Enters, hegrabs a 1 1 2yearolh boy who was in the store with his parents. He walked right in to the store, took ten steps, got the kid and then walked followed them to the back door. The reporter the family are regular customers at the store and at first, the father thinks obrian is an employee, who just wants to play with his son. Obrian picks up his pace and with the child on his shoulder, walks briskly to the back of the store, where there is an just as obrian is about to leave with the child, the father confronts him. Obrian appears to say something, as he and the boy back to the father, and then pets the father on the back of the head. From there, obrian walks out, and into the woods behind the store. Good thing the father had his eye on the kid the whole time. The father, you know, he asked him, what are you doing and he gave the kid right back and thank god there was no struggle there. The reporter a store kept an eye on him until police arrived. He was arrested, and is now charged with kidnapping. Obviously, a big question is his state of mind, that is detailed in the Police Report that we ret and well bring that to you new at 6 30 p. M. For now reporting live in braintree, ted daniel, fox 25 news. Mark developing tonight, a local teen is under arrest for attempted murder, accused of trying to kill his mother and brother while on vacation in florida. Police say the massachusetts resident, gust ramgren, stabbed them in a home on blind pass road on see he is that key late last night. Police say ramgren was cooperative and provided a confession to officers about the stabbing. Both his mother and brother are still in the hospital in florida, listed in critical condition. Ramgren faces two counts of attempted murder. Also developing tonight, police are investigating an attempted hitandrun. Were told a woman hit three people and tried to keep going, but was stopped by a large crowd. Today. Fox 25s crystal haynes live for us in boston and crystal, that driver is now cooperating with police. The reporter it remains unclear if the driver is actually under arrest. This all after witnesses say she went speeding right down School Street, tried to take a left, hitting those three people. They were pinned under her car, when she just kept going. Chaos an frantic calls for help after police say the driver of plates hit three people, crossing the street in downtown crossing, around noon. She was flying down School Street and plowed through the crowd. The reporter deacon john larken was giving a Historical Tour and saw the driver. He describes her as middleaged africanamerican woman, then take a hard left, hitting a man, woman, and small boy. Then he says, she tried to keep going, with the victims under her car. She realized she hit him. She tried to take off with them about of hundred people came out of nowhere and mobbed the car and wouldnt allow them to go. The reporter the follow live driver said he saw the driver dart into the building at number 3 School Street while the crowd pick up the car to pume the victims out from under it. A video was taken of the Good Samaritans efforts. A lot of people tried to help them. We see those people under the car. So as soon as we see, we try to save the managed to get the car three feet to the left. The lady pulled it up like a pretzel underneath the car. The reporter the victim is hurt but did not have lifethreatening injuries. I cant even imagine what she was thinking. What kind of person does that, thats what i was thinking. The reporter now, witnesses on its scene say that these three victims were a small family, and possibly tourists here in boston. At 6 00 p. M. , i asked police what kind of charges this driver reporting in billions, crystal haynes, fox 25 news. Vanessa police in brazil say ryan lochte and three other u. S. Olympic swimmers who claimed to have been robbed at gunpoint made the story up. Police say Surveillance Video and witness statements contradict the athletes account of what happened, saying the violent robbery never happened. They say the men vandalized adid station bathroom an even offered to pay for the damage. Police confirm a gas station Security Guard did point a gun at one of the swimmers, but said it was probably justified. Police apologize and said charges may be filed. Mark extreme Drought Conditions have spread into boston an much of eastern massachusetts, according to the latest Drought Monitor report out today. Fox 25s Eric Rasmussen is live in north andover, where Governor Charlie Baker just finished speaking. The reporter and ock, he is asking everyone to do what they can, shorter showers, whatever it takes. He came here to this farm, smallic farms in north andover, drought. In fact, if farmers continue to lose crops with whats left of the summer, the state could ask the feds for financial assistance. Others telling us, they have already seen Severe Damage caused by this drought. This used to be filled with water, probably three, four feet of water, and the last couple of weeks, its gone, literally gone. The reporter ed. The reporter ed sees the massachusetts drought up close, fishing several days on the saugus river. Its extreme. Overwhelming. The reporter on the left, a picture murray took in april. On the right, the same location this month. This is a really big issue. The reporter Governor Charlie Baker came to the farm in north andover, along with other state and federal officials, seeing whats left of a strawberry patch, decimated by the dry hot weather. Extreme Drought Conditions