. I want to get through two other issues. One of the them women. It was quite a moment a thursday night. I felt it, im sure you felt it, julie, for the first time in our stage accepting the cheers of the crowd and becoming the First Major Party nominee for president. In case anybody missed the point, Hillary Clinton made it for them. Here she is. Standing here as my mothers daughter and my daughters mother, im so happy this day has come. Im happy for grandmothers and little girls and everyone in between. Julie, how big of an advantage does the clinton camp think that is, this sense we saw it you necessarily agree with them or not. The chance to break history, break another barrier. I think its interesting, because we have lived with her for so long in the public ice, sometimes you forget this is a huge milestone for american politics whether a de republican. You have seen them slow campaign embrace that come minutating in this convention, where it was such a headline of this convention. For clinton, anything that she more enthusiasm among the Democratic Base is to her advantage. Thats one of hers weaknesses, enthusiasm among democratic voters. If you talk to democratic well or republican or independent women, particularly older women, mothers in suburbs, these are the voters she needs and seemed to be most motivated by this. More history this week with donald trump seeming to invite the russians to get into the president ial campaign to try and make them public. Some democrats called that treason, some republicans called it wild overreaction. Karl, where are new. Donald trumps statement inviting the russians to release the 30,000 missing emails from her private server was a sign that sarcasm does not travel well on television. He would have been better off making going a different direction on that besides calling on the russians. Saying very clearly that what he was doing was making a joke, but saying that putting the issue back into the dialogue by saying it is a question of whether or not she had been honest or truth worthy with the american people. If he were smart he would play off her words to indict her. Well, as the rest of america heard what director comey said, and they she hayes i had every of the professionals i worked. Who is she blaming . Who is the lawyer who authorized her . Who is the person who told her to set it up . Am i allowed you moved brilliantly away from the topic that the interviewer mr. Chris wallace thank you, i appreciate the idea that a politician would invite a Foreign Government to get involved, you know thats wrong. That involved traitorism. Would have heard that he shouldnt have done it. Im glad youre clear. Just like john kerry he we go again 30 seconds left. You wrote a column about this, george. What do you think about his seeming affinity for Vladimir Putin. He was asked about that pew he says our country does plenty of killing also, and least trumps aleader, thats why he semiadmires saddam one last look at the susquehanna river in pennsylvania where we sat with the democratic nominee. Its good to be back in washington. If you noticed something different, while we were gone, they built us a brandnew set. We hope it will add something to our conversation with our guests and panel. And thats it for today. Have a great week. Well see you next fox news announcer the following paid presentation for cooper chef is brought to you by Tristar Products incorporated. Are your kitchen drawers starting to look like a bad garage sale steamers, rice cookers, roasters, slow cookers. And just how many pots and pans does one kitchen really need . And every time you cook, cleanups a disaster. Scraping, scrubbing what a chore. What if you could replace all this with one single, nonstick innovative in design and made of the highestquality craftsmanship . And what if you could cook with it on the stove and in the oven . Introducing copper chef, the nonstick, allround square pan with ceramitech. Its a breakthrough in technology. 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