have expanded throughout eastern massachusetts, now covering 17 of the state and 4 of New Hampshire. The governor says the state is special loans for farmers if the drought continues much longer. While not every town is facing mandatory water restrictions, governor baker made a plea to everyone in massachusetts to conserve. We obviously cant control the conditions that are presented before us. But we can continue to monitor and coordinate and, where possible and where necessary and appropriate, prepare and respond. The reporter now, some towns have been able to get people to cut back on their water use significantly, but its not all from asking nicely. In fact, one part of lynnfield got customers to reduce the water use by nearly 40 . Well tell you just how they did it. Its parts of what were working on for 6 00 p. M. Live in north andover, aaron i can rasmussen, fox 25 news. Mark all right, eric. A beautiful shot right there and you look at all the brown lawns and think about how long we have to keep not watering our lawns, livelihood. Vanessa i got a letter in the mail regarding the water restrictions and if you dont comply. Kevin, we need rain. Any rain in the in cast . Kevin we dont have anything substantial coming our way. The potential for some on. Weve had less than an inch of rain this month. You had to get hit by a thunderstorm, not a widespread rain across the area to get more than an inch. This is boston the official reporting station. So far in the summer, three inches of rain, weekends weatherwise, but it really has been a problem for us and for the year, 19. 36, our deficit. 7. 86, rounding to 7. 9 inches below average. Thats why the extreme drought in this area, when you get into an extreme drought category, thats a situation where you start to lose large pastures or even crops because of the lack of water and thats certainly not something we want to see. What we need is this. And its not coming our way. Thats Tropical Storm fiona. Need, tropical rains that come on in. This storm is going to job toward the northwest and turn into the ocean before it gets to bermuda. That means were not going to see even a piece of a tropical rain from that. But we could see some rain early next week. Im still looking at some of the latest information coming in right now and ill update you on the chances for the beneficial rain just ahead. Vanessa investigators are now sifting through more than through hundred tips as they search for the person who killed a jogger in princeton. Its been nearly two weeks since vanessa from the side of brook station road. Her killer has not been found. Yesterday, fox 25 walked the crime scene with a private investigator and former police chief to get insight into what investigators are dealing with. He told us the spreadout scene through the dense woods creates a very big challenge searching for evidence. This is the number to call if you have any information that would help authorities. Hundreds of people have already called police with possible tips. All calls are anonymous. Mark two tractortrailers collided this morning on the mass pike. 2 30 a. M. Near exit 10 in auburn. You can see, there was a lot of damage. Traffic delays lasted well into the morning commute. Police say one of the drivers was seriously hurt, had to be taken to the hospital. Right now, no word on what caused the crash. The cyclist who was hit by a pickup traumatic in waltham is doing better today. The accident happened asbury the cyclist was riding on tupelo road yesterday morning. Police plan to charge the driver of the truck. New England Patriots getting ready to take on the chi game. Fox 25 sports director tom leyden is live at Gillette Stadium and tom brady will play in tonights game. We do expect to see him at least a little bit, probably dependent on how successful he is on that first drive, whether or not he comes out for a second drive, but this one still about three hours away from kicking off, the patriots and bears, very familiar with each other, after a few heated practices in foxborough over the course of the week. Yesterdays walkthrough not as heated as the workouts were on were some ejections, some pushing and shoving throughout the week. Game two of the preseason really a chance for some of the guys who may not know that well to get on the field, show what they can do. Some of the young guys, obviously, Jimmy Garoppolo is going to get a lot of time, but jacoby burr set will be out there and its a chance to show what he can do. Its a blessing to be able to play the game we love and do it in front of the fans. Its a special opportunity each time we step on the this is our job, were supposed to be held to high standards and we hold ourselves accountable and we should be able to go out there and execute all the things we talk about in the meeting rooms and whether it comes down to game time making plays. Now, put this in perspective, as it relates to brady, if he does get on the field tonight with his uniform on, it will be the last time the Patriots Fans will see him in almost two months. He wont be back here in uniform with the patriots until week that is almost two months, do the math. That is the very latest inside Gillette Stadium, reporting live, im tom leyden. Vanessa hopefully well be able to see him on the field. Mark that would be niles. Well linger with that for a while. Vanessa serious charges against a local Police Officer tonight. Mark hes accused of attacking his pregnant wife. When prosecutors say happened days before that led up to the incident. Vanessa ahead at 5 00 p. M. , another School District is working to keep kids safe after water tests show high levels of lead. Mark time now to check out the roads with live drivetime traffic. Take a look at the brach expressway down by the brook expressway down by the gas tanks, traffic moving along pretty good on thursday. Now to the map where traffic is slow on 128 northbound from route from in burlington all the way to route 1 in lynnfield. Here are the live drive times. Tobin bridge, to 128, 32 minutes. Oneill tunnel to and a roundout hour, weston tolls to route 1. Vanessa the middleboro man charged with animal cruelty after leaving his dog tethered for court today didnt show up in court and is a wanted man. Kevin kennedy left his dog tangled for days on a leash. Maverick made a desperate attempt to free himself by chewing off part of his rear right foot. The German Shepherd was found by animal control and recovering from its injuries. The florida base circuit collapse that killed a man and his 6yearold daughter in New Hampshire will not be coming back to the state any time soon. About 100 people were inside the tent at the lancaster fairgrounds last august, when a storm blew through toppling the tent. A lawyer for the company says it will plead not guilty to a felony charge of operating without a license and the circus wont set up any shows in boston while the case is continuing. Reports of a peeping tom. A Neighborhood Watch group posted these flyers, warning now, neighbors are on edge, worried about their community. In fact, one woman says she heard a mugging happened near her home. A couple nights prior to seeing that there was a guy screaming at 11 00 p. M. At night, screaming help, help, im being robbed, so about two days later, thats when the signs went up. Mark Boston Police are aware of the reports, and have launched an investigation. Another massachusetts School District will begin testing its water for lead. This week, we told you that Boston Public Schools found high vanessa fox 25s jason law shows us what quincy is doing to keep their kids safe. The reporter rita harris 4yearold great granddaughter is getting ready to join the quincy School District. Very concerned. Very concerned for these kids. The reporter faith is set to begin prek in a couple weeks and rita has lead on her minds. What concerns you the most about it . That it could get in one of these kids systems for sure. The reporter the quincy superintendent told parents the district is going to te this fall. In his letter, he wrote, the goal of this initiative is to ensure access to Safe Drinking Water for all students. The testing is part of a statewide program, sponsored by great play by ryan baker. Nearly 1,000 Public Schools and Child Care Centers have signed up to figure out exactly what is coming outs of their bubblers. Its certainly been a concern. The reporter this week, Boston Public Schools found high levels of lead in six buildings. The district says it immediately coolers. The found of wilmington found elevated lead levels in 52 school faucets. Bill mcneal is the father of two young girls. I have mean, its certainly got to be one of the top issues for parents around the country. You know, i think a lot of people think its urban districts because of flying into detroit, but everyone is drinking water. The reporter the School District says the testing will begin september 19th and conclude october 23rd, and the test will be conducted between 5 00 a. M. And 7 00 a morning, so as not to interrupt the school day. In quincy, jason law, fox 25 news. Kevin tracking a couple of showers that have popped up in western and Northern New England today, but nothing that is going to be significant for us and not a concern for central and eastern massachusetts. First stop takes you to the berkshires, a well, there was a storm ahead of the one that im going to track for you that came through heath, another this is off moving toward the southwest and moving into she will bourne, deerfield, montague by guy by 6 00 p. M. Berkshires, beautiful area out there. This one is southern vermont, weakens with a thunderstorm earlier, also pushing toward the southwest. Brattleboro will get a sprinkle about 5 44 p. M. , then to winchendon, if it takes it to you, highly unlikely at this point, by 7 45 p. M. Thats when you get a shower from that. Overhead, more showers back through new york state. Nothing is going to make enough east and be a bother to you overnight. Patriots and bears at Gillette Stadium, no problems, recommends p. M. , 82, going down through the 70s. Clouds dissipating. Any clouds you have, clearing on out. Billy joel at fenway, 80 at 7 00 p. M. Dropping into the upper 70s and staying there, mid 70s by the time youre going home late tonight. Zip trip first thing in the morning. About 73 degrees in the north end, with sunshine early on. 75 by 8 00 a. M. , by the time they wrap things up at 8 00 p. M. , pushing 80 degrees were sunshine. Real nice looking morning for cannoli. 83 degrees bedford. 80 in plymouth by lunch time. Your beach forecast in the afternoon looks great, the seacoast of New Hampshire into the 80s, the south shore into the 80s, eastern cape cod breaking 80 degrees tomorrow afternoon. High temperature forecasts for you. Quincy to 86. Brookline to 85 degrees. Off to the west in worcester county, temperatures will be just a little bit warmer, westborough at 88. Theres natick at 88 tomorrow afternoon. And here on the north shore, cooler out on cape ann, in but merrimack valley, well into the 80s there as well. Going to be a pretty day. We need the rain. Were not getting it. Heres another consequence of not having the rain ragweed. The weeds are taking over. You probably noticed that in your lawn. They have dont need so much water as the lawn needs, so theyre really doing well. Really high levels this weekend. If youre sniffling ragweed, which is my nemesis, maybe doing it to you right now. Keep that in mind this weekend, g to be the high levels one more time. Sevenday forecast, keeps it be on monday. Looking more and more like its going to be a substantial rain for western new england, and just an annoying rain for eastern new england, not enough really to help out our drought situation. I say that, but really, any rain we get, would be something that we need right now, well take anything we can get. Putting together a map to show you that rain coming in and a timeline of when you can expect it to interrupt your plans on monday and when it arrives to give us a little bit of benefit. Vanessa the state still cant say how much the construction bridge will ultimately cost. According to the globe, extra costs were added because contractors had to use outdated methods to preserve the historical accuracy of the bridge. The bridge needed to stay open for the redline, so extra delays were caused. The bridge is scheduled to reopen by september 2018. The controversial pipeline project that had several people chaining themselves to a fence this morning. Mark massive devastation and heartbreak in louisiana. Up next, how people are coming fios is not cable. Were wired differently. 100 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20 oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. And right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Lets feed him to the sharks squuuuack, lets feed him to the sharks yay and take all of his gold and take all of his gold ya and hide it from the crew ya. . Squuuuack, theyre all morons anyway i never said that. I smell bad if youre a parrot, you repeat things. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Squuuuack, its what you do. Capital one believes your bank should work for you, not the other way around. So capital one reimagined banking. . . With a place that feels nothing like a bank. No minimums. No fees. And a toprated app, lets you bank right here. Thats banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Stocks the latest news on the campaign trail. A new poll Shows Hillary clinton in front of donald trump by a narrow margin. According to the Pew Research Center survey, if the election support clinton, 37 would support trump. 7 would back libertarian candidate gary johnson and 4 would back green party candidate, jill stein. Republican vicepresident nominee mike pence gave a stump speech in manchester today, pence took questions from the crowd before leaving for his next stop on the trail. Vanessa 13 people have died in southern louisiana and now forecasters are warning more rain is on the way here. Today the head of the National Guard toured the devastation around baton rouge. Tens of thousands remain displaced from their homes. The worker rebuilding is underway and to the surprise of residents, Football Players from the university of louisiana showed up to help. Worry what to do next, trying to stay focused, and then a literally grabbed the tools out of my hand and start working and tell me to take a break. At one point, i had seven guys in my house and i didnt even know what their name was. Vanessa despite all the help, residents, especially those who survived katrina, say there is a long road ahead. Mark Massive Wildfire burning in Southern California continuing to grow, but it spans nearly 50 square miles. Ten more than it did yesterday. 80,000 people are under an Evacuation Order right now, dry weather and winds are making fire is only 4 contained. They have their hands full for sure. Helmets to protect our soldiers and marines are being put under the microscope. Vanessa we have learned some of them were made by prisoners. At 5 00 p. M. , the construction that could be putting lives in danger. And an investigation underway. The new hurdle for an Islamic Group looking to build a cemetery in a local town. Mark a massachusetts Police Officer is accused of a dangerous assault on his pregnant wife. Uber x next, how it may have so much. Mark we are continuing to track this breaking news out of boston. Firefighters are monitoring hot spots after putting out a large fire in hyde park. Since we first told you about this at 4 00 p. M. , crews strong gusty a handle on the flames, but they have their hands full here as well. Sky fox flew over the scene at 4 45 p. M. The thick smoke was billowing from the home. A number of firefighters on top of that building were ordered to get off the roof. There are no reports of injuries been displaced. Vanessa developing tonight, three people rushed to the hospital after being hit by a car in downtown boston. The crash happened at the intersection of school and washington streets just before noon. Witnesses say the driver tried to take off, but a mob of people stopped her. Were told now she is cooperating with police. Right now, fox 25s crystal haynes is trying to get an update from investigators. She will have a live report at 6 00 p. M. An everett Police Officer is accused of attacking his pregnant wife. Mark today, he faced a judge. Fox 25s iz now has to stay away from his family. The reporter the charges here are serious. Prosecutors say everett officer Michael Murray tried to kick his pregnant wife in the some ago. His attorney denies that, but murray has been ordered to stay away from her and his children as the case continues. Off the job and in handcuffs. Prosecutors say everett officer Michael Murray launched a dangerous assault on his wife, who is seven months pregnant. Hes accused of hitting her in the face and trying to kick her in the stomach during an fight actually started saturday. She was sobbing she stated they had had a verbal argument the night before, having females in the house while she was away. The argument continued into this particular day. The reporter prosecutors say it murray threatened to get his gun, which he kept in a safe in the home. She indicated he was pulling on his shirt to keep him from getting to the safe where his guns were. The reporter watch a struggle, prosecutors say the alleged victim ran out of the house, trying to escape with their Young Children in her car. At report indicates is that he grabbed the 6yearold child and placed that child on the hood of a car so that she could not leave. The reporter the alleged victim watts able to get away with a couple of 3yearold child. Prosecutors describe the describe theyearold as a man who is constantly jealous and controlling, increasingly violent and a drink are, but murrays Attorney Says hes a former marine, who was vetted by the Everett Police department and says not all allegations are true. The only physical abuse that himself, when his wife refused to let him out of the house to go to a baseball game. The reporter murray has been ordered to stay away from his wife and children and will stay instead with a relative. Live in the control room, elizabeth hopkins, fox 25 news. Mark Beautiful Day at Wollaston Beach in quincy. Heres a good look, the sun shining, but we are still tracking the possibility of storms. Fox 25 Storm Tracker chief is heres an kevin, the weekend is looking good, but boil, do we need some of the but boy, do we need some of the green spread over your shoulder. Kevin i agree. Not the land green, hes talking about the green on the radar. That shot of Wollaston Beach, i can almost taste the fried clams. A couple showers popping up back here. Nothing thats going to help out our drought situation at all. Another one by north adams, massachusetts, closer one, lets track that one off of montague, quabin quality implementation reservoir, over i91. Pushing off toward the southwest. Had its eyes on winchendon by 7 45 p. M. Gardner would be 8 00 p. M. If it made it to you, likely to die out. There are more back here making it to western new england, fizzle on the way here, so your golf game is intact for this evening. Temperatures in the 80s, now dropping down through the 70s as thev look ahead to tomorrow mornings wakeup forecast, the weekend and what Tropical Storm fiona is up to. Vanessa a group of protesters arrested after they handcuffed themselves to a fence in west roxbury. Now, Jessica Reyes reports, its all part of an ongoing protest against the construction of a natural gas pipeline that would bring fracking to boston. People who chained themselves to the fence in west roxbury this morning. I know im going to get arrested. Im on the wrong side of the fence here. The reporter tom mcdonald was one of those three people. He says, its all in response to the controversial west roxbury lateral pipeline, which would bring fracked gas into boston. You know, civil disobedience is what you have to do when the legal system wont do it for you. Other protesters tell us, they came out because, in their words, speck transformer is into climate destruction and a danger to the community. Its running through a highly residential area, right next to a blasting quarry. The reporter the goal of this mornings demonstration was to delay construction on the pipeline for as long as possible. Its no sweat off my back to lock myself to a gate. I hope i stop the work for a good period of time because the work should never have started. The reporter while that only lasted about 45 minutes, tom small price. I feel good. Im doing my small part to assure our future. And this certainly isnt the first time this group has staged a protest like this. Just last month, al gores daughter was arrested at a protest with the same group. Now, despite todays arrest, the group says, they do plan to do another protest some time in the near future. In west roxbury, Jessica Reyes, fox 25 news. Mark tonight, a father and his 10yearold daughter are still in the hospital after being hit by a car in roxbury. The two were on blue ll when they were hit tuesday night. The father of five children was badly hurt when he pushed his daughter out of the way. Comatcho with severe facial fractures how and his daughter has hairline hip fractures and a fractured ankle. The driver stayed on the scene and has not been charged. Vanessa federal civil rights lawyers are looking in to whether the town of dudley is discriminating against muslims. Earlier this year, the town refuse today allow the Islamic Society of greater worcester to the u. S. Attorneys office has launched an investigation to determine whether the town violated religious exorcize rights. The cemetery plans met strong opposition from dudley residents to cited concerns about property values, traffic hazards and water pollution. The state Supreme Court is deciding whether they should dismiss more than miss more than thousand drug convictions because the evidence in them ascertained by a local chemist. Annie dukan has served time for tampering with evidence and filing familiar reports of suspected drug samples. Hundreds of defendants involved have already successfully challenged their convictions. The aclu is asking the Supreme Court to throw out the rest of the cases, or at least set a deadline to resolve them. Police are called to a school for a person passed out and they found much more. Mark coming up new at 6 00 p. M. , a loaded gauge tucked under the gun tucked under the arm of a sleeping teenager. How they were able to take it the grave mistake that has two families reliving the deaths of their loved ones. Up next, the updates one local lawmaker is requesting be made at airports in the wake of recent airline delays. Vanessa lets check out the roads now with our live drivetime traffic. Here is a look at the mass pike by d. U. , and things b. U. , and things moving pretty well. Traffic is heavy and slow on route 1 north from the chelsea curve to 128 in lynnfield. Lets put up the live drive times for you. Le minutes. Oneill tunnel to the split, 35. The ted williams tunnel to the fios is not cable. Were wired differently, which means we can fix things differently. Thanks for calling fios. This is ryan. You cant tell me this cord isnt in. I know its in. Its in, but its not working. Im sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what youre seeing. Really . Yes, mr. Mcenroe. See that cord . Just plug it into the connector on the right. So you can clearly see whats in and whats out . Tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. Only from fios. Mark new at 5 00 p. M. , a massachusetts man who already went to prison for defrauding home depot did it again. He pleaded guilty to taking items off the shelves, returning them. He managed to rake in 33,000. Defrauding home depot of 30,000 in a similar scheme. Leaders in washington are demanding more responsibility from airlines. Senator ed markey spoke at logan a week after a glitch at delta caused hundreds of delays nationwide, affecting dozens of flights in boston and that glitch came after southwest experienced a similar malfunction affecting flights for days this year. Senator marquis is calling for an airline resiliency effort to a flight should be cancelled if theres a superstorm that forces the cancellation of the flight. A flight should not be cancelled because a server of software is not working. A letter signed by marquis asked airlines about policies for reimbursing or compensating passengers who are impact by disruptions. Vanessa 200 pounds of marijuana seized in a massive drug bust. Andrew ericson was arraigned on Drug Trafficking charges earlier this week. Police found him with the marijuana more cash, and cocaine during a search on horse neck road in westport last week. This man here facing charges for selling stolen jewelry to a pawnshop in New Hampshire. Police arrested mark talky in nashua yesterday. They say he sold jewelry worth more than 1500 dollars that was stolen from a home in salem, New Hampshire, in january. Hes now facing up to 15 years in prison and will be back in court in october. Kevin any time i see showers popping up in new england, i get a little excited, because we us. When beneficial rain may actually be moving in. Mark up next at 5 00 p. M. , the major flaws in thousands of helmets made to protect our servicemen and women that could hello its our new intern, barts first week here at td bank, hes a robot from one of those other banks. Were training him to bank human. I am banking assistance registration technology. Wait, wait, wait. But you can call me, banking assistance registration technology. Hi amy. Thank you. Thank you. That is not protocol manager jenna. Thats ok bart, it is here. At td bank we do things differently, like having the longest hours of any bank. Dont just bank. Tw terror. The company suspended 230 east of fresno thousand accounts in the past six months for promoting terrorism. In total, it has suspended 360,000 accounts since 2015. The company did not identify the groups or the accounts, but experts say its likely many are associated with isis. Which has been especially active on twitter and other social networks. Mark two men were buried in the wrong cemetery plots. The mixup happened at the poe cast set Hills Cemetery in tiverton last october. Both men were buried in the wrong plots about 30 feet from the Town Administrator has apologized for the mistake, saying the grave digger misread the markers, but the widow of one of the men is furious fewer she was hoping the plot deeds could be switched but the family of the other man wants the bodies exhumed. He deserves to be at peace. My family deserves peace. I buried him with dignity and now i just feel that that dignity is going to be destroyed because of foolises be exhumed on august 25th. Vanessa firefighters in arlington, new york, are receiving backlash after removing three american flags from their five trucks. Members from the board of fire commissioners ordered the removal and this caused quite a stir on social media and residents even started an online petition. But Fire District board chairman, james beretta says it was a safety decision. Vanessa preponderance of the evidencal auditors say the justin gray reports from washington now, the defective helmets cost taxpayers millions. The reporter the pentagon calls them a critical safety item. More than 120,000 advanced combat helmets, 30 million worth, that dont work. Look at the impact from a projectile on this dummy. The military found the helmets had serious ballistic failures, leaving troops vulnerable. These helmets are defective and these are helmets that are supposed to s playing a splits the blame with armor source and with the governmentowned Prison Industries. Prisoners built the helmets. The Inspector General says the prisoners used homemade tools like this one that damaged the helmets and could also have been used as weapons in prison the Justice Department declined to file any criminal charges in this investigation, but in the spring, it did come to a civil settlement with armor source, where the companies agrees to pay the government 3 million. Were injured because of the defective helmets. I reached out to armor source, they declined to comment. Federal Prison Industries told me theyve put in place new procedures. The facility where the faulty helmets were made has also been closed, but the pentagon is still turning to armor source for helmets. They wept back to the same went back to the same contractor. Armor source expects to supply 1,000 helmets this year, manufactured at a different facility, without prison workers. Vanessa we have reached out to the pentagon to ask why its still contracting with armor source, but we didnt get a response. Kevin a couple showers out there. Up here too through central, New Hampshire, for instance, havent talked much about you. Seeing them come through the heath area and toward montague, just over i91, lets push that back here. We want to track this and go this way with it, thats pushing off deerfield and leverett by 6 30 p. M. Quabin reservoir, quarter to 7 00 p. M. This is southeastern vermont, a shower trying to sneak its way into massachusetts right now. Just starting to pop up. Been tracking this one back here, going in this direction, but with that one popping up just ahead of t well have to start watching that one as winchendon by 7 40 p. M. You have a shower on the map for you. See if it makes it there. Not going to be much to it if it does anyway. There is some back here in new york around none will make it in to eastern and central new england tonight either, so no jaw busting going on tonight. Temperature, 8 tree in boston. Nor 83 in boston. Norwood, 90 degrees. 88 in bedford, so its hot. If youre going out at tailgating at Gillette Stadium, not far from norwood, providence 89. Norwood, 89. You have to figure its close to the same at Gillette Stadium. At 7 00 p. M. , dropping down through the 70s for the billy joel concert. Patriots game, temperatures are warm, theyre expected to drop to 81 by 7 00 p. M. Might have to revamp that based on what im seeing for some of the temperature readings out there. Really spiking in that region. But nonetheless, it will be dropping down into the 70s, comfortable and dry, bottom line for the game this evening against the bears. Zip trip in the morning, going to the north end. How about that for some food. Breakfast in the north end sounds good. Circumstances 6 00 a. M. By the time it will be 10 00 a. M. , sunny. Lunch time tomorrow in the 80s. Back bay will be into the low 80s for you of course and the beach forecast this time, focusing to the north. New hampshire seacoast at 82, theres plum island at 82 and the boston area, right around 80 degrees in places like south boston at the places like south carson. 79 provincetown. 86 in bridgewater. Off to the north and west of tomorrow. Still possible. 89 for instance in hudson, New Hampshire is awfully close. Merrimack valley tends to be a warm situation. Sevenday forecast keeps us dry through the weekend. We talked a bit about the drought situation, quite a bit actually and i told you there is the possibility for some rain on monday. I told you that also look more closely at that and i have. This is one of our better computer models for that distance going out in time. This takes flu to monday with the european computer model and this shinsoo choo my concern. In Northern New England, thats the heaviest core of rain, comes in from the west but instead of coming directly east, it want to swing to the north. Where they really dont have the drought situation we have here in southern new england. They dont need the rain like we do, but that seems to be where it want to go and its not just this one computer model. They all seem to be showing the northward jog of the heaviest core of rain. Drought begets drought. Theres still hope, but im leaning toward a lesser rain it looks nice. No rain in the forecast with temperatures in the 80s. New information coming in on the situation for monday. Ill update any a few minutes. Vanessa tomorrow is our second to lags zip trip of the summer. Fox 25 will be live in bostons north end all morning long. Well be at Christopher Columbus park. Come out and join sarah, gene, shiri, and a few our fox 8 live special guests. Mark so the rio summer games and big events happening tonight. Justin gatlin and usain bolt will battle one more time in the in in the final of the mens 200 sprint. Of the womens relay team will also compete in prelims tonight. The u. S. Is still in the lead and pulling further away. 31 gold medals, a total of 94, well behind, in second place, great britain, with 21 gold and 55 overall. China has 55 total medals as well. But two fewer golds. Target is taking steps to ensure it is accommodating to everyone the retail giant announced yesterday, it will have a single stall bathroom in every stall by early next year. It comes after target announced earlier this year would allow customers to use the restroom matching their gender identity. The new restrooms will allow anyone who is uncomfortable with the companys currents policy to have a bathroom to themselves. A small but growing number of couples are saying i do on thursdays. The average cost of a wedding in the u. S. Is nearly 33,000, but that can be significantly higher simply changing the wedding date from traditional weekend dates can bring considerable savings according to wedding web site, the knot, nearly 6 of couples got married on thursday, perhaps some even today. We are working on all new stories for our 6 00 p. M. News, including a tragic case involving 1yearold twins. The reporter Emergency Responders called to a local apartment for an unresponsive baby. Tonight, we learned that baby was in the care of a babysitter, a family friends. About the 1yearold boy and his and twin sisters. Vanessa a new search to find a murderer. Fox 25 takes you inside the database used to track down vanessa marcottes killer. Mark new report says the number of Thyroid Cancer cases has skyrocketed in resents years. Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic says the diagnoses would be good were finding more lifethreatening cancers, but that isnt always the case. Researchers says while there has been a dramatic increase in diagnoses, cancer related deaths have not changed sub stakesly. Vanessa Hillary Rodham clint Hillary Rodham clint on david is cuffing up harleydavidson david is in trouble over an addon called the screaming eagle turner. It lets riders modify the emissions control system to increase power and performance, but the e. P. A. Says the descries caused motorcycles to put out pollution. Mark sick of getting the robo spam calls . You could receive more of those calls, because rules designed to protect the consumer is not working wait it was intended. They cycle through random numbers of cases to reach even more of the u. S. Thats the big reason weve seen the this crease, because the technology has changed so much. Mark a bill known as the robocop act would force phone companies to arm consumers with tools to block robo calls, but law, our phones are at risk of receiving more calls from robots reaching us from unknown numbers. Vanessa tmobile and sprints are trying to woo customers who want unlimited data plans. Both Companies Announced new options today, but the plans still have several hitches. The companies will slow speeds after hitting a data cap and streaming video will only be available in standard definition, hd will be an extra cost. The announcement comes on the heels of competitors verizon and the new iphone may not be released when you expect it. A source for the web site, 9 to 9 max says the iphone 7 and 7 plus will not go on sale until september 23rd. Thats after other reports said the smart phone would hit stores earlier. Mark now at 6 00 p. M. , under investigation. A 1yearold baby found unresponsive in the babysitters care. Tonight, only fox 25 is speaking with investigators about this tragic situation. The reporter a new search of the crime scene as investigators work behind vanessa marcottes killer. Weaver taking you inside the federal database they are using to track the killers d. N. A. Vanessa plus, massachusetts is drying up. The reporter most years, i should be standing in water. A new look at just how bad the drought has gotten in massachusetts and what the governor is promising to do about it today. Kevin when is our next chance for rain . Fox 25 has team coverage. And caught in an olympicsized lot. Guy pulled out his gun, he forehead. Mark what really happened with the american swimmers in rio. Vanessa first at 6 00 p. M. , these beautiful 1yearold twins hospitalized after something happened when they were in the care of a babysitter. Good evening, im vanessa welch. Mark im mark ockerbloom. Fox 25 investigates Kerry Kavanaugh is live in woburn, outside the apartment, where the children were being watched by a babysitter, and attorney today, who confirmed her office is investigating. The reporter ock and vanessa, it was a medical call for an unresponsive 1yearold coming from one of the apartments on kilby street. The child was under the care of a babysitter, who we have learned was a family friend. 1yearold noah john larson, hospitalized since monday. Sources say his twin sister emmy is at childrens hospital, undergoing medical evaluation. What landed these babies in the fox 25 investigates has learned it started here monday at these woburn apartments on killby streets. The twins were in the care of a babysitter, a family friend according to the Middlesex County District Attorneys office. Fox 25 obtained the call log that showed a medical call came in just after 3 00 p. M. Monday afternoon, for an unresponsive 1yearold. He was breathing at the time. Weve been involved in the investigation since the 16, the day before yesterday. The reporter District Attorney marian ryan wouldnt comment on either child, saying only at this point, there was not a fatality. Were in the very early stages of the investigation as you can understand, we are in the process of gathering information talking to people, obviously looking at evidence. The reporter family told fox 25 they were not ready to comment on the investigation but shared photos with us of noah and his sister. A family friend started this gofundme page to help the family with these unexpected medical costs and to offer them support

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